WBCHSE Class 11 Physics Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity Notes

 Physical World And Measurement

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity

Scoped And Excitements Of Physics

The conquest of physics is often compared to is climbing up a mountain. We climb up to get a better view and a better realization of the universe around us. The farther we climb, the greater is our view and we acquire a more refined knowledge.

  • Sometimes the old path is abandoned, temporarily or permanently, and a new path is invented to climb up to a higher level and to have a better view of the realities of nature.
  • A generally accepted viewpoint is that the peak of the mountain is far above the highest point we could reach so far.
  • The peak, the ultimate truth regarding nature, is probably far beyond our present-day conceptions.
  • As a consequence. the scopes of physics, and of science in general, and the corresponding excitements are almost limitless, paving the way for continuous quests for the truths of the universe.

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 Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity

Nature Of Physical Laws

Physics is concerned with the study of matter and energy in transit. The theoretical structure of physics in the present times is as follows:

Classical Physics: Before the beginning of the 20th century, it was convincingly established that,

  1. Matter is composed of particles and obeys Newton’s laws of motion, and
  2. Radiant energy is composed of waves and obeys Max-well’s electromagnetic field theory.

These two constitute what is known today as classical physics. This has been extremely successful to date, except in the domains of

  1. Particle speed compared to that of light (3 x 10-8 m · s-1) and
  2. Particle size of the order of 10-10m or less.

Theory Of Relativity: When the particle speed rises to nearly the speed of light, Newton’s laws are no longer obeyed. Einstein’s theory of relativity can successfully explain particle behaviors in that domain. However, this theory is not just a modification of the classical one: it introduces some revolutionary concepts, particularly on space and time.

Quantum Mechanics: Classical physics fails to describe the motion of microscopic particles, of diameter 10-10 m or less. Heisenberg, Schrodinger, de Broglie, Dirac, and others developed quantum mechanics, that can successfully describe this domain. In contradiction to the classical concept, it establishes the dual nature of both matter and radiation: each of them behaves sometimes as the composition of particles, and at other times, of waves.

Quantum Field Theory: This encompasses the theories of relativity and quantum mechanics, and hence, describes the behaviors of high-speed microscopic particles.

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity

Conservation Principles

A few inherent symmetries of nature led the physicists to accept some conservation principles and to analyze the physical world on the basis of these principles. A physical quantity is said to be conserved when it can change its manifestation only, but can never be created or destroyed. The most important of these principles are:

  1. Conservation Of Mass-Energy: The symmetry of nature with respect to translation of time is called homogeneity of time and it leads to the law of conservation of energy.
    • Earlier, the conservation of mass and the conservation of energy constituted two separate principles. The theory of relativity established that mass and energy are interconvertible, and this concept led to the principle of conservation of mass-energy.
  2. Conservation Of Linear Momentum: Laws of nature take the same form everywhere in the universe i.e., there is no preferred location in the universe. This symmetry of the laws of nature with respect to displacement or translation in space is called homogeneity of space and gives rise to the law of conservation of linear momentum.
  3. Conservation Of Angular Momentum: Isotropy of space (i.e., there is no preferred direction in space) gives rise to conservation of angular momentum.
  4. Conservation Of Charge: Charged particles can be created but only in pairs of equal and opposite charge such that the total amount of charge remains the same.

A few other conservation principles are also in use.

Four Basic Interactions: Only four types of interactions among matter and energy exist in nature and each of them is mediated by the exchange of a particle called mediator or exchange particle.

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity Name Of Fundamnetal Forces

  1. Gravitational Interaction: This is the attractive interaction between two masses. It obeys the inverse square law. So its range is infinite theoretically, although it may not be detectable beyond a large but finite distance. It is the weakest force in nature.
  2. Electromagnetic Interaction: This is the attractive or repulsive interaction between two electrostatic charges, or between two magnetic poles. The range is similar to that of gravitational interaction.
  3. Strong Or Nuclear Interaction: It is the strong attractive force that is responsible for holding neutrons and protons together inside the atomic nucleus. It is a noncentral and nonconservative force. It is a short-range force that operates only over the size of the nucleus (~10-14 m). Beyond this, the interaction goes to zero. It does not obey the inverse square law.
  4. Weak Interaction: An example of this interaction is that of an electron with a proton or a neutron within nuclear dimensions as in a beta decay. Its range is also very short—it ceases beyond about 10-15 m.

The following table gives a summary of the four fundamental forces in order of increasing strength.

Einstein conceived a dream that all four interactions are different manifestations of a single ultimate natural interaction. This came from his strong belief that nature has some form of ultimate overall symmetry.

The consequent but so far undiscovered concept is known to physicists as the unified field theory. The quest for this theory is on. In spite of some partial successes, the gravitational interaction in particular escaped to show any substantial link with the other three interactions.

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity

Physics And Technology

Technology is known to be the bridge between the concepts of science and their application to human needs. The rattling of the lid of a kettle containing boiling water led to the concept of the power of steam. Consequently, steam engines were constructed by technologists to utilize steam power directly for human needs. There are many similar examples.

  • The theory of the action of magnets on currents led to electric fans and motors, electromagnetic induction has been utilized to construct electricity-producing dynamos in large power plants, the study of radioactivity-produced nuclear bombs and nuclear power plants, and so on.
  • In the modern applications of electronics, telecommunications, computers, and the internet, physics, and technology march almost simultaneously.
  • In these fields, there are almost no partition lines physicists and technologists almost always complement each other.

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity

Physics And Society

Physics has always provided very valuable contributions toward the necessities, amenities, and luxuries of our society. Mem in this present society would not certainly have been able to live without the outcomes of physics like electricity, telecommunication, computers, and the internet.

  • On the other hand, it must be noted that physics and its practices are nothing but parts of our society. As such, it enjoys the social virtues, and at this same time, cannot escape the social evils.
  • It is benefitted from the inherent human nature of pursuing knowledge, in the quest for novel developments.
  • On the other hand, it had to be instrumental in the production of nuclear bombs. Proper funding, skilled human resources, and other facilities for physics are often minimal in some countries.
  • It is obvious that the development of physics has always been and will always be closely interlinked with the development of our society as a whole.

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity

Matter And Energy

Air, water, clay, sand, and all such natural substances are made of matter. There are three types of matter

  1. Element,
  2. Compound and
  3. Mixture.

Hydrogen, oxygen, etc. are examples of elements. Whereas water, common salt, etc. are compounds and air, milk, etc. are mixtures. Matter manifests itself in the form of material bodies. A material body, simply called a body, has mass and occupies space.

In nature, every material body is observed to change its state frequently in some form or other. For example, a stone kept under direct sunlight becomes hot, naphthalene balls decrease in size with time, and the water level in a beaker decreases with time. During all such changes matter exchanges energy with its surroundings.

Energy is generally described as the ability to do work. Energy manifests itself in nature in one of the following forms:

  1. Mechanical energy,
  2. Heat energy,
  3. Light energy,
  4. Sound energy,
  5. Magnetic energy,
  6. Electrical energy,
  7. Chemical energy and
  8. Nuclear energy.

In classical physics, nature has two entities matter and energy. Both are indestructible. Matter can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only change from one form to another. Similar is the case with energy. These properties led to the formulation of

  1. The law of conservation of mass and
  2. The law of conservation of energy. Later, following Einstein’s theory of relativity, it was discovered that mass could be converted into energy (nuclear fission process) or energy into mass (production of electron-positron pair from a moving photon). This led to a single conservation law the law of conservation of mass energy.


Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity

Length Mass And Time Measurement

Measurement Of Length: Length measurement methods are of two types

  1. Direct method and
  2. Indirect method.

A physical quantity is measured by comparing it with a standard measurement which defines its unit. For example, when we measure some length, we measure with respect to some standard value like lm or 1cm.

Standard Length: Distance traveled by light in 1/299792458 second in vacuum, is taken as 1 meter.

Direct Method: In this method, the length to be measured is directly compared with the standard unit of length. A scale or ruler can be used to measure the length, breadth, and height of a book. Such scales are already graduated as per the unit of length, and its fractions and multiples. Vernier scale, screw gauge, etc. are also used to measure 2 lengths and other equivalent quantities like diameter, depth, etc.

Indirect Method: Very long lengths like the distance of a star from the earth or very short lengths like the diameter of a molecule, cannot be measured by direct methods. In such cases indirect methods like triangulation method, reflection or echo method, parallax method, etc. are used.

Physical quantities like length, height, distance, radius, and depth have the same dimension and the units for their measurement are also the same, like cm, m, km, in., ft, mi, etc. However, their measured values differ widely in magnitudes. Hence different measuring instruments and techniques are required. The measuring instruments also differ depending on the shape of the body.

Ordinary Scale Or Ruler: It is a thin rectangular metal or wooden strip calibrated in centimeter scale along its length. The smallest scale division is usually 1 mm or 0.1 cm. Its extreme left end is marked 0 cm.

  • However, the marking on the extreme right end reads 15 cm, 30 cm, 50 cm, or 100 cm according to the length of the scale. When the marking of scale is from 0 cm to 100 cm it is called a metre-scale.
  • Ruler of this type is mainly used for measuring the length of a straight line, a straight rod, stretched wires, etc. The length of a line can be measured by putting the 0 mark on the scale at one end and taking the reading on the ruler at the other end.

Eye Estimation: If the length of a line is 3 cm or 7 cm exactly, the measurement should be written as 3.0 cm or 7.0 cm. It is often seen that although the start of the line coincides with the 0 mark, the end does not coincide with any mark on the scale. It lies between two successive marks.

In a measurement, let the extreme right end lie between 7.6 and 7.7 cm. If the end appears to be exactly in the middle of the two marks the length can be estimated as 7.65 cm although the extreme right digit is not reliable. Based on eye estimation only, the reading should not be written as 7.63 cm, 7.66 cm, etc.

Vernier Scale: In a ruler or a scale the smallest scale division is usually 1 mm or, sometimes, 0.54 mm. Hence such scales cannot be used to measure accurately any length less than the limits stated. In 1631, Pierre Vernier, a French mathematician, invented the ‘vernier scale’ that can increase the accuracy of measurement.

Vernier Scale Description: M, the main scale, is an ordinary scale graduated in cm. Usually, the smallest scale division is 1 mm i. e., 0.1 cm. V is a small scale, called the vernier scale, attached to the main scale and can slide along the edge of it. A typical vernier scale is shown where 10 divisions of this scale equal 9 divisions of the main scale.

Method Of Measurement With A Vernier Scale: The smallest length that a vernier scale can measure is equal to the difference in lengths between the 1 smallest main scale division and the 1 smallest vernier scale division. The value of this difference is called the vernier constant.

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity Verinary Constant

Calculation Of The Vernier Constant:

  1. The value of l smallest main scale division (say, m unit) is noted.
  2. The 0 marks on the vernier and the main scale are set to coincide.

Starting from zero, the mark on the main scale that coincides with the last mark on the vernier scale is counted.

Now, let y divisions of the vernier scale coincide with x divisions on the main scale.

Hence, the length of y divisions of the vernier scale = the length of x divisions of the main scale.

∴ Length of 1 division of vernier scale = length of \(\frac{x}{y}\) divisions of main scale = \(\frac{x}{y}\) x m unit

Therefore, vernier constant, c = length of 1 main scale division – length of 1 vernier scale division

∴ c = \(m-\frac{x}{y} \times m=m\left(1-\frac{x}{y}\right)=m\left(\frac{y-x}{y}\right) \text { unit }\)

For most of the vernier scales, (y-x) = 1

Hence, vernier constant c = \(\frac{m}{y}\)

m = 1 mm = 0.1 cm and y = 10, c = \(\frac{0.1}{10}\) cm or 0.01 cm or 0.1 mm.

Hence, the instrument can be measured with an accuracy of 0. 1 mm.

Measurement Using A Vernier Scale: To measure the length of a rod R, the left end of R is set to coincide with the 0 mark of the main scale. Now, the vernier scale is set in such a way that its 0 mark touches the right end of R.

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity Vernier Scale

At this stage, the main scale reading that is just on the left of the vernier 0 mark is noted. This reading is denoted as a. a = 2.6. Next, the reading on the vernier that coincides best with any one marking on the main scale is noted.

Let this reading of the vernier be b. b = 5 since the fifth vernier division coincides with a marking of the main scale.

So, the length l of the rod R is given by, l = main scale reading + vernier scale reading x vernier constant

or, l = a+ b x c =(2.6 + 5 x 0.01)cm =2.65 cm.

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity

Length Mass And Time Measurement Numerical Examples

Example 1. Find the length of the rod.

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity Length Of The Rod


The value of 1 smallest main scale division is \(\frac{1}{10}\) = 0.1 cm.

10 vernier divisions coincide with 9 main scale divisions (MSD)

∴ Vernier constant, c = (1 – \(\frac{9}{10}\))x 0.1 cm = 0.01 cm.

0 of the vernier scale crossed 2.2 cm mark on the main scale and 5th vernier division coincides with one main scale division.

∴ The length of the rod = (2.2 + 5 x 0.01) cm = 2.25 cm.

Example 2. Estimate the length of the rod R.

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity Length Of The Rod 1


The value of 1 smallest main scale division is \(\frac{1}{10}\) = 0.1 cm.

5 vernier divisions coincide with 4 main scale divisions.

∴ Vernier constant, c = (1 –\(\frac{4}{5}\)) x 0.1 = 0.02 cm.

0 of the vernier scale crossed the 3.7 cm mark on the main scale and the 3rd vernier scale mark coincides with an MSD.

∴ Length = (3.7 + 3 x 0.02) = 3.76 cm.

Screw Gauge: A screw gauge can measure lengths smaller than those measured with a vernier. Normally screw gauges can measure lengths up to 0.01 mm, i.e., 10 micrometers (μm), and as such are known as micrometer screw gangs.

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity Screw Gauge

The working principle is—when a screw is turned, it travels uniformly in a direction perpendicular to the plane of rotation. On one complete rotation, the screw travels a distance equal to its pitch, i.e., the distance between two consecutive threads on the screw.

Screw Gauge Description: A screw gauge essentially consists of a thick U-shaped metal frame with a flat end on its left arm A, called a stud. Its right arm ends in a long, hollow, cylindrical nut C whose inner side is threaded.

  • A screw S, having one flat end B, can be moved inside the nut C by rotating a hollow cylinder D, called a thimble, attached at the other end of the screw. The main scale (L) usually graduated in mm is marked on a baseline on the surface of C.
  • The thimble is also graduated and usually is divided into 100 or 50 divisions. It is called the circular scale (R). A rachet E is attached to the screw, by a spring.
  • When the flat end B of the screw is in contact with the stud A, any further movement of the rachet does not press B against A. The rachet, therefore, helps to hold the object to be measured gently, without any deformation, between A and B.

Screw Gauge Description Example: In an experiment if c = 0.001 cm, the main scale reading is 0.7 cm and the circular scale reading is 37, then d = 0.7 cm + 37 x 0.001 cm = 0.737 cm.

Pitch And Loast Count Of A Screw Gauge: The distance advanced by the thimble along the baseline (L) on one complete rotation of the circular scale, is called pitch or screw pitch. To determine the pitch, the 0 mark on the circular scale is aligned with the baseline, and the reading on the main scale is recorded.

  • The thimble or circular scale is rotated once to coincide the 0 mark of the circular scale with the baseline again and then the new reading is taken. The difference between the two readings along the main scale is tire pitch.
  • Usually, the pitch equals the value of the smallest main scale division, 0.5 mm or 1 mm. The ratio between the pitch and the number of divisions on the circular scale is the least count (c).

Thus, least count, c = \(\frac{\text { pitch }}{\text { no. of divisions on the circular scale }}\)

Least count of a screw gauge is the smallest length that can be measured with it.

For example, if the screw pitch is 0.1 cm, i.e., 1 nr and the circular scale has 100 divisions, then, c = \(\frac{0.1}{100}\) = 0.001 cm

Method Of Measurement: The object whose thickness is to be measured, like a thin wire or a thin metal sheet, is placed between the stud A and the flat end B of the screw such that the two surfaces of the object touch A and B. In this situation both the readings on

  1. The main scale and
  2. The circular scale are noted. Then, the thickness of the object (d) = reading on the main scale + reading on the circular scale x c.

Method Of Measurement Example: If c = 0.001 cm (say), the main scale reading is 0.7 cm and the circular scale reading is 37.

∴ d = 0.7 cm + 37 x 0.001 cm = 0.737 cm

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity

Screw Gauge Numerical Examples

Example 1. Find the screw pitch of a screw gauge having 100 circular scale divisions and a least count of 0.002 cm.

A screw gauge having 100 circular scale divisions and a least count of 0.002 cm

Screw pitch

= least count x number of divisions on a circular scale

= 0.002 cm x 100 = 0.2 cm

Example 2. A screw gauge has 50 circular scale divisions and a pitch of 0.1 cm. When this is used to measure the thickness of a plate, the main scale reading is 0.2 cm and the circular scale reading is 35. What is the thickness of the plate?

A screw gauge has 50 circular scale divisions and a pitch of 0.1 cm. When this is used to measure the thickness of a plate, the main scale reading is 0.2 cm and the circular scale reading is 35.

Least count (c) for the screw gauge = \(\frac{0.1}{50}\) = 0.002 cm

So the thickness of the plate, t = 0.2 cm + 35 x 0.002 cm = 0.27 cm

Measurement Of Mass: The principle of moments is applied to measure the unknown mass of a body by comparing it with a standard mass using a beam balance or common balance.

Standard Mass: The mass of a platinum-iridium cylinder kept at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures near Paris is taken as the standard mass and is 1 kilogram.

Spring balance and weighing machines can be used to find the weight of a body: the mass can be calculated from these measurements also.

Some indirect methods are employed for the measurement of the mass of practically inaccessible bodies like planets and atomic particles:

  1. Measurement of the gravitational pull of a planet on a known mass;
  2. Mass spectroscopy, when an atomic particle is charged.

Measurement Of Time: The concept of time measurement is always based on some periodic event in nature. An event is periodic if it repeats itself over and over again consuming the same amount of time.

Measurement Of Time Example:

  1. The earth completes a full rotation about its axis in a day. This event repeats itself over and over again and is, thus, periodic. So the time period of the earth’s diurnal motion is a day. This period—a day—can be used as a unit in this measurement of time. For convenience, a day is subdivided to get other units like an hour, a minute, and a second.
  2. The earth completes a full revolution around the sun in a year. So the time period of the earth’s annual motion is a year. This period—a year—can also be taken as a unit of time. It can be subdivided to get units like a month and a day; or can be multiplied to get longer units like a decade, a century, or a millennium.

The instrument for the measurement of time is a clock. Clocks of different forms are used for time measurements of different types. A clock should always be calibrated initially in any of the time units discussed above.

  • However, a day or a year has noticeable uncertainties in its value and cannot provide a reliable and accurate measure of the units used in clocks. For example, a second, defined from a day or from a year, is highly uncertain and not at all reliable.
  • At present, universally accepted high-precision time measurement techniques are provided by atomic clocks. This is not actually a clock of practical use; rather the frequencies of electromagnetic radiations emitted by atoms are utilized for a high-precision definition of the standard unit of time—one second.
  • The cesium clock is the particular atomic clock used in SI to define a second. Since the cesium-133 atom emits electromagnetic radiation of a precise and constant frequency, it was chosen as the atomic clock standard. This definition is given below:

Definition Of 1 Second: Standard time, 1 second in SI, is defined as 9192631770 periods of radiation from cesium- 133 atoms, at a fixed wavelength. The clock has a least count of about 10-10 s and has a precision of 1 s in 1 x 1018 s.

Clocks In Day-To-Day Use: The cesium clock is the primary clock that defines the unit of time—a second. But actual day-to-day use employs secondary clocks, which are calibrated as per the predefined second, and the time to be measured is directly obtained from the calibrations.

  1. A pendulum has a definite period of oscillation. This is used in pendulum clocks.
  2. A periodically vibrating coiled spring is utilised in wind-ing-type wristwatches.
  3. A quartz crystal oscillator vibrates at a natural frequency of 32768 Hz, i.e., the period of vibration is 1/32768 second. This is the source of modem high-precision quartz clocks.

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity

Errors In Measurement

Measurement of a physical quantity cannot be free from errors. Errors in measurements are usually of two types

Systematic Error: Generally two types of systematic errors are known:

  1. Instrumental Error: This arises due to defective instruments.
  2. Personal Error: This arises from incorrect setting of the instruments, and incorrect recording of data.
    • Systematic errors can be minimized or eliminated by properly identifying the sources of errors.

Random Error: This type of error arises randomly due to known and unknown reasons that are entirely beyond our control. Random errors cannot be eliminated totally.

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity

Calculation Of Errors

Even when a particular physical quantity is measured many times under identical conditions using the same method, the results may not be identical. This dispersion arises due to errors and cannot be eliminated totally.

Actual Or True Value: Let the values of measurement of a physical quantity, measured n times using the same instrument and the same method be x1,x2, x3,….xn. The average of the measurements is then considered to be the actual or true value of the physical quantity.

Hence, actual value, \(\bar{x}=\frac{x_1+x_2+x_3+\cdots+x_n}{n}\)

Error: It is not sufficient to write the actual value x as the absolute value in a measurement. The extent of uncertainty associated with \(\bar {x}\) needs to be mentioned.

Hence, absolute value is x = \(\bar{x} \pm \epsilon\); where ∈, the uncertainty, can be calculated as

∴ \(\epsilon=\frac{\left|x_1-\bar{x}\right|+\left|x_2-\bar{x}\right|+\cdots+\left|x_n-\bar{x}\right|}{n}\)

i. e., ∈ is the average of the differences between the measured value and the actual value, ∈ is also referred to as the mean absolute error. It is to be noted, \(\left|x_1-\bar{x}\right|,\left|x_2-\bar{x}\right|, \cdots\left|x_n-\bar{x}\right| geqslant 0\)

Fractional Error Or Relative Error: it is the ratio of the mean absolute error to the absolute value, i.e., \(\frac{\epsilon}{x}.\).

Percentage Error: It is obtained by multiplying the fractional error by 100. Hence, percentage error = \(\frac{\epsilon}{x} .\) x 100.

Propagation Of Errors: When the value of a physical quantity involves a number of measurements, the resultant error depends on

  1. The error associated with each individual measurement, and
  2. Mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.) are required to arrive at the final value.

Here, we shall discuss the second factor. It is said that the errors in measurement propagate with the said mathematical operations.

Let, Δa, Δb, Δc, …. be the mean absolute errors, respectively, in the measurements of a, b, c, ….. Then in the determination of x, due to mathematical operations among a, b, c, …., Δx = maximum absolute error, f = \(\frac{\Delta x}{x}\) = maximum fractional error and p = \(\frac{\Delta x}{x}\) x 100 = maximum percentage error.

1. Error Due To Addition: If x = a+ b+ c+ …., then, \(\Delta x=\Delta a+\Delta b+\Delta c+\cdots\)

f = \(\frac{\Delta a+\Delta b+\Delta c+\cdots}{a+b+c+\cdots}\)

p = \(\frac{\Delta a+\Delta b+\Delta c+\cdots}{a+b+c+\cdots} \times 100\)

2. Error Due To Subtraction: If x = a = b, then, \(\Delta x=\Delta a+\Delta b ; f=\frac{\Delta x+\Delta b}{|a-b|} ; p=\frac{\Delta x+\Delta b}{|a-b|} \times 100\)

It is to be noted that, if a and b have very close values, then due to the low value of |a – b|, the error due to subtraction tends to become very high.

3. Error Due To Multiplication: If x = ab, then, f = \(\frac{\Delta a}{a}+\frac{\Delta b}{b} ; p=\left(\frac{\Delta a}{a}+\frac{\Delta b}{b}\right) \times 100\)

4. Error Due To Division: If x = \(\frac{a}{b}\), then, \(f=\frac{\Delta a}{a}+\frac{\Delta b}{b} ; p=\left(\frac{\Delta a}{a}+\frac{\Delta b}{b}\right) \times 100\)

5. Error Due To Powers Of a, b, c, …..: If x = \(\frac{a^k c^m}{b^l}=a^k b^{-l} c^m\), then

f = \(k \frac{\Delta a}{a}+l \frac{\Delta b}{b}+m \frac{\Delta c}{c} ;\)

p = \(\left(k \frac{\Delta a}{a}+l \frac{\Delta b}{b}+m \frac{\Delta c}{c}\right) \times 100\)

It is to be noted that the error is high for high values of k, l, m. For example, if m is high but k and l are comparatively low in the expression of x, then a considerable amount of error tends to arise from the measurement of c. So, c should be measured more precisely than a or b.

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity

Significant Figures

In a measurement, the digits in the measured value is said to be significant figures when all the digits except the last one are reliably accurate.

Significant Figures Example: Suppose you measure the length of a rod with the help of an ordinary scale (in such a scale the distance between two divisions is 0.1 cm). You observe that the length of the rod is more than 20.1 cm but less than 20.2 cm.

  • In general, if you look carefully, you will find that the length is either closer to 20.1 cm or 20.2 cm. If it is closer to 20.1 cm, you can write it as 20.1 cm. But you know that the last digit 1 is inaccurate, i.e., uncertain. Thus, the number of significant figures of this measurement is 3.
  • A number of significant figures in any reading or measure¬ment indicates how accurate the reading or measurement is. The following points need to be taken into consideration while determining the number of significant figures in a reading or measurement.
  1. All non-zero digits are significant.
  2. To count the number of significant figures or digits, we begin from the leftmost non-zero digit and count all the digits up to the rightmost digit; for example, 27.7 has 3 significant figures.
  3. Zeros between two non-zero digits are significant; for example, 207.007 has 6 significant figures.
  4. Zeros between the decimal point and the first non-zero digit to its right are not significant; for example, 0.00207 has 3 significant figures.
  5. Zeros on the right of the decimal point are significant if there is at least one non-zero digit to its left; for example, 277.0 has 4 significant digits.
    • Note that the number of significant figures of 277 and 277.0 are 3 and 4 respectively. The former denotes that only the last 7 is uncertain while the latter denotes that only 0 is uncertain.
  6. Zeros added to the right of a measured value, while changing the unit, are not significant; for example, when 277.0 kg is written as 277000 g, the number of significant digits remains the same, i.e., 4 only. Note that we should write a mass as either 2.770 x 10² kg or 2.770 x 105 g to avoid the error in counting significant figures.
  7. During the multiplication of two numbers or during the division of one number by another, the number of significant figures of the product or quotient respectively should be equal to that of the number with less significant figures.
    • For example, let an object of mass 10 g have a volume of 3 cm3. Hence its density is supposed to be 10 ÷ 3 = 3.33… g · cm-3. But since the number of significant figures of volume is 1, the quotient has to be written as 3 g · cm-3 i.e., with one significant figure.
    • Again if the volume of an object is 4.23 cm³ and density is 11 g · cm-3, the mass will be 4.23 x 11 = 46.53 g. But since the number of significant figures of density is 2, the product has to be written as 46 g i.e., with two significant figures only.
  8. During the addition of two numbers or subtraction of one number from another, the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the sum or difference should be equal to that of the number with less number of digits to the right of the decimal point. In this case, it is immaterial how many significant figures the two numbers contain.
    • For example, if the length of two rods are 5 m and 1.25 m, then the actual sum of the lengths of the rods is 6.25 m. But since for 5 m (number of significant figures = 1), the number of digits to the right of the decimal point is 0, the sum is to be expressed as:
    • 5(number of significant figures = 1) + 1.25 (number of significant figures = 3) = 6 (number of significant figures = 1)

A few More Examples For determining the Number Of Significant Figures Are Given Below:

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity Number Of Significant Figures

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity

Rules For Rounding Off Digits

The accuracy of a result obtained by mathematical calculation can never be greater than the accuracy of original physical measurements. Therefore, the non-significant figures should be dropped from the result.

The following rules are adopted while dropping figures in rounding off to the appropriate digit:

  1. If the digit to be dropped is less than 5 then the preceding digit is kept unchanged. For example, if the number 3.454 is to be rounded off to three significant figures the digit to be dropped is 4 which is less than 5. Hence the preceding digit, namely 5, is not changed. Therefore, it should be written as 3.45.
  2. If the digit to be dropped is more than 5, then the preceding digit is increased by 1. For example, 3.458 is rounded off as 3.46 to three significant figures.
  3. If the digit to be dropped happens to be 5 or 5 followed by zero(s), then the preceding digit to be retained is increased by 1 if it is odd; if it is even then it remains unchanged.
    • For example, 3.475 3.4750 or 3.47500, when rounded off to the second decimal place, will be written as 3.48. For numbers like 3.48, 3.4850, or 3.48500, all will be rounded off to the same decimal place and will be written as simply 3.48.
  4. If the digit to be dropped happens to be 5 followed by some non-zero digit at any place then the preceding digit up to which the rounding off is desired will be increased by 1 (no matter if it is odd or even).
    • For example. if 3.485010 or 3.485125 when rounded off up to the second decimal place will be written as 3.49. Similarly, 3.475010 when rounded off up to the second decimal place will be written as 3.48.

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity

Rules For Rounding Off Digits Numerical Examples

Example 1. In an experiment of a simple pendulum a student i made several observations for the period of oscillation. His readings turned out to be 2.63s, 2.56s, 2.42s, 2.71s and 2.80 s. Find

  1. Meantime period of oscillations or the most accurate value of time period,
  2. Absolute errors in each reading,
  3. Mean absolute error,
  4. Fractional error and
  5. Percentage error.


1. The mean time period of oscillation,

T = \(\frac{2.63+2.56+2.42+2.71+2.80}{5} \mathrm{~s}\)

= \(\frac{13.12}{5} \mathrm{~s}=2.624 \mathrm{~s} \approx 2.62 \mathrm{~s}\)

(rounded off to 2nd decimal place)

2. Taking 2.62 s as the true value, the absolute errors (true value – measured value) in the five readings are:

(2.62 – 2.63) s = -0.01 s ; (2.62 – 2.56) s = 0.06 s ;

(2.62 – 2.42) s = 0.20 s; (2.62 – 2.71) s = -0.09 s and

(2.62-2.80) s = -0.18 s

3. The (maximum) mean absolute error is, \((\delta T)_{\max } =\frac{(0.01+0.06+0.20+0.09+0.18)}{5} \mathrm{~s}\)

= \(\frac{0.54}{5} \mathrm{~s}=0.108 \mathrm{~s} \approx 0.11 \mathrm{~s}\)

4. The (maximum) fractional error is, \(\left(\frac{\delta T}{T}\right)_{\max }=\frac{0.11 \mathrm{~s}}{2.62 \mathrm{~s}} \approx 0.04p\)

5. The maximum percentage error is, \(\left(\frac{\delta T}{T}\right)_{\max } \times 100=0.04 \times 100=4 \%\)

∴ The value of T should be written as (2.62 ± 0.11) s

Example 2. The measured length and breadth of a rectangle are written as (5.7 ± 0.1) cm and (3.4 ± 0.2) cm respectively. Calculate the area of the rectangle with error limits.

The measured length and breadth of a rectangle are written as (5.7 ± 0.1) cm and (3.4 ± 0.2) cm respectively.

Given l = 5.7 cm and Δl = 0.1 cm; b = 3.4 cm and Δb = 0.2 cm.

The area of the rectangle without error limit is,

A = l x b =(5.7 x 3.4) cm² = 19.38 cm² ≈ 19.4 cm²

Next, the fractional error in A is, \(\frac{\Delta A}{A}=\frac{\Delta l}{l}+\frac{\Delta b}{b}=\frac{0.1}{5.7}+\frac{0.2}{3.4} \approx(0.02+0.06)=0.08\)

∴ \(\Delta A=0.08 \times A \approx 0.08 \times 19.4 \mathrm{~cm}^2 \approx 1.6 \mathrm{~cm}^2\)

Hence, the area of the rectangle with an error limit is (19.4± 1.6) cm².

Example 3. The potential difference across the ends of a wire has been measured to be (100 ± 5) volt and the current in the wire as (10 ± 0.2) ampere. What is the percentage error in the computed resistance of the wire?

The potential difference across the ends of a wire has been measured to be (100 ± 5) volt and the current in the wire as (10 ± 0.2) ampere.

Given, V = (100 ±5) volt and I =(10±0.2) ampere

Now, R = \(\frac{R}{I}\)

The maximum percentage error in R is, \(\left(\frac{\Delta R}{R}\right)_{\max } \times 100=\left(\frac{\Delta V}{V} \times 100\right)+\left(\frac{\Delta I}{I} \times 100\right)\)

= \(\left(\frac{5}{100} \times 100\right)+\left(\frac{0.2}{10} \times 100\right)\)

= 5% + 2% = 7%

Example 4. A student performing Searle’s experiment for finding the Young’s modulus Y of the material of a wire takes the following observations: Length of the wire (L) = 2.890 m, diameter of the wire (D) = 0.082 cm, mass suspended from the wire (M) = 3.00 kg, extension in the length of wire (l) = 0.087 cm. Calculate the maximum permissible error in the value of Y.

A student performing Searle’s experiment for finding the Young’s modulus Y of the material of a wire takes the following observations: Length of the wire (L) = 2.890 m, diameter of the wire (D) = 0.082 cm, mass suspended from the wire (M) = 3.00 kg, extension in the length of wire (l) = 0.087 cm.

The Young’s modulus of the material is given by, Y = \(\frac{4 M g L}{\pi D^2 l}\)

Here M = 3.00 kg  ∴ ΔM = 0.01 kg

L = 2.890 m ∴ ΔL = 0.001 m

D = 0.082 cm  ∴ ΔD = 0.001 cm

l = 0.087 cm ∴ Δl = 0.001 cm

The maximum permissible percentage error in Y is, \(\left(\frac{\Delta Y}{Y}\right)_{\max } \times 100= \left(\frac{\Delta M}{M} \times 100\right)+\left(\frac{\Delta L}{L} \times 100\right)\)

+ \(2\left(\frac{\Delta D}{D} \times 100\right)+\left(\frac{\Delta l}{l} \times 100\right)\)

= \(\frac{0.01}{3.00} \times 100+\left(\frac{0.001}{2.890} \times 100\right)\)

+ \(2 \times\left(\frac{0.001}{0.082} \times 100\right)+\left(\frac{0.001}{0.087} \times 100\right)\)

= \(0.33 \%+0.035 \%+2.44 \%+1.15 \%\)

= 4%

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity

Accuracy And Precision Of Measuring Instruments

Accuracy: The accuracy of a measuring instrument is decided by the closeness of the measured value of any physical quantity to the actual value which is known beforehand. Suppose the mass of a 100 g body, when measured using a common balance, reads 95 g. The measurement is, therefore, not accurate.

Precision: An instrument is precise when it repeats almost the same value when a physical quantity is measured a number of times. Precision, therefore, denotes how close the measured values of a physical quantity are with respect to one another. Suppose the mass of a 100 g body, when measured five times using a common balance, reads 90g, 96g, 92g, 93g, 97g. The measurement is, therefore, not precise.

Comparison Between Accuracy And Precision:

  1. By using an instrument only once, we can determine its accuracy. But to know its precision we need to take a number of measurements.
  2. Accuracy denotes how close the measured value is, relative to the actual value. Precision denotes how close the measured values are, relative to one another.
  3. The accuracy of an instrument depends upon the method of measurement but precision depends on random factors.

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity Set Of Measurments

Comparison Between Accuracy And Precision Example: Let us consider the examples in the following table, taking 100 g as standard:

The difference between accuracy and precision can be explained pictorially in the following simple example: Suppose, B is a target board and T is the target point marked on it. A shooter hits the target using two different rifles. The dots on the figure are the bullet marks. Now an observation of the target boards clearly shows that:

  1. The 1st rifle is more accurate since the bullet marks are all around the target point. However, the precision is low as the points are scattered over a large area. This means that the quality of the rifle is fairly low.
  2. The 2nd rifle is highly inaccurate since the bullet marks are far from the target point. But the precision is very high because the marks are very close to one another.
    • This indicates that it is a good-quality rifle, but its initial settings are somehow defective.
    • With proper adjustments, all the bullet marks can be brought close to the target point. In that case, the accuracy and precision would both be high.

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity Accurancy And Precision Comparison


Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity Synopsis

The unit of a physical quantity can be obtained from the base units raised to certain numeric indices. The indices denote the dimensions of the physical quantity.

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity Dimensional Of Physical Quantity

  • When the dimension of a quantity is 1, the quantity is called a dimensionless physical quantity.
  • A dimensionless physical quantity can also have a unit, example, angle, or specific gravity.
  • The minimum length that can be measured by using a vernier scale or a screw gauge is the vernier constant or the least count respectively.
  • In a measurement, the digits in the measured value is said to be significant when, except the last digit, all other digits are correct.

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity Useful Relations For Solving Numerical Examples

Principle Of Dimensional Homogeneity: In any mathematical expression or equation involving physical quantities, each term must have the same dimension.

  • Vernier constant of a vernier scale = c
    • Length of the smallest division in the main scale = m Reading on the main scale = a
    • Length of y divisions in vernier scale = length of x divisions in a main scale.
    • Length of a rod measured by that vernier scale = l

Reading in vernier scale = b

  1. c = \(\frac{y-x}{y} \times m\)
  2. l = a + bc
  • Least count of a screw gauge = c
  • Total number of divisions on a circular scale = y
  • Reading on the linear scale = a
  • Pitch of the screw = x
  • Thickness of a lamina as measured by that screw gauge = d

Reading on the circular scale = b.

  1. c = \(\frac{x}{y}\)
  2. d = a+ bc
  • If n numbers of measured values of a physical quantity, are x1, x2, x3,….,xn then the average value or true value of the quantity, \(\bar{x}=\frac{x_1+x_2+x_3+\cdots+x_n}{n}\)
  • If the error in the average value of a physical quantity is ∈, then the absolute value of the quantity, x = \(\bar{x}\) ± ∈
  • where \(\epsilon=\frac{\left|x_1-\bar{x}\right|+\left|x_2-\bar{x}\right|+\left|x_3-\bar{x}\right|+\cdots+\left|x_n-\bar{x}\right|}{n}\)
  • Fractional error or relative error = \(\frac{\epsilon}{x}\)
  • Percentage error = \(\frac{\epsilon}{x}\) x 100.

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Write the number of base units in SI.
Answer: Seven

Question 2. Is mole a base unit or a derived unit in SI?
Answer: Base

Question 3. What is the unit of thermal capacity in SI?
Answer: J K-1

Question 4. Express one parsec in terms of light year.
Answer: 1 parsec = 3.26 light year

Question 5. Light year is a _____ unit.
Answer: Fundamental

Question 6. Ampere is a _____ unit in SI.
Answer: Base

Question 7. Candela is a ______ unit in SI.
Answer: Base

Question 8. Parsec is a ____ unit.
Answer: Fundamental

Question 9. What is the dimension of a dimensionless physical quantity?
Answer: 1

Question 10. The relative density of lead is 11.3. What is its density in CGS and SI?
Answer: 11.3 g · cm-3 , 1.13 x 104 kg · m-3

Question 11.

  1. kg · m2 · s-2 = _______ g · cm2 · s-2
    Answer: 107
  2. 1 m = _______ light year.
    Answer: 10-16
  3. 3.0 m · s-2 = ______ km · h-2.
    Answer: 3.9 x 104
  4. G = 6.67 x 10-11 N • m2 • kg-2 = ______ cm3 • s-2 • g-1.
    Answer: 16.67 x 10-8

Question 12. If x = a+ bt+ ct², where x is in meters and t in seconds, what are the dimensions of b and c?
Answer: LT-1 and LT-2

Question 13. The equation of state of a real gas is (p+\(\frac{a}{V^2}\))(V-b) = RT, where p, V, and T are pressure, volume, and absolute temperature, respectively. Find out the dimension of b.
Answer: L3

Question 14. The Avogadro number is 6.022 x 1023. How many significant figures are there?
Answer: 4 figures: 6, 0, 2, 2

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity Assertion Reason Type Questions And Answers

These questions have statement 1 and statement 2. Of the four choices given below, choose the one that best describes the two statements.

  1. Statement 1 is true, statement 2 is true; statement 2 is a correct explanation for statement 1.
  2. Statement 1 is true, and statement 2 is true; statement 2 is not a correct explanation for statement 1.
  3. Statement 1 is true, statement 2 is false.
  4. Statement 1 is false, and statement 2 is true.

Question 1.

Statement 1: It is obvious that the dimensions of all the terms must be the same in any mathematical relation between physical quantities.

Statement 2: Dimensions of a physical quantity are the powers to which the fundamental units should be raised to represent the unit of that physical quantity.

Question 2.

Statement 1: The quantity \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{\mu_0 \epsilon_0}}\) is dimensionally equal to velocity and also numerically equal to the velocity of light.

Statement 2: μ0 is the permeability and ∈0 is the permittivity of free space.

Question 3.

Statement 1: If y = ax b and Y = \(\frac{a}{b}\), then the fractional error of both y and Y is ±\(\left(\frac{\Delta a}{a}+\frac{\Delta b}{b}\right)\)

Statement 2: When two quantities are multiplied or divided their maximum relative errors are added up.

Question 4.

Statement 1: Pressure has the dimensions of energy density.

Statement 2: Energy density = y = \(\frac{\text { energy }}{\text { volume }}=\frac{M L^2 T^{-2}}{L^3}\) = \(M L^1 T^{-2}\)

Question 5.

Statement 1: UR and CR both have the same dimensions.

Statement 2: UR and CR both have the dimension of time.

Question 6.

Statement 1: The measurements of mass and length of a side of a cube involve, errors of 3% and 2%, respectively. The error in the density of its material, computed from this data, would be 9%.

Statement 2: If u = \(\frac{x^a y^b}{z^c}\), the fractional error in the computation of u is, \(\frac{\Delta u}{u}=a \frac{\Delta x}{x}+b \frac{\Delta y}{y}+c \frac{\Delta z}{z}\).

Question 7.

Statement 1: On a body of mass m, moving with a speed v in a circular path of radius r, the centripetal force is, F = \(\frac{m v^2}{r g}\).

Statement 2: In a mathematical expression involving physical quantities, each term on both sides of the equation must have the same dimension.

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity Match Column 1 And Column 2

Question 1. R = resistance, L = inductance, and C = capacitance. Match the quantities with their dimensions.

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity Match The Column Question 1

Answer: 1. D, 2. A, 3. B, 4. C

Question 2.

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity Match The Column Question 2

Answer: 1. D, 2. B, 3. A, 4. C

Question 3. The significant figures are given in column 2.

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity Match The Column Question 3

Answer: 1. C, 2. A, 3. D, 4. B

Question 4. Identify parts of the same dimensions

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity Match The Column Question 4

Answer: 1. A, 2. C, 3. B, 4. D

Question 5. Match the quantities with their dimensions

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity Match The Column Question 5

Answer: 1. B, 2. A, 3. D, 4. C

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity Comprehension Type Questions And Answers

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions at the end of it.

Question 1. For real gases, van der Waals equation of state can be expressed as \(\left(p+\frac{a}{V^2}\right)(V-b)=R T\)= RT where p is the pressure, V is the molar volume and T is the absolute temperature of the given sample of gas and a, b and R are constants.

1. Dimension of a is

  1. ML5T-2
  2. L-1T-2
  3. L3
  4. L6

Answer: 1. ML5T-2

2. Dimension of b is

  1. ML5T-2
  2. ML-1T-2
  3. L3
  4. L6

Answer: 3. L6

3. Which of the following does not have the same dimension as that of RT?

  1. pV
  2. pb
  3. \(\frac{a}{V^2}\)
  4. \(\frac{a b}{V^2}\)

Answer: 3. \(\frac{a}{V^2}\)

4. Dimension of \(\frac{a b}{R T}\) is

  1. ML5T-2
  2. M0L0T0
  3. ML-1T-2
  4. None of these

Answer: 4. None of these

5. The dimension of RT is the same as that of

  1. Energy
  2. Force
  3. Specific heat
  4. Latent heat

Answer: 1. Energy

Question 2. It two physical quantities a and b are related by the equation a = kb, where it is a dimensionless constant, then the principle of dimensional homogeneity demands that a and b have the same dimension. However, the proportionality constant k cannot be determined by dimensional analysis only. It may, at most, be written that a ∝ b, if a and b are of the same dimension.

1. Time period (T) of oscillation of a liquid drop depends on its radius r, the density ρ, and the surface tension σ of the liquid. Then T is proportional to

  1. \(\sqrt{\frac{\rho r^2}{\sigma}}\)
  2. \(\sqrt{\frac{r^2}{\rho \sigma}}\)
  3. \(\sqrt{\frac{r^3 \rho}{\sigma}}\)
  4. \(\sqrt{\frac{\rho \sigma}{r^3}}\)

Answer: 3. \(\sqrt{\frac{r^3 \rho}{\sigma}}\)

2. If a particle of mass m executes simple harmonic motion with amplitude A and frequency f, then its energy is proportional to

  1. \(\frac{m f}{A^2}\)
  2. \(m f A^{-2}\)
  3. \(m f^2 A^{-2}\)
  4. \(m f^2 A^2\)

Answer: 4. \(m f^2 A^2\)

3. A coil of inductance L stores an amount of energy 1/2 LI² when a current I passes through it. The dimension of L is

  1. ML2T-1l2
  2. ML2T-1l-2
  3. ML2T-2l2
  4. ML2T-2l-2

Answer: 4. ML2T-2l-2

Measurement And Dimension Of Physical Quantity Integer Type Questions And Answers

The answer to each of the questions is a single-digit integer between 0 and 9.

Question 1. The values of the two resistors are (5.0± 0.2)kΩ and (10.0± 0.1)kΩ. What is the percentage error in the equivalent resistance when they are connected in parallel?
Answer: 7

Question 2. In a circuit, the generation of heat depends on resistance, current, and time for which the current flows. If the error in measuring resistance, current, and time are 1%, 2%, and 1% respectively, find the maximum percentage error in measuring the heat.
Answer: 6

Question 3. The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum is T = \(2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{l}{g}}\). Length l is about 10 cm and is known to 1 mm accuracy. The period of oscillation is about 0.5 s. The time of 100 oscillations is measured with a wristwatch that shows the minimum interval of time as Is (i.e. least count = 1s). What is the percentage of accu¬racy in the determination of g?
Answer: 5


WBCHSE Class 11 Physics Change Of State Of Matter Notes

Properties Of Bulk Matter – Change Of State Of Matter Introduction

Matter generally exists in three states or phases—solid, liquid and gaseous. When a substance changes from one state to another, it is said to have undergone a change of state or phase change or phase transition.

As matter changes from the solid to its liquid state, the phenomenon is called melting or fusion. The reverse phenomenon i.e., change from the liquid to the solid state is termed as freezing or solidification.

Class 11 Physics Unit 7 Properties Of Matter Chapter 8 Change Of State Of Matter Change Of State Of Matter

  • Similarly, the change of a liquid to a gas, and the change from a gaseous state to the liquid state are called vaporisation and condensation respectively. Sublimation is the direct conversion from solid to gaseous state.
  • To bring about a change of state of a substance, the application of heat to or the extraction of heat from the substance is essential. The change of state of a substance, during which heat is absorbed by the substance is called a higher change of state (for example: melting and vaporisation).
  • On the other hand, the change of state of a substance, during which heat is extracted from the substance is called lower change of state (for example: solidification and condensation.

Read and Learn More: Class 11 Physics Notes

Properties Of Bulk Matter – Change Of State Of Matter Latent Heat

When water boils at 100°C it does not change its temperature until it completely converts into vapour. So the applied heat changes the water from its liquid state to its vapour state.

  • It, too, cannot be measured. Again, the temperature of a mass of at 100°C does not fall until the vapour completely converts into water by releasing heat.
  • Latent Heat Definition: The amount of heat extracted or applied to change the state of unit mass of a substance at a constant temperature, is called the latent heat of the substance for that change of state.

Hence, corresponding to different changes of state, latent heat are of four types:

  1. Latent heat of fusion
  2. Latent heat of solidification
  3. Latent heat of vaporisation
  4. Latent heat of condensation

Explanation of latent heat: The molecules of a solid substance are arranged in a fixed crystalline structure and therefore the solid has a definite shape. On the other hand, the molecules of a liquid are not so arranged and so they have no fixed shape.

  • Hence, change of a solid to its liquid state, or melting, means breaking up of the crystalline structure. Latent heat supplies the necessary energy for breaking this crystalline arrangement of molecules and hence there is no change in temperature.
  • Similarly, at atmospheric pressure, the intermolecular attraction in gases is very small in comparison to that in solids and in liquids. The intermolecular separations in gases are much higher.
  • Hence, change of a liquid to its gaseous state, i.e., vaporisation, means the total separation of the molecules from their mutual attraction. The energy required for this purpose is supplied by the latent heat.

Since the energy required to increase the intermolecular separation in changing a liquid to gas is much higher than that in changing a solid to liquid latent heat of vaporisation is higher than the latent heat of fusion for a substance.

Properties Of Bulk Matter – Change Of State Of Matter Triple Point

There is a pressure and temperature at which the solid, liquid and gaseous states of a substance can coexist in equilibrium. This is called the triple point of that substance.

The graph of pressure (p) versus temperature (T) for a substance is sometimes known as phase diagram. the phase diagrams of water and carbon dioxide respectively. Phase diagram generally divides the p- T plane in three regions—solid, liquid and gaseous regions.

Class 11 Physics Unit 7 Properties Of Matter Chapter 8 Change Of State Of Matter Phase Diagram Of Water And Carbondioxide

Lines BO, AO and CO are called sublimation curve, fusion curve and vaporisation curve respectively. The points on the sublimation curve denote the pressures and temperatures at which the solid and gaseous states of the substance coexist in equilibrium.

Similarly, the points on fusion curve denote pressures and temperatures at which the solid and liquid states coexist in equilibrium. Again, the points on vaporisation curve denote pressures and temperatures at which the liquid and gaseous states coexist in equilibrium.

Class 11 Physics Unit 7 Properties Of Matter Chapter 8 Change Of State Of Matter Phase Diagram Of Water And Carbondioxide-1

The curves BO, AO and CO meet at point O. The point O denotes the pressure and temperature at which the three states—solid, liquid and gaseous states— coexist in equilibrium. This means that the point O is the triple point. The pressure and temperature at triple point of water are 4.58 mm Hg and 0.01°C respectively.

Properties Of Bulk Matter – Change Of State Of Matter Triple Point Numerical Examples

Example 1. A copper calorimeter of mass 100 g contains a mixture of ice and water of total mass 40 g. A piece of copper of mass 100 g at 100°C is dropped in the calorimeter and finally, the temperature of the system becomes 10°C. Find the mass of ice in the initial ice-water mixture. Specific heat of copper = 0.09 cal · g-1 · °C-1 and latent heat of fusion of ice = 80 cal · g-1.

A copper calorimeter of mass 100 g contains a mixture of ice and water of total mass 40 g. A piece of copper of mass 100 g at 100°C is dropped in the calorimeter and finally, the temperature of the system becomes 10°C.

Let initial mass of ice in the calorimeter = xg.

Hence, mass of water initially present at 0°C was (40 – x) g.

Heat lost by the copper piece

= 100 x 0.09 x (100 – 10) = 810 cal

Heat gained by ice for melting = x x 80 = 80x cal and heat gained by that melted ice to raise its temperature to 10°C = xx 1 x10 cal = 10 xcal.

Heat gained by (40 – x) g of water to come up to 10°C = (40 – x) x 1 x 10 cal.

Heat taken by the calorimeter = 100 x 0.09 x 10 = 90 cal

As heat lost = heat gained,

80x+ 10x+ (40 -x) x 10 + 90 = 810 or, 80x = 320

∴  x = 4

∴ There was 4 g of ice in the mixture.

Example 2. A calorimeter of water equivalent 50 g contains 250 g of water and 200 g of ice at 0°C. 200 g of steam at 100°C is passed through the ice-water mixture. Find the final temperature of the mixture and its total mass in the calorimeter. Latent heat of fusion of ice = 80 cal · g-1 and that of vaporisation of water = 540 cal · g-1.

A calorimeter of water equivalent 50 g contains 250 g of water and 200 g of ice at 0°C. 200 g of steam at 100°C is passed through the ice-water mixture.

Heat given up due to condensation of 200 g of steam at 100°C

= 200 x 540 = 108000 cal

Heat absorbed by 200 g ice at 0°C to form water at 0°C = 200 x 80 = 16000 cal.

Heat absorbed by the calorimeter, water and melted ice to reach 100°C from 0°C = (50 + 250 + 200) x 100 = 50000 cal

Maximum heat that could be taken in =16000 + 50000 = 66000 cal, which is much less than 108000 cal.

1. The final temperature of mixture is 100°C and the entire 200 g of steam is not condensed.

This mixture contains molten ice, water and x g (say) of condensed steam. Hence, (200 -x)g of steam passes through as steam.

2. Heat given up = x x 540 cal and heat taken in = 66000 cal.

∴ x x 540 = 66000

∴ x = \(\frac{66000}{540}=122.2 \mathrm{~g}\)

Total mass of the mixture = water + molten ice + con¬densed steam =250 + 200 + 122.2 = 572.2 g.

Example 3. A metal piece of mass 48.5 g at 10.7°C, placed in a flow of steam can condense 0.762 g of steam. Find the specific heat capacity of the metal. Latent heat of steam = 537 cal · g-1.

A metal piece of mass 48.5 g at 10.7°C, placed in a flow of steam can condense 0.762 g of steam.

Let the specific heat capacity of the metal be s cal · g-1 · °C-1.

Due to the flow of steam, the temperature of the metal rises to 100°C on condensation of 0.762 g of steam.

Hence, heat given up by the steam = 0.762 x 537 cal.

Heat received by the metal =48.5 x s x (100 – 10.7) cal

∴ Heat lost = heat gained

∴ 0.762×537 = 48.5 xs(100-10.7)

or, s = 0.094

Therefore, the specific heat capacity of the metal is 0.094 cal · g-1 · °C-1.

Example 4. In an Industrial unit, 10 kg of water is to be heated per hour from 20°C to 80°C. To achieve this, steam from a boiler at 150°C is circulated through a copper coil immersed in water. Steam condenses inside the coil, changes to water at 90°C and flows back to the boiler for recirculation. Estimate the mass of steam in kg, required per hour. Specific heat of steam = 1 cal · g-1 · °C-1 and latent heat of steam = 540 cal · g-1.

In an Industrial unit, 10 kg of water is to be heated per hour from 20°C to 80°C. To achieve this, steam from a boiler at 150°C is circulated through a copper coil immersed in water. Steam condenses inside the coil, changes to water at 90°C and flows back to the boiler for recirculation.

Amount of heat required per hour by 10 kg of water = 10 x 103 x 1 x (80 – 20) = 60 x 104 cal.

Let the mass of steam required be x kg.

Hence, heat given up by the steam

= x x 103 x 1 x (150- 100) + x x 103 x 540 + x x 103 x 1 x (100 – 90)

= x x 103 x (50 + 540 + 10) = x x 104 x 60 cal

According to the problem, x x 104 x 60 = 60 x 104

or x = 1

Thus the mass of tne steam requires per hour is 1 kg.

Example 5. 10 g of a solid at -10°C needs 64 cal of heat to rise up to -2°C remaining in its solid state. To raise its temperature from -10°C to 1°C and 3°C (in liquid state), required heat are 880 cal and 900 cal respectively. If the specific heats of the material in its solid and liquid states be s1 and s2, calculate their values. If L is the latent heat of fusion and tm is the melting point in °C, then show that, L = 79 + 0.2 tm.

10 g of a solid at -10°C needs 64 cal of heat to rise up to -2°C remaining in its solid state. To raise its temperature from -10°C to 1°C and 3°C (in liquid state), required heat are 880 cal and 900 cal respectively. If the specific heats of the material in its solid and liquid states be s1 and s2

Heat required to change the temperature of the solid from -10°C to -2°C = 10s1{-2-(-10)} = 80s1.

According to the problem, 80s1 = 64.

∴ s1 = 0.8 cal · g-1 · °C-1

Difference in the heat required to raise the temperature of the object in its liquid state from -10°C to 1°C and from -10°C to 3°C = 10 x s2 x (3 – 1) = 20s2.

According to the problem, 20s2 = 900 – 880 = 20 or, s2 = 1 cal · g-1 · °C-1

If the melting point is tm, heat required to change the body in solid state at -10°C to its liquid state at 1°C

= 10 x s1{tm-(-10)} + 10L+ 10 x s2 x (1 – tm)

= 8(tm+10) + 10L +10(1 – tm) = 880

According to the problem,

8(tm+ 10) + 10L+ 10(1 – tm) = 880

or, 10L = 880 – 80- 10- 8tm+ 10tm = 790 +2tm

or, L=79 + 0.2tm (Proved).

Example 6. A piece of copper of mass 7.5 g at 27°C Is dropped into boiling liquid oxygen (boiling point = -183°C). Oxygen vapour thus formed occupies 1.83 L space at 20°C and at 750 minHg pressure. Calculate the latent heat of the vaporisation of oxygen. Specific heat of copper = 0.08 cal · g-1 · °C-1 and density of oxygen at STP 1.429 g · L-1.

A piece of copper of mass 7.5 g at 27°C Is dropped into boiling liquid oxygen (boiling point = -183°C). Oxygen vapour thus formed occupies 1.83 L space at 20°C and at 750 minHg pressure.

Let at STT, V2 = volume of the oxygen vapour formed.

Given p1 = 750 mmHg, T1 = 273 + 20 = 293 K,

⇒ \(V_1=1.83 \mathrm{~L}, p_2=760 \mathrm{mmHg}, T_2=273 \mathrm{~K}\)

Now, \(\frac{p_1 V_1}{T_1}=\frac{p_2 V_2}{T_2}\)

or, \(V_2=\frac{p_1 V_1 T_2}{T_1 p_2}\)

or, \(V_2=\frac{750 \times 1.83 \times 273}{293 \times 760}=1.68 \mathrm{~L}\)

∴ Mass of oxygen vapour formed = 1.68 x 1.429 g

Let L be the latent heat of the vaporisation of liquid oxygen. Heat taken for vaporisation = 1.68 x 1.429 x Leal

Heat given up by the piece of copper = 7.5 x 0.08(27 + 183) = 7.5 x 0.08 x 210 cal

∴ Heat supplied = heat absorbed

∴ 7.5 x 0.08 x 210 = 1.68 x 1.429 x L

or, L = \(\frac{7.5 \times 0.08 \times 210}{1.68 \times 1.429}=52.5 \mathrm{cal} \cdot \mathrm{g}^{-1}\)

Example 7. 100 g of water is raised from 24°C to 90°C with the help of steam. Determine the quantity of steam required for this purpose. Latent heat of steam = 540 cal · g-1.

100 g of water is raised from 24°C to 90°C with the help of steam.

Let the required quantity of steam = m g.

Amount of latent heat released by m g steam at 100°C = m x 540 = 540 m cal

Now, heat is released by this 100 g of condensed water at 100°C to reach 90°C = m x 1 x (100 – 90) = 10 m cal.

∴ Total heat released = 540 m + 10 m = 550 m cal

The amount of heat required by 100 g of water at 24 °C to rise up to 90°C = 100 x 1 x (90 – 24) = 6600 cal.

Heat lost = heat gained

∴ 550 m = 6600 or, m = 12

So, the quantity of steam required is 12 g

Example 8. A chunk of ice is continuously supplied with heat. After 2 s the ice begins to melt and in another 20 s the entire ice melts. Determine the initial temperature of ice. Specific heat of ice = 0.5 cal · g-1 · °C-1 and latent heat of fusion of ice = 80 cal · g-1.

A chunk of ice is continuously supplied with heat. After 2 s the ice begins to melt and in another 20 s the entire ice melts.

Let rate of supply of heat = x cal · s-1, initial temperature of ice = -θ° C and amount of ice = mg

Since, the ice begins to melt after 2 s, we can assume that the temperature of ice becomes 0°C at that time.

So, m x 0.5 x [0 – (-θ)] = 2x……(1)

or, mdθ = 4x

In the next 20 s the ice melts completely

∴ m x 80 = 20x …..(2)

So, from (1) and (2) we get, 6 = 16

∴ The initial temperature of the ice was -16°C.

Example 9. What will be the result of extraction of 69000 cal of heat from 100 g of steam at 100°C? Latent heat of condensation of steam = 540 cal • g-1

The amount of heat extracted from 100 g of steam at 100°C to condense it to water at 100°C = 100 x 540 = 54000 cal.

The amount of heat extracted to bring down the temperature of this water from 100°C to 0°C = 100 x 1 x 100 = 10000 cal.

Total heat extracted in the two steps = 54000 + 10000 = 64000 cal

The additional amount of heat extracted = 69000 – 64000 = 5000 cal

This will freeze some amount of water at 0°C.

The amount of frozen ice = \(\frac{5000}{80}\) = 62.5 g.

Hence, finally, there will be a mixture of 62.5 g of ice and (100-62.5) = 37.5 g of water at 0°C.

Example 10. kg of Ice at -20°C is mixed with 5 kg of water at 20°C in a container of negligible thermal capacity. Calculate the amount of water finally left in the container. Specific heat of water = 1 kcal · kg-1 °C-1, specific heat of ice = 0.5 kcal · kg °C-1 and latent heat of fusion of ice = 80 kcal · kg-1.

kg of Ice at -20°C is mixed with 5 kg of water at 20°C in a container of negligible thermal capacity.

Amount of heat given up by 5 kg of water to come at 0°C from 20°C = 5 x 1 x (20 – 0) = 100 kcal

Amount of heat taken by 2 kg ice at -20 °C to reach 0°C = 2 x 0.5 x {0 – (-20)} = 20 kcal

Amount of heat taken by 2 kg of ice at 0°C to melt into water at 0°C = 2 x 80 = 160 kcal

∴ Total amount of heat taken by 2 kg ice at -20°C to turn into the water at 0°C = 160 + 20 = 180 kcal

Obviously, the ice does not melt totally as the heat required to melt the total ice is greater than the heat given up.

∴ Amount of melted ice = \(\frac{100-20}{80}=\frac{80}{80}=1 \mathrm{~kg}\)

Hence, finally the amount of water in the container = 1 + 5 = 6 kg.

Example 11. A closed vessel is partly filled with water. While extracting air from the vessel by a pump, due to quick evaporation water freezes Into Ice. What fraction of the Initial mass of water can be frozen by this process? I .a tent heat of solidification of Ice = 00 cal · g-1 and latent heat of vaporisation of water = 540 cal · g-1.

A closed vessel is partly filled with water. While extracting air from the vessel by a pump, due to quick evaporation water freezes Into Ice.

Let m1 = mass of water frozen and m2 = mass of water vaporised. Total mass of water (m) = m1 + m2.

Heat given out by m1g of water for changing to Ice = 80 m1 cal

And heat absorbed by m2g of water for evaporation = 540m2 cal

By calorimetric principle, 540m2 = 80m1

∴ \(m=m_1+\frac{80}{540} m_1=\frac{31}{27} m_1\)

∴ \(m_1=\frac{27}{31} m\)

∴ 27/31 part of the initial amount of water changes to ice.

Properties Of Bulk Matter – Change Of State Of Matter Synopsis

Latent heat: The amount of heat that should be applied to or extracted from a substance of unit mass for its change of state at a constant temperature, is called the latent heat for that particular change of state.

Melting point: The temperature at which a solid substance begins to melt under a definite pressure is called the melting point of that substance at that pressure.

Freezing point: The temperature at which a liquid substance begins to freeze under a definite pressure is called the freezing point of that substance at that pressure.

Eutectic temperature: The temperature at which a solution as a whole turns into a solid, is called the eutectic temperature of that solution.

  • Latent heat of fusion of ice is 80 cal • g-1.
  • For substances which undergo contraction in volume on melting, the melting point decreases due to increase in pressure, i.e., they melt at a lower temperature.
  • For substances which undergo expansion in volume on melting, the melting point increases due to increase in pressure, i.e. they melt at a higher temperature.
  • The phenomenon of melting of ice under pressure and its resolidification when the pressure is released, is called regelation.

Evaporation: When vaporisation of a liquid occurs slowly from the exposed surface of the liquid at any temperature, the process is called evaporation.

  • At a given temperature, if a closed space contains the maximum possible amount of vapour then that vapour is called saturated vapour. The pressure exerted by that vapour is called saturated vapour pressure.
  • At a given temperature, if a closed space contains less amount of vapour than the maximum possible amount of vapour that it can contain, then the vapour is called unsaturated vapour. The pressure exerted by that vapour is called unsaturated vapour pressure.
  • At constant temperature unsaturated vapour obevs Boyle’s law. It is seen that unsaturated vapour pressure is directly proportional to the temperature when volume remains constant, similar to the pressure law for gases.

Saturated vapour does not obey Boyles law nor the pressure law. The definite temperature for a gaseous substance, above which it cannot be liquefied by the application of pressure only, is called the critical temperature for that gaseous substance.

Boiling: When vaporisation of a liquid occurs rapidly throughout the whole of the liquid at a fixed temperature, the process is called boiling.

Sublimation: It is another form of vaporisation. When a solid turns into vapour directly without going through the liquid state, the process is known as sublimation.

Boiling point: The definite temperature at which a liquid boils under a fixed pressure is called the boiling point of that liquid.

Latent heat of vaporisation of water is 537 cal • g~1 .

The pressure and temperature at which the solid, liquid and gaseous states of a substance coexist in equilibrium is known as the triple point of the substance.

Properties Of Bulk Matter – Change Of State Of Matter Useful Relations For Solving Numerical Problems

During change of state, heat gained or lost by a substance, H = mL

[where, m =inass of the substance and L = latent heat for the change of state]

During change in temperature of a substance, heat gained or lost, H = mst

[where, s = specific heat of the substance, t = change in temperature]

Properties Of Bulk Matter – Change Of State Of Matter Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. What is the heat gained or lost by a substance during its change of state at a constant temperature called?
Answer: Latent heat

Question 2. What is the unit of latent heat in CGS system?
Answer: cal • g-1

Question 3. ‘Boiling point of water is higher at Darjeeling than that at Kolkata’ — state whether the statement is true or false.
Answer: False

Question 4. What is the latent heat of melting of ice in cal • g-1?
Answer: 80

Question 5. What is the latent heat of the vaporisation of water in cal · g-1? Answer: 540

Question 6. Due to increase in pressure on ice, its melting point _________
Answer: Decreases

Question 7. Name the phenomenon of melting of ice under pressure and its resolidification on withdrawal of pressure.
Answer: Regelation

Question 8. Name the process of vaporisation that occurs slowly from the upper surface of a liquid at any temperature.
Answer: Evaporation

Question 9. The boiling point of a solution is _______ than the boiling point of the solvent.
Answer: Higher

Question 10. Cooking becomes rapid in a pressure cooker, because the _________ of water increases due to increase of superincumbent pressure.
Answer: Boiling point

Properties Of Bulk Matter – Change Of State Of Matter Assertion Reason type

Direction: These questions have statement 1 and statement 2. Of the four choices given below, choose the one that best describes the two statements.

  1. Statement 1 is true, statement 2 is true statement 2 is a correct explanation for statement 1.
  2. Statement 1 is true, statement 2 is true statement 2 is not a correct explanation for statement 1.
  3. Statement 1 is true, statement 2 is false.
  4. Statement 1 is false, statement 2 is true.

Question 1.

Statement 1: In the pressure-temperature (p-T) phase diagram of water the slope of the melting curve is found to be negative.

Statement 2: Ice contracts on melting to water.

Answer: 1. Statement 1 is true, statement 2 is true statement 2 is a correct explanation for statement 1.

Question 2.

Statement 1: Melting of solid causes no change in internal energy.

Statement 2: Latent heat is the heat required to melt a unit mass of solid.

Answer: 4. Statement 1 is false, statement 2 is true.

Question 3.

Statement 1: Water kept in an open vessel will quickly evaporate on the surface of the moon.

Statement 2: The day temperature at the surface of the moon is higher than boiling point of water.

Answer: 2. Statement 1 is true, statement 2 is true statement 2 is not a correct explanation for statement 1.

Question 4.

Statement 1: If 1 g of ice is mixed with 1 g of water at 80 °C, then the final temperature of the mixture is 0°C.

Statement 2: Ice melts.

Answer: 2. Statement 1 is true, statement 2 is true statement 2 is not a correct explanation for statement 1.

Question 5.

Statement 1: The specific heat of ice at 0°C is infinite.

Statement 2: When heat is supplied to ice at 0°C, the change in temperature is zero as the ice melts.

Answer: 1. Statement 1 is true, statement 2 is true statement 2 is a correct explanation for statement 1.

Properties Of Bulk Matter – Change Of State Of Matter Match Column 1 And Column 2.

Question 1. In a container of negligible mass ra g of steam at 100°C is added to 100 g of water that has a temperature 20 °C. If no heat is lost to the surroundings at equilibrium, match the items given in Column 1 with that in Column 2.

Class 11 Physics Unit 7 Properties Of Matter Chapter 8 Change Of State Of Matter Match The Column Question 1

Answer: 1. C, 2. A, 3. D, 4. A

Question 2. Match the Column 1 with Column 2 according to data collected from the given graph.

Class 11 Physics Unit 7 Properties Of Matter Chapter 8 Change Of State Of Matter Data Collecting From The Graph

Class 11 Physics Unit 7 Properties Of Matter Chapter 8 Change Of State Of Matter Match The Column Question 2

Answer: 1.D, 2. A, 3. B, 4. C

Question 3. Match the Column 1 with Column 2 according to data collected from the given graph.

Class 11 Physics Unit 7 Properties Of Matter Chapter 8 Change Of State Of Matter Temperature And Time Graph

Class 11 Physics Unit 7 Properties Of Matter Chapter 8 Change Of State Of Matter Match The Column Question 3

Answer: 1. C, 2. A, 3. D, 4. B


WBCHSE Notes For Class 11 Physics Thermometry

Properties Of Bulk Matter Thermometry

Thermometry deals with the measurement of temperature.
Generally, on touching an object we have some sort of sensation. This sensation is known as thermal sensation which indicates the thermal condition of the object.

  1. This thermal sensation enables us to understand
  2. Whether a body is hot or cold, and
  3. How hot or how cold of a body is compared to other bodies. For example, thermal sensation gives the feeling that the water of a pond is hotter than ice, but is colder than water that has been heated for some time.

Again, if a cold body is in contact with a hot body, the cold one gets gradually hotter and the hot one gets gradually colder. After some time both of the bodies produce the same thermal sensation.

Read and Learn More: Class 11 Physics Notes

But thermal sensation often is not completely dependable because,

  1. It is unsafe to touch very hot or very cold bodies.
  2. The thermal sensation is different for objects that are in contact with one another or in the same environment for a long time. For instance, during the winter a piece of iron feels colder than a piece of wood.
  3. Thermal sensation is subjective and may differ from person to person.
  • Thus, it is essential to establish a measurement system that can determine the thermal condition of a body accurately and that is independent of a person, place, or environment.
  • To achieve this, a law, based on experiences and experimental results, was formulated. This law is the zeroth law of thermodynamics.
  • Before discussing the zeroth law of thermodynamics, we should gain a basic notion of two widely used terms in thermal science—thermal contact and thermal equilibrium.

Thermal contact: Thermal contact may exist between two objects even when they do not touch each other. For example, a cup of hot tea kept on a table for quite some time ceases to remain hot.

This happens because the cup of tea and the other objects in the room have thermal contact among them and after a while they produce the same thermal sensation. In the study of thermal science, thermal contact is abbreviated as contact.

Thermal equilibrium: In general, on touching different objects and feeling the same thermal sensation, we say that these objects are in thermal equilibrium. For example, the objects kept in the same room are in thermal equilibrium most of the time.

  • Let us consider various objects that are not in thermal equilibrium. If these objects are kept in thermal contact of one another, they attain thermal equilibrium on their own.
  • For example, a cup of hot tea kept on a table for quite some time is seen to attain thermal equilibrium with other objects in the room.

Properties Of Bulk Matter – The Zeroth Law Of Thermodynamics

Thermodynamics is the branch of physics that discusses the mutual conversion between heat and work and the changes in the physical properties of different bodies caused by this type of conversion.

  • Thermodynamics is based on two fundamental laws—the first and the second laws of thermodynamics. After the two laws were formulated and put in use, the need for the identification of a fundamental property of matter was felt. This property is the temperature of a body.
  • Hence, a law was to be formulated that would define temperature. It was reasonable that this law should precede the already existing first and second laws of thermodynamics. Thus this law was named the zeroth law of thermodynamics.

Statement of Zeroth law: If two bodies are sepa¬rately in thermal equilibrium with a third body, then the first two bodies are also in thermal equilibrium with each other.

  • For example, if A and B are separately in thermal equilibrium with C, then according to the zeroth law, A and B are also in thermal equilibrium with each other.
  • This may appear to be an obvious truth and we are tempted to believe that the statement need not be considered as a separate law. But it is not true our experiences dictate that this type of argument does not always hold. For example,
  1. if A and B are two iron pieces and C is a magnet, then both A and B will be attracted by C, but A and B will not attract each other.
  2. When each of two straight lines is per¬pendicular to a third straight line, the first two are not neces¬sarily perpendicular to each other.

Thus, we can understand that zeroth law is not an obvious truth, but has been formulated as a ‘law’ on the basis of experiments and experiences.

Analogical examples of the zeroth law:

1. a, b and c are three line segments. Out of these lines, if a is equal to c and b is also equal to c, we know from our experience that a and b are equal to each other.

There exists a property whose value is the same for all three line segments. This property is the length of a line segment. Hence, equality in length is the condition for the three line segments to be equal.

Class 11 Physics Unit 7 Properties Of Matter Chapter 4 Thermometry Analogical Examples Of Zeroth Law

2. a, b, and c are three straight lines on a plane. a is parallel to c and b is also parallel to c. We know that a and b will also be parallel to each other, a, b, and c must have the same gradient or slope, and thus, equality in slope is the condition for the lines a, b, and c to be parallel to one another.

Significance Of The Zeroth law: From the analogies discussed above, it can be concluded that there must exist a characteristic property of every body, whose equality dictates thermal equilibrium among the bodies. This characteristic property is the temperature of a body.

Significance Of The Zeroth Law Definition: Temperature is a physical property of everybody, whose equality is the necessary and sufficient condition for thermal equilibrium among the bodies.

According to this definition,

  1. All substances kept in a room for a long time are at the same temperature,
  2. Temperature of hot water is different from that of cold water,
  3. A hot body and a cold body, kept in thermal contact, attain the same temperature after some time, etc.

Properties Of Bulk Matter – Thermometer

An instrument that measures the temperature of a body is called a thermometer.

From zeroth law we see that, to determine the thermal equilibrium between A and B, a third body C can be used as a reference body. In this case C acts as a thermometer.

Temperature scale: A scale of temperature is needed to measure the temperature of a body accurately. To draw up a scale we follow the norm that a hot body is at a higher temperature while a cold body is at a lower temperature.

It implies that when a hot and a cold body are in contact, the temperature of the hot body will decrease and that of the cold body will increase. When the temperatures of both bodies become equal, the bodies attain thermal equilibrium.

Fixed point: To set up a temperature scale, one or more conveniently reproducible, well-established temperatures are chosen as standard temperatures. These fixed tempera¬tures are called the fixed points.

Primary thermometer: There are several kinds of thermometers for practical use. There are liquid thermometers (mercury or alcohol), ideal gas thermometers, platinum-resis-tance thermometers etc. Among these, there is a special kind of thermometer that is used to deduce the accurate value of different fixed points.

  • This is known as a primary thermometer. Using these fixed points, other thermometers are calibrated. The universally accepted primary thermometer is the ideal gas thermometer.
  • The thermometer contains a gas, under ideal conditions, kept at a constant volume. The property of the gas, that changes with temperature, is its pressure.

As such, pressure is called the thermometric property of the gas. The thermometer is also known as a constant-volume gas thermometer. To fix the ideal gas temperature scale, the temperature (T) is assumed to be proportional to the pres¬sure (p) of the gas. So,

T ∝ p, or, T = kp, where k is an unknown constant.

  • To know the value of k, one fixed point should be chosen and its temperature allotted with a definite value. This fixed point, known as the fundamental fixed point, is the triple point of water (discussed below).
  • The value of its temperature is universally accepted as 273.16. Later, Kelvin introduced a thermodynamic temperature scale, which exactly coincides with the ideal gas scale.

So the unit of temperature is chosen as kelvin or K; then the temperature of the triple point of water is T0 = 273.16 K.

Triple point of water: The triple point of water is the state at which ice, water, and water vapour can coexist in thermal equilibirum. At this state, the pressure and the temperature are fixed so it is a fixed point.

  • The value of pressure at this fixed point is 4.58 mm of Hg the value of temperature is assigned as 273.16 K in the ideal gas scale (see the chapter ‘Change of State of Matter’).
  • Unless a very accurate value of temperature is required, we may use the number 273 in place of 273.16 for the triple point of water. In that case, C = K – 273; so practically there is no difference between the values of the triple point of water and ice point (see the table below).

Ideal gas scale: Scaling of the ideal gas thermometer is done considering the triple point of water as 273.16. Then temperatures of a few more fixed points are measured using this scale. The scale obtained from this is called ideal gas scale. Nowadays, Kelvin (K) is used as the unit instead of degree kelvin in ideal gas scale.

Class 11 Physics Unit 7 Properties Of Matter Chapter 4 Thermometry Fixed Point And Temperature

The following table lists some of the important fixed points and their temperatures measured and ascertained by an ideal gas thermometer. All fixed points other than the triple point of water are called secondary fixed points.

Secondary thermometer: All thermometers, other than the ideal gas thermometer, are secondary thermome¬ters. They are called secondary because they are calibrated according to the values of temperatures of fixed points already determined by an ideal gas thermometer.

  • So all secondary thermometers actually obey the ideal gas temperature scale. However, it should be noted that secondary thermometers should never be regarded as less reliable or less efficient.
  • Rather, they are often highly accurate and very easy to use. The most important of them are liquid ther¬mometer and resistance thermometer.

The four scales of temperature—Celcius, Fahrenheit, Reaumur, and Kelvin Fixed points and symbols:

Class 11 Physics Unit 7 Properties Of Matter Chapter 4 Thermometry Temperature Scale

Equivalence of the temperatures recorded in the four different scales mentioned above: Let C, F, R, and K be the temperature of a body as recorded in three different scales viz., Celsius, Fahrenheit, Reaumur, and Kelvin respectively. Then,

⇒ \(\frac{C-0}{100-0}=\frac{F-32}{212-32}=\frac{R-0}{80-0}=\frac{K-273}{373-273}\)

or, \(\frac{C}{5}=\frac{F-32}{9}=\frac{R}{4}=\frac{K-273}{5}\)

Equivalence of the temperature recorded in any two different scales: Let the temperature of a body in scale A be p and that in scale B be q. Then,

⇒ \(\frac{p \text {-lower fixed point in scale } A}{\text { upper fixed point in } A \text {-lower fixed point in } A}\)

= \(\frac{q \text {-lower fixed point in scale } B}{\text { upper fixed point in } B \text {-lower fixed point in } B}\)

 Properties Of Bulk Matter Heat

Heat Definition: The energy transferred from one body to another only because of a difference in temperature 1 between them is called heat.

Heat Discussion:

  • It is to be noted that in thermodynamics, temperature has been define, first. Then heat energy is defined based on the difference in temperature.
  • Hence, a statement like, “Heat is the cause and temperature is the effect” is not applicable in thermodynamics. In fact, there is no real need for such a simplification.
  • The accepted convention for the direction of flow of heat is that, it flows from a body at a higher temperature to a body at a lower temperature.
  • The statement, ‘only because of a difference in tempera-ture’, has been used in the definition of heat because difference in other physical properties, between two bodies may cause a flow of other forms of energy. For example, a difference in pressure between two bodies brought in contact causes the transfer of mechanical energy.
  • While temperature is an intrinsic property of a body, ‘heat’ is not ‘Heat of a body’ is a meaningless concept. Heat energy manifests itself only when it is transferred from one body to another.
  • Hence, heat is energy in transit. The statement, ‘temperature of a body is 20 °C ’, is meaningful. But the ‘heat of a body is 200 cal ’ is meaningless. Instead ‘heat transferred from A to B is 200 cal ’ is a correct statement.
  • The amount of heat contained in a body can never be measured. What we measure in calorimetry is the amount of heat absorbed or liberated by a body not the ‘heat content’ of the body.

Thermal equilibrium: When two or more bodies are in thermal contact and the temperature of every one of them is the same, then no heat is exchanged among them. This state is called thermal equilibrium.

Unit 7 Properties Of Bulk Matter Chapter 4 Thermometry Heat Numerical Examples

Example 1. What is the temperature which has the same value in Celsius and in Fahrenheit scales?

The temperature which has the same value in Celsius and in Fahrenheit scales

Let the temperature be x degree. As per the question C = F = x

From the relation for equivalence of temperature scales, we
know \(\frac{C}{5}=\frac{F-32}{9}\)

∴ \(\frac{x}{5}=\frac{x-32}{9}\) or, 9x = 5x- 160

or, 4x = -160

∴ x = -40

∴ -40 °C = -40 °F

Example 2. A thermometer has its lower fixed point and upper fixed point marked as 0.5 and 101 respectively. What is the reading on this thermometer at 30 °C?

A thermometer has its lower fixed point and upper fixed point marked as 0.5 and 101 respectively.

Let the reading be t degree.

∴ \(\frac{t-0.5}{101-0.5}=\frac{C}{100} \text { or, } \frac{t-0.5}{100.5}=\frac{30}{100}\)

or, 10t-5 = 301.5 or, t = 30.65 degree

Hence, the faulty thermometer reads 30.65 degree.

Example 3. A faulty thermometer reads -0.5 °C in melting ice and 99 °C in boiling water at the pressure of 747 mm of Hg. What is the correct temperature when the faulty thermometer reads 45 °C? The actual boiling point of water is 99 °C at 734 mm of Hg.

A faulty thermometer reads -0.5 °C in melting ice and 99 °C in boiling water at the pressure of 747 mm of Hg.

Actual boiling point of water at the pressure of 760 mm of Hg is 100 °C.

Now, a decrease in pressure by (760 – 734) or 26 mm of Hg decreases the boiling point of water by (100 – 99) = 1 °C.

∴ The decrease in pressure by (760-747) or, 13 mm of Hg decreases the boiling point of water by 1/26 x 13 = 0.5 °C.

Hence, the boiling point of water at 747 mm of Hg should be (100-0.5) = 99.5 °C.

Let the correct temperature be x °C, when the faulty ther-mometer reads 45 °C.

Hence, \(\frac{x}{99.5}=\frac{45-(-0.5)}{99-(-0.5)}=\frac{45.5}{99.5} \quad therefore x=45.5^{\circ} \mathrm{C} \text {. }\)

Temperature of the freezing mixture = -23°C

Example 4. A centimetre scale is attached with a thermometer of uniform bore. The thermometer reads 7.3 cm in melting ice, 23.8 cm in boiling water and 3.5 cm in a freezing mixture. What is the temperature of this freezing mixture in °C?

A centimetre scale is attached with a thermometer of uniform bore. The thermometer reads 7.3 cm in melting ice, 23.8 cm in boiling water and 3.5 cm in a freezing mixture.

The lower and the upper fixed points correspond to readings of 7.3 cm and 23.8 cm respectively. The tem­perature of the freezing mixture in this scale corresponds to a scale reading of 3.5 cm.

Let C be the freezing mixture’s temperature in degree Cel­sius.

Temperature of the freezing mixture = – 23.03 °C.

Alternative solution: When the temperature increases from 0 °C to 100 °C, the corresponding change in scale reading = 23.8 – 7.3 = 16.5 cm.

So when the temperature changes by 1 °C, the corresponding changes in scale reading = 16.85/100 = 0.165 cm

Let the temperature of the freezing mixture =-x °C

So change in temperature in Celcius scale = 0 – (-x) = x °C

The corresponding change in scale reading = 0.165x cm.

According to the question,

0. 165X = 7.3-3.5 or, x = 38/0.165 = 23.03

So the temperature of the freezing mixture is -23.03 °C.

Example 5. A substance is heated from 30 °C to 75 °C. What is the change in its temperature on the Fahrenheit scale and on the Kelvin scale?

A substance is heated from 30 °C to 75 °C.

Let a temperature be C on the Celsius scale, F on the Fahrenheit scale and T on the Kelvin scale. We can write,

F = 9/5C + 32 ….(1)

and T = C+273 ….(2)

Differentiating equation (1) we get,

⇒ \(\Delta F=\frac{9}{5} \Delta C\)

Here, ΔC = 75 – 30 = 45

∴ ΔF = 9/5 x 45 = 81.

Similarly, by differentiating equation (2) we get, ΔT = ΔC = 45.

Example 6. The graph between Celcius and Fahrenheit temperature of a body is shown. Show that the angle made by the graph with Celsius axis is \(\sin ^{-1} \frac{9}{\sqrt{106}}\)

Class 11 Physics Unit 7 Properties Of Matter Chapter 4 Thermometry Graph Between Celcius And Fahrenhit Temperature


The graph between Celcius and Fahrenheit temperature of a body is shown.

We know, \(\frac{C}{5}=\frac{F-32}{9} \text { or, } C=\frac{5}{9}(F-32) \text { or, } F=\frac{9}{5} C+32\)

This is the equation of a straight line, Here the slope of the line, tanθ = 9/5

Class 11 Physics Unit 7 Properties Of Matter Chapter 4 Thermometry Scope Of The Line

∴ OA = \(\sqrt{5^2+9^2}=\sqrt{106}\)

∴ \(\sin \theta=\frac{9}{\sqrt{106}}\)

or, \(\theta=\sin ^{-1} \frac{9}{\sqrt{106}}\)


Unit 7 Properties Of Bulk Matter Chapter 4 Thermometry Synopsis

Zeroth law of thermodynamics: If two bodies are separately, in thermal equilibrium with a third body, then the first two bodies are also in thermal equilibrium with each other.

  • Temperature is a physical property of any system, whose equality indicates thermal equilibrium between different systems.
  • The instrument that measures the temperature of a body is called a thermometer.
  • The energy transferred from one body to another due to the difference of temperature only is called heat.
  • Thermal equilibrium: When two or more bodies are in thermal contact and the temperature of each body is the same, then no heat is exchanged among them. This state is called thermal equilibrium.

Unit 7 Properties Of Bulk Matter Chapter 4 Thermometry Useful Relations For Solving Numerical Problems

If any temperature in Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin scales be C, F and K respectively, then

⇒ \(\frac{C}{5}=\frac{F-32}{9}=\frac{K-273}{5}\)

Relation of temperature readings in any two scales: If any temperature on one scale be p and that on some other scale be q then,

⇒ \(\frac{p-\text { lower fixed point in the first scale }}{\text { upper fixed point in that scale }- \text { lower fixed point in that scale }}\)

= \(\frac{q-\text { lower fixed point in the second scale }}{\text { upper fixed point in that scale }- \text { lower fixed point in that scale }}\)

Unit 7 Properties Of Bulk Matter Chapter 4 Thermometry Match Column 1 And Column 2

Question 1. Ranges of different thermometers are given below.

Class 11 Physics Unit 7 Properties Of Matter Chapter 4 Thermometry Match The Column

Answer: 1. 3, 2. D, 3. B, 4. A

Unit 7 Properties Of Bulk Matter Chapter 4 Thermometry Comprehension Type Questions

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions at the end of it.

Question 1. Perhaps the highest temperature material you will ever see is the sun’s outer atmosphere or corona. At a temperature of about 2 x 106 °C or 3.6 x 106 °F, the corona glows with a light that is literally unearthly. But because corona is also very thin, its light is rather faint. You can only see the corona during a total solar eclipse when the sun’s disk is covered by the moon.

1. Is it accurate to say that the corona contains heat?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. In particular, conditions, say during solar eclipse, it contain heat
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. Yes

2. What is the highest temperature which can be created on earth for a sufficiently long time?

  1. 1500°C
  2. 2000°C
  3. 2500°C
  4. 3000 K

Answer: 4. 3000 K

3. To measure high temperatures > 2500°C we use

  1. Constant volume gas thermometer
  2. Thermocouple
  3. Resistance thermometer
  4. Pyrometer

Answer: 4. Pyrometer

Unit 7 Properties Of Bulk Matter Chapter 4 Thermometry Integer Type Questions

In these type, the answer to each of the questions is a single-digit integer ranging from 0 to 9.

1. A Celsius and a Fahrenheit thermometer are put in a hot bath. The reading of the Fahrenheit thermometer is just 29/5 times the reading on the Celsius thermometer. What is the temperature of the bath in Celsius?
Answer: 8

Hydrostatics Notes

Hydrostatics Fluid

Liquids and gases do not have any definite shape of their own and thus can change their shapes easily. As these substances are not rigid, they do not have the capability to restore their original shape.

For this reason, liquids and gases at rest cannot resist the tangential force acting on them, and due to the application of even a slight tangential force, these substances begin to flow. Since liquids and gases can flow easily, they are called fluids.

  • The branch of physics in which the characteristic properties of fluids at rest are studied is called hydrostatics.
  • A liquid has a volume but no definite shape. It takes the shape of the container in which it is kept. But gases have neither a definite shape nor a volume of their own they usually take the shape and the volume of their container.
  • Consequently, a gas can be compressed easily by applying pressure on it, while a liquid is almost incompressible.
  • Any substance which has no definite shape and has the ability to flow is called fluid. Thus, both liquids and gases are fluids.

Fluids are everywhere around us. Earth has an envelope of air, and two third of earth’s surface is covered with water. Fluids are a phases of matter and include liquids, gases, plasmas and to some extent, plastic solids.

The fundamental difference between solid and liquid:

  1. Shearing stress causes a change in the shape of a solid without changing its volume whereas fluids offer little resistance to shearing stress. The shearing stress of fluids is about million times smaller than that of solids.
  2. A fluid can exert or withstand a force in a direction perpendicular to its surface. So a fluid does have a bulk modulus of rigidity.

The fundamental difference between liquid and gas: A liquid is incompressible and has a definite volume and a free surface of its own. However, a gas is compressible and it expands to occupy all the space available to it.

Hydrostatics Archimedes Principle

When a body is totally or partly immersed in a liquid or gas at rest, it appears to lose a part of its weight. This apparent loss of weight is equal to the weight of the liquid or gas displaced by the body. This is Archimedes’ principle.

It is to be noted, that Archimedes’ principle is related to the weight of a body. So, this principle is not applicable for a body in a weightless condition. The weight of the body in an artificial satellite or in a freely falling situation is zero. So in these cases, Archimedes’ principle is not applicable.

Application of Archimedes’ Principle: We can determine the following with the help of Archimedes’ principle:

  1. The volume of a solid of any shape
  2. The density of a substance
  3. The amount of the constituent elements in a piece of alloy made of two elements

For the determination of the above things, the choice of the liquid used should be such that

  1. The body should not be soluble in that liquid and
  2. The body under experiment should not react chemically with the liquid.

1. Determination of the volume of a solid of any shape: The method described below is the simplest one to find the volume of a body of any shape.

The body is heavier than the liquid: Let the weight of the body in air be W1 and its weight when totally immersed in the liquid be W2.

According to Archimedes’ principle,

W1 – W2 = apparent loss in the weight of the body

= weight of the liquid displaced by the body

= weight of the liquid equal to the volume of the body

If the density of the liquid is ρ, then volume of the displaced liquid = \(\frac{W_1-W_2}{\rho g}\)

= volume of the body……(1)

The body is lighter than the liquid: in this case, a sinker is used to immerse the lighter body experiment completely in the liquid.

Let the weogth of the body in air be W1

the weight of the sinker inside the liquid be W2 and the weight the body with the sinker inside the liquid = W3

According to Archimedes’ principle, W1 – (W3 – W2)

= apparent weight loss of the body

= weight of the liquid displaced by the body

= weight of equal volume of the liquid If the density of the liquid is ρ, then the volume of the displaced liquid = \(\frac{W_1-\left(W_3-W_2\right)}{\rho g}\)

∴ volume of the body….. (2)

2. Determination of density of a substance: Let the weight of a body in air be W1 when it is immersed in a liquid of density ρ, it weighs W2.

According to Archimedes’ principle, from equation (1) we get the volume of the body, V = \(\frac{W_1-W_2}{\rho g}\)

∴ Density of the material of the body,

D = \(\frac{\text { mass of the body }}{\text { volume of the body }}=\frac{W_1 / g}{V}=\frac{W_1 \rho}{W_1-W_2}\)…..(3)

From the measured value of density, the purity of a metal can be known. If the measured value of the density is equal to the actual density of that metal, then we can say that the metal is pure; otherwise it is impure.

3. Determination of the amounts of constituent elements in a piece of alloy made of two elements: Let us assume that an alloy is made of two metals A and B. Let the mass of the alloy in air be W1 and its weight when immersed completely in water be W2.

According to Archimedes’ principle, volume of the alloy V = \(\frac{W_1-W_2}{\rho g}\)

Let us assume that the amount of masses and the densities of metals A and B in the alloy are ma, mb, and pa, pb respectively.

∴ Volume of metal \(A=\frac{m_a}{\rho_a}\)

and volume of metal B = \(\frac{m_b}{\rho_b}=\frac{\left(W_1 / g\right)-m_a}{\rho_b}\)

∴ \(\frac{m_a}{\rho_a}+\frac{\left(W_1 / g\right)-m_a}{\rho_b}=\frac{W_1-W_2}{\rho g}\)

or, \(m_a\left(\frac{1}{\rho_a}-\frac{1}{\rho_b}\right)=\frac{W_1-W_2}{\rho g}-\frac{W_1}{\rho_b g}\)

or, \(m_a=\frac{1}{g}\left(\frac{W_1-W_2}{\rho}-\frac{W_1}{\rho_b}\right) \frac{\rho_a \rho_b}{\rho_b-\rho_a}\)

So, if the values of W1 , W2, ρ, ρa, and ρb are known, then the amount of metal A can be determined from equation (4), and from this, the amount of metal B can be determined.

Hydrostatics Synopsis

The mass per unit volume of a substance is called its density.

  • The ratio of the density of a solid or a liquid substance to the density of pure water at 4°C is called the specific gravity of that substance.
  • , The ratio of the mass of a certain volume of any solid or liquid substance to the mass of an equal volume of pure water at 4°C is called the specific gravity of that substance.
  • The force acting normally on unit area of a surface is called pressure.
  • The normal force exerted by a liquid on any surface in contact with it is called the thrust of the liquid.

The characteristics of pressure at a point in a liquid at rest are:

  1. The pressure at a point in a liquid at rest is the same in all directions.
  2. The pressure at all points on the same horizontal level in a liquid at rest is the same.
  3. The pressure at a point in a liquid at rest is directly proportional to the depth of that point inside the liquid.

The free surface of a liquid at rest is always horizontal.

If two immiscible liquids in a U-tube are in equilibrium, then the heights of the liquids from the plane of separation are inversely proportional to the densities of the liquids.

The free surface of a liquid at rest in connected vessels remains in the same horizontal plane.

Pascal’s law: The pressure applied at any point of a confined fluid is transmitted with undiminished magnitude in all directions throughout the fluid and acts normally on the surface in contact with the fluid.

  • The ability of a liquid or gas at rest to exert an upward force on a body immersed in that fluid is called buoyancy.
  • The upward thrust exerted on a body by a liquid or gas immersed partly or totally in it is called the buoyant force.
  • If the liquid with the body remains in a weightless state, then no buoyant force acts on the body.
  • The point where the centre of gravity of the liquid or gas lies before it is displaced by a body immersed in it is the centre of buoyancy or centre of floatation of the immersed body.

Archimedes’ principle: When a body is immersed partly or totally in a liquid or gas at rest, the body appears to lose a part of its weight. This apparent loss in weight is equal to the weight of the liquid or gas displaced by the body.

In the case of a body immersed in a liquid at rest, let the weight of the body be W1 and the buoyant force acting on the body be W2.

If W1 > W2, then the body sinks in the liquid.

If W1 = W2, then the body remains floating at any position inside the liquid being totally immersed in the liquid.

If W1 <W2, the body moves up through the liquid and remains floating partly submerged in the liquid.

A floating body has no apparent weight.

  1. Condition of floatation: The weight of a floating body must be equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the body.
  2. Condition of equilibrium: The centre of gravity and the centre of buoyancy must lie on the same vertical plane.
  • For a floating body in a tilted position, the vertical line drawn through the centre of buoyancy cuts the central line at a point called the metacentre of the body.
  • For stable equilibrium of a floating body, the metacentre of the body should lie above its centre of gravity.

Experimental verification of Hooke’s law Notes

Elasticity Property Of Matter

From our common experience, we know that when a rubber cord is pulled, it increases in length. But in order to increase the length of a steel wire of same diameter by the same amount, a greater force needs to be applied.

  • When equal and opposite external forces act on a body, the different point masses of the body undergo relative displacements. As a result, the body undergoes a change in its shape or size, or both.
  • In this condition, a reaction force develops inside the body which opposes the change. If this change lies within a definite limit then the body regains its original state once the forces are withdrawn.
  • The property which opposes deformation is present in all materials. This general property of matter is known as elasticity (or the elastic property of matter).

Elastic Definition: The property by virtue of which a body resists the deformation in shape or volume or both due to external forces acting on it and regains its original shape or volume when these external forces are withdrawn is called elasticity. This property is present in every material, irrespective of
whether it is solid, liquid, or gas.

Read and Learn More: Class 11 Physics Notes

Elasticity of rubber and Steel: From the viewpoint of physics, a body is said to be more elastic if it has a greater ability to resist deformation against the external force.

  • The greater the external force necessary to produce a definite change in the size or shape of a body, the more elastic is the material of the body.
  • As mentioned earlier, in order to produce an equal deformation in a steel wire and a rubber wire of the same dimensions, a greater force is necessary in the of the steel wire. For this reason, steel is more elastic than rubber.

Factors Affecting Elasticity:

  1. The presence of impurities in a metal changes its elastic property.
  2. If a metal is deformed frequently, then its elasticity decreases. For example, if a thick copper wire is often twisted, it becomes hard and brittle.
  3. The elasticity of a metal changes with temperature. Usually, its elasticity decreases when temperature increases, and vice versa.
  4. An exception to this rule occurs in the case of invar —whose elasticity does not change with any change in temperature. Again if a metal is first heated and then cooled, i.e., it is softened, its elasticity gradually decreases

Elasticity Some Useful Definitions

Perfectly elastic body: If after the withdrawal of external forces, a body completely regains its original shape and volume, then it is called a perfectly elastic body.

  • In real life, however, a body cannot be perfectly elastic for all magnitudes of external forces. Up to a certain limiting value of external force, a body behaves as a perfectly elastic body.
  • This limit is known as the elastic limit for the material of the body. Different materials have different elastic limits. For example, the elastic limit of steel is very high while that of rubber is very low.

Perfectly plastic or inelastic body: if a body, elongated (or compressed) by external forces remains in that deformed state even after the withdrawal of these deforming forces, it is called a perfectly plastic or inelastic body. Actually, no material is perfectly inelastic, though clay comes very close to it.

Partly elastic body: If after the withdrawal of external forces, a deformed body only partially regains its original shape and volume then it is called a partly elastic body. Practically all materials are partly elastic.

Strain: Under the influence of external forces, when a body gets deformed, the different parts of the body suffer relative displacements. As a result, the body undergoes a change in length, volume, or shape.

Strain of a body is defined as the change of its length, volume, or shape relative to its original length, volume, or shape before deformation. So, it is a ratio of two identical quantities and hence it has no unit, i.e., strain is a dimen¬sionless quantity.

Stress: When a body gets deformed under the influence of external forces, a reaction force develops in the body because of elasticity.

This force tries to resist the external forces and helps to bring the body back to its unstrained condition after the deforming forces are withdrawn. The reaction force acting per unit area of the cross-section of the body is called stress.

Since action and reaction are opposite but equal, stress is equal in magnitude to the force applied per unit area of the deformed body.

Stress = \(\frac{\text { applied force }}{\text { area of cross-section of the body }}\)

Units and dimension of stress:

  • dyn. cm-2 CGS system
  • N. m-2 SI

Dimensional of stress = \(\frac{\text { dimension of force }}{\text { dimension of area }}=\frac{M L T^{-2}}{L^2}\) = ML-1T-2

We shall see that the units and dimension of stress is the same as that of pressure.

Normal stress and shearing or tangential stress: An applied force can act normally or obliquely on the surface of a body. The component of the reaction force perpendicular to a unit area of the surface is called normal stress.

Class 11 Physics Unit 7 Properties Of Matter Chapter 1 Elasticity Normal Stress And Shearing Or Tangential Stress

  • When there is any change in the length of a wire or in the volume of a body, normal stress is developed. The stress associated with an increase in length is called tensile stress and that associated with a decrease is called compressive stress.
  • On the other hand, the component of the reaction force parallel to a unit area of the surface is called shearing stress or tangential stress. Usually, shearing stress is developed during any change in the shape of a body.

Breaking load and breaking stress: if the external force exceeds the elastic limit, then a strained body cannot return to its original size or shape even after the deforming force is withdrawn.

  • In such a case, the body gets perma¬nently deformed. If the amount of the external force is increased gradually, then, for a particular value of the applied force, the body breaks or snaps.
  • The magnitude of force, or load, for which the body breaks or snaps is called the breaking load of that body. In that condition, the maximum reaction force developed per unit area of the surface of the body is called breaking stress. Every material has its characteristic breaking stress.

Elasticity Hooke’s Law

The fundamental law of elasticity was propounded by Robert Hooke in 1676. Later Thomas Young expressed this lawin the following way.

Statement: Within the elastic limit of a substance, stress is directly proportional to strain.

Hence, stress ∝ strain or, \(\frac{\text { stress }}{\text { strain }}\) = constant

This constant is called the modulus of elasticity for the material of the body. Therefore, the stress developed for unit strain is defined as the modulus of elasticity.

This modulus depends on the material of the body. The modulus of elasticity changes with temperature, in general. Usually, its value decreases with an increase in temperature.

Units and dimension of the modulus of elasticity: Since strain has no unit, the modulus of elasticity has the unit of stress.

Relation: \(1 \mathrm{~N} \cdot \mathrm{m}^{-2}(1 \mathrm{~Pa})=\frac{1 \mathrm{~N}}{1 \mathrm{~m}^2}=\frac{10^5 \mathrm{dyn}}{10^4 \mathrm{~cm}^2}\)

= \(10 \mathrm{dyn} \cdot \mathrm{cm}^{-2}\)

Similarly, the dimensions of the modulus of elasticity and of
stress are identical, which is ML-1T-2.

ElasticityStress Strain Graph (Load Exten Sion Graph Of A String)

Suppose a wire of uniform cross-section is clamped at its upper end with rigid support and a load is applied at its lower end which is then gradually increased.

As a result, the length of the wire goes on increasing. In the stress- strain graph of a ductile metallic wire has been shown. The different parts of this graph are described below.

1. Straight line OA: In this section, the stress on the wire is proportional to the strain, which means that the metal follows Hooke’s Aaftr. The wire behaves like a completely elastic body up to the point A.

2. Point A: This point indicates the proportionality limit.

3. Line segment AB: In this section, the ratio of stress and strain is comparatively less, which means that the metal does not follow Hooke’s law. However, after reaching this section of strain, if the stress is removed, then the wire will regain its original length, which means that the strain will again be zero.

4. Point B: This point indicates the elastic limit. In the case of most metals, the two points A and 6 are found to be quite close to each other. In the case of glass, A, and B are identical points and in the case of rubber, the distance between A and B is quite high.

5. Line segment BC: In this section, stress divided by strain becomes even less and the metal gradually loses its elastic property and becomes plastic. After reaching this section of strain, if the stress is removed, then the wire is unable to regain its original length. So, the wire undergoes a permanent deformation.

6. Point C: This point is called the yield point or the upper yield point. At this point, the stress level is known as yield stress. The yield point for most substances can¬not be determined accurately.

7. Line segment CD: In this section, stress divided by strain is negative. It implies that even if stress is decreased, strain will increase.

8. Point D: This point is called the lower yield point. If the stress is gradually decreased after the strain reaches this point, the return graph is not along DO, but along DO’. In this case OO’ indicates the permanent deformation.

For bodies with nearly perfect elasticity, the points A, B, C, and D are situated so close to one another that practically the four points can be assumed to be identical.

9. Line segment DE: In this section, stress divided by strain is the least and the metal becomes plastic. The cross-section of certain parts of a wire becomes comparatively lower than that of the remaining parts.

10. Point E: At point E the stress reaches its maximum value. At this point, the material of the wire flows like a viscous liquid and the wire becomes thin. Now, even if the load is decreased, the wire goes on thinning down.

11. Line segment EF: In this section, the area of the cross-section at different parts of the wire starts decreasing fast.

12. point F: At this point, the wire snaps from its weakest part. The stress corresponding to the point F is called breaking stress or the ultimate stress. This point F is called fracture or breaking point.

Ductile material: The materials which have large plastic range of extension are called ductile materials. As shown in the stress-strain curve in Fig, their fracture or breaking point is widely separated from the elastic limit. Such materials undergo an irreversible increase in length before snapping. So they can be drawn into thin wires. Copper, silver, iron, aluminum, etc., are examples of ductile materials.

Brittle material: The materials which have very small range of plastic limit of extension are called brittle materials.

Class 11 Physics Unit 7 Properties Of Matter Chapter 1 Elasticity String Graph Line Segment BC

Such materials break as soon as the stress is increased beyond the elastic limit. Their breaking point lies just close to their elastic limit as shown. Cast iron, glass, ceramic, etc., are examples of brittle materials.

Necessity of the stress-strain graph: For practical purposes, knowledge of the load-extension graph of a metal is absolutely essential. From this graph, the elastic limit of the material can be known.

For example, during the use of a machine, the stress developed on the axle or the other parts of the machine should be kept below the elastic limit of its material. For this, the stress-strain or the load-extension graphs of different materials are highly useful.

Elastic fatigue: If the force (or load) applied on an elastic body rises and falls rapidly and this periodic fluctuation continues for a long time, then the elastic property of the body gets degraded, even if the elastic limit for the material is not exceeded.

  • It means that the body remains permanently deformed in some respect, i.e.„ some part of the body becomes thinner and weaker, even after the deforming force is withdrawn. The body may then break or snap at a load less than the normal breaking load.
  • This kind of degradation of the elastic property of material due to rapid changes in stress is called elastic fatigue.

Elasticity Experimental Verification Of Hooke’s Law Determination Of Young’s Modulus

Searle’s Experiment: A uniform metal wire, about 2 to 3 m long, is hung from the roof of the laboratory. Initially, a small weight, usually called zero-load, is attached to the lower end of the wire. With the help of a screw gauge, the average diameter of the experimental wire is measured. Its length (L) is determined using a metre scale.

The load at the lower end of the wire is then gradually increased. Measuring the corresponding extensions with suitably fitted verniers, a graph can be plotted with the load along the X-axis and the elongation along the Y-axis. The graph passes through the origin and is a straight line.

Class 11 Physics Unit 7 Properties Of Matter Chapter 1 Elasticity Experimental Verification Of Hooke's Law

As the graph is a straight line, we can say that, load ∝ elongation, i.e., stress ∝ strain (within the elastic limit). This proves the validity of Hooke’s law.

Calculation: From any point P on the graph, two perpendiculars are drawn on the axes.

Here, OQ = load (mg); OR = elongation (l).

Therefore, the longitudinal stress \(\frac{m g}{\pi r^2}\) and the longitudinal.

∴ Y = \(\frac{\text { longitudinal stress }}{\text { longitudinal strain }}=\frac{\frac{m g}{\pi r^2}}{\frac{l}{L}}=\frac{m g L}{\pi r^2 l}\)

Since the quantities on the right-hand side of the above expression are known, the value of Young’s modulus (Y) can be determined.

Elasticity Synopsis

The property by virtue of which a body resists the defor¬mation either in shape or in volume or both, due to application of external forces on it and recovers its original shape or volume when the deforming force is withdrawn, is called elasticity.

  • A body cannot be perfectly elastic for all magnitudes of external force. Only up to a certain limit of external force a body can be perfectly elastic. This limit is known as the elastic limit for the material of that body.
  • Actually there is no perfectly elastic or perfectly inelastic material, rather all materials can be treated as partially elastic.

Under the influence of external deforming force the reaction force developed per unit area of cross section of a body is called stress. Stress of a body can be expressed as

stress = \(\frac{\text { applied force }}{\text { area of cross-section of the body }}\)

  • Relative displacements of different parts of an elastic body occur under the influence of external deforming force. As a result, the body undergoes change in length, volume, or shape. The fractional change in these quanti¬ties is known as strain.
  • Strain is always represented by the ratio of two identical quantities. It has no unit its dimension = 1
  • The applied force or load for which a body snaps or breaks is called the breaking load.

Hooke’s law: Within elastic limit, stress is directly proportional to strain. The amount of stress developed per unit strain is called elastic modulus.

Dimensions of elastic modulus and stress are identical and is ML-1T-2.

Class 11 Physics Unit 7 Properties Of Matter Chapter 1 Elasticity Dimensions Of Elastic Modulus And Stress Are Identical

  • The amount of force applied to produce unit elongation in a spring is called its force constant. Force constant of a spring represents its stiffness.
  • The loss in elastic capability of a body due to repeated and rapid increase or decrease in the force applied on it is known as elastic fatigue.

Elasticity Useful Relations For Solving Numerical Problems

Hooke’s law: \(\frac{\text { stress }}{\text { strain }}=\text { elastic modulus }\)

Class 11 Physics Unit 7 Properties Of Matter Chapter 1 Elasticity Hooke's Law

Y = \(3 K(1-2 \sigma)=2 n(1+\sigma), \sigma=\frac{3 K-2 n}{6 K+2 n}\)

⇒ \(\frac{9}{Y}=\frac{1}{K}+\frac{3}{n}\)

Work done in stretching wire,

W = \(\frac{1}{2} F l=\frac{1}{2} \frac{Y A l^2}{L}\)

In deforming a body, the work done per unit volume potential energy stored per unit volume of the body (energy density) = 1/2 x stress x strain .

For a force F applied on a spring, if its increase in length is x, then F∝x or, F = kx (where k = force constant of the spring]


WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Algebra Chapter 3 Laws Exercise 3 Solved Example Problems

Algebra Chapter 3 Laws Exercise 3 Solved Example Problems

Algebra Introduction

In this chapter, we shall discuss some phenomena known to you in a different manner.

Actually, out of the four basic operations namely addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division only addition and multiplication (and in some special cases division also) abide by some laws.

Math Solution Of Class 7 Wbbse

Read and Learn More WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths

These laws are:

  1. Commutative law
  2. Associative law and
  3. Distributive law.

These laws play an important role in higher mathematics, especially in classical and modern algebra and also in the theory of sets. Let us have a look at these laws, starting with very simple examples.

Wbbse Class 7 Maths Solutions

Commutative law 

You know that, 7 + 8 = 15

Again, 8 + 7 = 15

Therefore, 7 + 8 = 8 + 7.

So, it may be said that, if a and 6 be any two integers then, a+b = b+a.

In the above equation, we see that on the left-hand side a is in the first position and b is after a while on the right-hand side b is in the first position and a is after b.

This law, where a and b interchange their positions is known as commutative law.

Also, you know that, 7 x 4 = 28 and also, 4 x 7 = 28

Therefore, 7 x 4 = 4 x 7.

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So, it may be said that, if a and b are two integers then, axb= bxa.

Thus, the commutative law is also applicable in the case of multiplication.

Illustration: 1. Suppose, you have 6 mangoes and your brother has 4 mangoes. Thus the total number of mangoes can be obtained by adding your mangoes with your brother’s share i.e., 4 + 6 = 10.

Again we can find the total number of mangoes by adding your brother’s mangoes with your mangoes i.e., 6 + 4 = 10. Therefore, 4 + 6 = 6 + 4.

Hence, we can say that the addition of 6 with 4 and the addition of 4 with 6 give the same result. Thus if 4 and 6 change their places, their sum remains unaltered.

2. Suppose, in a garden, there are 4 rows of trees and in each row, there are 3 trees.

Then the total number of trees in the garden = 3 x 4 = 12.

Also in another garden, there are 3 rows of trees and in each row, there are 4 trees.

Then the total number of trees in the garden is 4 x 3 = 12. Thus we see that, 3×4 = 4×3.

Associative law

The sum 4 + 5 + 7 may be written in different ways.

If, at first 5 is added with 4 and then 7 is added with this result of addition then it may be written as (4 + 5) + 7 = 9 + 7=16; again, if at first 7 is added with 5 and then the result of this addition is added with 4 then it may be written as 4 + (5 + 7) = 4 + 12 = 16.

So, it is clear that (4 + 5) + 7 = 4 + (5 + 7).

Therefore, in general, if a, 6 and c be three integers then, (a + 6) + c = a + (6 + c).

This is known as the associative law of addition.

The associative law is also applicable in the case of multiplication.

For example, we see that (2 x 3) x 4 = 6 x 4 = 24 and 2 x (3 x 4) = 2×12 = 24.

Therefore, in general, if a, b and c be three integers then it may be written in general that, (a x b) x c = a x (b x c).

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Illustration: 1. Suppose, you have 4 pens. Your brother has 3 pens and your sister has 2 pens.

At first, adding your and your brother’s pens the total number of pens becomes 4 + 3 = 7.

Now adding this number the number of your sister’s pens the total number of pens becomes (4 + 3) + 2 = 7 + 2 = 9.

Again, adding your brother’s and sister’s pens, the total number of pens = 3+2 = 5.

Now adding with your pens, the sum of your brother’s and sister’s pens the total number of pens becomes 4+(3+2) = 4+5 – 9.

Thus counting the total number of pens in both ways we get, (4 + 3) + 2 = 4 + (3 + 2).

2. Suppose, a boy can do 5 sums per day and we are to find the number of sums that can be done by the boy in 4 weeks.

Since in 1 day the boy can do 5 sums therefore in 1 week (i.e., 7 days) the boy can do 5 x 7 = 35 sums.

Thus in 4 weeks the boy can do (5 x 7) x 4 = 35 x 4 = 140 sums.

Also we may think the issue from another point of view. The total number of days in 4 weeks = 7 x 4 = 28.

Since in 1 day the boy can do 5 sums therefore in 7 x 4 days the boy can do 5 x (7 x 4) = 5 x 28 = 140 sums.

Thus the total number of sums done by the boy is same in both cases.

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Distributive law

You know that, 15 x 6 = 90

Again, since 6 = 4 + 2

∴ 15 x 6 = 15 x (4 + 2) = 15 x 4 + 15 x 2 = 60 + 30 = 90.

So, it may be said in general that, if a, b, and c are three integers then,

a x (b+c) = a x b + a x c and a x (b-c) = a x b -a x c.

So, in the case of multiplication, the distributive law is always applicable.

The distributive law of multiplication may also have the following forms:

(a+b) x c=a x c+b x c and (a-b) x c=a x c- b x c.

Let us now see that, how the distributive law may be applied in the case of division.

You know that, 35 ÷ 5 = 7 and 35 = 25 + 10

Now, (25+10) ÷ 5 = 25÷5 + 10 ÷ 5 = 5 + 2 = 7.

So, it may be said in general that, if a, b, and c are three integers then,

(a+b) ÷ c= a ÷ c + b ÷ c and (a-b) ÷ c= a ÷ c- b ÷c.

This distributive law of division is only applicable for the right-hand side.

If a, b, and c be three integers then it may be shown that,

c ÷ (a + b) ≠ c ÷ a + c ÷ b and c ÷ (a-b) ≠ c ÷a – c ÷ b.

Therefore, the distributive law of division is not applicable in this case.

Illustration: Suppose you can do 12 sums daily and your brother can do 8 sums daily.

In 10 days what will be the total number of sums done by you? We may solve this problem in two ways.

In one day the total sum done by you and your brother is (12 + 8) = 20.

Hence, the number of sums done in 10 days = {(12 + 8) x 10} = 20 x 10 = 200.

Again in 10 days, you can do 12 x 10 – 120 sums and in 10 days your brother can do 8 x 10 = 80 sums.

Hence, the total number of sums done by you and your brother in 10 days = 12 x 10 + 8 x 10 = 120 + 80 = 200.

Thus, we can say that, (12 + 8) x 10 = 12 x 10 + 8 x 10.

Use of brackets: In algebra brackets are used in the same manner as in arithmetic. In general, four types of brackets are used.

They are:

  1. Line bracket —
  2. First bracket ( )
  3. Second bracket { }
  4. Third bracket [ ]

If in a question all the brackets are present then first of all, the operation under the line bracket is performed. After that, the operation under first bracket, second bracket and third bracket are done in series after finding values inside the corresponding brackets.


Algebra Chapter 3 Laws Exercise 3 Some Problems With Commutative, Associative, And Distributive Laws And The Use Of Brackets

Example 1. Prove on the number axis that 4 + 3 = 3 + 4.


Moving 4 units to the right of 0

we get to point 4. After this, moving 3 more units in the same direction we get point 7.

Thus, 4 + 3 = 7.

Again, at first moving 3 units to the right of 0 we get point 3. After this, moving 4 more units in the same direction we get to point 7. Thus, 3 + 4 = 7.

Hence, 4 + 3 = 3 + 4 (proved).

Example 2. Prove that : 4 x 5 = 5 x 4.


4 x 5 = 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 20

5 x 4=4+4+4+4+4=20

Hence, 4 x 5 = 5 x 4 (proved).

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Example 3. Rewrite 2 + 3 + 5 in two different ways such that a single bracket is used in each case.

Solution: 2 + 3 + 5 = (2 + 3) + 5 and 2 + 3 + 5 = 2 + (3 + 5).

Example 4. Rewrite 5 x 6 x 7 in two different ways such that a single bracket is used in each case.

Solution:  5 x 6 x 7 = (5 x 6) x7 and 5 x 6 x 7 = 5 x (6 x 7).

Example 5.  In each of the following cases, determine which law of which operation has been used.

  1. a + b = b + a.
  2. a x b – b x a,
  3. (a + y) + z – x + (y + z).
  4. m x (n x p) = (m x n) x p.
  5. a x (6 + c) = a x b + a x c.
  6. (a + b) ÷ c = a ÷ c + b ÷ c.


  1. Commutative law of addition.
  2. Commutative law of multiplication.
  3. Associative law of addition.
  4. Associative law of multiplication.
  5. Distributive law of multiplication,
  6. Distributive law of division.

Example 6. Add the sum of 3 and 7 with 5 and find the result.



5 + (3 + 7) = 5 + 10 = 15

∴ 15.

The  Result is 15.

Example 7. From 50, subtract the sum of 25 and 15 and find the result.



From 50, subtract the sum of 25 and 15

50 – (25 + 15) = 50 – 40 = 10

∴ 10.

The  Result is 10.

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Example 8. Using the result (a + b). c = a.c + b.c prove that,

  1. (a – b).c=a.c -b.c.
  2. a. (b-c) = a.b- a.c.



Using the result (a + b). c = a.c + b.c

1. (a – b).c + b.c = x.c + b.c [Assuming x = a – b]= (x + b).c [Using the given relation]

= {(a – b) + b}.c [Putting the value of x] = [a + {(-b + b)}].c [By associative property]

= [a + o].c [According to the definition of zero]

= a.c + o.c [Using the given relation]

= a.c + o = a.c [According to the definition of zero]

Now, a.c – b.c = {(a – b).c + b.c} – b.c [Putting the value of a.c]

= (a – b).c + {b.c – b.c} [By associative property]

= (a – b).c + o = (a – b).c

Hence, it is proved that, (a – b).c = a.c – b.c.

2. a.(b – c)= (b – c).a [By commutative property]

= b.a – c.a [From the proof of 1st part]= a.b – a.c [By commutative property]

Hence, it is proved that a.(b – c) = a.b – a.c.

Example 9. Prove that,

  1. (a + b + c).x = a.x+ x + c.x.
  2. (a + b + c) = x.a+ x.b + x.c.


Example 9

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Example 10. Prove that, (a + b) ÷ x = (a ÷ x) + (b ÷ x).

Solution: [(a ÷ x) + (b ÷ x)].x

Example 10

Hence, (a + b) ÷ x = (a ÷ x) + (b ÷ x) [Proved].

Example 11. Simplify xyz (x + y + z).


The given expression = xyz (x + y + z)

= xyz X x + xyz X y + xyz X z

∴ x2yz + xy2z + xyz2

xyz (x + y + z) = x2yz + xy2z + xyz2

Example 12. Simplify : a(a2 + 5a – 6).


The given expression

= a(a2 + 5a – 6)

= a x a2 + a x 5a – a x 6 = a3 + 5a2 – 6a

∴ a3 + 5a2 6a.

a(a2 + 5a – 6) = a3 + 5a2 6a.

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Example 13.  Simplify: \(\frac{x}{x-y}\)+\(\frac{y}{y-x}\)


The given expression

Example 13

Example 14. Simplify  WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Algebra Chapter 3 Laws Exercise 3 Problems On Commutative Associative Distributive Law And Use Of Brackets Example 14


The given expression

Example 14

∴ 9

Example 15. Simplify WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Algebra Chapter 3 Laws Exercise 3 Problems On Commutative Associative Distributive Law And Use Of Brackets Example 15

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Solution :

The given expression

Example 15

∴ – 3

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Example 16. Simplify:  WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Algebra Chapter 3 Laws Exercise 3 Problems On Commutative Associative Distributive Law And Use Of Brackets Example 16


The given expression

Example 16

∴ y-x


WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Chapter 6 Equivalence Of Work And Heat Latent Heat

Chapter 6 Equivalence Of Work And Heat Latent Heat Synopsis

  1. If work can be fully converted into heat, then work done and heat emitted are directly proportional to each other. This is Joule’s law.
  2. If H amount of heat is generated due to performance of work W, then W ∝ H or, W = JH; J being the mechanical equivalent of heat.
  3. Mechanical equivalent of heat is that amount of work, which is to be performed to generate one unit of heat. Mechanical equivalent of work, J = 4.2 x 107 erg/cal = 4.2 J/cal, Value of mechanical equivalent of heat in SI is 1.
  4. A material may exist in different forms or physical states. These forms are physically distinct from each other but have the same chemical composition. By application of heat or extraction of heat or by any other mechanical method, forms of a material can be changed. Each form of the material is known as a distinct state or phase.

On the basis of the absorption or release of heat, change of state is of two types:

  1. Higher change of state and
  2. Lower change of state.

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A change of state of a material due to absorption of heat is called higher change of state.

Examples: Melting or fusion, vaporisation.

On the other hand, a change of state of material due to release of heat is called lower change of state.

Example: solidification, condensation.

The quantity of heat released or absorbed per unit mass of a substance during its change from one state to another by keeping the temperature constant is called the latent heat of the substance.

Units of latent heat in CGS system and SI are cal/g and J/kg, respectively.

Here, 1 cal/g = 4200 J/kg.

Dimensional formula of latent heat is L2T-2.

Chapter 6 Equivalence Of Work And Heat Latent Heat Short And Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Write and explain Joule’s law regarding equivalence of work and heat.


Joule’s Law Regarding Equivalence Of Work And Heat:-

If work can be fully converted to heat, then work done and heat produced are directly proportional to each other. This is Joule’s law. Suppose, W amount of work is done to produce H amount of heat. According to Joule’s law,

W ∝ H or, W = JH

where J is a constant and is called mechanical equivalent of heat.

Question 2. Define mechanical equivalent of heat. What is its value of erg/cal?


Mechanical Equivalent Of Heat And Value Of erg/cal.

  1. Mechanical equivalent of heat is defined as the amount of work that has to be done to produce one unit of heat.
  2. Value of J in CGS system is 4.2 x 107 erg/cal, this may be expressed as 4.2 J/cal.

Question 3. Heat is produced when work is done give an example.


Example For Heat Is Produced When Work Is Done:-

When a wooden door or any material is polished with a piece of cloth by applying some pressure, we find that both our hand and the cloth warm up considerably. Polishing means reducing the roughness of the surface to make it more smooth. Work done against friction during polishing gets converted into heat.

Question 4. Water in a waterfall falls from a height to the ground. Why is the temperature of water at the ground level slightly more than that at the top?


When water from the top of the waterfall falls towards the ground, its potential energy decreases. This decrease of potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. After water strikes the ground, a portion of this kinetic energy is converted to heat energy.

Now, a portion of this generated heat remains confined to water to increase its temperature. For this reason, temperature at the ground level is slightly higher than that at the top.

Question 5. If a chunk of ice is dropped from a distant height, then why does a portion of it melt after striking the ground?


At normal temperature, if a chunk of ice at 0°C is dropped from a distant height to the ground, its potential energy decreases. This decrease of potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. After it strikes the ground, a portion of this kinetic energy is converted to heat energy.

Apart from this, heat is also generated due to its friction with air. Now a part of this produced heat remains confined to ice and melts a portion of the ice.

Question 6. What do you mean by the state or phase of a material?


State Or Phase Of A Material Means

A material may exist in different forms. These forms are physically distinct from each other but have the same chemical composition. By absorption or release of heat or by any other mechanical means, the forms of a material can be changed. Each form of the material is known as a distinct state or phase.

Question 7. What is the change of state of a material? How many types of change are envisaged on the basis of absorption or release of heat? What are those changes?


Change of state of a material is defined as the phenomenon of transformation of a material from one state to another due to either absorption or release of definite amount of heat to or from a material.

Two types of change are envisaged. The changes are:

  1. Higher change of state and
  2. Lower change of state.

Question 8. What do you mean by higher change of state?


Higher Change Of State Means:-

A change of state of a material due to application of heat is called higher change of state.

A solid material can be converted to a liquid material and a liquid material can be converted to a gaseous material by absorption of heat. Transformation from solid to liquid state is called melting and transformation from liquid to gaseous state is called vaporisation. Thus, melting and vaporisation are higher change of state.

Question 9. What do you mean by lower change of state?


Lower Change Of State Means:-

A change of state of a material due to release of heat is called lower change of state.

A liquid material can be converted to a solid material and a gaseous material can be converted to a liquid material by release of heat. Transformation from liquid to solid state is called solidification and transformation from gaseous to liquid state is called condensation. Thus, solidification and condensation are lower change of state.

Question 10. With the help of an experiment, demonstrate that temperature remains constant during the time of change of state.


Some amount of ice is taken in a vessel. Now a thermometer is clamped by its side and its bulb is immersed in ice. Reading of the thermometer is now 0°C. Now the vessel is heated slowly. Ice starts melting due to absorption of heat.

It is observed that till the total amount of ice melts away, the reading of the thermometer remains constant at 0°C. After the total amount of ice melts in the water, it is observed that the reading of the thermometer starts increasing. It is inferred from this experiment that the temperature remains constant during the time of change of state.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Chapter 6 Equivalence Of Work And Heat Latent Heat Experiment Demonstrate That Temperature Remains Constant

Question 11. What do you mean by latent heat?


Latent Heat:-

During the period of change of state of any material, whether there is any absorption or release of heat, there is not any change of temperature. The amount of heat released or absorbed per unit mass of a substance during the change from one state to another by keeping the pressure constant is called the latent heat of the substance for the constant change of state.

Question 12. What are the units of latent heat in the CGS system and SI? Establish a relationship between these two units.


  1. Units of latent heat in the CGS system and SI are cal/g and J/kg, respectively.
  2. 1 cal/g = \(\frac{4.2 \mathrm{~J}}{10^{-3} \mathrm{~kg}}\) = 4200 J/kg

Question 13. Calculate the dimensional formula of latent heat.


Dimensional Formula Of Latent Heat:-

= \(\frac{\text { dimenșional formula of heat }}{\text { dimensional formula of mass }}\)

= \(\frac{\mathrm{ML}^2 \mathrm{~T}^{-2}}{\mathrm{M}}=\mathrm{L}^2 \mathrm{~T}^{-2}\)

Question 14. What do you understand by the statement: Latent heat of melting of ice is 80 cal/g


The latent heat of melting of ice is 80 cal/g means that under normal pressure, 80 cal of heat is required to convert 1 g of ice at 0°C to 1 g of water at 0°C.

Question 15. What do you understand by the statement: The latent heat of vaporization of water is 537 cal/g.


The latent heat of vaporization of water is 537 cal/g means that under normal pressure, 537 cal of heat is required to convert lg of water at 100°C to 1 g of vapor at 100°C.

Question 16. Give a graphical explanation of latent heat.


Graphical Explanation Of Latent Heat:-

Solid material is taken. Suppose the initial temperature of the material is t1. Point P indicates the initial temperature of the material. If heat is supplied to the material at a definite rate, its temperature increases.

This is represented by the line PQ in the graph. Then the material starts melting. Point Q indicates the beginning of melting. The temperature of point Q is the melting temperature tm. Now, if heat is given continuously, the material melts and till the melting is complete, temperature remains constant.

Line QR in the graph represents the melting of the material. Melting is complete at point R where the entire solid material has been converted to liquid. Now if further heat is given, the temperature of the liquid increases. Line RS in the graph represents this increase.

In the same way, we may take a liquid material with an initial temperature of t2 and start releasing heat at a definite rate. Change of temperature with time is depicted. where point T denotes the initial temperature of the liquid.

The reduction of the temperature of the liquid is expressed by line TU. At point U, the solidification of liquid starts and it ends at point V.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Chapter 6 Equivalence Of Work And Heat Latent Heat Graphical Explanation Of Latent Heat

The temperature remains unchanged from U to V. At point V, the entire liquid material has been converted to solid material. After this, if heat release goes on, the temperature of the solid is decreased which is represented by line VW.

QR portion and UV portion represent the latent heat of absorption and latent heat of release, respectively. These portions of the lines are straight lines parallel to the time axis because in these two cases, the temperature remains unchanged

Question 17. Why does ice at 0°C feel colder than water at 0°C?


Ice At 0°C Feel Colder Than Water At 0°C:-

Under normal pressure; 1 g of ice at 0°C is obtained after the release of 80 cal of heat from 1 g of water at 0°C. This means that 1 g of ice at 0°C contains 80 cal less heat than 1 g of water at 0°C. Therefore, ice at 0°C feels colder.

Question 18. Why does steam at 100°C feel warmer than water at 100°C?


Steam At 100°C Feel Warmer Than Water At 100°C:-

Under normal pressure, 1 g of steam at 100°C is obtained after applying 537 cal of heat to lg of water at 100°C. This means that lg of Steam at 100°C contains 537 cal more heat than lg of water at 100°C. For this reason, steam at 100°C feels warmer than water at 100°C.

Question 19. Why is the latent heat of vaporization higher than the latent heat of melting?


Yes, Latent Heat Of Vaporisation is Higher Than the Latent Heat Of Melting:-

There are strong intermolecular forces working amongst the molecules in a solid matter. Compared to these, intermolecular forces in liquid are less, and in gases, these forces are significant. When converted from liquid to gaseous state, intermolecular distances between the molecules increase more than when it is converted from solid to liquid state.

As a result, during the transformation from liquid to gaseous state, more work is to be done against these intermolecular attractive forces, requiring more heat. For this reason, the latent heat of vaporization is higher than the latent heat of melting.

Question 20. Why is water kept in an ice tray at 0°C not converted into ice?


Water is kept in an ice tray. If the temperature of the water is more than 0°C, then that water releases heat to become water at 0°C and some amount of ice melts in the process. At this stage, as the temperature of ice and water are at 0°C, there is no exchange of heat. So, when water is kept in an ice tray, it does not get converted to ice.

Chapter 6 Equivalence Of Work And Heat Latent Heat Very Short Answer Type Questions Choose The Correct Answer

Question 1. The amount of heat required to convert 100 g of water at a temperature of 100°C to 100 g of steam at a temperature of 100°C is (the latent heat of vaporization = 540 cal/g)

  1. 5400 cal
  2. 540000 cal
  3. 27000 cal
  4. 54000 cal

Answer: 4. 54000 cal

Question 2. If the mechanical equivalent of heat, J = 4.2 J/cal, how much work has to be performed to produce 5 cal of heat?

  1. 20J
  2. 42J
  3. 21J
  4. 8.4J

Answer: 3. 21J

Question 3. During the time of higher change of state

  1. Heat is absorbed
  2. Heat is released
  3. Heat is neither applied nor released
  4. Temperature increases

Answer: 1. Heat is absorbed

Question 4. During the time of lower change of state

  1. Heat is absorbed
  2. Heat is released
  3. Heat is neither absorbed nor released
  4. Temperature decreases

Answer: 2. Heat is released

Question 5. The value of the mechanical equivalent of heat in the CGS system is

  1. 4.2 J/cal
  2. 4.2 x 107 erg/cal
  3. 4.2 x 106 erg/cal
  4. 4.2 x 105 erg/cal

Answer: 2. 4.2 x 107 erg/cal

Question 6. If the latent heat of vaporization of water is 540 cal/g, then its value in SI is

  1. 22.68 x 105 J/kg
  2. 22.68 x 106 J/kg
  3. 5.4 x 106 J/kg
  4. 5.4 x 105 J/kg

Answer: 1. 22.68 x 105 J/kg

Question 7. The correct relationship between work (W) and heat (H) is

  1. W = \(\frac{H}{J}\)
  2. \(\frac{W}{H}=\frac{1}{J^2}\)
  3. H = \(\frac{W}{J}\)
  4. W = \(\frac{J}{H}\)

Answer: 3. H = \(\frac{W}{J}\)

Question 8. At any point in time during the absorption of heat

  1. Only change of state takes place
  2. Only a change of temperature takes place
  3. Change of state or temperature takes place
  4. Both change of state and temperature take place

Answer: 3. Change of state or temperature takes place

Question 9. Due to the release of heat, the electrical conductivity of a body

  1. Decreases
  2. Increases
  3. Remains constant
  4. Sometimes increases, sometimes decreases

Answer: 3. Remains constant

Question 10. According to scientists Rumford and Davy, which energy is converted to heat energy?

  1. Chemical energy
  2. Electrical energy
  3. Mechanical energy
  4. Potential energy

Answer: 2. Electrical energy

Question 11. When mechanical energy is converted to heat energy, then

  1. the kinetic energy of the body increases
  2. The kinetic energy of atoms and molecules of the body increases
  3. The water equivalent of the body increases
  4. Specific heat of the body increases

Answer: 2. Kinetic energy of atoms and molecules of the body increases

Question 12. The amount of heat required to melt the ice of 1 g into the water at 0°C is

  1. 100 cal
  2. 500 cal
  3. 4 cal
  4. 80 cal

Answer: 4. 80 cal

Question 13. The amount of heat required to convert 1 g of water into vapour at 100°C is

  1. 537 cal
  2. 100 cal
  3. 80 cal
  4. 4 cal

Answer: 1. 537 cal

Question 14. On the upper surface of an uncovered liquid

  1. Condensation = vaporisation
  2. Condensation > vaporisation
  3. Condensation < vaporisation
  4. Data incomplete

Answer: 3. Condensation < vaporisation

Question 15. If there is no change of state, then which of the following quantities is unnecessary for the calculation of absorption or release of heat?

  1. Mass
  2. Latent heat
  3. Specific heat
  4. Change of temperature

Answer: 2. Latent heat

Question 16. If heat is applied to dry ice (solid carbon dioxide), then it is directly converted to gaseous carbon dioxide. This phenomenon is called

  1. Vaporization
  2. Boiling
  3. Sublimation
  4. Melting

Answer: 3. Sublimation

Question 17. If heat is applied to water at 0°C, then

  1. Density increases at first and then decreases
  2. Volume increases at first and then decreases
  3. Volume increases continuously
  4. Mass increases at first and then decreases

Answer: 1. Density increases at first and then decreases

Question 18. A piece of ice is floating in a glass of water at 3°C. If this ice melts completely, the level of water in the glass

  1. Decreases
  2. Increases
  3. Remains same
  4. Is unpredictable

Answer: 2. Increases

Question 19. A piece of ice is floating in a glass of water at 5°C. Melting of the piece of ice decreases the temperature of water to 4°C. At this condition, the level of water

  1. Decreases
  2. Increases
  3. Remains same
  4. Data incomplete

Answer: 1. Decreases

Question 20. On the upper surface of a liquid kept in a closed vessel

  1. Rate of condensation > rate of vaporization
  2. Rate of condensation < rate of vaporization
  3. Rate of condensation = rate of vaporization
  4. Rate of condensation ≥ rate of vaporization

Answer: 3. Rate of condensation = rate of vaporization

Question 21. Vaporization of water takes place

  1. At 0°C
  2. At 15°C
  3. Only at 100°C
  4. At any temperature from 0°C to 100°C

Answer: 4. At any temperature from 0°C to 100°C

Question 22. At what temperature latent heat is required for the conversion of water to vapor?

  1. At 0°C
  2. At 14.5°C
  3. Only at 100°C
  4. At a temperature between 0°C and 100°C

Answer: 4. At a temperature between 0°C and 100°C

Question 23. A phenomenon or state that does not depend on the amount of water vapour present in air is

  1. Falling of dew
  2. Formation of fog
  3. Freezing of water to form ice
  4. Relative humidity

Answer: 3. Freezing of water to form ice

Question 24. Latent heat of vaporization of water

  1. Depends on the amount of heat absorbed
  2. Depends on the mass of water
  3. Depends on the volume of water
  4. Does not depend on anything

Answer: 4. Does not depend on anything

Question 25. It takes 10 minutes to raise the temperature of some amount of water from 0°C to 100°C and to vaporize the same amount, it takes another 55 minutes with the help of a heater. What is the latent heat of vaporization in this case?

  1. 530 cal/g
  2. 540 cal/g
  3. 550 cal/g
  4. 560 cal/g

Answer: 3. 550 cal/g

Question 26. 30 g of steam at temperature 100°C is supplied to 100 g of water at 20°C. How much gram of steam is condensed due to this process? [Latent heat of condensation of steam =540 cal/g]

  1. 17.8 g
  2. 16.8 g
  3. 15.8 g
  4. 14.8 g

Answer: 4. 14.8 g

Question 27. Which of the following is a higher change of state?

  1. Solidification
  2. Vaporization
  3. Condensation
  4. None of these

Answer: 2. Vaporisation

Question 28. Which of the following is a lower change of state?

  1. Melting
  2. Vaporization
  3. Condensation
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. Condensation

Question 29. The dimensional formula of latent heat is

  1. LT-2
  2. MT-2
  3. L2T-2
  4. ML2T-2

Answer: 3. L2T“2

Question 30. A lead bullet speeding with a velocity of 200 m/s hits a wall. If 25% kinetic energy of the bullet is converted into heat, what is the increase in temperature of lead? (specific heat of lead = 0.03 cal • g-1 • °C-1)

  1. 29.67°C
  2. 39.67°C
  3. 49.67°C
  4. 59.67°C

Answer: 2. 39.67°C

Chapter 6 Equivalence Of Work And Heat Latent Heat Answer In Brief

Question 1. Some amount of heat is required for a change of state of a material. What is that heat called?

Answer: The heat that is required for the change of state of a material is called latent heat.

Question 2. What is the unit of latent heat in the CGS system?

Answer: The unit of latent heat in the CGS system is cal/g.

Question 3. What is the unit of latent heat in SI?

Answer: The unit of latent heat in SI is J/kg.

Question 4. What type of change of state is represented by melting and vaporization?

Answer: Melting and vaporization represent a higher change of state.

Question 5. What type of change of state is represented by solidification and condensation?

Answer: Solidification and condensation represent a lower change of state.

Question 6. What is the value of the mechanical equivalent of heat in a CGS system?

Answer: The value of the mechanical equivalent of heat in the CGS system is 4.2 x 107 erg/cal.

Question 7. What is the value of the mechanical equivalent of heat in SI?

Answer: The mechanical equivalent of heat in SI is 1.

Question 8. If there is no change of temperature of a body in spite of heating, can there be a change of state of the body?

Answer: Yes, there may not be a change in the temperature of a body but due to the application of heat, there may be a change in the state of the body.

Question 9. What is sublimation?

Answer: Sublimation is the process by which a solid material is converted directly to its gaseous state due to the absorption of heat.

Question 10. What is the water equivalent of a body if its heat capacity is 50 cal/°C?

Answer: The water equivalent of the body is 50g.

Question 11. If work done is fully converted to heat, what is the relationship between work done and heat produced?

Answer: Work done and heat produced are directly proportional to each other.

Question 12. Name four fundamental states of matter.

Answer: The four fundamental states of matter are solid, liquid, gaseous, and plasma state.

Question 13. Write the unit of J in SI.

Answer: J has no unit in SI.

Question 14. What amount of heat will produce if 1J of work is fully converted into heat?

Answer: The amount of heat produced = 1/4.2 = 0.238 cal.

Question 15. To produce 1 kcal heat how much work is needed?

Answer: The amount of work needed to produce 1 kcal of heat is = 1000 x 4.2 J = 4200 J.

Question 16. What is the value of latent heat of fusion of ice in the CGS system?

Answer: The value of latent heat of fusion of ice in the CGS system is 80 cal/g.

Question 17. What is the latent heat of vaporization of water in cal • g-1?

Answer: The value of latent heat of vaporization of water in cal • g-1 unit is 540.

Question 18. What is the specific heat of water during boiling at 100°C?

Answer: During boiling at 100°C specific heat of water is infinite.

Question 19. What amount of heat is needed to convert 100 g of water at 100°C to steam at 100°C?

Answer: The latent heat of vaporization of water is 537 cal/g.

∴ The amount of heat required = 537 x 100 = 53700 cal.

Question 20. What is the latent heat of condensation?

Answer: The amount of heat extracted from the unit mass of a vapor to change it into its liquid state at a constant temperature, is the latent heat of condensation or the vapor.

Question 21. Why steam at 100°C is a better warming agent than water at 100°C?

Answer: 1 g of steam at 100°C can transfer 537 cal more heat than 1 g of water at 100°C. That is why steam at 100°C is a better warming agent than water at 100°C

Question 22. Under what conditions can heat be supplied to a body without causing any change in temperature?

Answer: During the change from one state to another the substance absorbs heat without any change. in the temperature.

Chapter 6 Equivalence Of Work And Heat Latent Heat Fill in The Blanks

Question 1. _______ is the amount of work that needs to be done to produce one unit of heat.

Answer: Mechanical equivalent of heat

Question 2. Dimension of L in the dimensional formula of latent heat is ________

Answer: 2

Question 3. On the basis of absorption or release of heat, change of state of any material is of _______ types.

Answer: Two

Question 4. Water falls from top to bottom in a waterfall. Compared to the water at the top, the temperature is slightly __________  at the bottom.

Answer: Higher

Question 5. Water kept in the ice tray at 0°C temperature _________ convert into ice.

Answer: Does not

Question 6. Matter requires latent heat for any change Of ________

Answer: State

Question 7. Latent heat of melting of ice is _________

Answer: 80 cal/g

Question 8. An amount of 8.4 J work has to be done to produce ________ of heat.

Answer: 2 cal

Question 9. _______ of liquid takes place at any temperature.

Answer: Vaporisation

Question 10. Rate of vaporization _________ with increase of temperature of liquid.

Answer: Increases

Question 11. Unit of water equivalent in SI is __________

Answer: kg

Chapter 6 Equivalence Of Work And Heat Latent Heat State Whether True Or False

Question 1. The latent heat of melting is greater than the latent heat of vaporization.

Answer: True

Question 2. Heat is the transformed state of the kinetic energy of a particle.

Answer: True

Question 3. In the steam engine heat is converted into mechanical work.

Answer: True

Question 4. Steam at 100°C causes more severe burns than water at 100 °C.

Answer: True

Question 5. The gradient of temperature vs time graph of a substance has – ve value when heat is supplied to it.

Answer: False

Question 6. The gradient of temperature vs time graph of a substance has – ve value when heat is extracted from it.

Answer: True

Question 7. Sublimation is the direct conversion from solid to gaseous state.

Answer: True

Chapter 6 Equivalence Of Work And Heat Latent Heat Numerical Examples

Useful information

If W amount of work is fully converted into heat and H is the amount of heat produced, then according to Joule’s law.

W = JH, J is a constant, called the mechanical equivalent of heat.

In CGS J = 4.2 x 107 erg/cal and in SI J = 1 and J = 4.2 J/cal

If Q amount of heat to be supplied or given out to change the state of mass m of a substance, then, Q = mL or, L = \(\frac{Q}{m}\)

L = Latent heat of the substance

If a piece of ice of mass m hits the earth’s surface from a height h, if total kinetic energy is converted into heat the amount of energy released H = \(\frac{mgh}{J}\)

g = acceleration due to gravity.

Question 1. what is the amount of work done to produce heat of 50 cal?


Heat produced, H = 50 cal

As the mechanical equivalent of heat, J = 4.2 J/cal, the amount of work done is given by W = JH = 4.2 x 50 = 210 J

Question 2. A block is dragged 4 m on a rough floor. If the frictional force between the block and the floor is 40 N and the work done is fully transformed into heat, then how much heat is produced? (Mechanical equivalent of heat, J = 4.2 J/cal)


The frictional force between the block and the floor, F = 40 N

Displacement of the block, s = 4 m

Work done against friction,

W = Fs = 40 N x 4 m = 160 J

Now if the work done against friction is fully converted into heat, then the heat produced is given by

H = \(\frac{W}{J}=\frac{160}{4.2}\) = 38.1 cal

Question 3. The temperature of a piece of lead is 27°C. What is the minimum velocity with which it should strike a wall so that the heat point of lead is 327°C, the specific heat of lead is 0.03 cal • g-1 • °C-1, latent heat of melting is 5 cal/g and the mechanical equivalent of heat, J = 4.2 J/cal.)


Suppose, the mass of the piece of lead = m g and its minimum velocity = v m/s

So the kinetic energy of the piece of lead,

E = 1/2 mv2 erg

Mechanical equivalent of heat,

J = 4.2 J/cal = 4.2 x 107 erg/cal

Now if the kinetic energy of lead is fully transformed into heat after it strikes a wall, then the heat produced is given by

H = \(H=\frac{E}{J}=\frac{m v^2}{2 \times 4.2 \times 10^7} \mathrm{cal}\)

To melt the piece of lead, its temperature is to be raised from 27°C to 327°C.

So the heat required to increase the temperature is given by H1 = m x 0.03 x(327 – 27) = 9m cal

and the required latent heat for melting the piece of lead, H2 = m x 5 = 5m cal

According to the condition, H =H1 + H2

or, \(\frac{m v^2}{2 \times 4.2 \times 10^7}=9 m+5 m=14 m\)

or, \(v^2=14 \times 2 \times 4.2 \times 10^7=11.76 \times 1-10^8\)

v = \(\sqrt{11.76 \times 10^3}=3.43 \times 10^4 \mathrm{~cm} / \mathrm{s}\)

Question 4. Calculate the amount of work to be done to convert 100 g of ice at 0°C to water of temperature 100°C. (Latent heat of melting of ice =80 cal/g, the mechanical equivalent of heat, J = 4.2 J/cal.)


Latent heat required for melting of ice,  H1 = 100 x 80 = 8000 cal

Necessary heat is required for raising 100 g of water at 0°C to a temperature of 100°C,

H2 = 100 x 1 x(100 – 0) = 10000 cal

So the heat required to convert 100 g of ice at 0°C to water of temperature 100°C is given by H =H1 + H2

= 8000 + 10000 = 18000 cal

Hence the required work to be done,

W = JH = 4.2 X 18000 = 75600 J

Question 5. What is the height from which a chunk of ice at 0°C has to be dropped so that it melts completely due to its impact on the ground?


Suppose the mass of the chunk of ice = m g and h is the height from where it has been dropped.

Now, just before the moment it strikes the ground, its kinetic energy is equal to the loss of potential energy = mg.

This kinetic energy is transformed into heat energy due to its impact on the ground.

Now if J is the mechanical equivalent of heat, then heat produced, H = \(\frac{mgh}{J}\).

Latent heat of melting of ice = 80 cal/g, i.e., the heat required to melt mg of ice = 80m cal.

so, 80m = \(\frac{mgh}{J}\)

or h = \(\frac{80 \times J}{9}=\frac{80 \times 4.2 \times 10^7}{980}\)

∴ h = 34.286 x 105 cm = 34.286 cm

Question 6. What is the temperature difference between the top and the bottom of a water fall of 100 m height if 50% of heat produced remains confined in water?


Height of the waterfall, h = 100 m = 100 x 100 cm = 1 x 104 cm

Suppose, water is falling from the top to the bottom at the rate of m g/s.

Now, just before the moment it strikes the ground, its kinetic energy is equal to the loss of potential, energy = mgh.

This kinetic energy is converted fully into heat energy after striking the ground. So, heat produced = \(\frac{mgh}{J}\), where mechanical equivalent of heat, J = 4.2 x 107 erg/cal.

Now, heat confined in water = \(\frac{50}{100} \times \frac{m g h}{J}=\frac{m g h}{2 J}\)

and specific heat of water, s = 1 cal • g-1 • °C-1

If the temperature of water increases by t°C due to its fall from the top of the waterfall, then

mst = \(\frac{m g h}{2 J} \text { or, } t=\frac{g h}{2 \mathrm{sJ}}\)

∴ t = \(\frac{980 \times 1 \times 10^4}{2 \times 1 \times 4.2 \times 10^7}=0.117^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\)

Question 7. While passing through the earth’s atmosphere, the velocity of a meteorite of mass 42 g is reduced from 10 km/s to 5 km/s. If the heat of 3.75 x 108 cal is produced due to this change of kinetic energy, calculate the mechanical equivalent of heat.


According to the question, mass of the meteorite, m = 42kg; initial velocity, u = 10 km/s = 10 x 103 m/s and final velocity, v = 5 km/s = 5 x 103 m/s.

∴ loss of kinetic energy by the meteorite

= \(\frac{1}{2} m u^2-\frac{1}{2} m v^2=\frac{1}{2} m\left(u^2-v^2\right)\)

= \(\frac{1}{2} m(u+v)(u-v)\)

= \(\frac{1}{2} \times 42 \times\left(10 \times 10^3+5 \times 10^3\right) \times\left(10 \times 10^3-5 \times 10^3\right)\)

= 21 x 15 x 103 x 5 x 103

= 21 X 75 x 106 J

Now if J is the mechanical equivalent of heat, then the heat produced is given by

H = \(\frac{\text { loss of kinetic energy }}{J}\)

or, \(3.75 \times 10^8=\frac{21 \times 75 \times 10^6}{J}\)

∴ J = \(\frac{21 \times 75 \times 10^6}{3.75 \times 10^8}=4.2 \mathrm{~J} / \mathrm{cal}\)

Question 8. What happens if 4g of steam at a temperature of 100 °C is passed through 100 g of water at 20°C? (Latent heat of condensation of steam = 540 cal/g.)


If 4 g of steam is transformed into water of temperature 100°C, then heat released, Q: = 540 X 4 = 2160 cal.

If temperature of 100 g water at 20°C is to be raised to 100°C, then required heat, Q2 = 100 x 1 x (100 – 20) = 8000 cal

As Q1 < Q2, the entire amount of steam is transformed into water.

Suppose, final temperature = t°C.

According to basic principle of calorimetry, heat absorbed by water = latent heat released by steam + heat released by water at 100°C

or, 100 x 1 x (t- 20) = 540 x 4 + 4 x 1 x (100 – t)

or, 100t – 2000 = 21600 + 400 – 4t or, 100t + 4t = 2160 + 400 + 2000 or, 104t = 4560

∴ t = \(\frac{4560}{104}\) = 43.85°C

Question 9. What amount of steam in gram is converted to water if 40 g of steam at 100°C passes through 100 g of water at 20°C? (Latent heat of condensation of steam =540 cal/g)


If 40 g of steam is transformed into water of temperature 100°C, then heat released, Q1 = 540 X 40 = 21600 cal

If temperature of 100 g of water is to be raised from 20°C to 100°C,then the required heat, Q2 = 100 x 1 x (100 – 20) = 8000 cal

As Q2 < Q1, entire amount of steam is not transformed into water.

Suppose, m g steam is transformed to water. From the basic principle of calorimetry, 540m = Q2 or, 540m = 8000

∴ m = \(\frac{8000}{540}\) = 14.81 g

Question 10. Calculate the amount of heat required to convert 10 g of ice at -5°C into steam. (Latent heat of melting of ice = 80 cal/g, latent heat of valorisation of water = 537 cal/g and specific heat of ice = 0.5 cal • g-1 • °C-1)


Mass of ice = 10 g.

Heat required to increase the temperature of ice from -5°C to 0°C, H1 = 10 x 0.5 {0-(-5)} =25 cal

Necessary heat for melting of ice, H2 = 10 x 80 = 800 cal

Required heat to increase the temperature of 10 g of water from 0°C to 100°C, H3 = 10 x 1 x (100 – 0) = 1000 cal

Heat required for vaporisation of water, H4 = 537 x 10 cal = 5370 cal

total heat required is given by H = H1 + H2 + H3 + H4

= (25 + 800 + 1000 + 5370) cal = 7195 cal

Question 11. Temperature of 200 g of water has to be raised from 24°C to 90°C by passing steam through it. Calculate the mass of steam required for it. (Latent heat of condensation of steam = 540 cal/g)


Suppose, mass of steam = m g

When m g of steam at 100°C condenses and transforms to water at 100°C, then the heat released.

H1 = m x 540 cal = 540m cal

Again, when temperature of m g of water at 100°C is reduced to 90°C, then heat released is given by H2 = m x 1 x (100 – 90) cal = 10m cal

∴ total heat released = H1 + H2 = 540m + 10m = 550m cal

Heat required to increase the temperature of 200 g of water from 24°C to 90°C, H3 = 200 x 1 x (90 – 40) cal = 13200 cal

According to the condition, H1 + H2 = H3 or, 550m = 13200

∴ m = \(\frac{13200}{550}\) = 24 g

Question 12. Equal amounts of water and ice at 0°C temperature are mixed together, if the entire quantity of ice melts to form water at 0°C, then what is the initial temperature of water? (Latent heat of melting of ice = 80 cal/g)


Let the mass of water and ice be m g and initial temperature of water =t°C.

Latent heat required for melting of entire ice = 80m cal.

Heat released when water temperature comes down form t°C to 0°C = m x 1 x (t – 0) = m cal.

According to the basic principle of calorimetry, mt = 80m

∴ t = 80°C

Question 13. What is the result if 2 x 104 cal of heat is extracted for 0.4 kg of water at 30°C temperature? What is the final temperature?


Mass of water, m = 0.4 kg = 40 kg = 400 g

Specific heat of water, s = 1 cal • g-1 • °C-1

Total heat released, Q = 2 x 104 cal = 20000 cal

Now, heat released when total water at 30°C is converted to water at 0°C, Q1 = 400 x 1 x (30 – 0) = 12000 cal

Amount of absorbed heat, Q2 = Q- Q1 = 20000 – 12000 = 8000 cal

Now, the amount of released heat when entire amount of water of 0°C temperature is transformed to ice of 0°C is given by Q3 = 400 x 80 = 32000 cal

As Q2 < Q3, total water is not transformed to ice.

Let m1 g water is transformed to ice.

So, m1 = Q2 or, 80m1 = 8000

∴ m1 = 100 g

Hence, if 2 x 104 cal of heat is extracted from 0.4 kg of water at 30°C temperature, final temperature is 0°C, in which 100 g of ice and (400 – 100) g = 300 g of water is available.

Question 14. How do you divide 1 kg of water at 5°C temperature in two parts, such that if one part is transformed into ice, then the released heat is sufficient to transform the other part into vapour? (Latent heat of melting of ice = 80 cal/g and latent heat of vaporisation of water = 540 cal/g .)


Mass of water = 1 kg = 1000 g

Specific heat of water = 1 cal • g-1 • °C-1

Suppose, Mg of water becomes ice and (1000 -M) g of water is vaporised.

Now when M g of water at 5°C is transformed to ice at 0°C, then the heat released is given by

Q1 = M x 1 x (5 – 0) + 80M = 5M + 80M = 85Mcal

Again, heat required to transform (1000 – M) g of water at 5°C to steam of 100°C,

Q1 = (100 – M) x 1 x (100 – 5) + 540 x (1000 – M) = 635 x (1000 -M) cal

According to the condition, Q1 = Q2

or, 85 M = 635 X (1000 – M)

or, 85M = (635 x 1000) – 635M

or, SSM + 635M= 635 X 1000

or, 720M = 635 x 1000

∴ M = 881.94 g

and 1000 – M = 1000 – 881.94 = 118.06 g

Hence, the amount of heat that is released when 881.94 g of water is transformed into ice is sufficient to transform 118.06 g of water into vapor.

Question 15. 168.75g of water is produced when steam at 100°C is passed through a chunk of ice at 0°C. The mass of ice before the passing of steam is 450 g and after the passing of steam the mass becomes 300 g. What is the latent heat of the vaporization of steam? [Latent heat of melting of ice = 80 cal/g]


The mass of ice before the passing of steam is 450 g and after the passing of steam the mass becomes 300 g.

Therefore, mass of melted ice = (450 – 300) = 150 g

So, heat required for melting of 150 g of ice, Q1 = 150 x 80 = 12000 cal

Mass of condensed steam = (168.75- 150) g = 18.75 g

Let the latent heat of vaporization of steam = L cal/g.

Now when 18.75 g of steam at 100°C is converted to water at 0°C, then the heat released is given by

Q2 = 18.75 L + 18.75 x 1 x (100 – 0)

= 18.75 L+ 1875 cal

According to the question,

Q1 = Q2 or, 12000 = 18.75L + 1875

or, 18.75L  = 12000 – 1875

or, 18.75L = 10125

∴ L = \(\frac{10125}{18.75}\) = 540 cal/g

Question 16. What amount of heat is required to convert 10 g of ice at 0°C to 10 g of water at 10°C?


The total amount of heat is required = heat is required for melting of ice + heat is required to increase temperature from 0°C to 10°C

= m • L + m • s • (t2 – t1)

= 10 x 80 + 10 x 1 x (10 – 0)

= 800 + 100 = 900 cal

Question 17. What amount of heat is required to convert 10 g of water at 0°C to water vapor at 100°C.


The total amount of heat is required = heat is required to increase the temperature from 0°C to 100°C + heat is required for vaporization

= m • s • (t2 – t1) + m • L

= 10 • 1 • (100 – 0) + 10 X 537 = 1000 + 5370 = 6370 cal

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Chapter 7 Some Properties Of Sound And Characteristics Of Sound

Chapter 7 Some Properties Of Sound And Characteristics Of Sound Synopsis

Laws Of Reflection Of Sound:

  1. The incident sound wave, the reflected sound wave, and the normal to the reflector at the point of incidence, all lie on the same plane.
  2. The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.
  3. Regular reflection of light waves occurs from a small-sized smooth reflector, whereas sound waves are not reflected by it. Again, regular reflection of sound waves occurs from a large-sized rough reflector.
  4. If the frequency of sound is within the range of 20 Hz to 20 kHz, it produces a sensation of hearing in the human ear and is known as audible sound.
  5. Sound having a frequency lower than 20 Hz is known as infrasonic sound.
  6. Sound having frequency higher than 20 kHz is known as ultrasonic sound.
  7. The wavelength of audible sound approximately ranges from 1.5 cm to 16 cm, hence a large reflector is required for the reflection of such sound waves.
  8. If a sound produced from a source is reflected by a reflector and reaches the listener in addition to the original sound, then the reflected sound is called an echo of the original sound.
  9. If we hear any sound, its trace remains in the brain for approximately 0.1s. During this time duration of 0.1s, any other sound entering the ears cannot be distinguished. This time duration is called persistence of hearing.
  10. If the velocity of sound in air at 27°C is 348 m/s, the minimum distance between the source and the reflector for hearing an echo of an inarticulate sound is 17.4 m. The minimum distance between the source and the reflector for hearing the echoes of monosyllabic, bisyllabic, and trisyllabic sounds are 34.8m, 69.6m, and 104.4m respectively.
  11. The persistence of sound within a closed space after its source ceases to produce sound, caused by multiple reflections of the sound from walls, roof, etc. is known as reverberation.
  12. SONAR is an acronym for SOund Navigation And Ranging. With the help of ultrasonic sound, SONAR is used for the detection of ruins of a sunken ship or existence of a mountain deep inside an ocean.
  13. When sound of a single frequency is emitted from a tuning fork or different musical instruments, then the emitted sound is known as tone. Sound due to a mixture of more than one frequency is called a note.
  14. The sound which is produced by regular and periodic vibrations of the source and appears euphonious to our ears is known as musical sound. Sound of guitar, sitar, flute, tuning fork etc. are examples of musical sound.
  15. The sound which is produced by irregular and non-periodic vibrations of the source and appears cacophonous to our ears is known as noise. Sound of crackers, automobiles, uproar of crowd etc. are examples of noise.

There Are Three Characteristics Of A Musical Sound. These Are:

  1. Loudness,
  2. Pitch and
  3. Quality or timbre.

Read and Learn More WBBSE Solutions for Class 9 Physical Science and Environment

  1. Amount of sound energy passing through an unit area around a point in one second, perpendicular to the direction of sound is called intensity of the sound at that point.
  2. The dimensional, formula of intensity of sound is MT-3 and its unit in SI is W/m2.
  3. The characteristic property of a musical sound due to which a listener can differentiate between a high-pitched and a low-pitched sound is known as pitch of the sound.
  4. Frequency is the cause, pitch is its effect. Frequency is a measurable physical quantity. But pitch is a sensation or feeling which is not measurable.
  5. The characteristic property by which sound of same intensity and pitch emitted by different sources can be distinguished in known as the quality or timbre of the musical sound.

Chapter 7 Some Properties Of Sound And Characteristics Of Sound Short And Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Write down the laws of reflection of sound.


The Laws Of Reflection Are:

  1. The incident sound wave, the reflected wave and the normal to the reflector at the point of incidence, all lie on the same plane.
  2. The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

Question 2. Demonstrate with an experiment that during reflection of sound, angle of incidence = angle of reflection. Or, Demonstrate by an experiment that sound wave is reflected similar to a light wave.


The Angle Of Incidence = Angle Of Reflection:-

Two hollow long pipes, open at both ends, are taken. Also, one table clock and one raised partition are taken. One long table is kept touching the wall and at a little distance from the wall, the partition is kept in a perpendicular way.

Now, the pipes are kept on the two sides of the partition in such a way that the axes of both the pipes intersect at the point O of the wall.

Now, a table clock is kept at the end A of the left pipe. The right pipe is now rotated slowly with respect to the point O so that a position is obtained, where tick-tock sound of the clock is heard loudly. Suppose, sound is heard loudly at the point D.

This is the reflected sound. The tick-tock sound of the clock passes through pipe AB, reflected at point O, and comes to the ear through the pipe CD and is heard. Now pencil marks are made at the points O, A, D, and E.

Next, pipe and partition are removed, and A,0; D,0; E,0 are connected. If ∠AOE and ∠DOE are measured, it is found that ∠AOE = ∠DOE, i.e., angle of incidence = angle of reflection.

So, it can be concluded that sound wave is reflected similar to a light wave.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Chapter 7 Some Properties Of Sound And Characteristics Of Sound Experiment During Reflection Of Sound

Question 3. How is the property of reflection of sound utilised in a stethoscope?


Property Of Reflection Of Sound Utilised In A Stethoscope:-

  1. The stethoscope is a medical instrument using which doctors examine the heart or lungs of a patient. There are two rubber pipes in this instrument which are attached to a round metallic disc covered with a thin diaphragm.
  2. If the two open ends of the rubber pipes are fitted in the ears and the disc is placed on the chest of the patient, sound of the heart of the patient is reflected repeatedly through the rubbers tubes and reaches the ears of the doctor.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Chapter 7 Some Properties Of Sound And Characteristics Of Sound Reflection Of Sound utilised In Stethoscope

Question 4. Why do we curve our palms by the side of our ear to clearly hear a faint sound from a distant place?


We Curve Our Palms By The Side Of Our Ear To Clearly Hear A Faint Sound From A Distant Place:-

To clearly hear a faint sound from a distant place, we curve our palm by the side of our ear. In addition to the direct faint sound, sound reflected from the palm also enters the ear. As a result, loudness of the sound increases to some extent. Here, palm of the hand works like a concave reflector.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Chapter 7 Some Properties Of Sound And Characteristics Of Sound By the Side of Our Ear Sound from A Distance Place

Question 5. Why is the roof of a modern auditorium curved like an arch?


The Roof Of A Modern Auditorium Curved Like An Arch Because:-

The roof of a modern auditorium is curved like an arch so that it works as a concave reflector and if the source of sound is kept at its focus, sound spreads evenly throughout the auditorium. As a result, the loudness of the sound increases.

Question 6. How can one talk in a speaking tube?


One Talk In A Speaking Tube As Follows:-

If we talk at one end of a long metallic tube, the produced sound advances through the tube without scattering and reaches the other end after repeated reflections. The listener on the other side hears this sound very clearly. This arrangement is called a speaking tube. A funnel is attached to the front side for the speaker.

Question 7. What do you mean by audible sound?


Audible Sound Means:-

One can hear sound only when the number of vibrations per second, i.e., frequency of a vibrating body lies within the range of 20 Hz to 20000 Hz. This sound is called audible sound.

Question 8. What do you mean by infrasonic sound and ultrasonic sound? give examples.


Infrasonic Sound And Ultrasonic Sound:-

  1. Infrasonic sound is the sound whose frequency is less than 20 Hz.
  2. Ultrasonic sound is the sound whose frequency is more than 20 kHz.

When a pendulum oscillates, its frequency remains less than 20 Hz. Sound produced in this case is infrasonic sound, hence inaudible. Again, when a bat flies, it produces a type of sound from its mouth whose frequency is more than 20kHz, that is, ultrasonic sound.

Question 9. A flying bat makes a sound from its mouth. What type of sound wave does it produce?


The sound wave emitted by a flying bat from its mouth has a frequency more than 20 kHz. Hence, it is an ultrasonic sound. If there is any obstacle in front of the sound, sound waves get reflected. By hearing that reflected sound, the bat can locate the position of any obstacle. We can not hear this ultrasonic sound emitted from the mouth of a bat.

Question 10. Give some practical applications of ultrasonic sound.


These Are Some Of The Practical Applications Of Ultrasonic Sound:

  1. In the process of ultrasonography, ultrasound is used to detect the location of a tumour in a human body.
  2. Ultrasonic sound is used to clean dirty clothes.
  3. Ultrasonic sound is also used to measure depth of the sea, to locate submarine or a shoal of fish, or to understand the presence of aquatic animals inside sea.

Question 11. Mention two applications of ultrasonic sound in medical science.


Applications Of Ultrasonic Sound In Medical Science:-

It has been confirmed by experiments that there are some bacteria which can be destroyed by the application of ultrasonic sound. Also in the process of ultrasonography or USG, ultrasonic sound is used to know more about the internal muscles, different joints, arteries, etc. of the body.

Question 12. Write about a few animals in nature who normally make use of ultrasonic sound in their manner of living.


Animals In Nature Who Normally Make Use Of Ultrasonic Sound In Their Manner Of Living Are Given Below:-

It has been observed that animals like bats, dolphins, whales, etc. utilise ultrasonic sound. Bats emit ultrasonic sound of very high frequency (100 kHz – 200 kHz) from their mouth at the time of flying.

This sound is reflected back from some obstacle in front of it and this helps the bat in recognising the obstacle. It thus flies freely without any impediment. Whales, dolphins, etc. living deep inside the sea communicate with each other through the use of ultrasound.

Question 13. Light wave is reflected regularly from a small and smooth reflector whereas sound wave is not reflected. Why?


LightWave Is Reflected Regularly From A Small And Smooth Reflector Whereas Sound Wave Is Not Reflected

Reflection of a wave is possible only when the size of the reflector is larger than its wavelength. Again, whether reflection of a wave is regular or scattered, depends on the roughness of the surface of the reflector. If the wavelength of the wave is greater than the roughness of the surface of the reflector, there is regular reflection, otherwise the reflection is scattered.

The wavelength of sound in the audible range is from 1.5 cm to 16 m and wavelength of light in the visible range is from 1000 A (or 4 x 10-5 cm) to 8000 A (or 8 x 10-5 cm ). The size of a small, smooth reflector is comparatively larger than the wavelength of visible light.

So, in this case, light is reflected and the value of roughness being less than the wavelength of light, the reflection is regular. But as the size of a reflector is smaller than the wavelength of a sound wave, there is no reflection of sound wave.

Question 14. What are the differences between reflection of sound and reflection of light?


The Differences Between The Reflection Of Sound And Reflection Of Light Are:

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Chapter 7 Some Properties Of Sound And Characteristics Of Sound Difference Between Reflection Of Sound And Light

Question 15. What are the differences between sound wave and light wave?


The Differences Between Sound Wave And Light Waves Are:

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Chapter 7 Some Properties Of Sound And Characteristics Of Sound Difference Between Sound Wave And Light Wave

Question 16. What is the persistence of hearing?


Persistence Of Hearing:-

If we hear any sound, its trace remains in the brain for approximately 0.1s. During this time duration of 0.1 s, more than one sound entering the ears cannot be distinguished. This time duration is called persistence of hearing.

Question 17. Calculate the minimum distance between the source and the reflector for hearing an echo of a short-lived sound; taking time of persistence of hearing as 0.1 second. [Given, velocity of sound in air = 348 m/s.]


  1. As the velocity of sound in air is 348 m/s, it traverses a distance of 348 x 0.1 m = 34.8 m in 0.1s.
  2. So, the minimum distance between the source and the reflector for hearing an echo of a short-lived sound = \(\frac{34.8}{2}\) = 17.4 m.

Question 18. Calculate the minimum distance between the source and the reflector to hear an echo for a syllabic and intelligible sound, taking time of persistence of sound as 0.1 s. [Given that velocity of sound in air is 348 m/s and a human being cannot pronounce more than five syllables in one second.]


Intelligible sound consists of one or more than one syllable. A human being cannot pronounce more than five syllables in one second. So, sound has to reach the ear after 1/5 s = 0.20 s, in order to hear an echo of a monosyllabic word. As the velocity of sound in air is 348 m/s, sound traverses a distance of 348 x 0.2 m * 69.6 m during this time.

In this case, minimum distance between the source and the reflector = \(\frac{69.6}{2}\) m = 34.8 m

Similarly, minimum distances between the source and the reflector, to hear an echo for a bisyllabic and trisyllabic sound are 34.8 x 2 = 69.6 m and 34.8 x 3 = 104.4 m respectively.

Question 19. What do you mean by an echo?



If a sound produced from a source is reflected by a reflector situated at some distance and reaches the listener in addition to the original sound, then the reflected sound is called an echo of the original sound.

Question 20. State two conditions for the echo to be heard.


Echo Can Be Heard If:-

  1. The minimum distance between the source of sound and the obstacle will be 17 m if velocity of sound in air be 340 m/s.
  2. The obstacle will be rigid, hard, and big in size (compare to wavelength of sound wave).

Question 21. Echo can’t be heard in a small room. Explain.


Echo Can’t Be Heard In A Small Room:-

The minimum distance between source of sound and the obstacle to hear an echo should be 17 m if the velocity of sound in air be 340 m/s. Therefore echo can’t be heard in a small room.

Question 22. How is the depth of a sea measured with the help of echo?


Depth Of A Sea Measured With The Help Of Echo As Follows:-

The depth of a sea can be measured with the help of echo. From the bottom of the ship, a source of sound (S) and a hydrophone (H) (a hydrophone is a microphone designed to be used underwater for recording or listening to underwater sound) are hung from the two sides at the same depth no.

If an intense and short-lived sound is produced from the source, one sound traverses along the straight path SH in time t1 to reach the hydrophone and another sound reaches the hydrophone in time t2, after getting reflected from the bottom at P. The first sound is the original sound and the second one is the reflected sound. A perpendicular PQ is drawn on SH from P.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Chapter 7 Some Properties Of Sound And Characteristics Of Sound Deapth Of A Sea Measured With The Help Of Echo

Now if V is the velocity of sound in water, then SH = Vt1

or, SQ = \(=\frac{1}{2} S H=\frac{V t_1}{2}\)

Again, SP + PH = Vt2

or, SP = \(\frac{V t_2}{2}\) [SP = PH]

∴ PQ = \(\sqrt{S P^2-S Q^2}\)

= \(\sqrt{\left(\frac{V t_2}{2}\right)^2-\left(\frac{V t_1}{2}\right)^2}=\frac{V}{2} \sqrt{t_2^2-t_1^2}\)

As h0 is the depth of the source from the water surface, so depth of sea at that place from the surface of sea = \(h_0+P Q=h_0+\frac{v}{2} \sqrt{t_2^2-t_1^2}\)

Question 23. How is the height of an airplane measured with the help of echo?


Height Of An Airplane Measured With The Help Of Echo:-

The height of an airplane can be measured from the surface of the earth with the help of echo. Suppose, an airplane is flying parallel to the earth with a velocity u.

When it comes to position A, an intense sound of very short duration is made and when the airplane reaches the position C, then an echo is heard. If the sound is reflected at point 6, a perpendicular BD is drawn from B to AC.

If f is the difference of time between creating of sound and hearing of echo, then AC = ut.

∴ AD = \(\frac{AC}{2}{/latex] = [latex]\frac{ut}{2}{/latex]

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Chapter 7 Some Properties Of Sound And Characteristics Of Sound Height Of An Airplane Measured With Help Of Echo

Again, time taken for sound to reach B from A = [latex]\frac{t}{2}{/latex]

∴ if V is the velocity of sound in air, AB = [latex]\frac{Vt}{2}{/latex]

height of the airplane from the surface of the earth,

h = BD = [latex]\sqrt{A B^2-A D^2}\)

= \(\sqrt{\left(\frac{V t}{2}\right)^2-\left(\frac{u t}{2}\right)^2}=\frac{t}{2} \sqrt{V^2-u^2}\)

Question 24. What is reverberation?



The persistence of sound within a closed space after its source ceases to produce sound, caused by multiple reflections of the sound from walls, roof, etc. is known as reverberation.

Question 25. What measures are taken to prevent reverberation inside an auditorium?


Measures To Take For The Prevention of Reverberation Inside An Auditorium:-

Reverberation takes place if a lot of reflectors are present within a small distance. For this reason, sound persists for a considerable amount of time inside an empty hall even after the original sound stops. This creates great difficulty for the audience as they cannot hear the original sound.

To remove this difficulty, walls of the auditorium are covered with soft pads or rubber-type materials. These work as sound absorbers. As a result, the problem of reverberation does not arise. Furniture and material of the seats are also made of materials which can absorb sound.

Question 26. What is SONAR?



SONAR is an acronym for Sound Navigation And Ranging. With the help of ultrasonic sound, SONAR is used for detection of ruins of a sunken ship or existence of a mountain deep inside an ocean.

Question 27. How can we measure the depth of a sea with the help of SONAR?


We Can Measure The Depth Of A Sea With The Help Of SONAR As Follows:-

One sound emitting machine and a detector of SONAR are present in a ship. A very powerful ultrasonic sound wave is sent inside the sea with – the help of the sound emitter. This wave is reflected by the sea bed and comes back to the detector instrument.

Suppose, t is the time difference between the time of sending the wave and time of receiving the echo of the wave. If the velocity of the ultrasonic sound is V, then the depth of sea at that place is \(\frac{Vt}{2}\).

Question 28. What are the differences between a tone and a note?


Differences Between A Tone And A Note:-

Tone is the sound of a single frequency, emitted from different musical instruments or tuning fork. In other words, it may be stated that the sound emitted from any musical instrument is a mixture of sounds of different frequencies. Each one of these frequencies is a tone. In the language of music, a summation of several tones is a note. Therefore, the note is a mixture of several frequencies.

Question 29. What do you mean by fundamental tone, overtone, and harmonic?


Fundamental Tone, Overtone, And Harmonic:-

Fundamental tone: Fundamental tone is defined as the tone of minimum frequency present among the tones of a note.

Overtone: Overtone is defined as any tone present in a note other than the fundamental tone.

Harmonic: Harmonic is defined as any tone whose frequency is an integral multiple of the fundamental tone.

Question 30. The following tones with given frequencies are mixed in a sound emitted from a musical instrument: 256Hz, 512Hz, 1020Hz, and 1280Hz. Identify them as:

  1. Fundamental tone
  2. First harmonic
  3. First overtone
  4. Second overtone
  5. Second harmonic.


  1. Fundamental tone: 256 Hz
  2. First harmonic: 256 Hz
  3. First overtone: 512 Hz
  4. Second overtone: 1020 Hz
  5. Second harmonic: 512 Hz

Question 31. What do you mean by musical sound and noise?


Musical Sound And Noise:-

Musical sound: Musical sound is defined as that sound which is produced by regular and periodic vibrations of the source and appears euphonious to our ears. Sound of guitar, sitar and flute, tuning fork etc. are examples of musical sound.

Noise: Noise is defined as that sound which is produced by irregular and non-periodic vibration of the source and appears cacophonous to our ears. Sound of crackers, automobiles, uproar of crowd etc. are examples of noise.

Question 32. What are the characteristics of a musical sound? What is intensity of sound?


Characteristics Of A Musical Sound:-

There are three characteristics of a musical sound. These are:

  1. Loudness,
  2. Pitch and
  3. Quality or timbre.

Question 33. Amount of sound energy passing through an unit area around a point in one second, perpendicular to the direction of sound is called intensity of the sound at that point. what is the unit of intensity in SI? Calculate the dimensional formula of intensity.


Unity of intensity in SI is W • m-2.

Dimensional formula of intensity = \(\frac{\text { dimensional formula of energy }}{\text { dimensional formula of area}}\) x dimensional formula of time

= \(\frac{M L^2 T^{-2}}{L^2 \times T}=M T^{-3}\)

Question 34. What do you understand by loudness of sound?


Loudness Of Sound:-

Among the sounds we hear everyday, some are high-pitched and some are low-pitched. Loudness of sound is such a characteristic which defines the strength with which it reaches the ears of the listener. Loudness is a feeling only and is not measurable. Loudness of sound is measured by its intensity.

Question 35. Intensity is the cause, loudness is its effect—explain.


Intensity Is The Cause, Loudness Is Its Effect

When intensity of sound is more, more amount of sound energy reaches our ears, and hence, greater loudness is felt by us. Again, when intensity is less, less amount of sound energy enters our ears, so loudness of sound is less. This is why it may be concluded that if intensity is the cause, then loudness is its effect.

Question 36. Intensity of sound depends on which factors?


Intensity of sound depends on several factors

Amplitude of vibration of the source of sound:

Intensity of sound is directly proportional to the square of the amplitude of vibration of the source of sound.

Size of the source:

Larger the size of the source, more is the intensity of the sound.

Distance of the listener from the source:

Intensity of sound is inversely proportional to the square of the distance of the listener from the source.

Density of the medium:

Intensity is more if the density of the medium is more.

Flow of air: Intensity of sound increases if flow of air is in the direction of motion of the sound. But if flow of air is in the opposite direction of motion of sound, intensity gets reduced.

Question 37. On a particular day, wind is blowing from east to west. A song is played through a microphone. A man is standing slightly away from the microphone in the east. Now, this man crosses the microphone and moves to the west side of the microphone at an equal distance. He hears more intense sound in which case? Explain with reasons.


Sound spreads in every direction with equal loudness. But if wind blows along the direction of propagation of sound, loudness increases in that direction. According to this question, wind blows from east to west. As a result, the man hears sound with greater intensity while standing in the west.

Question 38. What do you mean by pitch of a sound?


Pitch Of A Sound:-

If a male, a female and a child pronounce a sound with the same intensity, this same sound is known to create three different feelings in our ears. The voice of a female appears to be shriller than that of a male, again the voice of a child appears to be shriller than that of a female. This characteristic of sound is called pitch.

Pitch is defined as that characteristic of a musical sound due to which a listener can differentiate between a high-pitched and a low-pitched sound.

Question 39. Explain the statement — frequency is the cause of a sound and pitch is its effect.


Frequency Is The Cause Of A Sound And Pitch Is Its Effect

Pitch depends mainly on frequency. If the frequency of a tone is high, its pitch is also high. On the other hand, if frequency is low, pitch is also low. So, it is said that frequency is the cause and pitch is the effect.

But frequency is a physical quantity and is measurable whereas pitch is a feeling which is not measurable.

Question 40. Loudness and pitch of sound change mainly due to which physical quantities?


Due to change of intensity of a musical sound, loudness of sound perceived by a person changes. It has been found by experiment that this sensation increases as intensity of sound increases.

On the other hand, due to change in frequency of a musical sound, the pitch of a sound perceived by ear changes. Generally, as the frequency of the source of sound increases, the sound appears to be more high-pitched in the ears of an individual.

Question 41. What do you mean by quality or timbre of a sound?


Timbre Of A Sound:-

The characteristic property by which sound of same intensity and pitch emitted by different sources can be distinguished is called the quality or timbre of a musical sound. Due to this characteristic of sound, tones of the same intensity and pitch emitted from harmonium, violin and table, etc. can be easily differentiated by us.

Question 42. The quality or timbre of a note depends on which factors?


The quality of a note depends on three factors. These are:

  1. The number of overtones mixed with the fundamental tone;
  2. Frequencies of the overtones and
  3. Relative intensity of the overtones.

Chapter 7 Some Properties Of Sound And Characteristics Of Sound Very Short Answer Type Questions Choos The Correct Answer

Question 1. Due to which characteristic of sound, one can distinguish between the low-pitched and high-pitched sound of same intensity?

  1. Loudness
  2. Amplitude
  3. Frequency
  4. Pitch

Answer: 4. Pitch

Question 2. Which one is the first harmonic among the following frequencies: 500 Hz, 900 Hz, 550 Hz, 750 Hz, 300 Hz, 600 Hz?

  1. 300 Hz
  2. 500 Hz
  3. 600 Hz
  4. 900 Hz

Answer: 1. 300 Hz

Question 3. Out of 256 Hz, 512 Hz, 1020 Hz, and 1280 Hz, the frequency 1280 Hz is the

  1. Last tone
  2. Fourth overtone
  3. Third harmonic
  4. Second harmonic

Answer: 2. Fourth overtone

Question 4. Intensity of sound does not depend on

  1. Shape of the source of sound
  2. Amplitude of vibration of the source of sound
  3. Density of the medium
  4. Number of overtones in note

Answer: 4. Number of overtones in note

Question 5. The sound which contains more number of is more melodious.

  1. Harmonics
  2. Overtones
  3. Fundamental tones
  4. Beats

Answer: 1. Harmonics

Question 6. Characteristic of musical sound is

  1. Loudness
  2. Pitch
  3. Quality
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Question 7. The quantity which does not produce any perception is

  1. Loudness
  2. Intensity
  3. Pitch
  4. Quality

Answer: 2. Intensity

Question 8. Among the following pairs, which one represents reciprocal quantities?

  1. Frequency and wavelength
  2. Frequency and time period
  3. Velocity of wave and wavelength
  4. Wavelength and loudness

Answer: 2. Frequency and time period

Question 9. Which of the following cannot reflect sound waves?

  1. Range of mountains
  2. High embankment of a river
  3. A small mirror
  4. Wall of an empty hall

Answer: 3. A small mirror

Question 10. Reverberation of sound may be heard

  1. In a stethoscope
  2. Inside an empty hall
  3. In a distant wall
  4. In vacuum

Answer: 2. Inside an empty hall

Question 11. Reverberation of sound is created

  1. In one reflection
  2. In two reflections
  3. In three reflections
  4. In multiple reflections

Answer: 4. In multiple reflections

Question 12. Rubber pads are fixed on the walls of a cinema hall in order to

  1. Increase reflection of sound
  2. Decrease reverberation of sound
  3. Increase velocity of sound
  4. Increase loudness of sound

Answer: 2. Decrease reverberation of sound

Question 13. If a tuning fork is struck, sound emitted from it has a frequency of 500 Hz. What is the frequency of the emitted sound when the tuning fork is struck with twice the previous force?

  1. 1000 Hz
  2. 500 Hz
  3. 250 Hz
  4. Insufficient data

Answer: 2. 500 Hz

Question 14. If the frequencies of fundamental tone, overtone, and harmonic are denoted by n1, n2, and n3 respectively, then

  1. n1> n2> n3
  2. n1 > n2 but n2 > n3
  3. n1< n2> n3
  4. n1< n2 and n1 ≤ n3

Answer: 4. n1< n2 and n1 ≤ n3

Question 15. Which of the following is essential for a melodious sound?

  1. The presence of more harmonics
  2. The presence of more overtones
  3. Presence of different frequencies
  4. Presence of different musical instruments

Answer: 1. Presence of more harmonics

Question 16. Which of the following statements is correct?

  1. Tone is a sound of single frequency
  2. Note is a sound of single frequency
  3. Tone is a sound composed of different frequencies
  4. Tone is composed of several notes

Answer: 1. Tone is a sound of single frequency

Question 17. If the frequency of the source of sound increases, the sound heard by a person appears to be more

  1. Loud
  2. Discordant
  3. Melodious
  4. Shrill

Answer: 4. Shrill

Question 18. If the velocity of sound in air at 27°C is 348 m/s, then what is the minimum distance between the source and the reflector of sound to hear an echo of transient sound?

  1. 17.4 m
  2. 34.8 m
  3. 69.6 m
  4. 104.4 m

Answer: 1. 17.4 m

Question 19. If the velocity of sound in air at 27°C is 348 m/s, what is the minimum distance between the source and the reflector of sound to hear an echo of a monosyllabic sound?

  1. 17.4 m
  2. 34.8 m
  3. 69.6 m
  4. 104.4 m

Answer: 2. 34.8 m

Question 20. Bats detect the obstacles in their path by receiving the reflected

  1. Electromagnetic waves
  2. Radio waves
  3. Infrasonic wave
  4. Ultrasonic waves

Answer: 4. Ultrasonic waves

Question 21. Infrasonic sound can be heard by

  1. Human beings
  2. Dolphins
  3. Rhinoceros
  4. Monkey

Answer: 3. Rhinoceros

Question 22. Which of the following is used in ultrasonography?

  1. Infrasonic sound
  2. Ultrasonic sound
  3. Audible sound
  4. Radio waves

Answer: 2. Ultrasonic sound

Question 23. Which of the following is used in SONAR?

  1. Infrasonic sound
  2. Micro waves
  3. Ultrasonic sound
  4. Audible sound

Answer: 3. Ultrasonic sound

Question 24. Repeated reflection of sound produces

  1. Reverberation
  2. Stationary wave
  3. Echo
  4. Refraction

Answer: 1. Reverberation

Question 25. A mirror is a good reflector of light wave but poor reflector of sound wave because

  1. Wavelength of sound is bigger than the mirror
  2. Wavelength of light is bigger than the mirror
  3. Velocity of sound is smaller than that of light
  4. Sound can not travel in vacuum

Answer: 1. Wavelength of sound is bigger than the mirror

Question 26. Sound wave transfers a physical quantity ‘X’ from one place to another, where ‘X’ is

  1. Mass
  2. Velocity
  3. Energy
  4. Density

Answer: 3. Energy

Question 27. A sound wave strikes a wall perpendicularly. What is the angle of reflection of the sound wave?

  1. 90°
  2. 45°
  3. 30°

Answer: 2. 0°

Question 28. A supersonic jet plane

  1. Can fly faster than sound
  2. Can fly at the highest velocity of sound
  3. Cannot fly with the velocity of sound
  4. Can fly with the velocity of light

Answer: 1. Can fly faster than sound

Question 29. A jet plane is flying with supersonic speed. Its Mach number is

  1. Equal to one
  2. More than one
  3. Less than one
  4. Equal to one hundred

Answer: 2. More than one

Chapter 7 Some Properties Of Sound And Characteristics Of Sound Answer In Brief

Question 1. What is the range of frequency of audible sound?

Answer: Range of frequency of audible sound is 20 Hz to 20000 Hz .

Question 2. What is the frequency of infrasonic sound?

Answer: Frequency of infrasonic sound is less than 20 Hz.

Question 3. What is the frequency of ultrasonic sound?

Answer: Frequency of ultrasonic sound is more than 20000 Hz.

Question 4. What is a tone?

Answer: Sound of a single frequency is known as a tone.

Question 5. What is a note?

Answer: Note is a sound containing more than one frequency.

Question 6. Write the SI unit of intensity of sound.

Answer: J • s-1 • m-2 or, W • m-2.

Question 7. Give one application where principle of echo is utilised.

Answer: Hearing aid.

Question 8. 500 Hz is written on the body of tuning fork. Is the sound produced from this fork a tone or a note?

Answer: If the tuning fork is vibrated, the sound produced from it is a tone since sound of only 500 Hz frequency is produced.

Question 9. Which property of sound is applied in a doctor’s stethoscope?

Answer: Property of reflection of sound is applied in a doctor’s stethoscope.

Question 10. What type of sound is emitted when a tuning fork is struck?

Answer: Audible sound is emitted when a tuning fork is struck.

Question 11. What type of sound is used in the in a radar?

Answer: Ultrasound is used in a radar.

Question 12. Mention the name of an animal which makes use of ultrasound.

Answer: A bat uses ultrasound while flying.

Question 13. Which characteristic of a musical sound depends on its frequency?

Answer: Pitch of a musical sound depends on its frequency.

Question 14. Which characteristic of a musical sound depends on its intensity?

Answer: Loudness of a musical sound depends on its intensity.

Question 15. Which characteristic of a musical sound changes when the distance between the source of sound and the listener changes?

Answer: In this case, loudness of the musical sound changes.

Question 16. Sound of the same frequency and with the same intensity are emitted from different string instruments. Which characteristic of sound helps us in distinguishing the sound of one musical instrument from the other?

Answer: Quality or timbre of the musical sound helps us in distinguishing the sound of different musical instruments.

Question 17. Which is the first harmonic in a sound consisting of more than one frequency?

Answer: The sound with the minimum frequency is the first harmonic.

Question 18. What do you mean by the intensity of sound?

Answer: Sound energy per unit time per unit area is known as the intensity of sound.

Question 19. What does SONAR stand for?

Answer: SONAR stands for SOund Navigation And Ranging.

Question 20. What is the basic principle with which SONAR works?

Answer: SONAR works on the principle of reflection of waves.

Question 21. State one important use of ultrasound in industries.

Answer: Ultrasounds are used to find faults and cracks in metal.

Question 22. State one important use of ultrasound for medical purpose.

Answer: Diagnosing the diseases in human body.

Question 23. What do you understand by the reverberation?

Answer: The phenomenon of prolongation of original sound due to the multiple reflection of sound wave even after the source stops producing sound is called reverberation.

Question 24. Why is the speed of sound grater in solid than in gas?

Answer: This is because particle of solids are closer than the particles of gases.

Question 25. Which wave property determines loudness?

Answer: Amplitude of the wave determines loudness.

Question 26. Does sound follow the same lows of reflection as light does?

Answer: Yes- Sound wave are reflected just like light wave

Question 27. Why is sound not heard when a bird flies?

Answer: When a bird flies, the frequency of its wings is less than 20 Hz which is in the infrasonic range and thus the sound cannot be heard.

Question 28. How does the velocity of sound in air change when temperature is increased?

Answer: Velocity of sound in air increases when temperature is increased.

Question 29. How does the velocity of sound in air change when humidity of air increases?

Answer: Velocity of sound in air increases when the humidity of air increases.

Question 30. When a pendulum oscillates, its frequency remains less than 20 Hz. What type of sound is produced in this case?

Answer: Infrasonic sound is produced in this case.

Question 31. Which type of sound waves are used to clean dirty clothes?

Answer: Ultrasonic sound waves are used to clean dirty clothes.

Question 32. Which type of sound waves are used to detect a shoal of fish deep inside sea water?

Answer: Ultrasonic sound waves are used to detect a shoal offish deep inside sea water.

Chapter 7 Some Properties Of Sound And Characteristics Of Sound Fill In The Blanks

Question 1. The perception of difference of pitch sound arises due to change of ______ of sound.

Answer: Frequency

Question 2. In the case of  ________ repeated reflection of sound occurs.

Answer: Reverberation

Question 3. Sound having frequency more than the frequency of the audible range is known as _______ sound.

Answer: Ultrasonic

Question 4. Sound having frequency less than the frequency of the audible range is known as ______ sound.

Answer: Infrasonic

Question 5. Stethoscope is the application of the property of ______ of sound.

Answer: Reflection

Question 6. Soft pads fixed to the walls of different auditoriums serve as __________

Answer: Sound absorbers

Question 7. SONAR uses ________ sound to determine the depth of an ocean.

Answer: Ultrasonic

Question 8. _______ of sound increases with the increase of size of the source of sound.

Answer: Intensity

Question 9. ________ of the sound increases with increase of frequency of the source of sound.

Answer: Pitch

Question 10. The intensity of sound __________ if air flows along the direction of motion of the sound.

Answer: Increases

Question 11. The difference in the voices of males and females is due to the ________ of sound.

Answer: Pitch

Question 12. Reflection of a wave is possible only when the size of the reflector is ________ compared to the wavelength of the wave.

Answer: Greater

Question 13. The trace of a sound remains in our brain for almost ________

Answer: 0.1 s

Question 14. The ratio of the velocities of a body and sound in a medium is called __________

Answer: Match number

Question 15. The velocity of a moving body is called ________ if the value of its Mach number is more than 1.

Answer: Super sonic

Chapter 7 Some Properties Of Sound And Characteristics Of Sound State Whether True Or False

Question 1. Echo and reverberation of sound refer to a single phenomenon.

Answer: False

Question 2. SONAR is an acronym for Sound Navigation and Ranging.

Answer: True

Question 3. The tone having the lowest frequency in a note is known as fundamental tone.

Answer: True

Question 4. Ultrasonic sound is used for the purpose of sterilizing of milk.

Answer: True

Question 5. Loudness of sound varies inversely to the square of the amplitude.

Answer: True

Question 6. Pitch of a note depends on its amplitude.

Answer: False

Question 7. A sound which is music to some one may be a noise to others.

Answer: False

Question 8. Sound of one frequency is tone.

Answer: True

Question 9. In a note the sound of least frequency is called the fundamental tone.

Answer: True

Question 10. A continuous noise of high level may cause migraine.

Answer: True

Chapter 7 Some Properties Of Sound And Characteristics Of Sound Numerical Examples

Useful Information

The impression of a sound persist in our brain for about \(\frac{1}{10}\) s.

If velocity of sound in air at a particular temperature = V then,

  1. The minimum distance between listener and the reflector for hearing distinctly the echo of a short sound = \(\frac{1}{2}\) x V x \(\frac{1}{5}\) = \(\frac{V}{20}\)
  2. Our ears can not recognise separately more than 5 syllables in one second, for monosyllabic sound the minimum distance between the listener and the reflector = \(\frac{1}{2}\) x V \(\frac{1}{5}\) = \(\frac{V}{10}\).

For disyllabic word the distance should be = \(\frac{1}{2}\) x V x \(\frac{2}{5}\) = 2 x \(\frac{V}{10}\) and so on.

Measurement of depth of a sea:

If, velocity of sound in water be V, the depth of the source and hydrophone from the surface of the sea be hQ, the depth of the sea with respect to the source be h, time taken by the sound to reach the hydrophone directly be t1, and the time taken by the echo be t2, then depth of the sea from its surface,

h = \(h_0+\frac{V}{2} \sqrt{t_2^2-t_1^2}\)

Measurement of the height of an airplane:

If, an airplane flying horizontally at a height h with a velocity u, produces a loud short sound and heard the echo after time t and velocity of sound in air be V then,

h = \(\frac{t}{2} \sqrt{V^2-u^2}\)

Question 1. A man fires a shot in front of a hill and hears the echo after 3 s. If the velocity of sound in air is 332 m/s, what is the distance between this man and the hill?


Let distance of the man from the hill is L m .

2L m is traversed in 3 s.

So, \(\frac{2L}{3}\) = 332 m 3

or, L = \(\frac{332 \times 3}{2}\) = 498 m

Question 2. A pilot fires a shot when the airplane is flying parallel to the earth’s surface at a speed of 72 km/h . If the echo is heard after 4 $ and the velocity of sound in air is 332 m/s, calculate the height of the airplane from the earth’s surface.


Velocity of the airplane, u = 72 km/h = 72 x \(\frac{5}{18}\) = 20 m/s

Velocity of sound, V = 332 m/s; time, t = 4 s

Suppose, height of the airplane from the surface of the earth =h

∴ h = \(\frac{t}{2} \sqrt{V^2-u^2}=\frac{4}{2} \sqrt{(332)^2-(20)^2}\) = 662.8

Question 3. A man standing between two parallel mountains hears the first echo after 2 s and the second echo after 5 s of firing a bullet from a gun. If the velocity of sound in air is 332 m/s, what is the distance between the two mountains?


Suppose the distance of the man from the nearer mountain is a m and its distance from the distant one is b m.

The distance between the two mountains = (o + b) m .

According to the question, sound traverses a distance 2a in 2 seconds and a distance 2b in 5 seconds.

∴ 2a = 2 x 332 or, a = 332 and 2b = 5 x 332 or, b = 830

∴ distance between the two mountains = 830 + 332 = 1162 m .

Question 4. An airplane is flying at a height of 1200 m with a velocity Of 125 m/s. A high- pitched sound of very short duration is emitted from the plane. How much time does the echo of that sound take to reach the pilot after being reflected from the earth’s surface? Velocity of sound in air = 325 m/s.


Suppose, the time gap between emission of sound and its audibility as echo = t.

According to the formula, h = \(=\frac{t}{2} \sqrt{v^2-u^2}\)

t = \(\frac{2 h}{\sqrt{V^2-u^2}}=\frac{2 \times 1200}{\sqrt{325^2-125^2}}\)

= \(\frac{2 \times 1200}{\sqrt{450 \times 200}}=\frac{2 \times 1200}{300}=8 \mathrm{~s}\)

So, pilot hears the echo after 8 s of its emission.

Question 5. An echo repeated four syllables. If the velocity of sound be 335 m/s , find the distance of the reflector.


To hear echo for a word with four syllable, the minimum time required = 4 x 1/5 = 4/5 s

∴ The distance of the reflector = \(\frac{\text { distance travels }}{2}=\frac{4 \times 335}{5 \times 2}\) = 134 m

Question 6. Two children are at opposite ends of an aluminium rod. One strikes at one end of the rod with a hammer. Find the ratio of time taken by the sound waves in air and in the aluminium to reach the second child. (Speed of sound in aluminium is 6420 m/s and in air is 338 m/s.


Let, l = length of the rod.

Time taken by sound to travel distance l in aluminium rod

⇒ \(t_1=\frac{\text { distance }}{\text { speed of sound in alumimium }}\)

= \(\frac{l}{64210} \mathrm{~s}\)

and time taken by sound to travel distance l in air

t2 = \(\frac{l}{338}\) s

∴ The ratio of time taken by the sound wave in air and in the aluminium

= \(t_2: t_1=\frac{1}{338}: \frac{1}{6420}=3210: 169\)

Question 7. A man standing 12 m away from a high wall makes a short sound. If velocity of the sound in air is 330 m/s. Check whether he hear the echo or not.


The persistence of hearing = 0.1 s

∴ The minimum distance for hearing echo for short sound = \(\frac{0.1 \times 330}{2}\) = 16.5 m

According to the problem as the man standing at a distance 12 m from the wall, he can not hear the echo.

Question 8. Sound beyond the human audio range is produced at a place deep inside the sea. After 5 s, echo is detected by a SONAR at the same place. Calculate the depth of the sea from the place of production of sound. Velocity of sound in sea water is 1500 m/s.


Suppose, depth of sea = h m

∴ sound travels 2h m in 5 seconds.

So, sound travels \(\frac{2h}{5}\) m in one second.

∴ \(\frac{2h}{5}\) = 1500 or, h = 1500 x \(\frac{5}{2}\) = 3750 m

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Chapter 4 Matter Concept Of Mole

Chapter 4 Matter Concept Of Mole Topic A Concept Of Mole And Importance Of Avogadro’s Number Synopsis

  1. The literal meaning of the word ‘mole’ is heap.
  2. One mole of a substance is the amount that contains 6.022 x 1023 constituent particles (atoms, molecules, or ions) of the substance.
  3. Chemical calculations can be done in a simpler and more convenient method by using the concept of mole.
  4. The number of molecules present in one gram-mole of a substance, which may be either an element or a compound (solid, liquid, or gas) is known as Avogadro’s number (NA).
  5. The value of Avogadro’s number (NA) is 6.22x 1023. It is independent of both temperature and pressure.
  6. It is very difficult to grasp the enormousness of Avogadro’s number. NA = 602213670000000000000000.
  7. The value of Avogadro’s constant is 6.022 x 1023 mol-23.
  8. Avogadro’s number correlates with the microscopic and macroscopic world.
  9. Avogadro’s number finds useful applications in calculations related to physics, chemistry, and biological science.

Read and Learn More WBBSE Solutions for Class 9 Physical Science and Environment

Chapter 4 Matter Concept Of Mole Topic A Concept Of Mole And Importance Of Avogadro’s Number Short And Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Define mole.



One mole of a substance is the amount of the substance (element or compound) which contains Avogadro’s number (6.022 x 1023) of fundamental particles (atoms, molecules, or ions).

Question 2. What is Avogadro’s number?


Avogadro’s Number:

The number of molecules present in one gram mole of a substance which may be either an element or a compound (solid, liquid, or gas) is known as Avogadro’s number.

Question 3. What is Avogadro’s constant? How is it different from Avogadro’s number?


Avogadro’s Constant:

  1. The number of particles present per mole of a substance is called Avogadro’s constant. Thus, Avogadro’s constant is Avogadro’s number/mole. Its value is 6.022 x 1023 mol-1. It is a universal constant.
  2. Avogadro’s number is a pure number. It has no unit but the unit of Avogadro’s constant is mol-1.

Question 4. Why is it necessary to mention the corresponding fundamental particle while using the term ‘mole’?


It/is necessary to mention the corresponding fundamental particle while using the term ‘mole’. This is because the amount of a substance entirely depends on the nature of particles present in it. For example, the fundamental particle of oxygen can be atom as well as molecule.

Thus, the term 1 mol oxygen1 does not clearly indicate the amount of oxygen present in that quantity, because 1 mol oxygen represents both 1 mol oxygen molecule and 1 mol oxygen atom.

Now, a 1 mol oxygen molecule contains twice the number of oxygen atoms present in a 1 mol oxygen atom, although the number of particles in both quantities are same.

Question 5. Avogadro’s number creates a correlation between the macroscopic and microscopic world— explain.


Molecules or atoms are too small to be seen. So, it is extremely difficult to count the number of atoms or molecules in a given mass of substance. However, by using the mole concept, scientists have been able to successfully calculate the number of atoms, molecules, or ions in a given mass of substance.

According to the definition of mole, 1 mol of a substance contains 6.022 x 1023 number of fundamental particles. This number (6.022 x 1023) is known as Avogadro’s number.

We cannot see 1 molecule of water but, 1 mol of water (which is equal to 18 g water) is visible to us. Now, 1 mol of water (i.e., 18 g water) contains 6.22x 1023 molecules of water.

Thus it can be concluded that, Avogadro’s number creates a correlation between the macroscopic and microscopic world.

Question 6. Discuss the significance of mole concept or Avogadro’s number.


Significance Of Mole Concept:

The concept of mole is used in different fields of science. 1 mol of a substance contains Avogadro’s number (6.022 x 1023) of fundamental particles (atoms, molecules or ions) this concept has simplified the chemical calculations to a large extent.

It has also become easier to correlate the different physical quantities with the help of Avogadro’s number and mole concept. Some important applications of Avogadro’s number are illustrated below

1. The number of atoms, molecules or ions present in a given mass of a substance is calculated by using mole concept. For example, 88g CO2 = 88g/44g = 2 mol (as a gram-molecular mass of CO2 is 44 g).

Hence, number of molecules in 88 g CO2 = 2 x 6.022 x 1023 = 12.044 x 1023

2. The actual mass of an atom or a molecule is expressed in atomic mass unit (u).

Now, u = \(\frac{1}{\text { Avogradro’s number }}\) g

Thus, mass of one N2 molecule = 28 u

= 28 x \(\frac{1}{6.022 \times 10^{23}}\) = 28 x 1.6605 x 10-24

3. Using Avogadro’s number, it is possible to calculate the number of molecules present in a definite volume of any gas at STP.

4. The atomic radii of solid metals can be calculated using Avogadro’s number.

5. The value of Boltzmann constant can be calculated using Avogadro’s number.

Question 7. Do 1 mol O2 and 1 mol O represent the same quantity of oxygen?


The molecular formula of oxygen is O2 while O represents an atom of oxygen. Hence, 1 mol O2 represents Avogadro’s number of oxygen molecules. On the other hand, 1 mol O2 indicates Avogadro’s number of O-atoms.

The mass of Avogadro’s number of O2 molecules is 32 g and that of Avogadro’s number of O-atoms is 16 g. Thus, 1 mol O2 and 1 mol O do not represent the same quantity of oxygen.

Question 8. Can Avogadro’s constant be considered as universal constant?


Yes, Avogadro’s constant may be considered as universal constant.


  1. 22.4 L of any gas at STP contains Avogadro’s number of molecules.
  2. Number of molecules in 1 g-mole or number of atoms in 1 g-atom of any element or compound are equal to Avogadro’s number.
  3. Number of ions present in 1 g-ion of any sample is equal to Avogadro’s number.

Question 9. Write down the importance of Avogadro’s number in biology. Or, Mention an use of Avogadro’s number in biology.


In biological science, Avogadro’s number can be used for quantitative calculations of solids, liquids, and gases.


Chlorophyll contains 2.68% Mg. Using the concept of Avogadro’s number one can find the number of Mg atoms present in 1 g chlorophyll as 6.69 x 1020.

Chapter 4 Matter Concept Of Mole Topic A Concept Of Mole And Importance Of Avogadro’s Number Very Short Answer Type Questions Choose The Correct Answer

Question 1. Which of the following correlates between the microscopic and macroscopic world?

  1. Dalton’s number
  2. Berzelius’ number
  3. Avogadro’s number
  4. Faraday’s number

Answer: 3. Avogadro’s number

Question 2. The meaning of the Latin word ‘moles’ is

  1. Many
  2. Having large volume
  3. Having large mass
  4. Heap

Answer: 4. Heap

Question 3. The word ‘mole’ was first used by

  1. Dalton
  2. Ostwald
  3. Avogadro
  4. Millikan

Answer: 2. Ostwald

Question 4. The value of Avogadro’s number is

  1. 6.024 X 1020
  2. 0.6023 X 1022
  3. 0.6022 X 1024
  4. 0.623 x 1023

Answer: 3. 0.6022 X 1024

Question 5. The amount of Avogadro’s number of fundamental particles (example: electron, proton, atom, molecule, ion) is known as

  1. Mole
  2. Gram-mole
  3. Gram-atom
  4. Gram-ion

Answer: 1. Mole

Question 6. The element for which the number of gram-moles and number of gram-atoms will be equal for any quantity is

  1. Oxygen
  2. Helium
  3. Hydrogen
  4. Chlorine

Answer: 2. Helium

Question 7. Number of atoms in 0.1 mol of a triatomic gas is

  1. 6.022 x1022
  2. 1.806 X 1023
  3. 3.600 x1023
  4. 1.800 x 1022

Answer: 2. 1.806 X 10223

Question 8. If 10-5 mol electron flows per second through a wire, the number of electron flows per second through it is

  1. 6.022 X1028
  2. 6.022 x 1023
  3. 6.022 X10-23
  4. 6.022 x 1018

Answer: 4. 6.022 x 1018

Question 9. 1 mol of oxygen atom means

  1. 6.022 x 1023 number of oxygen atoms
  2. 2 x 6.022 x 1023 number of oxygen atoms
  3. 1/2 x 6.022 x 1023 number of oxygen atoms
  4. 6.022 x 1023 number of oxygen molecules

Answer: 1. 6.022 x 1023 number of oxygen atoms

Question 10. Number of Cl ions obtained from 1 mol of CaCI2 is

  1. 2
  2. 6.022 X 1023
  3. 12.046 x 1023
  4. 3 x 6.022 x 1023

Answer: 3. 12.046 x 1023

Question 11. Unit of Avogadro’s constant is

  1. Mole
  2. Per mole
  3. (mole)2
  4. Dobson

Answer: 2. Per mole

Question 12. Number of molecules in 1 millimol ammonia is

  1. 6.022 x 1026
  2. 6.022 x 1023
  3. 6.022 X 1020
  4. 6.0222 x 10-3

Answer: 3. 6.022 X 1020

Question 13. Which of the following cannot be calculated using Avogadro’s number?

  1. Boltzman constant
  2. Atomic radius of solid metals
  3. Velocity of light in vacuum
  4. Number of molecules in a definite volume

Answer: 3. Velocity of light in vacuum

Chapter 4 Matter Concept Of Mole Topic A Concept Of Mole And Importance Of Avogadro’s Number Answer In Brief

Question 1. Who determined the value of Avogadro’s number?

Answer: Robert Millikan .

Question 2. What is the unit of molar mass?

Answer: g • mol-1 or kg • mol-1.

Question 3. What is the effect of temperature and pressure on Avogadro’s number?

Answer: Mass and number of molecules do not depend on either temperature or pressure. Hence, temperature or pressure has no effect on Avogadro’s number.

Question 4. What is the SI unit of quantity of matter?

Answer: The SI unit of quantity of matter is mole.

Question 5. How many H-atoms are present in 1 mol hydrogen gas?

Answer: 1 mol hydrogen gas contains 6.022 x 1023 molecules.

Hence, number of H-atoms in 1 mol of hydrogen gas = 2 x 6.022 x 1023 = 12.044 x 1023.

Question 6. How many Fe-atoms does 1 gram-atom of iron indicate?

Answer: 6.022 x 1023 atoms of iron.

Question 7. How many moles of oxygen atoms do 6.22x 1024 number of oxygen atoms indicate?

Answer: 6.02 2 x 1024 number of oxygen atoms = 10 x 6.022 x 1024 oxygen atoms = 10 mol of oxygen atoms.

Question 8. How many grams of CO2 does 1 gram-mole of CO2 indicate?

Answer: 1 gram-mole of CO2 indicates 44 g of CO2

Question 9. How many molecules are present in 1 millimole CO2?

Answer: 6.022 x 1020 number of molecules are present in 1 millimol CO2.

Question 10. 2 balloons contain 1.8066 x 1023 number of hydrogen molecules and 2 mol hydrogen gas respectively. Which balloon contains higher number of molecules?

Answer: The balloon having 2 mol of hydrogen gas.

Question 11. What is the relation between the number of constituent particles of a substance, Avogadro’s number, and number of moles?

Answer: Number of moles

= \(\frac{\text { Number of constituent particles of a substances }}{\text { Avogadro’s number }}\)

Question 12. What is the total charge of 1 mol electron?

Answer: The charge of 1 mol electron is 1 Faraday.

Chapter 4 Matter Concept Of Mole Topic A Concept Of Mole And Importance Of Avogadro’s Number Fill In The Blanks

Question 1. In physical science, the 6.022 x 1023 is known as _______ number.

Answer: Avogradro’s

Question 2. In l mol oxygen gas, the number of oxygen atoms is _______

Answer: Fundamental

Question 3. 1 mol represents Avogadro’s number of _______ particles.

Answer: 2 x 6.022 x 1023

Question 4. The unit of Avogadro’s constant is _______

Answer: mol-1

Question 5. 6.22x 1023 number of H+ ions will be produced from __________ gram-mol of H2SO4.

Answer: 0.5

Question 6. When the term ‘mole’ is used, it is necessary to mention the corresponding _______ particle.

Answer: Fundamental

Question 7. 1 millimol = _______ mol.

Answer: 10

Question 8. 12.044 x 1023 number of protons = ________ mol protons.

Answer: 2

Question 9. 1 mol sugar = ________ g sugar.

Answer: 342

Question 10. 1 mol nitrogen molecule = ________ g nitrogen.

Answer: 28

Question 11. 1 millimol oxygen molecule indicates __________ number of oxygen molecules.

Answer: 6.022 x 1020

Question 12. Number of moles = mass of the substance ÷ mass of _________ of the substance.

Answer: 1 mol

Chapter 4 Matter Concept Of Mole Topic A Concept Of Mole And Importance Of Avogadro’s Number State Whether True Or False

Question 1. The value of Avogadro’s constant changes with the change in both temperature and pressure.

Answer: False

Question 2. The given mass of any substance when divided by the number of moles gives the corresponding value of molar mass.

Answer: True

Question 3. The value of Avogadro’s number was determined by Millikan.

Answer: True

Question 4. The unit of Avogadro’s constant is mol-1.

Answer: True

Question 5. The number of atoms in 1 gram-atom of oxygen is 6.022 x 1023

Answer: True

Question 6. 1 mol N2 and 1 mol N signify the same amount.

Answer: False

Question 7. 1 mol of CO2 contains 1 mol oxygen atom.

Answer: False

Question 8. Avogadro’s number is not applicable for microscopic substances.

Answer: False

Question 9. Avogadro’s number is independent of the properties of matter, it only depends upon the volume, pressure, and temperature.

Answer: False

Chapter 4 Matter Concept Of Mole Topic A Concept Of Mole And Importance Of Avogadro’s Number Numerical Examples

Question 1. P and Q flasks contain 0.5 mol oxygen and 0.4 mol ozone gas respectively. In which flask number of oxygen atoms is higher?


Number of oxygen atoms in P flask = 2 x 0.5 x 6.022 x 1023 = 6.022 x 1023

Number of oxygen atoms in Q flask = 3 X 0.4 X 6.022 X 1023 = 1.2 x 6.022 x 1023

∴ Q flask contains higher number of oxygen atoms than that of P flask.

Question 2. How many moles of C-atom and how many moles of O-atom are present in 44 gCO2?


Molecular mass of carbon dioxide = 12 + 2 x 16 =44

∴ 44 g CO2 = 1 gram-mole of CO2

Now, 1 molecule of CO2 contains 1 C-atom and 2 O-atoms.

∴ 1 gram-mole or 44 g of C02 contains 1 mol of C-atom and 2 mol of O atoms.

Chapter 4 Matter Concept Of Mole Topic B Gram Atom Atomic Mass Unit Gram Mole Molar Volume Of Gases And Formula Mass Synopsis

In hydrogen (1H) scale, the relative atomic mass of an element

= \(\frac{\text { mass of one atom of the element }}{\text { mass of one hydrogen atom }}\)

In 12C scale, the relative atomic mass of an element

= \(\frac{\text { mass of one atom of the element }}{\text { mass of one }{ }^{12} \mathrm{C} \text {-atom } \times \frac{1}{12}}\)

  1. The relative atomic mass of an element is expressed as a ratio of the masses of two atoms. Hence, it has no unit.
  2. The atomic mass of an element expressed in gram is known as the gram-atomic mass of the element.
  3. The actual mass of an atom is expressed in atomic mass unit.
  4. Atomic mass unit (1u) = 1/12 x actual mass of one C atom = 1.6605 x 10-24 g
  5. One gram atom of an element contains Avogadro’s number of atom.
  6. Atomic mass is expressed as a ratio of two masses. So it does not have any unit.
  7. The actual mass of an atom is very small. So, instead of actual mass, relative atomic mass of the element is used during chemical calculations.
  8. The atomic mass of an element is the average of atomic masses of all the naturally occurring isotopes of that element. Consequently, the atomic mass of most of the elements is fractional.
  9. The molecular mass of a substance expressed in gram is known as its gram-molecular mass.
  10. One gram-mole of a substance (element or compound) contains Avogadro’s number of molecules.
  11. Number of moles of a matter = \(\frac{\text { mass of the matter }}{\text { its molar mass }}=\frac{W}{M}\)
  12. At a given temperature and pressure, the volume occupied by 1 mol of a substance (element or compound) is known as its molar volume.
  13. At standard temperature and pressure, the molar volume of all the gases is 22.4 L.
  14. Formula mass of a compound is the sum of the atomic masses of all the atoms present in a formula unit of the compound. In case of ionic compounds, the formula of the compound does not represent the molecule of the compound, so the use of formula mass is more appropriate.

Chapter 4 Matter Concept Of Mole Topic B Gram Atom Atomic Mass Unit Gram Mole Molar Volume Of Gases And Formula Mass Short Ans Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Define relative atomic mass with respect to the hydrogen scale.


Considering the mass of one hydrogen atom as unity (1), the number of times an atom of an element is heavier than a hydrogen atom indicates the relative atomic mass of the given element.

Thus, the relative atomic mass of an element is defined as the ratio of the mass of one atom of the element to the mass of one atom of hydrogen.

Relative atomic mass of an element = \(\frac{\text { mass of one atom of the element }}{\text { mass of one hydrogen atom }}\)

Question 2. Define relative atomic mass with respect to the carbon (12C) scale.


The number of times an atom of an element is heavier than 1/12 th part of the actual mass of an atom of 12C isotope indicates the relative atomic mass of the given element.

Thus, the relative atomic mass of an element is defined as the ratio of mass of one atom of the element to 1/12th part of the mass of an atom of 12C isotope.

Relative atomic mass of an element = \(\frac{\text { mass of one atom of the element }}{\frac{1}{12} \times \text { mass of one }{ }^{12} \mathrm{C} \text {-atom }}\)

= \(\frac{\text { mass of one atom of the element }}{\text { mass of one }{ }^{12} \mathrm{C} \text {-atom }} \times 12\)

Question 3. Why is 12C and not hydrogen considered As the standard element to determine as the standard element to determine the relative atomic mass?


  1. Hydrogen is the lightest element. So, while calculating atomic mass with respect to hydrogen, a very small error in measurement causes a large deviation in the actual result. This does not happen when 12C is taken as the standard element.
  2. The atomic masses calculated with respect to hydrogen scale are found to be fractional for most of the elements. However, atomic masses of most of the elements are integers with respect to the 12C scale.

Due to these advantages, nowadays 12C is considered as the standard element in the determination of relative atomic mass.

Question 4. What is gram-atomic mass?


Gram-Atomic Mass :-

The gram-atomic mass of an element is defined as the atomic mass of the element expressed in gram. For example, atomic mass of oxygen is 16. Therefore, the gram-atomic mass of oxygen is 16 g.

Question 5. What is gram-atom?



1 gram-atom of an element is defined as the amount of the element expressed in gram, which contains 6.022 x 1023 atoms of the element. For example, 1 gram-atom of nitrogen =14 g nitrogen, because 14g nitrogen contains 6.22x 1023 number of atoms.

Question 6. Relative atomic mass of an element has no unit. Explain


The Relative Atomic Mass Of An Element:-

= \(\frac{\text { mass of one atom of the element }}{\frac{1}{12} \times \text { mass of one }{ }^{12} \mathrm{C} \text {-atom }}\)

As relative atomic mass of an element is a ratio of the masses of two atoms, it has no unit.

Question 7. What is atomic mass unit?


Atomic Mass Unit:-

Atomic mass unit may be defined as the unit in which the actual mass of an atom is expressed and which is equal to 1/12 th of the actual mass of an atom of 12C isotope.

1 atomic mass unit or lu = 1.6605 x 10-24 g

Question 8. Why is the atomic mass of most elements fractional?


The Atomic Mass Of Most Elements Fractional:-

Almost all the naturally occurring elements exist as a mixture of two or more isotopes. The isotopes have the same atomic number but different mass numbers. The relative atomic mass is calculated by taking the average of the mass numbers of different isotopes of that element.

Though the mass number is a whole number, yet the average is taken on the basis of percentage abundance of the isotopes which more or less have a fixed proportion in nature. This is why the atomic masses of most of the elements are found to be fractional.

For example, chlorine has two naturally occurring isotopes, \({ }_{17}^{35} \mathrm{Cl} \text { and }{ }_{17}^{37} \mathrm{Cl}\). The percentage abundance of these two isotopes are 75% and 25% respectively.

Hence, the average atomic mass of chlorine = \(\frac{35 \times 75+37 \times 25}{100}\) = 35.5 (fractional).

Question 9. Write the differences between atomic mass and mass of an atom of an element.


Differences Between Atomic Mass And Mass Of An Atom Of An Element:-

  1. The atomic mass of an element is the ratio of mass of one atom of the element to 1/12th part of the mass of an atom of 12C isotope. On the other hand, the mass of an atom of an element means the actual mass of the atom.
  2. Atomic mass is a ratio. So, it has no unit. However, mass of an atom represents a definite mass. Hence, it has a unit of mass.
  3. Mass of an atom = atomic mass of the element x atomic mass unit (u). For example, atomic mass of oxygen is 16 but, mass of 1 oxygen atom = 16 x 1.6605 x 10-24 g = 26.656 x 10-24 g

Question 10. What is gram-molecule or gram-mole?



1 gram-molecule or gram-mole of a substance (element or compound) is defined as the amount of the substance expressed in gram, which contains 6.022 x 1023 molecules of the substance. For example, 1 gram-mole of oxygen =32 g oxygen, because, 32 g oxygen contains 6.22x 1023 number of molecules.

Question 11. What is meant by molar mass?


Molar Mass:-

Molar mass is the mass of 1 mol of a substance. Alternatively, it is defined as the mass of Avogadro’s number of constituent particles (atoms, molecules, or ions) of the substance. For example, the gram-atomic mass of helium is 4g.

Hence, molar mass of helium = 4g • mol-1. Again, the gram-molecular mass of water is 18 g. Hence, molar mass of H2O = 18 g • mol-1.

Question 12. What is gram-molar mass?


Gram-Molar Mass:-

The gram-molar mass of a substance (element or compound) is defined as the molar mass of that substance expressed in gram. For example, molar mass of carbon dioxide is 44 g • mol-1. Therefore, gram-molar mass of CO2 is 44 g.

Question 13. What is molar volume?


Molar Volume:-

At a given temperature and pressure, the volume occupied by 1 mol of any substance (element or compound) is known as its molar volume at that temperature and pressure. The molar volume of any gas at standard temperature and pressure (STP) is 22.4 L.

Question 4. What can be known from ‘1 mol CO2‘?


From ‘1 mol CO2‘ it can be known that

  1. Mass of the CO2 sample is 44 g.
  2. Number of CO2 molecules in the sample is 6.22 x 1023.
  3. Volume of the CO2 gas at STP is 22.4 L.

Question 15. What is formula mass?


Formula Mass:-

Formula mass of an ionic compound is the sum of the atomic masses of all the atoms present in a formula unit of the compound. For example, formula mass of NaCI = 23+ 35.5 = 58.5.

Question 16. What is gram-formula mass?


Gram-Formula Mass:-

The gram-formula mass of an ionic compound is defined as that amount of the compound expressed in gram numerically equal to its formula mass. For example, formula mass of NaCI is 58.5. Therefore, the gram-formula mass of NaCI is 58.5g.

Question 17. What is meant by gram-formula unit?


Gram-Formula Unit:-

The amount of a substance in gram calculated from its formula unit is called 1 gram-formula unit of the substance.

Thus, 1 gram-formula unit = \(\frac{\text { given mass of the substance in gram }}{\text { gram-formula mass of the substance }}\)

For example, 58.5 g of NaCI = \(\frac{58.5g}{58.5g}\)= 1 gram-formula unit of sodium chloride.

Question 18. Find the formula mass of CaCI2.


Formula Mass Of CaCI

Atomic mass of calcium = 40; atomic mass of chlorine = 35.5.

Hence, formula mass of CaCI2 = 40 + 35.5 x 2 = 111

Question 19. Use of formula mass instead of molecular mass is more appropriate in case of ionic compounds. Explain.


Use Of Formula Mass Instead Of Molecular Mass Is More Appropriate In Case Of Ionic Compounds

For an ionic compound, there is no existence of any discrete molecule. The formula of the compound represents the ratio of different ions in the compound.

For example, although sodium chloride is expressed by the formula NaCI, yet there is no existence of individual sodium chloride molecule. Actually, the compound contains Na+ ions and Cl ions in the ratio of 1:1 which is represented by the formula.

In the crystalline form of sodium chloride, each Na+ ion is surrounded by 6 Cl ions and each Cl ion is further surrounded by 6 Na+ ions forming a network structure called crystal lattice.

Thus, in the crystal lattice of sodium chloride, there is no presence of molecules. Hence, it is not appropriate to use the term molecular mass in case of ionic compounds rather, the term formula mass should be used.

Question 20. Molecular mass and formula mass are not always the same. Explain with examples.


Molecular Mass And Formula Mass Are Not Always The Same

Molecular mass of an element or a compound is calculated from the formula of the substance. So, molecular mass is numerically equal to the formula mass. However, the two terms are not always the same.

The term molecular mass represents the relative mass of a molecule of a substance while formula mass represents the relative mass of 1 formula unit of the substance.

For substances which exist as molecules, molecular mass and formula mass are the same. However, there are compounds which do not exist as molecules. For such compounds, the term molecular mass is not applicable.

For example, CO2 molecule actually exists. Hence, the term molecular mass is applicable for CO2 and both molecular mass and formula mass of CO2 is 44. However, NaCI molecule has no separate existence.

Its formula mass is 58.5 but the term molecular mass is not applicable for NaCI because it constitutes of Na+ and Cl ions.

Question 21. What is the relation between gram- molecular mass or gram-molecule and molar volume of a gas at STP?


Relation Between Gram- Molecular Mass Or Gram-Molecule And Molar Volume Of A Gas At STP

From Avogadro’s law it can be proved that 1 mole of any gas at STP occupies 22.4 L. On the other hand, mass of 1 mol of molecules of any substance expressed in gram is called the gram- molecular mass of that substance.

Again, 1 gram- molecule of a substance is the amount of the substance expressed in gram, which is numerically equal to its molecular mass.

Thus, it can be concluded from these three relations that, at STP, volume of 1 gram-molecule of any gaseous substance is 22.4 L.

For example, 1 gram-molecule of oxygen = 32 g.

Hence, it can be said that 32 g of oxygen at STP occupies 22.4 L.

Similarly, the gram-molecular mass of carbon dioxide is 44 g. Hence, the volume of 44 g of CO2 at STP is 22.4 L.

Chapter 4 Matter Concept Of Mole Topic B Gram Atom Atomic Mass Unit Gram Mole Molar Volume Of Gases And Formula Mass Very Short Answer Type Questions Choose The Correct Answer

Question 1. 1 amu is equal to

  1. 1.66 X 10-24 kg
  2. 1.66 x 10-25 g
  3. 0.166 x 10-23 g
  4. 1.66 x 10-20 g

Answer: 3. 0.166 x 10-23 g

Question 2. The mass of 1 atom of 17CI35 is

  1. 17 u
  2. 34 u
  3. 35 u
  4. 70 u

Answer: 3. 35 u

Question 3. 1 u is equal to

Mass of one H-atom

Mass of one 12C-atom

Mass of one 16O-atom

1/12 th mass of one 12C-atom

Answer: 4. 1/12 th mass of one 12C-atom

Question 4. Molar volume of a gas at STP is

  1. 1 L
  2. 11.1 L
  3. 22.4 L
  4. 5.6 L

Answer: 3. 22.4 L

Question 5. Molar mass of sulphuric acid is

  1. 98 kg •mol-1
  2. 98 g •mol-1
  3. 49 u
  4. 49 mg•mol-1

Answer: 2. 98 g-mol-1

Question 6. For which of the following gases, the mass of 22.4 L of the gas at STP is 44 g?

  1. NH3
  2. H2S
  3. CO2
  4. CH4

Answer: 3. CO2

Question 7. The formula mass of MgCI2 (Mg = 24) is

  1. 95 u
  2. 65 u
  3. 85 u
  4. 75 u

Answer: 1. 95 u

Question 8. 117g NaCI is equal to how many gram- formula mass of NaCI?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

Answer: 2. 2

Question 9. The compound whose formula mass is equal to 106 is

  1. CaCO3
  2. CaCI2
  3. NaCI
  4. Na2CO3

Answer: 4. Na2CO3

Question 10. The statement ‘molecular mass of sodium chloride is 58.5’ is wrong because

  1. It is a radioactive substance
  2. It is a solid
  3. NaCI molecule has no separate existence
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. NaCI molecule has no separate existence

Question 11. If atomic mass of an element is ‘x’ in hydrogen scale, its atomic mass in carbon scale will be

  1. x
  2. 1/12 x x
  3. 12x
  4. 12/x

Answer: 1. x

Question 12. Atomic mass of nitrogen in carbon scale is 14, its atomic mass in hydrogen scale will be

  1. 14 x 1/3
  2. 14 x 1/2
  3. 14
  4. 14 x 2

Answer: 3. 14

Question 13. If mass and gram-molecular mass of a compound are ‘m’ g and ‘M’ g respectively, number of gram-mole of the compound is

  1. m x M
  2. m/M
  3. M/m
  4. \(\frac{(m)^2}{M}\)

Answer: 2. m/M

Chapter 4 Matter Concept Of Mole Topic B Gram Atom Atomic Mass Unit Gram Mole Molar Volume Of Gases And Formula Mass Answer In Brief

Question 1. Which element is considered as the standard for determining the relative atomic mass of an element?

Answer: To determine the relative atomic mass of a 12C element, the C isotope of carbon (\({ }_6^{12} C\)) is considered as the standard.

Question 2. Find the value of 1/12 th part of the mass of  one \({ }_6^{12} C\)-atom.

Answer: The value of 1/12th part of mass of one \({ }_6^{12} C\) atom = 1.6605 x 10-24 g.

Question 3. How many grams of H2O does 1 gram-mole of H2O indicate?

Answer: 1 gram-mole of H2O indicates 18 g of water.

Question 4. 1u = how many grams?

Answer: 1u = 1.6605 x 10-24 g.

Question 5. How are mass, molar mass and number of moles related?

Answer: Given mass (m) = number of moles (n) x molar mass (M)

Question 6. What is the mass of one molecule of water (H2O) in amu?

Answer: 18 u.

Question 7. Find the actual mass of one atom of \({ }_8^{16} O\).

Answer: The actual mass of one atom of \({ }_8^{16} O\) = 16u

= 16 x 1.6605 x 10-24 g = 26.568 X 10-24 g

Question 8. What is meant by the statement ‘molecular mass of ammonia is 17 u’?

Answer: Molecular mass of ammonia is 17u means that the actual mass of one molecule of ammonia = 17 x 1.6605 x 10-24 g = 28.2285 x 10-24 g

Question 9. For which compound between CaCI2 and H2O, the use of formula mass is appropriate?

Answer: The use of formula mass is appropriate for CaCI2 as it is an ionic compound.

Question 10. Find the percentage of carbon (by mass) in CO2.

Answer: Molar mass of CO2 = 12 + 16 x 2 = 44 So, percentage of carbon (by mass) in CO2 = 12/44 x 100 =27.27%

Question 11. Find the actual mass of a hydrogen atom. (1u =1.6605 x 10-24 g)

Answer: Actual mass of a hydrogen atom = 1.008u = 1.008 x 1.6605 x 10-24 g

Question 12. Atomic mass of sodium is 23—explain.

Answer: Atomic mass of sodium is 23 means that the mass of a sodium atom is 23 times to that of 1/12 th part of the mass of a C12 isotope.

Question 13. What is the mass of a carbon atom unified atomic mass unit?

Answer: 12 u.

Question 14. Express the value of 1 amu in kg.

Answer: Value of 1 amu in kg is 1.6605 x 10-27 kg

Question 15. What is Avogram?

Answer: 1/12th part of the mass of a C12 -atom i.e.; 12 1.66 x 10-24  g is termed as 1 Avogram. 1 amu = 1 Avogram.

Question 16. Name a gaseous substance whose atomic and molecular masses are equal to each other.

Answer: Helium (He).

Question 17. In which case gram-atomic mass and gram-molecular mass are of same meaning?

Answer: For monoatomic elements;

Example: noble gases.

Question 18. If atomic mass of sodium is 23, what will be the mass of a sodium atom in ‘amu’?

Answer: 23 u or 23 amu.

Question 19. Name two substances for which both molar mass and atomic mass are same.

Answer: Neon and potassium.

Chapter 4 Matter Concept Of Mole Topic B Gram Atom Atomic Mass Unit Gram Mole Molar Volume Of Gases And Formula Mass Fill In The Blanks

Question 1. The actual mass of one ammonia molecule is _______ u.

Answer: 17

Question 2. The actual mass of an atom of an element = atomic mass of the element x ________ g.

Answer: 1.6605 x 10-24

Question 3. Actual mass of a \({ }_7^{14} \mathrm{~N}\)-atom is ______ u.

Answer: 14

Question 4. Actual mass of an \({ }_8^{16} \mathrm{~O}\)-atom is _____ g.

Answer: 16 x 1.6605 x 10-24

Question 5. At STP, the volume of 17 g NH3 is _______ L.

Answer: 22.4

Question 6. At STP, the mass of 44.8 L of CO4 (g) is ________ g.

Answer: 88

Question 7. Formula mass of CaCI2 is _______ u.

Answer: 111

Question 8. ______ part of the mass of an atom of a C12 isotope is termed as atomic mass unit.

Answer: 1/12

Chapter 4 Matter Concept Of Mole Topic B Gram Atom Atomic Mass Unit Gram Mole Molar Volume Of Gases And Formula Mass State Whether True Or False

Question 1. The relative atomic mass of an element can be defined with respect to hydrogen (1H) and carbon (12C) scales.

Answer: True

Question 2. The actual mass of one molecule of CO2 is 7.31 x 10-23 g.

Answer: True

Question 3. Formula mass is applicable for oxygen molecule.

Answer: False

Question 4. The formula mass of NaCI is 58.5.

Answer: True

Question 5. Atomic mass unit is denoted by ‘u’.

Answer: True

Question 6. 1u =6.022 x 1023 g.

Answer: False

Question 7. Atomic mass of an elemernt is generally fraction.

Answer: True

Chapter 4 Matter Concept Of Mole Topic B Gram Atom Atomic Mass Unit Gram Mole Molar Volume Of Gases And Formula Mass Numerical Examples

Question 1. Express in gram-atom

  1. 46 g sodium,
  2. 3 g carbon.


1. Atomic mass of sodium = 23

∴ 23 g sodium = 1 gram-atom sodium

∴ 46 g sodium = 46/23 = 2 gram-atom sodium

2. Atomic mass of carbon = 12

∴ 12 g carbon = 1 gram-atom carbon

∴ 3g carbon = 3/12 = 0.25 gram-atom carbon

Question 2. Express in gram

  1. 0.25 mol nitrogen atom,
  2. 1.5 mol sodium atom.


1. Atomic mass of nitrogen = 14

∴ 1 mol nitrogen atom = 14 g nitrogen .

∴ 0.25 mol nitrogen atom = 0.25 x 14g = 3.5 g nitrogen

2. Atomic mass of sodium = 23.

∴ 1 mol sodium atom = 23 g sodium

∴ 1.5 mol sodium atom = 1.5 x 23g = 34.5g sodium

Question 3. Express in gram-mole

  1. 64 g oxygen,
  2. 2.2 g carbon dioxide.


1. Molecular mass of oxygen = 32

∴ 32 g oxygen = 1 gram-mole oxygen

∴ 64 g oxygen = 64/32 = 2 gram-mole oxygen

2. Molecular mass of carbon dioxide (CO2) = 12 + 2 x 16 = 44

∴ 44 g carbon dioxide = 1 gram-mole carbon dioxide

∴ 2.2 g carbon dioxide = 2.2/44 = 0.05 gram- mole carbon dioxide

Question 4. What is the mass of l gram-atom of oxygen? How many atoms are there in this quantity of oxygen?


Atomic mass of oxygen = 16

∴ Mass of 1 gram-atom of oxygen = 16 g

Again, 16 g oxygen = 1 mol oxygen atom = 6.022 x 1023 number of oxygen atoms

Chapter 4 Matter Concept Of Mole Topic C Chemical Calculation Using Molar Mass Molar Volume And Formula Mass Synopsis

If Avogadro’s number = NA and gram-molecular mass = M, then

1. Mass of 1 atom of an element = \(\frac{\text { gram-atomic mass }}{N_A}\)

2. Mass of 1 molecule of any substance = \(\frac{M}{N_A}\)

3. Number of molecules in W gram of any substance = \(\frac{W \times N_A}{M}\)

4. Number of molecules in VI of gas at STP = \(=\frac{V \times N_A}{22.4}\)


WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Matter Concept Of Mole Topic C Chemical Calculation Using Molar Mass Molar Volume And Formula Mass


6. Number of molecules in n mol of any substance = n x NA.

Chapter 4 Matter Concept Of Mole Topic C Chemical Calculation Using Molar Mass Molar Volume And Formula Mass Short And Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. How will you determine the number of moles and number of molecules In a given mass of a substance?


Number of moles in a given mass of a substance

(n) = \(\frac{\text { given mass of the substance in gram }}{\text { gram-molecular mass of the substance }}\)

= \(\frac{m g}{M g \cdot \mathrm{mol}^{-1}}=\frac{m}{M} \mathrm{~mol}\)

Number of molecules in a given mass of substance (N) = Number of moles x Avogadro’s number = n x NA = m/M x NA.

Question 2. What is the actual mass of 1 molecule of NH3?


Molecular mass of NH3 = 14 + 1 x 3 = 17

Hence, actual mass of one NH3 molecule =17u

= 17 X 1.6605 X 10-24 g = 28.2285 x 10-24 g

Question 3. Explain whether 0.1 g of diamond will contain the same number of carbon atoms as present in 0.1 g of graphite.


Both graphite and diamond are the allotropes of carbon.

Hence, equal amount (by mass) of both substances will contain same number of carbon atoms.

Thus, 0.1 g of diamond and 0.1 g of graphite contain equal number of carbon atoms.

Question 4. How many gram-atoms and gram-moles of oxygen are present in 32 g oxygen?


Atomic mass of oxygen = 16.

∴ 16 g oxygen = 1 gram-atom oxygen.

∴ 32 g oxygen = 32/16 = 2 gram-atom oxygen.

Now, molecular mass of oxygen = 32.

∴ 32 g oxygen = 1 gram-mole oxygen.

Question 5. Among equal volumes of Cl2  and O2 at STP, which one has more mass?


We know, the volume of 1 g-mole of any gaseous substance at STP is 22.4 L.

Now 1 g-mole Cl2 = 2 X 35.5 g = 71 g Cl2

1 g-mole O2 = 2 x 16 g = 32 g O2

∴ At STP, mass of 22.4 L of Cl2 gas = 71 g and mass of 22.4 L of O2 gas = 32 g

∴ Cl2 gas will have more mass than O2 at given conditions.

Question 6. An isotope of chlorine is 35 times heavier than 1/12 th of the mass of a C12 isotope. What is the actual mass of the Cl-leading isotope?


1/12th of the mass of a C12 isotope = 1u = 1.6605 x 10-24  g

∴ The actual mass of the chlorine isotope = 35 x 1.6605 x 10-24 g

= 58.1175 x 10-24 g = 5.81175 X 10-23 g

Question 7. Prove that 1 gram-molecule of any substance contains the same number of molecules.


Let, the molecular mass of a substance be M.

∴ Its molecule will be M times heavier than that of a hydrogen atom.

If the actual mass of a hydrogen atom be xg, then the actual mass of a molecule of that substance = M x xg.

Now, the mass of 1 gram-molecule of the substance is Mg.

∴ Number of molecules constituting 1 gram- molecule of the substance = \(\frac{M}{M \times x}=\frac{1}{x}\)

Since value of x is definite, so value of 1/x is also definite.

For example, number of molecules in 1 molecule oxygen gas

= \(\frac{32}{32 x}=\frac{1}{x} \quad\left[because M_{0_2}=32\right]\)

Similarly number of molecules in1 gram-molecule nitrogen gas.

= \(\frac{28}{28 x}=\frac{1}{x} \quad\left[because M_{N_2}=28\right]\)

Similarly, number of molecules in W g of B \(\frac{W}{M_B} \times 6.022 \times 10^{23}\)

∴ Ratio of number of molecules in Wgof A and

B = \(\frac{W}{M_A} \times 6.022 \times 10^{23}: \frac{W}{M_B} \times 6.022 \times 10^{23}\)

= \(M_B: M_A\)

Thus, the ratio of the number of molecules present in equal masses of two substances having different molecular masses is equal to the reciprocal of the ratio of their molecular masses.

Question 9. Molecular mass and atomic element are x and y respectively. Express the mass of1 molecule and 1 atom of that element In gram.


Since atomic mass of the element is y, hence mass of 1 gram-atom = yg

∴ Total mass of NA number of atoms = yg [NA = Avogadro’s number]

∴ Actual mass of 1 atom = \(\frac{y}{N_A}\) g

Again, molecular mass of the element =x

∴ Mass of 1 gram-molecule of the element = xg

∴ Total mass of NA number of molecules = xg

∴ Mass of a molecule of the element = \(\frac{x}{N_A}\)g

Chapter 4 Matter Concept Of Mole Topic C Chemical Calculation Using Molar Mass Molar Volume And Formula Mass Very Short Answer Type Questions Choose The Correct Answer

Question 1. Number of molecules in 36 g water is

  1. 6.022 X 1023
  2. 12.044 X 1023
  3. 3.011 x 1023
  4. 9.0345 X 1023

Answer: 2. 12.044 X 1023

Question 2. Which of the following contains maximum number of moles?

  1. 18 g water,
  2. 34 g ammonia,
  3. 71 g chlorine,
  4. 8 g hydrogen.

Answer: 4. 8 g hydrogen.

Question 3. Which of the following contains maximum number of atoms?

  1. 28g N2,
  2. 18g H2O,
  3. 17g NH3,
  4. 16g CH4.

Answer: 4. 16gCH4.

Question 4. Number of H-atoms in 2 mol water is

  1. 1 mol
  2. 2 mol
  3. 3 mol
  4. 4 mol

Answer: 4. 4 mol

Question 5. Number of moles of H+ ions obtained from 98 g H2SO4 is

  1. 1 mol
  2. 2 mol
  3. 3 mol
  4. 4 mol

Answer: 2. 2 mol

Question 6. Amount of Ca(OH)2 required to produce 1 mol of OH ions is

  1. 74 g
  2. 148 g
  3. 37 g
  4. 60 g

Answer: 3. 37 g

Question 7. Which of the following has a volume of 22.4 L at STP?

  1. 36 g water
  2. 64 g oxygen
  3. 71 g chlorine
  4. 4 g hydrogen

Answer: 3. 71 g chlorine

Question 8. Which of the following contains maximum number of molecules?

  1. 44 g CO2
  2. 48 g O3
  3. 8 g H2
  4. 64 g SO2

Answer: 3. 8 g H2

Question 9. At STP, the mass of 44.8 L of a gas is 88 g. The molecular formula of the gas is

  1. N2
  2. CO2
  3. NH3
  4. O2

Answer: 2. CO2

Question 10. Which of the following contains maximum number of molecules?

  1. 10 g O2 (g)
  2. 15 L H2 (g) at STP
  3. 5 L N2 (g) at STP
  4. 0.5 g H2 (g)

Answer: 2. 15 L H2 (g) at STP

Question 11. Number of atoms in 4.25 g of NH3 is

  1. 6.022 x 1023
  2. 4 x 6.022 x 1023
  3. 1.7 x 1024
  4. 4.25 X 6.022 x 1023

Answer: 1. 6.022 x 1023

Question 12. How many grams of CO2 will contain the same number of molecules as that in 44.8 L of NH3 at STP?

  1. 44 g
  2. 66 g
  3. 88 g
  4. 132 g

Answer: 3. 88 g

Question 13. Which of the following contains maximum number of molecules?

  1. 1 g CO2
  2. 1 g H2
  3. 1 g O2
  4. 1 g CH4

Answer: 2. 1 g H2

Question 14. Mass of 44.8 L of a gas at STP is 92 g. Formula of the gas is

  1. N2
  2. NO2
  3. NH2
  4. O2

Answer: 2. NO2

Question 15. Mass of 2 mol of ammonia is

  1. 12 g
  2. 51 g
  3. 34 g
  4. 17 g

Answer: 3. 34 g

Question 16. The volume of 34 g ammonia at STP is

  1. 11.2 L
  2. 22.4 L
  3. 44.8 L
  4. 42.2 L

Answer: 3. 44.8 L

Question 17. If the mass of 6.022 x 1020 atoms of an element is 0.012 g, its atomic mass will be

  1. 11
  2. 12
  3. 13
  4. 24

Answer: 2. 12

Question 18. The volume of 2 g-mol CO2 at STP is

  1. 22.4 L
  2. 44.8 L
  3. 11.2 L
  4. 2.24L

Answer: 2. 44.8 L

Question 19. Number of carbon atoms in 1.71 g of sugar is

  1. 3.6 x 1022
  2. 7.2 x 1022
  3. 6.6 x 1022
  4. None of the above

Answer: 1. 3.6 x 1022

Question 20. Amount of carbon present in 0.5 mol potassium ferrocyanide (K4[Fe(CN)6]) is ®

  1. 1.5 mol
  2. 36 g
  3. 18 g
  4. 3.6 g

Answer: 2. 36 g

Question 21. Which of the following contains least number of molecules?

  1. 1 g H2
  2. 1 g N2
  3. 1.1 g O2
  4. 1.5 g O2

Answer: 3. 1.1 g O2

Question 22. Number of moles of oxygen atoms present in 6.022 x 1024 molecules of CO is

  1. 10
  2. 5
  3. 1
  4. 0.5

Answer: 1. 10

Chapter 4 Matter Concept Of Mole Topic C Chemical Calculation Using Molar Mass Molar Volume And Formula Mass Answer In Brief

Question 1. Which of the given substances has maximum number of molecules 28 g N2, 32 g O2,18 g H2O, and 100 g CaCO2?

Answer: 28g N2 = 1 mol N2;

32g O2 = 1 mol O2;

18g H2O = 1 mol H2O;

100 g CaCO3 = 1 mol CaCO3

As all the substances contain the same number of moles, the number of molecules in each of the substances will be equal i.e., 6.22x 1023.

Question 2. What is the mass of 112 mL hydrogen gas at NTP?

Answer: 0.01 g.

Question 3. A gas jar contains 17 g NH3 and another contains 44.8 L NH3 at STP. Which gas jar contains more molecules?

Answer: 17g NH3 = 17/17 mol = 1 mol NH

Again, 44.8L NH3 at STP = \(\frac{44.8}{22.4}\) mol NH3 = 2 mol NH3

Hence, the second gas jar contains more number of molecules.

Question 4. What is the volume of 7g of nitrogen at NTP?

Answer: At NTP, volume of 28 g of nitrogen = 22.4 L

Hence, at NTP, volume of 7g of nitrogen = \(\frac{22.4}{28}\) X 7 L = 5.6 L.

Question 5. What is the volume of 88 g CO2 (g) at STP?

Answer: 88gCO2 = \(\frac{88}{44}\)mol CO2 = 2mol CO2

Hence, volume of 88g of CO2 at STP = 2 X 22.4L = 44.8 L.

Question 6. Between 42g nitrogen and 64 g oxygen, which has more gram-atoms?

Answer: 42 g nitrogen = \(\frac{42}{14}\)gram-atoms of nitrogen = 3 gram-atoms of nitrogen.

64g oxygen = \(\frac{64}{16}\) gram-atoms of oxygen = 4 gram-atoms of oxygen.

Hence, 64g of oxygen contains more number of gram-atoms.

Question 7. Which of the following has maximum number of molecules at STP? 100m3 CO2, 200cm3 NH3, 150cm3 O2.

Answer: At STP, 200 cm3 of NH3 will contain the maximum number of molecules.

Question 8. How many atoms are there in 67.2L of a diatomic gas at STP?

Answer: 67.2 L of a gas at STP = \(\frac{67.2}{22.4}\) mol of the gas = 3 mol of the gas

So, number of molecules of the gas = 3 x 6.022 x 1023

As the gas is diatomic, the number of atoms = 2 x 3 X 6.022 x 1023 = 36.132 x 1023

Question 9. How many molecules are present in 109.5 g HCI?

Answer: Number of molecules in 109.5 g HCI

= \(\frac{109.5}{36.5}\) x 6.022 x 1023 = 18.066 x 1023 = 1.8066 X 1024

Question 10. Are the masses of 1 mol sodium and 1 mol oxygen are same?

Answer: The masses of 1 mol sodium and 1 mol oxygen are not same.

Question 11. How many atoms are there in 11.5 g sodium?

Answer: Number of atoms in 11.5 g sodium

= \(\frac{11.5}{23}\) X 6.022 x 1023 = 3.011 x 1023

Question 12. What will be the volume of hydrogen gas at STP produced from the reaction of 23 g of Na with water?

Answer: 2Na + 2H2O → 2NaOH + H2 ↑

∴ Volume of hydrogen gas at STP = 11.2 L

Question 13. What is the total number of electrons present in 1 mol of water?

Answer: Number of electrons in 1 mol of water = 10 mol

= 10 x 6.022 x 1023 = 6.022 x 1024

Question 14. What is the mass of 0.5 mol CO2 gas?

Answer: Mass of 0.5 mol of CO2 = 44 X 0.5 g = 22 g

Chapter 4 Matter Concept Of Mole Topic C Chemical Calculation Using Molar Mass Molar Volume And Formula Mass Fill In The Blanks

Question 1. Number of CO2 molecules in 88g CO2 is _______

Answer: 2 x 6.022 x 1023

Question 2. 16mol protons will be obtained from ______ mol oxygen.

Answer: 1

Question 3. Number of electrons present in 14 g nitrogen is _______

Answer: 7 x 6.022 X 1023

Question 4. Number of protons in 18 g water is _______

Answer: 10 X 6.022 X 1023

Question 5. 1 mol of OH ions is obtained from ______ g NaOH.

Answer: 40

Question 6. At STP, the volume of __________ mol of any gas (elemental or compound) is 22.4 L.

Answer: 1

Question 7. The number of H-atoms in 10 mol water is _________ mol.

Answer: 20

Question 8. 98 g H2SO4 = _______ mol H2SO4.

Answer: 1

Question 9. Total mass of 3.011 x 1023 number of oxygen atoms is ________ g.

Answer: 8

Question 10. At STP, the volume of a gas (in L) = number of moles of the gas molecules x _______ L.

Answer: 22.4

Chapter 4 Matter Concept Of Mole Topic C Chemical Calculation Using Molar Mass Molar Volume And Formula Mass State Whether True Or False

Question 1. The molar volume of 256 g of sulphur dioxide gas at STP is 89.6 L.

Answer: True

Question 2. The percentage of calcium in CaCO3 is 60%.

Answer: False

Question 3. 2mol OH ions can be obtained from 110 g KOH.

Answer: False

Question 4. The number of atoms present in 3.2 g CH4 is 6.022 x 1023.

Answer: True

Question 5. The number of chlorine atoms in 71 g HCI is 0.5 x 6.022 x 1023.

Answer: False

Question 6. 022 x 1023 number of molecules are present in 36 g of water.

Answer: False

Question 7. Volume of 32 g SO2 at STP is 11.2 L.

Answer: True

Question 8. 4 mol CO2 = 88 g CO2.

Answer: False

Question 9. Number of molecules present in 2 millimol of chlorine gas is 2 x 6.022 x 1020.

Answer: True

Question 10. The volume of 64 g oxygen at STP is 10 L.

Answer: False

Question 11. 44 g of CO2 contains 6.022 x 1023 number of molecules.

Answer: True

Chapter 4 Matter Concept Of Mole Topic C Chemical Calculation Using Molar Mass Molar Volume And Formula Mass Numerical Examples

Question 1. Find the mass of 1 molecule of CO2.


Molar mass of carbon dioxide = 12 + 2 x 16 = 44

Now, 1 mol of CO2 contains 6.022 x 1023 molecules.

Hence, mass of 6.022 x 1023 CO2 molecules = 44 g

∴ Mass of one CO2 molecule = \(\frac{44}{6.022 \times 10^{23}} g\) = 7.3 x 1023 g

Question 2. Between 100 g calcium and 100 g iron, which one will contain more number of atoms? (Given: atomic masses of calcium and iron are 40 u and 56 u respectively)


Number of moles in 100 g calcium = \(\frac{\text { given mass }}{\text { gram-atomic mass }}=\frac{100 \mathrm{~g}}{40 \mathrm{~g}}=2.5\)

∴ Number of atoms in 100 g calcium = 2.5 x 6.022 x 1023 = 1.5055 X 1024

Again, number of moles in 100 g iron

= \(\frac{\text { given mass }}{\text { gram-atomic mass }}=\frac{100 \mathrm{~g}}{56 \mathrm{~g}}=1.78\)

∴ Number of atoms in 100 g iron = 1.78 X 6.022 X 1023 = 1.07 x 1024

Therefore, 100 g calcium contains more number of atoms than 100 g iron.

Question 3. How many grams of H2SO4 are required to produce 1 gram-ion of H+?


\(\mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{SO}_4(a q) \rightleftharpoons 2 \mathrm{H}^{+}(a q)+\mathrm{SO}_4^{2-}(a q)\)


1 molecule of H2S04 gives two H+ ions in aqueous solution.

Hence, 1 gram-mole of H2SO gives 2 gram-ions of H+ ion.

∴ 1 gram-ion of H+ ion will be produced from 1/2 gram-mole of H2SO4= 98/2 = 49g H2SO4 [as 1 gram-mole of H2SO4 = 98 g]

Thus, 49 g H2SO4 is required to produce 1 gram- ion of H+ ions.

Question 4. Which of the following has maximum number of molecules? 0.5 mol H2(g), 10g O2(g) and 15 L Cl2 at STP.


Number of molecules present in a substance is proportional to its number of moles.

Amount of H2 = 0.5 mol

\(10 \mathrm{~g} \mathrm{O}_2 =\frac{\text { given mass }}{\text { gram-molecular mass }}=\frac{10 \mathrm{~g}}{32 \mathrm{~g}}=0.31 \mathrm{~mol} \mathrm{O}_2\)


22.4 L Cl2 at STP = 1 mol Cl2

∴ 15 L Cl2 = \(\frac{15L}{22.4L}\) = 0.67 mol Cl2

Hence, 15 L Cl2 at STP will have maximum number of molecules.

Question 5. Arrange the gases in increasing number of atoms present in given amounts

  1. 18gH2O,
  2. 18gCO2
  3. 18gCO2,
  4. 18gCH4.


1. 18gH2O = 18/18 = 1 mol H2O = 6.022 x 1023 molecules of H2O

As 1 molecule of H2O have 3 atoms, number of atoms = 3 x 6.022 x 1023

2. 18 g O2= 18/32 =0.5625 mol O2 = 0.5625 x 6.022 x 1023 molecules of O2.

As 1 molecule of O2 have 2 atoms, number of atoms = 2 X 0.5625 X 6.022 X 1023 = 1.125 x 6.022 x 1023

3. 18 g CO2 = 18/44 = 0.409 mol CO2 = 0.409 x 6.022 x 1023 molecules of CO2

As 1 molecule of CO2 have 3 atoms, number of atoms = 3 x 0.409 x 6.022 x 1023 = 1.227 x 6.022 x 1023

4. 18 g CH4 = 18/16 = 1.125 mol CH4 = 1.125 x 6.022 x 1023 molecules of CH4

As 1 molecule of CH4 has 5 atoms, number of atoms = 5 X 1.125 x 6.022 x 1023 = 5.625 X 6.022 X 1023

Hence, correct order is 18g O2 < 18g CO2 < 18g HO2 < 18g CH4

Question 6. 3.42 g sucrose is dissolved in 18 g water. Find the number of oxygen atoms in the formed solution.


Molecular mass of sucrose (C12H22O11) = 12 x 12 + 1 x 22 + 16 x 11 = 342

∴ 3.42 g sucrose = 3\(\frac{3.42}{342}\) = 0.01 mol sucrose = 0.01 x 6.022 x 1023 molecules of sucrose

As 1 molecule of sucrose has 11 oxygen atoms, number of O-atoms in 3.42 g sucrose = 11 X 0.01 x 6.022 x 1023

Molecular mass of water (H2O) = 1 x 2 + 16 =18

∴ 18 g water = 1 mol water = 6.022 x 1023 molecules of water.

As each molecule of water contains 1 O-atom, number of O-atoms in 18 g water = 6.022 x 1023

∴ Total number of O-atoms in formed solution = 11 x 0.01 x 6.022 X 1023 + 1 x 6.022 x 1023 = 1.11 X 6.022 x 1023 = 6.68 X 1023

Question 7. Calculate the number of H-atoms present in 9 g water.


Molecular mass of H2O = 1 x 2 + 16 = 18

Hence, 9 g water = 9/18 = 0.5 mol water = 0.5 x 6.022 x 1023 molecules of water

Each molecule of water contains two H-atoms.

Hence, number of H-atoms in 9 g water = 2 x 0.5 x 6.022 x 1023 = 6.022 x 1023

Question 8. State whether number of atoms in

  1. 1 g oxygen atom,
  2. 1 g oxygen molecule and
  3. 1 g ozone molecule will be same or different? Justify your answer.


1. 16 g O-atom = NA no. of O-atoms

∴ 1 g O-atom = \(\frac{N_A}{16}\) no. of O-atoms

2. 32 g O2 molecule = NA no. of O2 molecules

∴ 1 g O2 molecule = \(\frac{N_A}{32}\)no. of O2 molecules

= \(\frac{N_A}{32}\) x 2 no. of O-atoms = \(\frac{N_A}{16}\)no. of O-atoms.

3. 48 g O3 molecule = NA no. of O3 molecules

∴ 1 g O3 molecule = \(\frac{N_A}{48}\) no. of O3 molecules

= \(\frac{N_A}{48}\) x 3 no. of O-atoms = \(\frac{N_A}{16}\) no. of O-atoms.

Hence, number of atoms in each of the substances will be equal.

Question 9. Can you drink Avogadro’s number of water molecules? (Given: Density of water = 1g • m-1)


Molecular mass of water = 2 x 1 + 16 = 18 Gram-molecular mass of water = 18 g and molar mass of water = 18 g • mol-1

Thus, the mass of Avogadro’s number (6.022 x 1023) of water molecules = 18 g

Density of water = 1g • mL-1.

Hence, volume of 18 g water = 18 x 1 = 18mL

Thus, one can easily drink 18 mL water (approximately one test tube of water) or Avogadro’s number (6.022 x 1023) of water molecules.

Question 10. What is the volume of 4.4 g CO2 at STP?


Gram-molecular mass of CO2 = 12 + 16 x 2 = 44 g

Hence, at STP, volume of 44 g of CO2 = 22.4 L

∴ Volume of 4.4 g of CO2 at STP = \(\frac{22.4}{44}\) x 4.4L = 2.24 L

Question 11. At STP, the volume of 0.44 g of a gas is 224 cm3. Find the molecular mass of the gas.


At STP, mass of 224 cm3 of the gas = 0.44 g

∴ At STP, the mass of 22.4L or 22400 cm3 of the gas = \(\frac{0.44}{224}\) x 22400g = 44g

Hence, the molecular mass of the gas = 44

Question 12. What is the volume of 8 g of oxygen at standard temperature and pressure?


Molecular mass of oxygen = 32

∴ 1 gram-mole oxygen = 32 g oxygen

Hence, at STP, volume of 32 g oxygen is 22.4 L.

∴ At STP, volume of 8 g oxygen = \(\frac{22.4}{32}\) x 8L = 5.6 L

Question 13. Find the mass (in gram) of 5.6 L ammonia at STP.


Gram-molecular mass of ammonia (NH3) = 14+ 1×3 = 17 g

Hence, at STP, the mass of 22.4 L of ammonia = 17 g

∴ At STP, the mass of 5.6 L of ammonia = \(\frac{17}{22.4}\) x 5.6 g = 4.25 g

Question 14. Find the volume of 4 g SO2 at standard temperature and pressure.


Molecular mass of SO2 = 32 + 16 x 2 = 64

Hence, at STP, the volume of 64 g SO2 = 22.4L

∴ At STP, the volume of 4 g SO2 = \(\frac{22.4}{64}\) x 4L= 1.4 L

Question 15. What is the mass of 4 gram-moles of oxygen? What will be the volume of this quantity of oxygen at STP?


Molecular mass of oxygen = 32

Hence, 1 gram-mole of oxygen = 32 g oxygen

∴ 4 gram-moles of oxygen = 4 x 32 g = 128 g oxygen

Volume of 1 gram-mole of oxygen at STP = 22.4 L

Therefore, the volume of 4 gram-moles of oxygen at STP = 4 X 22.4L = 89.6L

Question 16. State whether, at STP, both 22.4 L NH3 and 22.4 L CO2 will contain

  1. same number of molecules?
  2. same number of atoms?


1. At STP, 22.4 L NH3 = 1 mol NH3 Now, 1 mol NH3 = 6.022 x 1023 molecules NH3

At STP, 22.4 L carbon dioxide = 1 mol carbon dioxide = 6.022 x 1023 molecules of CO2

Hence, both NH3 and carbon dioxide contain same number of molecules.

2. 1 molecule of NH3 contains 4 atoms.

Hence, number of atoms in 22.4 L NH3 at STP = 4 X 6.022 X 1023 = 24.088 X 1023

Again, 1 molecule of CO2 contains 3 atoms.

Hence, number of atoms in 22.4 L CO2 at STP = 3 X 6.022 X 1023 = 18.066 X 1023

Therefore, 22.4 L NH3 will contain more atoms than that in 22.4 L CO2.

Question 17. Find the number of constituent ions in 11.1 g calcium chloride.


Gram-formula mass of calcium chloride (CaCI2) = 40 + 35.5 X 2 = 111 g

∴ Number of formula units in 111 g CaCl2 = 6.022 x 1023

∴ Number of formula units in 11.1 g CaCI2

= \(\frac{6.022 \times 10^{23}}{111}\) x 11.1 = 6.022 x 1022

Each formula unit of calcium chloride contains Ca2+ ions and 2CI ions.

Hence, number of Ca2+ ions in 11.1 g CaCI2 = 1 x 6.022 X 1022 = 6.022 x 1022

Number of Cl ions in 11.1 g CaCI2 = 2 X 6.022 X 1022 = 12.044 x 1022

Question 18. What is the gram-formula mass of NaCI? Calculate the number of gram-formula units present in 234 g of NaCI.


Atomic masses of sodium and chlorine are 23 and 35.5 respectively.

Hence, formula mass of NaCI = 23 + 35.5 = 58.5

∴ Gram-formula mass of NaCI = 58.5g

Number of gram-formula units in 234 g NaCI = \(\frac{234 \mathrm{~g}}{58.5 \mathrm{~g}}\) = 4

Question 19. A mixture of hydrogen and oxygen contains 20% hydrogen by weight. Calculate total number of molecules present per gram of the mixture.


Mass of hydrogen in 1 g of the mixture = \(\frac{1 \times 20}{100} \mathrm{~g}\) 0.2 g

∴ Mass of oxygen in 1 g of mixture = (1 – 0.2) g = 0.8 g

Now, number of molecules of hydrogen in 0.2 g of hydrogen gas

= \(\frac{0.2}{2}\) X 6.022 X 1023 = 6.022 x 1023

Number of molecules of oxygen in 0.8 g of oxygen gas

= \(\frac{0.8}{32}\) x 6.022 x 1023 = 1.5055 x 1022

∴ Total number of molecules per gram of the mixture

= (6.022 + 1.5055) x 1022 = 7.5275 x 1022

Question 20. Calculate the total charge in 6 g of \(\mathrm{CO}_3^{2-}\) ion.


Formula mass of \(\mathrm{CO}_3^{2-}\) ion = (12 + 3 x 16) = 60

∴ Number of moles of \(\mathrm{CO}_3^{2-}\) ion = \({6}{60}\) = 0.1

Now, total negative charge of a \(\mathrm{CO}_3^{2-}\) ion is equal to the negative charge of 2 electrons.

Again, total charge of 1 mol electron = 96500 C

Total charge of 6 g or 0.1 mol of \(\mathrm{CO}_3^{2-}\) ion = 2 X 0.1 X 96500 C = 19300 C

Question 21. Calculate the number of Na and ClΘ ions in 117 g of sodium chloride. [Na = 23, Cl = 35.5]


Formula mass of sodium chloride = (23+ 35.5) = 58.5 117

∴ 117 g of NaCI = \({117}{58.5}\)= 2gram-formula mass of NaCI.

Now in NaCI, number of Naions = number of ClΘ ions

∴ Number of Na® ions in 2 gram-formula mass of NaCI = number of ClΘ ions in 2 gram-formula mass of NaCI

= 2 x 6.022 x 1023 = 12.044 x 1023 = 1.2044 X 1024

Question 22. You have been given a glass of water mixed with 10 g glucose (C6H12O6). If you drink the entire solution, calculate the number of glucose molecules you have consumed.


Molecular mass of glucose = 6 x 12 + 12 x 1 + 6 x 16 = 180

∴ Number of moles of glucose in 10 g = \(\frac{10}{180}\)= 0.0555

∴ Number of molecules of glucose in 10 g = 0.0555 X 6.022 X 1023 = 3.345 x 1022

∴ 3.345 x 1022 number of glucose molecules will be consumed.

Question 23. Calculate the number of electrons, protons and neutrons in 1 mol O2- ion.


Number of electrons in an O2- ion = (8 + 2) = 10

Number of protons in an O2- ion = 8

∴ Number of neutrons in an O2- ion = (16 – 8) = 8 (assuming 8O1616 isotope)

Number of electrons in 1 mol O2- ion = 1 x 10 x 6.022 x 1023 = 6.022 x 1024

∴ Number of protons in 1 mol O2- ion = 1 X 8 x 6.022 X 1023 = 4.817 X 1024

∴ Number of neutrons in 1 mol O2- ion = 1 x 8 x 6.022 x 1023 = 4.817 x 1024

Question 24. Calculate the number of atoms and molecules in 124 g phosphorus.


Atomic mass of phosphorus = 31

∴ 1 g-atom phosphorus =31 g phosphorus

Molecular mass of phosphorus =31 x 4 = 124

∴ 1 g-molecule phosphorus = 124 g phosphorus

∴ 124 g phosphorus =  \(\frac{124}{31}\)g-atom phosphorus

= 4 g-atom phosphorus

= 4 x 6.022 x 1023 atoms of phosphorus

= 2.4088 x 1024 atoms of phosphorus 124 g phosphorus

= \(\frac{124}{124}\) g-molecule phosphorus

= 1 x 6.022 x 1023 molecules of phosphorus = 6.022 x 1023 molecules of phosphorus

Question 25. Calculate the number of hydrogen atoms in 1 L of water (at 4°C temperature).


Density of water at 4°C = 1 g • mL-1

∴ Mass of 1 L or 1000 mL of water at 4°C = 1000 g

Now molecular mass of water = 1 x 2 + 16 = 18

∴ Number of molecules in 1000 g of water = \(\frac{6.022 \times 10^{23}}{18} \times 1000\) = 3.345 x 1025

Again, number of H-atoms in 1 molecule of water = 2

∴ Number of H-atoms in 1 L water = 2 X 3.345 X 1025 = 6.69 X 1025

Question 26. Calculate the number of hydrogen atoms present in 51 g ammonia gas. What will be the volume of that amount of gas at STP?


Gram-molecular mass of NH3 = 17 g

∴ 51 g ammonia = \(\frac{51}{17}\) mol = 3 mol ammonia

Now, the number of H-atoms per molecule of ammonia= 3

∴ Number of H-atoms in 51 g or 3 mol ammonia gas = 3 x 3 x 6.022 x 1023 = 5.4198 x 1024

The volume of 51 g or 3 mol of ammonia gas at STP = 3 X 22.4 L = 67.2 L.

Question 27. Which one is heavier between 1 mol NO molecule and 0.5 mol NO2 molecule?


Molecular mass of NO = 14 + 16 = 30

∴ Mass of 1 mol NO molecules = 30 g

Again, molecular mass of NO2 = 14 + 16 X 2 = 46

∴ Mass of 0.5 mol NO2 molecules = 46 X 0.5 = 23 g

∴ 1 mol NO molecules will be heavier than that of 0.5 mol NO2 molecules.

Question 28. Calculate the total number of atoms in 80 u helium.


Mass of a helium atom = 4 u

∴ Number of atoms in 80 u helium = \(\frac{80u}{4u}\) = 20.

Question 29. Calculate the number of molecules left when 1021 molecules of CO2are removed from 200 mg of CO2


200 mg of CO2 = 0.2 g of CO2

Now, 44g of CO23 contains 6.022 x 1023 molecules

∴ 0.2 g of CO2 contains

⇒ \(\frac{6.022 \times 10^{23} \times 0.2}{44}=2.7372 \times 10^{21}\) molecules

∴ On removing 1021 molecules, number of CO2 molecules left

= 2.7372 X 1021 – 1021 = 1.7372 X 1021

Chapter 4 Matter Concept Of Mole Topic C Chemical Calculation Using Molar Mass Molar Volume And Formula Mass Miscellaneous Type Questions

Match The Columns


WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Matter Concept Of Mole Topic C Chemical Calculation Using Molar Mass Molar Volume And Formula Mass Match The Column 1

Answer: 1. B, 2. A, 3. D, 4. C


WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Matter Concept Of Mole Topic C Chemical Calculation Using Molar Mass Molar Volume And Formula Mass Match The Column 2

Answer: 1. D, 2. A, 3. B, 4. C

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Chapter 4 Matter Solution

Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic A True Solution Colloid And Suspension Dissolution Of Smaller Ion Or Molecules And Larger Molecules In Water Synopsis

  1. A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances in which the amount of each constituent can be varied within a certain limit.
  2. The component of a solution which is present in greater amount is called the solvent. The solution has the same physical state as that of the solvent.
  3. On the other hand, the component of the solution which is present in lesser amount is called the solute.
  4. A colloidal solution is a stable heterogeneous system of two immiscible phases in which one phase (solid, liquid or gas) is dispersed as particles with diameter ranging from 10-7-10-5 cm, in another phase (solid, liquid or gas).
  5. Colloid is not a special type of substance, rather it is a state of the substance.
  6. The medium in which the colloidal particles remain uniformly dispersed is known as the dispersion medium and the substance whose particles remain dispersed in a colloidal solution is called the dispersed phase.
  7. When light rays are passed through a colloidal solution, the rays get scattered by the colloidal particles and as a result tye path of light becomes clearly visible. This phenomenon is known as Tyndai. effect.
  8. Tyndall effect helps to distinuguish between true solutions and colloidal solutions.
  9. On the basis of the physics states of the re dispersion medium and dispersed phase, colloids areclassified into eight groups.
  10. Colloids are classified into eight groups. They are sol, solid, sol, gel, emulsion, solid aerosol, liquid aerosol, solid foam and foam.
  11. An emulsion is a colloidal solution in which both the dispersed phase and dispersion medium are liquid.
  12. Emulsions are of two types: oil-in-water type and water-in-oil type emulsion.
  13. The chemical substances used to enhanse the stability of an emulsion are called emulsifiers. Soaps and detergents are well-known emulsifiers.
  14. A suspension is a heterogeneous and unstable system in which particles having diameter greater than 10-5 cm remain dispersed in the solvent. On standing, the particles slowly separate out from the mixture and settle at the bottom.

Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic A True Solution Colloid And Suspension Dissolution Of Smaller Ion Or Molecules And Larger Molecules In Water Short And Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. What is a solution?

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If a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances (solid, liquid or gas) have uniform properties (in terms of constituents and structure) throughout the mixture and the amounts of the constituents can be varied within certain limits, then the homogeneous mixture is said to be a solution.

Question 2. What do you mean by solvent and solute?


Solvent And Solute:-

Solvent: The component of a solution which is generally present in greater amount and whose physical state is the same as that of the solution is known as the solvent.

Solute: The component of a solution which is present in lesser amount and which remains dissolved in another solid, liquid or gaseous substance to form a homogeneous mixture (solution) is called a solute. For example, sugar dissolves in water to form a homogeneous mixture. Here, sugar is the solute.

In some solutions, where both solvent and solute are in the same phase, the terms solvent and solute is defined with respect to their relative quantities in the solution.

For example, when 70 parts of alcohol mix with 30 parts of water, alcohol is considered as the solvent and water as the solute. On the other hand, in a mixture of 70 parts of water and 30 parts of alcohol, water is the solvent and alcohol is the solute.

Question 3. All solutions are mixtures but all mixtures are not solutions. Justify.


All Solutions Are Mixtures But All Mixtures Are Not Solutions:-

If a mixture of two or more substances is homogeneous in nature and their composition can be varied only within a certain limit, then the mixture is called a solution. For example, common salt dissolved in water forms a solution.

However, a mixture may also be heterogeneous in nature, in which the composition is not uniform throughout and can be changed in any proportion. This type of mixtures cannot be termed as solution. For example, a mixture of sand and sugar cannot be called a solution.

Thus, all solutions are mixtures but all mixtures are not solutions.

Question 4. Define homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures.


Homogeneous And Heterogeneous Mixtures:-

Homogeneous Mixtures: A homogeneous mixture is a solid, liquid or gaseous mixture that has the same proportions of its components throughout any given sample.

Example: air or sugar solution.

Heterogeneous Mixture: A heterogeneous mixture is simply a mixture that is not uniform in composition. It has components in which proportions vary throughout the sample.

Example: mixture of sand and sulphur powder.

Question 5. Why is an aqueous solution of sugar called a true solution?


An Aqueous Solution Of Sugar Called A True Solution:-

When sugar is added to water, the sugar molecules occupy the intermolecular spaces between the water molecules and dissolve in it. As a result, the sugar molecules form a homogeneous mixture with water and cannot be separated easily. This is why an aqueous solution of sugar is called a true solution.

Question 6. Discuss the properties of a true solution.


The Properties Of A True Solution:-

  1. A true solution possesses the following properties
  2. A true solution is a homogeneous mixture of solvent and solute. It has uniform properties (in terms of components, physical properties and structural features) throughout the solution.
  3. The solute particles present in a true solution are so small (particle diameter is less than or equal to 10-8 cm) that they cannot be seen even under an ultramicroscope.
  4. In a true solution, the solvent and solute may exhibit some changes in their physical properties, but their chemical properties remain unchanged.
  5. The relative amount of the components in a solution can be increased or decreased within a certain limit.
  6. The solute and solvent in a true solution cannot be separated by filtration or by gravitational separation. Even if the solution is kept undisturbed for a long period of time, the solute does not settle down.
  7. The components of a true solution can be separated by physical methods such as, evaporation, distillation or crystallisation.
  8. Heat may or may not be evolved or absorbed during formation of a true solution.

Question 7. What is a colloidal solution?


Colloidal Solution:-

A colloidal solution is said to be a stable heterogeneous system of two immiscible phases in which one phase (solid, liquid or gas) comprises of the particles with diameter ranging from 10-7 – 10-5 cm, is dispersed into another phase (solid, liquid or gas).

For example, freshly precipitated ferric hydroxide when shaken with water and small amount of ferric chloride, it forms a colloidal solution.

Question 8. What is meant by dispersion medium and dispersed phase of a colloidal solution?


Dispersion Medium: The medium in which the colloidal particles remain uniformly dispersed is called the dispersion medium.

Dispersed Phase: The component of a colloidal solution which remain uniformly dispersed in the dispersion medium and consists of particles with diameter ranging from 10~7-10-5 cm is called the dispersed phase.

Example: In a gold sol, water is the dispersion medium while gold particles form the dispersed phase.

Question 9. State whether colloidal particles can be separated from a solution by filtration using a filter paper.


  1. The pores of the filter paper are generally larger than 10-5 cm. So, the colloidal particles having diameter of 10-7 to 10-5 cm can easily pass through a filter paper. So, colloidal particles cannot be separated from a solution using a filter paper.
  2. On the other hand, colloidal particles cannot pass through a parchment paper. So, parchment paper is effective in separating colloidal particles from a solution.

Question 10. State the imporatnt properties of a colloidal solution.


The Important Properties Of A Colloidal Solution:-

A colloidal solution has the following properties

1. Heterogeneity:

Colloidal solutions are heterogeneous in nature. The dispersed phase neither dissolves completely in the dispersion medium nor does it separate out from the dispersion medium. The colloidal particles remain dispersed in the dispersion medium.

2. Tyndall Effect:

When a beam of light is allowed to pass through a colloidal solution, scattering of light by the colloidal particles occurs and the path of the beam through the solution gets illuminated and clearly visible. This phenomenon is called Tyndall effect.

3. Brownian Motion:

The colloidal particles in the dispersion medium are in continuous random motion moving in zigzag paths. This motion is known as Brownian motion.

4. Electrophoresis:

The colloidal particles are charged particles. If electricity is passed through a colloidal solution, then the colloidal particles move towards the oppositely charged electrodes. This movement of colloidal particles towards a specific electrode, under the influence of an electric field is called electrophoresis.

5. Passage Through Filter Paper And Parchment Paper:

Colloidal particles can pass through filter paper but cannot pass through parchment paper.

Question 11. What are the diameters of the solute particles in true solutions, colloidal solutions and suspensions?


In true solutions, diameter of solute particles is less than or equal to 10-8 cm or 0.1 nm.

In colloidal solutions, the diameter of solute particles ranges from 10-7 -10-5 cm or 1-100 nm. In suspensions, the diameter of solute particles is greater than 10-5 cm or 100 nm.

Lyophilic And Lyophobic Sol:

If the dispersed phase of a sol has high affinity for the molecules of dispersion medium, then it is called a lyophilic sol. Sols of starch, gum, gelatin, glue etc. are examples of such sol. If the dispersion medium of such sols is water, then these are called hydrophilic sols.

If the dispersed phase of a sol has a very little or almost no affinity for the molecules of the dispersion medium, then it is called a lyophobic sol. Some common examples are ferric hydroxide [Fe(OH)3] sol, arsenius sulphide [As2S3] sol, etc. If water is the dispersion medium, then such sols are called hydrophobic sols.

Question 12. Discuss the significance of Brownian motion.


The Significance Of Brownian Motion Are As Follows:-

  1. Brownian motion is an inherent evidence of the incessant motion of particles in a solution.
  2. The value of Avogadro’s number can be determined by measuring Brownian motion.
  3. Due to Brownian motion, the colloidal particles are in continuous motion. This motion prevents the particles to settle down even under gravitational force. Thus, Brownian motion plays a very significant role in stabilising a colloidal solution.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic A Brownian Motion

Question 13. What is a suspension?



A heterogeneous and unstable system in which particles of a substance (usually a solid) of diameter greater than 10-5 cm remain suspended in another substance (usually a liquid) is called a suspension. On standing, the particles slowly separate out from the mixture and settle down at the bottom of the vessel.


When finely powdered barium sulphate (BaSO4) is shaken vigorously with water, it is observed that the particles get evenly distributed throughout the solvent and remain suspended in water to form a suspension. If the beaker is kept undisturbed for some time, then barium sulphate particles begin to settle down at the bottom of the beaker.

Question 14. State the properties of a suspension.


Properties Of A Suspension:-

A suspension has the following properties

  1. A suspension is a heterogeneous mixture.
  2. When kept undisturbed for some time, the suspended particles gradually settle down under gravity.
  3. The solution is turbid and hence light cannot pass through a suspension. However, a suspension may sometimes exhibit the Tyndall effect.
  4. The suspended particles are visible under ordinary microscopes and sometimes even to the naked eyes.
  5. The suspended particles cannot pass through a parchment paper or a filter paper.

Question 15. Colloidal particles do not settle down at the bottom of the beaker, but particles of suspensions do. Explain with reason.


Due to Brownian motion of the colloidal particles, they are always in a continuous random motion. The possibility of aggregation of colloidal particles is thus very low. So, colloidal particles do not settle down at the bottom of the beaker.

On the other hand, particles of a suspension do not exhibit Brownian motion. Hence, on standing, the particles come closer to each other and aggregate to form larger particles which eventually settle down under gravity.

Question 16. Explain why turbid water collected from ponds or rivers do not become clear on prolong standing.


Mud particles act as colloid particles in the turbid water of ponds or rivers. These colloid particles can not be precipitated out naturally. That is why those water do not become clear on prolong standing.

Question 17. Compare the properties of a true solution, a colloidal solution and a suspension.


The properties of a true solution, a colloidal solution and a suspension are compared in the following table

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic A Properties Of True Solution A Colloidal Solution And Suspension

Question 18. What is the Tyndall effect?


Tyndall Effect:-

When a beam of light is allowed to pass through a colloidal solution, scattering of light by the colloidal particles occurs and the illuminated path of light can be visualised from a direction at right angles to the incident light. This phenomenon is called Tyndall effect and it has been named after the Irish physicist John Tyndall.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic A Tyndall Effect

Question 19. Mention some practical applications of Tyndall effect.


Some Practical Applications Of Tyndall Effect:-

  1. Ultramicroscope was developed on the basis of Tyndall effect. It is used to determine the size of particles in aerosols by using the principle of Tyndall effect.
  2. Tyndall effect is used to determine the presence of particulate matter (which destroys the efficiency of catalyst) in air during the reaction of sulphur dioxide and air in the preparation of sulphuric acid by contact process.

Question 20. Cigarette smoke sometimes light blue in colour. Why?


Cigarette Smoke Sometimes Light Blue In Colour Because:-

Cigarette smoke is a colloidal system which belongs to the category of solid aerosol. It consists of fine particles of carbon dispersed in air (dispersion medium).

Due to its colloidal nature, it can scatter light beam passing through it, which is known as Tyndall effect. As blue light is scattered to the maximum extent, cigarette smoke sometimes appears light blue in color.

Question 21. Classify colloids on the basis of the physical states of dispersed phase and dispersion medium and give examples for each category.


On the basis of the physical states of the dispersed phase and dispersion medium, colloids can be classified into eight categories as described below

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic A Colloids On the Basis of Physical States Of Dispersed Phase And Medium And Examples

Question 22. Why do colloidal solutions formed by different methods exhibit different colours?


The colour of a colloidal solution depends on the wavelength of visible light scattered by the colloid particles. The scattering of light, on the other hand, depends on the size of colloidal particles in the solution.

The size of colloidal particles formed is different for different methods. So, a colloidal solution exhibits different colours when formed by different methods.

Question 23. What is a sol? Give example.



Colloidal solutions in which the dispersed phase is a solid while the dispersion medium is a liquid is called a sol.

Example: Gold sol, sulphur sol, arsenius sulphide sol etc. In each of these sols, gold, sulphur and arsenius sulphide particles respectively form the dispersed phase while water acts as the dispersibn medium.

Question 24. What is an aerosol? How are they categorised?



An aerosol is a colloidal system in which the dispersion medium is a gas or air. p If the dispersed phase in an aerosol is solid, then it is called solid aerosol such as smoke, dust particles floating in air etc. On the other hand, if the dispersed phase of an aerosol is liquid, then it is called liquid aerosol such as fog, cloud etc.

Question 25. What are alcohol and hydrosol?


Alcohol And Hydrosol:-

Colloids with alcohol as dispersion medium and having solids as dispersed phase are termed as alcohols.

Again, colloids whose dispersed phases and dispersion medium are solid and water respectively are termed as hydrosol.

Question 26. State some important applications of emulsions.


Some Important Applications Of Emulsions Are Given Below:-

  1. Milk, butter, margarine, vanishing cream, and cold cream used in our everyday life are all emulsions.
  2. Cleansing action of soap is due to the emulsification of grease with water. Water and soap together forms a colloidal solution and removes grease along with dirt and dust from clothes by forming emulsion.
  3. A wide variety of medicines like cod liver oil, and vitamin B-complex are oil-in-water type emulsions. These are easily absorbed by our digestive system and provide quick relief.

Question 27. Classify emulsions and define each of them with examples.


Emulsions Are Of Two Types:-

  1. Oil-in-water type emulsion and
  2. Water-in-oil type emulsion.

Here, the term oil represents any liquid that is immiscible with water.

1. Oil-In-Water Type Emulsion:

When small quantity of oil is agitated with an excess amount of water, an oil-in-water type emulsion is formed.

Here, water is the dispersion medium and oil is the dispersed phase.

Example: Milk, vanishing cream etc. When small amount of nitrobenzene is agitated with water, this type of emulsion is produced.

2. Water-In-Oil Type Emulsion:

When small quantity of water is agitated with an excess amount of oil, a water-in-oil type emulsion is formed. Here, oil is the dispersion medium and water is the dispersed phase.

Examples: Butter, cod liver oil, cold cream etc.

Question 28. Write the differences between oil-in-water type emulsions and water-in-oil type emulsions.


The major differences between oil-in-water type emulsions and water-in-oil type emulsions are given below

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic A Differences Between Oil In Water And Water In Oil Type Emulsion

Question 29. What is Brownian motion? How does this motion arise?


Brownian Motion:-

  1. The continuous, random motion of particles of the dispersed phase in a colloidal solution in zigzag paths is known as Brownian motion.
  2. Brownian motion arises due to random collisions of the particles of the dispersion medium with the colloidal particles in dispersed phase.

Question 30. What is an emulsifier? Give example.



While preparing an emulsion of two immiscible liquids, a third substance is generally added to the mixture. The mixture is then vigorously agitated. The third substance which is added in small quantity to stabilise the emulsion is known as an emulsifier or emulsifying agent.

Example: In case of milk which is a colloid (emulsion), a protein named casein acts as the emulsifier.

Question 31. How will you prepare colloidal sulphur?


Preparation Of Colloidal Sulphur:-

Dilute hydrochloric acid reacts with sodium thiosulphate to produce sulphur. When the concentration of sulphur in the solution reaches a certain level, the sulphur particles instead of getting precipitated, form colloidal particles and remain in the colloidal solution as the dispersed phase.

\(\mathrm{Na}_2 \mathrm{~S}_2 \mathrm{O}_3+2 \mathrm{HCl} \rightarrow 2 \mathrm{NaCl}+\mathrm{S}+\mathrm{SO}_2+\mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{O}\)

This reaction is called clock reaction.

Question 32. Name a substance that is used as an emulsifying agent. Mention its role as an emulsifying agent in our daily life.


  1. Soaps, detergents etc. act as emulsifying agents.
  2. Soaps and detergents help in the formation of emulsion between water and grease or oil. When soap or sodium stearate is dissolved in water, it dissociates to form a stearate ion.

The ion has two different parts—the long hydrocarbon part (C17H35 —) which is hydrophobic and the ionic part ( — COO) which is hydrophilic. Thus, the hydrocarbon chain dissolves in oil or grease of the clothes while the ionic part dissolves in water.

In this way, an emulsion is formed and oil or grease, along with dirt and dust is easily removed from clothes by the action of soap.

Question 33. Water from a tube well sometimes becomes turbid and brownish on standing. Explain with reason.


Water From A Tube Well Sometimes Becomes Turbid And Brownish On Standing:-

Water collected from tube wells sometimes contains ferrous bicarbonate [Fe(HCO3)2] salt dissolved in it. This compound is oxidised by aerial oxygen to produce brown ferric hydroxide [Fe(OH)3]. This ferric hydroxide forms colloidal solution with water. As a result, the water becomes turbid and brownish on standing.

4Fe(HCO3)2 + 2H2O + O2 → 4Fe(OH)↓+ 8CO2

Question 34. Proteins, DNA, starch etc. form colloidal solution with water. Why?


Proteins, starch, DNA etc. are polymeric biomolecules. These are large molecules known as macromolecules. The diameter of the molecules of these substances is larger than that of the solute particles of a true solution (diameter ≤ 10-8 cm).

Hence, these molecules cannot occupy the intermolecular spaces between water molecules. So, these substances cannot form true solutions with water.

However, macromolecules have great affinity towards water molecules and when these substances are added to water, they do not separate out from the mixture. The dimension of the particles is in the range of ≤10-7 – ≤10-5 cm. Therefore, they form a colloidal solution with water.

Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic A True Solution Colloid And Suspension Dissolution Of Smaller Ion Or Molecules And Larger Molecules In Water Very Short Answer Type Questions Choose The Correct Answer

Question 1. Which of the following is a true solution?

  1. Aqueous solution of sugar
  2. Cod liver oil
  3. Mixture of sand and water
  4. Milk

Answer: 1. Aqueous solution of sugar

Question 2. Which of the following is a colloidal solution?

  1. Aqueous solution of sugar
  2. Mixture of BaS04 and water
  3. Mixture of sand and water
  4. Milk

Answer: 4. Milk

Question 3. Which of the following is an emulsion?

  1. Curd
  2. Milk
  3. Milk of magnesia
  4. Soda water

Answer: 2. Milk

Question 4. The solution in which scattering of light can be observed is

  1. Blood
  2. Mixture of sand and water
  3. Aqueous solution of copper sulphate
  4. Aqueous solution of sodium chloride

Answer: 1. Blood

Question 5. The correct order of stability is

  1. Suspension < colloidal solution < true solution
  2. Colloidal solution < true solution < suspension
  3. True solution < colloidal solution < suspension
  4. Colloidal solution < suspension < true solution

Answer: 1. Suspension < colloidal solution < true solution

Question 6. For which of the following solutions, the solute particles can pass through parchment paper?

  1. Milk
  2. Cod liver oil
  3. Aqueous solution of sugar
  4. Sand mixed with water

Answer: 3. Aqueous solution of sugar

Question 7. Which of the following solutions is homogeneous in nature?

  1. Milk
  2. Cod liver oil
  3. Aqueous solution of sugar
  4. Mixture of sand and water

Answer: 3. Aqueous solution of sugar

Question 8. Which of the following acts as dialyzer in human body?

  1. Lungs
  2. Kidneys
  3. Liver
  4. Stomach

Answer: 2. Kidneys

Question 9. In which of the following, the dispersion medium is not a liquid?

  1. Fog
  2. Foam
  3. Sulphur sol
  4. Cream

Answer: 1. Fog

Question 10. Milk is a type of

  1. Gel
  2. Foam
  3. Oil-in-water type emulsion
  4. Water-in-oil type emulsion

Answer: 3. Oil-in-water type emulsion

Question 11. An example of a solid sol is

  1. Metal alloy
  2. Gold sol
  3. Paneer
  4. Pumice stone

Answer: 1. Metal alloy

Question 12. An example of gel is

  1. Milk of magnesia
  2. Paneer
  3. Cream
  4. Lather of soap

Answer: 2. Paneer

Question 13. A colloidal solution of a liquid dispersed in another liquid is known as

  1. Sol
  2. Gel
  3. Foam
  4. Emulsion

Answer: 4. Sol

Question 14. The easiest way to identify a colloidal solution is by

  1. Observing Tyndall effect
  2. Observing Brownian motion
  3. Electrodialysis

Answer: 1. Observing Tyndall effect

Question 15. The molecules of which of the following substances will not occupy the intermolecular spaces between water molecules when it is dissolved in water?

  1. Ethanol
  2. Sugar
  3. Glycerin
  4. Protein

Answer: 4. Protein

Question 16. In presence of colloidal particles, light rays get

  1. Reflected
  2. Refracted
  3. Scattered
  4. Deviated

Answer: 3. Scattered

Question 17. For which of the following dispersion medium is not liquid?

  1. Fog
  2. Lather
  3. Sulphur sol
  4. Cream

Answer: 1. Fog

Question 18. Descending order of the size of particles of true solution (A), Colloidal sol (B) and suspension (C) is

  1. A >B > C
  2. B > A > C
  3. C >B > A
  4. A < B > C

Answer: 3. C >B > A

Question 19. Particle with which diameter, can fit in the intermolecular space of water

  1. 10-9 cm
  2. 10-6 cm
  3. 10-5 cm
  4. 10-4 cm

Answer: 1. 10-9 cm

Question 20. Example of liquid aerosol

  1. Cloud
  2. Smoke
  3. Milk
  4. Cream

Answer: 1. Cloud

Question 21. For which of the following dispersed phase and dispersion medium are liquid and gas respectively?

  1. Emulsion
  2. Sol
  3. Gel
  4. Liquid Aerosol

Answer: 4. Liquid Aerosol

Question 22. Example of emulsifier

  1. Arrowroot
  2. Gelatine
  3. Dettol
  4. Cod liver oil

Answer: 2. Gelatine

Question 23. Which one is suspension?

  1. Milk
  2. Milk of magnesia
  3. Cake
  4. Shaving cream

Answer: 4. Shaving cream

Question 24. Which one is not an example of emulsion?

  1. Butter
  2. Shampoo
  3. Cake
  4. Shaving cream

Answer: 4. Shaving cream

Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic A True Solution Colloid And Suspension Dissolution Of Smaller Ion Or Molecules And Larger Molecules In Water Answer In Brief

Question 1. The diameter of a particle ‘O’ present in water is 80 nm. What is the nature of the solution?

Answer: Q will form a colloidal solution.

Question 2. Name a colloidal solution which is used in our daily life.

Answer: Milk.

Question 3. Mention the type of solutions formed when sulphur is separately dissolved in water and alcohol.

Answer: Sulphur remains dispersed in water to form a colloidal solution. On the other hand, it completely dissolves in alcohol to form a true solution.

Question 4. Give some examples of solid sol.

Answer: Coloured glass, ruby glass (Au/glass), gemstones, metal alloys etc.

Question 5. The particulate matter in air belongs to which type of colloid?

Answer: Solid aerosol.

Question 6. What is meant by gel?

Answer: Gel is a colloidal solution in which a liquid is dispersed in a solid. So, the dispersion medium is solid and dispersed phase is liquid. Jelly, gelatin etc. are some examples of gel.

Question 7. Give some examples of liquid aerosol.

Answer: Fog and cloud are some examples of liquid aerosol.

Question 8. Give an example of a colloid in which the dispersion medium is solid and the dispersed phase is gas.

Answer: The colloids in which the dispersion medium is solid and the dispersed phase is gas are known as solid foams. Some common examples are, cake, pumice stone (air dispersed in silicate compounds) etc.

Question 9. Give some examples of hydrophilic colloids.

Answer: Starch, gelatin, protein, cellulose, soap etc. are some examples of hydrophilic colloids.

Question 10. Give some examples of hydrophobic colloids.

Answer: Silver sol, gold sol, arsenius sulphide sol, ferric hydroxide sol etc. are some examples of hydrophobic colloids.

Question 11. Which substance acts as the emulsifying agent in milk?

Answer: In milk, casein (which is a protein) acts as the emulsifying agent.

Question 12. What is the type of colloid in which both the dispersion medium and dispersed phase are liquid known as?

Answer: The colloids in which both the dispersion medium and dispersed phase are liquid are known as emulsions.

Question 13. Name some covalent compounds which are soluble in water.

Answer: Some covalent compounds which are soluble in water are sugar, alcohol, HCl etc.

Question 14. Name a water soluble organic compound.

Answer: Sugar is a water-soluble organic compound.

Question 15. Name an electrovalent compound which is insoluble in water.

Answer: An electrovalent compound which is insoluble in water is barium sulphate (BaSO4).

Question 16. Give an example of a colloidal solution in which the colloidal particles are large molecules.

Answer: Starch remains dispersed in water to form a colloidal solution. Here, large starch molecules are present as colloidal particles.

Question 17. What is the diameter of solute particles in a true solution?

Answer: ≤ 10-8 cm.

Question 18. What is the diameter of solute particles in a colloidal solution?

Answer: 10-7-10-5 cm.

Question 19. What is the diameter of solute particles in a suspension?

Answer: 10-5 cm.

Question 20. Which method is used for the separation of crystalloids from colloids?

Answer: electrodialysis.

Question 21. Name the random, continuous motion exhibited by colloidal particles in a colloidal solution

Answer: Brownian motion.

Question 22. Why gas mixtures cannot form colloidal systems?

Answer: Gas mixtures always form homogeneous mixtures irrespective of the ratio in which they are mixed. Thus, they cannot form colloidal systems.

Question 23. The suspended particulate matters belong to which type of colloids?

Answer: SPM belong to the solid aerosol class of colloid.

Question 24. By which property colloids and True solutions can be distinguished?

Answer: Tyndall Effect.

Question 25. Name an emulsifier used in daily life.

Answer: Soap or detergent.

Question 26. Name the process by which crystalloid can be separated from colloid using diffusion through a semi-permeable membrane.

Answer: Dialysis.

Question 27. Which solution is used with HSO to prepare colloidal Sulphur?

Answer: Hypo solution or the dilute solution of Sodium thiosulphate.

Question 28. Name two diseases caused due to solid aerosol.

Answer: Asthma and silicasis.

Question 29. Which protective colloid is used in icecream?

Answer: Gelatine.

Question 30. Given an example of a solution where salute and solvent both are solid.

Answer: Brass.

Question 31. Give an example of a colloid which is an essential component of our body.

Answer: Blood (colloidal solution of Albumin).

Question 32. Give an example of a colloidal system where finer particles of water are dispersed in fat.

Answer: Butter.

Question 33. Mention the dispersion phase in O/W type Emulsion.

Answer: Oil.

Question 34. Give an example of colloid causing air pollution.

Answer: Solid aerosol.

Question 35. Why Gelatine is used to prepare ice cream?

Answer: Gelatine is used to produce ice cream to give the stability of the colloidal system (ice cream).

Question 36. Give an example of a colloidal system where the dispersed phase and the dispersion medium are gas and liquid respectively.

Answer: Soda-water.

Question 37. Which type of colloid is the soap-lather? Mention the nature of dispersed phase and dispersion medium of soap lather.


  1. Soap-lather belong to the ‘Foam’ family of colloid.
  2. The dispersed phase and dispersion medium here are of gaseous and liquid respectively.

Question 38. Which type of solution will formed by dissolving starch in water?

Answer: Colloidal solution.

Question 39. Which type of solution is formed by dissolving barley in hot water.

Answer: Colloidal solution.

Question 40. Name the property of scattering of light by colloid particles.

Answer: Tyndall effect.

Question 41. Give an example of a colloid whose dispersed phase and dispersion medium, both are solid.

Answer: Curd.

Question 42. Give an example of a colloid which is used as disinfectant.

Answer: Dettol.

Question 43. How solute and solvent are termed in colloidal system?

Answer: Solute and solvent are termed as dispersed phase and dispersion medium respectively in colloidal system.

Question 44. Name the solvent and solutes of air.

Answer: Solvent of air is nitrogen and oxygen, carbon dioxide and other gases are the solutes of air.

Question 45. Name the solutes and solvents in—brass and sodium amulgum.

Answer: In brass the solvent is copper and the solute is zinc.ln sodium amulgum solute and solvents are mercury and sodium respectively.

Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic A True Solution Colloid And Suspension Dissolution Of Smaller Ion Or Molecules And Larger Molecules In Water Fill In The Blanks

Question 1. True solutions are _______ in nature.

Answer: Homogeneous

Question 2. A Colloidal solutions are ____ in nature.

Answer: Heterogeneous

Question 3. Milk is a colloid in which ______ is the dispersed phase and ______ is the dispersion medium.

Answer: Far, water

Question 4. ________ solutions show Tyndall effect.

Answer: Colloidal

Question 5. The colloidal particles in a colloidal solution can be observed by using ______

Answer: Ultramicroscope

Question 6. When sodium chloride is dissolved in water, it forms a ________ solution.

Answer: True

Question 7. When starch is dissolved in water, it forms a _________ solution.

Answer: Colloidal

Question 8. A ________ is a is a colloidal solution in which the dispersed phase is solid.

Answer: Sol

Question 9. A _________ is a colloidal system in which the dispersed phase is liquid and the dispersion medium is solid.

Answer: Gel

Question 10. An example of solid foam is ________

Answer: Cake

Question 11. A colloidal system is known as _______ if the dispersed phase is a gas and the dispersion medium is solid.

Answer: Solid foam

Question 12. Dispersed phase and dispersion medium, in case of pumice stone, are _______ and _______ respectively.

Answer: Gas, solid

Question 13. The solutes in case of colloidal solution are termed as _______

Answer: Dispersed phase

Question 14. Dispersed phase and dispersion medium for emulsions are _______ and _______ respectively.

Answer: Liquid, liquid

Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic A True Solution Colloid And Suspension Dissolution Of Smaller Ion Or Molecules And Larger Molecules In Water State Whether True Or False

Question 1. The component of a solution, which is present in a lesser amount is known as the solute.

Answer: True

Question 2. The amount of CaCI2 present in 500 mL of 25% CaCI2 solution is 125 g.

Answer: True

Question 3. The solute particles of a colloidal solution can pass through parchment paper.

Answer: False

Question 4. The solute particles of a true solution are visible under an ultramicroscope.

Answer: False

Question 5. A true solution does not exhibit Tyndall effect.

Answer: True

Question 6. If the diameter of solute particles is 10-4 cm, the corresponding solution is a true solution.

Answer: False

Question 7. Colloidal system whose dispersed phase and dispersion medium both are gaseous, does not exist.

Answer: True

Question 8. Particles of a true solution can not be observed even with the help of a powerful microscope.

Answer: True

Question 9. Example of water-in-oil type emulsion is butter.

Answer: True

Question 10. Colloidal solution are homogeneous.

Answer: False

Question 11. Colloidal solution are transparent.

Answer: False

Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic A True Solution Colloid And Suspension Dissolution Of Smaller Ion Or Molecules And Larger Molecules In Water Numerical Examples

Question 1. 8 g of NaOH is dissolved in 2 L of its aqueous solution, Calculate the strength of the solution in mole/litre unit.


Molecular mass of NaOH = (23 + 16 + 1) = 40

mass of 1 mol NaOH = 40 g

∴ 8g NaOH = 8/40 mol =0.2 mol

∴ Amount of NaOH in 2 L solution =0.2 mol

∴ Amount of NaOH in 1 L solution = 0.2/2 mol = 0.1 mol

∴ Strength of the solution =0.1 mol/L

Question 2. 300 g saturated solution of KNO3 at 100°C is cooled down to 10°C. Calculate the amount of salt that should be crystallised out from the solution (Solubility of KNO3 at 100°C and 10°C are 250 and 20 respectively).


At 100°C, amount of KNO3 dissolved in 100 g H2O = 250 g

∴ (100 + 250)g saturated solution contains 100 g solvent

∴ 300 g saturated solution contains \(\frac{100 \times 300}{350}\)g solvent = 85.71 g solvent

∴ Amount of solute in 300 g solution (300 – 85.71)g = 214.29g

Now at 10°C,

Amount of KNO3 that can be dissolved in 100 g solvent = 20 g

∴ Amount of KNO3 that can be dissolved in 85.71 g solvent = \(\frac{20 \times 85.71}{100} \mathrm{~g}\) g = 17.142 g

∴ Amount of KNO3 that should be crystallised out = (214.29 – 17.142)g = 197.148g

Question 3. 4 g of NaOH (molar mass 40) is dissolved in 500 ml of a solution. Calculate the strength of the solution in

  1. g • L-1,
  2. % strength (w/v) and
  3. mol • L-1.


1. Amount of NaOH in 500 ml solution = 4 g

∴ Amount of NaOH in 1000 ml or 1 L

= \(\frac{4 \times 1000}{500} \mathrm{~g}\) = 8g

∴ Strength of solution = 8 g • L-1

2. Amount of NaOH in 500 ml solution = 4 g

∴ Amount of NaOH in 100 ml solution

= \(\frac{4 \times 100}{500} g\) = 0.8 g

∴ Strength of the solution is 0.8% (w/v)

3. Again, 4 g NaOH = 4/40 mol = 0.1 mol

∴ Strength of the solution = 0.1/500 x 1000 = 0.2 mol L-1

Question 4. Strength of a glucose solution is 0.8 mol • L-1. Express the strength in % (w/v).


Molar mass of glucose is = 180.

1 L or 1000 ml. solution contains 0.8 mol glucose = 0.8 x 180 g = 144 g of glucose

∴ 100 mol of solution contains = \(\frac{144 \times 100}{1000}\) g of glucose = 14.4 g glucose.

∴ % strength (w/v) of the solution is 14.4%.

Question 5. Calculate the amount of salt required to prepare 200 ml 2% sodium bicarbonate solution. Express the strength in gram per litre.


100 ml of 2% solution contains 2 g of sodium bicarbonate.

∴ Amount of salt in 200 ml solution = 2/100 x 200 g = 4g

∴ Amount of salt in 1000 ml solution = 4/100 X 1000 = 20 g

Strength of the solution is 20 g • L-1.

Question 6. Among 120 ml 10 % NaCI solution and 120 ml, 1 mol • L-1 NaCI solution, which contains a greater amount of NaCI?


Amount of NaCI present in 120 ml of 10% NaCI solution = 10/100 x 120 g = 12 g

Amount NaCI present in 120 ml of 1 mol • L-1 solution = \(\frac{(23+35.5) \times 120}{1000}\) g = 7.02 g

∴ 120 ml 18% NaCI solution contains greater amount of sodium chloride.

Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic B Solubility Strength Of Solution And Its Unit Synopsis

  1. Solubility of a substance at a given temperature is the maximum number of gram units of the substance that can be dissolved in 100g of a solvent at that temperature.
  2. The curve obtained by plotting the solubility of a substance in a given solvent along the y-axis against temperature along x-axis is called the solubility curve of that solute.
  3. Solubility of solids in liquids generaily increases with increase in temperature.
  4. Example: KNO3, NaCI, NH4CI. sugar, blue vitriol etc.
  5. Solubility of CaSO4, Ca(OH)2, etc. in water decreases with incease in temperature.
  6. Solubility of gases in liquid decreases with increase in temperature and increases with decrease in temperature.
  7. At constant temperature solubility of gaseous solutes in liquid solvents increases with increase in pressure and decreases with decreases in pressure.

Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic B Solubility Strength Of Solution And Its Unit Short And Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Why It necessary to mention temperature in the definition of solubility?


The solubility of a substance in a given solvent varies with temperature. Hence, the amount of a particular solute required to saturate 100 g of a solvent will be different at different temperatures. Thus, it is necessary to mention temperature in the definition of solubility.

Question 2. Why is it necessary to mention a definite amont of solvent in the definition of solubility?


At a particular temperature, the amount of solute required to make a saturated solution depends on the amount of solvent. If greater amount of solvent is taken, then it can dissolve more amount of solute whereas, lesser amount of solvent dissolves lesser amount of solute.

Hence, we cannot determine the amount of solute required to make a saturated solution, if the amount of solvent is not specified. Thus, it is necessary to specify the amount of solvent in the definition of solubility.

Question 3. What are the units used to express the strength of a solution? Comment on their dependence on temperature.


Different units used to express the concentration or strength of a solution are volume percentage (% W/V), moles per litre or molarity (mol • L-1) and gram per litre (g • L-1).

Although mass or number of moles of a substance is independent of temperature, volume of a solution changes with temperature. As all the units are dependent on volume of the solution, these are also dependent on temperature.

Question 4. What is meant by molarity or moles per litre strength of a solution? Give example.


At a given temperature, the number of gram-moles of a solute dissolved in 1 litre (or 1000mL) of a solution is known as the molarity or moles per litre strength of the solution.

Example: 5 gram-moles of HN03 is dissolved in 1 litre aqueous solution. Hence, the molarity of the solution will be 5. The molar strength is expressed as mol • L-1 or (M).

Question 5. What is meant by gram per litre strength of a solution? Give example.


The amount of solute in gram dissolved per litre of the solution is expressed in gram per litre unit.

Example: If 5.0g of sodium chloride is dissolved in 1 L of solution, then the strength of the sodium chloride solution in gram per litre unit will be 5. The unit is expressed as g • L-1.

Question 6. What changes will be observed in the (W/V) concentration of a solution if the temperature of the solution is raised?


The following changes will be observed in the (W/V) concentration of a solution if the temperature of the solution is raised

  1. With the increase in temperature, the volume of the solution increases. Hence, the ratio of mass of solute to the volume of solution decreases. As a result, concentration of the solution also decreases.
  2. If some amount of solvent vapourises due to increase in temperature, then the volume of solution also decreases. Hence, the concentration of the solution also increases.

Question 7. Why molarity depends on temperature?


We know molarity of solution = \(\frac{\text { number of } \mathrm{g} \cdot \text { mol of solute }}{\text { volume in } \mathrm{L} \text { of the solution }}\)

Now volume of the solution changes with temperature. Thus molarity of the solution also changes with temperature, although the number of g • mol of the solute remains unaltered. Hence molarity depends on temperature.

Question 8. If the amount of the dissolved solute in a gram of saturated solution is b gram, calculate the solubility of the solute at that temperature.


We know, solubility of a solute at t°C = \(\frac{\text { mass of the solute in saturated solution }}{\text { mass of the solvent in-the solution }} \times 100\)

= \(\frac{b \mathrm{~g}}{(a-b) g} \times 100=\frac{100 b}{(a-b)}\)

Question 9. What are the factors on which the solubility of a substance depends?


The solubility of a substance in a given solvent depends on the following factors

1. Nature of solute:

Different solutes dissolve to various extents in a given solvent at a particular temperature.

2. Temperature:

For most solid substances, solubility in a given liquid increases with the rise in temperature. However, there are some gases whose solubility in a given liquid decreases with the rise in temperature.

3. Atmospheric pressure:

At a particular temperature, the solubility of a gas in a liquid generally increases with the increase in pressure above the liquid and vice-versa. This is why C02 dissolved in water under very high pressure comes out as bubbles when a sodawater bottle is opened.

Question 10. What is a solubility curve? Draw the solubility curve of Glauber’s salt in water and explain its solubility with the help of the curve.


The curve obtained by plotting the solubility of a solute in a given solvent along the Y-axis against temperature along X-axis, is called the solubility curve of that solute. This curve easily demonstrates the relation between temperature and solubility of a substance.

The solubility curve of Glauber’s salt in water (hydrated sodium sulphate) rapidly rises up with the rise in temperature upto 32.38°C. After 32.38°C, if the temperature is further increased, the solubility gradually starts decreasing.

Above 32.38°C, hydrated crystals of sodium sulphate (Na2SO4 – 10H2O) give up ten water molecules to form anhydrous sodium sulphate (Na2SO4). So, above 32.38°C, the solubility curve actually represents the solubility of anhydrous sodium sulphate.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic B Solubility Curve Of Glauber's Salt

Question 11. Draw the solubility curves of KNO3 and NaCI in water and mention the effect of temperature on solubility of these salts.


The solubility curve of KNO3 rises steeply with rise in temperature. This means that the solubility of KNO3 increases rapidly with the increase in temperature.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic B Solubility Curve Of KNO3 And Nacl

The solubility curve of NaCI is almost parallel to the X-axis. This indicates that the solubility of NaCI in water remains almost unchanged over a wide range of temperature.

Question 12. How does the solubility of Ca(OH)2 in water changes with the rise in temperature? Explain with the help of its solubility curve.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic B Solubility Curve Of Ca(OH)2

From the solubility curve, it can be said that the solubility of Ca(OH)2 in water decreases with the rise in temperature.

Question 13. State the significance of solubility curve.


  1. Without actually performing an experiment, the solubility of a substance at different temperatures can be determined with the help of the solubility curve.
  2. It helps to compare the solubilities of different substances at a given temperature.
  3. The solubility curve helps us to determine which substance will preferentially crystallise out if a solution of a mixture of substances is subjected to cooling or evaporation.

Question 14. Discuss the effect of temperature on the solubility of a gas in a liquid.


In general, the solubility of a gas in a liquid decreases with the rise in temperature. For example, CO2 is soluble in water. At ordinary temperature, some amount of C02 gas dissolves in water. However on heating, the dissolved CO2 fizzles out from the solution.

Question 15. Discuss the effect of pressure on the solubility of a gas in a liquid.


At a particular temperature, the solubility of a gas in a liquid generally increases with the increase in pressure and decreases with the decrease in pressure. So, at a higher pressure relatively large amount of gas dissolves in a liquid. This principle is used in the preparation of soda water where excess CO2 is dissolved in water by applying pressure.

Question 16. Why does soda water fizz when the cap of the bottle is removed?


At a particular temperature, the solubility of a gas in a liquid increases with increase in pressure. In soda water bottles, carbon dioxide is dissolved in water applying high pressure.

When the cap of the bottle is removed, the pressure suddenly decreases and as a result the solubility of CO2 in water decreases. Consequently, excess carbon dioxide comes out from water and eventually causes the fizz.

Question 17. A bottle containing liquor ammonia must be cooled before opening. Why?


A saturated aqueous solution of ammonia is called liquor ammonia. With rise in temperature, solubility of NH3 in water decreases and hence some NH3 gas comes out of the solution and causes excess pressure inside the bottle.

If the bottle is opened under this condition, then excess NH3 gas along with some dissolved NH3 gas may spurt out from the bottle causing serious accident. However, if the bottle is cooled down, the excess NH3 again dissolves in water and no such accident occurs when the bottle is opened.

Question 18. Why bubbles are formed when water is heated?


Some amount of air generally remains dissolved in water at room temperature. Now solubility of gases in liquid decreases with increase in temperature. That is why solubility of air decreases when we heat the water and hence the excess air comes out of water forming bubbles.

Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic B Solubility Strength Of Solution And Its Unit Very Short Answer Type Questions Choose The Correct Answer

Question 1. HCI (g) dissolves in water, because HCI

  1. Is a gaseous substance
  2. Reacts with water
  3. Is an ionic compound
  4. Is a polar covalent compound

Answer: 4. Is a polar covalent compound

Question 2. Water can dissolve ionic compounds, because water is a/an

  1. Covalent compound
  2. Ionic compound
  3. Polar covalent compound
  4. Liquid

Answer: 3. Polar covalent compound

Question 3. The temperature upto which the solubility curve for the solubility of Glauber’s salt in water rises is

  1. 25.5°C
  2. 32.4°C
  3. 35.2°C
  4. 37.24°C

Answer: 2. 32.4°C

Question 4. At a constant temperature, the solubility of a gas in a given volume of liquid is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas. This statement is known as

  1. Boyle’s law
  2. Charles’ law
  3. Raoult’s law
  4. Henry’s law

Answer: 4. Henry’s law

Question 5. 01 Unit of solubility is

  1. g • cm-3
  2. kg • m-3
  3. g
  4. Unitless

Answer: 4. Unitless

Question 6. With rise in temperature, the solubility of Glauber’s salt (Na2SO4 • 10H2O) in water

  1. Decreases
  2. Increases
  3. Remains almost unchanged
  4. Initially increases and then decreases

Answer: 4. Initially increases and then decreases

Question 7. With rise in temperature, the solubility of potassium nitrate (KNO3) in water

  1. Decreases
  2. Increases
  3. Remains almost unchanged
  4. Initially increases and then decreases

Answer: 1. Decreases

Question 8. Which of the following units of concentration is not affected by any change in temperature?

  1. Mass-volume percentage (% W/V)
  2. Mass percentage (% W/W)
  3. Moles per litre
  4. Gram per litre

Answer: 2. Mass percentage (% W/W)

Question 9. With rise in temperature, the solubility of a gas in a liquid

  1. Increases
  2. Decreases
  3. Remains almost unchanged
  4. Initially increases and then decreases.

Answer: 2. Decreases

Question 10. 10% Na2CO3 solution means

  1. 10g Na2CO3 is dissolved in 100 mL solution
  2. 100g Na2CO3 is dissolved in 10 mL solution
  3. 10g Na2CO3 is dissolved in lOmL solution
  4. 10g Na2CO3 is dissolved in 100g solution

Answer: 1. 10g Na2CO3 is dissolved in 100 mL solution

Question 11. The amount of NaCI present in 200 mL of 50% NaCI solution is

  1. 50 g
  2. 75 g
  3. 100 g
  4. 150 g

Answer: 3. 100 g

Question 12. The concentration of a solution prepared by dissolving 40 g NaOH in 1000 mL water will be

  1. 1 mol • L-1
  2. 2 mol • L-1
  3. 3 mol • L-1
  4. 4 mol • L-1

Answer: 1. 1 mol • L-1

Question 13. If xg of a solute is required to make yg saturated solution at f°C temperature; solubility at that temperature will be

  1. x/y x 100
  2. y
  3. \(\frac{x}{y-x} \times\) x 100
  4. \(\frac{y}{x-y} \times\) x 100

Answer: 3. \(\frac{x}{y-x} \times\) x 100

Question 14. With increase in temperature, the solubility of slaked lime in water

  1. Increases
  2. Decreases
  3. Remains same
  4. Increases firstly then decreases

Answer: 2. Decreases

Question 15. Solubility does not depend upon

  1. Temperature
  2. Pressure
  3. Nature of solvent
  4. Gravitational force of the earth

Answer:  4. Gravitational force of the earth

Question 16. The gas which comes out as effervescence from a bottle of soda water when we open it is

  1. NH3
  2. H2
  3. He
  4. CO2

Answer: 4. CO2

Question 17. The solubility of which one decreases with increase in temperature?

  1. KNO3
  2. Ca(OH)2
  3. NaCI
  4. NH4CI

Answer: 2. Ca(OH)2

Question 18. Solubility of NaCI in water at 273K is 37. Amount of water required to make a saturated solution containing 100g of NaCI at that temperature will be

  1. 270.27g
  2. 245 g
  3. 222.22g
  4. 145 g

Answer: 1. 270.27 g

Question 19. Solubility of which one in water increases reading with increase in temperature?

  1. Ca(OH)2
  2. NaNO3
  3. NaCI
  4. NH4CI

Answer: 2. NaNO3

Question 20. Solubility of which one increases slightly with increase in temperature?

  1. ZnSO4
  2. CaSO4
  3. NaCI
  4. Na2SO4-10H2O

Answer: 3. NaCI

Question 21. With increase in pressure, the solubility of a solid in a liquid

  1. Increases
  2. Decreases
  3. Firstly increases and then decreases
  4. Remains same

Answer: 4. Remains same

Question 22. Amount of Na2CO3 in 100 ml of 25% Na2CO3 solution

  1. 25 g
  2. 2.5 g
  3. 225 g
  4. 250g

Answer: 4. 250g

Question 23. If we express the strength of 10% Na2CO3 solution as mol/litre, it will be

  1. 2.00
  2. 1.00
  3. 0.74
  4. 0.94

Answer: 4. 0.94

Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic B Solubility Strength Of Solution And Its Unit Answer In Brief

Question 1. What is the unit of solubility?

Answer: Solubility is a unitless physical quantity. It has no unit.

Question 2. Name some compounds whose solubility in water decreases with the increase in temperature.

Answer: The compounds whose solubility in water decreases with the increase in temperature are calcium sulphate (CaSO4), calcium nitrate [Ca(NO3)2], slaked lime or calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2], cerium sulphate [Ce2(SO4)3] etc.

Question 3. Name a solid whose solubility in water remains almost constant with change in temperature.

Answer: Solubility of common salt or sodium chloride (NaCI) in water remains almost constant with change in temperature

Question 4. Name a solid whose solubility in water initially increases with the rise in temperature but starts to decrease when the temperature is further increased.

Answer: The solubility of Glauber’s salt (Na2SO4-10H2O) in water initially increases with the rise in temperature up to 32.4°C and then the solubility begins to decrease when the temperature is further increased.

Question 5. How is the solubility of a solid solute in a liquid solvent affected by pressure?

Answer: There is no effect of pressure on the solubility of a solid solute in a liquid solvent.

Question 6. State Henry’s law.

Answer: At constant temperature, the solubility of a given gas in a given volume of liquid solvent is directly proportional to the pressure of that gas.

Question 7. What will happen if a saturated solution of sugar prepared at room temperature is cooled down to 5°C?

Answer: When a saturated solution of sugar prepared at room temperature is cooled down to 5°C, the solubility of sugar decreases and some amount of sugar settles down at the bottom.

Question 8. How much NaCI is present in 50 mL of 20% aqueous solution of NaCI?

Answer: 50 mL of 20% aqueous solution of NaCI will contain 10 g of NaCI.

Question 9. What change in W/V concentration of a • solution will be observed with the rise in temperature?

Answer: If the solvent does not evaporate on heating, then the W/V concentration of a solution generally decreases if the temperature is increased.

Question 10. Why does molarity of a solution depend on temperature?

Answer: Molarity of a solution is the number of moles, of solute present per litre of a solution. As the volume of solution depends on temperature (although mass of solute is independent of temperature), the molarity of a solution also depends on temperature.

Question 11. Why the statement—“Solubility of NaCO3 in water is 20“—is erroneous?

Answer: The temperature is not mentioned here which makes the statement erroneous.

Question 12. What do you mean by the statement— Solubility curve of NaCI is almost parallel to x-axis?

Answer: It means that the solubility of NaCI in water remains almost unaltered with change in temperature.

Question 13. State whether the solubility of gas in water increases or decreases with decrease in pressure.

Answer: Solubility of gas in water decreases with decrease in pressure.

Question 14. How the solubility of Ca(OH)2 changes with increase in temperature.

Answer: Solubility of Ca(OH)2 in water decreases with increase in temperature.

Question 15. Which of the following solutions of higher concentration: 100 g/L NaOH and 10 molar NaOH.

Answer: Concentration of NaOH in 10 molar NaOH solution is higher.

Question 16. What do you mean by 15% Na2CO3 solution.

Answer: 15% Na2CO3 solution means that 15 g of Na2CO3 is dissolved in 100 ml solution.

Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic B Solubility Strength Of Solution And Its Unit Fill In The Blanks

Question 1. If 5 g of a salt is dissolved in 50 mL water, then the strength of the solution will be _______ % (W/V).

Answer: 10

Question 2. The solubility of those substances which absorb heat during dissolution in water, _______ with the rise in temperature.

Answer: Increase

Question 3. The chemical substance added to a mixture of two immiscible substances to increase the stability of the emulsion is called a/an _______ agent.

Answer: Emulsifying

Question 4. The solubility-curve for the solubility of NaCI in water is almost ________ to the temperature-axis.

Answer: Parallel

Question 5. The solubility curve of ________ rises up with the rise in temperature and then starts decreasing after reaching a maximum.

Answer: Glauber’s salt

Question 6. The solubility of calcium hydroxide in water ________ with rise in temperature.

Answer: Decreases

Question 7. The solubility of Glauber’s salt at 32.4°C as obtained from its solubility curve actually represents the solubility of ________

Answer: Anhydrous Na2SO4

Question 8. CO2 is dissolved in water at ________ pressure to produce soda water.

Answer: High

Question 9. With rise in temperature, the %(W/V) strength of a solution _________

Answer: Decreases

Question 10. To express the solubility of a substance, mentioning of ________ is necessary.

Answer: Temperature

Question 11. If 10 g of NaOH is dissolved in 100 ml of NaOH solution, strength of the solution is ________

Answer: 10%

Question 12. Solubility of CO2 in water _______ with increase in temperature.

Answer: Decreases

Question 13. Solubility of solids in liquid depends on _______

Answer: Temperature

Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic B Solubility Strength Of Solution And Its Unit State Whether True Or False

Question 1. The amount of CaCI2 present in 500 mL of 25% CaCI2 solution is 125 g.

Answer: True

Question 2. The unit of solubility is gram per litre.

Answer: False

Question 3. The solubility of cerium sulphate decreases with the rise in temperature.

Answer: True

Question 4. Molarity of a solution is independent of temperature.

Answer: False

Question 5. The solubility of a gas in a liquid usually decreases with the increase in pressure above the liquid.

Answer: False

Question 6. W/V concentration of a solution increases with the rise in temperature.

Answer: False

Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic B Solubility Strength Of Solution And Its Unit Numerical Examples

Question 1. At 50°C, 100g of a saturated solution on complete evaporation gives 5O g of residue. Find the solubility of the substance at that temperature.

Answer: Amount of solvent = Amount of solution – Amount of solute = (100 – 50) g = 50 g

∴ At 50°C, 50 g of solvent dissolves 50 g of solute

∴ 1 g of solvent dissolves 50/50 g of solute

∴ 100 g of solvent dissolves 50/50 x 100 g of solute = 100 g of solute.

Hence, solubility of the substance at 50°C is 100.

Question 2. At 30°C, the solubility of a salt in water is 40. Find the amount of water required to make a saturated solution of 30 g of the salt at that temperature.


At 30°C, the solubility of the salt in water is 40.

∴ 40 g of the solute dissolves in 100 g of water.

∴ 30 g of the solute dissolves in x 30 g of water = 75 g of water.

Thus, 75 g of water will be required to make a saturated solution of 30 g of the salt at 30°C.

Question 3. The solubility of a salt in water at 60 30°C are 140 and 75 respectively. 50 g of the saturated solution of that salt at 60°C is cooled down to 30°C. How much of the salt will separate out from the solution?


At 60° C, 100g of water disisolves 140g salt.

∴ 50g of water dissolves (\(\frac{140}{100} \times 50\))g =70g salt.

At 30°C, 100g of water dissolves 75 g salt.

∴ 50g of water dissolves (\(\frac{75}{100} \times 50\)) g = 37.5g salt.

∴ When the solution is cooled down to 30°C, the amount of solute that will separate out from the solution = (70 – 37.5)g = 32.5g

Question 4. At 40°C, 20g of an unsaturated solution on evaporation gives 4g residue. What amount of salt has to be dissolved in 100 g of solution to make a saturated solution? [Solubility of the salt in water at 40°C is 40]


20 g of solution has 4g of salt dissolved in it.

∴ 100g of solution will contain 4/20 x 100 g of the salt = 20g of the salt

∴ 100g of the solution contains = (100 – 20)g = 80 g water

∴ At 40°C, 100 g of water is saturated by \(\frac{40 \times 80}{100}\) g salt = 32 g of the salt

Hence, amount of salt required to make the solution saturated = (32 – 20) g = 12g

Question 5. Concentration of a solution containing NaOH is 100 g • L-1. Express the concentration in mass-volume percentage (% W/V).


1000 mL of the solution contains 100g NaOH.

∴ 100 mL of the solution contains \(\frac{100 \times 100}{1000}\) g of NaOH = 10 g of NaOH.

Hence, concentration in mass-volume percentage (% W/V) = 10%

Question 6. 1.575 g oxalic acid is dissolved in 250 mL water. Find the cone, of the solution in g-L-1 & %W/V.


In 250 mL water, the amount of oxalic acid dissolved is 1.575 g.

∴ In 1000 mL water, the amount of oxalic acid dissolved will be = \(\frac{1.575 \times 1000}{250} \mathrm{~g}\) = 6.3 g

Hence, concentration of the solution is 6.3g • L-1.

Again, 1000 mL of water dissolves 6.3 g oxalic acid.

∴ 100 mL of water dissolves \(\frac{6.3 \times 100}{1000}\) g = 0.63 g

oxalic acid. Hence, concentration of the solution in % W/V = 0.63%

Question 7. 60g NaOH is dissolved in 500 mL water. Express the cone, of the solution in mol • L-1.


In 500 mL water, mass of NaOH dissolved = 60g

∴ In 1000 mL water, mass of NaOH dissolved = 60/500 x 1000 = 120g

Now, molecular mass of NaOH = 23 + 16 + 1 = 40.

∴ 1 mol NaOH = 40 g NaOH.

∴ 120 g NaOH = 120/40 mol Na0H = 3 mo1 NaOH

Hence, 1 L of the solution contains 3 mol of NaOH. So, the concentration of the solution is 3mol • L-1.

Question 8. How many grams of 50% (W/W) H2SO4 solution will be required to prepare 500 mL 2 (M) H2SO4 solution?


Molecular mass of H2SO4 = 98.

∴ Mass of H2SO4 in 1000mL 2 (M) H2SO4 = 2 x 98 = 196g

Mass of H2SO4 dissolved in 500 mL 2 (M) H2SO4= 2 x 98/1000 x 5008 = 98g

Now, in 50% (W/W) H2SO4 solution, 100 g of the solution has 50g of H2SO4 dissolved in it.

∴ 98g H2SO4is dissolved in 100/50 x 98g = 196 g solution.

Hence, 196 g of H2SO4 solution will be required.

Question 9. Mass percentage & molar concentration of an HNO3 solution are 31.5 and 4 (M) respectively. Express the density in g • mL-1.


Mass percentage of HNO3 solution is 31.5. Hence, 100g of solution has 31.5 g HNO3.

Let, the density of the solution be d g • mL-1.

∴ Volume of 100 g of the solution = 100/d mL

Now, 31.5g HN03 = 31.5/63 mol = 0.5 mol HNO3

Hence, the molar concentration of the solution = \(\frac{0.5}{100 / d} \times 1000\)  = 5  x d(M)

Now, 5 x d = 4; Hence, d = 0.8

Thus, density of the solution is 0.8 g • mL-1.

Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic C Saturated Unsaturated Supersaturated Solution Synopsis

  1. The solution in which the maximum amount of solute remains dissolved in the solvent at a given temperature is called a saturated solution.
  2. An unsaturated solution is one in which, the solvent has the capacity to dissolve more amount of solute at a particular temperature.
  3. A supersaturated solution at a particular temperature is defined as the solution in which the solvent, under special conditions, contains more amount of solute than that required to form a saturated solution.
  4. A supersaturated solution is highly unstable. It readily precipitates the excess solute, when the solution is disturbed or shaken.
  5. The strength of a solution is generally expressed in mass percentage (% W/W), mass-volume percentage (% W/V), volume percentage (% V/V), mol • L-1 or g • L-1 units.
  6. x% W/V aqueous solution of a substance means that, at a given temperature x g of the substance is dissolved in 100mL water.

Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic C Saturated Unsaturated Supersaturated Solution Short And Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. What is a saturated solution?


A solution in which, the maximum amount of solute remains dissolved in the solvent at a given temperature, is called a saturated solution. If more amount of solute is further added to the solution at that temperature, the excess solute settles at the bottom, but the concentration of the solution remains unchanged

Question 2. What is an unsaturated solution?


An unsaturated solution is one in which, at a particular temperature, the solvent has the capacity to dissolve more amount of solute. On adding more solute, the concentration of the solution increases and after some time the solution becomes saturated.

Question 3. Differentiate between saturated and unsaturated solutions.


The differences between saturated and unsaturated solutions are as follows

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic C Differences Between Saturated Solution And Unsaturated Solution

Question 4. How will you convert a saturated solution into an unsaturated solution?


A saturated solution can be converted to an unsaturated solution by the following methods

  1. At a particular temperature, a saturated solution can be made unsaturated by adding some more amount of solvent.
  2. In most cases, on heating, a saturated solution becomes unsaturated at a higher temperature.

Question 5. How will you convert an unsaturated solution into a saturated solution?


An unsaturated solution can be converted to a saturated solution by the following methods

  1. At a particular temperature, an unsaturated solution can be made saturated by adding some more amount of solute.
  2. In most cases, on cooling, an unsaturated solution becomes saturated at a lower temperature.
  3. Evaporating some amount of solvent from a solution by heating and then subsequently cooling the solution to its initial temperature will decrease the amount of solvent in the solution. The solution thus obtained is a saturated solution at that temperature.

Question 6. Why the saturated solution of glauber salt cannot be unsaturated by heating the solution?


The solubility of glauber salt (Na2SO4 – 10H2O) increases rapidly with increase in temperature upto 32.4°C. At a higher temperature than 32.4°C, the salt looses its water of crystallisation and transform to anhydrous sodium sulphate.

On increasing the temperature above 32.4°C solubility of anhydrous sodium sulphate decreases with increase in temperature. As a consequence, the excess salt gets precipitated out from the saturated solution. Hence the above solution cannot be unsaturated by heating.

Question 7. What is a supersaturated solution?


A supersaturated solution at a particular temperature is defined as the solution in which the solvent contains more solute at a specific condition than that required to form a saturated solution at that temperature.

Question 8. State two important characteristics of a supersaturated solution.


Two important characteristics of a supersaturated solution are

A supersaturated solution is highly unstable. Excess solute from the solution settles down at the bottom of the beaker on slightly shaking the solution, by adding a small crystal of the solute or in presence of dust particles.

On adding more solute to a supersaturated solution at a particular temperature, the concentration of the solution decreases.

Question 9. How will you prepare the super saturated solution of sodium thiosulphate?


A small amount of hypo or sodium thiosulphate crystal is taken in a test tube and closed at top with cotton. The test tube is then immersed partially in boiling water bath. Crystals lose their water of crystallisation and get dissolved in that water forming a clear solution.

The test tube is then cooled, without stirring, to room temperature. The solution thus obtained is the super saturated solution of sodium thiosulphate.

Question 10. Differentiate between saturated and supersaturated solutions.


The differences between saturated and supersaturated solutions are as follows

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic C Differences Between Saturated Solution And Supersaturated Solution

Question 11. With the help of a simple experiment, how will you determine whether a solution is saturated, unsaturated or supersaturated?


A solution of a given solute in a given solvent is taken. Some more amount of the solute is added to the solution. The following observations will help us to identify whether this solution is saturated, unsaturated or supersaturated

  1. If the solute completely or partially dissolves in the solution on stirring at the same temperature, then the solution is an unsaturated solution.
  2. If the added solute deposits at the bottom of the beaker instead of dissolving and its concentration remains unchanged, then it is a saturated solution.
  3. If on addition of excess solute, the added solute separates out from the solution and settles at the bottom of the beaker instead of dissolving and the amount of deposited solute is more than the added amount of solute, then the solution is a supersaturated solution.

Question 12. You have been given a saturated solution of common salt at room temperature. If the temperature of the solution has been reducedto5°Cby keeping it in an ice block, will the solution remain saturated? What will bethe probable observations?


  1. The solution will remain saturated.
  2. Solubility of common salt changes slightly with temperature. So by cooling the solution only a little amount of salt will be observed to get precipitated out.

Question 13. what is the reason behind the damage of health of the paint workers?


Many volatile substances like methylated spirit, tarpene oil, naptha, acetone etc. are used as solvent of paints during painting. These solvents evaporated at room temperature and enter easily to the body of the paint workers through inhalation. These can easily be in contact with the skin of the workers also.

These solvents cause allergy and several bronchiole or lung diseases which causes harm to the health of the workers involved in painting.

Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic C Saturated Unsaturated Supersaturated Solution Very Short Answer Type Questions Choose The Correct Answer

Question 1. A supersaturated solution in water can be prepared by

  1. CuSO4 • 5H2O
  2. Na2SO4 • 10H2O
  3. FeSO4 • 7H2O
  4. Na2S2O3 • 5H2O

Answer: 4. Na2S2O3 • 5H2O

Question 2. The amount of dissolved solute present in a supersaturated solution compared to the maximum amount of solute that can be present in a saturated solution at a given temperature is

  1. Less
  2. More
  3. Equal
  4. None of these

Answer: 2. More

Question 3. Formula of hypo

  1. Na2SO4  • 10H2O
  2. Na2S2O3
  3. Na2S2O3  • 5H2O
  4. NaHSO4

Answer: 3. Na2S2O3  • 5H2O

Question 4. What happens when the temperature of the KNO3 solution saturated at 80°C reduces to 40°C?

  1. No change
  2. Solution will become unsaturated
  3. Some amount of KNO3 will settle down
  4. Solution will become supersaturated

Answer: 3. Some amount of KNO3 will settle down

Question 5. The solution in which more solute can be dissolved, is

  1. Saturated solution
  2. Unsaturated solution
  3. Supersaturated solution
  4. Colloid

Answer: 2. Unsaturated solution

Question 6. If some amount of solute is added to a saturated solution at a definite temperature, density of the solution will

  1. Increase
  2. Reduce
  3. Remain same
  4. None of the above

Answer: 3. Remain same

Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic C Saturated Unsaturated Supersaturated Solution Answer In Brief

Question 1. Classify solutions on the basis of their concentration.

Answer: On the basis of their concentration, solutions can be classified into three types—saturated solution, unsaturated solution and supersaturated solution.

Question 2. Among saturated, unsaturated and supersaturated solutions, which one is the least stable?

Answer: A supersaturated solution is the least stable.

Question 3. Name a solid which can form a supersaturated solution.

Answer: Sodium thiosulphate pentahydrate (Na2S2O3 5H2O), commonly known as hypo, can form a supersaturated solution.

Question 4. State whether the solubility of common salt dissolved in a cup of water will be equal in Kolkata and Sikkim.

Answer: The solubility of a substance salt depends on temperature. As the temperature of the two places are different, the solubility of common salt in a cup of water will also be different.

Question 5. What amount of of acid (in g) is present per litre of 2 (M) H2SO4 solution? (Molecular mass of H2SO4 is 98)

Answer: Per litre of 2 (M) H2SO4 solution will contain 98 x 2 = 196 g of acid.

Question 6. Which type of solutions cannot form a saturated solution?

Answer: Solutions consisting of two miscible liquids can never form a saturated solution. For example, a solution of water and ethyl alcohol cannot form a saturated solution.

Question 7. On cooling a saturated solution, whether it remains saturated or not?

Answer: If we cool a saturated solution, some amount of solute gets precipitated out. But the remaining solution remains saturated.

Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic C Saturated Unsaturated Supersaturated Solution Fill In The Blanks

Question 1. A _______  solution is one, whose concentration increases if some more solute is added to the solution.

Answer: Unsaturated

Question 2. In a ________ solution, the concentration remains unchanged even if some amount of solute is added to it.

Answer: Saturated

Question 3. A saturated solution dissolves more solute under a specific condition to produce _______ solution.

Answer: Supersaturated

Question 4. At a particular temperature, the dissolved solute particles in a saturated solution is in _______ with the precipitated particles.

Answer: Equilibrium

Question 5. At a given temperature, if some more solute is added to a supersaturated solution, its solubility ________

Answer: Decreases

Question 6. Unsaturated solution can absorb more _______

Answer: Solute

Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic C Saturated Unsaturated Supersaturated Solution State Whether True Or False

Question 1. An unsaturated aqueous solution of ammonia is called liquid ammonia.

Answer: False

Question 2. Supersaturated solutions are stable in nature.

Answer: False

Question 3. A saturated solution remains saturated at any temperature.

Answer: False

Question 4. When more solute is added to a saturated solution, the excess solute will be sedimented.

Answer: True

Question 5. Supersaturated solution cannot be prepared by heating copper sulphate crystal in water- bath.

Answer: True

Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic D Crystallisation Motion Of ParticlesIn Solution And Different Solvents Other Than Water Synopsis

  1. The continuous random motion of colloidal particles in a colloidal solution is known as Brownian motion.
  2. Colloidal particles exhibit Brownian motion in a colloidal solution. However, Brownian motion is not observed in case of particles of a suspension.
  3. The process by which crystals of a substance are formed from its saturated solution or its molten state either by cooling the solution or by sublimation is known as crystallisation.
  4. The phenomenon of spontaneous mixing of two or more substances irrespective of their nature without any external help to form a homogeneous mixture is called diffusion.
  5. Apart from water, compounds such as ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol, acetone, chloroform, kerosene etc, are also used as solvents. These are known as aprotic solvents.
  6. Use of volatile solvents may cause serious health hazards.

Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic D Crystallisation Motion Of ParticlesIn Solution And Different Solvents Other Than Water Short And Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. What are crystals? On which factors does the shape of a crystal depend?



  1. Homogeneous solid substances having definite geometrical shape and bounded by symmetrically arranged plane surfaces that meet up at sharp edges are known as crystals. The substances formed of crystalline particles are known as crystalline substances. Some common examples are alum, diamond, sugar, copper sulphate etc.
  2. The shape of a crystal entirely depends on the number of particles (atoms, molecules or ions) present in the crystal and their geometrical arrangement.

Question 2. What do you mean by crystallisation and residue?


Crystallisation And Residue:-

Crystallisation: The process by which crystals of a substance are formed from its saturated solution or molten state either by cooling the solution or by sublimation is known as crystallisation.

Residue: The remaining solution that is left behind in the beaker after a solid is separated out as crystals from its saturated solution on cooling is called residue.

Question 3. What is the primary condition for the purification of a solid by crystallisation?


The Primary Condition For The Purification Of A Solid By Crystallisation:-

To purify a solid by crystallisation method, the solid must be soluble in a specific solvent while the impurities present in the solid must be insoluble or have different solubilities in that particular solvent.

Question 4. Mention two important applications of crystallisation.


Two Important Applications Of Crystallisation:-

  1. Sea water contains different impurities along with dissolved salts. The method of crystallisation is applied for the removal of those impurities and extraction of salt from sea water.
  2. Impure samples of potash alum [K2SO4 – AI2(SO4)3– 24H2O] and nitre (KNO3) are purified by crystallisation.

Question 5. Crystallisation is a more effective method for purifying a solid than evaporation. Explain.


Crystallisation Is A More Effective Method For Purifying A Solid Than Evaporation:-

  1. Crystallisation is a more effective method for purifying a solid than evaporation because of the following reasons
  2. During evaporation, the solvent is evaporated from the solution by applying heat. However on heating, some solids may decompose to produce new substances or substances like sugar may also get burnt to form a black mass of carbon particles.
  3. During evaporation, the solid impurities present in the solution do not separate out from the solution. So, the residue may contain large amount of impurities along with the desired substance. Thus, the solid obtained by evaporation may not be pure. However, during crystallisation, the impurities remain in the solution, while the solid crystallises out in pure form.

Question 6. What is overgrowth? What is seed crystal? Give examples.



  1. When a small crystal of the solute is dipped into its saturated solution with the help of a thread, the crystal grows bigger in size due to deposition of more solute crystals on its surface. This phenomenon is known as overgrowth of crystal.
  2. Seed crystal is a small crystal of the solute, dipped into its saturated solution with the help of a thread. The crystal becomes larger due to deposition of more solute crystals on its surface.
  3. If a small crystal of potash alum is dipped into a saturated solution of alum, alum starts depositing on the surface of the crystal and it grows bigger in size. Here, the small crystal is the seed crystal and the phenomenon is called overgrowth.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic D Overgrowth What Is Seed Crystal

Question 7. Mention some uses of seed crystals in different industries.


Uses Of Seed Crystals In Different Industries:-

  1. Seed crystals find important applications in many industries, such as
  2. During production of cane sugar (sucrose) from sugarcane juice, pure crystals of sugar are used as seed crystals.
  3. Seed crystals are used to accelerate the crystallisation of precious stones (like diamond), gemstones (like sapphire) and semiconductors (like silicone, germanium etc.)
  4. In Baeyer’s process of extraction of alumina, hydrated crystals of Al2O3 are used as seed crystals to accelerate precipitation of alumina.

Question 8. What is diffusion?



The phenomenon of spontaneous mixing of two or more substances irrespective of their nature and. molar mass, without any external help to form a homogeneous mixture is called diffusion. In a solution, the solute particles move from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration due to diffusion until a homogeneous mixture is formed.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic D Diffusion

Question 9. How does diffusion take place?


Diffusion Take Place As Follows:-

In a solution, both solvent and solute molecules move incessantly due to their high kinetic energy.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic D Diffusion Process

Consequently, the solute molecules collide among themselves as well as with the solvent molecules leading to continuous and random motion (Brownian motion). As a result, the solute particles move from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration by the process of diffusion until an equilibrium is reached.

Question 10. “Like dissolves like”— explain the statement with examples.


“Like Dissolves Like”:-

When a solute is added to a solvent, three different types of interactions take place in the solution

  1. Solvent-solvent interaction,
  2. Solute-solute interaction and
  3. Solvent-solute interaction.

When the nature and extent of these three interactions are similar, then the solute dissolves in the solvent. For example, polar solutes like sodium chloride dissolve easily in polar solvents like water.

In this solution, the interaction between two water molecules is almost identical to the interaction between sodium chloride molecules as well as that between water and sodium chloride molecules. Similarly, a non-polar solute is found to be highly soluble in non-polar organic solvents.

Question 11. Write some uses of solvent.


Some Uses Of Solvent:-

In different industries, methyl alcohol is extensively used as a solvent for colours, varnishes, celluloid substances, cements, fats etc.

Question 12. Write some uses of ethyl alcohol as a solvent.


Uses Of Ethyl Alcohol As A Solvent:-

Ethyl alcohol is a very important solvent. It is used in different industries to dissolve resins, soaps, varnishes, colours, rayons, lax, synthetic rubbers, synthetic fibres, dyes etc. Ethyl alcohol is also used extensively as a solvent in pharmaceutical industries.

Question 13. Write some uses of acetone as a solvent.


Uses Of Acetone As A Solvent:-

Acetone is a widely used organic solvent in chemical industries. It is used as a solvent for acetylene and semi-synthetic polymers like nitrocellulose, cellulose acetate etc. It is also used to dissolve varnishes and polishing materials.

Question 14. Write some uses of kerosene as a solvent.


Uses Of Kerosene As A Solvent:-

Kerosene is an important organic solvent. It is used to dissolve different organic substances as well as colours. It can also remove colour stains from clothes.

Question 15. Write some uses of chloroform as a solvent.


Uses Of Chloroform As A Solvent:-

Chloroform is an excellent organic solvent. In different industries, it is used to dissolve substances like fat, rubber, wax, resin etc. It is also widely used in the extraction of oils, gums and alkaloids.

Question 16. Why are volatile solvents used to dissolve colours and varnishes?


Volatile Solvents Used To Dissolve Colours And Varnishes:-

Colours and varnishes are generally dissolved in volatile solvents because of the following reasons

  1. When the colour or varnish is applied on a surface, the volatile solvent evaporates easily. As a result, a smooth layer of colour or varnish is obtained.
  2. When a colour is sprayed by dissolving it in a volatile solvent, less amount of colour is required thus, making the process more cost-effective.

Question 17. Discuss some harmful effects of using volatile solvents.


Harmful Effects Of Using Volatile Solvents:-

In our everyday life, we come across a number of volatile solvents. Volatile organic solvents like methyl alcohol, methylated spirit, turpentine or tarpin oil, naphtha, acetone etc. are widely used as solvents for oil paints, paint thinners, spray paints, varnishes etc.

Being volatile in nature, these solvents evaporate very fast even at ordinary temperature and can enter our body through respiratory system and get absorbed in the blood through our lungs.

In fact, these solvents may directly come in contact with our skin. Thus exposure to these solvent may cause serious damage to our body. The harmful effects caused by volatile solvents can be categorised into two groups

  1. Harmful effects due to short-term exposure and
  2. Harmful effects due to long-term exposure.

Harmful effects due to short term exposure to volatile solvents include

  1. Allergies,
  2. Headache,
  3. Asthma,
  4. Nausea and vomiting tendency,
  5. Drowsiness,
  6. Burning sensation in respiratory tract eyes, nose etc.

Harmful effects due to long term exposure to volatile solvents include

  1. Increased risk of cancer,
  2. Damage of kidneys and liver,
  3. Delayed childhood development and
  4. Damage of central nervous system.

Question 18. Mention the harmful effects of ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol and acetone when they are used as solvents.


Harmful Effects Of Ethyl Alcohol:

It is used as a solvent for different medicines. On entering the human body, it affects the nervous system. Thus, transmission of nervous impulse across the body gets disrupted and the person suffers from dizziness, Ethyl alcohol also reacts with some medicines and cause adverse side effects.

Harmful Effects Of Methyl Alcohol:

Methyl alcohol (CH3OH) is a volatile toxic compound and it decomposes to form formaldehyde (HCHO). If 10 mL CH3OH enters into the body, it may cause blindness due to the effect of HCHO, if 30 mL enters, the person may become unconscious and if 100 mL enters the body, the person may even die.

Harmful Effects Of Acetone:

If excess acetone enters into the body through respiration, then it may lead to temporary nervous breakdown.

Question 19. Mention the harmful effects of chloroform and kerosfene when they are used as solvents.


Harmful Effects Of Chloroform:

Excess chloroform on entering the body through respiration, paralyses the central nervous system. It can even cause cardiac problems leading to death. In presence of light and air, chloroform gets oxidised to form poisonous carbonyl chloride or phosgene (COCI2) gas.

Harmful Effects Of Kerosene:

Kerosene has a suffocating and choking odour and it adversely affects living organisms.

Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic D Crystallisation Motion Of ParticlesIn Solution And Different Solvents Other Than Water Very Short Answer Type Questions Choose The Correct Answers

Question 1. Brownian motion of colloidal particles is caused due to

  1. Convection
  2. Attraction between the particles of dispersed phase and dispersion medium
  3. Unequal collision between the particles of dispersed phase and dispersion medium
  4. Change in temperature

Answer: 3. Unequal collision between the particles of dispersed phase and dispersion medium

Question 2. The correct order for diffusion is

  1. Solid > liquid > gas
  2. Liquid > solid > gas
  3. Gas > solid > liquid
  4. Gas > liquid > solid

Answer: 4. Gas > liquid > solid

Question 3. The Brownian motion of colloidal particles indicates

  1. Linear motion
  2. Circular motion
  3. Spiral motion
  4. Random motion

Answer: 4. Random motion

Question 4. Which of the following is not an organic solvent?

  1. Liquid ammonia
  2. Benzene
  3. Chloroform
  4. Acetone

Answer: 1. Liquid ammonia

Question 5. Which of the following substances cannot form crystals by sublimation?

  1. Iodine
  2. Ammonium chloride
  3. Sodium chloride
  4. Benzoic acid

Answer: 3. Sodium chloride

Question 6. Just before crystallisation, the solution somewhat becomes

  1. Saturated
  2. Unsaturated
  3. Supersaturated
  4. Precipitated

Answer: 3. Supersaturated

Question 7. An example of a crystalline solid is

  1. Glass
  2. Wax
  3. Pitch
  4. Common salt

Answer: 4. Common salt

Question 8. An example of an amorphous solid is

  1. Sugar
  2. Salt
  3. Glass
  4. Blue vitriol

Answer: 3. Glass

Question 9. Which of the following is a method of crystallisation?

  1. Sublimation
  2. Filtration
  3. Fractional distillation
  4. Decantation

Answer: 1. Sublimation

Question 10. Mixing of the solute and solvent particles due to continuous, random motion of the particles is known as

  1. Osmosis
  2. Diffusion
  3. Effusion
  4. Distillation

Answer: 2. Diffusion

Question 11. An example of an organic solvent is

  1. Water
  2. Liquid ammonia
  3. Acetone
  4. Liquid SO2

Answer: 3. Acetone

Question 12. An inorganic solvent except water is

  1. Chloroform
  2. Kerosene
  3. Liquid ammonia
  4. Ethyl alcohol

Answer: 3. Liquid ammonia

Question 13. An example of lyophilic sol is

  1. Gold sol
  2. Silver sol
  3. Sulphur sol
  4. Starch sol

Answer: 4. Sulphur sol

Question 14. An example of a lyophobic sol is

  1. Ferric hydroxide sol
  2. Starch sol
  3. Gelatin
  4. Soap

Answer: 1. Ferric hydroxide sol

Question 15. In which of the following diffusion does not take place?

  1. Hydrogen and nitrogen
  2. Oxygen and water
  3. NaCI and Na2SO4
  4. Sugar and water

Answer: 3. NaCI and Na2SO4

Question 16. In which of the following, there is no water of crystallisation?

  1. Blue vitriol
  2. Borax
  3. Washing soda
  4. Sugar

Answer: 4. Sugar

Question 17. Anhydrous copper sulphate, by nature, is

  1. Deliquescent
  2. Hygroscopic
  3. Supersaturated
  4. None of these

Answer: 2. Hygroscopic

Question 18. The residual solution after separating the crystal by crystallisation is

  1. Saturated
  2. Unsaturated
  3. Supersaturated
  4. Colloid

Answer: 1. Saturated

Question 19. Inorganic, non-aqueous solvent is

  1. Chloroform
  2. Liquid CO2
  3. Ethanol
  4. Kerosene

Answer: 2. Liquid CO2

Question 20. Universal solvent is

  1. Alcohol
  2. Water
  3. Ether
  4. All of the above

Answer: 2. Water

Question 21. Which solvent is used to remove nail polish?

  1. Ethyl alcohol
  2. Methyl alcohol
  3. Acetone
  4. Tarpene oil

Answer: 3. Acetone

Question 21. Crystal without water of crystallisation is

  1. Common salt
  2. Blue vitriol
  3. Alum
  4. Epsom salt

Answer: 1. Common salt

Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic D Crystallisation Motion Of ParticlesIn Solution And Different Solvents Other Than Water Answer In Brief

Question 1. Define water of crystallisation.

Answer: One or more than one water molecule attached to the crystals of certain compounds on which the colour and shape of the crystal largely depend is known as water of crystallisation.

Question 2. Write the formula of common alum.

Answer: The formula of common alum is K2SO4 – AI2(SO4)3– 24H2O.

Question 3. Why does diffusion take place in a solution?

Answer: Diffusion takes place due to continuous random motion of solute and solvent particles in a solution.

Question 4. What is the effect of temperature on diffusion of a liquid?

Answer: With the rise in temperature, diffusion in a liquid occurs at a faster rate.

Question 5. Give some examples of organic solvents.

Answer: Ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol, acetone, chloroform, kerosene, carbon tetrachloride etc., are some examples of organic solvents.

Question 6. Give some examples of inorganic solvents other than water.

Answer: Some examples of inorganic solvents other than water are liquid ammonia, liquid nitrogen dioxide, liquid sulphur dioxide etc.

Question 7. Name a poisonous organic solvent.

Answer: Methyl alcohol

Question 8. Name an organic solvent which is actually a mixture.

Answer: Kerosene is an organic solvent which is actually a mixture of hydrocarbons.

Question 9. Which volatile solvent acts as a anaesthetic?

Answer: Chloroform is used as anaesthetic.

Question 10. Give an example of a solvent which can dissolve both of sulphur and phosphorous.

Answer: Carbon disulphide (CS2).

Question 11. Name two non-aqueous solvent.

Answer: Ethyl alcohol and chloroform.

Question 12. Name a crystal containing water of crystallisation.

Answer: Hypo or sodium thiosulphate (Na2S2O3 – 5H2O).

Question 13. Name the solvent used in paint and varnish.

Answer: Methylated spirit, tarpene oil, naptha, acetone etc.

Question 14. Give an example of efflorescent crystal.

Answer: Blue vitriol or blue stone i.e. CuSO4, 5H2O is an example of efflorescent crystal.

Question 15. Give an example of a crystal which control water of crystallisation but is not an efflorescent one.

Answer: Common alum [K2SO4 – AI2(SO4)3– 24H2O].

Question 16. What happens when blue vitriol is heated over 250°C?

Answer: Water of crystallisation of blue vitriol crystal evaporated upon heating over 250°C to produce white powder of amorphous copper sulphate.

Question 17. Mention the number of water of crystallisation in common alum.

Answer: 24

Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic D Crystallisation Motion Of ParticlesIn Solution And Different Solvents Other Than Water Fill In the Blanks

Question 1. The size of a crystal depends upon the _______ and _______ of the constituent atoms or particles present in the crystal.

Answer: Size, arrangement

Question 2. Glass is a/an _______ solid.

Answer: Amorphous

Question 3. Acetone is an example of ________

Answer: Organic

Question 4. Number of water of crystallisation in glauber Salt is ______

Answer: 10

Question 5. Example of a crystalline compound without water of crystallisation is _________

Answer: Sodium chloride

Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic D Crystallisation Motion Of ParticlesIn Solution And Different Solvents Other Than Water State Whether True Or False

Question 1. Brownian motion of colloidal particles is continuous and random in nature.

Answer: True

Question 2. In diffusion, the solute particles move from a region of higher concentration to lower concentration.

Answer: True

Question 3. Methyl alcohol on entering the body decomposes to form acetaldehyde.

Answer:  False

Question 4. Chloroform is a volatile solvent which is oxidised to form the toxic compound, phosgene.

Answer: True

Question 5. Seed crystals can accelerate the process of crystallisation of gemstones.

Answer: True

Question 6. Sublimation is a method of crystallisation.

Answer: True

Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic D Crystallisation Motion Of ParticlesIn Solution And Different Solvents Other Than Water Miscellaneous Type Questions

Match The Column


WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic D Match The Column 1

Answer: 1.D, 2. C, 3. A, 4. B


WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 Physical Science Chapter 4 Matter Solution Topic D Match The Column 2

Answer: 1. B, 2. D, 3. A, 4. C