WBBSE Solutions For Class 10 History Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century 1947-1964

Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century 1947-1964 Salient Points At A Glance

WBBSE Class 10 History Chapter 8 Summary

1. The Indian Independence Act was passed in July 1947. One of the provisions of the Act was that the native rulers would have the choice to accede to either India or Pakistan.

However, there were some states who thought that they were entitled to declare their independence. Vallabhbhai Patel convinced the leaders of the advantages of joining the Indian Union.

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Consequently all the princely states of free India, except Kashmir, Hyderabad, and Junagadh, immediately joined the Indian Union.

2. The Indian troops invaded and occupied Junagadh. The Nizam of Hyderabad tried to act like an independent ruler but Indian police took action against him and Hyderabad was also merged with India.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 10 History Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century 1947-1964

The state of Jammu and Kashmir acceded to India. However, Pakistan refused to accept this merger. This led to several wars with Pakistan.

3. Refugee problems and communal riots became very big issues after Indian independence. To put an end to the communal riots, the Delhi Pact was signed between Jawaharlal Nehru and Liaquat Ali Khan, by which both agreed that each shall ensure the minorities, complete equality of citizenship, and a full sense of security.

4. The history of the partition of India and the condition of the refugees have been reconstructed with the help of autobiographies and reminiscences. Among these, mention may be made of ‘Chere Asa Gram’ ‘Udvastu’ ‘Atmakatha’ ‘Udbritter Itibritta’ by Ajoy Gupta, ‘Kichu Smriti Kichu Katha’ by Saibal Gupta, etc.

5. Immediately after the independence of India, there was a demand for the reorganization of states on the basis of language. The Dar Commission advised that the reorganization of states on the basis of language might threaten national unity. However, the public was not satisfied.

So a committee was appointed in December 1948, which advised against the creation of linguistic states for the time being. The popular movement for reorganization continued.

While on fast, Potti Sreeramulu died. Finally, the separate state of Andhra Pradesh was. created in 1952. Simultaneously, Tamil Nadu emerged as a separate Tamil-speaking state.

6. The agitation for the reorganization of boundaries continued, a commission, known as the States Reorganisation Commission, was constituted to recommend the reorganization of state boundaries.

This commission recommended that India’s state boundaries should be reorganized to form 16 states and 3 union territories. All the states were reorganized accordingly, and they became integral parts of the Indian Union by 1956.

7. India is rich in languages. The constitution of India does not give any language the status of the national language. The official languages recognized by the government of India are Hindi and English.

The framers of the Constitution decided to incorporate 14 languages in the Constitution. The Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India as of December 1, 2007, lists 22 languages.

These are:

[1] Assamese,
[2] Bengali,
[3] Gujarati,
[4] Hindi,
[5] Kannada,
[6] Kashmiri,
[7] Malayalam,
[8] Marathi,
[9] Odia,
[10] Punjabi,
[11] Sanskrit,
[12] Tamil,
[13] Telugu,
[14] Urdu,
[15] Sindhi,
[16] Konkani,
[17] Manipuri,
[18] Nepali,
[19] Bodo,
[20] Dogri,
[21] Maithili and
[22] Santhali.

Social Changes in India from 1947 to 1964

Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century 1947-1964 Topic A Accession Of Princely States Into The Indian Union Mark True Or False

Question 1. By August 15, 1947, all the princely states had joined the Indian Union.
Answer: False

Question 2. The people of Junagadh launched a movement in protest against the decision of Muhammad Mahabat Khanji III to accede Junagadh to India.
Answer: False

Question 3. Maharaja Hari Singh was the Nawab of the princely state of Junagadh.
Answer: False

Question 4. The Nizam of Hyderabad, Mir Osman Ali Khan Asaf Jah III, voluntarily acceded to the Indian Union.
Answer: False

Post-Colonial India Overview 1947-1964

Question 5. With the end of British rule, the transfer of population from Western Punjab to India and from eastern Punjab to Pakistan was peaceful.
Answer: False

Question 6. Gandhiji started fasting in protest against Communal riots after independence.
Answer: True

Question 7. With the end of British rule, the national leaders stated that the princely states were to accede either to India or Pakistan.
Answer: True

Question 8. Junagadh is situated on the coast of Saurashtra.
Answer: True

Question 9. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was the ruler of Junagadh.
Answer: True

Question 10. Goa was a Portuguese colony.
Answer: True

Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century 1947-1964 Topic A Accession Of Princely States Into The Indian Union Fill In The Blanks

1. Indian Independence Act was passed on May 14 (May 14/June 14/July 14) 1947.
2. With the end of British rule in India, the princes of the native states got encouragement to become independent from the statement of Muhammad Ali Jinnah (Louis Mountbatten/Muhammad Ali Jinnah/Vallabhbhai Patel).
3. Indian army captured Hyderabad on September 18, 1948, under the leadership of Jayantanath Choudhury (Jayantanath Choudhury/HariSingh/Potti Sreeramulu).
4. Hyderabad (Hyderabad/Cooch Behar/Manipur) was the largest of the princely states in India.
5. Depredations were carried on by the Razakars (Razakars/Nizam’s army/militants) on the borders of Indian provinces bordering Hyderabad.
6. Maharaja Hari Singh (Kartar Singh/ Hari Singh/ Dara Singh) formally acceded Kashmir to India on October 26, 1947.
7. Akali leader Master Tara Singh (Tara Singh/Hari Singh/Dara Singh) demanded a separate homeland for the Sikhs.
8. The ‘Carrot and Stick policy’ was followed by Vallabhbhai Patel (Jawaharlal Nehru/Vallabhbhai Patel/Mahatma Gandhi).
9. Hari Singh was the Maharaja of Kashmir (Daman/Chandernagore/Kashmir).
10. The State Reorganisation Act was passed in the year 1956 (1954/1950/1956).

Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century 1947-1964

Topic A Accession Of Princely States Into The Indian Union Choose The Best Explanation

Question 1 With the end of British rule, the nationalist leaders stated that the only option left with the princely states was
1. To accede to India or Pakistan.
2. To retain their independence.
3. To accede to the Indian Union.

Answer: 1. To accede to India or Pakistan.

Question 2 Pakistan demanded the inclusion of Kashmir in its dominion as
1. It was a Muslim-majority state.
2. The ruler of Kashmir was in favor of joining Pakistan..
3. The people of Kashmir wanted to join Pakistan.

Answer: 1. It was a Muslim-majority state.

Question 3 Sardar Patel ordered the forcible annexation of Junagadh because
1. The Nawab of Junagadh communicated his wish to accede to Pakistan.
2. If Junagadh was permitted to go to Pakistan, it would increase communal tension.
3. The princely states were free to join India or Pakistan.

Answer: 2. If Junagadh was permitted to go to Pakistan, it would increase communal tension.

Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century 1947-1964 Topic B Refugee Problem After 1947 Mark True Or False

Question 1. The Nehru-Liaquat Pact failed to solve the refugee problem.
Answer: True

Question 2. Francis Tucker’s book ‘While Memory Serves’ is a book on the partition of India.
Answer: True

Question 3. ‘The Princely India I knew’ was written by Conrad Cornfield.
Answer: True

Key Events in India Post-Independence

Question 4. Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee was a member of Central Ministry in India.
Answer: True

Question 5. Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee and Dr. Khitish Chandra Neogi resigned from Central Ministry in protest against the Delhi Pact.
Answer: True

Question 6. Policy of refugee rehabilitation followed by the Government of India was discriminatory in nature.
Answer: True

Question 7. After the partition of Bengal in 1947 East Bengal became a part of India.
Answer: False

Question 8. After the partition of Bengal in 1947 West Bengal became a part of India.
Answer: True

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Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century 1947-1964 Topic B Refugee Problem After 1947 Fill In The Blanks

1. ‘Facts are Facts-The untold story of India’s Partition’ was written by Wali Khan (Francis Tucker/Nirod Chandra Chowdhury/Wali Khan).
2. The capital of Punjab and Haryana is Chandigarh (Chandigarh/Chattisgarh/Ludhiana).
3. The capital of Kashmir is Srinagar (Jammu/Srinagar/Junagadh).
4. The author of ‘Jukto Ebong Mukto Bonger Smriti’ was Annadashankar Ray (Saibal Gupta/Ajoy Gupta/ Annadashankar Ray).
5. The Delhi Pact was signed in the year 1950 (1946/1948/1950).

Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century 1947-1964 Topic B Refugee Problem After 1947 Choose The Best Explanation

Question 1 Jawaharlal Nehru, the Prime Minister of India, and Liaquat Ali Khan, the Prime Minister of Pakistan signed in 1950 a treaty known as the ‘Nehru-Liaquat Pact’.
1. To tackle the problem of the integration of princely states with India.
2. To tackle the increasing refugee problem.
3. To tackle the problem of riots and communal tension after Partition.

Answer: 2. To tackle the increasing refugee problem.

Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century 1947-1964 Topic C Reorganisation Of States In Independent India Mark True Or False

Question 1. Potti Sreeramulu died after fasting for fifty-eight days in 1952.
Answer: True

Question 2. The separate state of Andhra Pradesh was formed on 29th December 1954.
Answer: False

Question 3. KM Panikkar was the chairman of the States Reorganisation Commission (1953).
Answer: False

Impact of Nehru’s Policies on India

Question 4. Gujarat and Maharashtra were born in 1960.
Answer: True

Question 5. Nagaland was separated from Assam in 1963.
Answer: True

Question 6. Maithili and Santhali are referred to as official languages in the Eighth Schedule.
Answer: True

WBBSE Solutions For Class 10 History Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century 1947-1964 Topic C Reorganisation Of States In Independent India Fill In The Blanks

1. The Indira Gandhi Government divided Punjab into three regions on the basis of language in 1966 (1967/1962/1966/1964).
2. The Linguistic Provinces Commission (1948) was formed under the leadership of S K Dar (S K Dar/V P Menon/Jayantanath Choudhury).
3. The first linguistically recognized state was Andhra (Orissa/Punjab/Andhra).
4. Tamil Nadu emerged as a state of the Tamil-speaking people in 1957. (1957/1955/1907).
5. Akali leader Master Tara Singh (Tara Singh/Hari Singh/Dara Singh) demanded a separate homeland for the Sikhs.
6. At present, the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution of India lists 22 (22/14/20) official languages.
7. Suniti Kumar Chattopadhyay was a member of the Official Languages Commission (Official Languages Commission/State Reorganisation Commission/Cabinet Mission).
8. The separate states of Maharashtra and Gujarat were formed by dividing Bombay in 1960 (1950/1960/1962).

Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century 1947-1964 Topic C Reorganisation Of States In Independent India Choose The Best Explanation

Question 1 Jawaharlal Nehru formed the States Reorganisation Commission (1953)
1. To determine the interstate border.
2. To resolve the conflict that broke out between the two communities-the Marathas and the Gujaratis in Bombay.
3. To determine the official languages of India.

Answer: 1. To determine the interstate border.

Question 2 The Official Language Commission (1955) recommended
1. Use of any language as the medium of communication between the center and the states and among the states.
2. Hindi language written in Devanagari script will be the official language of India.
3. Formation of the states and 6 union territories on a linguistic basis.

Answer: 2. Hindi language written in Devanagari script will be the official language of India.

Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century 1947-1964 Topic D Miscellaneous Match The Columns

Column 1 Column 2
(1) Cabinet Mission (A) 1947
(2) Indian Independence Act (B) 1950
(3) Indian Army Captured (C) 1946
(4) Delhi Pact (D) 1948

Answer: 1-C,2-A,3-D,4-B

Column 1 Column 2
(1) Hartley Shawcross (A) Two-Nation Theory
(2) Clement Attlee (B) Iron Man of India
(3) Vallabhbhai Patel (C) Prime Minister of England
(4) Muhammad Ali Jinnah (D) Attorney-General of England

Answer: 1-D,2-C,3-B,4-A

Column 1 Column 2
(1) Chere Asa Gram (A) Hiranmoy Banerjee
(2) Udbastu (B) Dakshinaranjan Basu
(3) N K Bose (C) Autobiography of an Unknown
(4) Nirod Chandra Chaudhuri (D) My Days With Gandhi

Answer: 1-B,2-A,3-D,4-C

Column 1 Column 2
(1) G D Khosla (A) Pathway to Pakistan
(2) Chowdhury Khaliquzzaman (B) From Memories
(3) Firoj Khan Nun (C) The Emergency of Pakistan
(4) Chowdhury Muhammad (D) Memory’s Gay Chariot

Answer: 1-D,2-A,3-B,4-C

Challenges Faced by India in the 1950s

Column 1 Column 2
(1) Secretary Of Home Department (A) Qasim Rizvi
(2) Rule Of Kashmir (B) Jayantanath Choudhury
(3) Leader of The Razakar (C) Hari Singh
(4) General of the Indian Army (D) V P Menon

Answer: 1-D,2-C,3-A,4-B

Column 1 Column 2
(1) Sheikh Abdullah (A) Member of Central Cabinet
(2) Liyaquat Ali Khan (B) Follow Gandhi
(3) Shyama Prasad Mukhopayay (C) Prime Minister of Pakistan
(4) Potti Sreeramulu (D) President of National Conference

Answer: 1-D,2-C,3-A,4-B

Column 1 Column 2
(1) Muhammad Mahabat Khanji III (A) Ruler of Kashmir
(2) Maharaja Hari singh (B) Prime Minister of Britain
(3) Clement Attlee (C) Nizam of Hyderabad
(4) Mir Osman Ali (D) Nawab of the princely state of Junagadh

Answer: 1-D,2-A,3-B,4-C

Column 1 Column 2
(1) Separate Andhra Pradesh State (A) 1947
(2) Invasion of Kashmir by the Pathan Tribesmen (B) 1949
(3) Nizam of Hyderabad joined the Indian Union (C) 1966
(4) Division of Punjab into three regions (D) 1952

Answer: 1-D,2-A,3-B,4-C

WBBSE History Chapter 8 Important Questions

Column 1 Column 2
(1) Formation of United Central Refugee Council (A) 1948
(2) States Reorganisation Act (B) 1950
(3) All Bengal Refugee Council for Action (C) 1953
(4) State Reorganisation Commission (D) 1956

Answer: 1-B,2-D,3-A,4-C

Column 1 Column 2
(1) Mayurbhanj (A) Uttar Pradesh
(2) Kolhapur (B) Saurashtra
(3) Benaras (C) Bombay
(4) Junagadh (D) Orissa

Answer: 1-D,2-C,3-A,4-B

WBBSE Solutions For Class 10 History Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Post Colonial India Second Half Of The 20th Century 1947-1964 Advanced Questions And Answers

Question 1 Write a note on the transfer of assets after the partition of India.

The transfer of assets after the partition of India:

The partition of India (1947) does not refer only to the division of the Bengal province of British India into East Pakistan and West Bengal and the partition of Punjab into West Punjab and East Punjab.

It also refers to the division of other assets and resources including the Indian civil service, the Indian army, other administrative services, the railway, and the central treasury.

Method of the division of assets: The division of national assets proportionately was the single biggest challenge to the Indian and Pakistani governments.

It was decided to use a simple formula of 4:1 ratio (i.e., 80% for India and 20% for Pakistan) for the purpose of divisible assets 90% of Indian industries and the largest cities of Delhi, Bombay, and Calcutta remained in India Jute growing areas went to Pakistan while jute mills and factories remained in India.

Sharing monetary assets: There was a sharing of all the monetary and liquid assets. Liquid assets included printed currency, coins, stocks, postal and revenue stamps, gold reserves, and assets of the Reserve Bank of India.

Economic Developments in Post-Colonial India

In terms of currency notes since there was only one mint, Pakistan agreed to reuse Indian currencies by making those notes with the ‘Government of Pakistan’ stamp till it could establish its own printing press.

Pakistan got a meager share of the financial reserves of the British colonial government with 23% of the undisputed assets. In the case of cash and financial reserves like gold bars, the implementation was simple.

Out of every 5 gold bars 4 was given to India and one to Pakistan. Public transport Railway stocks, government vehicles, and horse-drawn carriages were divided in proportion. The army was also divided.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 10 History Chapter 8

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