Chapter 3 Europe In The 19th Century: Conflict Of Monarchical And Nationalist Ideas Very Short Answer Questions
Question 1. What are the modern ideals born of the French Revolution?
Answer: The modern ideals born of the French Revolution are nationalism, liberalism, and democracy.
Question 2. Which dynasty was restored in France according to the Principle of Legitimacy?
Answer: The Bourbon dynasty was restored in France according to the Principle of Legitimacy.
Question 3. Name the king who was restored to the throne of France according to the ‘Principle of Legitimacy’.
Answer: The king who was restored to the throne of France according to the Principle of Legitimacy was Louis XVIII.
Question 4. Who were the members of the Concert of Europe?
Answer: The members of the Concert of Europe were Austria, Russia, Prussia, and England.
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Question 5. What was the objective of the Principle of Legitimacy of the Vienna Congress?
Answer: The objective of the Principle of Legitimacy of the Vienna Congress was to bring back the original ruling dynasties that used to rule in different parts of Europe before the outbreak of the French Revolution.
Question 6. What was the objective of the Principle of Balance of Power of the Vienna Congress?
Answer: The objective of the Principle of Balance of Power of the Vienna Congress was to reconstitute the map of Europe in such a way that one state could not beat another in the race for power.
WBBSE Class 9 Europe in the 19th Century VSAQs
Question 7. What was the objective of the Principle of Compensation of the Vienna Congress?
Answer: The objective of the Principle of Compensation of the Vienna Congress was to reward those powers which played an important part in the defeat of Napoleon with the possession of different territories.
Question 8. Name the countries that benefitted from the Principle of Compensation.
Answer: The countries which were benefitted by the Principle of Compensation were
- Austria.
- Russia.
- Prussia and
- England.
Question 9. What is the ‘Concert of Europe’?
Answer: The Big Four-Austria, Prussia, England, and Russia devised a system, known as the ‘Concert of Europe’ to maintain the political arrangement made in the Vienna Congress and to ensure peace in Europe.
Question 10. Who were the Big Four at the Congress of Vienna?
Answer: The Big Four at the Congress of Vienna were Austria, Russia, Prussia, and England.
Question 11. What was the period of Metternich’s Prime Ministership?
Answer: The period of Metternich’s Prime Ministership was 40 years from 1809 to 1848.
Question 12. Which leader called the Congress of Vienna tried to restore Europe to the way it was before Napoleon?
Answer: Metternich, the prince of Austria called the Congress of Vienna which tried to restore Europe to the way it was before Napoleon.
Question 13. Where was the Vienna Congress held?
Answer: The Vienna Congress was held in Vienna, the capital of Austria.
Question 14. When did the Metternich system end?
Answer: The Metternich system ended in 1848 as a result of the February Revolution.
Question 15. Who was Metternich?
Answer: Metternich was the Prime Minister of Austria (1809-48) and the President of the Vienna Congress (1815).
Key VSAQs on Nationalism in 19th Century Europe
Question 16. Who was Castlereagh?
Answer: Castlereagh was the British Foreign Minister who represented England in the Vienna Congress.
Question 17. What was the capital of Austria?
Answer: The capital of Austria was Vienna.
Question 18. Who was the most influential leader at the Congress of Vienna?
Answer: The most influential leader at the Congress of Vienna was Prince Metternich.
Question 19. When did Metternich become the Prime Minister of Austria?
Answer: Metternich became the Prime Minister of Austria in 1809.
Question 20. Who represented France in the Vienna Congress?
Answer: Talleyrand represented France in the Vienna Congress.
Question 21. When was the Congress of Troppau held?
Answer: The Congress of Troppau was held in 1820.
Understanding Major Events in 19th Century Europe for VSAQs
Class 9 History WBBSE Chapter 3 Europe In The 19th Century: Conflict Of Monarchical And Nationalist Ideas Very Short Answer Questions
Question 22. When did the July Revolution break out in France?
Answer: The July Revolution broke out in France in 1830.
Question 23. What was the period of the ‘July Monarchy’?
Answer: The period of the July Monarchy was from 1830-1848.
Question 24. Name the countries where the impact of the July Revolution was felt.
Answer: The impact of the July Revolution was felt in Germany, Belgium, Poland, Spain, Portugal, and England.
Question 25. Name two leaders of the July Revolution.
Answer: Two leaders of the July Revolution were Thiers and Lafayette.
Question 26. Name the countries which were inspired by the success of the July Revolution.
Answer: The countries that were inspired by the success of the July Revolution were Belgium, Poland, Portugal, Spain, England, Italy, and Germany.
Question 27. Who issued the ‘July Ordinance’ and when?
Answer: The July Ordinance was issued by The French emperor Charles X in 1830 (25 July).
Step-by-Step Guide to Answering VSAQs on 19th Century Europe
Question 28. Name the Bourbon king who was overthrown by the July Revolution in France.
Answer: The Bourbon king who was overthrown by the July Revolution in France was Charles X.
Question 29. Who was Polignac?
Answer: Polignac was the minister of the French King Charles X, who issued arbitrary ordinances like restricting the freedom of the press, diminishing the number of electors, and curbing the voting rights of the people.
Question 30. Who ascended the throne of France after the death of Napoleon?
Answer: After the death of Napoleon, Louis XVIII, the brother of Louis XVI of the Bourbon dynasty ascended the throne of France.
Question 31. Who was the ruler of France when the July Revolution broke out?
Answer: Charles X was the ruler of France when the. July Revolution broke out.
Question 32. Who was the Prime Minister of the French king Charles X?
Answer: Polignac was the Prime Minister of the French king Charles X.
Question 33. King of which dynasty was set up in France after the July Revolution?
Answer: After the July Revolution Louis Philippe of the Orleans dynasty was set up in France.
Question 34. To which dynasty did Louis Philippe belong?
Answer: Louis Philippe belonged to the Orleans dynasty.
History Class 9 WBBSE Chapter 3 Europe In The 19th Century: Conflict Of Monarchical And Nationalist Ideas Very Short Answer Questions
Question 35. Which year is known as the ‘Year Revolution’ and why?
Answer: The year 1848 is known as the ‘Year of Revolution’ because the revolution that broke out in 1848 in France expedited national movements in 15 European countries.
Question 36. Who was Louis Philippe?
Answer: Louis Philippe of the Orleans dynasty was the ruler of France.
Question 37. Who was Guizot?
Answer: Guizot was the adviser and Prime Minister of Louis Philippe, the monarch of France.
Question 38. Name the countries which were influenced by the February Revolution.
Answer: The countries that were influenced by the February Revolution were Germany, Italy, Austria, Hungary, Denmark, Netherlands, etc.
Question 39. In which year did Louis Napoleon declare himself the ‘Emperor of France’?
Answer: In 1852 Louis Napoleon declared himself the Emperor of France.
Question 40. When was the Second Republic established in France?
Answer: The Second Republic was established in France in 1848.
Practice VSAQs for Class 9 History: Europe in the 19th Century
Question 41. Which revolution influenced the establishment of the Second French Republic in France?
Answer: The February Revolution of 1848 influenced the establishment of the Second French Republic in France.
Question 42. When was the Second Empire established in France?
Answer: The French emperor Louis Napoleon (or Napoleon III) in 1852 put an end to the Second French Republic and established the Second French Empire.
Question 43. Who was Louis Kossuth?
Answer: Louis Kossuth was the nationalist leader of Hungary during the February Revolution.
History Class 9 WBBSE Chapter 3 Europe In The 19th Century: Conflict Of Monarchical And Nationalist Ideas Very Short Answer Questions
Question 44. Which country stood in the way of unity and democracy in Italy?
Answer: Austria stood in the way of unity and democracy in Italy.
Question 45. Name the leaders who played the most important part in the unification of Italy.
Answer: The leaders who played the most important part in the unification of Italy were Mazzini, Cavour, and Garibaldi.
Question 46. Which treaty ended the Battle of Sadowa?
Answer: The Battle of Sadowa ended with the Treaty of Prague.
Question 47. In which year and by whom was the Battle of Sedan fought?
Answer: The Battle of Sedan was fought in 1870 between Prussia and France.
Question 48. In which year and by whom was the Battle of Sadowa fought?
Answer: The Battle of Sadowa was fought in 1866 between Prussia and Austria.
Question 49. In which year and by whom was the Treaty of Villafranca signed?
Answer: The Treaty of Villafranca was signed in 1859 between Austria and France.
Question 50. Name the only state which was independent before the unification of Italy.
Answer: The only state which was independent before the unification of Italy was Piedmont- Sardinia.
Question 51. Name one secret society established during the Italian unification movement.
Answer: Carbonari was a secret society established during the Italian unification movement.
Question 52. Who established Young Italy?
Answer: Young Italy was established by Mazzini.
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Question 53. What is Carbonari?
Answer: Carbonari was a secret society of Italy that aimed to unite Italy into a single state, to achieve liberty, and to drive the Austrians out of Italy.
Question 54. When was the Italian unification complete?
Answer: The Italian unification was completed in 1870.
Question 55. Who were called the ‘Red Shirts’?
Answer: Garibaldi’s followers were called the Red Shirts.
Question 56. Who was the general of the Red Shirt volunteer force?
Answer: The general of the Red Shirt volunteer force was Garibaldi.
Question 57. What is the meaning of Risorgimento?
Answer: The meaning of Risorgimento is ‘rising again’.
Question 58. Who said, “Italy is a mere geographical expression”?
Answer: Metternich, the Austrian Chancellor said, “Italy is a mere geographical expression”.
Key Themes in European History for VSAQs
Question 59. In which year was ‘Young Italy’ established by Mazzini?
Answer: ‘Young Italy’ was established by Mazzini in 1832.
Question 60. With which secret society was Mazzini associated?
Answer: Mazzini was associated with ‘Carbonari’, a secret society of Italy.
Question 61. Who was the arch-priest of Italian nationalism?
Answer: Joseph Mazzini was the arch-priest of Italian nationalism.
Question 62. What was the journal published by Count Cavour?
Answer: The name of the journal published by Count Cavour was Risorgimento.
WBBSE Chapter 3 Europe In The 19th Century: Conflict Of Monarchical And Nationalist Ideas Very Short Answer Questions
Question 63. In which year was the Treaty of Frankfurt signed?
Answer: The Treaty of Frankfurt was signed in 1871.
Question 64. After which battle did Germany become united?
Answer: Germany became united after the Battle of Sedan in 1870 fought between France and Prussia.
Question 65. What is Pan-Germanism?
Answer: Pan-Germanis means the des sentiment of a united German people which developed in Germany under the influence of poets, philosophers, and historians like Bohmer, Fichte, Hegel, Hausser, etc.
Question 66. Who was the real architect of the unification of Germany?
Answer: The real architect of the unification of Germany was Bismarck.
Question 67. Who became the emperor or ‘Kaiser’ after German unification?
Answer: The Prussian king William I became the emperor or Kaiser after German Unification.
Question 68. Between whom was the treaty of Frankfurt signed?
Answer: The Treaty of Frankfurt was signed between Prussia and France.
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Question 69. What is ‘The Confederation of the Rhine?
Answer: Napoleon Bonaparte formed forty-nine states out of the former three hundred states in Germany and inaugurated a federal administrative system in Germany known as the Confederation of the Rhine.
Question 70. Who followed the policy of ‘Blood and Iron’?
Answer: Otto Von Bismarck followed the policy of ‘Blood and Iron’.
Question 71. Who was Count Benedetti?
Answer: Count Benedetti was the ambassador of the French king Napoleon CII to the Prussian emperor William I
Question 72. Who was known as the ‘Iron Chancellor’?
Answer: Bismarck, the leader of German unification, was known as the Iron Chancellor.
Question 73. Between whom was the Treaty of Vilafranca signed?
Answer: The Treaty of Villafranca was signed between the French emperor Napoleon and Austria
Question 74. In which year Bismarck became the Prime Minister of Prussia?
Answer: Bismarck became the Prime Minister of Prussia in 1862.
Question 75. Where was the Confedration of Rhine formed?
Answer: The Confedration of Rhine formed in Germany.
Question 76. In which year was the Confederation of Rhine formed?
Answer: The Confederation of Rhine was formed in 1806.
Question 77. Who became the Emperor of united Germany?
Answer: Kaiser William I became the Emperor of united Germany.
Question 78. When was the Treaty Of Gastein signed?
Answer: The Treaty Of Gastein was signed in 1865.
Question 79. What were the two Duchius that were divided between Austria and Prussia according to the Treaty of Gastein?
Answer: According to the Treaty of Gastein two Duchius Schleswig and Holstein were divided between Austria and Prussia.
Class 9 History Solutions WBBSE Chapter 3 Europe In The 19th Century: Conflict Of Monarchical And Nationalist Ideas Very Short Answer Questions
Question 80. What is the other name of the ‘Balkan’ region?
Answer: The other name of the Balkan region is the Near East.
Question 81. Name some nationalities living in the Balkan region.
Answer: Some nationalities living in the Balkan region were Greek, Serb, Romanian, Albanian, Bulgarian, etc.
Question 82. In which year and by whom was the Treaty of San Stephano signed?
Answer: The Treaty of San Ștephano was signed in 1878 between Russia and Turkey.
Question 83. In which year and by which treaty did Turkey accept the independence of Greece?
Answer: Turkey accepted the independence of Greece by the Treaty of London in 1832.
Question 84. Why was the war between England, France, and Russia in 1854 known as the Crimean War?
Answer: The war between England, France, and Russia in 1854 was known as the Crimean War because it was fought in Crimea, a peninsula in Southern Russia.
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Question 85. When was the Crimean War fought?
Answer: The Crimean War was fought during 1854- 56.
Question 86. Name one Socialist leader of Europe.
Answer: One Socialist leader of Europe was Louis Blanc.
Question 87. Which country is known as the ‘Sick Man of Europe’?
Answer: Turkey is known as the ‘Sick man of Europe’.
Question 88. Who was Louis Kossuth?
Answer: Louis Kossuth was a nationalist leader of Hungary during the February Revolution of 1848.
Question 89. Who was known as Czar?
Answer: The emperor or king of Russia was known as Czar.
WBBSE Class 9 History
Question 90. Which treaty ended the Crimean War?
Answer: The Treaty of Paris signed on 30th March, -1856 ended the Crimean War.
Question 91. What is the meaning of the secret society Philke Hetaira?
Answer: The meaning of the secret society Philke Hetaira is friendly brotherhood.
Question 92. Who is known as the ‘Father of Modern Russia’?
Answer: Czar Peter the Great is known as the Father of Modern Russia.
Question 93. When was the Second Balkan War fought?
Answer: The Second Balkan War was fought in 1913.
Question 94 Where was the secret society Hetaira Philke founded?
Answer: The secret society Hetaira Philke was founded in Odesa, Greece (now it is in Ukraine).
Question 95. What is the Russian Parliament known as?
Answer: The Russian parliament is known as the ‘Duma’.
Examples of Very Short Answer Questions on Nationalism
Question 96. What was Zemstvo?
Answer: Zemstvo was the organ of rural self-government in the Russian Empire before the Russian Revolution.
Question 18. Who were the Kulaks?
Answer: The Kulaks were the well-to-do peasants after Russia who emerged emancipation of serfs in the 19th century.
Question 19. What was ‘mir’?
Answer: Mir was a village commune or village council in Russia.
Question 20. Between whom was the Crimean War fought?
Answer: The Crimean War was fought betwen Ottoman Turkey, England, France, and Piedmont on one side and Russia on the other.
Question 21. In how many years installments the emancipated peasants had to pay off their debts to the Russian government?
Answer: In 49 years installments the emancipated peasants had to pay off their debts to the Russian Government.