WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 3 Establishing The Authority Topic C Miscellaneous

WBBSE Chapter 3 Establishing The Colonial Authorising Topic C Miscellaneous Strike The Odd One Out

Question 1. Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Colombo.
Answer: Colombo

Question 2. Regulating Act, Atlantic Charter, Pitt’s India Act, Rowlatt Act.
Answer: Atlantic Charter

Question 3. Warren Hastings, Cornwallis, Elijah Impey, William Bentinck.
Answer: Elijah Impey

Question 4. Faujar, Kotwal, Chaukidar, Tahsildar.
Answer: Tahsildar

Question 5. Police system, bureaucracy, monarchy, military.
Answer: monarchy

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Question 6. Sreerampur Mission, Baptist Mission, Vivekananda Mission, General Assembly Institution.
Answer: General Assembly Institution

Question 7. William Carey, Joshua Marshmann, William Ward, Lord Cornwallis.
Answer: Lord Cornwallis

WBBSE Chapter 3 Establishing The Colonial Authorishing Topic C Miscellaneous Match The Columns

Wbbse Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 3 Establishing The Colonial Authority Match The Colums table 1

Answer: A-3,B-5,C-1,D-2,E-4

Wbbse Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 3 Establishing The Colonial Authority Match The Colums table 2

Answer: A-5,B-3,C-2,D-1,E-4

WBBSE Class 8 Miscellaneous Notes on Establishing Authority

Wbbse Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 3 Establishing The Colonial Authority Match The Colums table 3

Answer: A-4,B-1,C-5,D-3,E-2

Wbbse Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 3 Establishing The Colonial Authority Match The Colums table 4

Answer: A-2,B-4,C-3,D-5,E-1

Wbbse Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 3 Establishing The Colonial Authority Match The Colums table 5

Answer: A-4,B-1,C-5,D-2,E-3

Wbbse Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 3 Establishing The Colonial Authority Match The Colums table 6

Answer: A-3,B-2,C-1,D-5,E-4

WBBSE Find The Odd One Out

Question 1. Bombay, Madras, Calcutta, Bengal
Answer: Bengal

Question 2. Clive, Hastings, Dupleix, Cornwallis
Answer: Dupleix

Question 3. Bengal, Bihar, Indus region, Orissa
Answer: Indus region

Question 4. Avid Hare, William Carey, Jonathan Duncan, William Pitt
Answer: William Pitt

WBBSE Identify The Wrong Statement

Question 1. Bengal Presidency was known as St. George Fort Presidency.
Answer: Wrong

Question 2. Benaras Hindu College was established by Jonathan Duncan.
Answer: Right

Question 3. William Carey was a member of the Srirampore Missionary Society.
Answer: Right

Question 4. The Company started the Izaraari system for ten-year revenue collection.
Answer: Wrong

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WBBSE Chapter 3 Establishing The Authority Topic C Miscellaneous Short Answer Questions

Question 1. What was the British Presidency system?
Answer: British Presidency System:-

  • The British East India Company was originally a trading organization. They built some commercial centers in different parts of India to carry on their trading activities smoothly.
  • Some important centers were Maras, Mumbai, and Kolkata and later on, the Presidency System grew around them.

Question 2. What role do I Lor Cornwallis play in organising the company’s formulated law system?
Answer: Role Of Lor Cornwallis Play To Organise The Company’s Formulates Law System:-

  • Cornwallis tried to organize and compile the laws established by the Company. He formulates a code to increase the efficiency, discipline,e, and honesty of the officials.
  • This code of conduct was mandatory for all government officials and employees. This code of conduct came to be known as ‘Cornwallis Coe’.

Important Definitions Related to Colonial Authority

Question 3. What was the Company’s sipahi bahini?
Answer: Company’s Sipahi Bahini:-

  • The British East Inia Company ha started colonial rule in Inia. When the empire extended, the need for an army instead of the police began to be felt.
  • So the Company now tried to organize a standing army. Here they followed the Mughal method of recruitment and employed farmers from North India in the army.
  • These soldiers were detached from the common mass and were called the sepoys of the British East India Company.

Question 4. What role does James Rennell play in the Company’s land survey?
Answer: Role For I James Rennell Play In The Company’s Land Survey:-

  • Lan was the basis of the economy during the rule of the British East India Company. The land had to be measured to determine the revenue.
  • Simultaneously, the waterways in Bengal also began to be measured.
  • At this time the company appointed James Rennell as the Chief of the Lan Measurement department and he prepared about 16 maps after measuring the riverways of Bengal.

WBBSE Class 8 History Chapter 3 Write In Your Own Words

Question 1. Compare the administrative reforms of Warren Hastings and Lor Cornwallis. What were the effects of these reforms on the Indians?

Wbbse Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 3 Establishing The Colonial Authority Q1 pg 72

Effect of Judicial Reforms on Indians:

  • The colonial judicial system was restructured by the British EasIndiaia Company: which fulfilled the imperial interest.
  • There was discrimination in the matter of judgment and the Indians were neglected and deprived of true justice.

Question 2. What was the direct connection between the expansion of the company’s authority and the increasing strength of military forces? Give reasons for your answer.

The Direct Connection Between The Expansion Of The Company’s Authority And The Increasing Strength Of Military Forces:-

Emergence as a ruling power:

  • The British East India Company came to India as traders. After winning the Battles of Plassey and Buxar the Company emerged as a political power.

Nee for building an army:

  • The need for an army instead of a police force was felt when the colonial empire expanded. So the British company tried to build up a standing army.
  • Here they followed the Mughal procedure of recruitment and thus built the British East India Company’s army.

Understanding Colonial Authority in India

Expansion of the Company’s rule and growth of the army:

  • At first the police force.Combated all sorts of agitation against the government. However, the army had to interfere when public affairs became complicated.
  • When the colonial rule spread over different parts of Inia the company had to expand its army proportionately.
  • Thus the growth of the army became associated with the expansion of the Company’s rule.

Development of the relationship between empire expansion and growth of the army:

  • The growth of a standing army was the outcome of the relationship between the expansion of the Company’s rule and the growth of the army. The army was built traditionally.
  • Indian farmers and common people were included in the army and a separate sepoy regiment was created.
  • Later on, high-caste Rajputs, Brahmins, farmers, Marathas, tribals of Mysore, and Gurkhas of Nepal were appointed.
  • So the Company’s army expanded in the same proportion as the expansion of its territorial authority.

Class 8 History WBBSE

Question 3. What role did the bureaucracy play in the British administrative system? How did the bureaucracy organize as a narrow interest group?
Answer: Role Of The Bureaucracy Play In The British Administrative System:-

Brown and Cream Scrapbook Ancient History Infographic

Examples of Resistance Against Colonial Authority

Question 4. What difference existed between the Company’s education policaboutto Bengal and Bombay? What effect do you think the Company’s education policy has on Indian society?
Answer: The Difference Existed Between The Company’s Education Policy About Bengal And Bombay:-

Company’s Education Policy Bengal And Bombay

  • The British East India Company adopted a new education policy in India. They decided to set up many English medium schools in different parts of India as a part of that policy.
  • Bombayhast is more important than Bengal in this matter. In Bombay, much stress was placed on the cultivation of Western science and learning from the very beginning.
  • The British authority thought that the adequate demand for studying English medium had been created in Bombay only.

Effect Of Company’s Education Policy On Indian Society-

1. Establishment of English schools and colleges:

  1. Some schools and collèges were established through both. Governmental as well as private initiatives.  The Baptist Mission School was established by the Baptist Missionaries, General Assembly Institution (present Scottish Church College) was founded by Duff.  Hare School was built by David Hare and the Jesuit missionaries founded St. Xavier’s College.
  2. 2. Seventy-one English medium high schools and four universities were established in Kolkata, Bombay, and Madras under the governmental initiative.

2. Spread of Women’s Education:

  • Madam Cook a Church Missionary Society of London, Female Juvenile Society, and Ladies Society for Native Female Education, being inspired by the Company’s education policy, played an important role in the spread of women’s education.
  • The Hindu Balika Vidyalaya (Bethune School) a women’s college (Bethune College) grew up due to the efforts of Bethune and Vidyasagar.

3. Emergence of newly educated mile class:

  • Many Iranians, particularly Bengali youths, received new education and began to think on modern lines.
  • Thus the newly educated mile class, who was well-versed in the English language, emerged.

4. Social movement:

  • An attempt was made to do away with the widespread superstitions in society under the influence of Western education several off social movements started.
  • Rammohan Roy and Vidyasagar of Bengal, Jyotirao Phule of Maharashtra, Shri Narayan Guru of Kerala, and Veersalingam Pantulu of Anhra took up the task of reforming society and dedicated themselves to it.

Practice Questions on Authority and Governance

Question 5. What was the relationship between Company rules and land survey? What was the reason for starting and abolishment of the Ijaraari system?

Relationship Between Company Rules And Land Survey:-

Company’s Rule An Lan Survey

1. Motive:

  • The British East India Company has received the right to collect revenue by the power of want.
  • The company met all its expenses from the revenue collected by them, and it also consolidated its power in India.
  • So they paid attention to the development of the revenue system by surveying and measuring the plan so that the revenue could be properly determined.

2. Importance of land survey:

  • The Company got the Zaminari of 24 Parganas from Kolkata to Kulpi during the time of Mir Jafar. Robert Clive tried to get a measure.
  • Franklin began the survey but ie before completing the work. This work was completed by Hog Cameron.

3. Measurement of waterways:

  • The Company also attempted to measure the waterways.
  • In Bengal, the riverways were surveyed by James Rennell, the chief of the land survey department or the Surveyor General.
  • He made 16 maps after surveying the riverways.

Hjaraari System Implementation

1. Formation of Revenue Boar:

  • The Company began to control the economy of Bengal after winning the Battle of Buxar and receiving Diwani.
  • The Controlling Council of Revenue and Boar of Revenue were formed to ensure the proper collection of revenue.

2. Research on land arrangements:

The Company began several pieces of research on the land revenue arrangements in the Bengal Presidency.

1. Auction system:

The Company started the auction system in which land was given to the highest bidder.

2. Eksala system:

  • The Company makes a yearly agreement with an individual over landholding.
  • Later on, Hastings arranged to lease out land to the person who would pay the maximum rent for five years.
  • This was called the ‘Marwari’ or ‘Panchsala system’ since it was a five years’ arrangement.

Abolition Of Ithe Jaraari System

Some problems cropped up in the Jaraari system

  1. As most of the Ijaraars were not locals they failed to collect adequate revenue from the land.
  2. Mostly the determined rate of revenue was more than the amount collected. So, the Ijaraars cannot deposit the stipulated amount. So Cornwallis abolished the Ijaraari system.

WBBSE Class 8 History Chapter 3 Imagine An Write

Question 1. Suppose you are a Company spahi. Write a letter to your friend about your work and the working atmosphere.

Station Road
P.O: Sreerampur
dist: Hooghly

Dear Nikhilesh,

Hope you and your family are in your best spirits by the grace of Go. I am fine. In your previous letter, you want to know about my work and the working environment.

Well, I am giving you an account of that since you are so curious but I do not know whether you will like it or not.

We, the Indians, are subordinates to the British so they do not want to work under us.

So we are never given any high postdespiteof our capabilities. We have to work in the lower ranks. The English officers are quite proud and arrogant.

They keep using obscene language. We are also forced to travel by sea against the sanction of our Hindu religion. We feel off but we are helpless.

Key Concepts in Establishing Authority Notes

There is huge discrimination about remuneration. We get very low salaries and have to maintain ourselves, our families, and our houses out of that.

On the other hand, the British soldiers of the same rank as us, receive a higher salary. Previously we were given additional payment for staying in distant areas.

Now this allowance has been stopped. Again, there is almost no scope for promotion because an Indian cannot be given any post above that of a subpar.

Then there is the food problem. The quality of food provided to us is very inferior.

Despite complaining several times the quality has not been changing. Finally, after retirement, there is no provision for rehabilitation.

Now I think you have got the answers to your queries. Now it is almost time for my duty and so I stop here today. Keep well. Write soon. Waiting for your reply.

Yours affectionately,


Question 2. Suppose you are a citizen of Calcutta in the first half of the nineteenth century. Write a conversation between two educated Indians during the established ment of Hindu College and Bethune School.


I think now it can be said that there will be some advancement in education, particularly higher education. Whatdoo you say, Chanranath?

1. Chanranath:

I think you are right. The foundation of Hindu College and Bethune School is a step in that direction.

2. Rahamahav:

We can expect that Western education will prosper in India through these institutions. Again, western education will also enable our traditional education system to modernize itself.

3. Chanranath:

See, there is no hope for Inia’s progress without the advancement of Western learning. Earlier, the Company was apathetic to the spread of Western education since they were afraid of losing power.

They had been encouraging education in Arabic and Persian languages for so long and gradually Inia got engulfed in darkness.

4. Rahamahav:

You are right, Chanranath. Now the British are showing interest in education since they need educated employees to conduct administration as well as trade and commercDifferentent schools have begun to be established to teach English education.

Ultimately Rammohan an avid Hare came into the scene and began to plea in favor of Western education.

Rammohan himself founded the Anglo-Hindu school and Hindu College was established in 1817.

5. Chanranath:

However, Lor Minto, the Governor General has also made a significant contribution to spreading Western education in our country.

Short Notes on Revenue Systems Introduced by the British

6. Rahamahav:

Oh yes. He has put up the pathetic condition of education in India in his report. He has also requested the Company for some fun to preserve science and learning.

7. Chanranath:

However, Rammohan has opposed the Mass Education Committee’s decision to establish Sanskrit College.

His letter to Lor Amherst, the then Governor General, is historical evidence. Isn’t it, Rahamahav?

8. Rahamahav:

Chanranath, I support Macaulay since he has made a notable. Contribution to the matter of Western education.

9. Chanranath:

Exactly. He has put forward a proposal before the then Governor General in which he referred to Oriental civilization as ‘corrupt, profane and foolish’.

10. Rahamahav:

Moreover, he has also that the Oriental system of education has no scientific awareness and is much inferior in comparison to the Western education system.

The cultural victory that he has desired is commendable. We need English education here.

11. Chanranath:

That is why the Governor General accepted Macaulay’s proposal and declared English education as a part of government policy.

12. Rahamahav:

The Governor General has also given priority to the knowledge of the English language in government jobs.

That is why middle-class people have come forward to avail themselves of English education.

Thus western education has spread among the masses.

13. Chanranath:

Now many educational institutions have been established by both governmental and private initiatives. The foremost among them are, of course, Hinu College and Bethune School.

Now the ark curtain over Indian education will be removed.

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