WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 School Science Chapter 5 Analysis Of Natural Phenomena Experiments

Chapter 5 Analysis Of Natural Phenomena Experiments



If two wires are connected to an LED bulb and their other ends are connected to a dry cell, the LED bulb glows, indicating that current is flowing through the bulb and the wires.

The potential difference between the two terminals of the battery is volt. So, when two wires are connected to the two terminals of the battery, a potential difference of volt is created and the current flows through the bulb.


WBBSE Solutions For class 8 Chapter 4 Analysis of natural phenomena

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Let us take two metal plates (A and B), mounted parallel to each other on a non-conducting vertical stand, as shown in A LED bulb is connected to two metal plates by two pieces of conducting wires.

Now the two metal pieces are connected to two terminals of a dry cell (i.e. battery) by two other pieces of conducting wires.

WBBSE Class 8 Science Experiment Questions

The bulb glows As the metal plates are connected to the battery, the two metal plates become charged: the metal plate connected to the positive terminal of the battery becomes positively charged while the plate connected to the negative terminal of the battery becomes negatively charged.

Therefore, a potential difference is created between the two metal plates and electricity flows through the bulb via the metal plates and the bulb glows.


WBBSE Solutions For class 8 Chapter 4 Analysis of natural phenomena LED

WBBSE Class 8 Natural Phenomena Experiments Solutions


If the potential difference between the two plates increases, that is if two batteries are connected in series in the circuit, more current will flow through the conductors.


WBBSE Solutions For class 8 Chapter 4 Analysis of natural phenomena Two plates

Analysis of Natural Phenomena Chapter 5 WBBSE


When no LED bulb is connected to the metal plates and the metal plates are connected only to the battery, then also a current of very small magnitude flows through the air from one metal plate to the other.

We have already stated that a large number of charged particles are, floating in the air, positively charged particles are attracted to the negatively charged metal plate and vice versa,

resulting in a flow of When the battery is disconnected from the metal plates, the metal plates still remain charged for a short time.

This proves that the potential difference between the two metal plates does exist, even though for a short time after the battery is detached. But due to the presence of charged particles in the air, they become completely discharged within a very short time.


WBBSE Solutions For class 8 Chapter 4 Analysis of natural phenomena LED buld




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