WBBSE Class 8 Geography Chapter 6 Topic A Equatorial Climatic Region And Monsoon Climatic Region

Chapter 6 Climatic Regions Synopsis

The climate of a region is largely determined by its latitude, altitude, distance from the sea, wind movement, ocean currents, etc.

The areas with almost identical temperatures, rainfall, air pressure, latitudinal extent, humidity, amount of sun rays received, etc., are known as Climatic regions.

the climatic region has almost uniform natural vegetation, soil, biodiversity and lifestyle of the people.

There is a transitional zone between two different climatic regions, where the characteristics of both regions prevail.

The equatorial climatic region is found on both sides of the equator, up to 5°-10° North and South latitudes. This region experiences a hot and humid climate throughout the year.

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The temperature at night is generally lower than the temperature in the Equatorial region. That is why nights in the Equatorial region are called ‘Winters of the Tropics’.

In the Equatorial region, rainfall with thunderstorms generally occurs from cumulonimbus clouds in the afternoon. This rainfall is known as 4 o’clock rain.

Due to high temperatures and rainfall over the Equatorial region, trees bear green leaves throughout the year. Hence, these forests are called Evergreen forests.

The dense forest cover of the Equatorial climatic region is also known as Equatorial Rain Forest.

Dense evergreen forests in the Amazon basin of Brazil are called Selva.

The trees of the evergreen forests have broad leaves. The trees are so close to each other that their leaves form an overhead layer or canopy.

The trees do not grow lateral branches in the lower part of the trunk, but form canopies with a thick growth of leaves on the top. That’s why forest floors do not receive sun rays and are called lands of ‘eternal darkness’.

Equatorial Climate Characteristics

The Selva forest in Brazil can have up to 300 different species of plants in just 2 sq. km. Creepers and bushes form thick undergrowth in the dark, damp forest floor and make the forest impenetrable.

There are several aborigines in the Equatorial region, e.g., Pygmies in the Zaire basin, Red Indians in the upper Amazon basin, and Semangs in Southeast Asia.

The word ‘Monsoon’ has been derived from the Arabic word ‘mousim’, meaning ‘season’. It is traditionally defined as a seasonal reversal of wind system accompanied by corresponding changes in precipitation.

The monsoon climatic region is found between 10 and 30° North and South latitudes on either side of the equator. The eastern parts of the tropical continents experience this type of climate.

The opposite direction of winds in summer and winter, hot and humid summer and dry winter, etc., are some of the characteristic features of Monsoon. climate.

When the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal branches of south-east monsoon enter into the Indian subcontinent, sudden and tremendous rainfall occurs. It is known as the ‘Burst of Monsoon’.

Due to the favourable climate and rapid development in agriculture, transport systems, etc., the Monsoon climatic region is the most populous part of the world.

The Mediterranean climatic region is experienced in the western parts of the sub-tropical continents between 30° and 40° latitudes in both hemispheres. Mediterranean climate is mostly found in the sixteen countries around the Mediterranean Sea.

Sunny weather, cloudless skies, dry summers and wet winters are the main characteristics of the Mediterranean climate. As rainfall occurs in winter, this region is called as ‘Country of winter rainfall’.

Olive is a characteristic tree in the Mediterranean climatic region. Due to bright and abundant sunny weather in this region grapes, figs, apples, pears, peaches, plum, walnuts, peanuts and different types of citrus fruits are grown here. Hence this region is called the ‘Basket of fruits.

The world’s best film-making industry has developed in Hollywood in California, USA due to pleasant weather, sunshine and other favourable conditions.

Tundra, a Russian word, literally means barren, mountainous land, but it also means a type of algae. Tundra type of climate is experienced in the regions around the Arctic and Antarctic Circles.

The Tundra Climatic region is found near the Arctic circle of the northern hemisphere and a very small part along the coast of Antarctica of the southern hemisphere.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Chapter 6 Topic A Equatorial Climatic Region And Monsoon Climatic Region

Monsoon Climate Features

A short cool summer and a long severe cold winter are the major climatic conditions of the Tundra climate. Winter lasts for about 8-9 months in the tundra region.

During the continuous six months of night in the tundra region, sometimes a rainbow-like light appears in the sky for 2-3 hours. This is known as Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis in the North Pole and South Pole regions respectively.

In northern Norway at Hammerfest, port (70°30′ North) and nearer areas sun remains visible at midnight according to the local time. Hence this region is called the ‘Land of Midnight Sun’.

Several groups of indigenous people live in the Tundra region. These arctic indigenous peoples include Eskimos and Red Indians in Greenland, Canada and Alaska; Samoyeds and Yakuts in Siberia; Lapps and Finns in the Scandinavian peninsula, etc.

In winter, the inhabitants live in Igloos- round-shaped houses made of snow. In summer, when ice melts away, they live in seal leather tents called Tupic.

Natives of the Tundra region use sledges without wheels over the snow-covered ground and the boat, and kayaks made of seal water skin over the bodies for transportation purposes.

Chapter 6 Topic A Equatorial Climatic Region And Monsoon Climatic Region Analytical Type Questions

Question 1. Define climatic region. Write the features of climatic regions.

Climatic region:

The climate of a region is largely determined by its latitude, altitude, distance from the sea, wind movement, ocean currents, etc. The areas with almost identical temperatures, rainfall, air pressure, latitudinal extent, humidity, amount of sun rays received, etc., are known as Climatic regions.

A climatic region has almost uniform natural vegetation, soil, biodiversity and lifestyle of the people. Some of the important climatic regions are- the Equatorial climatic region, the Monsoon climatic region, the Mediterranean climatic region and the Tundra climatic region.

Distribution of Climatic Regions

Features of climatic regions:

The features of climatic regions are as follows-

1. Controlling elements:

Climatic elements such as temperature, rainfall, winds, air pressure, cloudiness, etc. control and determine the climate of a particular region.

2. Extension:

Each climatic region has a particular fixed extent (depending on latitudes).

3. Transitional zone:

There is a transitional zone between two different climatic regions, where the characteristics of both regions prevail.

4. Influence on vegetation and animal life:

The climate of a region influences the plants and animals living there. So, an idea about a climatic region can be made by studying the features of the flora and fauna in that region. For example, olive trees are representatives of the Mediterranean climatic region and polar bears are identifying features of the polar regions.

5. Influence on humans:

Climatic regions influence the socio-economic environment of man to a great extent. Food habits, clothes sense, houses, etc. are influenced by climate.

6. Sub-division of regions:

A big climatic region may have multiple sub-divisions for variation of climatic elements and location.

Question 2. Discuss the influence of climate on human lifestyle.

Climate On Human Lifestyle:-

The climate of the dwelling place exerts the greatest influence on the inhabitants. Their food habits, dresses, house and all cultural and economic activities etc., are all dependent on the climatic conditions of the region they live in.


The clothes that people wear depend on the climatic pattern of that area. People living in the torrid zone wear light cotton clothes. In temperate and cold regions, people prefer woollen and leather garments.

Those living in the desert region have to wear long-covered dresses from head to toe to avoid the severe heat of the day.

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Dwelling places:

The roofs of the huts in the equatorial region are highly slanting and low. The floors of the huts are raised a few centimetres from the ground because of excessive rainfall and damp ground condition.

Again, Eskimos live in igloos to get protection from bitter cold and snowfall.


People in the Equatorial region are mostly gatherers of forest products and hunters. As the climate is extremely hot and humid, agriculture is not practised in this region.

On the other hand, people living in tropical Monsoon climate regions and in temperate climate regions have maximum earnings from agriculture. In the cold tundra and the cool temperate regions, the main occupation of the people is fishing.

People in the wet and warm temperate climatic zones are now making rapid progress in industries.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 Geography Chapter 6 Topic A Equatorial Climatic Region And Monsoon Climatic Different types of Clothes of people in diffferent climatic regions

Question 3. Discuss the special features of the Equatorial climatic region.

Special Features Of The Equatorial Climatic Region:-

The Equatorial climatic region is found on both sides of the equator up to 5°-10° North and South latitudes. The following are the special characteristics of this region-

1. Temperature:

The annual average temperature of this region remains about 27°C. Temperatures generally vary from 25°C-30°C.

2. Range of annual temperature:

The annual range of temperature is 2°C-3°C and so it is summer all through the year.

3. Range of diurnal temperature:

The difference in temperature between days and nights is about 5°C-10°C and so nights are comparatively colder. Nights, here, are called tropical winters.

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4. Angle of sun’s rays:

The Equatorial region receives almost perpendicular sunrays throughout the year.

5. Air pressure:

The region has a permanent low-pressure belt and so convection currents are present. Thus doldrum’ (a region of calm) prevails here.

6. Humidity:

This region has a larger water surface than land and the vertical sun rays help in evaporation. So, the humidity of the air is very high and hence, damp weather prevails throughout the year.

7. Rainfall:

In this region, convectional rainfall occurs from cumulonimbus clouds, along with thunderstorms. It is known as 4’o clock rain or afternoon shower. There are about 250 to 300 rainy days in a year and the annual average rainfall is 200 cm to 250cm.

8. Cloudiness:

The sky is generally clear in the morning but gets heavily overcast with cumulonimbus clouds in the evening.

9. Absence of seasons:

The sun is overhead throughout the year so the region has only one season, that is summer.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 Geography Chapter 6 Topic A Equatorial Climatic Region And Monsoon Climatic Distribution of the Equatorial climatic region


Question 4. Discuss the variety of flora and fauna in the Equatorial region.

Variety Of Flora And Fauna In The Equatorial Region:-

Due to excessive temperature, rainfall and other climatic features, various types of flora and fauna can be noticed in this region.

Variety of flora:

In the Equatorial region, hot and humid atmospheres have brought about diversity in the plant kingdom. The different varieties of trees found in this region are-

Impact of Climate on Biodiversity

1. Evergreen trees:

In the Amazon basin of Brazil and the Zaire basin of Africa, forests of evergreen, broad-leaved, and hardwood trees are found. In Brazil, these forests are called Selva.

It has been noticed that in some parts of the rainforests of Brazil, there are about 300 species of trees within just 2 sq. km of land. The trees are tall with a canopy on the top. Canopy does not allow sunlight to penetrate and reach the forest floor.

Creepers and bushes form thick undergrowth in the dark, damp forest floor and make the forest impenetrable. Rosewood, ironwood, mahogany, ebony, cocoa, brazil nut, cinchona, ablus and rubber are the important trees of this region.

2. Weeds:

Tall trees are covered with various types of parasites, creepers, ferns, etc.

3. Other trees:

Coconut, palm, betel nuts and palmyra are common in the coastal areas.

Variety of fauna:

Convectional rainfall and dense inaccessible forests with evergreen trees have encouraged a variety of animals to live here. Animals which can climb tall trees are mostly found in this region. Animals residing in these forests are as follows-

  1. Animals residing in the uppermost parts: Golden monkeys, flying squirrels, macaw, toucan, orangutang, etc. live here.
  2. Animals residing in the mid-parts: Gorillas, chimpanzees, monkeys, bats and various insects live here.
  3. Animals living on the forest floor: Leopards, wild boars, cheetahs, deer, fox, rhinoceros, elephants, etc. live near the ground surface.
  4. Animals in the water bodies: In swamps and rivers live crocodiles, poisonous snakes, hippopotami, anacondas, etc.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 Geography Chapter 6 Topic A Equatorial Climatic Region And Monsoon Climatic Animal Kingdom


Question 5. Discuss the socio-economic condition of the people residing in the Equatorial climatic region.

Socio-Economic Condition Of The People Residing In The Equatorial Climatic Region:-

Due to hot and humid climate and a dangerous environment, the population density of this region is very low. The density of the population is not even one on average in the Amazon and Zaire basins.

Socioeconomic status of the people (mostly tribes) residing in this region is discussed below-

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The aborigines of the Equatorial climatic region collect fruits and roots from the forests for their livelihood. Pygmies of the Zaire basin, Red Indians of the upper Amazon basin, and Semangs of south-east Asia collect flowers, roots, fruits, leaves, rubber latex and other materials available there, to live on. Some of them collect only latex for a living.


Tribes like Pygmy, Bantu and Moora hunt animals in the forest.


Primitive methods of cultivation are still practised in the Equatorial region. Three types of agriculture are carried on here-

Shifting cultivation:

This is also called the ‘slash and burn’ method of cultivation. In this method of cultivation, the people clear a plot in the forest by cutting trees and burning the stalks.

Then they grow crops in that plot for a few years. When the fertility of the soil decreases, they just shift to another plot. Turnip, banana, sweet potatoes, yam, maize, etc. are grown in this way.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 Geography Chapter 6 Topic A Equatorial Climatic Region And Monsoon Climatic Shifting cultivation


Plantation farming:

Rubber, cocoa, banana and palm are the important crops of plantation farming in the equatorial region.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 Geography Chapter 6 Topic A Equatorial Climatic Region And Monsoon Climatic Banana gardening

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Intensive cultivation:

In Southeastern countries of Asia, intensive cultivation of paddy is practised.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 Geography Chapter 6 Topic A Equatorial Climatic Region And Monsoon Climatic Paddy field

Mineral resources:

Tin is obtained from Malaysia and Indonesia. Mineral oil and natural gas are obtained in large volumes from Sumatra, Java and Borneo.

Industrial production:

Industries have not developed in the Equatorial region due to unfavourable conditions. However, certain agro-based, forest-based and mineral-based industries have developed on a small scale.

Among these are-

  1. Mineral oil refinery
  2. Rubber production from latex
  3. Palm oil production from palm trees
  4. Coffee processing
  5. Sugar processing from sugarcane
  6. Timber industry with wood obtained from local forests.

Comparison of Equatorial and Monsoon Climates

WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 Geography Chapter 6 Topic A Equatorial Climatic Region And Monsoon Climatic Coffee Production


WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 Geography Chapter 6 Topic A Equatorial Climatic Region And Monsoon Climatic Rubber production from latex


Question 6. Discuss the features of the Monsoon climatic region.

Features Of The Monsoon Climatic Region:-

Monsoon climate is found from 10° to 30° latitudes in both hemispheres, in the eastern part of the continent. Following are the special characteristics of this region-

1. Warm summers and mild winters:

Hot humid summer and dry mild winter are the main characteristics of this region. The maximum temperature of this region in summer is 30°C on an average, while it is 25°C on average in winter.

2. Winds blow from opposite directions season-wise:

Winds in summer and winter blow from opposite directions. For example, south-west monsoon winds from the seas bring rain to the Indian subcontinent in summer, while in winter, dry north-east monsoon winds (retreating monsoon) blow from land to sea.

3. Sufficient rainfall:

Monsoon climatic regions receive 150-200 cm of rainfall on an average, depending on physiography and distance from the sea. The amount of rainfall received also varies.

Monsoon rains are uncertain. Mawsynram is the wettest place in the world receiving more than 1200 cm of average annual rainfall, while the Thar desert of Rajasthan receives scanty or no rainfall.

Climatic Zones in India

WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 Geography Chapter 6 Topic A Equatorial Climatic Region And Monsoon Climatic Cycle of seasons

4. Succession of various seasons:

Two opposite wind systems (south-west and north-east) have caused four seasons.

Example-In the northern hemisphere

  1. A dry, cold season called ‘winter’ prevails from November to January.
  2. A warm, dry season called ‘pre-monsoon summer’ prevails from March to May.
  3. The wet season called the ‘monsoon rainy season’ prevails from June to September.
  4. A transition of wet season to cold season called ‘autumn’ prevails from September to October.

Just the opposite seasonal conditions prevail in the Monsoon climatic regions of the southern hemisphere at the same time.

5. Air pressure:

An intensive low-pressure zone forms over the Tropic of Cancer in the northern hemisphere by the influence of the monsoon climate in summer. Hence, cold, high-pressure winds from the southern hemisphere come rushing towards the low-pressure zone. Opposite. conditions prevail in winter.

Question 7. Discuss the economic developments in the Monsoon climatic region.

Economic Developments In The Monsoon Climatic Region:-

Economic condition of the Monsoon climatic region has developed remarkably. It has been discussed under the following points-

1. Agricultural development:

Favourable natural conditions (like- climate, and fertile soil) encourage the inhabitants to make progress in agricultural activities. They produce paddy, wheat, jute, tea, coffee, sugarcane, cotton, rubber, lentils, oilseeds, etc. in large quantities.

Out of this, paddy occupies the topmost position. This region is very important for producing fruits like mango, jamun, jackfruit, litchi, banana, pineapple, guava, etc.

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WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 Geography Chapter 6 Topic A Equatorial Climatic Region And Monsoon Climatic diffferent resources of the monsoon cliamatic

2. Abundant animal products:

Though grasslands for commercial grazing are not available in this region, domestic animals are reared everywhere. Cows, goats, sheep and buffaloes are mostly reared as domestic animals.

Milk and milk-based products, meat, etc. are the important animal products of this region. Silkworms and lac insects are reared, along with poultry farming.

3. Pisciculture:

Inland water bodies have helped in the development of fisheries. Fishing is also carried out in the coastal regions.

4. Mining of mineral resources:

This climatic region is rich in minerals. Mining iron ore, manganese, bauxite, coal, and mica from India; tin, lead, zinc, copper, and mineral oil from Thailand; bauxite and iron ore from Australia help many inhabitants to earn their livelihoods.

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WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 Geography Chapter 6 Topic A Equatorial Climatic Region And Monsoon Climatic Pisciculture

5. Development of industries:

Various industries have developed in some places in this region, based on agricultural and mineral raw materials. For example-

  1. Iron and steel, cotton textile, jute textile, sugar, engineering industries of India,
  2. Jute textile industry of Bangladesh,
  3. Mineral oil refining of Myanmar,
  4. Electronics and engineering industry of Thailand,
  5. Sugar, cotton textile and jute textile industries of China,
  6. The cotton textile industry of Pakistan.

6. Density of population and urbanisation:

The Monsoon climatic region of Asia is the most densely populated region in the world due to favourable climate, fertile soil, enriched agriculture and advanced transport network.

Due to this, a large number of people have settled in the plains of the rivers Ganges, Indus, Brahmaputra, Irrawaddy, Sikiang, Mekong, Chao Phraya, etc. Many metropolitan cities have developed in these regions.

For example-

  1. Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, and Bengaluru in India,
  2. Karachi, Lahore in Pakistan,
  3. Dhaka in Bangladesh,
  4. Colombo in Sri Lanka,
  5. Yangon in Myanmar,
  6. Bangkok in Thailand,
  7. Hanoi in Vietnam, etc.

7. Collection of forest products:

Some people living here earn their livelihood by collecting forest products and from the industries based on those products. Sal, teak, mahogany, etc., are used for furniture making and shipbuilding; bamboo and sabai grass for making paper pulp and paper.

Other important products obtained from these forests include rubber latex, honey, lac wax, medicinal herbs, etc.

Chapter 6 Topic A Equatorial Climatic Region And Monsoon Climatic Region Short Analytical Type Questions

Question 1. Where in the world can the Equatorial type of climate be found?

The World Can The Equatorial Type Of Climate Be Found:-

Generally, the Equatorial type of climate is found between 5°-10° North and South latitudes. This type of climate is seen in the following regions-

  1. South America: Amazon basin, i.e., the northern part of Brazil and western coast of Columbia.
  2. Africa: Guinea coast, Congo or Zaire basin and eastern part of Madagascar.
  3.  Central America: Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala and some parts of Caribbean islands.
  4.  Asia: Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, south-western India, southern Sri Lanka, etc.

Question 2. The nights of the Equatorial region are called ‘tropical winters’-Justify.

The Nights Of The Equatorial Region Are Called ‘Tropical Winters’:-

The Equatorial region remains very hot throughout the year as it receives vertical sun rays. The average day temperature generally records 25°C-30°C. As a result, excessive evaporation takes place.

This increases temperature, as well as humidity. At night the temperature drops about 20°C-25°C. The heat is distributed over a large area. Hence, the nights remain cold and are termed as tropical winters.

Weather Patterns in Equatorial Regions

Question 3. Discuss the characteristics of the Equatorial evergreen forest.

Characteristics Of The Equatorial Evergreen Forest:-

The important characteristics of the Equatorial evergreen forests are as follows

  1. The trees of the Equatorial rainforests are about 60m in height.
  2. Trees do not grow lateral branches in the lower part of the trunk, but form canopies with thick growth of leaves on the top. Thus, the forest floors do not receive sun rays and are called ‘Lands of eternal darkness.
  3. These evergreen forests are very dense and impenetrable.
  4. Many types of valuable trees grow here.
  5. A classfication according to the height of the trees can be noticed here.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 Geography Chapter 6 Topic A Equatorial Climatic Region And Monsoon Climatic Equatorial evergreen forest


Height-wise there are five distinct layers

  1. Dominant or emergent layer- trees are 30-60 m in height.
  2. Co-dominant or canopy layer trees are 25-30 m in height.
  3. Understorey layer trees are 12-20 m in height.
  4. Herbaceous or shrub layer- bushes and shrubs grow here.
  5. Forest floor layer-creepers, fern, orchids, etc. grow here.

Question 4. Briefly write about Selva forest.

Selva Forest:-

The denser forests of the world can be found in the Equatorial region. These forests are characterised by extreme heat, humidity and rainfall throughout the year.

These Equatorial rainforests in Brazil are called Selva. The trees growing in these forests compete with each other to get sunlight. So, the trees are very tall with broad leaves and form canopies in the upper layers of the forest.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 Geography Chapter 6 Topic A Equatorial Climatic Region And Monsoon Climatic Selva

These canopies do not allow sunlight to penetrate and reach the forest floor. They also have long trunks with large diameters that yeild hard and heavy wood.

Creepers and bushes form thick undergrowth in the dark, damp, forest floor and make the forest impenetrable. The trees of these forests are naturally arranged height-wise. In some places, about 300 species are found within just 2 sq.km of land.

These forests have trees like rosewood, ironwood,, cocoa, coffee, rubber, brazil nut, sandalwood and ebony.

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Question 5. Discuss the significance or uses of the forests of the Equatorial region.

Significance Or Uses Of The Forests Of The Equatorial Region:-

The significance of the rainforests of the Equatorial region is discussed below-

  1. Rubber, a tree of the Equatorial rainforest, is tapped to produce latex for making rubber, which is known as ‘Black gold’ in Brazil.
  2. Brazil nuts, when crushed, produce oil and their shells are used for making buttons.
  3. Chewing gum is extracted from the trees called japoti.
  4. Edible oil, soaps, glycerine, etc., are produced from palm oil.
  5. Quinine, an antidote of malaria, is extracted from the bark of cinchona trees.
  6. Some of the hard wood of the forest are used in furniture making, ship building, construction of stages or in other structural works.

Question 6. Why has agriculture not developed much in the Equatorial region?

Agriculture Not Developed Much In The Equatorial Region:-

Agricultural practices have not developed much in the Equatorial region, because-

1. Excessive rainfall:

Even though rainfall is required for cultivation, excessive rain damages crops. As it rains every day in the equatorial region, most crops get damaged.

2. Dense vegetation:

The Equatorial region is mostly covered with dense evergreen rainforests. If the land is left vacant for a few days, it gets covered with weeds and bushes.

3. Insects and pests:

The damp and moist climate of the Equatorial region facilitates the growth of insects and pests. These attack and damage the crops.

4. Use of primitive techniques for cultivation:

Since the countries on or near the equator are economically backward, they use primitive techniques for cultivation. The output by these methods of cultivation is very low.

Question 7. Why has lumbering not developed in the Equatorial climatic regions?

Lumbering Not Developed In The Equatorial Climatic Regions

Equatorial climatic regions have dense developed there because of the following evergreen forests, yet lumbering has not factors-

1. Types of trees:

The trunks of evergreen trees are so hard that the felling of trees is very difficult in this region. In the Equatorial region, trees of different species grow together, making the forests very dense.

As a result, collection of wood from these forests become difficult. The collectors often have to wonder deeper into the forest in search of the exact products.

2. Inconvenience in transportation:

The ground or the forest floor of the Equatorial rainforest remains wet and humid. Hence, building of roads and railway tracks for transportation of logs is very difficult and expensive.

3. Disease-prone climatic conditions:

Accumulation of water on the forest floor leads to the growth of different types of poisonous insects, flies, mosquitoes, etc., which spread a number of diseases. So, it is very difficult to collect timber safely from these forets.

4. Unavailability of labourers:

Labour is not available in the Equatorial forest regions and so felling of trees, collection and transportation of logs, etc. are highly inconvenient processes there.

5. Inaccessible forest:

The Equatorial rainforests are so inaccessible that no one can enter in the forests easily.

Human Adaptation to Climatic Regions

Question 8. Give the location of the Monsoon climatic zone.

Location Of The Monsoon Climatic Zone:-

The location of the Monsoon climatic region may be depicted as-

1. Latitudinal location:

The region lies roughly between 10°-30° North and South latitudes on either side of the equator.

2. Geographical location:

The geographical location of the Monsoon climatic zone is mentioned below-

  1. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Mayanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Taiwan, South China and some parts of the Philippines in south and south-east Asia record the maximum influence of the Monsoon climate.
  2. Madagascar, Somalia and Mozambique in the eastern part of Africa are also influenced by this climate.
  3. Florida and Mexico in North America lie within the Monsoon region.
  4. The east coast of Brazil in South America experiences this type of climate.
  5. Queensland in the northern part of Australia also records Monsoon climatic features.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 Geography Chapter 6 Topic A Equatorial Climatic Region And Monsoon Climatic Distribution of monsoon climatic regions


Question 9. Why does the Monsoon climatic region receive scanty rainfall in winter?

Monsoon Climatic Region Receive Scanty Rainfall In Winter:-

Generally seasons occur alternately in the two hemispheres. When there is summer in the northern hemisphere, it is winter in the southern hemisphere and vice versa.

But the monsoon region of both hemispheres receives negligible rainfall in the winter season. This is because, during winter in both hemispheres, the high pressure (due to low heat) develops over the landmass and the adjacent warmer water bodies have low pressure over them (water bodies take a longer time to discharge heat).

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So, the land breeze blows towards the seas. This dry wind cannot cause any rainfall. However, in some cases, the retreating monsoon winds from the land pass over water bodies and collect some amount of moisture from there.

These then cause rainfall in the area of land they blow over next. For example, in the Tamil Nadu coast, India scanty rainfall | snakes, insects, etc., due to their thick occurs in winter due to these winds.

Question 10. Describe the natural vegetation of the Monsoon climatic region.

Natural Vegetation Of The Monsoon Climatic Region:-

A variety of natural vegetation is found in different parts of the Monsoon climatic region, depending on the amount of rainfall and temperature of that area.

For example-

1. Evergreen trees:

In the areas receiving 200 cm or more rainfall annually, grow mahogany, sishu, rubber, garden, etc.

2. Deciduous trees:

In the areas receiving 100cm-200 cm of rainfall annually, grow sal, steam, sirish, teak, palash, mahua, sagoon and fruit orchards of mango, blackberry, jackfruit, etc.

3. Shrubs and bushes:

In the areas receiving 50cm-100 cm of rainfall annually, grow pear, acacia, bushes and shrubs.

4. Desert vegetation:

In the areas where annual rainfall is less than 50 cm, grow desert vegetation that include cactus, babla, date, palm, and thorny bushes.

5. Mangrove forest:

In the sea coasts and deltas of rivers, where tides are active and keep the soil salty, mangrove forests are found. Trees like Sundari, garan, gewa, hentai, etc. are mainly seen in this forest.

Question 11. What do you know about the fauna of the Monsoon climatic region?

Fauna Of The Monsoon Climatic Region:-

There are many animals like monkeys, deer, elephants, rhinoceros, cheetahs, tigers, wolves, bears, hyenas and foxes, which are found in the forests of Monsoon climatic region. Only in the Sundarbans of India-Bangladesh, the world-famous royal Bengal tigers are found.

Crocodiles are found near river estuaries of the coastal area. One-horned rhinoceros are found in the forests of Assam and North Bengal. Lions are found only in the Gir forest in Gujarat in India.

Apart from these, the dense forests that receive excessive rainfall have different types of birds, and vegetation growth. The grassland of the monsoon climatic region is used for rearing domestic animals like cows, goats and sheep.

Question 12. Why is the Monsoon climatic region? most densely populated?

Monsoon Climatic Region:-

The Monsoon climatic region is most densely populated due to the following reasons-

1. Favourable climate:

In this region, the average temperature varies from 20°C-30°C and the annual average rainfall is 150cm- 200 cm. Hence, people prefer to live in this congenial climatic area.

2. Soil:

The alluvial soil (silt) of the river basins are highly fertile and suitable for agriculture. The black soil found in this region is also very good for cultivation.

3. Forest resources:

The timber from the evergreen and deciduous forests and other forest products are helpful for the livelihood of the residents.

4. Mineral resources:

This region has mineral resources like iron, copper, coal, manganese, bauxite, mineral oil, etc. which are important for the development of various industries.

5. Agricultural practice:

The favourable climate, fertile soil, and availability of water have made the region rich in the production of paddy, wheat, jute and other edible corn.

6. Industry:

The concentrated development of industries like iron and steel, cotton textiles, sugar, jute, oil refining, etc. has led to increased population density in this region.

Question 13. Name some areas of the world, which have the same climatic condition as your own country. 

Some Areas Of The World, Which Have The Same Climatic Condition As Your Own Country:-

We live in India, a country dominated by the Monsoon climate. This climate influences the region lying between 10° and 30° latitudes in both hemispheres.

This type of climate prevails in some areas of the world apart from our country.

For example-

  1. The Monsoon type of climate is mostly prevalent in countries which are located in south and south-east Asia, like Pakistan, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Thailand, Laos, Taiwan, South China, Taiwan, Cambodia and Vietnam.
  2. Countries on the eastern coast of Africa (Madagascar, Somalia, Mozambique, etc).
  3. Coasts of Florida and Mexico in North America.
  4. The eastern coast of Brazil in South America.
  5. Queensland in northern Australia.

Seasonal Changes in Monsoon Regions

Question 14. Write the differences between the Equatorial climate and the Monsoon climate.

The differences between the Equatorial climate and the Monsoon climate are-

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WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 Geography Chapter 6 Topic A Equatorial Climatic Region And Monsoon Climatic Differences between Equatorial and monsoon climate


Question 15. Is there any relation between origin of the monsoon and differences in air pressure and temperature over landmass and water bodies in the seasons of summer and winter?

WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 Geography Chapter 6 Topic A Equatorial Climatic Region And Monsoon Climatic Summer and Winter

Answer: During winter in the northern hemisphere, the sun becomes perpendicular over the Tropic of Capricorn in the southern hemisphere. High-pressure areas are developed over Asian landmass due to very low temperatures.

On the contrary, low-pressure areas are developed in the southern Indian Ocean owing to high temperatures. Consequently, wind blows from high-pressure areas to low-pressure areas, resulting the North-east monsoon or Winter monsoon.

The above conditions are reversed in summer in the northern hemisphere. The sun becomes vertical over the Tropic of Cancer and oblique over the southern Indian Ocean.

High-pressure area is developed over the water bodies and low-pressure area is formed over the Asian landmasses. Therefore, wind starts blowing from the southern Indian Ocean to the Indian subcontinent, resulting the South-west monsoon or Summer monsoon.

So, there is a close relation between the origin of monsoon and the differences in temperature and air pressure over landmass and water bodies in the seasons of summer and winter.

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Chapter 6 Topic A Equatorial Climatic Region And Monsoon Climatic Region Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. What is a climatic region?

Climatic Region:-

The climate of a region is largely determined by its latitude, altitude, distance from sea, wind movement, ocean currents, etc.

The areas with almost identical temperatures, rainfall, air pressure, latitudinal extent, humidity, amount of sun rays received, etc., are known as Climatic region.

A climatic region has almost uniform natural vegetation, soil, biodiversity and lifestyle of the people. Example-countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, etc. lie in the Monsoon climatic region.

Question 2. Explain how natural vegetation and climate change with the increasing altitude of a place.

Natural Vegetation And Climate Change With The Increasing Altitude Of A Place:-

Due to the inverse relationship between temperature and altitude, there will be a drop in temperature by 6.5°C for every 1000m of ascent. There will also be changes in vegetation cover of the mountain slopes with increasing altitude.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 Geography Chapter 6 Topic A Equatorial Climatic Region And Monsoon Climatic Changes of natural vegatation with altitude

As a result, evergreen forests grow on the foothills, the deciduous forests grow between 1000m and 2000 m of height, the coniferous forests grow within 2000m- 4000 m of height and above that grow the Alpine grassland.”

Question 3. What does a juncture of various climatic zone mean?

A Juncture Of Various Climatic Zone Mean:-

Various climatic regions are separated by fine lines on maps, but actually it cannot be so, because one climatic area can slowly merge into the neighbouring one by natural process.

Thus, an area convergence or juncture is formed between two neighbouring climatic regions. This region is also known as transitional zone, where characteristics of both climatic zones may prevail. Such junctures extend almost up to 100-150 km.

Question 4. Why does the Equatorial region have continuous summer throughout the year?

The Equatorial Region Have Continuous Summer Throughout The Year:-

The Equatorial region receives almost vertical rays of the sun throughout the year and so the temperature remains very high there. No change of temperature occurs even after northern and southern solstices or summer and winter solstices.

The annual difference in temperature is only 2°C-3°C. Here, the temperature can rise up to 30°C during the day. Besides these, the region has many water bodies and so its humidity is also high. Thus, the equatorial region has summer throughout the year.

Question 5. There is no change of seasons in the Equatorial region, yet it is cold at night. Why?

There is no change of seasons in the Equatorial region, yet it is cold at night:-

The Equatorial region receives almost vertical rays of the sun during the day throughout the year, and so the difference in temperature is only 2°C-3°C annually.

But the difference between the day temperature and the night temperature is almost 5°C-10°C. This is mainly due to afternoon showers and radiation of heat at night from the earth’s surface. Thus, at night the temperature drops down.

Question 6. Why is rainfall a daily phenomenon in the Equatorial region?

Rainfall A Daily Phenomenon In The Equatorial Region:-

The Equatorial region’s intense low-pressure zones develop due to extremely hot weather conditions. The region also has many water bodies, which increase the amount of moisture in the air.

The moist and hot air in this region rises (by convection), gets cooled and condenses in the upper layers of the atmosphere. This causes convectional rainfall almost every day in the afternoon.

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Rainfall occurs for about 250- 300 days a year in this region.

Question 7. Most of the people in the Equatorial region are hunters and gatherers of fruits. Why?

Most Of The People In The Equatorial Region Are Hunters And Gatherers Of Fruits:-

The inhabitants of the Equatorial region are basically hunters and gatherers. Due to the extremely hot and moist climate, dense forests are found in this region.

Hence, agriculture is not practised in this region. The people here hunt animals and collect fruits and roots for food from these dense evergreen forests.

Question 8. What is the significance of the name ‘monsoon’?

Significance Of The Name ‘Monsoon’:-

The word ‘monsoon’ has been derived from the Arabic word ‘mouse’, meaning season. Seasonality is a salient feature of the monsoon climate. It is also called a season-wise periodical wind system.

It is a larger-scale version of land and sea breezes. The climate of this entire region is under the influence of the monsoon winds and is hence called the Monsoon climatic region.

Question 9. What is a burst of monsoon?

Burst Of Monsoon:-

In the month of June, the Tropic of Cancer receives vertical rays of the sun. So, the north-western part of India experiences extremely high temperatures and intense powerful low pressure develops over the region.

Due to this low pressure, moist winds from the Arabian Sea as well as from the Bay of Bengal enter into India rapidly. Consequently, the Indian landmass becomes cloud covered and torrential rain with thunder and lightning occurs.

This is called burst of monsoon. This system causes the first rainfall of the season in Kerala.

Question 10. Why are monsoon winds erratic in behaviour?

Monsoon Winds Erratic In Behaviour:-

There is no consistency in the arrival and retreat of the monsoon winds. It can be timely or late in arrival and this uncertainty at times leads to droughts or conditions of flood.

Thus, the Monsoon winds are said to be whimsical or erratic in nature.

Question 11. Where in India do we find tropical evergreen and deciduous forests?

We Can Find Tropical Evergreen And Deciduous Forests In India:-

The tropical evergreen forests are found in the western slopes of the Western Ghats, Meghalaya Plateau, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep Islands, and foothills of the Himalayas.

The deciduous forests are found in The Tarai and Duars region of the Himalayas, Odisha, Chota Nagpur Plateau, Madhya Pradesh and other states like West Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, etc.

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Chapter 6 Topic A Equatorial Climatic Region And Monsoon Climatic Region Multiple Choice Questions Choose The Correct Option

Question 1. The main determinant of the climate of a region is-

  1. Latitudinal extension
  2. Wind movement
  3. Altitude
  4. Human activity

Answer: 1. Latitudinal extension

Question 2. Convectional rainfall occurs throughout the year in-

  1. India
  2. Bangladesh
  3. Spain
  4. Indonesia

Answer: 4. Indonesia

Question 3. Degree of biodiversity is highest in-

  1. Tundra region
  2. Equatorial region
  3. Mediterranean region
  4. Monsoon region

Answer: 2. Equatorial region

Question 4. The regions stretching from 10°-30° North and South latitudes and situated in the eastern margins of continents experience-

  1. Monsoon type of climate
  2. Equatorial climate
  3. Tundra climate
  4. Mediterranean climate

Answer: 1. Monsoon type of climate

Question 5. A country situated in the Monsoon climatic region is-

  1. Italy
  2. India
  3. Russia
  4. Greece

Answer: 2. India

Question 6. Winds blow from opposite directions during winter and summer in the-

  1. Monsoon climatic region.
  2. Mediterranean region
  3. Tundra region
  4. Equatorial region

Answer: 1. Monsoon climatic region.

Question 7. The Monsoon climatic region receives maximum rainfall in-

  1. Summer
  2. Autumn
  3. Winter
  4. Throughout the year

Answer: 1. Summer

Question 8. A Burst of monsoon indicates-

  1. End of the rainy season
  2. End of winter
  3. Consent of winter
  4. The onset of the rainy season

Answer: 4. Onset of the rainy season

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Question 9. Different types of domesticated mammals are found in-

  1. Tundra region
  2. Equatorial region
  3. Mediterranean region
  4. Monsoon region

Answer: 4. Monsoon region

Question 10. The main crop that grows in the Monsoon climatic region is-

  1. Paddy
  2. Wheat
  3. Cotton
  4. Maize

Answer: 1. Paddy

Question 11. This amount of the world’s population lives in the Monsoon climatic region-

  1. Fifty per cent
  2. One-fourth
  3. One-third
  4. One-fifth

Answer: 1. Fifty per cent

Question 12. The ‘Rice Bowl’ of China is-

  1. Hunan
  2. Yangtze Kiang
  3. Beijing
  4. Hwang Ho

Answer: 1. Hunan

Chapter 6 Topic A Equatorial Climatic Region And Monsoon Climatic Region Very Short Answer Type Questions Fill In The Blanks

Question 1. Places situated on the same parallel of latitude have almost similar ________.
Answer: Climate

Question 2. The boundary between two different climatic zones is known as the ________.
Answer: Transitional zone

Question 3. Length of day and night is almost equal in ________ climate.
Answer: Equatorial

Question 4. ________ rainfall occurs predominantly in the Equatorial climatic region.
Answer: Conventional

Question 5. The overlay, made up of the overlapping branches and leaves of the trees of a rainforest, is known as ________.
Answer: Canopy

Question 6. Rosewood, ironwood and Brazil nut trees grow in the ________ climatic region.
Answer: Equatorial

Question 7. Rubber, cocoa, coffee, sugarcane and palm are ________ crops.
Answer: Plantation

Question 8. The main adverse effect of the construction of the Trans-Amazon Highway is loss of ________.
Answer: Biodiversity

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Question 9. Sandalwood trees grow in the ________ climatic region.
Answer: Monsoon

Question 10. The city of Shanghai in China is located in the ________ climatic region.
Answer: Monsoon

Write True Or False

Question 1. The climate is the average change of the weather conditions of a place over 40-45 years.
Answer: False

Question 2. Queensland, in the north of Australia, shows a slight influence of the Monsoon climate.
Answer: True

Question 3. The average annual rainfall in the Monsoon climatic region is 50cm-100 cm.
Answer: False

Question 4. One of the chief characteristics of the Monsoon climate is the periodicity of seasons.
Answer: True

Question 5. The deciduous forest of the Monsoon climatic region is called tropical Monsoon forest.
Answer: True

Question 6. There are four main seasons in a year of the Monsoon climatic region.
Answer: True

Match The Columns

1. WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 Geography Chapter 6 Topic A Equatorial Climatic Region And Monsoon Climatic Match the columns

Answer: 1. C, 2. A, 3. B, 4. E, 5. D


Answer In One Or Two Words

Question 1. Mention a country in Central America, that experiences an Equatorial climate.
Answer: Panama.

Question 2. What is the average annual temperature of the Equatorial region?
Answer: 27°C.

Question 3. Which type of rainfall occurs in the Equatorial climatic region?
Answer: Convectional rainfall.

Question 4. Which climatic region records the maximum variety of animal life?
Answer: Equatorial climatic region.

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Question 5. Name two indigenous people from the Equatorial climatic region.
Answer: Pygmy of Zaire basin and Semang of South- east Asia.

Question 6. Which climatic region is not socio-economically rich?
Answer: Equatorial climatic region.

Question 7. Which area in Australia experiences a Monsoon type of climate?
Answer: Queensland of northern Australia.

Question 8. Which wind blows over India in winter?
Answer: North-east monsoon/Retreating monsoon.

Question 9. How many seasons can be found in Monsoon climatic region?
Answer: Four.

Question 10. Name two important plant species of mangrove forest.
Answer: Sundari, Garan, Gewa, etc.

Question 11. Name the world’s maximum paddy and jute-producing climatic region.
Answer: Monsoon climatic region.

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