WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 9 Continent Of Asia Topic D Oil Field Of South West Asia

Chapter 9 Topic D Oil Field Of South West Asia Analytical Type Questions

Question 1. Write about the oil-producing countries of South-West Asia.

Oil-producing countries of south-west Asia:

The oil-producing countries of South-West Asia are-

  1. Saudi Arabia
  2. Iran
  3. Iraq
  4. Kuwait
  5. Oman
  6. Qatar
  7. United Arab Emirates
  8. Syria, etc.

The discussion on the oilfields of these oil-producing countries is as follows-

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography

1. Saudi Arabia:

Saudi Arabia is the most important petroleum-producing country of South-West Asia. It has 26% of the world’s petroleum reserves. The oilfields of this country are-

  1. Ghawar (largest oilfield in the world),
  2. Abqaiq
  3. Ain Dar
  4. Dhahran
  5. Safaniya
  6. Manifa.

2. Iran: The noteworthy oilfields of Iran are-

  1. Masjid-i-Sulaiman
  2. Shahr (Naft-i-Shah)
  3. Aghajari
  4. Haft kol
  5. Gachsaran
  6. Lali

3. Iraq: The noteworthy oilfields of Iraq are-

  1. Kirkuk
  2. Mosul.

4. Kuwait: The oilfields of Kuwait are-

  1. Burgan
  2. Aaljara
  3. Magwa-All Hamadi.

5. Qatar: The oilfields of this country are-

  1. Jebel Dukhan
  2. Id-al-Sharqi.

6. United Arab Emirates: The oilfields of this country are-

  1. Murban
  2. Amirshahi


WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 9 Continent Of Asia Topic D Oil Field Of South West Asia Oil producing areas of south west Asia


7. Oman: The noteworthy oilfield of Oman is-

  1. Natin.

8. Syria: The oilfields of Syria are-

  1. Omar
  2. Al-jab.


Chapter 9 Topic D Oil Field Of South West Asia Short Analytical Type Questions

Question 1. Name the petroleum-producing countries of South-West Asia.

The petroleum-producing countries of South-West Asia:

South-West Asia comprises of the world’s best petroleum-rich countries.

  1. The main petroleum producing countries are-Saudi Arabia,
  2. Iran,
  3. Kuwait,
  4. Qatar,
  5. United Arab Emirates,
  6. Oman,
  7. Bahrain,
  8. Iraq,
  9. Syria, etc.

Question 2. State the importance of the South- west Asian countries in petroleum production.

The importance of the South- west Asian countries in petroleum production:

South-West Asia is the world’s largest petroleum-rich region. These countries have great importance in the global trade.

The eight countries of southwest Asia constitute about 60% of the world’s total petroleum reserve and produce about 30% of the world’s total petroleum. As these countries have very less populations, their internal demand is also less.

The primary member countries of the petroleum export trade controlling organisations i.e. OPEC and OAPEC are the South-West Asian countries.

Question 3. Write a short note on OPEC. Or, What is OPEC?


The full form of OPEC is ‘The organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries’. OPEC was founded by 5 petroleum-producing countries in 1960. Its headquarter is located in Vienna (the capital of Austria). At present, the organisation has 13 members.

They are-

  1. Saudi Arabia
  2. Kuwait
  3. Iran
  4. United Arab Emirates
  5. The Republic of the Congo
  6. Libya
  7. Nigeria
  8. Algeria
  9. Angola
  10. Iraq
  11. Venezuela
  12. Gabon and
  13. Equatorial Guinea.

Its main objectives are-

  1. To coordinate and unify petroleum policies among member countries,
  2. To keep a regular, efficient and economic supply of petroleum to all-consuming nations,
  3. To secure a fair return on capital to those investing in the industry,
  4. To secure fair and stable prices for petroleum producers.

Question 4. Which regions are included in the petroleum production belt in Saudi Arabia?

Regions are included in the petroleum production belt in Saudi Arabia:

The world’s second-largest petroleum-producing country is Saudi Arabia. The petroleum-producing regions in Saudi Arabia are located in the interior of the country and the continental shelf of its neighbouring Persian Gulf.

Out of these, the maximum production of petroleum comes from the eastern part i.e. the Hasa region. The onshore petroleum mining regions are-

  1. Ghawar
  2. Abqaiq
  3. Ain Dar
  4. Abu Hadriyah
  5. Khursani yah
  6. Dammam
  7. Qatif
  8. Dhahran, etc.

Among the offshore petroleum fields in the continental shelf region of the Persian Gulf,

  1. Safaniya,
  2. Abu Safah and
  3. Manifa are worth mentioning.

Question 5. Name the oil mines of Iran.

Oil mines of Iran:

According to the latest data, Iran ranks fourth in the world in petroleum production. Most of the petroleum mines in Iran are located in the southwestern part of the country i.e. in the region of Khuzestan.

The centres of oil production are-

  1. Masjid-i-Sulaiman,
  2. Aghajari,
  3. Gachsaran,
  4. Haft Kol,
  5. Lali,
  6. Ahvaz,
  7. Naft Shahr (Naft-i-shah),
  8. Maidan-i-Naftun, etc.

Oil is also mined in the Qom or Qum region in Southern Tehran.

Question 6. What are the petroleum-producing regions of the United Arab Emirates?

The petroleum-producing regions of the United Arab Emirates:

The world’s seventh-largest petroleum-producing country is the United Arab Emirates. Among the states in United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah are famous for petroleum production.

The important producing regions here are-

  1. Zakum,
  2. Asab,
  3. Murban,
  4. Bu Hasa,
  5. Huwaila,
  6. Amirshahi.

Question 7. Write a short note on Ghawar.


Ghawar is located in the eastern part of Saudi Arabia, a little away from the coasts of the Persian Gulf. The region is very important as-

  1. It is very rich in petroleum resources. The length of the petroleum field located here is more than 220 kilometres.
  2. This is the world’s largest petroleum mining area. Petroleum reserves in Ghawar are equal to the total petroleum reserves in the entire United States of America.
  3. The petroleum produced here is exported to different countries in Europe, North America and Asia.
  4. An average of 50 lakh barrels of petroleum is produced here every day.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 9 Continent Of Asia Topic D Oil Field Of South West Asia Ghawar petroleum mines


Question 8. Write a short note on Safaniya.


Safaniya, located in the eastern part of Saudi Arabia is at a distance of 265 km north of Dhahran (located on the coast of the Persian Gulf). Safaniya is an important petroleum mine as-

  1. It is the largest offshore oil mine in the world.
  2. It has a reserve of about 37 billion barrels of petroleum and 5360 billion cubic feet of natural gas.
  3. The petroleum produced here is exported to different countries in Europe, North America and Asia.
  4. An average of 12 lakh barrels of petroleum is produced here every day.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 9 Continent Of Asia Topic D Oil Field Of South West Asia Safaniya

Chapter 9 Topic D Oil Field Of South West Asia Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. What are the uses of petroleum?

The various uses of petroleum in various sectors are-

  1. Industry: Petroleum is used as fuel and lubricant in industries.
  2. Transport: Petroleum by-products like diesel, petrol, and gasoline is used in all types of transport.
  3. Agriculture: Petroleum is indispensable in operating tractors, harvesters, reapers, and pump machines.
  4. Production of thermal electricity: Petroleum is used in the production of thermal electricity.
  5. Petrochemical industry: The petrochemical industry uses various by-products of petroleum.
  6. Household: Petroleum as a fuel is used in many household activities, such as cooking.

Question 2. Why is most of the oil produced in South-West Asia exported?

Most of the oil produced in South-West Asia exported:

South-West Asia is not much densely populated. Thus, the demand for mineral oil in this region is not high. Thus, the maximum amount of the oil produced in this region is exported.


Multiple Choice Questions Choose The Correct Option

Question 1. The world’s second-largest producer of oil is-

  1. Iran
  2. Iraq
  3. Saudi Arabia

Answer: 3. Saudi Arabia

Question 2. Safaniya field, the world’s largest offshore oil field is located in-

  1. Iran
  2. United Arab Emirates
  3. Saudi Arabia

Answer: 3. Saudi Arabia

Question 3. The main oil-producing centre in Iraq is-

  1. Mosul
  2. Kirkuk
  3. Haifa

Answer: 2. Kirkuk

Question 4. The world’s largest onshore oilfield is at-

  1. Ghawar
  2. Safaniya
  3. Abu Dhabi

Answer: 1. Ghawar

Question 5. The world’s largest offshore oilfield is at-

  1. Ghawar
  2. Abqaiq
  3. Safaniya

Answer: 3. Safaniya

Question 6. One of the world’s largest oil refineries is at-

  1. Kirkuk
  2. Ghawar
  3. Abadan

Answer: 3. Abadan

Question 7. The capital of the petroleum-rich country of the United Arab Emirates is-

  1. Muscat
  2. Sharjah
  3. Abu Dhabi

Answer: 3. Abu Dhabi


Chapter 9 Topic D Oil Field Of South West Asia Very Short Answer Type Questions Fill In The Blanks

Question 1. The headquarter of OPEC is located in ________.
Answer: Vienna

Question 2. The world’s second-largest oil-producing country is ________.
Answer: Saudi Arabia

Question 3. The world’s largest oil-producing centre is at ________ in Saudi Arabia.
Answer: Ghawar

Question 4. Lali oilfield is located in ________.
Answer: Iran

Question 5. The world’s largest onshore oil mine is at ________.
Answer: Ghawar

Question 6. The world’s largest offshore oilfield is at ________.
Answer: Safaniya

Question 7. Most of the oil mines of south-west Asia are located on the banks of the ________.
Answer: Persian Gulf

Question 8. The capital of Iraq is ________.
Answer: Baghdad

Question 9. The capital of Iraq is situated on the banks of river ________.
Answer: Tigris

Question 10. The first oil-producing centre in Saudi Arabia is ________.
Answer: Dammam


Chapter 9 Topic D Oil Field Of South West Asia Write True or False

Question 1. The world’s largest oil mine is Ghawar.
Answer: True

Question 2. The largest country by area in southwest Asia is Saudi Arabia.
Answer: True

Question 3. The largest petroleum-producing field in Iran is at Abadan.
Answer: False

Question 4 Basrah is an important petroleum-producing region in Iraq.
Answer: True

Question 5. The most petroleum-rich country of South- west Asia is Kuwait.
Answer: False

Question 6. The Persian Gulf and its coastal areas are the world’s largest source of oil.
Answer: True

Question 7. Ghawar in Saudi Arabia is the world’s largest offshore oilfield.
Answer: False

Question 8. Bahregan is an important oilfield in Iran.
Answer: True

Question 9. Abu Safah is an important offshore oilfield in Saudi Arabia.
Answer: True

Question 10. Al Ahmadi is the largest oil field in Iraq.
Answer: False

Question 11. 30% of the world’s total petroleum production comes from southwest Asia.
Answer: True

Question 12. OPEC control’s the price of petroleum in the of river world market.
Answer: True


Chapter 9 Topic D Oil Field Of South West Asia Match The Columns

1.WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 9 Continent Of Asia Topic D Oil Field Of South West Asia Match the Columns

Answer: 1. D, 2. E, 3. A, 4. C, 5. F, 6. B


Answer In One Or Two Words

Question 1. Which is the second largest oil-producing country in the world?
Answer: Saudi Arabia.

Question 2. Give the abbreviation for the organization named ‘Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.
Answer: OPEC.

Question 3. What is the total number of members of OPEC at present?
Answer: 13.

Question 4. Where is the headquarter of OPEC situated?
Answer: Vienna, Austria.

Question 5. Which is the largest oilfield of Iraq?
Rumaila oilfield.

Question 6. Which is the world’s largest onshore oil mining region?

Question 7. Which is the largest offshore oilfield in the world?
Answer: Safaniya oilfield.

Question 8. Which is the largest oil refinery in Iran?
Abadan Refinery.

Question 9. In which country of the middle east is the world’s largest oil refinery situated?
Answer: Kuwait.


Chapter 9 Topic D Oil Field Of South West Asia Miscellaneous Type Questions Find The Odd One Out

Question 1. Indus civilisation Egyptian civilisation: Sumerian civilisation: Chinese civilisation
Answer: Egyptian civilisation (not a civilisation of Asia)

Question 2. Indian Ocean: Pacific Ocean: Arctic Ocean: Atlantic Ocean
Answer: Atlantic Ocean (not an ocean that bounds Asia)

Question 3. Arabian Plateau: Brazilian Plateau: Deccan Plateau Indo-China Plateau
Answer: Brazilian Plateau (not a plateau of Asia)

Question 4. Yangtze Kiang Si Kiang: Hwang Ho : Amu Darya
Answer: Amu Darya (not a river of China).

Question 5. Mahogany: Rosewood: Olive: Rubber
Answer: Olive (not a free of the equatorial climatic region)

Question 6. Tokyo: Yokohoma: Chiba : Shanghai
Answer: Shanghai (not a city of Japan)

Question 7. India Saudi Arabia: Iran Iraq
Answer: India (not a country of South- west Asia)


Correct The Following

Question 1. The largest forest in the world is the Selva forest.
Answer: Taiga

Question 2. Tibet is called the ‘Roof of the World’.
Answer: Pamir

Question 3. Lake Superior is the largest lake in the world.
Answer: Caspian Sea

Question 4. Pontic Mountain radiates from the Pamir Knot.
Answer: Armenian Knot

Question 5. Hwang Ho is the longest river in Asia.
Answer: Yangtze Kiang

Question 6. The climate of Singapore is of Mediterranean-type.
Answer: Equatorial

Question 7. Ichang province is called the ‘Granary of China.
Answer: Hunan

Question 8. Safaniya is the world’s largest oilfield.
Answer: Ghawar


Chapter 9 Topic D Oil Field Of South West Asia Who Am I

Question 1. I am a large continental landmass formed by combining the landmasses of Europe and Asia. Who am I?
Answer: Eurasia

Question 2. I am a plateau located approximately in the middle of the continent of Asia. I am also known as ‘Roof of the World’. Who am I?
Answer: Pamir Plateau

Question 3. The Pontic, Taurus, Elburz, and Zagros Mountain Ranges have radiated from me. Who am I?
Answer: Armenian Knot

Question 4. I am a remnant of an ancient plateau lying across the Arabian Peninsula. Who am I?
Answer: Arabian Plateau

Question 5. I am the lowest place on Earth. I am also called the Salt Sea. Who am I?
Answer: Dead Sea

Question 6. Floods were frequent in China due to me. I am known as the ‘Sorrow of China’. Who am 1?
Answer: Hwang Ho River

Question 7. Heavy convectional rainfall occurs every afternoon in me. Which region am I?
Answer: Equatorial region

Question 8. I am the longest river in Asia and the third longest in the world. Who am I?
Answer: Yangtze Kiang

Question 9. I am the principal centre of the cotton textile industry in China. Who am I?
Answer: Shanghai

Question 10. My river basin has fertile soil and a large variety of crops are grown abundantly. I am the ‘Granary of China’. Who am I?
Answer: Middle Yangtze Basin

Question 11. I am known as the ‘Holland of China’. Who am I?
Answer: Yangtze Kiang River Delta

Question 12. I am the longest man-made canal in the world. I am situated in China. Who am I?
Answer: Grand Canal

Question 13. I am the capital of Japan. I am not only the largest city in Japan but also in the world in terms of population. Who am I?
Answer: Tokyo

Question 14. I have been selected as an ideal eco-friendly city by the Japanese Government. Who am I?
Answer: Yokohama

Question 15. I am the world’s largest onshore oil field, located on the Persian Gulf. Who am I?
Answer: Ghawar

Question 16. I am the world’s largest offshore oil field. Who am I?
Answer: Safaniya

Question 17. I was formed with 12 countries from South- west Asia. My role is to fix the price of petroleum and ascertain its supply in the world market. Who am I?
Answer: OPEC


Chapter 9 Topic D Oil Field Of South West Asia Fill Up The Blanks In The Knowledge Hive

Question 1. Fill up the knowledge hive information on OPEC.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 9 Continent Of Asia Topic D Oil Field Of South West Asia OPEC


1. OPEC was formed in September 1960.
2. At present OAPEC has 13 countries as its members.
3. These countries export about 77% of petroleum in the world.
4. The chief administrative centre of OPEC is situated in Vienna in Austria.
5. The organisation determines the price of petroleum in the world market.


Scrambled Words





Chapter 9 Topic D Oil Field Of South West Asia Answer With Reference To The Illustration

Question 1. Show the mountains radiating from the Armenian Knot.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 9 Continent Of Asia Topic D Oil Field Of South West Asia Armenian Knot


1. Pontic
2. Taurus
3. Elburz
4. Zagros

Question 2. Show the mountains radiating from the Pamir Knot.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 9 Continent Of Asia Topic D Oil Field Of South West Asia Pamir Knot


1. Hindu Kush
2. Suleiman
3. Tien Shan
4. Altyn Tagh
5. Kunlun
6. Karakoram
7. Himalayas


Chapter 9 Topic D Oil Field Of South West Asia Crossword

Question 1.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 9 Continent Of Asia Topic D Oil Field Of South West Asia Crossword



1. Highest mountain range in the world.
2. The Indus Valley Civilisation centred around this river.
3. Sorrow of China. 5. This plateau is known as the “Roof of the World”.


4. Largest lake in the world.
6. A junction of numerous mountain ranges.


Across: 4. CASPIAN SEA, 6. KNOT

Question 2.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 9 Continent Of Asia Topic D Oil Field Of South West Asia Crossword.




2. This river along with the Euphrates was the cradle of Mesopotamian Civilisation.
4. Largest coniferous forest in the world.


1. Longest river in Asia.
3. The longest river in southwest Asia.
5. Yellow River.


Down: 2. TIGRIS, 4. TAIGA


Chapter 9 Topic D Oil Field Of South West Asia Advanced Questions And Answers

  1. Question 1. Which region is called the ‘Heart of Asia’ and why?
    Answer: The Central Highlands of Asia is called the ‘Heart of Asia’. The region is called so because of the following reasons-It constitutes 40% of the total area of Asia.
  2. It extends from the Mediterranean Coast in the west to the coastal plains of the East China Sea in the east and from the Himalayas in the south to Yablonoi and Stanovoy Mountains in the north.
  3. Most of the mountains and mountain ranges, and ancient plateaus of Asia originate from here.
  4. Most of the chief rivers of Asia originate from this region.


Chapter 9 Topic D Oil Field Of South West Asia Formative


Interpretation And Application

This segment will test whether the students have understood the topics, or whether they are just mugging up.

Question 1. “Continent of Asia: Cradle of Civilisation”-Explain.
Answer: Asia is one of the diverse continents with respect to races, religions, castes, cultures and livelihoods. Riverine civilisations had developed in this continent about 3500-5000 years before the birth of Christ.

These include Harappa, Mohenjodaro and the Indus Valley Civilisation. The Mesopotamian civilisation along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers is also notable. The Hwang Ho River Valley was the foundation of Chinese Civilisation.

Thus the continent of Asia is called the ‘cradle of civilisation’ or the birthplace of civilisation.


Aesthetics And Creativity

This segment will check the aesthetic sense and creativity of the students.

Question 1. The climate of southwest Asian countries is very hot and dry. But, huge metropolitan cities have developed here. Compose a paragraph on how it has been possible.

The development of huge metropolitan cities is the countries of south-west Asia:

The climate of southwest Asian countries is very hot and dry. Vegetation is almost non-existent. Only deserts exist. Agricultural activity is almost non-existent in this region.

In such a hostile environment, human settlement was very negligible. Petroleum reserves were discovered here in the beginning of the last century.

After the discovery of huge reserves of petroleum, there has been a drastic change in the economy in this region. There is a huge reserve of oil in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, UAE, etc.

Saudi Arabia alone contains 15.7% of the world’s crude oil reserves. There is a low demand of oil in this region due to the low population. That is why most of the mineral oil is exported abroad.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 9 Continent Of Asia Topic D Oil Field Of South West Asia Olifields in Saudi Arabia

For this reason, the countries of southwest Asia earn a lot of money from trade. So, people here live a very luxurious life. As a result, Huge cities have sprung up in the vicinity of the oilfields.

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