WBBSE Solutions For Class 10 History Chapter 1 Ideas Of History

Chapter 1 Ideas Of History Salient Points-At A Glance

1. History is the study of past events and transformations. It is a depiction of what happened in the years since the inception of the human race. History is a deep-rooted knowledge and study of the past. It takes us closer to the happenings and events of; the past. We can know about and learn how things have changed ever since, and who were the personalities who had ‘helped to change’ the scenario. From ‘history, we can learn the types of culture “and traditions people followed as well as their way of living. All cultures that we know of today have their roofs in the cultures of the past.

2. Historiography is the study of the methodology of historians in developing history. The historiography of a specific theme covers how historians have studied „that topic using particular approaches, sources, and techniques.

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3. Social history is a broad branch of history that studies the daily life and experiences of ordinary people along with their social and economic relationships. It also includes religious and cultural affairs such as literature, education, music, etc.

4. The history of sports can teach us a great deal about social changes as well as the nature of sports itself. Most of the sports played today developed to their present form in the 19th and 20th centuries, though many take their origins from more primitive games and pastimes of ancient people. Historiography of sports reveals that there are close links between sports and pastimes and in particular, between sports and national consciousness.

5. Food refers to anything that is eaten to provide energy and keep the body healthy. Economic status affects the food habits of the people. All ethnic groups have their own food customs. As cultural groups, develop over the ages, they form their own living pattern, which includes food habits. Food patterns are also influenced by religious beliefs. Even the food people eat is dictated by their religious beliefs as well.

6. Historiography of clothing constitutes a  large and sophisticated field of research. One should not forget that there is also a history behind the clothes we wear. All societies observe certain rules, and some of these are quite strict about the way in which men, women, and children should dress. These norms came to define the identity of the people. As times change and societies transform, these notions also alter. Modifications in clothing came to reflect these changes. The emergence of the modern world is marked by dramatic changes in clothing among most communities around the world.

7. The transport and communication system helped in the growth of civilization. As India is a country of rivers, many civilizations grew up on the banks of the rivers. The natural means of transport here were boats. The best means of land transport was bullock carts. Even today, bullock carts are used in transporting goods, especially in rural areas. Elephants and horses were used as a means of transportation too. In the mid-twentieth century, there has been a development in the history of the transport system.’Nowadays, trains, buses, airplanes, and metro rails have replaced the earlier slow-moving means of transport. Before the establishment of railways and telegraphs, the most important means of communication was Dak Chowki. Nowadays, with scientific innovations like the internet, one can be acquainted with the world within a few minutes.

8. Visual arts (painting and photography) assist in our understanding of historical events. It is one of the important sources of cultural data, stimuli in the recording oral history, and catalyst for promoting awareness of cultural history. Paintings and photographs give us a well-rounded view of historical events, situations, and people.

9. Military history is the historical record of armed conflicts in the history of the human race, and its effect on society, economy, culture, and international relations. The essential subjects of military history are the causes of the war, the military doctrines of the two opposite sides, the policies of the governments for waging a war, the technology, strategy, leadership, and tactics used, and how these have gradually changed over time. Military history records the details of the battles and equipment, arms and ammunition, and the aftermath of wars. Women’s history is another important subject for researchers. Women play an important role in society and in history. Women’s history is not only concerned with the role played by women, but it also includes the technology, strategy, leadership, and tactics used, and how these have gradually changed over time. Military history records the details of the battles and equipment, arms and ammunition, and the aftermath of wars.

10. Women’s history is another important subject for researchers. Women play an important role in society and in history. Women’s history is not only concerned with the role played by women, but it also includes the history of the growth of women’s rights, the study of individuals and groups of women of historical importance, and the effects of various historical events on them’.

11. Government documents are the primary sources of information for reconstructing the history of India. Government documents include—
(1) records of the British officials,
(2) police and intelligence reports,
(3) official letters and correspondence, and
(4) history recorded by English officers in the light of their own experiences.

12. Autobiography is an account of a person’s life written by the same person. A memoir is an account written by a public figure on his/her life and experiences. The autobiography of Bipin Chandra Pal— ‘Sattar Batsar’—is a unique composition and evidence of many untraceable occurrences in the country. Saraia Devi Chaudhurani was an educationist and a feminist. We come to know a great deal about her life and contemporary events .from her autobiography—’ Jibaner Jharapata’. Rabindranath’s autobiography, ‘Jiban Smriti’, reflects the society in which he was brought up. It painted an accurate portrait of the society of the 1860s and 1870s.

13. Periodicals and newspapers are important sources of information for reconstructing modern Indian history. In this connection, mention may be made Of ‘Bangadarshan’and ‘Somprakash’, which published the wrongs done by the British administration in India and thereby made the people politically conscious.

Class 10 History Solution Wbbse

Chapter 1 Ideas Of History Mark True Or False

Mark True or False

1.’Natyasastra’ of Bharata Muni was written in Sanskrit.

Answer: True

2. Sama-gan are the earliest examples of Indian musical hymns.

Answer: True

3. Cricket is the national game of the USA.

Answer: False

4. Gaudiya Nritya is a special dance form of Bengal.

Answer: True

5.’Meghadoota’ was composed by Bhasa.

Answer: False

6. Kalidas belonged to the Mughal periodd.

Answer: False

7. The Pala rulers of Bengal illuminated Buddhist manuscripts.

Answer: True

8. Abanindranath Tagore was the Vice-Principal of Calcutta School of Art.

Answer: True

9. Jagadish Chandra Bose was a pioneer in X-ray photography.

Answer: True

10.Ramkinkar Beij was a disciple of Nandalal Bose.

Answer: True

11. Dakshineswar temple of the goddess Kali is an example of the Bhanja style of architecture.

Answer: True

12. Jamini Roy was an eminent scientist.

Answer: False

13. Kanailal Dey was an excellent photographer.

Answer: True

14.’Ganit’, a mathematical treatise, was published by the School Book Society.

Answer: True

15. Madhusudan Gupta translated a book of anatomy into Sanskrit.

Answer: True

16. In the Middle Ages; the citizens of France used to dress according to their social status.

Answer: True

17. As a result of the Industrial Revolution, European influence on dress increased.

Answer: True

18. From foodstyle and dress it is possible to understand the socio-economic condition of the people.

Answer: True

19. The producer of the film ‘Ashani Sanket’ is Ritwik Ghatak.

Answer: False

20. Uday Shankar made middle-class Bengalis interested in dancing.

Answer: True

21. The theme of the research work of Kaushik Chattopadhyay is cricket.

Answer: False

Chapter 1 Ideas Of History Fill In The Blanks

Fill in the blanks

1. The word ‘historic’ is a Greek (Greek/Latin/ Persian) word.

2. The Social Science Research Council in England was founded in 1965 (1965/1960/1961).

3.’Abhijnanam Sakuntalam’ was written by Kalidasa (Kalidasa / Bhasa / Girishchandra Ghosh).

4. The first feature film of India ‘Pundalik’, was released in 1912 (1912/1921/1923).

5. The poet who wrote the epic ‘Iliad’ was Homer (Homer / Mani Madhava / Herodotus).

6. Ganesh Pyne, the famous artist was a contemporary of Rabindranath Tagore (Rabindranath Tagore/Nandalal Bose/Sashi Kumar).

7. Messrs. Bourne & Shepherd, the earliest institution of photography, opened its studio in Kolkata in 1864 (1864/1846/1866).

8. The first X-ray unit of diagnosing diseases was set up by Nilratan Sarkar (Seth Sukhlal Karnani/Nilratan Sarkar/Bidhan Chandra Ray).

9. The School Book Society was founded in 1817 (1817/1818/1718).

10. National Archives of India is situated in Delhi (Delhi/Bombay/Madras).

11.History is a study of the past(past/present/ future).

12. Annales of Economic and Social History was published by the Annales group (Subaltern Studies group/Addelam group/Annales group).

13. Subaltern Studies emerged around the 1980s (1980’s/1950’s/1960s).

14. The director of the film Raja Harishchandra was Dadasaheb Phalke(Satyajit Ray/Dadasaheb Phalke/Ritwik Ghatak).

15. The author of the book Indian Architecture is Percy Brown(Kalinath Chowdhury/Percy Brown/John Weldon).

16. Calcutta Medical College was founded in 1835 (1830/1835/1845).

17. Calcutta School of Industrial Art was established in 1854 (1854/1864/1874).

18. The first paper in Bengali was Digdarshan (Digdarshan/Parthenon/Anwesan).

19. Jagadish Chandra Bose was an eminent scientist (scientist/novelist/singer).

Chapter 1 Ideas Of History Choose The Best Explanation

Choose the best explanation

1 Food habits of people are largely determined by

1. Climatic and geographical factors.
2. The living place of the people.
3. Availability of food materials.

Answer: 1. Climatic and geographical factors.

2 The winning of the IFA Shield by Mohun Bagan Club is an important event.

1. The club got a huge amount of money.
2. It made the people of Bengal interested in football playing.
3. It was the success of Indian nationalism against British imperialism.

Answer: 3. It was the success of Indian nationalism against British imperialism.

3 in 1991 the Association for dress historians was established4.

1. This association was established to make dresses.
2. From dress different aspects of a man’s life can be ascertained.
3. This association supports and promotes the study of the history of dress.

Answer: 3. This association supports and promotes the study of the history of dress.

Wbbse History And Environment Class 10 Solutions

Chapter 1 Ideas Of History Mark True Or False

1.Ramnarayan Tarkalankar wrote ‘Griha Laxmi’ in 1909.

Answer: False

2. The novel ‘Yogayog’ was written by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay.

Answer: False

3. Sarala Devi Chaudhurani had close contact with the Bengal revolutionaries.

Answer: True

4. Birashtami Utsab was introduced by Basanti Devi.

Answer: False

5. ‘Letters from a Father to His Daughter’ is a collection of 50 letters.

Answer: False

6. Priyadarshini was later known as Indira Gandhi.

Answer: True

7. The ‘Bangadarshan’, edited by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay, was published in Delhi.

Answer: False

8. ‘Somprakash’ was a weekly paper.

Answer: True

9. The editor of Somprakash was Dwarakanath Vidyabhusan.

Answer: True

10. Government documents about British rule have been preserved in the National Archives of

Answer: True

Chapter 1 Ideas Of History Fill In The Blanks

1. Ramananda Chattopadhyay was the editor of ‘Prabasi’ (‘Prabasi’/’Somprakash’/’Digdarshan’).

2. The autobiography of Bipin Chandra Pal was published in 1954 (1953/1945/1954).

3. ‘Bangadarshan’ was a monthly (monthly/bi-monthly/weekly) paper.

4. The ‘Bangadarshan’ was published by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay (Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay/ Rammohan Roy/Akshay Kumar Dutta).

5. ‘Desh’ is a weekly (weekly/monthly/daily) magazine.

6. ‘Jiban Smriti’ of Rabindranath Tagore was published in the year 1912 (1912/1902/1901).

7. The Vernacular Press Act was passed in 1878 (1878/1787/1887).

8. ‘Naba Bibhakar’ was a weekly (weekly/daily/monthly) paper.

9. The song Bande Mataram was first published in ‘Bangadarshan’ (‘Bangadarshan’/’Somprakash’/’Jiban Smriti’).

10. We come to know about Hindu Mela from Jiban Smriti’ (‘Bangadarshan’/’Jiban’/’Digdarshan’).

Chapter 1 Ideas Of History Choose The Best Explanation

Question 1: The paper ‘Somprakash’ was closed

1. Because the British banned the paper for publishing seditious articles.
2. For want of financial aid.
3. Due to a lack of suitable articles to be published.

Answer: 1. Because the British banned the paper for publishing seditious articles.

Question 2: Periodicals are important sources of information for reconstructing modern Indian history because

1. The news published is authentic.
2. We get local news from the newspaper.
3. We get information quicker as compared to books, and the latest developments in various fields are also published.

Answer: 3. We get information quicker as compared to books, and the latest developments in various fields are also published.

Question 3: ‘Sattar Batsar’ written by Bipin Chandra Pal is not his autobiography, it also depicts the history of modern Bengal.

1. From ‘Sattar Batsar’ only the history of Brahmo Samaj can be known.
2. Besides being an autobiography ‘Sattar Batsar’ also describes the country.
3. ‘Sattar Batsar describes the secular culture of the country.

Answer: 2. Besides being an autobiography ‘Sattar Batsar’ also describes the country.

Question 4: Archives are a reliable place for the preservation of information.

1. Here different documents are preserved.
2. Here different information is recorded.
3. From the preserved documents much information is available.

Answer: 3. From the preserved documents much information is available.

Chapter 1 Ideas Of History Miscellaneous

Match The Columns
Column 1 Column 2
(1) Football jnd cricket (A) USA
(2) Kabaddi (B) England
(3) Rugby (C) Bhutan
(4) Archery (D) Northern India


Answer: 1-B,2-D,3-A,4-C

Column 1 Column 2
(1) Kuihipudf (A) Bengal
(2) Chhau ttritya (B) Assam
(3) Bihu (C) Punjab
(4) BNangra (D) Afldbra


Answer: 1-D,2-A,3-B,4-C

Column 1 Column 2
(1) Aruntfc Ratio (A) 1909
(2) Griha Laxmi (B) 1913
(3) Raja Harishchandea (C) 1912
(4) Pundalik (4) 1882


Answer: 1-D,2-A,3-B,4-C

Column 1 Column 2
(1) Bharata Muni (A) Kerala
(2) Kutiyattam (B) Greece
(3) Herodotus (C) Bengal
(4) Jaydeva (4) Tamil Nadu


Answer: 1-D,2-A,3-B,4-C

Colunm 1 Column 2
(1) Gitagovinda (A) Sharangadeva
(2) Natyasastra (B) Bhasa
(3) Sangitaratnakara (C) Bharata Muni
(4) Madhyama Vyayoga (4) Jayadeva


Answer: 1-D,2-C,3-A,4-B

Column 1 Column 2
(1) Bhasa (A) Sakuntala
(2) Kalidasa (B) Ananda Raho
(3) Girish Chandra Ghosh (C) Dadasaheb Phalke
(4) Raja Harishchandra (4) Madhyama Vyayoga


Answer: 1-D,2-A,3-B,4-C

Column 1 Column 2
(1) Bhasa (A) Photographer
(2) Kalidasa (B) Art historian
(3) Annapurna Datta (C) Author Of Raghuvamsa
(4) Thomas Metcalfe (D) Famous Indian playwright in Sanskrit


Answer: 1-D,2-C,3-A,4-B

Column 1 Column 2
(1) Tolkappiyam (A) Sanskrit
(2) Natyasastra (B) Bengali
(3) Panchali gaan (C) Buddist
(4) Dharani (4) Tamil


Answer: 1-D,2-A,3-B,4-C

Column 1 Column 2
(1) Silpapushpanjali (A) Bankim Chandra Chattopadyay
(2) Chokher Bali (B) Prafulla Chandra Roy
(3) Bangadarshan (C) Saratchandra Deb
(4) History of Hindu Chemistry (4) Rabindranath Tagore


Answer: 1-C,2-D,3-A,4-B

Colunm 1 Column 2
(1) Bijan Rahasya (A) 1872
(2) Treatment of Kala-zar (B) 1875
(3) Somprakash (C) 1927
(4) Banadarshan (4) 1858


Answer: 1-B,2-C,3-D,4-A

Colunm 1 Column 2
(1) Bankim Chandra Chattopadyay (A) Tretmenr of kala-azar
(2) U N Brahmachari (B) Jiban smriti
(3) Bipin Chandra Pal (C) Bijnan Rahasya
(4) Rabindranath tagore (4) Sattar Batsar


Answer: 1-C,2-A,3-D,4-B

Column 1 Column 2
(1) Sarala devi chaudhurani (A) David hare
(2) Hindu College (B) Suhrid sanity
(3) Calcutta medical college (C) Sir hyde east
(4) School book society (4) Lord william bentinck


Answer: 1-B,2-C,3-D,4-A

Column 1 Column 2
(1) Hindoo patriot (A) Bal Gangadhar tilak
(2) Keshari (B) Banabhatta
(3) Bengal gazette (C) Harish Chandra Mukherjee
(4) Harsha charita (4) James Augustus hicky


Answer: 1-C,2-A,3-D,4-B

Column 1 Column 2
(1) Bend Behari Mukhopadhyay (A) Contemporary Indian painters
(2) Gita Kapoor (B) Ninteenth-century Indian photography
(3) Sofi Gordon (C) Afterimage of empire: photography in nineteenth-century India
(4) Jahid Chowdhury (4) Chirakatha


Answer: 1-D,2-A,3-B,4-C

Column 1 Column 2
(1) Oldham (A) Law Member of the Governor General’s Council
(2) Thomas Babington (B) British PM
(3) Churchill (C) Editor of ‘Prabasi’
(4) Ramananda Chattopadhyay (D) Police Commissioner of Chittagong division


Answer: 1-D,2-B,3-A,4-C

Chapter 1 Ideas Of History Advanced Questions And Answers

Question 1: What do you mean by ‘Subaltern history- graph? What are its main features?

Meaning: The Subaltern studies are a new addition to Indian historiography. It was not before the end of the twentieth century that Subaltern studies starte4. Ranajit Guha, the doyen of Subaltern studies, has used the term ‘Subaltern’ to mean the mass of people who are outside the elitist group. By elite, he means the group which is economically and politically important. Thus Subaltern people mean the total population minus the elitist people.

Features: (1) Subaltern historiography gives emphasis on the lower section of the people hitherto neglected by the traditional approach.
(2) The subaltern people desire to follow the legal route in all activities. But if the situation so demands, the Subalterns would not hesitate to take recourse to violence.

Class 10 History Wbbse

Question 2: Why were the Indians interested in the study of the country’s past?

Answer: It was not before the nineteenth century that attempts were made to study India’s past. What made the Indians interested in the study of the past may be found in the following: The Europeans who wrote about India presented a poor picture of India’s past. They described India’s past as a rule of the autocrats. They stated that the Indians were so engrossed in spiritual affairs that they did not feel any concern for the problems of this world.

The Indians sharply reacted to the distorted version of the history of India came as a great challenge to Indian scholars. The way the Europeans distorted the achievements of the Indians came as a shock. The modern scholars through their writings reinterpreted the past history of India and proved the falsity of the picture presented by the Europeans.

WBBSE Solutions for Class 10 History

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