Chapter 5 Environment And Its Resources Summary
- Natural resources are those which are used for the wellbeing of mankind.
- They are the Istock of nature such as air, water, soil, coal, minerals, animals and plants that are useful to mankind in many ways.
- On the basis of the chances of recovery, natural resources can be categorized as:
1. Renewable resources (sunlight, air, wind, water etc.)
2. Non-renewable resources (coal, petroleum etc.). - Some common problems of degradation of resources by improper utilisation are-soil erosion and desertification, water logging and soil salinity, Deforestation etc.
- Water is renewable natural resource.
- Rain water harvesting is essential because surface water is inadequate to meet our demand and we have to depend on ground water.
- But excess use of ground water may decrease the level of it.
- Sometimes the lower level of ground water polluted by arsenic contamination.
- The one and only way to avoid these hazards is to harvest rain water.
- Food is one of the most important natural resource for all living organism.
- The different sources of food for human consumptions are plants and domestic animals.
- The alternative food resources offer a diverse profile in terms of availability, nutrition and other important uses.
- Example: Insects, single cell protein, etc.
- The underlying reasons behind the food scarcity around the world are proverty, inequal distribution of crops, corruption, national policies, etc. ound the word are pro Energy resources are of two types-Conventional (coal, petroleum) and Non-conventional (solar energy, wind power, etc).
- Excess use of energy from conventional sources may lead towards the scarcity of these resources.
- So we have to plan for different resources like non conventional sources to meet the excess demand of energy.
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Chapter 5 Environment And Its Resources Natural Resources And Its Sustainable Use Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. What do you mean by resources?
Resources are anything that available to fulfill human needs. It should be easily accessible, economically feasible, socially and culturally acceptable.
Question 2. What is meant by natural resources?
Natural Resources:-
Natural resources are those components, which occur in nature, are invaluable for humans and on which our survival depends.
WBBSE Class 9 Natural Resources Solutions
Question 3. What is meant by sustainable development?
Sustainable Development:-
Sustainable development is the developmental process that meets the demand of the present, without destroying the scope of the future generation to meet their needs. In this process, industrial, agricultural and other developmental processes are carried out without causing any harm to the environment.
Question 4. Why the sustainable development is necessary?
Sustainable Development Is Necessary:-
The natural resources that are present in our environment are continuously being utilized to maintain human lifestyle. With the advancement of human civilization and increase in population, these resources are being misused and wasted, rather than utilized.
As a result, scientists and environmentalists have been trying to adopt measures to conserve these resources and save the environment, and subsequently carrying out all activities necessary for human development. For this reason, sustainable development is necessary.
WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Solutions
Question 5. What do you mean by forest?
A forest is defined as a large area of land, that is covered with trees as well as other woody and non-woody vegetation. Forests are the predominant terrestrial ecosystem of earth and are distributed across the globe.
Question 6. What do you mean by sustainable forestry? Give an example.
Sustainable Forestry:
The practice of regulating forest resources to meet the needs of society and industry while preserving the forest.
Sustainable forestry involve the planting of trees to extend forest lands, as well as the creation of protected forests that provide safe habitats for various plant and animal species.
Question 7. Why is forest considered as a resource?
Forest Considered As A Resource:-
Forest plays important roles in improving the socio-economic condition of a country.
They are:
1. Forest serves as a source of raw materials for various industries.
2. Forest serves as an important source of timber, which is used for making houses, furniture, boats etc.
3. Forest serves as an important source for honey, latex, resin and other medicinal plants.
4. Forest plays an important role in the conservation of biodiversity, regulation of climate and prevention of soil erosion. For these reasons forest is considered as an important natural resource.
Key Questions on Sustainable Use of Natural Resources for Class 9
Question 8. What is meant by forest conservation?
Forest Conservation:-
Forest conservation is the practice of maintaining forested areas for the benefit and sustainability of future generations. By this process, over-utilization and improper use of forest resource is prevented and the biodiversity is conserved as well.
Question 9. What is a water cycle?
Water Cycle:-
Surface water from seas, lakes etc. evaporates to form water vapour and rises upwards. Transpiration by plants also contributes to this. This water vapour mixes with dust particles and combine with each other to form clouds.
The clouds precipitate on the earth as rain, which mixes with rivers and streams and ultimately reverts back to sea. This continuous cyclic flow of water is known as water cycle.
Practice Questions for Chapter 5 Natural Resources
Question 10. Write down two important effects of water cycle?
Important Effects Of Water Cycle:-
1. It maintains water balance between landmass and water bodies.
2. It maintains the supply of drinking water and surface water.
Question 11. What is groundwater?
The water present beneath the surface of the large fractures of rocks, is known as groundwater.
WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Solutions
Question 12. What is drinking water?
Drinking Water:-
The water that is safe enough for drinking and food preparation and does not cause any harm to human being, is known as drinking water. Drinking water is also known as potable water.
Question 13. What do you mean by over-utilization of water?
Over-Utilization Of Water:-
The water, collected from the surface and indiscriminately. This is known as over-utilization of water.
Question 14. Give examples of over-utilization of water.
Examples Of Over-Utilization Of Water:-
Overutilization of water occurs in many ways, such as:
1. While brushing teeth, bathing and washing, leaving the tap running.
2. In urban areas, fresh water is suctioned from underground much more than its normal demands, thereby lowering the underground reserve of fresh water.
3. Agricultural fields are irrigated with underground water.
4. Large amount of water is exploited in various industries.
Question 15. Mention two causes of lowering of ground water level.
Causes Of Lowering Of Ground Water Level:-
Two causes of lowering of groundwater level are
1. The groundwater is suctioned in large quantity by means of motor pumps in order to meet human demands.
2. In rural areas, huge quantity of groundwater is being used for irrigation.
Question 16. Why is rain water considered pure as compared to the water of other water bodies?
Rain Water Considered Pure As Compared To The Water Of Other Water Bodies:-
Only the water particles present on the surface of water bodies evaporate and accumulate to form clouds, which comes down as rain. The mineral salts or the harmful pollutants present in the water bodies do not evaporate to form clouds.
As a result, these harmful particles do not come down with rain. So, rain water is considered pure as compared to the water of other water bodies.
WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Solutions
Question 17. What is meant by agriculture?
Scientific practice of farming, including cultivation of soil for growing economically. important crops and rearing of animals for food, wool, silk and other products, is called agriculture.
Question 18 What is meant by horticulture?
Horticulture is a branch of agriculture that includes the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, seeds medical plants, mushrooms, ornamental plants.
Question 19. What is aquaculture. Mention the relationship between aquaculture and pisciculture.
The farming of freshwater and salt water organisms such as finfish, molluscs, crustaceans and aquatic plants is called aquaculture.
Aquaculture is the farming of economically important aquatic organisms while pisciculture is mainly farming of eadible fishes. So pisciculture is considered as a part of aquaculture.
Important Concepts in Sustainable Resource Use for Class 9
Question 20 What is meant by pisciculture?
Pisciculture is a branch of agriculture that deals with the scientific practice of breeding, rearing and marketing of fish, prawn and other economically important aquatic animals.
Question 21 What is poultry farming?
Poultry Farming:-
Poultry farming is a branch of agriculture that deals with the scientific practice of breeding and rearing of birds like chicken, duck, quail, turkey etc. for meat and egg.
Question 22. What is meant by animal husbandry?
Animal Husbandry:-
Animal husbandry is the branch of agriculture that deals with the scientific practice of breeding and rearing of farm animals (cattle, sheep, poultry birds).
WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Solutions
Question 23. What are the main causes of food insecurity in India?
Main Causes Of Food Insecurity In India:-
In developing countries like India, the root causes of food insecurity include poverty, corruption, national policies that do not promote equal access to food for all, environmental degradation, barriers to trade, insufficient agricultural development, population growth, low levels of education, social and gender inequality, poor health status, cultural insensitivity, natural disasters etc.
Question 24. What do you understand by energy resources?
Energy Resources:-
Energy resources are the main sources of energy from which energy can be extracted and utilized for mankind.
Question 25. What is nuclear energy? What are the advantages of it?
Nuclear Energy:-
Nuclear energy: Nuclear energy, also called atomic energy, that is released in significant amount by the process that affect atomic nuclei, the dense core of atom. Nuclear energy has been released explosively by both nuclear fusion and nuclear fission.
Advantages Of Nuclear Energy:-
1. It produces as large amount of useful energy from a very small amount of a nuclear fuel.
2. Once the nuclear fuel is loaded into the reactor, the nuclear power plant can go on producing electricity for 2-3 years at a stretch. There is no need of feeding the fuel again and again.
3. It does not produce gases like CO2 or SO2.
Question 26. What is meant by energy crisis?
Energy Crisis:-
With the development of industry and upliftment of lifestyle, the utilization of energy has increased to a great extent. But the generation of energy has not been increased to meet up that demand. This situation has developed a worldwide problem, that is popularly known as energy crisis.
Question 27. Mention two common examples of wastage of electrical energy.
Examples Of Wastage Of Electrical Energy:-
1. Leaving the room, office, classrooms etc. with fans and lights switched on.
2. Keeping the street lights switched on during the daytime. These are two common examples of energy wastage.
Question 28. What is CNG and its uses?
Methane stored at high pressure is commonly known as Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), a fuel that can be used in place of gasoline, diesel and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).
1. It produces less pollutants than LPG.
2. It is cheaper and cleaner than LPG.
3. It mixes very easily with air than the other gaseous fuels.
4. Noise level is much less than diesel.
WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Solutions
Question 29. What is LPG and its uses?
Liquefied Petroleum Gas is a natural hydrocarbon fuel made up of propane and butane. When stored under pressure it becomes a dense liquid allowing large quantities of gas to be stored in a relatively small space. LPGs have a variety of uses including cooking/heating fuel, refinery feedstock, automotive power, etc.
Mainly used for cooking heating, commercial appliances. It is affordable, safe and heating. It is effective source for household cleaner energy sources for cooking and space energy.
Understanding Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources for Solutions
Question 30. What is a renewable natural resource?
Renewable Natural Resource:-
The renewable natural resources are those, which may drop quantitatively after being harvested but are replenished naturally after a certain period of time.
Examples: Trees of forest, population of fish, etc.
Question 31. What is a non-renewable natural resource?
Non-Renewable Natural Resource:-
The non-renewable natural resources are those, which drop quantitatively after utilization and are never replenished by means. Examples- Coal, petroleum, etc.
Question 32. How are different natural resources intimately connected with our existence on earth?
Different Natural Resources Intimately Connected With Our Existence On Earth As Follows:-
Forests, water, food and energy are the basic resources offered by nature. Forest acts as the habitat of life. It provides shelter to thousands of living organisms. Water is the main substance of life. Without water, no organism can survive. Food is the fuel of life, which provides energy that perpetuates life. Thus, natural resources are intimately connected with our survival on earth.
WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Question And Answer
Question 33. What is White revolution?
White Revolution:-
To achieve sustainability in milk production, an advanced cattle breeding programme has been undertaken. This programme is called ‘Operation flood. Now this drive has shown it’s success. This is known as white revolution.
Question 34 What is Blue revolution?
Blue Revolution:-
To achieve the target of feeding the growing population of India, modern techniques of fish culture have been developed. This programme is popularly known as blue revolution, which has successfully reached its goal.
Question 35 What is Green revolution?
Green Revolution:-
In the middle of sixties, in order to achieve sustainability in crop production, intensive agricultural management has been practiced by applying hybrid crops, proper application of fertilisers, agricultural equipments, proper irrigations etc. This is known as green revolution.
Sample Solutions from WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Chapter 5
Question 36. What is meant by food?
The edible matters, which are taken in by the living organisms for nutrition, growth, generation of heat for physiological processes and to develop immunity against diseases, are collectively called food.
Question 37. What is SCP?
Single cell protein (SCP) refers to the sources of mixed protein that has been extracted from pure or mixed culture of various microorganisms (such as algae, fungi or bacteria) and are used as protein-rich foods for human beings and animals. Example-Spirulina, Chlorella, Aspergillus, Yeast, Rhodobacter, etc.
WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Question And Answer
Question 38. SCP Spirulina tablets Mention different advantages of using SCP.
Different Advantages Of Using SCP:-
1. It has high protein and low fat content.
2. It is good source of vitamins particularly for vitamin B complex, e.g., yeast.
3. It can be produced throughout the year.
4. Waste materials are used as substrate for the production of these proteins. It reduces the environmental pollution and helps in recycling of materials.
5. Organisms containing SCP grow faster and produce large quantities of SCP from relatively small area of land and time.
6. It is genetically controlled.
7. It causes less pollution.
Chapter 5 Environment And Its Resources Natural Resources And Its Sustainable Use Answer In A Single Word Or Sentence
Question 1. Name two natural resources.
Answer: Forest and water
Question 2. What are the types of natural resources?
Natural resources are of two types:
1. Re-newable natural resources
2. Non- renewable resources.
Question 3. Name two renewable natural resources.
Answer: Water and wind
Question 4. Name two non-renewable natural resources.
Answer: Coal and petroleum
Question 5. In West Bengal, what percentage of land is under forest cover?
Answer: 16.5% of West Bengal is covered by forest.
Question 6. What percent of the total area of a country should be under forest cover?
Answer: 33% of the total area of a country should be under forest cover.
WB Class 9 Life Science Question Answer
Question 7. Name one economically important forest product.
Answer: Wood
Question 8. Name some products, which we get from the forest.
Answer: Honey, timber, latex, resin, etc.
Question 9. What is the best way to conserve biodiversity?
Answer: Afforestation is the best way to conserve biodiversity.
Concepts Related to Conservation of Natural Resources for Class 9 Solutions
Question 10. What is the medicinal utility of forest?
Answer: Forest comprises several varieties of medicinal herbs like gingko, ginger, garlic ginseng from which medicines are obtained.
Question 11. What is the main cause of deforestation?
Answer: Explosion of human population
Question 12. Write down one natural deforestation.
Answer: Forest fire
Question 13. Write down one man-made cause of deforestation.
Answer: Urbanization
Question 14. Which is the ‘natural buffer’ of an environment?
Answer: Forest is the environment ‘natural buffer’ of an
Question 15. How much water on the earth do we get as freshwater?
Answer: Only 2% of the total water on the earth is utilized as freshwater.
Question 16. In which two states of India, rain water harvesting is necessary.
Answer: In Rajasthan and Gujrat, rain water harvesting is necessary.
Question 17. By which natural process, earth gets freshwater?
Answer: Earth gets freshwater in the form of rain.
WB Class 9 Life Science Question Answer
Question 18. Which branch of economic botany includes the cultivation of medicinally important herbs?
Answer: Cultivation of medicinally important herbs is included under horticulture.
Question 19. In Gangetic plains, which is the main source of dietary protein?
Answer: Fish is the main source of dietary protein in the Gangetic plains.
Question 20. Which decade was famous for green revolution?
Answer: The decade of nineteen sixties was famous for green revolution.
Study Guide for Class 9 Life Science Natural Resources Questions
Question 21. Name of the food products of animal husbandry.
Answer: The food products of animal husbandry are. meat, milk and egg.
Question 22. Name two edible mushrooms.
Answer: Agaricus bisporus and Boletus edulis.
Question 23. Mention one cause of global food crisis.
Answer: Population explosion is an important cause of global food crisis..
Question 24. Give some examples of fossil fuel.
Answer: Coal, petroleum, natural gas, mineral oil, etc
Question 25. Mention one process of energy conservation in daily life.
Answer: Using LED bulbs instead of ordinary bulbs reduces energy consumption at least by \(\frac{2}{3}\)times.
Chapter 5 Environment And Its Resources Natural Resources And Its Sustainable Use Fill In Blanks
1. The litter on the forest floor, is partly decomposed to form sticky Humus
2. Gum arabic is used to prepare chewing gum.
3. Timber is the main economically important product of forest.
4. Rain water has a slightly Acidic pH.
5. Sago is extracted from Palm trees.
6. Coal, petroleum, natural gas are the conventional sources for Thermal power.
7. Transpiration by trees increases humidity of air.
8. Water is the conventional source for Hydel power.
Chapter 5 Environment And Its Resources Natural Resources And Its Sustainable Use State True Or False
Question 1. Forestation along the slope of watershed reduces the deposition silt in riverbed.
Answer: True
Question 2. Ecotourism is a productive aspect of forest, from which government earns huge amount of money.
Answer: True
WB Class 9 Life Science Question Answer
Question 3. Sago is a protein-rich matter.
Answer: False
Question 4. Due to deforestation, concentration of greenhouse gases increases in the atmosphere.
Answer: True
Question 5. Afforestation helps to reduce soil erosion.
Answer: False
Question 6. Rain water is generally free from germs and contaminants.
Answer: True
Question 7. Rain water harvesting is practiced in areas with excessive suspended particulate matters in air.
Answer: False
Question 8. Fossil fuels are renewable sources of energy.
Answer: False
Question 9. Fossil fuels include coal and natural gas only.
Answer: False
Question 10. Coal, natural gas, firewood are examples of non-conventional energy sources.
Answer: False
Chapter 5 Environment And Its Resources Natural Resources And Its Sustainable Use Match The Columns
Answer: 1-C; 2-E; 3-A; 4-B
Answer: 1-E; 2-C; 3-A; 4-B
Chapter 5 Environment And Its Resources Natural Resources And Its Sustainable Use Find The Odd One Out
Question 1. Development of environment, Sustainable use of resources, Destruction of environment, Tree plantation
Answer: Development of environment
Question 2. O2-CO2 balance, Honey collection, Prevent soil erosion, Forest fire
Answer: Forest fire
Question 3. Energy conservation, Deforestation, Soil erosion, Strom
Answer: Energy conservation
WB Class 9 Life Science Question Answer
Question 4. Environmental changes, Ecological destruction, Less rainfall, Arsenic pollution
Answer: Arsenic pollution
Question 5. Overgrazing, Urbanisation, Poaching, Erosion control
Answer: Erosion control
Chapter 5 Environment And Its Resources Natural Resources And Its Sustainable Use Fill In The Blanks By Looking At The First Pair
1. Development and environmental pollution : continuous development::Development without environment pollution: Suatainable development
2. Petroleum : Non-renewable resources : : Forest: Renewable resources
3. Cutting of trees : Deforestation :: Planting of trees: Afforestation
4. Increase in temperature on earth : Deforestation:: Erosion control: Tree plantation
5. Agriculture use maximum amount of water : 70%:: Drinking water: 1%
Chapter 5 Environment And Its Resources Natural Resources And Its Sustainable Use Among The Four Concepts Given Three Of Them Belong To One Find That
Question 1. Forest resources, Natural resources, Coal, Water resources
Answer: Natural Resources
Question 2. Control water level, Significance of forest, Production of honey, Supply of O2
Answer: Significance of forest resources
Question 3. Rain water, Water transport, Filtration, Rain water harvesting
Answer: Rain water harvesting