WBBSE Chapter 9 India Today Topic B Miscellaneous Long Question And Answers
Question 1. Why is India called democratic and federal? What is the role of the Constitution in the administration of the country?
India called democratic and federal:
India is called a democratic federal country, because
India is called a democracy, as its citizens elect their leaders, on the basis of a universal adult franchise. These representatives constitute the legislature. The leader of the majority party of votes ultimately becomes the Prime Minister.
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India has both unitary and federal features of government. It was clearly instructed so, in the Constitution of India, which became effective on and from 26 January 1950. India is, therefore, a quasi-federal state.
The Constitution contains guidelines on how a country should be administered. Governments function on this basis. Laws are formulated, the judiciary supervises whether the country is being run according to the Constitution and whether the public interest is being upheld.
Question 2. What are the branches of the Government? What are the functions of these branches? Why is the Judiciary kept separate?
- Government has three branches. They are the executive, legislature, and judiciary.
- At present, the government has to perform many functions, through its component organs.
- Various branches or departments of government are
- It is the most important department of the government.
- It looks after administrative duties like the preservation of internal law and order, foreign relations, defense affairs, and financial affairs.
- It makes and passes laws, holds discussions necessary for law-making, and introduces no-confidence motions against ministers.
- Through legislature, the aims and aspirations of the state are expressed and fulfilled.
- It settles the conflicts between the Government and citizens, among citizens and among different social organisations.
- It also performs different functions like interpreting the laws, including the Constitution, advising the legislature, and making legal suggestions.
- The Judiciary is deliberately kept aloof and detached to secure equal, fair, and impartial justice.
Question 3. What are the functions of Municipalities and Gram Panchayats?
The institutes of local self-government of the cities and the villages are called Municipalities and Gram Panchayats respectively, the latter being the lowest level of the three-tiered village Panchayat system.
The activities of Municipalities are
1. Obligatory Duties:
- Construction and maintenance of roads
- Supply of clean drinking water
- To put up street-lamps
- Sewerage and water purification
- Development of cities and slums
- To prevent pollution.
2. Voluntary activities:
- To develop small-scale and cottage industries
- To undertake rescue operations during floods and famines
- To recover fallow land,
- To build houses for the under-privileged classes
- To undertake social reafforestation
- To build and supervise health centers, maternity homes, and child welfare centers.
3. Imposed by State Government:
- To check pollution
- To ensure fire prevention
- Sports and youth welfare activities
- Health and family welfare activities.
The activities of Gram Panchayat are-
1. Obligatory Duties:
- To look after village- roads, schools, ponds, government property
- To record births and deaths
- To determine and collect taxes
- To maintain crematoriums and graveyards
- To organise and supervise nyaya panchayats
- Supply clean drinking water.
2. Optional duties:
- To put up street-lights
- To dig wells and ponds
- To set up and maintain libraries
- Welfare of under-privileged
- To build cow-sheds
- To set up agricultural co-operatives.
3. Imposed by State Government:
- Primary Education
- Establishment Of Primary Health Centres
- Development Of Agrarian Activities
- Planting Of Trees.
Question 4. Write a note on self-governance in West Bengal.
Self-governance in West Bengal:
Self-government means the system of government, which is formed and run by the citizens or inhabitants of a particular region. There are two types of self-government- the municipality in cities and the Panchayat in villages.
1. Municipality:
The citizens aged 18 and above, in cities and towns, elect their own representatives to the Municipality. The elected members are called councilors. One among them becomes the head of the municipality.
The municipality looks after the supply of clean drinking water, the Construction and repair of roads, schools, and hospitals, and providing healthcare and health facilities.
2. Panchayat:
In every village of West Bengal is a Village Panchayat, whose members are elected for a tenure of five years by the villagers. The elected members choose from among themselves, the head of the Panchayat and a deputy’s head.
The Panchayat supervises the repair and construction of roads, the digging of ponds, wells, tube wells, fitting pumps, construction of pasture grounds, and so on.
Question 5. Can we know about the democratic system in ancient India or elsewhere? What do you think about that democracy?
- In ancient times, democracy existed in ancient India and at Athens in ancient Greece. The views of the citizens, and their rights, were given utmost importance.
- In ancient India if democracy is concerned, more than a hundred years after the death of Sasanka, there was extreme political turmoil and social anarchy in Bengal, which is termed Matsyanyaya.
- To get rid of this situation, the aristocracies of Bengal nominated a feudal lord called Gopala as the king of Bengal. Thus in 750, Gopala ascended the throne of Bengal in a democratic way.
- In ancient Greece, more than 2500 years ago, democracy was prevalent in Athens. The people of Athens elected their own leaders by a unique process.
- In particularly marked pots, citizens had to throw a shard of pottery, bearing a particular symbol. The candidate who got the highest number of shards was declared the leader.
Question 6. Suppose you are a municipal councilor/member of a panchayat. What shall you do for the development of your local area?
If I were a municipal councilor/member of the panchayat, I would have taken many steps for the welfare of the people of my locality, like
1. Water supply:
- I shall pay attention to the fact that there is a proper supply of water in every part of my locality.
- Besides, I shall initiate cleaning of the water tanks and making the water germ-free.
2. Boosting self-employment:
- I shall arrange exhibitions of local agricultural products and handicrafts for their sale.
- Apart from that, I shall provide people the opportunity to become self-employed by setting up and controlling markets, fair, local small markets etc.
3. Pulblic welfare:
I shall provide the facilities of building and maintaining roads and bridges, crematoriums and cemeteries, resting places and inns, etc.
4. Maintenance of public health:
- I shall provide hospitals, health care centers, dispensaries, and other medical facilities.
- Besides, I shall ensure that vaccinations are provided for diseases like cholera, tuberculosis, polio, and smallpox.
Important Definitions Related to Modern Indian Society
5. Environmental safety:
For maintaining environmental safety, I shall initiate proper drainage system and emphasize tree plantation programs.
6. Electrification:
I shall take the necessary steps to ensure that every house of my locality is having electricity and I shall arrange more street lights.
7. Others:
I shall look into the matters like safeguarding the interests of weaker sections of society, including the handicapped and mentally retarded ones, vital statistics including registration of births and deaths, slum improvement and upgradation, etc.
Question 7. Suppose you are a common man of India. What do you want to do for the development of your locality? How would you plan for development?
First of all, I will try to modernise the communication system. I will also initiate to construction new metalled roads and make the narrow ones more widened.
- I will make necessary arrangements. Repairing of damaged roads will also be undertaken.
- Without an advanced education system, a nation can not prosper. So I will try to educate the local students properly and make necessary arrangements to set up new schools and colleges.
- I will ask the government and the moneyed class of the society for financial help. I will try to promote the health rules of the government and make them executed.
- Purified water, regular clearance of garbage, and underground drainage will be my first priority.
- I will appeal to the government for introducing polio immunisation in my locality.
- Old health centers will be reoriented and the new ones will be set up with the help of competent of authority.
Question 8. Suppose by chance you come across a commoner of the Pala period. You are talking about monarchy, democracy etc. Write a short dialogue on this conversation.
Myself: All you know about the present political condition of Bengal. We have at last put an end to the prevailing anarchy and confusion of the country. We have elected Gopala, a powerful feudatory as our king. How would you explain the situation?
Commoner: I think, the entire situation is the product of a long democratic process. As you know, the powerful feudatories of Bengal, in the best interest of the country, have collectively elected Gopala as the king. We all have submitted to his rule.
Myself: Yes, that is correct. We have never seen it before. Previously the people had no option for electing the king of their own.
Commoner: It is true. So long we have listened about monarchy. In a monarchy, the ruling king would have nominated the successor of his own. That was the order of the day.
Myself: What do you think is the best? Monarchy or democracy?
Commoner: If you seek my opinion, I will go for democracy.
Myself: Why do you think so?
Commoner: In fact, democracy is the reflection of public opinion. In a democracy, people can select their own ruler. So I would always opt for democracy. I think, that is more acceptable.
WBBSE Chapter 9 India Today Topic B Miscellaneous Short Question And Answers
Question 1. What characteristics do you notice in the administrative system of India?
Characteristics noticed in the administrative system of India:
At present, India is a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic. At the time of the compilation of the Constitution, the two terms, socialist and secular were not included. Later, these two ideals were added. Again, all citizens, of the age of 18 and above, can exercise their Voting rights and elect their leaders for five years.
Question 2. What are the Federal System and Constitution?
Federal System And Constitution:
- Federal System is one which follows the principle of division of power and empowers both the Central and the State Governments. The Constitution of India assigns to power and duties to both the Central and the Provincial Governments.
- Constitution is the document or collection of rules and regulations, according to which, a country is governed. Most countries have written Constitutions.
- Again, some countries do not have written Constitutions but are governed by age-old traditions and conventions.
Short Answers on Indian Government Initiatives
Question 3. What are the functions of the government?
Generally, the main duties of government are
- To conduct the administration of the country
- To collect taxes
- To uphold the independence of the country
- To work for the unity and integrity, peace and development of the country
- To secure the welfare of the people
- To rule the country according to the Constitution.
Question 4. What do you mean by Self-Governance?
When the local inhabitants of a village or a town govern their own area, it is called local self-government.
The two points of importance of local self-government are
- Decentralization of power: Power is distributed among all.
- Participation of common folk: Common people can also participate directly in administrative affairs.
Question 5. What is an election commonly known as? At what interval are elections held in India? What are the relation between the election of the government and democracy?
- The election is commonly known as Voting.
- Elections are held in India every five years.
- Through the election of a new government, a direct relationship is established between the government and the electorates. All citizens of India, aged 18 and above can exercise their voting power and elect a government.
Question 6. Do you stay in a Municipal area or a Panchayat area? Do you have a school and a Health centre in your locality? How do you get drinking water? How many parks or fields are there?
- Yes. I stay in a Municipal area.
- There are 3 schools and 3 nursing homes.
- We get drinking water from Tala water works and the municipal water supply.
- There is a park, a swimming pool, and a field.
Question 7. What is the actual meaning of democracy?
- The actual meaning of democracy is the people themselves decide the system of governance.
- The method of selecting the ruler among themselves is known as ‘democracy’.
Question 8. What do you mean by the Theory of Separation of Power?
- Separation of Powers is a doctrine of constitutional law under which the three branches of government (executive, legislative, and judiciary) are kept separate.
- Each branch has separate powers and generally, each branch is not allowed to exercise the powers of the other branches.
WBBSE Chapter 9 India Today Topic B Miscellaneous Very Short Question And Answers
Question 1. Long ago the people of Bengal once selected their own rulers. Can you say who he was?
Answer: In 750 AD the people of Bengal elected Gopala, a powerful feudatory as the King.
Question 2. Can you say what was the type of the government during the Sultanate and the Mughals?
Answer: The administrative system during the rule of the Sultanate and the Mughals was called ‘Monarchy’.
Question 3. Who is the constitutional head of the government of India?
Answer: The President of India is the constitutional head of India
Question 4. Where has the word ‘democracy’ come from?
Answer: The Word ‘democracy’ comes from Greece.
WBBSE Chapter 9 India Today Topic B Miscellaneous Strike The Odd One Out
Question 1. Monarchy, Democracy, Dictatorship, Fascism
Answer: Fascism
Question 2. King, Sultan, Badshah, Minister
Answer: Minister
Question 3. President, Prime Minister, Chief Minister, Finance Minister
Answer: President
Question 4. India, China, Russia, England
Answer: England
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Question 5. Legal division, administrative division, Financial division, judicial division
Answer: Financial division
Question 6. Gram Panchayat, Panchayat Samiti, Zilla Parishad, High Court
Answer: High Court
Question 7. School, hospital, library, hotel
Answer: Hotel
Question 8. Head of municipality, head of Panchayat, President of Panchayat Samiti, Election Commissioner
Answer: Election Commissioner
Question 9. Vice-President, Governor, Secretary, Home Minister
Answer: Secretary
Question 10. District Police Superintendent, District Collector, District Magistrate, President of Zilla Parishad
Answer: President of Zilla Parishad
Question 11. Gopala, Qutbuddin Aibak, Babur, Sher Shah
Answer: Gopala
Question 12. Village, Block, District, Playground
Answer: Playground
WBBSE Chapter 9 India Today Topic B Miscellaneous Fill In The Blanks
Question 1. _________ (Bangladesh/Japan/France) has King voting rights and elect their leaders for a period and Queen even today.
Answer: Japan
Question 2. The system of electing rulers from among ourselves is known as _________ (democracy/ monarchy/federal).
Answer: Democracy
Question 3. The longest constitution of the world is of _________ (India/Japan/England).
Answer: India
Question 4. The system of administration in which people are governed by themselves is known as _________ (Constitution/Sabha and Samity/Self Government).
Answer: Self-Government
Question 5. A cluster of villages forms a _________ (Block/District/Municipality).
Answer: Block
Question 6. Kingship still prevails in _______ (Japan/Bangladesh/France).
Answer: Japan
Question 7. The policy of ‘Separation of Powers’ was first mentioned by _______ (Voltaire/Montesquieu/Rousseau).
Answer: Montesquieu
WBBSE Chapter 9 India Today Topic B Miscellaneous True Or False
Question 1. The word ‘govern’ means ‘government’.
Answer: False
Question 2. There are ‘governments’ in all independent countries.
Answer: True
Question 3. There is no monarchy in any country now.
Answer: False
WBBSE Chapter 9 India Today Topic B Miscellaneous Match The Columns
Question 1.
Answer: 1. C. 2. D, 3. A, D. B
Question 2.
Answer: 1. C. 2. D, 3. A, D. B
Question 3.
Answer: 1. D. 2. C, 3. E, 4. A, 5. B