WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Solved Example Problems

Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Solved Example Problems

Angle Triangle and Quadrilateral Introduction

In order to verify different axioms in geometry and to construct various geometrical figures, the knowledge of angles, triangles, and quadrilaterals is essential.

So, in this chapter, our aim is to discuss different types of angles, triangles, and quadrilaterals. The discussions of this chapter will help the students a lot in the future.

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When two line segments meet at a point, an angle is formed. Those two line segments are called the arms of that angle and the point is called the vertex of the angle.

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WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Angle

The line segments AB and AC have met at a point A and the angle ∠BAC is formed.

AB and AC are the two arms of the angle and A is the vertex.

If we assume a point D on AS and another point E on AC then ∠DAE and ∠BAC will be of the same measure.

Adjacent angles

If two angles have the same vertex and one common arm and if the two angles are on opposite sides of the common arm then the two angles are called adjacent angles.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Adjacent Angle

∠POQ and ∠QOR are adjacent angles because the vertex of both the angles is O and their common arm is OQ and the two angles are on opposite sides of this common arm.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Solved Example Problems

Perpendicular and Right angle

If a straight line stands on another straight line in such a way.that, two adjacent angles are equal then one of the straight lines is called a perpendicular to the other. Each of the two adjacent angles is called a right angle.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Perpendicular And Right Angle

The straight line OC is perpendicular on AB.

Both ∠AOC and ∠BOC are right angles.

1 right angle = 90°.

Here point 0 is the foot of the perpendicular drawn from C on AB.

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Straight angle

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Straight Angle

A straight line AB is drawn on a paper. If point C is taken on the straight line AB  then ∠ACB will be a straight angle. 1 straight angle = 180° = 2 right angles.

Wbbse Class 7 Maths Solutions

Acute angle, Obtuse angle, and Reflex angle

Acute angle: An angle that is less than a right angle is called an acute angle.

For example, 30°, 44°, 70°, etc., are acute angles. Since in the figure, 0°<x<90o, hence ∠ABC = ∠x is an acute angle.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Acute Angle

Obtuse angle: An angle that is greater than one right angle but less than two right angles is called an obtuse angle.

For example, 95°, 110°, 145°, etc., are obtuse angles. Since in the figure 90°<y<180°, hence ∠DEF = ∠y is an obtuse angle.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Obtuse Angle

Reflex angle: An angle which is greater than two right angles but less than four right angles is called a reflex angle.

For example 190°, 210°, 300°, etc., are reflex angles. Since in the figures, 180°<z<360°, hence ∠AOB =∠Z is reflex angle in both the images.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Reflex Angle

Complementary angle and Supplementary angle

Complementary angle: If the sum of two angles is equal to 90° or one right angle then each angle is called the complementary angle to the other angle.

In the image, ∠BOC is the complementary angle to ∠AOC. In this case, x + y = 90°

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Complementary Angle

Example: 20° is complementary to 70° as (90°-20°) = 70°.

Supplementary angle: If the sum of two angles is equal to 180° or two right angles then each angle is called the supplementary angle to the other angle. In the image, ∠BOC is the supplementary angle to ∠AOC. In the case, x + y = 180°.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Supplementary Angle

Example: 100° is supplementary to 80° as (180°-100°) = 80°.

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Vertically opposite angles

If two straight lines intersect each other, two pairs of angles are formed on the opposite sides of the intersecting point.

Then any angle of a pair of angles is called vertically opposite angle of the other.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Vertically Opposite Angle

The straight lines AB and CD intersect at the point O. ∠BOD is the vertically opposite angle of ∠AOC and ∠AOD is the vertically opposite angle of ∠BOC.

The vertically opposite angles are always of the same measure.

∴ ∠AOC = ∠BOD and ∠BOC = ∠AOD.

Transversal, Exterior angles, Interior angles, Interior opposite angles, Alternate angles, Corresponding angles

If a straight line cuts two other straight lines, the former straight line is called the transversal of those two straight lines.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Interior Angle

In the image, the straight line EF cuts the two straight lines AB and CD.

Therefore, the straight line EF is the transversal of the straight lines AB and CD.

When a straight line cuts two other straight lines then eight angles are formed. Among them four angles are in the inside region of the two straight lines. These four angles are called interior angles and the other four angles are called exterior angles.

WBBSE Class 7 Angle Solutions

In the image, the interior angles are ∠AGH, ∠GHC, ∠GHD, and ∠HGB (or ∠3, ∠6, ∠5, and ∠4). The exterior angles are ∠EGA, ∠EGB, ∠CHF, and ∠FHD (or ∠2, ∠1, ∠7, and ∠8).

The further off interior angle, in respect of an exterior angle is called interior opposite angle.

For example, ∠GHD (or ∠5) is the interior opposite angle in respect of ∠EGB (or ∠1).

The interior angle adjacent to one exterior angle and the interior angle adjacent to further off interior angle in respect of the same exterior angle are called alternate angles to each other.

In the image, ∠GHD{or ∠5) is the alternate angle of ∠AGH (or∠3), ∠GHC (or∠6) is the alternate angle of ∠BGH (or ∠4).

An exterior angle and an interior opposite angle on the same side of the transversal are called corresponding angles.

In the images, the pair of angles [∠EGB (or ∠1), ∠GHD(or ∠5)], [∠EGA(or ∠2), ∠GHC(or ∠6), [∠AGH(or ∠3), ∠CHF(or ∠7)] and [∠BGH (or∠4), ∠DHF(or ∠8)] are corresponding angles.

Interior angles on the same side of the transversal

Obviously, ∠BGH and ∠GHD (i.e., ∠4 and ∠5) and also ∠AGH and ∠GHC (i.e., ∠3 and ∠6) are the interior angles on the same side of the transversal.

Parallel Lines and Transversal

Two lines in the same plane are said to be parallel lines if the perpendicular distance between them is the same at every intermediate pair of points when produced indefinitely in either direction.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Parallel Lines

The adjacent imges shows that AB and CD are two parallel lines.

The perpendicular distance between them at every intermediate pair of points (two perpendicular distances PQ and XY are shown in the image) is same.

If the two parallel lines are extended indefinitely in both directions, then also it would be found that the perpendicular distance between them remains same.

A pair of railway tracks is the most common example of parallel lines.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Parallel To each Other

A pair of parallel straight lines (AB and CD) and their transversal EF are shown in the adjacent image.

Since the two straight lines AB and CD are parallel to each other, it can be proved that:

  1. Pair of corresponding angles are equal to each other. Therefore, in this case, ∠1 = ∠5, ∠2 =∠6, ∠3 = ∠7 and ∠4 = ∠8.
  2. Alternate angles are equal to each other. Therefore, in this case, ∠3 = ∠5 and ∠4 = ∠6.

Taking into account both (1) and (2) we can say that, ∠1 = ∠3 = ∠5 = ∠7 and ∠2 =∠4 = ∠6 = ∠8.

3. The sum of the interior angles on the same side of the transversal is 180° or two right angles.

∴ In this case, ∠3 +∠6 = 180° and ∠4 + ∠5 = 180°.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Perpendicular Transversal

If a transversal crosses the parallel straight lines at right angles, it is called a perpendicular transversal.

In the adjacent image shown, XY is the perpendicular transversal to the pair of parallel lines AJB and CD.

It is clear from the imagethat, ∠3 + ∠6 = 180° (or 2 right angles) and ∠4 + ∠5 = 180° (or 2 right angles).

WBBSE Class 7 Geometry Exercise 1 Examples

Some examples

Example 1. What is the sum of the angles at a point?


Sum of the angles at a point:

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Sum Of The Angles At A Point

An angle is measured with reference to a circle with its centre at the common endpoint of the rays. Hence, the sum of angles at a point is always 360°. It is called a full angle (see image).

Example 2. What are the values of smallest and largest geometric angles?

Solution: Smallest value = 0°, largest value = 360° (full angle or four right angles).

Example 3. Identify the acute, obtuse and reflex angles among the following: 45°, 72°, 187°, 210°, 175°, 300°, 15°, 120°, 140°


Acute angles: 15°, 45°, 72°

Obtuse angles: 120°, 140°, 175°.

Reflex angles: 187°, 210°, 300°.


  1. What are the values of complementary and supplementary angles to an angle θ?
  2. What are the values of complementary and supplementary angles to 0°?
  3. Which angle is equal to its complementary angle?
  4. Which angle is equal to its supplementary angle?

Solved Problems for Class 7 Angles and Triangles


  1. The complementary and supplementary angles to θ are (90°-θ) and (180°-θ) respectively.
  2. Complementary angle to 0°= 90° – 0° = 90°. Supplementary angle to 0° = 180° – 0° = 180°
  3. If the required angle be x°,then according to the question the complementary angle shall be also x°.∴ x + x = 2x = 90° or, x = 90°/2 = 45
  4. If the required angle be x°,then according to the question the supplementary angle shall be also x°.∴ x + x = 2x = 180° or, x =180°/2 = 90°

Example 5. An angle is equal to twice its supplement. Determine its measure.

Solution: Let the required angle be x°.

According to the question, the supplementary angle = x°/2

∴ x + \(\frac{x}{2}\) = 180°

or, 2x + x = 360° or, 3x = 360° or x = 120°.

Example 6. Look at the adjacent image. For what value of x, the points A, O, and B shall lie on the same straight line?


WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 For A O And B To Lie On Same Straight Line

For A, O and B to lie on same straight line, the sum of ∠AOC and ∠BOC has to be 180°, i.e., ∠AOC + ∠BOC =180°.

∴ (6x + 5) + (4x-25) = 180

or, 10x – 20 – 180 or, 10x = 200 or, x = 20

Example 7. In the image, ∠AOC = 50°. Find out the values of other angles.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Vertically Opposite Angles Are Equal To Each Other

Vertically opposite angles are equal to each other.

∴ ∠AOC = ∠BOD = 50°.

The sum of the angles at point 0 is 360° ∠COB + ∠AOD – 360° – (50° + 50°) = 260°

Since these are vertically opposite angles, ∠COB = ∠AOD = 130°.

Example 8. Indicate two pairs of alternate angles in the image shown.

Solution: Considering PQ as transversal, ∠AEG and ∠EGH are alternate angles.

Considering RS as transversal, ∠BFH and ∠FHG are alternate angles.

Example 9. Parallel lines are shown in the images. Find the measure of angles indicated by x.

Solution: See the image.

Therefore, x+ 60° = 180° or, x = 120°

The sum of the two interior angles on the same side of the transversal is 180°.

∴ x + 140° = 180° or, x = 40°.

Class 7 Maths Exercise 1 Solutions on Angles

Example 10. In the given image if AB//CD, find x, y and z.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 AB Parallel To CD

∠x = 45° (Vertically opposite angle).

∠x =∠y = 45° (Alternate angle)

Since AB//CD,

∠z + ∠y = 180°.

or ∠z – 180° – ∠y – 180° – 45° = 135°.

Classification of triangle

Triangle: A plane figure bounded by three line segments is called a triangle. A triangle has three sides and three angles. Three angular points are called the vertices of the triangle.

ABC is a triangle. Its three sides are AB, BC, and AC. Its three angles are ∠ABC, ∠BCA, and ∠CAB. Its three vertices are A, B, and C.

The sum of the three angles of a triangle is equal to 2 right angles or 180°.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Triangle

In any triangle, the sum of any two sides is always greater than the third side. Again, the difference of any two sides is always less than the third side.

If any angular point of a triangle is taken as a vertex then its opposite side is called its base. The angle opposite to the base of a triangle is called its vertical angle.

If BC is taken as a base then ∠BAC will be its vertical angle.

On the basis of sides there are three types of triangles: equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle, and scalene triangle.

West Bengal Board Class 7 Triangle Assistance

Equilateral triangle: If the lengths of the three sides of a triangle are same then the triangle is called an equilateral triangle.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Equilateral Triangle

Isosceles triangle: If the lengths of the two sides of a triangle are same then the triangle is called an isosceles triangle.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Isosceles Triangle

Scalene triangle: If the lengths of the three sides of a triangle are unequal then the triangle is called a scalene triangle.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Scalene Triangle

On the basis of angles there are three types of triangles: acute-angled triangle, obtuse-angled triangle, and right-angled triangle.

Acute-angled triangle: If each of the three angles of a triangle is acute then the triangle is called an acute angled triangle.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Acute Angles Triangle

Obtuse-angled triangle: If any one angle of a triangle is obtuse then the triangle is called an obtuse-angled triangle.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Obtuse Angled Triangle

Right-angled triangle: If any one angle of a triangle is a right angle then the triangle is called a right-angled triangle.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Right Angled Triangle

Median of a triangle

The line segment obtained by joining the middle point of any side of a triangle to the A opposite vertex is called the median of the triangle.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Median Of A Triangle

In the image, the line  segment AD has been obtained by joining the mid point D of the side BC of the triangle ABC to the opposite vertex A.

Hence, AD is a median of the triangle ABC. There are always three medians of a triangle.

The three medians of a triangle always intersect at the same point, i.e., they are concurrent.

Therefore, in each case of a triangle like scalene or equilateral or isosceles, or acutely angled or obtuse-angled or right-angled triangle, the three medians are concurrent.

WBBSE Class 7 Chapter 1 Angle Guide

The point of concurrence of the medians is known as the centroid of the triangle.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Centriod Of The Traiangle

In the image, AD, BE and CF are the three medians of ΔABC.

They intersect at point G. G is the centroid of ΔABC.

Height of a triangle

The line segment obtained by drawing the perpendicular from any vertex of a triangle to the opposite side is called the height of the triangle.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Height Of A Triangle

In the image, AD has been drawn perpendicular from the vertex A to the opposite side BC of the triangle ABC.

Hence, AD is the height of the triangle ABC. In this case BC is the base of the triangle.

If AC is taken as the base of the triangle then the perpendicular from B on AC will be the height of the triangle.

If AB is taken as the base of the triangle then the perpendicular from C on AB will be the height of the triangle.

Some examples

Example 1. Find the measures of the angles of an equilateral triangle.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Equilateral Triangle Angle Is Equal To 60 Degress

Each angle is equal to 60° (see the adjacent image)

Example 2. What are the measures of the three angles of a right-angled isosceles triangle?


WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Three Angles Of A Right Angled Isosceles Triangle

The measures of the three angles of a right-angled isosceles triangle are 45°, 45°, and 90°. See the adjacent image.

In this case, AB = AC and ∠BAC = 90°.

Example 3. Find the maximum and maximum number of acute in a triangle.

Solution: The minimum number of acute angles is two and the maximum number is three.

Example 4. What is the nature of three points through which it is not possible to construct a triangle?

Solution: It is not possible to construct a triangle through three points when they are collinear.

Example 5. How many parts of a triangle should be known to construct it?

Solution: Three.

[Of course, it is not possible to construct a definite triangle when three angles of it are known. Because when the three angles are given then it should be assumed that actually two angles are given. If two angles of a triangle are known then automatically the third one is known. In other cases, e.g., when three sides or two sides and one angle are known, it is possible to construct a definite triangle.]

Example 6. How many straight lines may be drawn through a point?

Solution: An infinite number of straight lines may be drawn through a point.

Example 7. How many straight lines may be drawn through two points?

Solution: One straight line.

Example 8. What is the minimum number of curved lines required to enclose a region?

Solution: One.

Example 9. What is the minimum number of straight lines required to enclose a region?

Solution: Three.

Example 10. If the sum of the two angles of a triangle be 90° then what is its name?

Solution: As the sum of the two angles is 90°, the third angle must be equal to 90°. Hence the triangle is a right-angled triangle.

Example 11. A triangle is equilateral on the basis of sides. What is its name on the basis of angles?

Solution: Acute angled.

Example 12. Is it possible to construct a triangle having sides of lengths 3 cm, 4 cm, and 8 cm?

Solution: We know that the sum of the two sides of a triangle is always greater than the third.

But in this case, 3 cm + 4 cm = 7cm. It is less than 8 cm. So, it is not possible to construct a triangle in this case.

Example 13. Is it possible to construct a triangle having angles of measures 55°, 64°, and 60°?

Solution: We know that the sum of the three angles of a triangle is 180°.

But in this case the sum of the three angles is (55o+64o+60°) = 179°. So it is not possible to construct a triangle in this case.

Example 14. If the sum of the two acute angles of an obtuse-angled triangle be 50° then find the measure of the other angle.

Solution: The measure of the other angle of the obtuse-angled triangle = 180° – 50° = 130°.

Example 15. How many right angles may be there in a triangle?

Solution: One

Example 16. If one acute angle of a right-angled triangle be 40°, then find its other acute angle.

Solution: 50°.

Understanding Angles in Triangles and Quadrilaterals for Class 7

Example 17. When do the two straight lines lying on a plane intersect at a point?

Solution: When they are non-parallel.

Example 18. What is the number of acute angles of a right-angled triangle?

Solution: Two.

Example 19. What is the number of medians of a triangle?

Solution: Three.

Example 20. If the angles of a triangle bear a ratio of 3:4:5, then determine the measure of the angles.



The angles of a triangle bear a ratio of 3:4:5

Let us assume that the angles be 3x, 4y, and 5z.

∴ 3x + 4x + 5x = 180°

[ ∴ Sum of three angles of a triangle is 180°]

or 12x = 180° or, x = \(\frac{180}{2}\) = 15.

∴ The angles of the triangle will be (3x 15)°, (4×15)° and (5×15)° or 45°, 60° and 75°.

Example 21. Prove that if the measure of one angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the rest two angles then the triangle is a right-angled one.


Let us assume that the three angles of the triangle be ∠A, ∠B, and ∠C.

According to the question, let us assume that ∠A = ∠B + ∠C.

Now ∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180°

or ∠A + ∠A = 180° (Since ∠A = ∠B + ∠C assumed) or, 2 ∠A = 180°

or ∠A = 180°/2 = 90° .

Therefore the triangle is a right triangle. (Proved)

Example 22. In the given image, DEIIBC. If ∠A = 65° and ∠B = 50°, then determine the values of ∠ADE, ∠AED, and∠C.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 DE Parallel To BC Is The Transversal



In the given image, DEIIBC. If ∠A = 65° and ∠B = 50°

DE//BC and ADB is the transversal

∴ ∠ADE = ∠DBC = ∠B = ∠50° (corresponding angles)

The sum of three angles in ΔADE is 180°.

Example 22

Classification of quadrilateral


WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Quadrilateral Diagonals

A plane figure enclosed by four line segments is called a quadrilateral. A quadrilateral has four sides and four angles.

Four angular points are called the four vertices of a quadrilateral.

The line segment joining any two opposite vertices of a quadrilateral is called the diagonal of the quadrilateral.

There are two diagonals of a quadrilateral. ABCD is a quadrilateral. Its four sides are

AB, BC, CD, and DA. Its four angles are ∠ABC, ∠BCD, ∠CDA, and ∠DAB.

Its four angular points are A, B, C, and D. Its two diagonals are AC and BD.

Parallelogram: If the opposite sides of a quadrilateral are parallel then it is called a parallelogram.

In the image shown is a parallelogram ABCD since the opposite sides of the quadrilateral are parallel to each other, i.e., ADIIBC and ABIIDC

∴ AB = DC and AD = BC.

The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.

Class 7 Maths Exercise 1 Solved Examples

∴ AO = OC and BO = OD. The opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal to each other.

∴ ∠BAD = ∠BCD and ∠ADC = ∠ABC.

Since the opposite sides of a parallelogram are parallel, hence the two angles adjacent to any side are supplementary to each other.

Rectangle: If one angle of a parallelogram is a right angle then it is called a rectangle.  The diagonals of the rectangle are equal in length and they bisect each other.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Rectangle

Square: If the lengths of the two adjacent sides of a rectangle are equal then it is called a square.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Square

Therefore all the sides of a square are of equal length and each angle is a right angle.

The diagonals of a square are equal in length and they bisect each other perpendicularly.

Trapezium: If only one pair of opposite sides of a quadrilateral are parallel then it is called a trapezium.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Trapezium

In trapezium ABCD, ABIIDC. The nonparallel sides of the trapezium are known as the oblique sides.

Isosceles trapezium: If the lengths of the non-parallel sides (i.e., oblique sides) of a trapezium are equal then it is called an isosceles trapezium. In the adjacent image, ABCD is an isosceles trapezium since AD = BC.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Rhombus

Rhombus: If the lengths of the four sides of a quadrilateral are equal but none of the angles is a right angle then it is called arhombus. The image ABCD is a rhombus in which AB = BC – CD – DA; but none of its angles is a right angle.

The opposite sides of a rhombus are parallel to each other. The diagonals of a rhombus are unequal in length, but they bisect each other perpendicularly. Therefore, AC ≠ BD, but AO = OC and BO = OD.

Kite: A quadrilateral in which two pairs of adjacent sides are equal is called a kite.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Kite

In the image, AB = AD and CD = CB. Thus adjacent sides of each pair are equal. The diagonals of a kite are perpendicular to each other.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1

Some examples Example 

Example 1. How many parts of a quadrilateral should be known to construct it?

Solution: Five.

Example 2. In this quadrilateral, there is only one pair of parallel sides.

Solution: Trapezium.

Step-by-Step Solutions for Class 7 Geometry Problems

 Example 3. Which quadrilaterals have sides of equal lengths?

Solution: Square and Rhombus.

Example 4. By what name do we call a parallelogram whose one angle is a right angle?

Solution: Rectangle.

Example 5. How many diagonals and how many vertices are there in a quadrilateral?

Solution: Two diagonals and four vertices.

Example 6. What is the sum of the angles of a quadrilateral?

Solution: 360°.

Example 7. What is the difference between the two diagonals of a rectangle and the two diagonals of a rhombus?

Solution: The two diagonals of a rectangle are equal and the two diagonals of a rhombus are unequal.

Example 8. What kind of quadrilateral is it whose all the angles are equal but adjacent sides are unequal?

Solution: Rectangle.

Example 9. What kind of quadrilateral is it whose diagonals are unequal in length but are perpendicular to each other?

Solution: Rhombus.

Example 10. Name the quadrilaterals whose diagonals are equal to each other in length.

Solution: Rectangle, square and isosceles trapezium.

Example 11. What are the measures of ∠B and ∠C in the parallelogram ABCD in which ∠A = 75°?



∠A = 75°

The opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal to each other.

∴ ∠A = ∠C = 75°.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Maths Geometry Chapter 1 Angle Triangle And Quadrilateral Exercise 1 Parallelogram

In a parallelogram, the two angles adjacent to each side are supplementary to each other.

∴ ∠B+ ∠C= 180° (Both are adjacent to BC)

or, ∠B = 180° – ∠C = 180° – 75° = 105°

The measures of ∠B and ∠C in the parallelogram ABCD ∠B = 180° – ∠C = 180° – 75° = 105°

Example 12. If a pair of opposite angles of a parallelogram be 2x – 50° and x + 20°, then what type of parallelogram is it?



If a pair of opposite angles of a parallelogram be 2x – 50° and x + 20°

The opposite angles are equal to each other in a parallelogram.

∴ 2x – 50 = x + 20 or, x = 70

Putting the value of x we get, (2 x 70) – 50 = 90° and 70 + 20 = 90°, i.e., each of the angles of this parallelogram is a right angle.

∴ The parallelogram in question is a rectangle.



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