WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 5 Reaction To Colonial Rule Cooperation And Revolt Topic B Revolt and Movement against Company Rule

Chapter 5 Reaction To Colonial Rule: Cooperation And Revolt Topic B Revolt and Movement Against Company Rule Long Answer Questions

Question 1. Give an account of the Farazi and Wahabi movements.
Answer: Farazi And Wahabi Movements:-

Farazi Movement

1. Origin:

The word ‘Farazi’ ‘compulsory duties according to instructions of ‘Islam’ or ‘faith in the religious principles of Islam. The Farazi sect was founded by Haji Shariatullah in 1820.

2. Ideals:

Haji Shariatullah wanted that India ruled by enemies (Dar ul Harb) should be transformed into an Islamic country (Dar ul Islam).

He thought that India under British rule was not suitable for pious Muslims. He told his followers to rise against the tyranny of the Zamindars and indigo planters.

He also told them to read Karma (faith in one God or Allah) and Namaz (prayer to God), keep Roja (fast), give Zakat (donation), and go on Haj (pilgrimage).

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3. Leaders:

After the death of Shariatullah, the Farazi Movement was led by his son Dudu Mian and his grandson Noa Mian respectively.

4. Expansion:

The Farazi Movement started in Faridpur of East Bengal when Shariatullah organized the farmers. It gradually spread to Dhaka, Khulna, and Mymensingh.

5. Features:

Though the Farazi Movement began as a religious movement it turned into a political movement later on. 2 The Farazi Movement mainly involved poor Muslim farmers.

6. End of movement:

After the death of Dudu Mian in 1862, his son Noa Mian gradually a political character to it. This weakened the Movement and it slowly came to an end.

Wbbse Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 5 Reaction To Colonial Rule Cooperation And Revolt Haji Shariatullah

Wahabi Movement

1. Origin:

The term ‘Wahabi’ means ‘Renaissance’ or new awakening and the real name of the Wahabi Movement is Tarikh I Muhammedia (path shown by Muhammad).

In the 18th century Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab, a pious Muslim of Arabia, launched this movement against the superstitions prevalent in Islam.

WBBSE Class 8 Revolt Against Company Rule Notes

In India, a similar movement started under the leadership of Sant Shah Waliullah following the path and ideals of Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab.

2. Aim:

Initially, the Wahabi Movement aimed at the purification of Islam but later on it became a political movement against the British and feudalism.

3. Leaders:

Syed Ahmed was the pioneer of the Wahabi Movement in India. Some important leaders were Yiahia Ali, Abdur Rahim, and Amanullah.

4. Barasat Rebellion of Titu Mir:

The Wahabi Movement in Bengal under the leadership of Titu Mir (Mir Nishar Ali) is known as the ‘Barasat Rebellion’.

Titu Mir, who represented the lower class people, spread the movement over, 24 Parganas, Dhaka, Khulna, and Jessore.

Question 2. Give an account of the Barasat Rebellion and Mopala Rebellion.

Barasat Rebellion And Mopala Rebellion:-

Barasat Rebellion Of Titu Mir


Mir Nishar Ali or Titu Mir was the pioneer of the Wahabi Movement in Bengal. Inspired by the Wahabi ideals, he became a disciple of Syed Ahmed and spread Wahabi ideals in Bengal.

Here the Wahabi Movement was better known as Barasat Rebellion.

1. Duties of followers:

Titu Mir told his followers not to have faith in pirs or paigambars, i.e., prophets; not to build temples or mosques; to keep beards; not to lend money on interest.

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2. Spread of the Movement:

The Movement spread to 24 Parganas, Nadia, Maldah, Rajshahi, Dhaka, and Pabna.

3. Opposition by Krishnadev Roy:

Krishnadev Roy, the Zamindar of Pur village of 24 Parganas, announced that whoever became Titu Mir’s follower or kept a long beard would have to pay 2.5% extra revenue.

So a conflict took place between the Zamindar and Titu Mir’s followers.

4. Bamboo castle:

After succeeding in his struggle against the Zamindars, Titu Mir built a bamboo castle in Narkelberia, 10 km away from the Baduria police station of 24 Parganas.

He declared ‘Jehad’ (war) against the Zamindars and indigo planters and demanded revenue from them.

5. End of the revolt:

When the magistrate of Jessore attacked Titu Mir’s headquarters with a large force they were defeated. Afterward, Bentinck curbed the rebellion by sending an army.

Wbbse Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 5 Reaction To Colonial Rule Cooperation And Revolt Bamboo Castle of Titu Mir


The main aim of Titu Mir’s Barasat rebellion was to protest against the Zamindars. Titu Mir also declared

the end of British rule over a large area spread across Barasat and Basirhat. The people belonging to lower classes spontaneously participated in this revolt.

Causes of the 1857 Revolt

Mobile Revolt

1. Introduction:

Several Arab traders had permanently settled on the Malabar coast of South India. Their descendants were known as Mopala.

The agriculturist Mopalas rose in rebellion against the tyranny of the Zamindars. This is known in history as the Mopala Revolt (1873-96).

2. Causes of revolt:

1. High rate of revenue:

The Mopalas were mainly farmers. The old zamindars recovered their lands after the death of Tipu Sultan through the generosity of the British Company.

When these zamindars began to extract revenue from the Mopalas at a high rate, they became rebellious.

2. Religious concerns:

The Mopalas were Muslims by religion. On the other hand, the local zamindars were mostly Hindus. So, religious issues were another cause behind these revolts.

3. Significance:

  1. The intensity of the Mopala revolt scared the British so much that they ordered the zamindars and the moneylenders to stop taking increased revenue and exorbitant interests respectively.
  2. The rates of revenue and interest were fixed.

Question 3 Discuss the role of the bourgeoisie in the Indigo Revolt.

Role Of The Bourgeoisie In The Indigo Revolt:-


The Indigo Revolt took place under the leadership of the indigo farmers of Bengal in 1859.

The writers, editors, lawyers, and other intellectual groups played a vital role in this rebellion.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 5 Reaction To Colonial Rule Cooperation And Revolt Topic B Revolt and Movement against Company Rule

Role Of Middle-Class Intellectuals In The Indigo Revolt

1. Role of Press:

The ‘Hindu Patriot’ edited by Harishchandra Mukherjee regularly published the tales of the tyranny of the indigo planters.

Ishwar Gupta’s ‘Sambad Prabhakar’, Akshay Kumar Dutta’s ‘Tatwabodhini Patrika’, ‘Samachar Bhaskar’ and ‘Somprakash’ published several articles on Indigo Rebellion.

Apart from these, Sisir Kumar Ghosh also presented the story of the Indigo Revolt in his newspaper, ‘Amrita Bazar Patrika”.

2. Role of intellectuals:

Various writers and poets had written stories, plays, and poems on the Indigo Revolt to encourage the farmers.

Dinabandhu Mitra wrote the play ‘Nil Darpan’ in 1860 focusing on the tortures of indigo planters on the peasants.

This play was translated into English by Michel Madhusudan Dutta, alias Reverend James Long. He was fined 1000 rupees and imprisoned for one month.

Key Figures in the 1857 Rebellion Notes

3. Role of lawyers:

The indigo planters used to bring several allegations against the cultivators who did not have enough money to fight for their causes or defend themselves.

Under these circumstances, some lawyers from the urban middle class came to help the rebels.

Shambhunath Pandit and Prasanna Kumar Thakur called upon the people to resist the tyranny of the indigo planters.

4. Limitation of intellectuals:

Many of the intellectuals did not want the Indigo Revolt to become an anti-British movement.

They were enchanted by British rule and were dependent on the British government.

So, many of them withdrew when the rebellion reached its climax. Incidentally, Raja Rammohan Roy and Dwarakanath

Tagore was interested in indigo cultivation because they thought that the indigo business would increase the prosperity of rural India but no such thing actually happened.

Question 4 Discuss the causes and results of the Kol (Munda) Rebellion of 1899-1900.

Causes And Results Of The Kol (Munda) Rebellion Of 1899-1900:-


The anti-British movement under the leadership of Birsa Munda in protest against

the eviction of Mundas from their lands is known as the Kol Rebellion in the history of tribal peasants’ revolt in India. It is also known as Munda Ulgulan (1899-1900).

Causes Of Kol Rebellion

1. Collapse of the agricultural system:

A special feature of the agricultural system of the tribal Mundas was ‘Khutkathi’ or ‘joint ownership of land’.

Now the British rulers removed this system and established the system of personal ownership of land.

2 Change in the social system:

The British government did away with the traditional law, justice, and social system of the Mundas and introduced a new code of law. This aroused discontent among the Mundas.

3 Land grabbing:

The contractors, money lenders, and zamindars who came from the northern plains drove away the Mundas from their lands and turned these into privately owned holdings. This made the Mundas rebellious.

4 Burden of taxes and bonded labor:

The Zamindars and Mahajans used to impose varieties of heavy taxes and high rates of interest on the Mundas.

Again they were compelled to render free labor. All these practices exhausted their patience.

5 Oppression by tea merchants:

The owners of the tea gardens employed the Mundas by showing false temptation since their main aim was to exploit the Mundas.

When the Mundas realized this truth, they became furious and rebelled.

Results Of Kol Rebellion

1. Chhotanagpur Tenancy Act:

The intensity of the Kol Rebellion compelled the government to pay attention to the grievances of the Mundas. So, the Chhotanagpur Tenancy Act was passed in 1908.

Impact of the Revolt on British Policies

2. Recognition of the Khutkathi System:

The Khutkathi system, i.e., the joint ownership of land was accepted by the government through the Chotanagpur Tenancy Act.

This act also prohibited the eviction of Mundas and employing them as bonded laborers.

3. Emergence of Birsa sect:

The Kol Rebellion was a failure but the contribution of Birsa Munda is always remembered in history.

A new sect emerged among the tribals which came to be known as the Birsa sect. In fact, the Mundas started adoring and worshipping Birsa as God on earth.

4. Beginning of Tana Bhagat Movement:

The Kol Rebellion also inspired the Oraos of Chotanagpur. The Bhaiyas launched the Tana Bhagat movement for the ownership of land.

Since the Oraos had themselves cleared the forests and made the lands cultivable, they were not ready to pay any rent to the British.

Question 5. Discuss the causes of the Great Revolt. of 1857.

Causes Of The Great Revolt. Of 1857:-


The Great Revolt of 1857 was initiated through the Sepoy Mutiny which resulted from the dissatisfaction among the Indian soldiers.

However, the grievances of the Indians against the maladministration of the British found an outlet through the Great Revolt.

This massive revolt was the result of the outburst of grievances of all those who were continuously oppressed by the British.

Damodar Savarkar, a freedom fighter, has referred to it as the ‘first war of Indian independence’.

Causes Of The Revolt Of 1857

1. Political:

1. Doctrine of Lapse:

Lord Dalhousie annexed many Indian territories by applying the Doctrine of Lapse. In this way, he occupied Jhansi, Satara, Tanjore, and Nagpur.

2. Plunder of palaces:

The British plundered the palaces of Ayodhya and Nagpur on the plea of maladministration and drove away the Nawabs and their relatives from the palace.

This enraged the public against the British.

Short Notes on Major Uprisings of 1857

2. Social:

1. Social discrimination:

The British and the Indians were the rulers and ruled from a social point of view. This discrimination stirred up the consciousness of the Indians.

2 Hatred towards the Indians:

The British always looked down. upon the Indians. In many parks and European clubs, it was written ‘Dogs and Indians are forbidden’.

A magistrate in Agra issued a decree saying Indians should salute every Englishman.

3. Religious:

1. Opposition of rituals:

The positive measures taken by the British to remove social vices like Suttee, child sacrifice, infanticide, and other superstitions and to encourage widow remarriage offended the superstitious and orthodox Hindus.

2. Imposition of religious taxes:

The imposition of tax on the various religious institutions hurt the religious sentiments and the Hindu and Muslim families who were dependent on the lands of temples and mosques were infuriated.

industries: The British destroyed the Indian cotton textile industry for their own interests.

They imported the industrial products of England free of duty and turned India into a supplier of raw materials as well as a market for manufactured goods.

2. Deprivation in jobs:

The higher posts in the government were reserved only for the British on the pretext that Indians were corrupt. This caused great offense to the educated Indians.

5. Military:

1. Incivility of officers:

The British navy officers often ill-treated and abused the Indian soldiers. Such treatment enraged the Indian sepoys.

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2. Lack of other facilities:

There was great discrimination between the salaries of the British and Indian soldiers. Moreover,

the Indian soldiers were neither given any extra allowances nor were they eligible to receive promotions to higher posts.

6. Immediate cause (Enfield Rifle):

The British government introduced the Enfield. rifle in which the shells of the cartridges had to be bitten off to load the cartridges in the gun.

A rumor spread that the shells were made of some substance containing the fat of cow and pig.

This hurt the sentiments of both Hindus and Muslims and they revolted against the authorities.

Question 6. Discuss the results of the Great Revolt of 1857.

Results Of The Great Revolt Of 1857:-


The effect of the Sepoy Mutiny and the Great Revolt of 1857 could be felt in different spheres in the later periods.

The ideals of the Revolt greatly influenced both the policies and strategies of the British administration as well as the national liberation movement.

1. End of the Company’s rule:

After the Great Revolt, the British authorities could not entrust the Company with administrative responsibilities anymore.

So the India Government Act was passed in the British Parliament. The administration now passed into the hands of Queen Victoria and it was decided.

that a Governor General would rule India in the name of the Crown.

2. Administrative changes:

A Council Act was passed which annulled the centralization policy of the earlier Charter Act. The British administration in India began to be decentralized.

The Bombay and Madras councils were given the power to enact laws.

It was decided that the Secretary of State for India would be assisted by a fifteen-member council named India Council, in conducting the administration.

3. Military reforms:

After the Great Revolt, measures were taken to strengthen the defense system. The number of foreign soldiers in the army increased.

The recruitment of Indian soldiers in the artillery was stopped. The Presidency army was separated.

It was also decided that no Indian soldier should be appointed to any high post in the army.

Practice Questions on 1857 Revolt

4. Change in native politics:

Before the Great Revolt, the native provinces were annexed to the British Empire on the pretext of providing security to them.

From then on, the British adopted more friendly policies so that the British empire could last long.

5. Social changes:

The revolt brought about some changes in Indian society.

Society started to become modern with the touch of Western philosophy, science, and literature. However, the Muslims kept themselves aloof from such changes.

6. Queen’s Proclamation:

Lord Canning was the first Viceroy who came to India as a representative of Queen Victoria establishing a developed administrative system in India in accordance with the Government of India Act.

On November 1, 1858, Lord Canning read out a proclamation at a durbar (Conference) at Allahabad. This is known as Queen’s Proclamation.

Question 7. Mention the reasons for the failure of the Great Revolt of 1857.

Reasons For The Failure Of The Great Revolt Of 1857:-


Though the Revolt of 1857 displayed much sacrifice and valor on the part of the Indians, it was ultimately a failure. There were several reasons behind this failure.

Causes For Failure Of The Revolt

1. Lack of coordination and planning:

There was a lack of coordination among the leaders of the Revolt and there was no previous planning. So it finally failed.

2. Lack of unity and integrity:

There was a lack of unity and integrity among the soldiers. Many of the rebel leaders paid more attention to narrow personal interests rather than to the broader national interest.

3. Separate objectives:

The different communities who participated in the revolt had separate objectives. The Muslim sepoys wanted

the revival of Mughal power whereas the Hindu sepoys wanted the establishment of the rule of the Peshwa. These separate aims prevented the revolt from succeeding.

4. Lack of discipline:

The Indian sepoys fought in a disorganized and indisciplined manner. On the other hand, the British army was very disciplined and organized.

Important Definitions Related to the 1857 Revolt

5. Lack of efficient leadership:

In spite of valor and enthusiasm, Indian leaders like Laxmibai, Nana Saheb, or Tantia Tope were not as efficient as the British generals like Lawrence, Outram, and Havelock.

6. Regional limitation:

The revolt was chiefly confined to Uttar Pradesh and its adjoining areas. Punjab, Sind, and many other regions remained aloof.

7. Noncooperation from native kings:

The native rulers like Scindia of Gwalior, Sir Jung Bahadur of Nepal, Begum of Bhopal, and the King of Jodhpur did not help the sepoys. They rather helped the British secretly.

8. Indifference of the educated middle class:

The educated middle class did not give any support to the Great Revolt. So the revolt finally became weak and failed.

Question 8. Discuss the nature of the Revolt of 1857.

Nature Of The Revolt Of 1857:-


There is a controversy among historians regarding the nature of the Great Revolt. Some think that it was merely a military uprising.

According to some, it was a conservative revolt or a feudal reaction. Again, many people regard it as the ‘first war of Indian independence’ or a ‘national revolt’.

Nature Of The Revolt

1. Sepoy Mutiny:

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Durgadas Banerjee, and Dadabhai Naoroji regard the revolt as a mere Sepoy Mutiny. They think that

  1. different communities had joined the revolt to further their own interest and did not think of the national interest.
  2. Many people as well as groups remained aloof. Kings like Scindia, Holkar, Gaikwad, and Travancore did not join in it.
  3. The educated middle class did not support it. So this revolt cannot be called a national revolt.

2. Revolt of feudal lords:

The Marxist historian Rajni Pamdutta calls the revolt an uprising of conservative and feudal powers.

He points out that feudal rulers like Laxmibai, Nana Saheb, and Kunwar Singh led the revolt for their own interests.

3. National revolt:

Historians like John Kay, J. B Norton, and Malleson call the revolt of 1857 a ‘national revolt’.

Historian Shashi Bhushan Choudhuri has affirmed that it was a national war against imperialism.

The rebels showed their nationalistic spirit by declaring Bahadur Shah II the emperor.

Conceptual Questions on Causes and Consequences of Revolt

4. Mass rebellion:

It can be clearly said that the common people joined the revolt spontaneously. Millions of people staked everything and joined the revolt.

5. First War of Independence:

In his book. ‘The Indian War of Independence’ Vinayak Damodar Savarkar has referred to the revolt as ‘the first war of Indian independence’.

P C Joshi, in his essay ‘1857 in our history,’ refers to the revolt as a war of independence. Both Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels referred to the revolt as a freedom struggle.

Question 9 Can we call the Revolt of 1857 ‘the first war of Indian independence’?

Yes, We Can Call The Revolt Of 1857 ‘The First War Of Indian Independence’:-


Historians differ among themselves as to whether the Great Revolt of 1857 can be called the first war of Indian independence.

Revolt Of 1857 The First War Of Indian Independence

1. Arguments for:

Nationalist leaders like Vinayak Damodar Savarkar and PC Joshi called the revolt the first war of Indian independence.

  1. Vir Savarkar wrote, “The revolt of 1857 was the first war of Indian independence”.
  2. P. C. Joshi wrote in his essay ‘1857 in our history that “The Great Revolt is the first Indian independence war”.
  3. Professor Shushovan Sarkar has said, “If we do not call the Sepoy Mutiny a national struggle then we cannot call the Carbonari Movement of Italy the ‘Italian Liberation War”.

2. Arguments against:

Scholars like Dr. Surendranath Sen, Ramesh Chandra Majumdar, and E.M.S. Nambudripad do not want to call the sepoy mutiny the first war of independence.

  1. Surendranath Sen, in his book ‘Eighteen Fifty-Seven’, said that the revolt of 1857 could not be regarded as a struggle for independence.
  2. Dr. Ramesh Chandra Majumdar said that the so-called first national war of Independence was neither the first nor the national War of Independence because the common people of India had not participated in it.
  3. E.M.S. Nambudripad said that ‘the number of soldiers who had helped the British to suppress the revolt was much more in number than the soldiers who had participated in the revolt.


Judged from all aspects we cannot call the Great Revolt of 1857 the first war of Indian independence. It was chiefly the first great uprising against the British power.

Examples of Local Resistance Movements

Question 10. Write a note on Queen’s proclamation (1813).

Queen’s Proclamation (1813):-

1. Introduction:

A radical change was made in the British administrative system after suppressing the Great Revolt.

The administrative power was transferred from the hands of the British East India Company to Queen Victoria of England.

Lord Canning, the first Viceroy of India read out a proclamation on November 1, 1858, at a conference at Allahabad. This is known as Queen’s Proclamation.

2. Background of The Proclamation:

After the Sepoy Mutiny, the British authorities did not regard it safe to leave the administration of India in the hands of a trading company.

They passed the Advanced India Government Act in the British Parliament. The administration of India was placed in the hands of the Crown.

It was decided that from now on colonial India would be ruled by a Secretary who would be elected from the cabinet of ministers.

This Secretary of State would be assisted by a council of 15 members.

The Governor General would henceforth be called Viceroy and he would conduct the administration as a representative of the crown.


Wbbse Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 5 Reaction To Colonial Rule Cooperation And Revolt Queen Victoria


3. Recommendations of The Proclamation:

The Proclamation stated that

  1. The Doctrine of Lapse would be abandoned and the native rulers could designate an heir.
  2. The Company would abide by the treaties signed between them and the native kingdoms earlier.
  3. The rebels, except those who were directly responsible for the killing, would be released. The confiscated properties would also be returned.
  4. The Company could neither annex any more kingdoms nor interfere in the internal matter of the native kingdoms.
  5. The eligible Indians would be given suitable government jobs irrespective of race and religion.
  6. The government would never interfere in the social and religious rituals of the Indians.

Result: Queen Victoria made a number of commitments in her Proclamation to redress the wound caused by the Company’s 100 years of misrule.

However, none of these promises were actually fulfilled. So historian Bipin Chandra calls this proclamation a political bluff.

However, the English people regard it as the Magna Carta of India because it laid the foundation of British rule for 60 years before the India Government Act of 1919 was passed.

Question 11. Suppose you and your friend are students of a school in Kolkata during the Young Bengal Movement under the leadership of Derozio. Discuss the merits and demerits of the Movement in the form of a conversation.

The Merits And Demerits Of The Young Bengal Movement In The Form Of A Conversation In Kolkata:-

1. Anil: I think you’ve heard that Derozio, the professor of your Hindu College has built up an association with his students.

2. Amar: Yes, I have heard that, Anil. I have also heard that the name of the association is Young Bengal.

3. Anil: Do you know that the members of this association are quite modern?

4. Amar: Is it so? How?

5. Anil: The Young Bengals do not accept the sanctity of Ganges water. They dare to tear off the sacred thread. They even criticize the image in the temples.

6. Amar: What are you saying? I think this is almost like revolting against Hinduism.

7. Anil: I don’t know whether it is a revolt or not but their behavior and activities have stirred up the Hindu society.

The Brahmins and conservative Hindus have not been able to accept their behavior.

8. Amar: It’s not possible to accept such behavior. Otherwise, the very existence of Hindus will be at stake.

9. Anil: Exactly. I don’t know whether you know that under the pressure of Hindu society, the college authorities have accused Derozio of misleading the students.

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He has also been instructed to resign from his post at the college as a Professor.

10. Amar: Whatever you say, if this role of the students under the leadership of Derozio could remove the superstitions, then it would have been better.

11. Anil: Of course, they had attempted to do so but their endeavor to remove bigots and superstitions from the Hindu religion did not succeed.

After Derozio’s death, the members of the association got involved in their own individual lives.

12. Amar: Well, Anil, we will talk more about this later.

WBBSE Chapter 5 Reaction To Colonial Rule: Cooperation And Revolt Topic B Revolt And Movement Against Company Rile Short Answer Questions

Question 1. How did the bonded labor system lead to the Santhal rebellion?

Bonded Labor System Lead To The Santhal Rebellion:-

The bonded labor system was an important cause of the Santhal Rebellion.

1. Bonds:

The poor Santhals were compelled to take loans (dadan) in cash or kind from the moneylenders who made them sign. two bonds Kamiyati and Harwahi.

2. Application of bonds:

According to the kamiyati system, the Santhals had to render free labor on the Mahajan’s land till the dadan was repaid.

According to the hardware system, they had to do other work apart from cultivation till the dadan could be paid back.

Since the Santhals were immensely tortured because of these bonds, they were compelled to rebel.

Question 2. What were the measures taken by the British to suppress the Kol (Munda) rebellion?

Measures Taken By The British To Suppress The Kol (Munda) Rebellion:-

The British government tried to solve the problems of the Mundas by carrying out some investigations and surveys between the years 1902 and 1910.

1. Chotanagpur Tenancy Act:

The intensity of the Kol (Munda) Rebellion compelled the British to look into the grievances of the tribals. Therefore, the Chotanagpur Tenancy Act was passed in 1908.

Class 8 History Solution WBBSE

2. Recognition of the Khutkathi System:

Through the Chotanagpur Tenancy Act, the government also recognized the Khutkathi system, i.e., joint ownership of land.

Moreover, the eviction of peasants from the land and bonded labor were also prohibited.

Question 3. Name some leaders of the Great Revolt.

Leaders Of The Great Revolt:-

  1. Begum Hazrat Mahal led the Great Revolt in Ayodhya.
  2. In Kanpur, the revolt was led by Nana Saheb the adopted son of Peshwa Baji Rao Il and his two associates Tantia Tope and Azimullah.
  3.  Rani Laxmibai was the leader of the uprising in Jhansi. Kunwar Singh led the revolt in Bihar.

Question 4 Who was Bahadur Shah Zafar?

Bahadur Shah Zafar:-


Bahadur Shah Zafar was the 19th and the last Mughal emperor who ruled from the Diwani i khas of the Red Fort. He was a pensioned ruler of the East India Company.

Leader of Sepoy Mutiny:

He was declared the leader of the Sepoy Mutiny which broke out in 1857 when he was 82.

Last days:

The British army suppressed the revolt and occupied Delhi. The old emperor was imprisoned, declared guilty, and finally, deported to Rangoon.

Question 5. What do you know about the valor of Rani Laxmibai of Jhansi?

Valor Of Rani Laxmibai Of Jhansi:-

1. Introduction:

Rani Laxmibai was one of the leaders of the Great Revolt. When Governor General Lord Dalhousie annexed.

Jhansi by applying the Doctrine of Lapse, the queen became enraged and joined the Sepoy Mutiny against the British.

2. Leadership in the revolt:

Laxmibai fought with the British army led by Hugh Rose. She left the fort of Jhansi and went to Kalpi and continued the struggle.

She joined hands with Tantia Tope and kept fighting valiantly against the English army. She died in the Battle of Kalpi in 1858.

General Hugh Rose paid a tribute to her by calling her ‘the sole man among the rebels’.

WBBSE Chapter 5 Reaction To Colonial Rule: Cooperation And Revolt Topic B Revolt And Movement Against Company Rile State Whether The Following Statements Are True Or False

Question 1. The Wahabi Movement was started in India by Syed Ahmed of Raibareli.
Answer: True

Question 2. In Bangladesh, the Wahabi movement was led by Buddhu Bhagat.
Answer: False

Question 3. The first martyr of the Sepoy Mutiny was Mangal Pandey.
Answer: True

Question 4. Lord Canning was the Governor-General of India during the outbreak of the Great Revolt of 1857.
Answer: True

Question 5. Laxmibai was a famous leader of the Santhal Rebellion in 1857.
Answer: False

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Question 6. The word ‘Faraz’ means carrying out one’s duties as instructed by Islam.
Answer: True

Question 7. The actual name of Titu Mir was Mir Nishar Ali.
Answer: True

Question 8. The word ‘Viceroy’ means a royal representative or a representative of the crown.
Answer: True

Question 9. The Mopala movement broke out at Madurai in South India.
Answer: False

Question 10. Muhammed Mohsin was known as Dudu Mian.
Answer: True

Question 11. ‘Dar ul Arab means a country of peace.
Answer: False

Question 12. Mangal Pandey was a sepoy of the Bengal regiment.
Answer: False

WBBSE Chapter 5 Reaction To Colonial Rule: Cooperation And Revolt Topic B Revolt And Movement Against Company Rile Fill In The Blanks By Selecting The Appropriate Expressions From The Brackets

Question 1. The declaration of Queen Victoria was published on weten _________ (November 1, 1857/ November 1, 1858/November 1, 1859).
Answer: November 1

Question 2. The Polyger Rebellion broke out in _________ (1779/1783/1788).
Answer: 1783

Question 3. The bamboo castle was built by _________ (Titu Mir/Buddhu Bhagat/Dudu Mian).
Answer: Titu Mir

Question 4. The Battle of Balakot was held in _________ (1821/1831/1841).
Answer: 1831

Question 5. _________ (Sidhu/Buddhu Bhagat/Birsa Munda) was the leader of the Kol Rebellion or Munda Revolt.
Answer: Buddhu Bhagat

Question 6. The founder of the Farazi sect was _________ (Maulana Haji Shariyatullah/Maulana Basarat Ali/Muhammad Mohsin).
Answer: Maulana Haji ShariyatullahMaulana

Question 7. _________ (Karim Shah/Abdul Gaffar/Ibne Abdul Wahab) was known as Noa Mian.
Answer: Abdul Gaffar

Question 8. The word ‘Wahabi’ means _________ (enemy country/new awakening/revolt).
Answer: new awakening

WBBSE Chapter 5 Reaction To Colonial Rule: Cooperation And Revolt Topic B Revolt And Movement Against Company Rile Very Short Answer Questions

Question 1. Who first started the Wahabi movement in India?
Answer: Syed Ahmed of Rai Barelli first started the Wahabi movement in India.

Question 2. When was the Indigo uprising organized?
Answer: The Indigo uprising was organized in 1859-60.

Question 3. How did the British force demolish the bamboo fort?
Answer: The British force demolished the bamboo fort by firing cannons.

Question 4. Who led the Munda Ulgulan?
Answer: The Munda Ulgulan was led by Birsa Munda.

Class 8 History Solution WBBSE

Question 5. What happened to the last Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah after the 1857 revolt?
Answer: To support the great revolt, the last Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah was convicted and exiled to Rangoon in Burma.

Question 6. When did the Government of India Act come into force?
Answer: The Government of India Act came into force on 1st November 1859.

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