WBCHSE Class 12 Physics Digital Electronics & Logic Gates Long Answer Questions

Digital Electronics & Logic Gates Long Questions And Answers

Question 1. What are the differences between analog circuits and digital circuits?

Digital Circuit Difference Between Analogue Circuit And Digital Circuit

Question 2. Given a battery, two switches, and an electric bulb, how can

  1. An OR gate and
  2. An AND gate be constructed?


If the switch is made on or off, the bulb glows or extinguishes. Hence, the two switches are the inputs, and the d bulb is the output

Digital Circuit Given A Battery Two Switches And An Electric Bulb

  1. The circuit is an OR gate circuit because when any one or both the switches, A and B are on, bulb Y will glow.
  2. The circuit is an AND gate circuit because only when both switches A and B are on, are the bulb Y glows.

WBCHSE Class 12 Physics Digital Electronics And Logic Gates Short Answer Questions

Question 3. Given a battery, a switch, and an electric lamp, how can a NOT gate be constructed?

In this case, the switch is the input, and the electric bulb is the output, because when the switch is made ‘on’ or ‘off’ then the lamp goes ‘off’ or ‘on’ respectively. The circuit is a NOT gate circuit. When switch A is off, current flows through the lamp Y and it glows. When the switch is on, the entire current passes through the arm of the switch. As a result, the bulb extinguishes.(To avoid short circuits a low value resistance may be concentrated with switch A.

Digital Circuit Given Battery A Switch And An Electric Lamp

WBBSE Class 12 Digital Electronics Long Answer Questions

Question 4. Write down the truth table of the following circuit.

Digital Circuit Truth Table Of The Circuit


Digital Circuit Truth Table Of Circuit

Digital Circuit Truth Table Of Circuit.

Practice Long Answer Questions on Combinational Circuits

Question 5. What is the value of Y shown in the circuit given below?

Digital Circuit Value Of Y Circuit


The output of the OR gate at the left-hand top is 1 and the output of the AND gate at the bottom is 0. These values change to 0 and 1, respectively after they pass through the two NOT gates.

Lastly, when it passes through the OR gate at the extreme right, the final output becomes, Y = 0 + 1 = 1

Y = \(\overline{1+0}+\overline{1 \cdot 0}\)

= \(\overline{1}+\overline{0}=0+1\)

= 1

Question 6. In the given circuit diagram, If the output Y = I, what are the three inputs A, B, and C?

Digital Circuit Given Circuit Are The Three Inputs


For Y = 1, the two inputs of the AND gate on the right-hand side must be 1. Of them, the input at the top will be 1 if both A and B are 1; the input at the bottom will be 1 if C = 0. So, A = 1,B = 1,C = 0.

Alternative Answer:

Digital Circuit Decimal Alternative Table

From truth table, it can be inferred that if A = 1 , B = 1 and C = 0 , then Y = 1

Question 7. An OR gate is operated by using positive logic. What role will the OR gate play if we use negative logic? Or, Show that the truth table of an OR gate in negative logic is similar to that of an AND gate in positive logic.

In positive logic, lower and higher states are denoted by 0 and 1 respectively. According to this, the truth table of the OR gate is

  1. On the other hand, in negative logic, lower and higher states become 1 and 0 respectively. For this, 0 and 1 interchange their positions in the truth table. So, the new truth table
  2. Will be the same as the truth table of an AND gate in positive logic.


Digital Circuit OR Gate is Operated By Using Positive Logic


Digital Circuit AND Gate Positive Logic

Important Definitions in Digital Electronics

Question 8. How would you construct a NOT gate by using a NOR gate?

Signal A has been divided into parts and applied simultaneously and the two Inputs of the NOR gate G. Out¬ put Y is shown In the truth table. It may be noticed that this table is the same as the truth table of NOT gate. So, it is possible to make a NOT gate by using a single NOR gate.

Digital Circuit NOT Gate By Using A Single NOR Gate

Digital Circuit Single NOR Gate

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Question 9. The waveforms of two digital signals A and B are.  If we apply these two signals A and B to an OR gate as inputs, then what will be the output waveform

Digital Circuit Wave From Two Digital Signals A And B


Digital Circuit Decimal Time intervals

In different intervals of time, possible combinations of values 0 or 1 of A and B are shown in the truth table. From the truth table, the waveform of the output Y is

Digital Circuit Wave From Of The Out Put Y

Question 10. Waveforms of two inputs A and B and output Y are. Find the Boolean algebraic equation of the associated logic gate and draw the circuit diagram of it.

Digital Circuit Waveforms Of Two Inputs A And B And Out put


From the given waveforms, we get the following truth table.

Digital Circuit Waves From Two Inputs A And B And Output Y

Digital Circuit The Circuit Diagram Of Logic

For this truth table, the Boolean algebraic equation of the associated gate is Y = A. The circuit diagram of associated logic

Question 11. Write the Boolean expression and the truth table for the logic circuit which is given

Digital Circuit Boolean Expression For The Logic Circuit


In this, we see that a NAND gate is followed by another NAND gate. Signals A and B are applied to the first NAND gate as inputs. Then the output of the first NAND gate AB is fed simultaneously to both inputs of the second NAND gate.

The output of the second NAND gate is AB i.e., AB. So, this logic circuit will act as an AND gate.

Hence, the Boolean algebraic equation is Y = AB.

The truth table of the given logic circuit is as follows:

Digital Circuit Boolean And The Truth Table The Logic Circuit

Question 12. Write the Boolean expression and truth table for the logic circuit which is 

Digital Circuit Boolean Expression And Truth Table


The Boolean expression for the given logic circuit is

Y= AB +\(\overline{A B}\)

The truth table of the given logic circuit is as follows:

Digital Circuit Boolean Expression For Logic Circuit

Examples of Logic Circuit Design Questions

Question 13. Find the Boolean expression of the given logic circuit. Draw the simplest logic circuit equivalent to this given logic circuit.

Digital Circuit Simplest Logic Circuit Equivalent


The Boolean expression for the given logic circuit is

Y= A+\(\bar{A B}\)

Now, Y = A + \(\overline{A}\) B = A . 1+\(\overline{A}\) B = A(1+ B) +\(\overline{A}\) B

= A+ AB + \(\overline{A}\) B

= A + (A +\(\overline{A}\)  )B = A + 1 .B

∴ Y = A + B

Hence, the equivalent circuit is an OR gate

Question 14. Two digital signals A and B shown in Fig. 2.46 are used as the two Inputs of 

  1. OR 
  2. AND
  3. NOR and
  4. NAND gate.

Obtain the output waveforms in each of the four cases

Digital Circuit Two Digital Signals A And B Output Waveforms

Answer: From the given waveforms, we get the following truth table

Digital Circuit Time Interval Of Input And Output

From this truth table, the output waveforms in each of the four cases are

Digital Circuit The Output Waveforms In Each Of The Four Cases

Question 15. The required AND gate ( Y = AB).  Find the Boolean expression of the given logic circuit. Draw the simplest logic circuit equivalent to this given circuit.

Digital Circuit Draw The Simplest Logic Ciecuit Eqivalent Given The Circuit

Answer: The Boolean expression for the given logic circuit is

Y = \(\bar{A}+\overline{A B}\)

Now, Y = \(\bar{A}+\overline{A B}\)

= \(\bar{A}+\bar{A}+\bar{B}\)

[∴  From De Morgan’s theorem, AB = A + B]

= \((\bar{A}+\bar{A})+\bar{B}=\bar{A}+\bar{B}\)

Y =\(\bar{A}+\bar{B}=\overline{A B}\)

Hence, the equivalent circuit is a NAND gate

Question 16. Find the Boolean expression from the given truth table and draw its simplest logic circuit

Digital Circuit Boolean Expression Simpest Logic Circuit


Here, Y = 1 in only the first row of the truth table. Thus rest of the rows are not taken into consideration. In the first row, for A = 0 AND B = 0, write AB. Therefore, the Boolean expression is Y = \(\).

According to De Morgan’s theorem,

⇒ \(\overline{A+B}=\bar{A} \bar{B}\).

So, Y = \(\overline{A+B}\). It is the Boolean expression of the NOR gate. Hence, ‘ the simplest logic circuit is a NOR gate

Digital Circuit Simplest Logic Circuit Is A NOR Gate

Question 17. How would you construct an AND gate by using mini¬ mum number of OR and NOT gates?

Here, we have to use the following relations.

⇒ \(\bar{A}+\bar{B}=\overline{A B} \text { and } \overline{\overline{A B}}\)

The required AND gate ( Y = AB) is

Digital Circuit The Required The AND Gate

Question 18. Find the Boolean expression from the given truth table and draw its simplest logic circuit.

Digital Circuit Boolean Expression Of The Truth Table

Here, Y = 1 in the first, second, and third rows of the truth table. Thus these three rows are to be taken into consideration.

For the first row, the Boolean expression is \(\bar{A} \bar{B}\). (∴  A = 0, B = 0 ),

For the second row, the Boolean expression is  \(A \bar{B}\) (∴A = 1, B = 0) and

For the third row, the Boolean expression is \(\bar{A} B\) ( ∴ A = 0, B = 1 ).

So, the complete Boolean expression is Y = \(\bar{A} \bar{B}+A \bar{B}+\bar{A} B\)

By simplifying, we get,

Y = \(\bar{A} \bar{B}+A \bar{B}+\bar{A} B=(\bar{A}+A) \bar{B}+\bar{A} B\)

= \(1 \cdot \bar{B}+\bar{A} B\)

Since  \(\bar{A}\) + A = 1

= \(\bar{B}+\bar{A} B=(1+\bar{A}) \bar{B}+\bar{A} B\)

Since 1  + \(\bar{A}\) = 1

= \(\bar{B}+\bar{A} \bar{B}+\bar{A} B\)

= \(\bar{B}+(\bar{B}+B) \bar{A}=\bar{B}+\bar{A}\)

i.e Y  = \(\bar{A}+\bar{B}=\overline{A B}\) According to De Morgans theorem

It is the Boolean expression of the NAND gate. Hence, the simplest logic circuit is a NAND gate

Question 19. How would you construct an OR gate by using a minimum number of AND and NOT gates?

Here, we have to use the following relations.

⇒ \(\bar{A} \bar{B}=\overline{A+B} \text { and }\overline{\overline{A+B}}=A+B\)

The required OR gate ( Y = A + B) is

Digital Circuit The Required OR Gate

Question 20. Show that the two circuits 1, and 2 are equivalent to each other.

Digital Circuit Equivalent Two Circuits AND And OR Combination To NAND And NAND Combination


Y1 = AB, Y2= CD

So, Y = AB + CD


Y1 ‘= \(\overline{A B}\)

Y2 ‘= \(\overline{C D}\)

So, Y ‘  = \(\overline{Y_1^{\prime} Y_2^{\prime}}\)

= \(\bar{Y}_1^{\prime}+\bar{Y}_2^{\prime}\)

= \(\overline{\overline{A B}}+\overline{\overline{C D}}\)

= AB+ CD

Hence, Y’ = Y i.e., two circuits are equivalent to each other.

[Therefore, AND-OR combination is equivalent to NAND-NAND combination]

Question 21. Show that the two circuits 1,2 are equivalent to each other.

Digital Circuit Equivalent Two Circuits OR And AND Combination To NOR And NOR


Y1 = A +B, Y2 = C+D

So, Y = (A +B) + (C+D)


Y’1=  \(\overline{A+B}\)

Y’2=  \(\overline{C+D}\)

So, \(\overline{Y_1^{\prime}+Y_2^{\prime}}=\left(\overline{Y_1^{\prime}} \cdot \overline{Y_2^{\prime}}\right)\)

= \((\overline{\overline{A+B}}) \cdot(\overline{\overline{C+D}})\)

= (A+B)(C+D)

Therefore, Y’ = Y i.e., two circuits are equivalent to each other. [Hence, OR-AND combination is equivalent to NOR-NOR combination]

Question 22. Two digital signals A and B are represented by two binary numbers 110011 and 100110 respectively. These two signals A and B are applied as inputs of 

  1. OR
  2. AND
  3. NOR
  4. NAND gates.

Find the binary numbers to represent the outputs In each of the four cases.

Two inputs A and B and outputs of

  1. OR (A + B),
  2. AND (AB),
  3. NOR (A + B), and
  4. NAND (AB)

Are shown in the truth table below:

Digital Circuit Binary Numbers To Represent The Outputs

So, the binary numbers representing the outputs are

  1. 110111
  2. 100010
  3. 001000 and
  4. 011101 respectively

Question 23. Prove the following Boolean relations:

Digital Circuit Boolean Reactions


Digital Circuit Boolean Reactions.

Digital Circuit Boolean Reactions..

Digital Circuit Boolean Reactions....

Real-Life Applications of Digital Electronics

Question 24. You are given two circuits. which consists of a NAND gate. Identify the logic operations carried out by the two circuits 

Digital Circuit Consists Of NAND Gates


In Y = \(\overline{y_1 \cdot y_1}=\bar{y}_1\)

∴ y1.y1 = y1

But y1 = \(\overline{A \cdot B}\)

Y = \(\overline{\overline{A \cdot B}}\)

(1) = Represents an AND operation.

In (2) Y = \(\overline{y_1 \cdot y_2}\)

But, Y1 = \(\overline{A \cdot A}\) = \(\overline{A}\)

Y = \(\overline{B \cdot B}\) = \(\overline{B}\)

Y = \(\overline{y_1 \cdot y_2}=\overline{\bar{A} \cdot \bar{B}}=\overline{\bar{A}}+\overline{\bar{B}}\)

= A+B

This represents an OR gate.

Question 25. You are given two circuits. Show that the circuit 

  1. Acts as OR gate while the circuit
  2. Acts as AND gate

Digital Circuit Acts A OR And AND Gates


In Y1 = \(\overline{A+B}\)

And Y = \(\overline{\overline{A+B}}\)

Y = \(\overline{\overline{A+B}}\) (Boolean algebra)

In, Y = \(\overline{y_1+y_2}=\bar{y}_1 \cdot \bar{y}_2\) (Using de Morgans theorem)

But y1= \(\bar{A}\)

y2 = \(\bar{B}\)

∴ Y = \(\bar{y}_1 \cdot \bar{y}_2\)

= \(\overline{\bar{A}} \cdot \overline{\bar{B}}\)

= A.B

Question 26. In the circuit identify the equivalent gate of the circuit

Digital Circuit equivalent Gate Of The Circuit

Digital Circuit Identify The Equivalent Gate Of The Circuit

This is equivalent to an AND gate: Y = AB

Digital Circuit This Equivalent To An AND Gate Y

Question 27. Identify the gates P and Q shown in the figure. Write the truth table for the combination of the gates shown.

Digital Circuit Identify The Gates P And Q

Name the equivalent gate representing this circuit and draw its logic symbol

Here P is a 2-input AND gate and Q is a NOT gate.

Truth Table:

Digital Circuit Truth Table For The Combination Of The Gates.

Now the equivalent gate of the given circuit represents the circuit action of a NAND gate. The logic symbol of the NAND gate. The logic symbol of the NAND gate is

Conceptual Questions on Sequential Circuits

Question 28. The following figure shows the input waveforms (A, B) and the output waveform (T) of a gate. Identify the gate, write its truth table, and draw its logical symbol

Digital Circuit Logic Symbol

The truth table for the gate can be obtained from the waveform given

Digital Circuit Truth Table Obtained From The Waveforms

Therefore, from the above truth table, we can say that the gate is a NAND gate.

The logic symbol for the NAND gate is given below.

Digital Circuit The Logic Symbol Of The NAND Gate

Question 29.  The figure shows the Input waveforms A and B to a logic gate. 

Digital Circuit Logic Gate And Logic Symbol


Digital Circuit Logic Gate And Logic Symbol.

Question 30. The figure shows the Input waveforms A and B for the AND gate. 

Digital Circuit Output Waveforms

Output waveform will be as follows:

Digital Circuit Output Waveforms.

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