WBBSE Class 10 History Chapter 4 Early Stages Of Collective Action Characteristics And Analyses MCQs

Chapter 4 Early Stages Of Collective Action Characteristics And Analyses Topic A The Great Revolt Of 1857 Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1 The Tiger’ of the Revolt of 1857 was-
1. Kunwar Singh
2. Mangal Pandey
3. Tantia Topi
4. Nana Saheb

Answer: 1. Kunwar Singh

Question 2 The first Viceroy of India was-
1. Lord Dalhousie
2. Lord Canning
3. Lord Bentinck
4. Warren Hastings.

Answer: 2. Lord Canning

WBBSE Class 10 History Chapter 4 Early Stages Of Collective Action Characteristics And Analyses MCQs

Question 3 The immediate cause of the Revolt of 1857 was-
1. The introduction of greased cartridges
2. Lord Dalhousie’s annexation policy
3. Economic exploitation of India
4. Undue interference in the social and religious life of the Indians

Answer: 1. The introduction of greased cartridges

Question 4 Rani Laxmi Bai died fighting on-
1. June 17, 1885
2. June 17, 1858
3. July 17, 1858
4. June 18, 1858

Answer: 2. June 17, 1858

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Question 5 The Revolt of 1857 occurred as a result of-
1. Economic and military factors
2. Economic and social factors
3. Social and religious factors
4. The combination of the above factors

Answer: 4. The combination of the above factors

Question 6 Kunwar Singh was a/an-
1. Artisan
2. Sepoy
3. Landlord
4. Craftsman

Answer: 2. Sepoy

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WBBSE Class 10 History Multiple Choice Questions


Question 7 The Revolt of 1857 has been described as the first War of Indian Independence by-
1. Subhas Chandra Basu
2. Jawaharlal Nehru
3. V D Savarkar
4. Rashbehari Basu

Answer: 3. V D Savarkar

“MCQs on early collective action in India”

Question 8 The rule of the East India Company come to an end in-
1. 1857
2. 1858
3. 1919
4. 1947

Answer: 2. 1858

Question 9 A member of the Bengal army was-
1. Tantia Tope
2. Maulavi Ahmadullh
3. Nana Saheb
4. Mangal Pandey

Answer: 2. Maulavi Ahmadullh

Question 10 The Sepoy Mutiny first broke out in-
1. Barrackpore
2. Meerut
3. Delhi
4. Lucknow

Answer: 2. Meerut

Question 11 Karl Marx, the socialist propounder, called the Revolt of 1857 as-
1. A Sepoy Mutiny
2. Feudal Revolt
3. First war of Indian Independence
4. A National revolt

Answer: 4. A National revolt

“WBBSE Class 10 history chapter 4 multiple choice questions”

Question 12 The Revolt of 1857 described as a feudal revolt by-
1. Bipin Chandra
2. Irfan Habib
3. Ramila Thappar
4. Rajani Palm Dutta

Answer: 4. Rajani Palm Dutta

Question 13 The author of the book ‘Eighteen Fifty-Seven’ is-
1. V D Savarkar
2. Ramesh Chandra Majumder
3. Dr. Surendranath Sen
4. Sashi Bhusan Chaudhury

Answer: 3. Dr Surendranath Sen

Question 14 The Revolt of 1857 has been described as a conspiracy of the Muslim by-
1. Norton
2. Disraeli
3. Outram
4. Nicholson

Answer: 3. Outram

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Question 15 The author of the book ‘The Sepoy Mutiny and the Revolt of 1857’ is-
1. Dr Surendranath Sen
2. Dr Ramesh Chandra Majumdar
3. Rajani Palme Datta
4. Prof. Ranajit Guha

Answer: 2. Dr Ramesh Chandra Majumdar

“Characteristics of collective action MCQs”

Question 16 After the Revolt of 1857 the administration of India was taken over by-
1. Queen Victoria
2. Lord Canning
3. Secretary of State
4. Viceroy

Answer: 1. Queen Victoria

Question 17 According to the Queen’s Proclamation (1858) the representative of the British Crown to India was-
1. Lord Dalhousie
2. Lord Canning
3. Lord Bentinck
4. Lord Mountbatten

Answer: 2. Lord Canning

Question 18 The Queen’s Proclamation was declared from-
1. Calcutta
2. Bombay
3. Madras
4. Allahabad

Answer: 4. Allahabad

Question 19 The leader of the Sepoy Mutiny in Awadh was-
1. Nana Saheb
2. Hazrat Mahal
3. Kunwar Sing
4. Baba Ramchandra

Answer: 2. Hazrat Mahal

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Question 20 Who among the following has not regarded the Great national Revolt of 1857 as a ?
1. Disraeli
2. Robertson
3. Karl Marx
4. Savarkar

Answer: 1. Disraeli

Question 21 Which among the following states did not join the Great Revolt?
1. Bihar
2. Uttar Pradesh
3. Madhya Pradesh
4. Punjab

Answer: 4. Punjab

Chapter 4 Early Stages Of Collective Action Characteristics And Analyses Topic B Age Of Association Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1 The Landholders’ Society was a-
1. Political organisation
2. Religious institution
3. Social organisation
4. commercial organisation

Answer: 1. Political organisation

Question 2 Rajendra Lal Mitra was one of the leaders of the-
1. Hindu Mela
2. ‘Landholders’ Society
3. British Indian Association
4. Indian Association

Answer: 2. ‘Landholders’ Society

Question 3 Rajnarayan Bose was one of the leading figures of the-
1. Hindu Mela
2. Indian Association
3. Indian National Congress
4. ‘Landholders’ Society

Answer: 1. Hindu Mela

“Important MCQs on collective movements in India”

Question 4 A protest meeting against the Vernacular Press Act was organised at the Town Hall under the presidentship of-
1. Surendranath Banerjee
2. Nabagopal Mitra
3. Krishna Mohan Banerjee
4. Gaganendranath Tagore

Answer: 3. Krishna Mohan Banerjee

Question 5 The Hindu Mela was established at-
1. Calcutta
2. Madras
3. Bombay
4. Delhi

Answer: 1. Calcutta

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Question 6 The Hindu Mela was-
1. A Political organisation
2. A Religious institution
3. An Annual festival
4. An Economic institution

Answer: 3. An Annual festival

Question 7 Manmohan Basu was famous-
1. Dramatist
2. Orator
3. Painter
4. Singer

Answer: 1. Dramatist

“Collective action in Indian history MCQs”

Question 8 Most of the members of the Indian Association were-
1. Educated middle class
2. Zamindars
3. Political leaders
4. peasants

Answer: 1. Educated middle class

Question 9 The first political association of India is-
1. Bharat Sabha
2. Indian National Congress
3. Bangabhasa Prakashika Sabha
4. ‘Landholder’s Society

Answer: 4. ‘Landholder’s Society

Question 10 The leader associated with Bharat Sabha-
1. Keshab Chandra Sen
2. Surendranath Banerjee
3. Harish Chandra Mukhopadhyay
4. Gaganendranath Tagore

Answer: 2. Surendranath Banerjee

Question 11 The first president of the Indian Association-
1. Surendranath Banerjee
2. Anandamohan Bose
3. Sivnath Sastri
4. Krishnamohan Bandopadhyay

Answer: 4. Krishnamohan Bandopadhyay

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Question 12 The president of Zamindari Association-
1. Prasanna Kumar Tagore
2. Radhakanta Deb
3. Dwarkanath Tagore
4. Rajnarayan Basu

Answer: 2. Radhakanta Deb

“Multiple choice questions on social movements in India”

Question 13 The organiser of Hindu Mela-
1. Nabagopal Mitra
2. Bipin Chandra Pal
3. Surendranath Banerjee
4. Radhakanta Deb

Answer: 1. Nabagopal Mitra

Question 14 The mouthpiece of Bharat Sabha was-
1. Yugantar
2. Bande Mataram
3. The Bangalee
4. Kesari

Answer: 3. The Bangalee

Question 15 Poona Sarvajanik Sabha was established in-
1. 1857
2. 1858
3. 1870
4. 1876

Answer: 3. 1870

Question 16 The President of India league was-
1. Sisir Kumar Ghose
2. Sambhu Chandra Mukherjee
3. Hemanta Kumar Mukherjee
4. Ananta Kumar Ghose

Answer: 2. Sambhu Chandra Mukherjee

Question 17 Bharat Sabha was established in-
1. 1872
2. 1878
3. 1876
4. 1875

Answer: 3. 1876

Chapter 4 Early Stages Of Collective Action Characteristics And Analyses Topic C Expression Of Nationalism In Writings And Paintings Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1 The book ‘Prachya-O-Paschatya’ was written by-
1. Rammohan Roy
2. David Hare
3. Dwarakanath Tagore
4. Swami Vivekananda

Answer: 4. Swami Vivekananda

Question 2 Who said, “Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached”?
1. Sri Ramakrishna
2. Swami Vivekananda
3. Dayanand Saraswati
4. Atmaram Pandurang

Answer: 2. Swami Vivekananda

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Question 3 The cartoon ‘University Machine’ was created by-
1. Rabindranath Tagore
2. Gaganendranath Tagore
3. Dwarkanath Tagore
4. Abanindranath Tagore

Answer: 2. Gaganendranath Tagore

Question 4 Rabindranath’s novel ‘Gora’ was published in-
1. 1907
2. 1908
3. 1909
4. 1910

Answer: 3. 1909

Question 5 Abanindranath’s paintings were designed as an organised protest against-
1. Indian rulers
2. Foreign influence
3. Indian princes
4. Indian cartoonists

Answer: 2. Foreign influence

“WBBSE Class 10 MCQs on early collective action characteristics”

Question 6 The song ‘Bande Mataram’ was composed in the year-
1. 1881
2. 1882
3. 1883
4. 1884

Answer: 2. 1882

Question 7 The odd one here is-
1. Bharat Mata
2. Gora
3. Anandamath
4. Bartaman Bharat

Answer: 1. Bharat Mata

Question 8 Gaganendranath Tagore was a-
1. Singer
2. Dramatist
3. Poet
4. Cartoonist

Answer: 4. Cartoonist

Question 9 In the Calcutta session of the Indian National Congress the song Bande Mataram was sung in the year-
1. 1885
2. 1886
3. 1896
4. 1905

Answer: 3. 1896

Question 10 The first cartoon in modern India was published in-
1. Somprakash
2. Bamabodhini Patrika
3. Hindoo Patriot
4. Amrita Bazar Patrika

Answer: 4. Amrita Bazar Patrika

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