Chapter 1 Ideas Of History Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1: What do you mean by social history?
Social history: Social history is a branch of history that studies the experiences of the daily life of people and their social and economic relationships. It also includes religious and cultural affairs such as literature, education, music, etc., and fine arts. It was written between 200 BC and 200 A4. It contains 6000 hymns. It is attributed to Bhasa Muni.
Question 2: Write a short note on ‘Natyasastra’.
‘Natyasastra’: Natyasastra is one of the most important Sanskrit works on Indian classical dance, dramavarious ancient sites are also the source of knowledge for the clothing used by people. The writings of Herodotus also give us some j knowledge about clothing in ancient India. In which year was the Photographic Society of Bengal established? Name some of its distinguished members.
The Photographic Society of Bengal was established in 1856. Some of its distinguished members were Rajendra Lal Mitra, Kanailal Dey, and Priyanath Seth. Name some of the books on environmental history and their authors. Some of the books on environmental history are ‘Man and the Natural World’ by Keith Thomas, ‘Silent Spring’ by Rachel Carson, ‘Green Imperialism’ by Richard Grove, ‘Nature Culture Imperialism’ and ‘Hunting and Shooting’ by Mahesh Rangarajan, etc.
Question 3: What are the sources of knowledge for clothing in ancient India?
The sources of knowledge for clothing in ancient India: The sources for reconstructing modern Indian history are divided into two parts primary and secondary sources. Government documents such as reports, narratives, diary entries of police, and intelligence reports are regarded as the primary sources.
Besides, periodicals and newspapers are also important sources of information. The secondary sources are autobiographies and memoirs such as ‘Jiban Smriti’ by Rabindranath, ‘Sattar Batsar’ by Bipin Chandra Pal, etc.
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Question 4: In which year was the Photographic | Society of Bengal established? Name some of its distinguished members.
Answer: The Photographic Society of Bengal was; established in 1856. Some of its distinguished members were; Rajendra Lal Mitra, Kanailal Dey, and Priyanath Seth
Question 5: Name some of the books on | environmental history and their authors.
Answer: Some of the books on environmental history are ‘Man and the Natural World’ by Keith Thomas, ‘Silent Spring’ by Rachel Carson, ‘Green Imperialism’ by Richard Grove, ‘Nature Culture Imperialism’ and ‘Hunting and Shooting’ by Mahesh Raiganjan, etc.
Question 6: What are the sources of modern Indian history?
The sources of modern Indian history: The sources for reconstructing modern Indian history are divided into two parts— primary and secondary sources. Government documents such as reports, narratives, diary entries of police, and intelligence reports are regarded as the primary sources.
Besides, periodicals and newspapers are also important 1 sources of information. The secondary sources are autobiographies and memoirs such as ‘Jiban Smriti’ by Rabindranath, ‘Sattar Batsar’ by Bipin Chandra Pal, etc.
Question 7: What does the historiography of architecture reveal?
The historiography of architecture reveals: The historiography of architecture reveals the evolution of art and architecture, the development of religion, the economic and social conditions and lifestyle of the people, and the blending of culture. It also reveals the underlying identity including the character of a community, and the values prevalent among its people.
“Short answer questions for WBBSE History Chapter 1”
Question 8: What is local history?
Local history: Local history is an important subject of historical study. It is the study of history in a geographically local context and incorporates the cultural, social, and economic aspects of the locality and its community.
Question 9: Why is the study of local history | important?
Local history is the study of history in a geographically local context. It enables us to know the cultural, social, and economic aspects of a locality and its community. It helps to study everything pertaining to a certain locality: history, ethnography, geography, national history, etc. The study of local history is a source for the reconstruction of national history.
Question 10: What is the importance of | environmental history?
The importance of environmental history: Environmental history helps us to know how nature influences humans, how humans intervene in nature, and how nature and humans interact. It also investigates changes in nature not caused by human action. It opens our eyes to the scarcity of resources and their conservation in the future.
Question 11: What is historiography?
Historiography: History is the study of past events and transformations by historians. Historiography is the study of the methodology of historians in developing history. The historiography of a specific theme covers how historians have studied that topic using particular approaches, sources, and techniques.
Wbbse History And Environment Class 10 Solutions
Question 12: What is ‘Annales School’?
Annales School: At the beginning of the 20th century, a new school of historiography arose which is known as Annales School. It was started by the French historians Marc Bloch and Lucien Febvre. According to this school, history is not only about political events, kings, great leaders, politics, and diplomacy but also about local people, climate, trade, agriculture, technology, means of communication, social division, etc.
Question 13: Name some books related to ‘new social history’.
Some books related to ‘new social history’: Some books related to new social history are Ranajit Guha’s ‘Selective Subaltern Studies’, Partha Chatterjee’s ‘Subaltern Studies’ Gyanendra Pandey’s, ‘A History of Prejudice’ Shahid Amin’s ‘Event, Metaphor, Memory— Chauri Chaura 1922-1992.
Question 14: What do you mean by Subaltern Studies?
Subaltern Studies: Subaltern Studies is the study of social groups who constitute the mass population rather than the elites in the society by a group of south Asian scholars. The Subaltern historiography brings to light the lower section of the Indian people, their aspirations, and frustration hitherto neglected by the traditional method of writing history.
“WBBSE Class 10 Ideas of History short answer questions”
Question 15: What is the ‘Brahmika’ style?
Brahmika’s style: Brahmika saree was originally popularised by Jnanadanandini Devi, wife of Satyendranath Tagore. She adopted the Parsi style of wearing a saree, pinned to the left shoulder with a brooch and worn with a blouse and shoes. This style of wearing a saree was quickly adopted by the Brahmo Samaj Women. So it came to be known as the Brahma style.
Question 16: What are the different variety of themes | in modern historiography?
The different variety of themes covered in modern historiography is the history of sports, food habits, clothing, communication, architecture, visual art, environment, science, and technology cities. It also covers military history, the history of women’s development, local history, medical history, etc.
Wbbse History And Environment Class 10 Solutions
Question 17: Name some famous dramatists of Bengal who have valuable contributions to the field of drama in modern times.
Some famous dramatists who have made valuable contributions to the field of drama in modern times are Madhusudan Dutta, Dinabandhu Mitra, Rabindranath Tagore, Sambhu Mitra, Sishir Bhaduri, etc.
Question 18: Which is the first Indian silent film? Who | were its director and producer?
The first Indian silent film was Raja Harishchandra. Its director and producer were Dadasaheb Phalke.
Question 19: What were the steps taken by the British to develop the communication system in India?
The steps taken by the British to develop the communication system in India were
- Establishment of railways
- Improvement of the postal system and
- Introduction of the telegraph system.
Question 20: Who is the author of the treatise ‘Sangitaratnakara’? What is its subject matter?
‘Sangitaratnakara’ was written by Sharangadeva. It is a treatise on music. The development of dance in different parts of the country is dealt with in this treatise. Several new concepts of style and movements in dance are also mentioned here.
Question 21: Name two autobiographical works by Indian authors.
Answer: Two autobiographical works by Indian authors are Bipin Chandra Pal’s ‘Sattar Batsar’ and Rabindranath Tagore’s ‘Jiban Smriti’.
Question 22: Name two autobiographical works of the Mughal period.
Answer: Two autobiographical works of the Mughal period are Tuzuk-i-Baburi by Babur and Tuzuki-Jahangiri by Jahangir.
Question 23: Who opened the institution ‘Lakshmi Bhandar’ and why?
Answer: Sarala Devi Chaudhurani opened the ‘Lakshmi Bhandar’ for the production and use of Swadeshi goods.
Question 24: Who was Dwarakanath Bidyabhusan? Name the paper edited by him.
Answer: Dwarkanath Bidyabhusan was a professor at Sanskrit College. He was the editor of ‘Omprakash’.
“WBBSE Class 10 History Chapter 1 key points”
Question 25: In which year and from where was ‘Somprakash published? Who was its editor?
Answer: ‘Somprakash’ was published on November 15, 1858, from Calcutta. Dwarkanath Bidyabhushan, a professor at the Sanskrit College was its editor.
Question 26: Why did the British ban the Bengali weekly ‘Somprakash’?
Answer: Many writings were published against the Indigo planters. ‘Somprakash’ and articles were also published in favor of widow remarriage and the spread of women’s education. For criticizing the policy of the British in Kabul, its editor, Dwarkanath Bidyabhushan, was compelled to sign a bond and was fined, as per the Vernacular Press Act. The editor refused to pay this and so the paper was banned.
Question 27: What are the main sources for the study of modern Indian history?
The main sources for the study of modern Indian history are
- Government documents
- Autobiography and memoirs
- Personal letters
- Newspaper and journals.
Question 28: What do you mean by autobiography towards the English language and customs and memoir?
Autobiography towards the English language and customs and memoir: The life history of an individual, is written by writing the history of modern India. himself is called an autobiography. A memoir is an account of an individual’s life and experience. It is a piece of writing based on the writer’s personal knowledge and experiences.
Question 29: Give some examples of important auto-biographies and memoirs of the modern Indian period.
Some examples of important autobiographies and memoirs of the modern Indian period are
- Rabindranath Tagore’s ‘Jiban Smriti’
- Sarala Devi Chaudhurani’s ‘Jibaner Jharapata’
- Mahatma Gandhi’s ‘The Story of My Experiments with Truth’
- Subhas Chandra Bose’s ‘An Indian Pilgrim’ (incomplete)
- Jawaharlal Nehru’s ‘An Autobiography’ etc.
Question 30: What do you mean by government documents? Or, What are the primary sources of information for reconstructing the history of India?
Government documents are the primary sources of information for reconstructing the history of India. Government documents include
- Records of the British officials,
- Police and intelligence reports,
- Official letters and correspondence,
- History recorded by English officers in the light of their own experiences.
Class 10 History Wbbse
Question 31: What information do we get from Rabindranath’s ‘Jiban Smriti’?
Rabindranath’s autobiography ‘Jiban Smriti’ reflects the society of the 1860s and 1870s. It gives information about the rigid customs and norms of the society, about Hindu Mela and Swadeshi. The attitude of the Bengali society, about Hindu Mela and Swadeshi. The attitude of the Bengali society towards the English language and customs are important sources of information for writing the history of modern India.
“Important short answers Ideas of History WBBSE”
Question 32: When and by whom was Bengal Gazette published?
Bengal Gazette, a weekly English newspaper, was published by James Augustus Hicky in 1780.
Question 33: What are the abuses of the internet in collecting historical information?
The abuses of the internet in collecting historical information: Some websites abuse the internet. Sometimes incomplete information and wrong information are given which may lead to wrong concepts. Unreliable information cannot be used for reconstructing history which reduces the quality of research work.
Question 34: What is the difference between newspapers and periodicals?
Differences between newspapers and periodicals are given below-
- Newspapers are usually published regularly and daily, whereas periodicals are published less frequently than daily newspapers.
- Newspapers contain different informative contents of everyday life, whereas periodicals give importance only to specific contents of the contemporary period.
- Newspaper articles are written by newspaper staff and do not provide authors’ names, whereas periodicals use subject experts for publication.
Question 35: What is the importance of newspapers as a source of history?
The importance of newspapers as a source of history: Newspapers are known as the eyes and ears of the world. Newspapers are important sources of information for writing the history of the contemporary period4. It provides news about a country’s economic situation, sports, games, entertainment, trade, and commerce which are essential for writing the history of a country.