WBBSE Chapter 9 India Today Topic A India Today Government Democracy And Self Governance Long Question And Answers
Question 1. Discuss the term ‘Sarkar’.
The term Sarkar meaning government is derived from a Persian word.
To govern means to rule. In the Middle Ages, the word ‘government’ meant both the ruler and the administrative system. Sher Shah, the Afghan ruler, divided territories under his rule into many Sarkars for administrative convenience.
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Question 2. Give an idea of the modern concept of Government.
Government is the term used collectively for those who are entrusted with the responsibility of administering a country. It has three organs-executive, legislative, and judiciary.
Understanding Self-Governance in India
Opinion of Garner:
Political scientist Garner says the government is a responsible institution which decides public regulations, looks after public welfare, and fulfils aspirations of the common folk.
Question 3. What are the duties of government?
Duties of government:
Governments all over the world perform three essential duties
- Policy determination: To determine policy, which is the job of the legislature.
- Policy execution: To put the policies into action, which is done by the executive.
- Settle disputes: To wear down legal opposition and settle disputes, which is done by the judiciary.
Question 4. What is meant by unitary and federal systems of government?
Unitary Government:
Prof. Garner says the Unitary system of government is where administration is vested in a single government, the Central Government.
For example Great Britain.
Federal Government:
The federal system of government is where administrative power rests, with the central government and some state governments.
For example India.
Question 5. What are the Parliamentary and Presidential systems of government?
Parliamentary System:
- In this system of government, there is a close relation between the executive and legislative wings of the government.
- The tenure and capability of the executive is dependent on the legislature. The base of administrative power is the Council of Ministers.
Presidential System:
The system where the executive is free from the influence of the legislature is called Presidential system of government, for example, United States.
Question 6. What is meant by Democracy?
- At present, the citizens of a country themselves decide who would administer the country.
- This system by which the citizens themselves choose their leaders, to rule over them is called Democracy.
Nature: The leaders administer the country on the basis of the people’s aspirations.
Question 7. What do you mean by the Theory of Separation of Powers?
Theory of Separation of Powers:
- Separation of Powers is a doctrine of constitutional law under which the three branches of government (executive, legislative, and judiciary) are kept separate.
- Each branch has separate powers and generally, each branch is not allowed to exercise the powers of the other branches.
- The term ‘Separation of Powers’ was coined by French philosopher Montesquieu in 18th century. Separation of Powers is a model that divides the government into separate branches, each of which has separate and independent powers.
Question 8. Give a brief idea of the Constitution of India.
Constitution of India:
- The Constitution of India is the largest written Constitution of the world. It has many articles, clauses, and sub-clauses, which are not present in any other Constitution.
- The Constitution of India was compiled by the constituent assembly under the supervision of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
Question 9. Discuss the various branches or departments of government.
Departments of government:
- At present, the government has to perform many functions, through its component organs.
- Various branches or departments of government are
- It is the most important department of the government.
- It looks after administrative duties like the preservation of internal law and order, foreign relations, defence affairs, and financial affairs.
- It makes and passes laws, holds discussions necessary for law-making, introduces no-confidence motions against ministers.
- Through legislature the aims and aspirations of the state are expressed and fulfilled.
- It settles the conflicts between the Government and citizens, among citizens and among different social organizations.
- It also performs other functions like interpreting the laws, including the Constitution, advising the legislature, and making legal suggestions.
Conceptual Questions on Federalism in India
Question 10. Describe the various levels of the government of India.
Various levels of Indian government are:
- Central Secretariat: The Secretariat or Central Secretariat or the ministerial departments supervises and conducts various governmental activities.
- Prime Minister’s Office: The PMO (Prime Minister’s Office) assists the Prime Minister, collects data on issues, and provides information which assists the Prime Minister in the discharge of duties.
- Cabinet Secretariat: The political head and the administrative head of the Cabinet Secretariat are the Prime Minister and the Cabinet Secretary respectively.
It has four wings
- Main secretariat
- Economic secretariat
- Military secretariat
- Secretariat in charge of organisation and conducting of administrative activities.
Question 11. Describe the nature of the Indian Government. Or, What type of government is existing in India at present?
The nature of the Indian Government is
- Parliamentary: The Indian Government is supervised by the Parliament, of which the Council of Ministers or Cabinet is a part.
- Federal: Indian Government is partly unitary and partly federal. At the Centre is the Central Government, and at the provinces, are the State Governments.
- Mixed administration: Some thinkers feel India has a mixed system of administration. They feel, the President of India is not merely a decorative head of State but can assume power if necessary especially during emergencies.
Question 12. Describe the main features of a federal government.
The main features of a federal government are
- Existence of dual government: Two sets of governments exist in this system-the Central Government and the State Governments.
- Division of power: Power is divided between the Central and State Governments on the basis of the Constitution.
- Supremacy the Constitution: The Constitution is regarded as the highest authority in administration.
- Federal Court: There is an independent and impartial judiciary that interprets the Constitution and settles disputes between the Central and State Governments.
Question 13. Describe the various levels of the Panchayat system in West Bengal at present.
The various levels of the Panchayat system at present in West Bengal:
At present in West Bengal, the various levels of the Panchayat system are
Village Panchayat:
- It is the lowest level of the Panchayat system and comprises of a minimum of 5 members and a maximum of 30 members.
- Its tenure is five years.
Panchayat Samiti:
- At the second/intermediate level, is the Panchayat Samiti, named after the Block to which it belongs.
- Not more than 3 members are nominated from each village as its members. The tenure of the Panchayat Samiti is also five years.
Zilla Parishad:
- The highest level of the Panchayat System is the Zilla Parishad, with a tenure of five years.
- Out of 19 districts of West Bengal, barring Kolkata and Darjeeling, 17 districts have a Zilla Parishad each.
Question 14. Describe the main duties and functions of the Zilla Parishad of the Panchayat system in West Bengal.
Main duties and functions of the Zilla Parishad are
It takes up various enterprises like agriculture, cottage industries, cattle breeding, co-operative societies, irrigation facilities, public health, primary, secondary and adult education and provide financial aid for them.
- To give financial grants to the Gram Panchayat and Panchayat Samitis.
- To examine and sanction the income and expenditure of the various Panchayat Samitis of the district.
WBBSE Chapter 9 India Today Topic A India Today Government Democracy And Self Governance Short Question And Answers
Question 1. Write in brief about the word ‘Sarkar’.
- The word ‘Sarkar’ originates from the Persian language. In English, its synonym is ‘government’.
- The word ‘govern’ means ‘to rule’. In the medieval age, ‘Sarkar’ meant both ruler and rule.
Question 2. What are the functions of government? Or, Write two functions of the government.
Answer: The functions of the government are
- To rule the nation and maintain sovereignty of the nation, and
- To maintain peace and develop the nation.
Question 3. What kind of government is the Indian government?
- The Government of India is democratic because the people select their own government.
- On the other hand, it is also federal because there are both Union and State governments.
Question 4. What is the actual meaning of democracy?
- The actual meaning of democracy is the people themselves decide the system of governance.
- The method of selecting the ruler among themselves is known as ‘democracy’.
Question 5. What is the relevance of 26 January in India? Or, Why is the date 26 January, 1950 Important?
- On 26 January 1950 the Indian constitution came into effect.
- Since then, every year on 26 January the Republic Day is celebrated in India. Thus the date is important.
Question 6. How many branches of Indian government are there for functioning and what are they?
- There are three branches of the Indian government for functioning.
- They are- Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.
Question 7. Why constitution is necessary?
- The government takes various measures for public welfare.
- The government collects taxes and maintains sovereignty and peace.
- And for these functions, the government needs the constitution for being guided.
Question 8. What is the Policy of Separation of Powers?
- In India, Judiciary is separated from the Executive and Legislative branches, so that justice is not impeded at any cost.
- This system is called the Policy of Separation of Powers.
- This policy is adopted to safeguard democracy.
Question 9. What do you mean by the term Self- governance?
- When the people are governed by their own selves, then such a system is called Self- governance.
- In other words, the active participation in the rule of the government is called Self-governance.
Question 10. What does Gram Panchayat do for the welfare of a village? Or, Write in brief about the Gram Panchayat. Or, Write two functions of the Gram Panchayat.
- The function of the Gram Panchayat is to make all kinds of development in the village.
- The Panchayat looks after supply of drinking water, cleanliness, building health centers, schools, and roads, planting trees, etc.
Question 11. Write a note on the self-governance of Municipalities in West Bengal.
- In West Bengal, towns or cities are governed by Municipalities.
- Residents of the city or town, of or above 18 years, elect the members of the municipalities.
- The functions of the Municipality are public welfare, public health, local development, and administration, providing pure drinking water, building roads, pollution control, etc.
Question 12. Write in brief about the Preamble of the Indian Constitution.
- In the Preamble of the Indian Constitution, India is described as a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic.
- After the 42nd Amendment of the constitution in 1976, socialist and secular ideals were associated.
- Besides, the promotion of justice, liberty equality, and fraternity is also mentioned.
Question 13. According to modern view, what are the three branches of government?
- According to modern view, the three branches of government are executive, legislative, and judiciary.
- The executive is again divided into two parts, political and non-political.
Question 14. What is meant by election?
- All citizens of India exercise their right of adult franchise and elect leaders to form the government.
- Leaders are elected for five years. This process is called election or voting.
WBBSE Chapter 9 India Today Topic A India Today Government Democracy And Self Governance Very Short Question And Answers
Question 1. What were the two meanings of the word ‘sarkar’ in the medieval period?
Answer: In the medieval period the two meanings of the word ‘sarkar’ were both ruler and the rule.
Question 2. What is ‘monarchy’?
Answer: The hereditary rule of the Kings, Sultans, and Emperors is called ‘monarchy’.
Question 3. After how many years is election held in India?
Answer: In India election is held after every five years.
Question 4. Who is the constitutional head of the Government of India?
Answer: The President of India is the constitutional head of the Indian Government.
Question 5. Who was the main architect of the Indian constitution?
Answer: Dr. B. R. Ambedkar was the main architect of the Indian constitution.
Question 6. What is ‘vote’?
Answer: General or any sort of election is called voting in colloquial language.
Question 7. When is the Republic Day celebrated in India?
Answer: Republic Day in India is celebrated on 26 January every year.
Question 8. When was the Indian constitution adopted?
Answer: The Indian constitution was adopted on 26 November 1950.
Question 9. What do you mean by ‘Separation’?
Answer: The word separation means ‘segregation’.
Question 10. From which language is the word ‘Sarkar’ originated?
Answer: The word ‘Sarkar’ originated from the Persian language.
Question 11. How is the ‘block’ formed?
Answer: The ‘block’ is formed by several villages.
Question 12. Where does the Kingship still exist?
Answer: In UK and Japan Kingship is still prevalent.
Question 13. By whom was the Policy of Separation of Power first mentioned?
Answer: The Policy of Separation of Powers was first mentioned by the French Philosopher Montesquieu.
Question 14. Where did the conception of ‘Democracy’ originate first?
Answer: The concept of ‘Democracy’ had its origin in Athens of Greece.
Question 15. Name one self-governing body.
Answer: A municipality is a self-governing body.
Question 16. How are Block and Districts formed?
Answer: A cluster of villages forms a Block and a cluster of Blocks makes a District.
WBBSE Chapter 9 India Today Topic A India Today Government Democracy And Self Governance Fill In The Blanks
Question 1. The term ‘Sarkar’ has come from an ________ (Arabic/Persian/Urdu) word.
Answer: Persian
Question 2. In the present world, ________(India-China/England-Japan/Russia-USA) have a King and a Queen.
Answer: England-Japan
Question 3. The chief architect of Indian Constitution is ________(Jawaharlal Nehru/Mahatma Gandhi/B.R. Ambedkar).
Answer: B.R. Ambedkar
Question 4. Some blocks make up a ________(village/district/city).
Answer: District
Question 5. The Policy of Separation of Power was first spoken of by ________ (Rammohan/ Montesquieu/Karl Marx).
Answer: Montesquieu
Question 6. The term ‘Tantra’ means ________ (condition/system/pitiful condition).
Answer: System
Question 7. The term ‘Vidhan’ means ________ (order/advice/regulation).
Answer: Regulation
Question 8. Elections are held in our country every ________ (three/five/seven) years.
Answer: five
Question 9. After discussions and debates of nearly ________ (three/five/seven) years, the Indian Constitution was created.
Answer: Three
WBBSE Chapter 9 India Today Topic A India Today Government Democracy And Self Governance True Or False
Question 1. The word ‘govern’ means government.
Answer: False
Question 2. Government has the responsibility of administering a country.
Answer: True
Question 3. Today all nations have their own government.
Answer: False
Question 4. Federal system of government is where administration is vested in the Central Government.
Answer: False
Question 5. The Union Government is selected by the people of the nation.
Answer: True
Question 6. Monarchy still exists in India.
Answer: False
Question 7. Block is an aggregate of many villages.
Answer: True
Question 8. Panchayat Samiti is the intermediate level of the Panchayat system.
Answer: True
Question 9. Village Panchayat’s tenure is ten years.
Answer: False
Question 10. In a Federal government the Secretariat is regarded as the highest authority in administration.
Answer: False