WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 7 Nationalist Ideals And Their Evolution Topic B Indian National Movement Netaji And Azad Hind Fauj And Naval Revolt

WBBSE Chapter 7 Nationalist Ideas And Their Evolution Topic B Indian National Movement: Netaji And Azad Hind Fauj And Naval Revolt Long Answer Questions

Question 1. Describe the India campaign of the Azad Hind Fauj.
Answer: India Campaign Of The Azad Hind Fauj:-


The India campaign of the Azad Hind Fauj under the leadership of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose is a memorable incident in the history of India.

Netaji wanted his army to enter India through the northeast frontier and capture the Red Fort.

Important Definitions Related to Azad Hind Fauj

Campaign Of Azad Hind Fauj

1. Beginning:

The Azad Hind Fauj had several brigades among which the first section of the Subhas Brigade began

their journey from Taipung on November 9, 1943. The force consisted of 20,000 soldiers divided into two divisions.

These divisions were commanded by Major General Jaman Kiyani and Colonel Shahnawaz respectively.

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The army reached Rangoon in January 1944. Then they walked towards the Indian border.

2. Frontier campaign:

The army walked 25 miles on average carrying a load weighing 80 pounds to reach their goal.

In order to reach the border quickly they proceeded at a much faster rate than that of the Japanese army.

It was here that Netaji spread his arms towards his motherland and said, “The way to Delhi is the way to independence. Proceed to Delhi.”

3. Entry into the frontier:

The Azad Hind army attacked a British outpost at Moudak, about 50 miles from Cox’s Bazar. This sudden attack created panic among the British soldiers and they fled.

The Azad Hind soldiers took possession of the provisions, arms, and ammunition.

When they set foot on Indian soil they became overwhelmed with pleasure and began to rejoice.

WBBSE Class 8 Azad Hind Fauj Notes

4. Hoisting the national flag at Mairung:

The Azad Hind Fauj captured the Kohima Fort and a cantonment on Dimapur Kohima road on April 14, 1944.

They also captured Kohima and then hoisted the national flag at Mairung in Manipur. Then they tried to occupy Imphal, the capital of Manipur, in their march to Delhi.

5. Surrender:

The Japanese soldiers withdrew when Japan began to lose in the Second World War.

So the supply of food and arms stopped.

Again, the heavy rains compelled the Azad Hind soldiers to retreat.

Finally, Japan surrendered before the Allied Forces in August 1945 and the Azad Hind soldiers were also compelled to lay down their arms.

Question 2 Discuss Netaji’s contribution to the Indian liberation movement.

Netaji’s Contribution To The Indian Liberation Movement:-


Subhas Chandra made a bold attempt to win independence inside India as well as from abroad.

His bold steps as the Congress president and his revolutionary efforts as the supreme commander of the Azad Hind Fauj cannot be ignored.

Netaji’s Contribution To Freedom Movement

1. Within India:

1. Joining the national movement:

In spite of standing fourth in the I.C.S. examination, Subhas Chandra did not join the service.

He joined the national movement and tried to liberate his motherland under the leadership of Deshbandhu.

He also tried to protect the interest of the laborers and peasants. He was appointed Principal of National College in Kolkata and he unified the students and youths.

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2. President of National

Congress: Subhas Chandra, along with Jawaharlal, created the Left Wing within. the Congress.

He was elected President of the National Congress in the Haripura session Session (1938) and Tripuri (1939).

Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Contributions

3. Forward Bloc foundation:

Subhas Chandra was compelled to resign from the post of President when he was elected for the second time because all the members of the working committee resigned from their posts on Gandhiji’s instructions.

He established the Forward Bloc on May 3, 1939, to make the national movement more progressive and revolution-oriented.

He became its president and Sardar Shardul Singh Cavisher and Lala Shankarlal became the vice president.

2. From abroad:

1. Leaving India:

Taking advantage of the primary helplessness of England in the Second World War, Subhas Chandra began to make preparations for a direct clash with the British.

When the government came to know this, Subhas was arrested for violation of the India Protection Act.

After some time he was interned in his own house on account of ill health.

At that time he left India on January 17, 1941. Dr.Amalesh Tripathi wrote”The person whom Rabindranath had greeted as the national hero, had to leave his country by the mockery of fate

2. ” Subhas Chandra in Germany:

Subhas Chandra stayed in Russia for some time while going from Kabul too. Berlin. However, he failed to get any assistance in Russia and went to Germany.

There he formed a party named Indian Legion with Indian prisoners of war. Here the non-resident Indians addressed him as ‘Netaji’.

3. Subhas Chandra in Japan:

Subhas Chandra went to Japan by submarine. He became the supreme commander of the Azad Hind Fauj.

The soldiers started the Indian campaign under the leadership of Subhas Chandra. Finally, he failed to occupy Delhi.

However, this revolutionary attempt sped up the chance of attaining independence.

Practice Questions on Indian National Movement

WBBSE Chapter 7 Nationalist Ideas And Their Evolution Topic B Indian National Movement: Netaji And Azad Hind Fauj And Naval Revolt Short Answer Questions

Question 1 What was the motive behind the merger of the Non-cooperation and Khilafat movements?

Motive Behind The Merger Of The Non-Cooperation And Khilafat Movements:-

Gandhiji found a golden opportunity to establish a Hindu-Muslim alliance through the Khilafat Movement.

He wanted to add momentum to the national movement by utilizing Hindu-Muslim unity. So he took up

the post of president at a special session of the All India Khilafat conference and supported the cause of the movement.

He said, “Such opportunity of Hindu Muslim Unity will not come even in a hundred years.”

Question 2 State the significance of the Tripuri session of the Indian National Congress.

Significance Of The Tripuri Session Of The Indian National Congress:-

1. Resignation from President’s post:

All the members of the Congress working committee resigned obeying an unwritten order of Gandhiji.

So Subhas Chandra was compelled to resign from the post of president. He formed a new party named Forward Bloc.

2. Reduction in the power of Leftists:

As a result of Subhas Chandra’s resignation the Rightists in the Congress Party gradually became more powerful and the Leftists became weak.

Key Events of Azad Hind Fauj

3. Loss of momentum:

The national movement virtually became weak as a result of the conflict between Subhas Chandra and Gandhiji, the two top leaders of the country.

Question 3 Write a note on Forward Bloc.

Forward Bloc:-

1. Formation of Forward Bloc:

Subhas Chandra established the Forward Bloc with the help of the Leftists within Congress.

Subhas Chandra himself became the President and Shardul Singh Karvishar of Punjab became the vice president.

2. Reasons for formation:

  1. Leftist unity: Subhas wanted to consolidate the Leftist power by forming a separate party.
  2.  Chief propelling force: Subhas Chandra wanted to make the Leftist power the chief propelling force of the national movement by organizing a new party.

3. Motive:

  1.  To attain complete independence by organizing an anti-imperialism movement.
  2. To establish equal rights for all as well as social justice.

Question 4. Who played the major roles in building up the Azad Hind Fauj?

Major Roles In Building Up The Azad Hind Fauj:-

1. Role of Rashbehari Bose:

Rashbehari Bose founded the ‘Indian Independence League’ at a conference Tokyo in Japan, on March 28,

1942 with the nonresident Indians of southeast Asia and Indian prisoners of war.

2. Role of Preetam Singh:

Preetam Singh formed the ‘Indian Independence League’ in Malaya which was later renamed the ‘Indian National Army’.

3. Role of Mohan Singh:

Captain Mohan Singh of the Indian army, who was held a prisoner in Japan in the Second World War, also played an important role in forming the Azad Hind Fauj.

4. Role of Subhas Chandra:

Rashbehari Bose conferred the leadership of the Indian Independence League on Subhas Chandra at a mass assembly in Singapore on July 4, 1943.

Subhas Chandra formally took up the leadership and renamed it the Indian National Army (INA) or Azad Hind Fauj.

Impact of Azad Hind Fauj on Indian Independence

WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 7 Nationalist Ideals And Their Evolution Topic B Indian National Movement Netaji And Azad Hind Fauj And Naval Revolt

Question 5. State the contribution of Azad Hind Fauj to the Indian National movement.

Contribution Of Azad Hind Fauj To The Indian National Movement:-

1. Establishment of the ideal of national integration:

The Azad Hind Fauj established the ideals of unity and national integration by combining people of different religions and races.

2 Specimen of self-sacrifice and valor:

The valiant struggle and self-sacrifice of this army inspired the Indians to struggle.

3 Inspirations to the Navy:

The self-sacrifice of the Azad Hind Fauj inspired the Navy to revolt in Bombay in 1946.

Short Notes on Naval Revolt of 1946

Question 6. How were the Indians affected by the trials of the soldiers of Azad Hind Fauj?

Indians Affected By The Trials Of The Soldiers Of Azad Hind Fauj:-

1. Effect on the armed forces:

The great sacrifice and valiant struggle of the members of Azad Hind Fauj made the Indian Navy rebellious. Even the Air Force and other departments were quite hurt.

2. Arousing patriotism:

While the trial of the Azad Hind prisoners was going on at the Red Fort, the tale of their valiant struggle enlivened the Indians with so much patriotism for the first time.

3. Raising the question of independence at the international level:

The indomitable and unrelenting struggle of the Azad Hind Fauj brought the question of Indian independence up to the international level.

Examples of Women in Azad Hind Fauj

WBBSE Chapter 7 Nationalist Ideas And Their Evolution Topic B Indian National Movement: Netaji And Azad Hind Fauj And Naval Revolt state Whether The Following Statements Are True Or False

Question 1. Mahatma Gandhi called Subhas Chandra a ‘patriot of the patriots’.
Answer: True

Question 2. Revolutionist Bina Das was the youngest daughter of Benimadhav Das, the teacher of Subhas Chandra Bose.
Answer: True

Question 3. Subhas Chandra launched a movement to remove the Holwell monument of Bengal.
Answer: True

WBBSE Chapter 7 Nationalist Ideas And Their Evolution Topic B Indian National Movement: Netaji And Azad Hind Fauj And Naval Revolt Fill In The Blanks By Selecting The Appropriate Expressions From The Brackets

Question 1. Forward Block was founded by __________ (Jawaharlal Nehru/Subhas Chandra Bose/ Chittaranjan Das).
Answer: Subhas Chandra Bose

Question 2. Subhas Chandra Bose became the president of the Indian National Congress in the __________ (Tripuri/Haripura/Kolkata) session by defeating Gandhiji’s candidate Pattavi Sitaramaiya.
Answer: Haripura

Question 3. The supreme commander of Azad Hind Fauj was __________ (Subhas Chandra Bose/ Rashbehari Bose/Lala Hardayal).
Answer: Subhas Chandra Bose

Question 4. The Naval Revolt occurred on the ship named __________ (Talwar/Moverik/Henry S).
Answer: Talwar

WBBSE Chapter 7 Nationalist Ideas And Their Evolution Topic B Indian National Movement: Netaji And Azad Hind Fauj And Naval Revolt Very Short Answer Questions

Question 1. Which Party won the Calcutta Corporation election in 1924?
Answer: The Swarajya party won the Calcutta Corporation election in 1924.

Question 2. Who organized a movement to remove the Holwell monument?
Answer: Subhas Chandra Bose organized a movement to remove the Holwell monument.

Question 3. At whose request Subhas Chandra Bose went to Japan to take charge of Azad Hind Fauj?
Answer: At Rashbehari Basu’s request Subhas Bose went to Japan to take charge of Azad Hind Fauj.

Question 4. Which party was formed by Subhas Bose after leaving Congress?
Answer: Subhas Bose formed the Forward Bloc after leaving Congress.

Question 5. When did the Naval Revolt break out?
Answer: The Naval Revolt broke out in 1946.

Conceptual Questions on Revolutionary Movements in India

Question 6. Write the name of the women’s regiment formed in Azad Hind Fauj.
Answer: The Women’s Regiment Formed In Azad Hind Fauj Jhansi Regiment

Question 7. Who was the captain of the Rani Jhansi regiment?
Answer: The captain of the Rani Jhansi regiment was Lakshmi Sahgal.

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