NEET Foundation Biology Chapter 5 Natural Resources SAQs
Chapter 5 Natural Resources Short Answer Type Question And Answers
Question 1. What are the effects of global warming?
The effects of global warming are:
- The rise in temperature has led to the melting of glaciers, increasing the sea level.
- Decrease in the production of crops due to the eruption of plant diseases, pests and growth of weeds as a result of an increase in the temperature.
- The increase in the warmth of the atmosphere has led to a rise in the moisture-carrying capacity of the air.
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Question 2. What do you understand by physical weathering?
Physical Weathering:
Factors that contribute to physical weathering include temperature, rainwater, wind, ice, glaciers, snow, and running water. The roots of the plants also play a crucial role in weathering by penetrating into the crevices of the rocks.
Example: The freezing of water leads to the expansion of water in the rock crevices, which leads to the breakdown of rocks.
NEET Biology Natural Resources Short Answer Questions
Natural Resources
Question 3. What are the advantages of rainwater harvesting?
Advantages of rainwater harvesting are:
- Checks soil erosion.
- Raise water table.
- Maintains supply of water during months of the year.
- Control floods.
- Reduce loss of water through run-off.
Question 4. What is biomagnification?
It is also known as food chain magnification in a manner that organisms present at the top of the chain contain harmful chemicals, such as DDE, DDT, methyl mercury, etc. They may affect the organisms that feed on them. For example: Minimata disease in fish-eating population is a result of biomagnification of mercury in fishes.
Question 5. What are chemical water pollutants?
Chemical Water Pollutants:
It includes organic wastes such as sewage, fertilizers, pesticides (DDT, DDE, BHC, etc.), PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls), detergents, inorganic chemicals (lead, nickel, mercury, arsenic, nitrates, fluorides, cadmium, etc.), inorganic impurities such as calcium and magnesium.
Chapter 5 Natural Resources SAQs for NEET Foundation
Question 6. Describe the characteristic features of renewable and non-renewable resources.
The characteristic features of renewable and non-renewable resources:
Question 7. What do you understand by the term environment?
Everything that encompasses us acting as a life support system is termed as environment. It provides us food to eat, air to breathe, water to drink, and it fulfils our daily requirements to survive on earth.
Question 8. What is biosphere?
Biosphere refers to the region of earth’s crust and atmosphere, which is occupied by the living organisms.
Question 9. Who coined the term biosphere?
The term ‘biosphere’ was coined by the geologist Eduard Suess.
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Question 10. What are the differences between biotic and abiotic components?
The differences between biotic and abiotic components:
Question 11. All the living organisms are basically made up of C, N, S, P, H and O. How do they enter the living forms? Discuss.
All the living organisms are basically made up of C, N, S, P, H and O.
Through photosynthesis and absorption from soil.
Question 12. How is our atmosphere different from the atmospheres on Venus and Mars?
Our atmosphere contains gases like nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapour and other gases in very small amount. Atmosphere of Venus and Mars have about 95% of carbon dioxide. So life is not possible.
Question 13. How does the atmosphere act as a blanket?
The atmosphere acts as a blanket in the following ways.
- It maintains the temperature on the surface of earth during day and night time.
- It contains ozone in the upper layer which protects life from harmful ultraviolet radiation.
Question 14. What causes winds?
Causes Of Winds:
The uneven heating of atmosphere in different regions of earth causes wind. The rotation of earth and the presence of mountain ranges also helps in the formation of wind, its blowing direction.
Question 15. How are clouds formed?
Formation Of Clouds :
During day time water from different sources like pond, lake, river, sea, well, etc., gets evaporated and this water vapour rises with the hot air. At a specific height, the air cools and the water vapour condenses to form minute droplets and forms clouds. When these water drops become heavy, they precipitate and fall as rain.
NEET Foundation Biology Natural Resources Chapter SAQs
Question 16. What do you understand by the term microclimate?
Microclimate refers to the difference in temperature observed over an area of just a few square metres or larger areas covering few kilometres.
Question 17. Why does the percentage of gases like oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide remains almost the same in the atmosphere?
Cycling of these gases maintains consistency.