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WBBSE Class 10 History Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century 1947-1964 Long Answer Questions

Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century 1947-1964 Topic A Accession Of Princely States Into The Indian Union

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Question 1 Write a note on the problems that were faced by the newly formed Indian Union.

The problems that were faced by the newly formed Indian Union:

India gained freedom from British rule on August 15, 1947. Several problems cropped up consequently in this newly independent India.

[1] Communal riots: Communal riots which had already spread throughout India in 1946, took a serious turn in several areas of eastern India, where Hindus and Muslims clashed with each other, and in parts of northwestern India, where Muslims clashed against Hindus and Sikhs. Even after India attained independence, these riots did not die down.

[2] Incorporation of the princely states: Prior to India’s attainment of independence, there existed about 600 princely states within the Indian subcontinent. Among them, some of the major princely states such as Kashmir, Junagadh, Hyderabad, etc., refused to join the Indian Union.

[3] Partition of India and refugee problem: The refugee problem that arose due to the Partition of India posed a serios problem. The refugee problem was particularly severe in and around West Bengal, Tripura, Assam, Punjab, etc.

[4] Food shortage: The production of food in India was severely hampered in India due to the Partition. Thus, there was a shortage of food in the newly formed Indian Union.

[5] Economic crisis: As the newly formed Indian Union was also very weak in the economic front, sectors of agriculture, industry, trade and commerce suffered severely.

[6] Problems regarding national unity: Regional and cultural problems became acute in different parts of India. Movements were launched with demands for separate states on the basis of language and culture.

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Question 2 How did the government of India tackle the question of integrating the princely states into the Indian Union?

The government of India tackle the question of integrating the princely states into the Indian Union:

After the independence of India, the incorporation of the princely states posed a big problem. At the time of the transfer of power, the British government left these princely states free to join India or Pakistan.

All the states of free India, except Kashmir, Hyderabad, and Junagadh, immediately joined the Indian Union. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel drafted the Instrument of Accession according to which the states were to be given freedom in their internal affairs and the Union Government was to have control over the defense and foreign policy of these states.

Most of the 562 states signed the Instrument of Accession. However, Junagadh, Hyderabad, and Kashmir did not agree to join India. The Indian troops invaded and occupied Junagadh.

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WBBSE Class 10 History Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century 1947-1964 Short Answer Questions

Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century 1947-1964 Topic A Accession Of Princely States Into The Indian Union Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1 Which statement of Md. Ali Jinnah encouraged the princes of the native states to retain their independence after the end of British rule in India?

Md. Ali Jinnah, the leader of the Muslim League, made a statement encouraging the princes of the native states to retain their independence after the end of British rule in India. The statement was that-States could remain independent sovereign states on the termination of British paramountcy.

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Question 2 What kind of policy was taken by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel to complete the accession of the princely states with the Indian Union?

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel used a diplomatic and skilful policy in completing the accession of the native states with the Indian Union. Firstly he appealed to the princes of the native states to accede to India for they would derive great advantages from it. Secondly, if no reponse is made from them, he would not hesitate to apply force to get them acceded.

Question 3 Why did the ruler of Kashmir appeal to India for military assistance?

In October 1947, Pathan tribesmen invaded Srinagar. They were unofficially led by the Pakistan army. In this circumstance, the ruler of Kashmir appealed to India for military assistance.

Question 4 Why did the people of Junagadh rise in revolt at the end of British rule in India?

With the end of British rule in India, it was made clear by the nationalist leaders that the princely states were to accede either to India or Pakistan. But the ruler of Junagadh, Muhammad Mahabat Khanji III, announced that the state was to accede to Pakistan. This’ was against the wishes of the people of Junagadh. So they rose in revolt against their Nawab.

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Question 5 When and by whom was Mahatma Gandhi assassinated?

Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated by Nathuram Godsey on January 30, 1948.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 10 History Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century Mahatma Gandhi

Question 6 Under what circumstances Hari Singh, the ruler of Kashmir signed the instrument of Accession?

After India attained independence both India and Pakistan asked Hari Singh, the Maharaja of the princely state of Kashmir, to accede to their respective nations.

Pakistan Kashmir and proceeded towards its capital Maharaja might want to join India at some government anticipated that the Answer: Hindu point of time.In October 1947 mercenaries supported by the Pakistan army infiltrated Kashmir. The Maharaja became helpless. This left Maharaja no choice but to sign the Instrument Accession.

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WBBSE Class 10 History Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century 1947-1964 Very Short Answer Questions

Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century 1947-1964 Topic A Accession Of Princely States Into The Indian Union Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1 Who was Muhammad Ali Jinnah?

Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the leader of the Muslim League.

Question 2 Who was the first Prime Minister of independent India?

Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime Minister of independent India.

Question 3 Who was the first Home Minister of independent India?

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was the first Home Minister of independent India.

Question 4 By which Act did India gain independence?

India gained independence by the Indian Independence Act, 1947.

Question 5 In which year was the Indian Independence Act passed?

The Indian Independence Act was passed in 1947.

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Question 6 In which year did the members of the Cabinet Mission arrive in India?

The Cabinet Mission arrived in India in 1946.

Question 7 Name the members of the Cabinet Mission.

The members of the Cabinet Mission were Lord Pethick Lawrence, Sir Stafford Cripps and A V Alexander.

Question 8 Why was the Cabinet Mission sent to India?

The Cabinet Mission was sent to India to draw out a plan for transfer of power and to negotiate ‘Independence Plan’ with the Indian leaders.

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WBBSE Class 10 History Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century 1947-1964 Multiple Choice Questions

Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century 1947-1964 Topic A Accession Of Princely States Into The Indian Union Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1 The members of the Cabinet Mission reached India in-
1. 1947
2. 1945
3. 1946
4. 1943

Answer: 3. 1946

Question 2 Before 1947, the number of independent princely states were-
1. 650
2. 560
3. 506
4. 605

Answer: 2. 560

Question 3 Maharaja Hari Singh was the ruler of-
1. Junagadh
2. Hyderabad
3. Kashmir
4. Pakistan

Answer: 3. Kashmir

Question 4 Hyderabad was included in India on-
1. January 26, 1950
2. January 26, 1949
3. July 26, 1950
4. January 25, 1950

Answer: 1. January 26, 1950

Question 5 National Conference was the main political party of-
1. Kashmir
2. Rajasthan
3. Junagadh
4. Hyderabad

Answer: 1. Kashmir

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Question 6 The princely states that did not accede to India by August 15, 1947 were-
1. Junagadh and Jammu-Kashmir
2. Junagadh and Hyderabad
3. Hyderabad and Jammu-Kashmir
4. Jammu-Kashmir, Junagadh, and Hyderabad

Answer: 4. Jammu-Kashmir, Junagadh, and Hyderabad

Question 7 The Government of India took over the administration of Junagadh at the desire of-
1. The ruling Nawab of Junagadh, Muhammad Mahabat Khanji III
2. States Reorganisation Commission
3. United Central Refugee Council
4. The people of Junagadh

Answer: 4. The people of Junagadh

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WBBSE Class 10 History Chapter 7 Movements Organised By Women Students And Marginal People In 20th Century Long Answer Questions

Chapter 7 Movements Organised By Women In India Topic A Women’s Movement In The Twentieth Century

 Question 1 What was the role played by women in the Anti-Partition Agitation? What were the limitations of their movement?

The role played by women in the Anti-Partition Agitation:

Bengal was partitioned in 1905 by Lord Curzon. The Indians resisted the plan of partition to pressurize the British government to repeal the partition. In this context, women played an important role in the Anti-Partition agitation.

They were encouraged to come out of seclusion and take rightful steps in the national struggle. Women boycotted British goods and began to use indigenous goods. On the day of partition (October 16, 1905), they observed ‘Arandhan’ day. Sarala Devi Chaudhurani, through her journal ‘Bharati’, encouraged the women’s community to take part in the Anti-Partition Movement.

Sarojini Naidu traveled to various places and involved women participating in the boycott movement. Khairunnisa, through the journal ‘Nabanoor’, promoted the idea of Swadeshi among women as well. Women took part in the ‘Raksha Bandhan Utsav’ (October 16, 1905).

Women even donated money and ornaments to the Swadeshi fund. Among them, mention may be made of Kumudini Mitra, Lilabati Mitra, Nirmala Sarkar, etc. The Maharani of Natore also gave a call to the women to boycott British goods. community Ambujasundari Dasgupta of Jalpaiguri, the widow of Laxman Chandra (the zamindar of Mangalganj, Nadia), Punjalata Gupta of Mymensingh, Hemangini Das of Calcutta also made appeals to reject British-made goods.

Muslim women, however, did not directly participate in the movement, but only cooperated with their male counterparts. Women in large numbers did not participate in the Swadeshi Movement. The participation of women was confined to women of high-caste Hindu families. The movement could not spell its charm to attract low-class Hindu and Muslim women. Women did not have any effective organization or party of their own.

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Plans and programs of the Swadeshi Movement were determined by their male counterparts who had no role to play. Though the Swadeshi Movement was a mass movement women’s activities were resented by the conservative section of society which discouraged many of them from taking part in the swadeshi movement.

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Question 2 What was the role of women in the Non- Cooperation Movement?

The role of women in the Non- Cooperation Movement:

The Non-Cooperation Movement was started in 1920 under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. The leaders of the movement adopted the policy of passive resistance. Women responded enthusiastically to the call of Gandhi. They came out of their lives of seclusion and attended meetings of different leaders, marched in processions, and picketed in different parts of the country.

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WBBSE Class 10 History Chapter 7 Movements Organised By Women Students And Marginal People In 20th Century Short Answer Questions

Chapter 7 Movements Organised By Women In India Topic A Women’s Movement In The Twentieth Century Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1 What role did Sarala Devi Chaudhurani play in the Anti-Partition Movement?

Roe Of Sarala Devi Chaudhurani play in the Anti-Partition Movement:

Sarala Devi Chaudhurani, the niece of Rabindranath Tagore, spread the gospel of nationalism in Punjab. She exposed the strength of women in her essays, in the paper ‘Bharati’. For physical training, she set up a gymnasium in her own house. She also maintained close contact with the Suhrid Samiti of Mymensingh, a secret revolutionary society.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 10 History Chapter 7 Movements Organized by Women Sarala Devi Chaudhuriid

Question 2 What role did Khairunnisa play in the Swadeshi Movement?

Khairunnisa, a Muslim woman wrote a poem named ‘Swadeshanurag’ in the paper ‘Nabanoor’ (1905) to inspire women for the cause of nationalism during the Swadeshi Movement.

Question 3 Who was called Gandhi Budi? Why was she famous?

Matangini Hazra, a peasant widow of 72 years of Midnapore, was called ‘Gandhi Budi’. She led a crowd, mostly of women to occupy the Tamluk Police Station during the Quit India Movement.

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Question 4 Why was the ‘Lakshmi Bhandar’ set up?

‘Lakshmi Bhandar’:

Saraladebi started the ‘Lakshmi Bhandar’ in 1897. It was said that Devi Lakshmi had left home due to the Partition of Bengal. So, women in the houses of Bengal were given a Lakshmi Bhandar and told to keep a handful of rice in it every day.

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Question 5 What role did Matangini Hazra play in the August Movement of 1942?

Among the women who laid down their lives during the Quit India Movement was Matangini Hazra, a widow of 72 years, endearingly called ‘Gandhi Budi’. She led a crowd to occupy the Tamluk Police Station during the movement. She became a martyr by carrying the national flag towards the Tamluk Court and embracing bullets till her death, shouting “Bande Mataram”. She is rightly called ‘Laxmi Bai of Midnapore’.

Question 6 In which year was Deepali Students’ Sangha established? Name some of the important leaders of the Sangha.

Deepali Students’ Sangha was established in 1926. Some of the famous members of the Sangha were Renuka Sen, Pritilata Waddedar, Sakuntala Ray, Binapani Ray, Usharani Ray, and others.

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