WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 History Chapter 7 The League Of Nations And The United Nations Organisation

Chapter 7 The League Of Nations And The United Nations Organisation True Or False

Question 1. The Allied Powers in the First World War who signed the different peace treaties were called the ‘original members’ of the League of Nations.
Answer: True

Question 2. The League of Nations aimed to maintain peace, order, and security among the countries of the world.
Answer: True

Question 3. The headquarters of the League of Nations was in Rome.
Answer: False

Question 4. The main duty of the Council of the League of Nations was to resolve internal disputes of different countries.
Answer: False

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 History Chapter 7 The League Of Nations And The United Nations Organisation

WBBSE Class 9 League of Nations Solutions

Question 5. France did not join the League of Nations.
Answer: False

Question 6. The judges of the Permanent Court of International Justice were appointed by the Secretariat.
Answer: False

Read and Learn Also WBBSE Solutions for Class 9 History

Question 7. The League of Nations was established after the Spanish Civil War.
Answer: False

Question 8. An important objective of the League of Nations was to promote international disarmament to reduce tension.
Answer: True

Question 9. The League of Nations had several committees for cultural and economic relations between different nations.
Answer: True

Question 10. The League of Nations secretariat was located in New York.
Answer: False

United Nations Organisation Study Notes for Class 9

Question 11. The League of Nations still exists and settles international disputes.
Answer: False

Question 12. The general body or Assembly of the League of Nations was composed of the representatives of the signatories to the Covenant of the League.
Answer: True

Question 13. The League of Nations lacked an armed. a force of its own to enforce any action to achieve its aims.
Answer: True

Chapter 7 The League Of Nations And The United Nations Organisation True Or False

Question 1. The UNO was established after the Second World War.
Answer: True

Question 2. The headquarters of UNO is located in London.
Answer: False

Question 3. The name of the executive authority of the UNO is the Security Council.
Answer: True

Question 4. 24 October is celebrated as the ‘United Nations Day’.
Answer: True

Question 5. The Economic and Social Council of the UN specifically works on economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian problems.
Answer: True

Question 6. Veto power is given only to 4 countries.
Answer: False

Question 7. General Assembly of the UNO meets twice a year.
Answer: False

Question 8. The normal term of office of the UN Secretary-General is 5 years.
Answer: True

Question 9. The Secretary-General is required to submit an annual report on the work of the UN to the Security Council.
Answer: False

Impact of the League of Nations on Global Peace

Question 10. The headquarters of the International Court of Justice is located in the Netherlands.
Answer: True

Question 11. The term for the judges of the International Court of Justice is 9 years.
Answer: True

Question 12. The headquarters of the World Health Organisation is in Washington.
Answer: False

Question 13. Ramaswami Mudaliar signed the UN Charter for India.
Answer: True

Question 14. Seven languages are recognized by the UN.
Answer: False

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Chapter 7 The League Of Nations And The United Nations Organisation Topic A Foundation and Organisation of the League of Nations Fill In The Blanks

Question 1. After the end of the First World War, a peace conference was convened in ___________ (Poland/Russia/Paris).
Answer: Paris

Question 2. The first session of the League of Nations was convened in ___________ (1920/1921/1922).
Answer: 1920

Question 3. The Headquarters of the League of Nations was at ____________ (Versailles/Geneva/Berlin).
Answer: Geneva

Question 4. US President Woodrow Wilson made the Covenant of the League of Nations as an integral part of the Treaty of ____________ (San Stephano/Sevres/Versailles).
Answer: Versailles

Question 5. The Second World War began in ____________(1937/1938/1939).
Answer: 1939

Question 6. The League of Nations was officially dissolved in __________(1945/1946/1947).
Answer: 1946

Question 7. The League of Nations aimed to maintain world __________(war/peace/ authority).
Answer: Peace

Question 8. Despite being the main architect of the League of Nations ___________ (France/Britain/ USA) did not join the League of Nations.
Answer: USA

Question 9. The Treaty of __________(Brussch/Versailles/ Amsterdam) included the planned formation of the League of Nations.
Answer: Versailles

Question 10. The Permanent Court of International Justice was set up in the City of __________ (Rome/New York/Hague).
Answer: Hague

Question 11.__________(Woodrow Wilson/Hindenburg/ Kaprivi) for the first time enunciated the idea of the League of Nations in his Fourteen Points.
Answer: Woodrow Wilson

Question 12. The Second World War began in _________ (1937/1938/1939).
Answer: 1939

Question 13. The UNO was founded in __________ (1945/1946/1947).
Answer: 1945

Important Questions from Chapter 7 on UN and League of Nations

Question 14. The UNO was established in _________ (NewYork, USA/London, Britain/Paris, France).
Answer: NewYork, USA

Question 15. The International Court of Justice was established in __________(the Hague/London/New York).
Answer: The Hague

Question 16. The headquarters of UNICEF is in ______ (New York/London/Paris).
Answer: New York

Question 17. UN Secretary-General heads the __________(General Assembly/Security Council/ Secretariat) of the United Nations Organisation.
Answer: Secretariat

Question 18. The General Assembly of the United Nations meets in a regular session __________ (once/twice/once in two years) in a year.
Answer: Once

Question 19. _________(USA/UK/Spain) is not a permanent member of the UN Security Council.
Answer: Spain

Question 20. __________(General Assembly/Security Council/ UNESCO) is not the main organ of the UNO.
Answer: UNESCO

Question 21. World Disarmament Conference convened in __________ (1929-30/1932-33/1933-34).
Answer: 1932-33

Question 22. In the Yalta Conference Russia was represented by _______(Lenin/Trotsky/Stalin).
Answer: Stalin

Question 23. The UN Charter was amended in _______ (1949/1950/1951) during the Korean War.
Answer: 1950

Question 24. The _________ (Security Council/the General Assembly/the Economic and Social Council) is the heart and perhaps the brain of the UNO.
Answer: Security Council

Chapter 7 The League Of Nations And The United Nations Organisation Topic C Miscellaneous  Match The Columns

Match the columns

Question 1.

1. Column 1 Column 2
1. Paris Peace Conference * (A) 1945
2. Atlantic Charter signed (B) 1939
4. UNO established (C) 1919
5. The Second World War began (D) 1941


Answer: 1.-C, 2.-D, 3.-A, 4.-B

Question 2.

2. Column 1 Column 2
1. Woodrow Wilson (A) Trygve Lie
2. First Secretary General of UNO (B) President of USA
3. Roosevelt (C) Prime Minister of Great Britain
4. Winston Churchill (D) Author of ‘Fourteen Points’


Answer: 1.-D, 2.-A, 3.-B, 4.-C

Question 3.

3. Column 1 Column 2
1. International Court of Justice (A)  The executive body of UNO
2. Security Council (B)  An autonomous body of the League of Nations
3. International Labour Organisation (C)  Constitution of the League of Nations
4. Covenant (D)  Judicial organ of UNO


Answer: 1.-D, 2.-A, 3.-B, 4.-C

Question 4.

4. Column 1 Column 2
1. Veto (A) Administrative body
2. Counci’ (B) I Agreement
3. Covenant (C) Right to reject the measure
4. Secretariat (D) Administrative office


Answer: 1.-C, 2.-A, 3.-B, 4.-D

Question 5.

5. Column 1 Column 2
1. The Assembly (A) Hague
2. Headquarters of WHO (B) An organ of UNO
3. The International Court of Justice established (C) Organ of the League of Nations
4. Trusteeship Council (D) Geneva


Answer: 1.-D, 2.-A, 3.-B, 4.-C

Question 6. 

6. Column 1 Column 2
1. Yalta Conference (A) 1926
2. Germany joined the League of Nations (B) 1943
3. Last session of the League of Nations (C) 1945
4. Moscow conference (D) 1939


Answer: 1.-C, 2.-A, 3.-D, 4.-B

Question 7.

7. Column 1 Column 2
1. DumbertonOaks Conference (A) 15 members
2. USA (B) Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage
3. Lord Byron (C) 1944
4. Secretary Council of UNO (D) Permanent member of the Security Council


Answer: 1.-C, 2.-D, 3.-B, 4.-A

Question 8. 

8. Column 1 Column 2
1. 51 states (A) Four permanent members
2. ILO headquarter (B) Secretary-General of League
3. League Council (C) signed UN Charter
4. Eric Drummond (D) Geneva


Answer: 1.-C, 2.-D, 3.-A, 4.-B

Question 9.

9. Column 1 Column 2
1. General Assembly (A)  Make efforts to  stop the war
2. Cordell Hall (B) debating body
3. Yalta Conference (C) US Secretary of State
4.  League Council (D) Russia took part .


Answer: 1.-B, 2.-C, 3.-D, 4.-A

Question 10. 

10. Column 1 Column 2
1. Tehran Declaration (A) 24th October 1945
2.  Washington Conference (B) 1943
3. UN Charter became effective (C) 1942
4. 51 nations (D) Charter members


Answer: 1.-B, 2.-DC, 3.-A, 4.-D

Question 11. 

11. Column 1 Column 2
1. Communist China (A) Report on the Manchurian invasion
2. League Covenant (B) Official command
3.  Mandate (C) Permanent member of the Security Council
4. Lytton Commission (D)  A document


Answer: 1.-C, 2.-D, 3.-B, 4.-A

Question 12. 

12. Column 1 Column 2
1. League Covenant drafted in (A) A specialized agency of UNO
2. Veto (B) 15 judges
3. UNRRA (C) Right to reject the measure
4. International Court of Justice (D) Paris Peace Conference


Answer: 1.-D, 2.-C, 3.-A, 4.-B

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