Chapter 6 Peasant Movement In India Topic A Peasant Movements And The Leftists Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1 May Day was first celebrated in India in-
1. 1923
2. 1924
3. 1925
4. 1926
Answer: 1. 1923
Question 2 The first May Day celebration was organised in-
1. Calcutta
2. Kanpur
3. Madras
4. Lucknow
Answer: 3. Madras
Question 3 May Day was first celebrated in India under the leadership of-
1. Gandhiji
2. Singaravelu Chettiar
3. Lala Lajpat Rai
4. PC Joshi
Answer: 2. Singaravelu Chettiar
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Question 4 Who among the following was associated with the trade union movement in India?
1. BP Wadia
2. Vithalbahi Patel
3. Mahatma Gandhi
4. Abul Kalam Azad
Answer: 1. BP Wadia
Question 5 The first conference of the CPI in India was held in-
1. Calcutta
2. Delhi
3. Kanpur
4. Lucknow
Answer: 3. Kanpur
Question 6 The demand for complete independence or ‘Purna Swaraj’ was taken in the-
1. Lahore Congress
2. Calcutta Congress
3. Bombay Congress
4. Surat Congress
Answer: 1. Lahore Congress
Question 7 Which of the following organisation did not participate in the Quit India Movement following the ‘Peoples War’ line?
1. Communist Party of India
2. The Indian National Congress
3. The Congress Socialist Party
4. Hindu Mahasabha
Answer: 1. Communist Party of India
Question 8 The All India Trade Union Congress was established in-
1. 1917
2. 1920
3. 1927
4. 1929
Answer: 2. 1920
Peasant Movements in India
Question 9 Workers’ and Peasants’ Party was associated with-
1. The Rowlatt Satyagraha
2. The Non-Cooperation Movement
3. The Bardoli Satyagraha
4. The movement against the Simon Commission
Answer: 3. The Bardoli Satyagraha
Question 10 The Congress Socialist Party was formed in-
1. Calcutta
2. Delhi
3. Bombay
4. Madras
Answer: 3. Bombay
Question 11 The bill passed by the British Government to suppress the workers was-
1. Industrial Dispute Bill
2. Ilbert Bill
3. Rowlatt Bill
4. Public Safety Bill
Answer: 1. Industrial Dispute Bill
Question 12 In 1920 the AITUC was established in Bombay under the presidentship of-
1. Lala Lajpat Rai
2. Manabendranath Roy
3. Vallabbhai Patel
4. SA Dance
Answer: 1. Lala Lajpat Rai
Question 13 In 1920 Muzaffar Ahmed, S A Dange, Shaukat Osmani and Nalini Gupta were arrested and thus started the-
1. Kanpur Conspiracy Case
2. Lahore Conspiracy Case
3. Meerut Conspiracy Case
4. Kakori Conspiracy Case
Answer: 1. Kanpur Conspiracy Case
Role of Peasants in the Left Movement
Question 14 An important leader of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Party-
1. PC Joshi
2. Vallabbhai Patel
3. Balgangadhar Tilak
4. Jawaharlal Nehru
Answer: 1. PC Joshi
Question 15 The editor of Ganabani Patrika was-
1. Kazi Nazrul Islam
2. Muzaffar Ahmad
3. SS Mirajkar
4. Aurobindo Ghose
Answer: 2. Muzaffar Ahmad
Question 16 The editor of the paper Socialist was-
1. S A Dance
2. Santosh Kumari Gupta
3. Santosh Singh
4. Muzaffar Ahmed
Answer: 2. Santosh Kumari Gupta
Question 17 The Communist Party of India was established in Tashkent by-
1. Muzaffar Ahmed
2. PC Joshi
3. SA Dance
4. Manabendra Nath Roy
Answer: 4. Manabendra Nath Roy
Question 18 Radical Democratic Party was established in-
1. 1937
2. 1938
3. 1939
4. 1940
Answer: 4. 1940
Question 19 ‘Forward Bloc’ was founded in the year
1. 1936
2. 1937
3. 1939
4. 1940
Answer: 3. 1939
Chapter 6 Peasant Movement In India Topic B Working Class Movement And The Leftists Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1 On which of the following dates was the Partition of Bengal announced?
1. July 20, 1905
2. October 16, 1905
3. April 1, 1907
4. April 8, 1908
Answer: 2. October 16, 1905
Question 2 Boycott of British goods is related to which of the following movements?
1. Swadeshi movement
2. Quit India Movement
3. Non-Cooperation Movement
4. Home Rule movement
Answer: 1. Swadeshi movement
Question 3 In which of the following Indian National Congress sessions was the idea of Non- the Cooperation Movement accepted?
1. Lahore session
2. Nagpur session
3. Calcutta session
4. Bombay session
Answer: 3. Calcutta session
Question 4 The leadership of the peasant rebellion in the United Province during the Non- Cooperation Movement was given by-
1. Vallabhbhai Patel
2. Baba Ramchandra
3. Lala Lajpat Rai
4. Hari Singh
Answer: 2. Baba Ramchandra
Wbbse History And Environment Class 10 Solutions
Question 5 Which of the following state is related to the Moplah Rebellion?
1. Kashmir
2. Karnataka
3. Kerala
4. West Bengal
Answer: 2. Karnataka
Question 6 The Moplah Rebellion in 1921 in Malabar was a rebellion by the Muslim peasants against-
1. Muslim landholders
2. The British government
3. The non-tribal outsides
4. Hindu landholders
Answer: 4. Hindu landholders
Question 7 The Anti-Partition Movement took place in-
1. 1904
2. 1905
3. 1906
4. 1911
Answer: 2. 1905
Impact of British Policies on Peasants
Question 8 Who said ‘the Partition of Bengal is a great national disaster’?
1. Surendranath Sen
2. Surendranath Bandopadhyay
3. Aurobindo Ghosh
4. Birendranath Sasmal
Answer: 2. Surendranath Bandopadhyay
Question 9 Who gave leadership to the peasant movement in Midnapore during the non-violent Non-Cooperation movement?
1. Someswar Choudhury
2. Birendranath Sasmal
3. Sailajananda Sen
4. Gourisankar Misra
Answer: 2. Birendranath Sasmal
Question 10 Birendranath Sasmal is known as-
1. Deshbandhu
2. Deshapran
3. Deshapriya
4. Deshhitaishee
Answer: 3. Deshapriya
Wbbse History And Environment Class 10 Solutions
Question 11 Baba Ramchandra was-
1. Congress leader
2. Workers’ leader
3. Oleander of Krishak Praja Party
4. Leader of Kishan Sabha
Answer: 4. Leader of Kishan Sabha
Question 12 Baba Ramchandra gave leadership to the
1. Bihar
2. United Province
3. Rajasthan
4. Maharashtra
Answer: 2. United Province
Question 13 Baba Ramchandra gave leadership in the Non-Cooperation Movement in-
1. Bengal
2. Bombay
3. Satara
4. Oudh
Answer: 4. Oudh
Question 14 Tinkathia system was abolished in-
1. 1917
2. 1918
3. 1919
4. 1921
Answer: 2. 1918
Question 15 The leader of the Bijolia movement was-
1. Sachin Sanyal
2. Vallabhbhai Patel
3. Manikyalal Verma
4. Baba Ramchandra
Answer: 3. Manikyalal Verma
Question 16 The leader of the Eka movement was-
1. Madari Pasi
2. Dr Ambedkar
3. Mahatma Gandhi
4. Baba Ramchandra
Answer: 1. Madari Pasi
Wbbse History And Environment Class 10 Solutions
Question 17 The Bardoli Satyagraha movement took place in-
1. Bombay
2. Punjab
3. Madras
4. Gujarat
Answer: 4. Gujarat
Non-Cooperation Movement and Peasants
Question 18 The Eka Movement took place during-
1. Anti-Partition movement
2. Civil Disobedience movement
3. Non-Violence Non-Cooperation Movement
4. Quit India Movement
Answer: 3. Non-Violence Non-Cooperation Movement
Question 19 The Kunbis were the peasants of-
1. Uttar Pradesh
2. Bengal
3. Punjab
4. Gujarat
Answer: 4. Gujarat
Question 20 In which year Vallabhbhai Patel was honoured with the title of Sardar-
1. 1926
2. 1928
3. 1932
4. 1934
Answer: 2. 1928
Class 10 History Wbbse
Question 21 All India Kisan Congress was established in 1936 on-
1. 11 January
2. 11 February
3. 11 March
4. 11 April
Answer: 4. 11 April
Question 22 The first president of All India Kisan Sabha was-
1. NG Ranga
2. Swami Sahajananda
3. Baba Ramchandra
4. Lala Lajpat Rai
Answer: 2. Swami Sahajananda