WBBSE Class 10 History Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century 1947-1964 Short Answer Questions

Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century 1947-1964 Topic A Accession Of Princely States Into The Indian Union Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1 Which statement of Md. Ali Jinnah encouraged the princes of the native states to retain their independence after the end of British rule in India?

Md. Ali Jinnah, the leader of the Muslim League, made a statement encouraging the princes of the native states to retain their independence after the end of British rule in India. The statement was that-States could remain independent sovereign states on the termination of British paramountcy.

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Question 2 What kind of policy was taken by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel to complete the accession of the princely states with the Indian Union?

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel used a diplomatic and skilful policy in completing the accession of the native states with the Indian Union. Firstly he appealed to the princes of the native states to accede to India for they would derive great advantages from it. Secondly, if no reponse is made from them, he would not hesitate to apply force to get them acceded.

Question 3 Why did the ruler of Kashmir appeal to India for military assistance?

In October 1947, Pathan tribesmen invaded Srinagar. They were unofficially led by the Pakistan army. In this circumstance, the ruler of Kashmir appealed to India for military assistance.

Question 4 Why did the people of Junagadh rise in revolt at the end of British rule in India?

With the end of British rule in India, it was made clear by the nationalist leaders that the princely states were to accede either to India or Pakistan. But the ruler of Junagadh, Muhammad Mahabat Khanji III, announced that the state was to accede to Pakistan. This’ was against the wishes of the people of Junagadh. So they rose in revolt against their Nawab.

Question 5 When and by whom was Mahatma Gandhi assassinated?

Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated by Nathuram Godsey on January 30, 1948.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 10 History Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century Mahatma Gandhi

Question 6 Under what circumstances Hari Singh, the ruler of Kashmir signed the instrument of Accession?

After India attained independence both India and Pakistan asked Hari Singh, the Maharaja of the princely state of Kashmir, to accede to their respective nations.

Pakistan Kashmir and proceeded towards its capital Maharaja might want to join India at some government anticipated that the Answer: Hindu point of time.In October 1947 mercenaries supported by the Pakistan army infiltrated Kashmir. The Maharaja became helpless. This left Maharaja no choice but to sign the Instrument Accession.

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Question 7 What is meant by the Instrument of Accession?

Meaning of Instrument of Accession:

After the independence of India the British government left the princely states free to join either India or Pakistan. The Instrument of Accession was as a legal document to enable each of the rulers of the princely states to join one of the new dominions of India or Pakistan created by the Partition of British India. The princely states were to be given freedom in their intellectual.

“Post colonial policies in India”

Question 8 Why is Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel called the ‘Iron Man of India’?

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel called the ‘Iron Man of India’:

When the British left India there were hundreds of princely states in India. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, who took the responsibility of integrating these princely states, persuaded almost every princely state to accede to India. All the states of free India except Kashmir, Hyderabad, and Junagadh immediately joined the Indian Union.

In the case of Kashmir, Hyderabad, and Junagadh where Patel’s appeal went unheard he did not hesitate to annex those states by force. His commitment to national integration was total and uncompromising, earning him the sobriquet of the ‘Iron Man of India’.

Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century 1947-1964 Topic B Refugee Problem After 1947 Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1 What was the attitude of the Government of India with regard to the issue of refugee rehabilitation?

The attitude of the Government of India with regard to the issue of refugee rehabilitation:

The policy taken by the Government of India with regard to the issue of refugee rehabilitation was discriminatory in nature. Regarding the rehabilitation of the refugees from West Pakistan, the Government of India took sincere efforts.

The refugees settled in deserted houses or fallow lands in Punjab, where about 200 camps and some suburban towns were built for them. Some of them also settled in Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh.

But in the case of West Bengal, the attitude of the Government was somewhat different than that of the Central Government. The refugees had to take shelter in the improvised Government camps and suffer miserably.

WBBSE Class 10 History Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century 1947-1964 Short Answer Questions

Question 2 What is depicted in the novel ‘Surjo Dighol Bari’?

After the partition of India the poor people. dreamt that with freedom, food prices would decrease and their living conditions would improve. In his novel ‘Surjo Dighol Bari’ Abu Ishaque portrays the shattering of this dream.

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Question 3 When and between whom was the Delhi Pact signed? What were the features of the Pact?

The Delhi Pact (or Nehru-Liaquat Pact) was signed between the Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and Pakistan’s Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan in New Delhi on April 8, 1950.

The following are the important features of the Delhi Pact-

[1] To lessen the threats faced by religious minorities;
[2] To put an end to the communal riots and to elevate communal peace;
[3] To create such an atmosphere that both countries could further solve their problems.

Question 4 What were the provisions of the Delhi Pact (or Nehru-Liaquat Pact 1950)?

The Delhi Pact (or Nehru-Liaquat Pact) was signed between Jawaharlal Nehru and Liaquat Ali Khan on April 8, 1950.

The provisions of the Pact were:

[1] The governments of India and Pakistan solemnly agreed that each shall ensure its minorities throughout its territories- complete equality of citizenship irrespective of religion, full sense of security in respect of life, culture, and property.

[2] Both governments decided to set up minority commissions in their countries with the aim of observing and reporting on the implementation of the Pact to ensure that no one breaches the pact.

[3] Both the leaders emphasized that the loyalty of the minorities should be reserved for the state in which they were living and for the solution of their problems, they should look up to the government of the country they were living in.

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Question 5 Why did Nehru-Liaquat Pact (Delhi Pact) 1950 fail?

The Nehru-Liaquat Pact (Delhi Pact) was signed between Jawaharlal Nehru and Liaquat Ali Khan on April 8, 1950. The Nehru-Liaquat Pact failed to satisfy many leaders.

Two central ministers Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee and Dr. Khitish Chandra Neogy were firmly against Nehru’s invitation to the Pakistan Prime Minister. They criticised the joint Pact aiming at establishing a minority commission and guaranteeing minority rights in both countries.

Dr. Mukherjee held Pakistan directly responsible for the influx of millions of Hindu refugees from Pakistan who had left the country fearing religious violence supported by Pakistan government.

Shyama Prasad also condemned this pact as a disastrous policy of Muslim appeasement. As a mark of protest against the Indian government’s policy of appeasement towards Pakistan, both ministers resigned.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 10 History Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century Nehru and Liaquat

Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century 1947-1964 Topic C Reorganisation Of States In Independent India Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1 Who was Potti Sreeramulu?

Potti Sreeramulu:

Potti Sreeramulu was a great freedom fighter. He led the movement in Andhra over the demand for a separate Andhra State. He undertook a fast unto death over this issue and even gave up his life for this cause.

Question 2 Why was the JVP Committee formed? Who were the members of the committee?

The JVP committee was formed to solve the problems relating to the linguistic reorganization of states. The members of this committee were Jawaharlal Nehru, Vallabhbhai Patel, and Pattabhi Sitaramayya.

Question 3 Why was the State Reorganisation Commission formed? Who were its members?

The State Reorganisation Commission (1953) was formed by Jawaharlal Nehru to formulate the policy of state reorganization in the determination of interstate borders.

The commission consisted of Hon’ble Justice Fazal Ali (President) and two other members KM Panikkar and Hridaynath Kunzru.

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Question 4 In which year Official Language Commission was formed? Name two important members of the commission.

The Official Language Commission was formed in 1955. Two important members of the Commission were Suniti Kumar Chattopadhyay from West Bengal and P Subbarayan.

Question 5 When was the Official Languages Act passed by the Indian Parliament? What were its provisions?

The Official Languages Act was passed by the Indian Parliament in 1953.

The provisions of the Act were-

[1] English will continue to be used in official work along with Hindi, even after 1965.
[2] The state legislatures will get the right to determine the official language for their respective states.

Question 6 What was the reaction of the people when no separate states were formed for the Marathas and Gujaratis?

When no separate states were formed for the Marathas and Gujaratis by the State Reorganisation Act, a conflict broke out between the two communities in Bombay and a movement began demanding separate states.

The movement on the issue of separate states was led by Samyukta Maharashtra Samiti in regions with the Maratha majority and by Mahagujarat Janata Parishad in regions with a Gujarati majority.

Question 7 What were the six union territories formed on linguistic bases in 1956?

The six union territories formed on a linguistic basis were Tripura, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Delhi, Lakshadweep, Manipur, and Himachal Pradesh.

Question 8 Why was the Dar Commission (1948) formed?

Immediately after the independence of India, there was a demand for the reorganization of states on the basis of a long urge. Consequently, the Linguistic Provinces Commission, headed by Justice SK Dar, was appointed in 1948.

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Question 9 What were the states formed by the state Reorganisation Act of 1956?

The states formed by the state Reorganisation Act of 1956 were-

[1] Andhra Pradesh,
[2] Assam,
[3] Orissa,
[4] Uttar Pradesh,
[5] Kerala,
[6] Jammu and Kashmir,
[7] West Bengal,
[8] Punjab,
[9] Bihar,
[10] Bombay,
[11] Madhya Pradesh,
[12] Mysore,
[13] Madras and
[14] Rajasthan.

Question 10 Name two states which have adopted Hindi as the official language.

Two states which have adopted Hindi as the official language are Bihar and Chattishgarh.

Question 11 What were the 14 Indian languages which were included as official languages in the 8th Schedule of the Indian Constitution?

The 14 Indian languages which were included as official languages in the 8th Schedule of the Indian Constitution were-

[1] Assamese,
[2] Bengali,
[3] Gujarati,
[4] Hindi,
[5] Kannada,
[6] Kashmiri,
[7] Malayalam,
[8] Marathi,
[9] Oriya,
[10] Punjabi,
[11] Sanskrit,
[12] Tamil,
[13] Telugu and
[14] Urdu.

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