WBBSE Chapter 3 Establishing The Colonial Authority Topic A Reformations Of Warren Hastings An Lorcornwallis Long Answer Questions
Question 1. Discusses the Regulating Act (1773) briefly.
Answer: Regulating Act (1773):-
- The British government passed the Regulating Act in 1773 to strengthen their control over the British East Inia Company in Inia.
- An attempt was made to rectify some organisational laws of the company through this Act.
1. Two Facets of the Act:
- The two sides or facets of the Act were the central organisation of the English Company and the administration of the Company in India.
- This act led to the foundation of a centralised British administration in India for the first time.
2. Provisions:
- The administrative responsibility of the subated of Bengal was entrusted to the Governor-General and his council of four members.
- The four members would be appointed by the Board of Directors of the Company. The opinion of the majority would generally be accepted while making any decision.
- The Governor General and his council would exercise control over the matters of peace and war in the Bombay and Madras Presidencies.
- A Supreme Court was established in Inia with a Chief Justice and three subordinate judges
- Warren Hastings would be appointed as the first Governor General of Bengal.
- The Board of Directors would have the right to exercise complete authority over the activities, policies, foreign policies as well as trade commerce of the company.
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- There was a lack of specification regarding the division of power between the Governor-General and the Council so disputes often arose.
- Again there was no specification regarding the range of authority or jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and so complications arose when the Supreme Court began to interfere in the affairs of the native courts.
- The British tried to build up a constructive administrative system in India by passing the Regulating Act.
- Through this Act, the British authority in Lonon tried to impose their control over the Company rules in India.
WBBSE Class 8 Warren Hastings Reforms Notes
Question 2 What were the features of Pitt’s Inia Act?
Features Of Pitt’s Inia Act:-
- The British Parliament passed the East India Company Act in 1784 to remove the flaws of the Regulating Act of 1773.
- However, it is better known as Pitt’s Inia Act after the name of William Pitt, the then Prime Minister of Britain.
1. Authority of the British government:
- The British government established its authority over the Company’s administrative activities for the first time under this Act.
- The monarch of Englan formed a committee called the ‘Boar of Control’ with six members to establish control over the company’s rule.
- The Boar preserve the right to examine any document related to the Indian administration.
2. Declaration of national policy:
- This Act stated that conquest of territory imperialism was against the national policy of England and the company would not wage any wars in India except for self-defence.
3. Power of the Governor-General:
- The Governor General’s powers have been specified in this Act. The number of members of the Governor’s council was reduced to only three.
- The Governor General and his Council were given absolute power over matters of war, peace and other matters concerning Bombay and Maras Presidencies.
4. Instructions to officials:
- The Act also tried to put an end to the corruption prevailing among the company officials like accepting bribes and gifts.
- The officials were also instructed to submit an account of their incomes and the amount of money they were taking back to Englan after the termination of their services.
5. Setting up of special courts:
- This Act also contained a provision for setting up a special court which would try the guilty officials of the Company.
- Pitt’s Inia Act helped to foster the task of centralising the administration of the Company in Inia to a considerable extent.
Lord Cornwallis Administrative Reforms Overview
Question 3. Discusses the administrative reforms of Warren Hastings.
Administrative Reforms Of Warren Hastings:-
- Warren Console ate the Company’s rule over Bengal as well as Inia, whose foundation was laid by Lor Clive, by his skilful administration.
- Sir Alfre Loyal thinks that Hastings possessed fundamental talent in matters of administration.
1. End of dual government:
- Hastings put an end to the dual government system in India by issuing an order in 1772 and took the right to collect revenue directly into the Company’s hands. He was appointed as the first Governor General of India.
2. Abolishing the post of Nayeb Subah:
- The post of Nayeb-Subah was abolished and the two tyrants of the dual government, i.e., Reza Khan and Sitab Roy were exposed.
3. Reduction in Nawab’s annuity:
- The annual pension Nawab has been reduced from rupees 32 lakhs to rupees 16 lakhs.
4. Transfer of responsibilities:
- Initially the responsibility of maintaining law and order. was vested in the Faujar’s hands but thus often led to nepotism.
- So the power of maintaining law and order was transferred to officials who held the rank of magistrates.
5. Transfer of headquarters:
- The treasury was transferred from Murshidabad to Kolkata which became the Company’s chief centre of activity. So the importance of Kolkata now began to increase.
Key Changes Introduced by Warren Hastings
Question 4. What were the judicial reforms of Warren Hastings?
Judicial Reforms Of Warren Hastings:-
- The judicial system almost collapsed towards the end of the Mughal age due to the tyranny and oppression carried on by the Company officials.
- So Warren Hastings introduced some fundamental reforms in the judicial system.
Judicial System:
- The reforms introduced by Hastings in the judicial system were as follows
Establishment of civil criminal counts:
- Established a civil and criminal court in every district. The civil cases were tried by the collectors and the criminal cases were tried by the native judges.
2. Establishment of chief civil and chief criminal court:
- The chief civil court and the chief criminal court were established in Kolkata to review the cases tried by the district courts.
- The Governor General and two of his council members acted as judges in the chief civil court while the Chief Justice of the criminal court was nominated by the Nawab.
3. Purity in the judicial system:
- Warren Hastings stopped all the malpractices of taking bribes and gifts by the judges and made arrangements to give them a regular salary.
4. Establishment of Supreme Court:
- The Supreme Court of India was established during the tenure of Hastings in 1774 by the provisions of the Regulating Act (1773).
5. Other reforms:
- Hastings made some arrangements for the improvement of the judicial system
- He arranges for the documentation of all court activities,
- He fixed up a time for filing allegations;
- He abolished fines like ‘Chauth’ and ‘guru’, and 4he instructed ten Hindu scholars to compile the Hindu code of law.
Impact of Cornwallis Code on British Administration
Question 5 What kind of reforms I Lor Cornwallis introduce in the police administration?
Answer: Kinds Of Reforms I Lor Cornwallis Introduce In The Police Administration:-
- Cornwallis tried to cleanse the police department of all sorts of corruption. He increases the salary of the employees of the department.
- He tried to make them honest, skilful and sincere by putting an end to illegal ways of earning.
Cornwallis’ Police Reform Measures:
- Cornwallis initiated a new police system in the Indian administration.
1. Responsibility of law and order:
- The duty of maintaining law and order, in the villages initially lay with the village Zaminars. Cornwallis abolished the existing system and placed the responsibility on and well-organised police force.
2. Creation of the post of Commissioner:
- Cornwallis created the post of police. Commissioner to maintain law and order in Kolkata.
3. Establishment of police stations:
- Some police stations were established in the districts. An officer-in-charge and some constables were appointed in each police station.
- The activities of the officers in charge were supervised and controlled by the district magistrates.
4. Creation of the post of superintendent:
Creation of Some posts of police superintendent were created in the cities to maintain law and order and their expenses were borne by the government.
Short Notes on Dual System Abolition
5. Appointment of Chawkiars:
A Chawkiar was appointed in every village and his responsibility was to inform the officer in charge about the law and order situations.
6. Cash rewards:
If an officer-in-charge could succeed in rescuing any property or resources he was given 10% of the value. If he could catch robbers he was given a certain amount of money as a reward.
Question 6 discusses the administrative and judicial reforms of William Bentinck.
Administrative And Judicial Reforms Of William Bentinck:-
The tenure of William Bentinck constitutes a glorious chapter of the British period in India. He was the first to introduce administrative and judicial reforms which were beneficial for the people of Inia.
Administrative Reforms Of Bentinck:
1. Appointment of Indians to high posts:
During the time of Cornwallis only Europeans were appointed to high administrative posts. Bentinck abolished the system and began to appoint Indians to high posts on low remuneration.
2. Setting up the Boar of Revenue:
Bentinck set up a separate revenue department called ‘Boar of Revenue’ to collect the revenue from the North West frontier region accurately and regularly.
3. Combining the posts of collector and Magistrate:
Bentinck was the first Governor General to unify the two separate posts of the district Collector and the District Magistrate into a single one.
4. Increase in members of the Governor General’s Council:
Bentinck increased the number of lawyers in the Governor-General’s Council. The first expert of law appointed by him was Macaulay.
5. Creation of Commissioner’s Post:
Bentinck creates a new post of Commissioner in the division’s form by a group of districts taken together.
The Commissioner’s duty was to supervise the work of district magistrates, judges and the police.
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Judicial Reforms Of Bentinck:
- Reforms in Courts:
- Bentinck abolished the provincial courts of appeal and the mobile courts. He also increases the power of the rural courts.
- Change in the title of district judges:
- The district judges now came to be known as Sessions judges. They were now entrusted with the task of adjudicating both civil and criminal cases.
- Use of different language:
- Bentinck initiates the use of the English language instead of Persian in the higher courts and the use of local languages in the lower courts.
- Establishment of the highest Supreme Civil and Criminal Court:
- Lord Bentinck established the Supreme Civil and Criminal Court in Allahabad.
- Appointment of Indian judges in civil courts :
- Bentinck decided to appoint Indian judges to try civil cases and raise their remuneration and prestige.
Question 7. Discusses briefly the police system in British India.
Police System In British India:-
The British implement te an efficient police system during colonial rule. The police system played an important role in establishing, securing and consolidating British rule in India.
1. Motive behind Implementation:
- The police force was first used to protect British traders and enable them to carry on trade smoothly. Later on, the police were employed to maintain peace and help in continuing the colonial rule of exploitation.
- Bentinck, while pressing the police force, said that they were such shepherds who were more ferocious than the wolves.
2. Police system in Hastings’ time:
- Benga and Bihar were divided into 10 and 8 districts respectively. A police station was established in each district under the supervision of an Indian officer in charge.
- The chief police officer was entrusted with the task of maintaining law and order in the district.
- In every district 20 sepoys and 10 policemen were installed a jail was constructed.
Practice Questions on Colonial Reforms in India
4. Police system in Cornwallis’ time:
- Article 22 of Cornwallis Coe says that
- Every district would be divided into areas under particular police stations.
- There would be an officer in charge in each police station under the supervision of the district magistrate.
- There would be at least 20 sepoys in each police station.
- The jurisdiction of a police station would extend over an area of 20-30 square miles.
2. Reforms in the police system:
- The police force was established in 28 districts.
- There were rewards to encourage the police force.
- A new post of Police Commissioner was created for the security of Kolkata.
- An officer-in-charge or a superintendent of police was appointed in each police station.
- The officer-in-charge was entrusted with the task of conveying an offender to the magistrate.
Question 8. discusses the military system of British India.
Military System Of British India:-
- The British East India Company has come to India for trade. This training company emerged as a political power within 100 years of the Battle of Plassey and the army had an important part to play in it.
Army In The British Administration Formation:
1. First British army:
- Formation of security forces:
- Major Stringer Lawrence came to trade in India with the first navy. He endeavoured to organise the first security force on the European model in 1747.
- He organises this force with the native people to protect the main training centre of the company.
- Bengal native regiment:
- Just before the Battle of Plassey in 1757. Lor Clive built up the Bengal native regiment with 300-400 Indians. It was popularly called ‘The Re Platoon’.
2. Company’s process of organising the army:
- The Company built up its army with three categories of soldiers
- Army consisting of select Indian soldiers,
- Army consisting of select European soldiers,
- The Royal British forces. Initially, there were separate forces for Kolkata, Bombay a Maras Presidencies and they were led by separate commanders.
- Later on, the Bengal Army was transformed into the Central Army. The commissions of 1859 and 1879 ha emphasised some points regarding the recruitment in the army third of
- The army should consist of white people. The artillery should be under the control of the Europeans.
3. Nature of the army:
- The army consisted of the British, other Europeans and Indians as well. The English soldiers were chiefly appointed at higher posts.
- The other Europeans and the Indians were never given high posts even if they had the same eligibility. The highest post of
- The Indian soldiers were subpar. The Indian soldiers include the Muslims, the Telengis, the Rajputs, the Marathas and the Tamils.
Important Definitions Related to Colonial Authority
4. Activities:
The task of the first security force was to safeguard the chief British training centres. Later on, when the standard army was built, it had three tasks
- To capture the Indian states.
- To resist foreign invasions an
- To suppress the sporadic internal revolts in different parts of India.
Question 9 Give an idea of the introduction of Civil Service in India.
An Idea Of The Introduction Of Civil Service In India:-
- The members of the aristocratic families in Lonon were appointed to high posts in the colonial empire. This recruitment was done by the ‘Board of Directors in Lonon.
- However, these officials got low remuneration and became corrupt. So the British authority introduced the system of recruitment through the Civil Service Examination by the Charter of 1853.
Endeavour For Civil Service:
1. Lor Cornwallis’contribution:
- Lord Cornwallis introduced the Civil Service in Inia
- He arranges for the training of revenue officials to increase their efficiency.
- He forbade private trade and acceptance of gifts or bribes to stop corruption among the officials.
- The salary of the higher officials was raised to enable them to lead a smooth life.
- The appointment of Indians to high governmental posts was forbidden.
2. Role of Wellesley:
- Wellesley felt that the English youths who would join the Civil Services in Inia would have to familiarise themselves with
- the language, social norms, emotions and traditions of the plan. So he founded Fort William College in 1800 to train such youths.
3. Training Centres:
- Fort William College I not continue for long because the Company’s directors feared that the new administrators would be more loyal to Kolkata than to Lonon.
- Fort William College was closed in 1802 and Hertford Inia College was established in 1805 and shifted to Haileybury in 1809.
Indian Civil Service:
- The first Civil Service Examination was held in Lonon in 1856. It was called the Indian Civil Service or ICS.
- Through this examination, Indians began to be appointed as Joint Magistrate, deputy Collector and Sub-Juge.
Question 10. What do you mean by ‘Rule of Law’? I the British implement the ‘Rule of Law’ properly in Inia? What do they think of ‘Equality before the law”?
Rule Of Law:
1. Introduction: ‘Rule of Law’ refers to the administrative system which was conducted by implementing the laws properly.
- There was no such rule of law in colonial India during the rule of the East India Company. Now the measures are taken by
- the British government in England, like the Regulating Act and the Inia Government Act, of 1784, to terminate the Company’s rule a administer Inia according to law, was called the ‘Rule of Law’.
Class 8 History Solution WBBSE
2. Features:
- In the ‘Rule of Law’ the rights and duties of the ruler and the rule were specifically mentioned.
- This amine tractive system was not dependent on the whims of the ruler.
- Here the democratic form of administration was put into operation.
3. Justification:
- The administrative system of the British East India Company was faulty and corruptive. So the measures taken by
- the British authority in England to rule following the law was quite justified but not completely flawless.
- This was because they could not safeguard the interests of the Indians and rather, destroyed their independence.
Equality Before Law:
- The Company tries to establish the concept of ‘equality before the law’. It was clear that the same laws would apply to everyone irrespective of caste, religion and race.
- However, the declaration never materialises. Separate laws were made to judge the Europeans and separate courts were established for them.
WBBSE Chapter 3 Establishing The Colonial Authority Topic A Reformations Of Warren Hastings An Lor Cornwallis Short Answer Questions
Question 1. How I the Maras Presidency develop?
Answer: Maras Presidency Develop As Follows:-
The British East Inia Company made Masuliputtam and Surat their chief training centres in 1611 and 1612 respectively and carried on their commercial activities from these centres.
The company set up another training centre in Maras in 1639 and constructed St. George Fort there in the following year. The Maras Presidency or the St.
George’s Presidency gradually grew around the city of Maras and St. George Fort.
Question 2. What were the regions included in the Maras Presidency?
Answer: The Regions Included In The Maras Presidency:-
The Maras Presidency includes a large part of South India like Tamil Nau, the Malabar coast of North Kerala, parts of Andhra Pradesh, southern Orissa and Karnataka. In summer the chief administrative centre was Ootacamun and in winter it was Maras.
Question 3. How I the Bombay Presidency develop?
Answer: Bombay Presidency Develop As Follows:-
The Bombay Presidency was a province of British India. The setting up of a British training centre in Surat in the 17th century le to the birth of the Bombay Presidency Later on, western and central India as well as the regions on the coast of the Arabian Sea together came to constitute the Bombay Presidency.
Conceptual Questions on Governance Changes Under Cornwallis
Question 4. Which regions were included in the Bombay Presidency?
Answer: Regions Were Included In The Bombay Presidency:-
The Bombay Presidency was initially called the Western Presidency. The Sinh province of Pakistan was also included in it.
This Presidency covered Gujarat, two-thirds of western Maharashtra and north-west Karnataka. While the importance of Surat as a commercial centre began to decline, Bombay became the main training centre in about 1687 and the Company began to expand its activities from there.
Question 5. How I the Bengal Presidency develop?
Answer: Bengal Presidency Develop As Follows:-
The Company began to establish its authority over Bengal in 1765 when it was granted the want of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa. The Company also got the Nizamat in 1772.
Thus they established absolute power after getting both the rights of wanting a Nizamat. A Presidency grew up around Bengal and included Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Assam and Tripura.
Question 6 Which regions constitute the Bengal Presidency?
Answer: The Regions that Constitute The Bengal Presidency are given Below:-
Besides Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Assam and Tripura, the Bengal Presidency also includes Punjab, north of central Inia in the basins of Ganga and Brahmaputra.
A fort named Fort William was constructed like St. George Fort in Maras. So the Bengal Presidency was also called the Fort William Presidency.
Question 7. Why was the Regulating Act passed by the Parliament?
Answer: Regulating Act Passed By The Parliament:-
The British Parliament formulated and passed the Regulating Act in 1773 to reorganise the company’s administrative structure in India.
According to the Act, the Parliament of Britain could interfere in the activities of Maras, Bombay and Bengal Presidencies. A new post of the Governor General was created.
The Governor of Bengal was appointed as the Governor General for five years. A council of four members would assist him in the administration. Calcutta became the capital of British rule in India.
Examples of Judicial Reforms by Hastings
Question 8. Why was Pitt’s Inia Act Passe?
Answer: Pitt’s Inia Act Passe:-
Pitt’s Inia Act was introduced in the British Parliament in 1784 by then-Prime Minister William Pitt. It was passed to rectify the flaws of the Regulating Act of 1773 and to organise and consolidate the Company’s rule in India. This Act was put into action on 1st January 1785 and by this Act, the British Parliament got the right to supervise the activities of the East Inia Company.
Question 9. Write a note on the Charter of 1813.
Answer: Charter Of 1813:-
Terms and conditions of the Charter of 1813:
WBBSE Chapter 3 Establishing The Colonial Authoring Topic A Reformation Of Warren Hastings An Cornwallis State Whether The Following Statements Are True Or False
Question 1. The Supreme Court was established in Kolkata in 1774 through the Regulating Act.
Answer: False
Question 2. Warren Hastings established the Police department in India.
Answer: True
Question 3. Cornwallis introduced the mobile court.
Answer: True
Question 4. Warren Hastings appointed the Amini Commission in 1776.
Answer: True
Question 5. Lord Cornwallis suppressed the Thugees.
Answer: False
Question 6. The Bengal Presidency consists of Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Assam and Tripura.
Answer: True
Question 7. The Regulating Act a Pitt’s Inia Act was passed in 1773 and 1784 respectively.
Answer: True
WBBSE Chapter 3 Establishing The Colonial Authoring Topic A Reformation Of Warren Hastings An Cornwallis Fill In The Blanks
Question 1. The Penal Coe was formulated during the regime of ________ (Warren Hastings/William Bentinck/Wellesley).
Answer: William Bentinck
Question 2. Fort William College was established in _________ (1800/1802/1804).
Answer: 1800
Question 3. A regular police force was built up by _________ (Dalhousie/Wellesley/Cornwallis).
Answer: Cornwallis
Question 4. The Charter was passed in the British Parliament in _________ (1812/1813/1814).
Answer: 1813
Class 8 History Solution WBBSE
WBBSE Chapter 3 Establishing The Colonial Authoring Topic A Reformation Of Warren Hastings An Cornwallis Very Short Answer Questions
Question 1. When I the Company obtain the Nizamat rights of Bengal?
Answer: The Company obtained the Nizamat rights of Bengal in 1772.
Question 2. When was the Regulating Act passed?
Answer: The Regulating Act was passed in 1773.
Question 3. Why was the Regulating Act passed?
Answer: The Regulating Act was passed so that Britain could exert its direct authority over Company traders, officials and servants in India.
Question 4. Who suppressed the Thuggees in northern and central India in Bentinck’s time?
Answer: Colonel Sleeman suppressed the Thuggees in northern and central India in Bentinck’s time.
Question 5. Who compiled a code of laws in 1793?
Answer: Lor Cornwallis compiled a code of laws in 1793.
Question 6. When I the Company starting a new judicial system?
Answer: The Company started a new judicial system in 1772.
Question 7. Who was William Pitt?
Answer: William Pitt was the Prime Minister of Britain.