WBBSE Chapter 2 Revolutionary Ideals, Napoleonic Empire, And Nationalism Very Short Answer Questions
Question 1. Where was Napoleon Bonaparte born?
Answer: Napoleon Bonaparte was born in Ajaccio on the island of Corsica.
Question 2. What was the period of rule of the Consulate in France?
Answer: The period of rule of the Consulate in France was 1794-1799.
Question 3. Who is known as Justinian II and why?
Answer: Napoleon’s most important contribution was the Code Napoleon. It incorporated the noble principles of the French Revolution. For this progressive code, he was known as Justinian II.
Question 4. Who established the Bank of France?
Answer: Napoleon established the Bank of France.
Question 5. Who remarked, “I am the Revolution and I destroyed the Revolution”?
Answer: Napoleon Bonaparte, the ruler of France remarked, “I am the Revolution and I destroyed the Revolution”.
Read and Learn More WBBSE Class 9 History Very Short Answer Questions
Question 6. Into how many parts was Code Napoleon divided?
Answer: Code Napoleon was divided into five parts-the Civil Code, the Criminal Code, the Penal Code, the Commercial Code, and other codes.
Question 7. What is known as the ‘Bible of the French’?
Answer: ‘Code Napoleon’ is known as the Bible of the French.
Question 8. What are Lyces?
Answer: Lyces are residential semi-military schools of France where boys of the noble and aristocratic families used to study to become officers in the army.
WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 2 Very Short Answer Questions With Solutions
Question 9. When was Napoleon born?
Answer: Napoleon was born in 1769.
Question 10. When did the French Revolution break out?
Answer: The French Revolution broke out in 1789.
Question 11. When was the Treaty of Campo Formio signed?
Answer: The Treaty of Campo Farmio was signed in 1797.
WBBSE Class 9 Revolutionary Ideals VSAQs
Question 12. In which year Napoleon launched a campaign against Egypt?
Answer: Napoleon launched a campaign against Egypt in 1798.
Question 13. Who was the first Consul of France?
Answer: Napoleon Bonaparte was the first Consul of France.
Question 14. What do you mean by a Republic?
Answer: A Republic is a state in which power is held by the people’s representatives and the head of the state is not a monarch.
Question 15. What is the meaning of Code?
Answer: Code means a systematic set of laws.
Question 16. What was the Legion of Honour?
Answer: Napoleon introduced a special title of honour for eminent citizens called the Legion of Honour.
Napoleonic Empire VSAQs for Class 9
Question 17. In which year did Napoleon become the Emperor of France?
Answer: Napoleon became the Emperor of France in 1804.
Question 18. When and against whom did the Battle of 11 According to which treaty did France and Trafalgar take place?
Answer: The Battle of Trafalgar took place in 1805 against Napoleon.
Question 19. When and between whom was the Battle of Ulm fought?
Answer: The Battle of Ulm was fought in 1805 between France and Austria.
WBBSE VSAQs On Napoleonic Empire And Nationalism
Question 20. Which two countries of Europe did Napoleon reconstitute?
Answer: Napoleon reconstituted Italy and Germany.
Question 21. Which nation was called the ‘Nation of Shopkeepers’ and by whom?
Answer: Napoleon Bonaparte called the English ‘the Nation of Shopkeepers’.
Question 22. When and between whom was the Treaty of Tilsit concluded?
Answer: The Treaty of Tilsit was concluded in 1807 between Napoleon Bonaparte, the ruler of France, and Alexander I, the Tsar of Russia.
Question 23. When was the monarchy re-established in France?
Answer: In 1804 Napoleón declared himself the emperor of France and a monarchy was re-established in France.
Question 24. Who was Nelson?
Answer: Nelson was the naval chief of England.
Question 25. Who routed the French navy in the historic naval Battle of Trafalgar?
Answer: Admiral Nelson of England routed the French navy in the historic naval Battle of Trafalgar.
Question 26. What were the two major incidents of the year 1807?
Answer: In the year 1807 the Battle of Jena was fought between Prussia and France and the Treaty of Tilsit was signed between Napoleon and Alexander I of Russia.
Nationalism in Europe VSAQs
Question 27. According to which Treaty France and Russia promised to remain neutral against each other?
Answer: According to the Treaty of Tilsit France and Russia promised to remain neutral against each other.
Question 28. Who established the Duchy of Warsaw?
Answer: Napoleon established the Duchy of Warsaw.
Question 29. When was the Duchy of Warsaw established?
Answer: The Duchy of Warsaw was established in 1807.
Question 30. What was the year of the Peninsular War?
Answer: The year of the Peninsular War was 1808.
Question 31. Which nation was called the ‘Nation of Shopkeepers’ and by whom?
Answer: Napoleon Bonaparte called the English ‘The Nation of Shopkeepers’.
Question 32. Who introduced the Continental System?
Answer: Napoleon Bonaparte introduced the Continental System.
Question 33. When was the Continental System introduced?
Answer: The Continental System was introduced in 1806.
Question 34. What was the Continental System?
Answer: Napoleon introduced the Continental System in 1806 which was an economic strategy in Europe intended to cripple and prevent Great Britain from trading with. other European powers.
WBBSE Chapter 2 Revolutionary Ideals VSAQs
Question 35. When and by whom was the Berlin Decree introduced?
Answer: The Berlin Decree was introduced by Napoleon in 1806.
Question 36. What was the Berlin Decree?
Answer: The Berlin Decree issued by Napoleon in 1806 declared a naval blockade against England i.e., the countries allied to Napoleon would have to stop trade with England.
Question 37. When and by whom was the Milan Decree introduced?
Answer: The Milan Decree was introduced by Napoleon in 1807.
Question 38. What was the Milan Decree?
Answer: The Milan Decree issued by Napoleon in 1807 was that any ship of any country trying to reach England would be caught and confiscated.
Practice VSAQs for Class 9 History: Revolutionary Ideals and Nationalism
Question 39. When did Napoleon invade Russia?
Answer: Napoleon invaded Russia in 1812.
Question 40. Which country followed the ‘scorched earth policy’ against France?
Answer: Russia followed the ‘scorched earth policy’ against France.
Question 41. When did the Battle of Waterloo take place?
Answer: The Battle of Waterloo took place in 1815.
Napoleonic Empire Very Short Questions With Answers For WBBSE History
Question 43. When and against whom did the Battle of Nations take place?
Answer: In 1813 the Battle of Nations took place against Napoleon Bonaparte.
Question 44. Who was defeated in the Battle of Waterloo?
Answer: Napoleon was defeated in the Battle of Waterloo.
Examples of Very Short Answer Questions on the Napoleonic Era
Question 45. Name the final battle that sealed Napoleon’s fate.
Answer: The final battle that sealed Napoleon’s fate was the Battle of Waterloo.
Question 46. Name the islands where Napoleon was banished.
Answer: Napoleon was banished to the islands of Elba and St. Helena.
Question 47. Mention the period of the ‘Hundred Days Rule’.
Answer: The period of the Hundred Days Rule was from 20 March to 29 June 1815.