Chapter 2 Levels Of Organization Of Life Plant Tissue And Its Distribution
- In multicellular organisms, tissues can be observed.
- Tissue is a cellular organizational level between cells and a complete organ.
- A group of cells that possesses a similar structure and perform a specific function, is known as tissue.
- On the basis of the kind of cells present, the plant tissues are mainly of two types:
1. Meristematic tissue: The cells of this tissue divide actively.
2. Permanent tissue: The cells constituting this tissue, are completely grown and have lost the ability of division. - On the basis of the structure of constituting cells, permanent tissues are of two types:
1. Simple permanent tissue
2. Complex permanent tissue. - Simple permanent tissue consists of a group of cells that are similar in origin, structure and function.
- Simple permanent tissue can be of three types.
- They are-parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma.
- Complex permanent tissue composed of more than one type of cells which work together as a unit.
- The complex permanent tissue in plants is xylem and phloem.
- Xylem helps in conduction of water and solutes.
- The hard, lignified wall of the cells of xylem tissue signifies their mechanical property, leaves to different parts of the plant Phloem carries the food prepared by the leaves to different parts of the plant.
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Chapter 2 Levels Of Organization Of Life Plant Tissue And Its Distribution Answer In A Single Word Or Sentence
Question 1. Which type of meristem occurs along the longitudinal plane of the plant body?
Answer: Lateral meristem
Question 2. Which type of meristem is seen in the leaf- base of pine?
Answer: Intercalary meristem
Question 3. Which meristem helps in increasing the girth of the plant?
Answer: Lateral meristem
Question 4. Which type of tissue is the cork cambium?
Answer: Secondary meristematic tissue
Question 5. What is the other name for cork cambium?
Answer: Phellogen
Question 6. From which type of tissue does permanent tissue develop?
Answer: Permanent tissue develops from meristematic tissue.
Question 7. Which type of parenchyma is involved in holding photosynthesis within it?
Answer: Chlorenchyma
Question 8 How do the large air-filled intercellular spaces of parenchyma tissue in the petioles of the lotus plant help it?
Answer: The large air-filled intercellular spaces of parenchyma tissue in the petioles of the lotus plant help it to maintain its buoyancy and to float on water.
WBBSE Class 9 Plant Tissue Solutions
Question 9. Name the cells of parenchyma tissue in which plants store their excretory matter.
Answer: Idioblast cells of parenchyma tissue
Question 10. Identify the main types of tissue present in the pith of the stem and husk of a coconut,
Answer: In the pith of the stem, parenchyma tissue and in the husk of a coconut, sclerenchyma tissue is present.
Question 11. What is chlorenchyma?
Answer: The parenchyma tissue, carrying chloroplastids and acting as the site of photosynthesis is known as chlorenchyma.
Question 12. Which type of tissue in fruits forms roughage of our food diet?
Answer: Fruits containing sclerenchyma tissue, form roughage of our food diet.
Question 13. Which type of sclerenchyma cells makes the fruits like guava, pear, etc. harder?
Answer: Sclereid cells
Question 14. Which simple permanent tissue is responsible for adding mechanical strength to the plant body?
Answer: Sclerenchyma tissue
Question 15. Which tissue is predominant in a hard woody plant part?
Answer: Sclerenchyma tissue
Question 16. Which plant tissue is involved in the ascent of sap?
Answer: The xylem is involved in the ascent of sap.
Question 17: Which cells of the xylem exclusively provide mechanical support to the plant body?
Answer: Xylem fibres
Question 18 Which tissue is also known as a leptosome?
Answer: Phloem tissue
Question 19 Which cell of the phloem takes part in the transportation of food?
Answer: Sieve tubes
Question 20 Which cells do not directly take part in the transportation of food in plants but help in this process?
Answer: Companion cells
Question 21 What do companion cells do?
Answer: Companion cells play a supporting role in the conduction of food through sieve tubes.
Question 22 Which type of cambium is also known as fascicular cambium?
Answer: Vascular cambium
Question 23 What is dendrochronology?
Answer: The science that determines the age of a tree.
Question 24 What is meant by simple permanent tissue?
Answer: Simple permanent tissues consist of a group of similar types of cells performing the same function.
Question 25 What is sclerenchyma fibre?
Answer: Long and fine sclerenchyma cells, with pointed ends and pitted walls, are known as sclerenchyma fibres.
Question 26 Where do sclerenchyma cells occur?
Answer: Sclerenchyma cells occur in the hypodermis and pericycle of the stem. These are seen in a vascular bundle and bundle cap of dicot plants.
Question 27 Define Xylem.
Answer: Xylem is a complex tissue that is a part of the vascular bundle which is responsible for water conduction and the formation of the woody part of the stem.
Question 28 Write down the distribution of the xylem.
Answer: Xylem is present in the roots, stems and leaves of angiosperms, gymnosperms and ferns.
Question 29 What are the trachea or vessels?
Answer: Tracheae or vessels are the non-living, elongated, tubular xylem cells having highly lignified and evenly thick cell walls with bordered pits.
Question 30 What is xylem parenchyma?
Answer: The only living cell of the xylem, having protoplasm and a thin, cellulose-rich cell wall, is known as the xylem parenchyma.
Question 31 What are xylem fibres?
Answer: The dead and thread-like sclerenchyma cells of the xylem are known as xylem fibres.
Question 32 What is a sieve tube?
Answer: Living, elongated, tubular phloem cells with sieve plates at two terminal ends and cytoplasm without nucleus are known as sieve tube.
Question 33 What are companion cells?
Answer: The living, nucleated, lens-shaped cells typically present at two sides of a sieve tube, are known as companion cells.
Question 34 What is phloem parenchyma?
Answer: Thin-walled, living, cylindrical cell of phloem tissue is known as phloem parenchyma.
Question 35 What is phloem fibre?
Answer: Phloem fibre is the only non-living component of phloem with thin, elongated shape and two pointed ends.
Chapter 2 Levels Of Organization Of Life Plant Tissue And Its Distribution Fill In The Blanks
Question 1. The term ’tissue’ was coined by.
Question 2. The phenomenon by which a mass of cells take up definite structure and function is called
Question 3. The organisation of tissue is absent in organisms.
Question 4. The study of tissue is called
Question 5 is about living plant tissue that is devoid of intercellular spaces.
Question 6 The example of secondary meristematic tissue
Question 7 The outer layer of this parenchyma is called Pericycle
Question 8 Pith is composed of Parenchyma.
Question 9 Thickening in collenchyma consists of Cellulose and pectin.
Question 10 Casparian strips have compound Lignin
Question 11 The cell wall of sclerenchyma is made up of Lignin.
Question 12 Tracheae are also known as Vessels
Question 13 Trachea is made up of cells Dead.
Question 14 The main component of the xylem is Tracheid
Question 15 In gymnosperms, the xylem lacks Vessels and the phloem lacks companion
Question 16 You can tell the age of a tree by counting Cork cambium
Question 17 Monocots lack Cambium hence no secondary growth is observed.
Question 18 Cells of phloem do not have perforated cell walls Companion.
Question 19 Jute is an economically important Phloem fibre.
Question 20. A sieve tube of phloem is living in nature but it lacks Nucleus
Chapter 2 Levels Of Organization Of Life Plant Tissue And Its Distribution State True Or False
Question 1. Sieve tubes are unicellular.
Answer: False
Question 2. Intercellular spaces can be found in meristematic tissue.
Answer: False
Question 3. Permanent tissue differentiates into meristematic tissue.
Answer: False
Question 4. All types of sclereids are called stone cells.
Answer: False
Question 5. Gnetum is the only gymnosperm where companion cells are present in the phloem.
Answer: True
Question 6. Phloem parenchyma is absent in monocotyledonous plants.
Answer: True
Question7. Apical meristem is responsible for the growth of plants along the length.
Answer: True
Question 8 Connective tissue is actually one type of parenchyma without intercellular space found in the xylem and phloem.
Answer: True
Question 9. The only dead component of the phloem is the sieve tube.
Answer: False
Question 10. The same or different types of cells aggregate to form a tissue to perform a specific function.
Answer: True
Question 11 Cells of phloem parenchyma store orgastic metabolites in them.
Answer: True
Key Questions on Plant Tissue Organization for Class 9
Question 12 Branches of root arise from endodermis.
Answer: False
Question 13 Collenchyma is dead tissue.
Answer: True
Question 14 Secondary growth in dicots occurs due to the activity of lateral meristem.
Answer: True
Question 15 Meristematic tissues are rapidly dividing tissues.
Answer: True
Question 16 Meristematic tissue is found at the growing tips of a plant.
Answer: True
Question 17 Xylem and phloem are types of dermal tissue.
Answer: True
WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Question And Answer
Question 18 Xylem transports nutrients and carbohydrates in plant tissue.
Answer: False
Question 19 Parenchymatous tissues have intercellular spaces.
Answers: False
Question 20 Collenchymatous tissues are irregularly thickened at corners.
Answers: True
Chapter 2 Levels Of Organization Of Life Plant Tissue And Its Distribution Match The Columns
Answer: 1-C; 2-E; 3-A; 4-B
Answer: 1-D; 2-C; 3-A; 4-B
Answer: 1-A; 2-D; 3-B; 4-C
Answer: 1-B; 2-F; 3-E; 4-C; 5-A; 6-G
Chapter 2 Levels Of Organization Of Life Plant Tissue And Its Distribution Find The Odd One Out
Question 1. Idioblast, Aerenchyma, Chlorenchyma, Sclerenchyma
Answer: Sclerenchyma
Question 2. Lignification, Sclerenchyma, Dead cells, Meristematic tissue
Answer: Meristematic tissue
Question 3. Sieve tubes, Trachea, Companion cell, Phloem parenchyma
Answer: Trachea
Question 4. Jute rope, Rugs, Bast fibres, Xylem fibres
Answer: Xylem fibres
Question 5. Tracheids, Trachea, Xylem parenchyma, Xylem fibres.
Answer: Xylem parenchyma
Question 6. Tracheids, Trachea, Xylem fibres, Companion cells
Answer: Companion cells
Question 7. Downward conduction, Plant growth, Food transport, Phloem.
Answer: Plant growth
Chapter 2 Levels Of Organization Of Life Plant Tissue And Its Distribution Fill In The Blanks By Looking At The First Pair
1. Permanent tissue: Intercellular spaces:: Meristematic tissue: Without intercellular spaces
2 Permanent tissue Food transport:: Meristematic tissue: Plant growth
3 Thin cell wall: Parenchyma:: Unevenly thickened-walled cell wall: Collenchyma
4 Parenchyma::Fundamental tissue :: Sclerenchyma: Mechanical tissue
5 Collenchyma: Provide tensile strength:: Parenchyma: Storage of food material
6 Synthesis of food: Simple permanent tissue:: Food transport: Complex permanent tissue
7 Sieve tube: Phloem:: Trachea: Complex permanent tissue:: Xylem
8 Dead element of xylem: Tracheid:: Living element of xylem:: Xylem parenchyma
9 Upward conduction: Xylem:: Downward conduction: Pholem
10 Phloem fibre: Mechanical strength:: Sieve tube: Food transport
Chapter 2 Levels Of Organization Of Life Plant Tissue And Its Distribution Among The Four Concepts Given, Three Of Them Belong To One Find That
Question 1. Organism, Tissue, Organ, Organ system
Answer: Organism
Question 2. Simple permanent tissue, Parenchyma tissue, Collenchyma tissue, Sclerenchyma tissue
Answer: Simple permanent tissue
Question 3 Chlorenchyma, Aerenchyma, Prosenchyma, Parenchyma
Answer: Prosenchyma
Question 4. Sieve tube, Companion cells, Phloem, Bast fibres
Answer: Phloem
Chapter 2 Levels Of Organization Of Life Plant Tissue And Its Distribution
1. On the basis of structure and function, four different types of tissues are recognised in higher animals and human beings.
They are:
- Epithelial tissue,
- Connective tissue,
- Muscular tissue
- Nervous tissue.
2. Epithelial tissue is a layer of cells which covers our all free surfaces either externally or internally.
3. Connective tissue normally connects different tissue systems.
4. Muscular tissue is contractile tissue consisting of large elongated cells or fibres.
5. The cytoplasm of muscle cells contains a large number of longitudinal fibrils called myofibrils.
6. The cytoplasm is called sarcoplasm and the cell membrane is called sarcolemma.
7. Three types of muscular tissues are there:
- Striated muscles,
- Unstriated muscles,
- Cardiac muscles.
8. Nervous tissue is responsible for excitement and conduction of nerve impulses.
9. Nervous tissue is composed of a bunch of neurones.
10. Each neurone consists of three parts:
- Cell body,
- Dendron,
- Axon.
11. Acetylcholine, Noradrenaline, GABA, and dopamine are examples of neurotransmitters.
Chapter 2 Levels Of Organization Of Life Plant Tissue And Its Distribution Answer In A Single Word Or Sentence
Question 1. Which tissue has a liquid matrix?
Answer: Blood has a liquid matrix.
Question 2 Which tissue has a rigid calcified matrix?
Answer: Bone tissue has a rigid calcified matrix.
Question 3 Where does connective tissue originate from?
Answer: Connective tissue originates from the mesoderm.
Question 4. Where does nervous tissue originate from?
Answer: Nervous tissue originates from the ectoderm.
Question 5 Which tissue is responsible for the absorption of nutrients from the intestinal tract?
Answer: Epithelial tissue of the intestinal lining is responsible for the absorption of nutrients from the intestinal tract.
Question 6. The activity of which tissue or tissues directly controls the batting skill in the game of cricket?
Answer: The activity of muscular and nervous tissues controls the batting skill in the game of cricket.
Practice Questions for Chapter 2 Plant Tissues
Question 7. Name a type of cell that is present in bones. Osteocyte
Answer: Levels of Organisation of Life
Question 8. Which tissue plays the major role in the circulation of blood through blood vessels?
Answer: Muscular tissue, especially the cardiac muscles and muscular layer of blood vessels play major roles in the circulation of blood through blood vessels.
Question 9. Which proteins are responsible for muscular contraction?
Answer: Contractile proteins, viz.-actin and myosin
Question 10 What is the other name of voluntary muscle?
Answer: Skeletal muscle
Question 11. Why voluntary muscles are called striated muscles?
Answer: Under the microscope, alternately dark and light striations are seen across the voluntary muscle fibres. Therefore, these are called striated muscles.
Question 12 Which type of cells is present on the inner lining of the respiratory tract?
Answer: Epithelial cells are seen on the inner lining of the respiratory tract.
Question 13 Which type of muscles never get fatigued?
Answer: Cardiac muscles
Question 14 Which tissue helps us to respond to the changes in the environment?
Answer: Nervous tissue
Question 15 What are the receiving projections of neurones?
Answer: Dendrons are the receiving projections of a neurone.
Question 16 What are muscle fibres?
Answer: The fine elongated contractile components of muscular tissues are called muscle fibres.
Question 17 Which type of muscles are branched?
Answer: Cardiac muscles are branched.
Question 18 What is the short and well-branched projection of a neurone?
Answer: Dendron is the short and well-branched projections of a neuron.
Question 19 Name the longer and less branched projection of a nerve cell.
Answer: Axon is the longer and less branched projection of a nerve cell.
Question 20 Name the lipid-rich insulating coating present on the axon.
Answer: The lipid-rich insulating coating present on the axon is known as the myelin sheath.
Question 21 Name the neurone, which does not have any lipid-rich insulating coating on the axon.
Answer: Non-myelinated neurone
Question 22 Name the specialised nerve cells having a lipid-rich insulating coating on the axon.
Answer: The nerve cells, which have lipid-rich insulating coating on the axon, are called myelinated neurones.
Important Concepts in Plant Tissue Distribution for Class 9
Question 23 Which is the most flexible connective tissue of our body?
Answer: Cartilage is the most flexible connective tissue of our body.
Question 24 Which is the most rigid connective tissue of our body?
Answer: Bone is the most rigid connective tissue of our body.
Question 25 Name the fluid connective tissues of the human body.
Answer: Blood and lymph are the two fluid connective tissues of the human body.
Question 26. What type of tissue is the tendon?
Answer: Tendon is a connective tissue.
Question 27 Which two connective tissues are built for bearing the weight of the body?
Answer: Bones and cartilage
WB Class 9 Life Science Question Answer
Chapter 2 Levels Of Organization Of Life Plant Tissue And Its Distribution Fill In The Blanks
1. Squamous epithelium takes part in gaseous exchange.
2. Epithelial layers receive nourishment from the underlying connective tissue through a Basement membrane.
3. Adipose tissue stores fat for future use.
4. Blood and Lymph act as transporting fluids.
5 Fluid connective tissue is Blood
6 Bone possesses a hard matrix composed of Calcium and Phosphorus
7 Fibrous connective tissue is Collagen fibre
8. Muscle is anchored to bones by tendons.
9. Bones and Cartilages from the skeleton.
10 Haversian system is a diagnostic feature of Bones
11 Voluntary muscles are attached to Bones
12 Cardiac muscles are responsible for rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the heart.
13 A Sarcomere is the basic unit of striated muscle tissue.
14 A neuron is the basic unit of the nervous system.
15 A neurone receives a nerve impulse Dendron, axon and transmits it through.
16 The Junction of two neurones is called Synapse
17 Tendon joins a muscle to a bone.
18 Nissl granules are found in Neurones
Chapter 2 Levels Of Organization Of Life Plant Tissue And Its Distribution State True or False
Question 1 Epithelial cells have a special role in secretion.
Answer: True
Question 2. Epithelial tissue is also known as the contracting tissue.
Answer: False
Question 3. Epithelial tissues are arranged on the basement membrane.
Answer: True
Question 4. Epithelial tissue helps in the exchange of gaseous and liquid substances.
Answer: True
Question 5. The amount of matrix is high in epithelial tissue.
Answer: False
Question 6. Areolar tissue may not contain white and yellow fibre.
Answer: False
Question 7. Fibrous tissues are a kind of epithelial tissue.
Answer: False
Question 8. A skeletal muscle fibre is surrounded by a plasma membrane called sarcolemma.
Answer: True
Question 9. Connective tissue originates from the mesoderm layer of the embryo.
Answer: True
Question 10 Blood is a fibrous connective tissue.
Answer: False
Question 11. Among all the connective tissue, bone is the hardest one.
Answer: True
Question 12 Adipose tissues are deposited fatty substances for energy in future.
Answer: True
Understanding Types of Plant Tissues for Solutions
Question 13 Pinna is made up of bone.
Answer: False
Question 14 Hormones, mucus, and enzymes are secreted by the connective tissue.
Answer: True
Question 15 Muscle fibres are always uninucleated.
Answer: False
Question 16 Smooth muscles control the movement of visceral organs like the intestine, ovary, urinary bladder etc.
Answer: True
Question 17 The Cardiac muscle is one of the striated muscles.
Answer: True
18 Striations of myofibrils are present in the involuntary muscle.
Answer: False
Question 19 The Cytoplasm of the nervous tissue is called sarcoplasm.
Answer: False
Question 20 Neurones are unable to divide due to a lack of mitochondria.
Answer: False
Question 21 Several neuroglia, surrounded by connective tissue, form a nerve.
Answer: False
Chapter 2 Levels Of Organization Of Life Plant Tissue And Its Distribution Match The Columns
Answer: 1-B; 2-C; 3-D; 4-A
Answer: 1-C; 2-A; 3-B; 4-E; 5-D; 6-G
Answer: 1-B; 2-A; 3-C; 4-F; 5-D; 6-G
Chapter 2 Levels Of Organization Of Life Plant Tissue And Its Distribution Find The Odd One Out
Question 1. Epithelial tissue, Connective tissue, Collenchyma, Muscular tissue
Answer: Collenchyma
Question 2. Secretion, Protection, Gamate production, Movement of body parts
Answer: Movement of body parts
Question 3. Areolar tissue, Blood, Adipose tissue, Epithelial tissue
Answer: Epithelial tissue
Question 4. Adipose tissue, Cartilage, Lymph, Striated muscle
Answer: Striated muscle
Sample Solutions from WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Chapter 2
Question 5 Intercalated disc, Continuous contraction and relaxation, Striated muscle, Cardiac muscle
Answer: Striated muscle
Question 6 Neurone, Neurilemma, Sarcolemma, Nissl’s granule
Answer: Sarcolemma
Question 7 Connections with different organs, Blood, Connective tissue, Nerve impulse
Answer: Nerve impulse
Question 8 Neurone, Schwann cell, Myosine, Nerve
Answer: Myosine
Chapter 2 Levels Of Organization Of Life Plant Tissue And Its Distribution Fill In The Blanks By Looking At The First Pair
1 Myofibril fibre: Muscular tissue :: White fibre: Areolar tissue
2 Basement membrane: Epithelial tissue:: Rich in the matrix: Connective tissue
3 Cilia: Epithelial tissue:: yellow fibre: Connective tissue
4. Bone and cartilage: Supportive connective tissue:: Blood and lymph: Liquid connective tissue
5 Impulse conduction: Nervous tissue:: Movement of body parts: Muscular tissue
6 Expansion of blood vessels: Smooth involuntary muscle:: Contraction of heart: Rough involuntary muscle
7 Skeletal muscle: Striated muscle:: Intercostal muscle: Unstriated muscle
8 Long processes: Axon:: Short processes: Dendron
9 Membrane of muscular tissue: Sarcolemma:: Membrane of nervous tissue: Neurilemma
Chapter 2 Levels Of Organization Of Life Plant Tissue And Its Distribution Among The Four Concepts Given, Three Of Them Belong To One. Find That
Question 1 Animal tissue, Muscular tissue, Connective tissue, Epithelial tissue
Answer: Animal tissue
Question 2 Basement membrane, Secretary cells, Epithelial cells, Cilia
Answer: Epithelial cells
Question 3 Connective tissue, Blood, Lymph, Bone
Answer: Connective tissue
Question 4 Sarcoplasm, Actin, Myosin, Striated muscle
Answer: Striated muscle
Concepts Related to Plant Tissue Types for Class 9 Solutions
Question 5 Adipose cells, Blood cells, Osteoblast, Connective tissue
Answer: Connective tissue
Question 6 Contraction and relaxation, Involuntary muscle, Cardiac muscle, Muscular tissue
Answer: Muscular tissue
Question 7 Axon, Schwann cell, Dendron, Neurone
Answer: Neurone