WBBSE Chapter 2 Atmosphere Very Short Question And Answers
Answer: About 10000 km.
Answer: 18km.
Answer: 8km.
Answer: Hydrogen.
Answer: No planet.
Read and Learn Also WBBSE Solutions for Class 10 Geography and Environment
Answer: Due to gravitational pull.
Answer: Devoid of colour, smell and taste.
Answer: Atomic hydrogen layer.
Answer: Presence of water vapor.
Answer: Stratosphere.
Answer: Ozone layer.
Answer: Oxygen.
Answer: 80km.
Answer: Thermosphere.
Answer: Ionosphere.
Answer: Chlorofluorocarbons and nitric oxide.
Answer: Antarctica.
Answer: Global warming.
Answer: Magnetopause.
Answer: At an altitude of 20-40km.
Answer: Stratosphere.
Question 24. Mow much solar radiation reaches the earth’s surface?
Answer: 1 part of 200 crore parts.
Question 25. What is the solar energy coming to the earth called?
Answer: Insolation.
Question 26. Which region experiences continuous days and nights for six months in a year?
Answer: Polar regions.
Question 27. What is the lapse rate of temperature?
Answer: 6.4°C for a 1000 m rise in altitude.
Question 28. Where does the temperature remain high
Answer: Equatorial region.
Question 29. Which slope of the mountains in the southern hemisphere remains warmer?
Answer: Northern slope.
Question 30. What is the albedo of the earth?
Answer: 34%.
Question 31. What is the average temperature of the Torrid zone?
Answer: 27°C
Question 32. What is the average temperature of the
Answer: 0°C.
Question 33. What is the average temperature of the surface of the sun?
Answer: About 6000°C.
Question 34. What type of climate is found in coastal regions?
Answer: Moderate or maritime climate.
Question 35. What is the boiling point of water on the Fahrenheit scale?
Answer: 212°F.
Question 36. What is the freezing point of water on the Fahrenheit scale?
Answer: 32° F.
Question 37. Mention the relation between Celsius and Fahrenheit scales.
Answer: 1°C = 33.8°F.
Question 38. Which greenhouse gas is emitted from wetlands?
Answer: Methane.
Question 39. Which greenhouse gases are emitted by air conditioners and refrigerators?
Answer: Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
Question 40. What is the cause of an increase in rainfall in the hot temperate zone?
Answer: Global warming.
Question 41. What causes heavy rainfall in Peru and Ecuador?
Answer: El Nino.
Question 42. What are the lines joining places having equal pressure conditions called?
Answer: Isobars.
Question 43. Which latitudes are called horse latitudes?
Answer: 30°-35° latitudes in both the northern and southern hemispheres.
Question 44. What kind of pressure persists between 0° and 10° latitudes?
Answer: Low pressure.
Question 45. What kind of air pressure is found at the poles?
Answer: High pressure.
Question 46. What is the unit of measuring air pressure?
Answer: Millibar.
Question 47. Who invented the barometer?
Answer: Torricelli.
Question 48. When does the land breeze blow?
Answer: During the night.
Question 49. When does the sea breeze blow?
Answer: During the daytime.
Question 50. When do the southwest monsoon winds blow?
Answer: During summer.
Question 51. In which direction are the winds deflected in the southern hemisphere?
Answer: Towards the left.
Question 52. Which instrument measures wind direction?
Answer: Wind vane.
Question 53. Where is wind speed greater on the earth?
Answer: Between 40°S and 60°S latitudes.
Question 54. What kind of wind are monsoon winds?
Answer: Periodic wind.
Question 55. What kind of pressure condition is found to be associated with cold and dry winds?
Answer: High pressure.
Question 56 Name the planetary wind.
Answer: Trade winds, Westerlies, and Polar winds.
Question 57. Name a sudden wind.
Answer: Cyclone.
Question 58. Name a periodic wind.
Answer: Land breeze/Sea breeze/Monsoon winds.
Question 59. Name a local wind in India.
Answer: Nor’westers/Loo.
Question 60. Name a tropical cyclone.
Answer: Tornado.
Question 61. When was Ferrel’s Law invented?
Answer: 1855.
Question 62. When was the Buys Ballot’s Law invented?
Question 63. What is the other name of the westerly winds?
Answer: Trade winds.
Question 64. Where are most of the deserts of the earth found?
Answer: Tropical region.
Question 65. Why is a greater number of pressure cells developed in the northern hemisphere?
Answer: Due to the presence of landmasses.
Question 66. Name a modern instrument for measuring air pressure.
Answer: Barograph.
Question 67. Why is it difficult to boil food in the mountains?
Answer: Due to low-pressure conditions.
Question 68. Which force is created due to the rotation of the earth?
Answer: Coriolis force.
Question 69. Where does the dry wind called Harmattan blow?
Answer: Guinea coast of western Africa.
Question 70. When did people first come to know about the jet stream?
Answer: During the second world war.
Question 71. Name a wind blowing during the winter.
Answer: Sub-tropical westerly jet stream.
Question 72. What is the circular motion of water through the earth called?
Answer: The water cycle.
Question 73. How is water evaporated from plants?
Answer: Transpiration.
Question 74. What are the processes of evaporation and transpiration together called?
Answer: Evapotranspiration.
Question 75. What is water stored in the soil called?
Answer: Underground water or groundwater.
Question 76. What is the source of condensation and precipitation?
Answer: Water vapor in the atmosphere.
Question 77. What happens to the rate of evaporation if there is less water vapor in the atmosphere?
Answer: The rate of evaporation increases.
Question 78. What is the total water vapor present in a unit of air called?
Answer: Absolute humidity.
Question 79. How is absolute humidity expressed?
Answer: gm/kg.
Question 80. Which region of the world has the highest absolute humidity?
Answer: Equatorial.
Question 81. How is relative humidity expressed?
Answer: In percentage.
Question 82. What is the temperature at which atmospheric water vapor changes to water called?
Answer: Dew point.
Question 83. Give an example of condensation of air.
Answer: Formation of dew.
Question 84. What is the process of water or snow falling on the ground from the atmosphere called?
Answer: Precipitation.
Question 85. Mention one characteristic feature of monsoon winds.
Answer: Winds blow from opposite directions in summer and winter.
Question 86. Name a region facing a hot desert climate in India.
Answer: Thar desert in Rajasthan.
Question 87. Name a region that experiences a Tundra climate.
Answer: Greenland.
Question 88. Which hemisphere is represented if the temperature graph in a rainfall’ temperature map is concave?
Answer: Southern hemisphere.
Question 89. How much cloud cover is depicted by the symbol?
Answer: %th part or 25% of the sky.
Question 90. Which symbol is used to depict an overcast sky?
Question 91. Why is cloud cover expressed in ‘okta’?
Answer: The sky is divided into 8 parts to calculate cloud cover.
Question 92. Which symbol is used to depict a clear sky?
Question 93. Which symbol is used to depict an overcast sky in the upper atmosphere?
Question 94. How are high and low pressure of air determined?
The normal air pressure at the mean sea level is 986 MB to 1013 MB. If air pressure is recorded as less than 986 MB, it is said to be low pressure. If the air pressure recorded is greater than 1013MB, it is said to be high pressure.
Question 95. How is the speed of wind determined? OR, What is an anemometer?
The wind speed is recorded by an instrument known as an anemometer. Anemometer has a graduated dial fixed at its head. When the wind blows t e bowls move like the wheel of a turbine. The speed at which the pole rotates along with the bowls is recorded by the graduated dial at the base of the instrument.
Question 96. Name the instruments measuring air pressure.
Answer: Air pressure is measured with the help of Torricelli’s barometer, Fortin’s barometer, Aneroid barometer, Barograph, and other modern instruments.
Question 97. Why are monsoon winds called seasonal winds?
Answer:‘Monsoon7 comes from the Arabic word ‘Mousam7 meaning seasons. The winds blow from the southwest direction in the summer season and from the northeast direction in the winter.
As the characteristics of the winds change in different seasons, the winds are also called seasonal winds
Question 98. What do you mean by insolation?
The incoming solar radiation is known as ‘insolation’. Only 1 part of 200 crore parts of the sun’s energy reaches the earth as insolation and heats up the earth’s surface and the atmosphere.
Question 99. What are isotherms?
The imaginary lines drawn on maps to join the places having the same temperatures are called isotherms
Question 100. What do you mean by a range of temperature?
Range of temperature:
The difference between the highest and the lowest temperatures of a place over a certain period of time is known as the range of temperature. The difference in temperature for a day is known as the diurnal range of temperature, the difference for a month is known as the monthly range of temperature, and that for a year is known as the annual range of temperature.
Question 101. What are the units of measuring temperature?
Temperature is measured mainly by two units—
- Degree Celsius (°C) and
- Degree Fahrenheit (°F).
Question 102. What is albedo?
About 34% of the sun’s radiation is reflected back into space as long waves. These waves cannot heat the atmosphere or the earth’s surface. This is known as the albedo of the earth.
Question 103. What is effective radiation?
Effective radiation:
About 34% of the sun’s radiation returns to space as the earth’s albedo. The rest 66% of solar energy heats up the atmosphere directly (19%) or by radiation of heat from the earth’s surface (47%). This energy that heats up the earth’s atmosphere is known as effective radiation.
Question 104. What is the ‘solar constant’?
Solar constant:
The total amount of solar radiation received by a black body (a hypothetical perfect absorber and radiator of energy) on the earth’s surface through perpendicular rays per unit of time and per unit of area at a mean distance between the earth and the sun is known as the ‘solar constant’. It is about 1370 watts per sq. km.
Question 105. Which part of the earth is referred to as the Torrid zone?
The region of the earth lies between 23½º and 66½º The average temperature of the earth is The average temperature of this zone is around 27°C. This zone does not undergo many climatic changes.
Question 106. Which part of the earth is known as the temperate zone?
The region of the earth lying between 2334° and 6634° latitudes in both hemispheres is known as the temperate zone. The average temperature of this zone varies between 0° and 27°C. This zone can be further subdivided into a warm temperate zone and a cool temperate zone.
Question 107. Which part of the earth is known as the Frigid zone?
The region of the earth extending between 6634° and 90° latitudes in both hemispheres is known as the Frigid zone. The average temperature of this zone is about 0°C. Like the equatorial region, this region also does not experience many climatic changes throughout the year.
Average monthly temperature Total of the daily average temperature / No. of days in the month = 1078.6c /21 =34.79°C
Question 109. What is Six’s maximum and minimum thermometer?
Six’s maximum and minimum thermometer
The Six’s maximum and the minimum thermometer is an instrument that measures the maximum and minimum temperature of a day. It also helps to calculate the average temperature and the diurnal range of temperature.
Question 110. By which processes is the atmosphere heated?
The atmosphere is mainly heated by the processes of convection, conduction and radiation. Apart from these, it is also heated by advection, direct reflection of solar radiation, geothermal energy, the release of latent heat, vulcanism, etc.
Question 111. What do you mean by average temperature?
Average temperature:
The sum of the highest and lowest temperatures of a place divided by two over a certain period of time is called average temperature. E.g.—If a place has the highest temperature of 30°C and the lowest of 16°C, the average temperature of the day is:
30°C + 16°C /2 = 46°C/2 = 23oC
Question 112. What is the heat equator?
Heat equator:
- The ‘heat equator’ or the ‘thermal equator’ is an imaginary line around the earth running across all the meridians and joining the places having the highest average temperature on each meridian.
- This line more or less follows the 5°N latitude due to the presence of large landmasses and therefore greater summer heating.
Question 113. What is advection?
The lateral or horizontal motion of transfer of heat from warm to cool regions along the surface of the earth is known as advection. Eg- Heat is transferred from the warm equatorial region to the cold polar regions by the advection movement of the air.
Question 114. What are periodic winds? Give examples.
Periodic winds
The winds generated over the earth in the atmosphere at certain fixed times of the year are called periodic winds. Examples- A land breeze, sea breeze, monsoon winds, etc.
Question 115. How can a temperature-rainfall diagram prove whether the area is in the northern or southern hemisphere?
Answer: If the temperature graph in the rainfall-temperature diagram appears to be convex, then the place is located in the northern hemisphere. If the curve appears concave, the place lies in the southern hemisphere.
Question 116. How can tundra climate be identified with the help of a rainfall temperature diagram?
Answer: In a rainfall-temperature diagram, if the temperature curve shows temperature below the freezing point for 8-9 months a year and the range of temperature is quite high, the climate thus indicated is a tundra climate.
Question 117. How can a hot-desert climate be identified with the help of a rainfall-temperature diagram?
Answer: In a rainfall-temperature diagram, if the temperature curve shows a huge difference between summer and winter conditions, and rainfall is very scanty and negligible, the climate thus indicated is a hot desert climate
Question 118. What is drizzle?
Sometimes precipitation may occur in the form of very tiny droplets (<0.5 mm diameter) continuously from nimbostratus clouds. The droplets are so tiny that they seem to float in the air. This is called drizzle. Drizzles may occur often during the rainy season.
Question 119. What do you mean by super-saturated air?
Super-saturated air?
If any special geographical area contains more water vapor in the air than is needed to make the air saturated at that particular temperature, the air is said to be supersaturated to understand the distribution of rainfall throughout the earth.
Question 120. Explain the process of radiation.
Process of radiation:
The process of transfer of heat from one place to another without the help of any medium or without heating the medium present in between, is called radiation.
Eg- The earth’s surface radiates back solar energy through long waves and heats up the atmosphere. Radiation occurs faster in days of cloudless clear skies..
WBBSE Chapter 2 Atmosphere Write True And False
Answer: False
Geography Class 10 Chapter 2 Question Answer WBBSE
Answer: True
Answer: True
Answer: False
Answer: True
Answer: True
Answer: False
Answer: True
Answer: False
Answer: False
Answer: True
Answer: True
Answer: False
Answer: True
Answer: False
Answer: True
Answer: False
Answer: True
Answer: True
Answer: False
Answer: True
Answer: False
Question 23. The atmosphere remains bound to the earth by gravity.
Answer: True
Answer: False
Answer: True
Answer: True
Answer: False
Answer: False
Answer: True
Answer: False
Answer: True
Question 32. The sea level rises by 10-12 cm with every 1°C rise in temperature of the earth.
Answer: True
Question 33. The maximum emission of greenhouse gases occurs from thermal power plants.
Answer: True
Question 34. The earth gets maximum heat from methane gas emissions.
Answer: False
Question 35. Nature plays an important role in global warming.
Answer: False
Question 36. The southern slopes of the mountains in the southern hemisphere receive more heat than the northern slopes.
Answer: False
Question 37. The atmosphere gets heated up by the short-wave radiation of heat from the earth’s surface.
Answer: False
Question 38. The air currents heat up the atmosphere through the process of transportation
Answer: False
Question 39. Climate does not change in equatorial and polar regions.
Answer: True
Question 40. La Nina is a warm ocean current.
Answer: True
Question 41. Water bodies get quickly heated up and cool faster than landmasses.
Answer: False
Question 42. Temperature is extreme in regions lacking vegetation.
Answer: True
Question 43. The average temperature of the Torrid zone is 27°C.
Answer: True
Question 44. Inversion of temperature occurs in mountain valleys.
Answer: True
Question 45. Summer persists throughout the year in the equatorial region.
Answer: True
Question 46. The maximum heat is received at about 2 O’clock in the noon.
Answer: True
Question 47. The length of solar waves is measured in microns.
Answer: False
Question 48. The atmosphere is a good conductor of heat.
Answer: False
Question 49. A decrease in temperature with an increase in altitude is called the lapse rate.
Answer: False
Question 50. The temperature of the surface of the sun is about 4000°C.
Answer: False
Question 51. Miimbnl enjoys maritime? climate due to Its coastal location.
Answer: True
Question 52. The boat actuator lies along the Tropic of Cancer.
Answer: False
Question 53. Global warming causes changes in agricultural patterns.
Answer: True
Question 54. Wind speed is less in higher altitudes.
Answer: False
Question 55. Wind speed is measured in knots.
Answer: True
Question 56. Westerlies are also known as anti-trade winds.
Answer: True
Question 57. Trade winds blow between 35° and 60° latitudes.
Answer: False
Question 58. The Westerlies blowing over 50°S latitude is known as Screeching Sixties.
Answer: False
Question 59. Pampero winds blow over the Pampas grasslands from the Andes mountains.
Answer: True
Question 60. Tropical cyclone generated near the islands of western India is known as hurricanes.
Answer: False
Question 61. The tropical cyclone generated over the southern part of the USA is called a tornado.
Answer: True
Question 62. The 10°S latitude is called the horse latitude due to highly speedy and noisy winds.
Answer: False
Question 63. Air pressure is high in summer and low in winter.
Answer: False
Question 64. Air temperature is inversely related to air pressure.
Answer: True
Question 65. The rotation of the earth causes low pressure near the Arctic and Antarctic Circles.
Answer: True
Question 66. The chance of storms increases if the isobars lie far from each other.
Answer: False
Question 67. Air rises upwards in the doldrum region of the equator.
Answer: True
Question 68. Friction reduces the speed of winds.
Answer: True
Question 69. Westerlies cause more rainfall during the summer season than the winter season.
Answer: False
Question 70. Khamsin is a hot local wind.
Answer: True
Question7 1 . The jet stream blows from the east to the west.
Answer: False
Question 72. Jet stream blows very close to the earth’s surface.
Answer: False
Question 73. The monsoon winds are related to jet streams.
Answer: True
Question 74. All cyclonic winds have eyes in the center.
Answer: False
Question 75. The tropical cyclone of Australia is known as Willy Willy.
Answer: True
Question 76. The local wind blowing over the Rhine valley is called Foehn.
Answer: True
Question 77. Loo is a periodic wind.
Answer: False
Question 78. Loo is a cool moist wind.
Answer: False
Question 79. Chinook is a periodic wind.
Answer: True
Question 80. The sea breeze blows during the daytime.
Answer: True
Question 81. The speed of the jet stream is 300-500 km/hr
Answer: False
Question 82. Foehn winds may lead to forest fires.
Answer: True
Question 83. Blizzards are common in Italy.
Answer: False
Question 84. Cyclones are known as ‘Taifu’ in the Philippines.
Answer: False
Question 85. A jet stream is a geostrophic wind.
Answer: True
Question 88. The easterly jet stream is responsible for the arrival of monsoon winds in India.
Answer: True
Question 89. The air pressure is measured with the help of Fortin’s Barometer.
Answer: True
Question 90. The drought conditions develop on the western coast of South America due to the influence of El Nino of the Pacific Ocean.
Answer: True
Question 91. Wind velocity is measured with the help of an Anemometer.
Answer: True
Question 92. Mistral is a warm local wind that blows over Rhone valley in France.
Answer: True
Question 93. Floods occur in India during the years of El Nino.
Answer: False
Question 94. The water cycle helps to maintain the balance of circulation of water in the earth.
Answer: True
Question 95. Temperature and rainfall are high throughout the year in a monsoon climate.
Answer: False
Question 96. Mediterranean climate is found on the Malabar coast of India.
Answer: False
Question 97. Monsoon winds blow over India and Bangladesh only.
Answer: False
Question 98. Two adjacent climatic regions are separated with a distinct line.
Answer: False
Question 99. Sometimes convectional rainfall occurs in winter in India.
Answer: False
Question 100. The distribution of water would have been hampered without the presence of the water cycle.
Answer: True
Question 101. The precipitation of ice crystals along with rainfall is called a hailstorm.
Answer: True
Question 102. In the equatorial region, rainfall occurs around 4 o’clock in the afternoon every day.
Answer: False
Question 103. A Steppe climate is prevalent in Perth in Australia.
Answer: False
Question 104. The temperature remains below the freezing point for 8-9 months in the Tundra region.
Answer: True
Question 105. Greenland enjoys a humid temperate climate.
Answer: False
Question 106. In the southern hemisphere, the temperature is high during December-January and low during May-June.
Answer: True
Question 107. China’s type of climate is not seen anywhere in the world except China.
Answer: False
Question 108. Changes in seasons are observed in the Equatorial region.
Answer: False
WBBSE Chapter 2 Atmosphere Fill In The Blanks
Answer: Tropopause
Answer: Magnetosphere
Answer: Dust particles
Answer: Arctic
Answer: 8km
Answer: Troposphere
Answer: 0.93
Answer: Troposphere
Answer: Ionosphere
Answer: Decreases
Answer: Stratosphere
Answer: 18 km
Answer: Nitrogen
Answer: Lonosphere
Answer: Water vapor
Answer: Change
Answer: 3,500km
Answer: 97
Answer: Magnetosphere
Answer: Ozone
Answer: Smoke
Question 22. The total amount of water vapor present in one unit volume of air is known as _________ humidity.
Answer: Absolute
Question 23. Air is said to be _________ when relative humidity is 100%.
Answer: Saturated
Question 24. The type of precipitation in which ice crystals fall along with rainfall is known as _________
Answer: Hailstorm
Question 25. Water vapor _________ forms clouds.
Answer: Condenser
Question 26. This is the _________ driest season in India.
Answer: Winter
Question 27. Dew drops freeze to form _________
Answer: Frost
Question 28. The dew point is then _________ freezing point.
Answer: Higher
Question 29. The circular movement of water from the earth to the atmosphere and back is known as _________
Answer: Water cycle
Question 30. Water changes into vapor through the process of _________
Answer: Evaporation
Question 31. Air is called _________ if it contains high amounts of water vapor.
Answer: Humid
Question 32. In India, the air remains _________ in winter.
Answer: Day
Question 33. Condensation and precipitation occur due to the presence of _________
Answer: Water vapor
Question 34. Absolute humidity is represented by the unit of _________
Answer: Gm/cubic meter
Question 35. _________ climate has rainy summers and dry winters.
Answer: Monsoon
Question 36. The amount of water vapor present in the air depends upon _________
Answer: Temperature
Question 37. Smoke and fog together create _________
Answer: Smog
Question 38. The heating up of the earth’s surface and the atmosphere by solar energy is known as_____
Answer: Effective incoming radiation
Question 39. Sun’s rays fall almost vertically throughout the year on the_____
Answer: Equator
Question 40. The light arid heat energy coming from the sun to the earth’s surface Is called _____
Answer: Insolation
Question 41. The _____ location Is a major cause of the difference In atmospheric temperature.
Answer: Latitudinal altitudinal
Question 42. The 40″ latitude is _____ than the 30° latitude.
Answer: Cooler
Question 43. Reflection of sunlight is _____ on land than on the water.
Answer: Lesser
Question 44. The increase or decrease of temperature that is felt on the skin is called _____
Answer: Sensible heat
Question 45. In the upper atmosphere, water vapor gives out _____ hile condensation.
Answer: Latent heat
Question 46. The average temperature of the Torrid zone is _____
Answer: 27ºC
Question 47. The average temperature of the temperate zone varies between 0″ C and _____
Answer: 27ºC
Question 48. The average temperature of the Frigid zone _____
Answer: 0ºC
Question 49. The red soil remains _____ than alluvial soil during day time.
Answer: Warmer
Question 50. The difference in temperature between day and night is known as the _____ of temperature.
Answer: Diurnal range
Question 51. Solar energy is radiated by _____waves.
Answer: Short
Question 52. The annual range of temperature is greatest at the _____
Answer: Poles
Question 53. The imaginary lines joining places having the same temperatures are called _____
Answer: Isotherms
Question 54. The climate becomes _____ with increasing distance from the sea.
Answer: Extreme or continental
Question 56. An increase in temperature with an increase in altitude is known as_____
Answer: Inversion of temperature
Question 57. The climate of the places near the seashores is_____
Answer: Moderate or maritime
Question 58. The _____ thermometer helps to measure the average atmospheric temperature.
Answer: Six’s
Question 59. The temperature remains low during the day if the sky is _____
Answer: Cloudy
Question 60. The phenomenon of increasing temperature of the earth’s surface is called _____
Answer: Global warming
Question 61. The rise of the sea level is the result of _____
Answer: Melting of ice caps
Question 62. El Nino may cause _____ in India.
Answer: Drought
Question 66. According to NASA, about _____ % of polar ice is melting every decade.
Answer: 9
Question 67. Temperature increases with the increase of altitude in the atmosphere are called_____
Answer: inversion of temperature
Question 68. The calm region near the tropics is known as the _____
Answer: Horse latitudes
Question 69. If the isobars lie close to each other in a concentric pattern,_____ may occur.
Answer: Storms
Question 70. Air pressure _____ with a decrease in temperature.
Answer: Increases
Question 71. Wind speed _____ if the pressure gradient becomes steep.
Answer: Increases
Question 72. The Sirocco winds are known as_____ in Spain.
Answer: Leveche
Question 73. Coriolis force becomes _____ near the equator.
Answer: Zero
Question 74. The ITCZ lies along the _____
Answer: Equator
Question 75. The coastal regions experience _____ climate.
Answer: Moderate/ maritime
Question 76. The easterlies are also known as _____ winds.
Answer: Trade
Question 77. Typhoons originate in the _____ Sea.
Answer: South China
Question 78. The polar winds have very less humidity, hence pressure is _____
Answer: High
Question 79. The polar winds have very less humidity, hence pressure _____
Answer: Aneroid barometer
Question 80. The _____ is used to measure wind direction.
Answer: Wind vane
Question 81. The first instrument invented for measuring air pressure is _____
Answer: Torricelli’s
Question 82. A _____ scale is attached with Fortin’s barometer along with the main scale.
Answer: Vernier
Question 83. Air pressure _____ with an increase in altitude of mountainous regions.
Answer: Decreases
Question 84. The height of mountains can be measured by an _____
Answer: Altimeter
Question 85. Boiling of food occurs best at _____
Answer: Sea level
Question 86. 99% of the mass of the atmosphere lies within _____ km from the sea level.
Answer: 32 km
Question 87. The speedy wind blowing from the west in the upper atmosphere is called_____
Answer: Jet stream
Question 88. Mistral is a _____ wind.
Answer: Local
Question 89. The word ‘Chinook’ means _____
Answer: Snow eater
Question 90. The warm wind blowing over California in the winter season is called _____
Answer: Santa Ana
Question 91. The cyclonic winds have an _____ in the center.
Answer: Eye
Question 92. The jet stream blowing over India during the rainy season is known as the _____
Answer: Easterly jet
Question 93. The local wind blowing in the coastal areas of the Adriatic sea in winter is called the_____
Answer: Bora
WBBSE Chapter 2 Atmosphere Match The Columns
Question 1.
Left Column | Right Column |
1. Inversion of temperature | A. Decrease in temperature |
2. Increase in altitude | B. Increase in temperature |
3. Distance from the sea | C. Katabatic winds |
4. Urbanisation | D. Controls rainfall |
5. Forests | E. Extreme climate |
Answer: 1-C,2-A,3-E,4-B,5-D
Question 2.
Left Column | Right Column |
1. El Nino | A. Rising sea level |
2. Melting of polar ice caps | B. Increase in temperature |
3. Cloudiness | C. Horizontal transfer of heat in the atmosphere |
4. Advection | D. Drought in India |
Answer: 1-D,2-A,3-B,4-C
Question 3.
Left column | Right column |
1. Troposphere | A. Reflection of radio |
2. stratosphere | B. Formation of clouds and rainfall |
3. Thermosphere | C. Meteros get burnt |
4. Mesosphere | D. Abors the ultraviolet rays |
5. Lonosphere | E. Gradual rise in temperature with altitude |
Answer: 1-B,2-D,3-E,4-C,5-A
Left Column | Right Column |
1. Ozone gas | A. Magnetosphere |
2. Van Allen radiation belt | B.Floating dust particles |
3. Noctilucent clouds | C. Exosphere |
4. Aerosol | D. Schonbein |
5. Exobase | E. Mesosphere |
Question 5.
Left Column | Right Column |
1. Equatorial climate | A. Seasonal rainfall |
2. Monsoon climate | B. High temperature, low rainfall |
3. Mediterranean climate | C. Snowfall instead of rainfall |
4. Tundra climate | D. Daily rainfall |
5. Desert climate | E. Rainfall in winter |
Answer: 1-D,2-A,3-E,4-C,5-B
Question 6.
Left Column | Right Column |
1. Dew | A. Precipitation |
2. Fog | B.Smoke and fog |
3. Smog | C. Droplets of water floating in the sky |
4. Clouds | D. Condensation near the earth’s surface |
5. Drizzle | E. Droplets formed on grass tips and leaves due to condensation of water vapor |
Answer: 1-E,2-D,3-B,4-C,5-A
Question 7.
Left column | Right column |
1. Sirocco | A. Egypt |
2. Khamsin | B. Sicily |
3. Foehn | C. Rhone valley |
4. chinook | D. Prairie region |
5. mistral | E. Rhine valley |
Answer: 1-B,2-A,3-E,4-D,5-C
Question 8.
Left column | Right column |
1. Torricells barometer | A. Measures height and air pressure |
2. Fortin’s barometer | B. vernier scale measures |
3. Aneroid barometer | C. Measures the speed of the wind |
4. Anemometer | D. Measures air pressure |
5. Beaufort scale | E. Wind speed |
Answer: 1-D,2-B,3-EA,4-B,5-C