WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 History Chapter 5 The Mughal Empire Topic B The Nature Of Rajput And The Deccan Policy Of The Mughals Imperial Rule

WBBSE Chapter 5 The Mughal Empire Topic B The Nature Of Rajput And The Deccan Policy Of The Mughals Imperial Rule Long Question And Answers

Question 1. Discuss Akbar’s Rajput Policy. Or, What policy did Emperor Akbar follow against the Rajputs?

Akbar’s Rajput Policy:

  • Mughal Emperor Akbar realized that to strengthen the Mughal Empire, it was vital to obtain the support of the Hindus, particularly the Rajputs, a brave and loyal martial race.
  • He tried to bring the Rajputs in his favor by establishing friendly relations with them. He also wished to give an Indian colour to the Mughal policy.

The Rajput policy of Akbar

  • Matrimonial alliance: Akbar followed a policy of diplomacy and matrimonial alliance towards the Rajputs. He married the daughter of Biharimal (Bhara Mal), the king of Amber and gave his son Jahangir in marriage to the daughter of Bhagwan Das. He also married the princesses of Marwar, Bikaner, Bundi, and Ranthambhore and these states accepted his supremacy.
  • Military power: Mewar was not ready to accept Akbar’s overlordship. The Sisodia rulers Rana Udai Singh and his son, Rana Pratap refused to submit before Akbar. Akbar fought against Udai Singh to occupy Mewar in 1567 and the Mughals defeated Rana Pratap in the Battle of Haldighat in 1576. However, he could never curb Rana Pratap.
  • Recruitment in high ranks: To obtain the loyalty and friendship of the Rajputs, Akbar appointed them to high posts in the civil and military departments.
  • Religious tolerance: To befriend the Rajputs, Akbar also abolished the Hindu pilgrim tax and jizya and participated in Hindu festivals like Holi, Diwali, and others. Thus, the Rajputs became powerful allies of the Mughals and became the strongest and most loyal pillar of support for the Mughal empire.

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Question 2. Discuss Aurangzeb’s Rajput Policy.

Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb adopted an illiberal policy towards the Rajputs. He was never inclined to maintain a friendly relationship with Rajputs. Sir Jadunath Sircar has termed Aurangzeb’s Rajput policy as an ‘extreme political ignorance’.

The Rajput Policy of Aurangzeb Political Activities:

  • Control over Marwar: Aurangzeb was narrow-minded and reversed the policy of friendship towards the Rajputs, unlike his predecessors. After the death of Yashwant Singh, he tried to occupy Marwar.
  • Mewar invasion: He attacked Mewar. but later on concluded peace with both Mewar and Marwar, due to the spirited resistance of the Rajputs. He was foolish enough to interfere in the internal feuds of the Rajputs as it escalated into a full-fledged Mughal- Rajput contest.


  • Aurangzeb was a bigot, blinded by his orthodoxy. He failed to realize that the Rajputs were invaluable for the Mughals. They were the major strength against the Pathans in the north-western frontiers and the Marathas in the Deccan.
  • Aurangzeb’s Rajput policy proved to be very harmful. The loss of Rajput support spelled doom for the Mughals. Aurangzeb brought about the decline of the Mughal empire due to his imprudence.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 History Chapter 5 The Mughal Empire Topic B The Nature Of Rajput And The Deccan Policy Of The Mughals Imperial Rule

Question 3. Write a note on the Mansabdari System.

Mughal Emperor Akbar introduced the Mansabdari System in India in 1577, on the Persian model of Central Asia.

Mansabdari System

  1. Meaning: The word Mansab meant rank or position, and one who occupied this rank was called Mansabdar.
  2. Salary: Mansabdars received salaries either in cash or in the form of jagirs, in lieu of cash. They had to keep a fixed number of horses and horsemen, whom they maintained spending the revenue earned from the Jagir.
  3. Ranks: There were thirty-three ranks of Mansabdars, with the lowest being 10 and the highest being 10,000. This number signified the number of horses and horsemen under the Mansabdar.


  1. The system was not hereditary. Mansabdars were appointed, transferred, promoted, and demoted according to the will of the emperor.
  2. Mansabdars were transferred from one Jagir to another after a certain period of time. After the death of Mansabdar, his entire property came under the Emperor’s control. Mansabdars were sometimes granted pompous titles like Khan-i-Khanan and Khan-i-Jahan.

Question 4. Write a note on Jagirdari System in the Mughal Empire.

Jagir was a piece of land allotted to a particular person by the State for the realization of land revenue. The donee of Jagir was termed Jagirdar.

Jagirdari System

1. Types:

There were various forms of Jagir in the Mughal polity.

  1. Tankha Jagirs: These were bestowed on those who received Jagirs from the ruler in lieu of cash salaries.
  2. Watan Jagirs: These were occupied by Zamindars as hereditary rights.
  3. Mashrut Jagirs: These were bestowed on specific persons in lieu of particular posts.
  4. Inam Jagirs: These were bestowed as rewards to accomplished or pious men.

2. Crisis:

A crisis overtook the Jagirdari system from the reign of Aurangzeb itself.

  1. The Jagirdars were engaged in a mutual rivalry with each other for the most fertile jagirs of North India which yielded high revenue, as none wanted to be posted in the politically turbulent Deccan. This gave rise to jealousy and conspiracy among different parties and groups in the royal court.
  2. There was a wide gulf between Jama (the assessed revenue) and Haasil (the actual revenue collected) from farmers. This fuelled corruption. So, the Jagirdari system reached a critical situation.
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Question 5. Write what you know about the status of Zamindars in the Mughal era.

Zamindars were those individuals who enjoyed ownership of land in lieu of certain terms and conditions.

Zamindars in the Mughal era

Different names: The term Zamindar had various synonyms in various parts of the country. He was called Satarohi and Vishwi in Ayodhya and Bhoomi in Rajasthan.


In the Mughal era, there were three levels of Zamindars

  • Samanta:
    • These Zamindars were independent and sovereign in their own estates. Their lands were measured and the revenue was assessed accordingly.
    • The Mughal emperors included them in to the administrative system by bestowing jagirs and man says. Middle-ranked or intermediate
  • Zamindars:
    • They had no specific ownership of land but were in charge of revenue collection and maintenance of law and order.
    • They were called Chaudhury, Deshmukh, Muqaddam, Mukhia, and Kanungo.
  • Primary Zamindars:
    • They were posted under middle-ranking zamindars. They were hereditary owners of land and had the right to sell land and transfer ownership.
    • Villages or lands were measured and the revenue was assessed thereafter.

Question 6. Describe the structure and nature of the Mughal nobility.

Structure of Mughal nobility During the Mughal era Zamindars, Jagirdars, and Mansabdars together formed the nobility or aristocracy.

  1. Mansabdars: They consisted of three racial groups-Iranis, Turanis, and Hindustanis.
  2. Jagirdars: They were of four categories based upon four types of Jagirs-Tankha, Watan, Mashrut, and Inam.
  3. Zamindars: They were divided into three types-Samanta, middle-rank intermediate Zamindars, and primary Zamindars.

Nature of Mughal Polity

  • The Mughal royalty and nobility were more or less synonymous. The nobles occupied high ranks in the administrative spheres. They performed civil and military duties and responsibilities in return for handsome salaries.
  • The aristocracy was not always hereditary but had specific groups like Irani, Turani, Rajput, Afghan, Sheikhzada, and minority classes of Indian Muslims.

Understanding Mughal Relations with Rajputs

Question 7. Describe the nature of the Mughal polity. Or, State the administrative ideals of the Mughal Empire.

The Mughal Empire was set up by Babur in 1526 on the ruins of the Delhi Sultanate.

Nature of Mughal Polity

1. Benevolent despotism:

  • The Mughal rulers emphasized on the welfare of the subjects. The ruler was absolute but a benevolent despot.
  • He was at the same time the commander-in-chief, the highest judge in the court of appeal, and the main legislator. Akbar’s ideals were followed by Jahangir and Shah Jahan.

2. Military character:

  • The Mughal State was basically a military State. Apart from the Sadar and Qazi, all other Mughal employees performed military responsibilities.
  • Prof. Tapan Roychoudhuri and other historians felt, that the Mughal State was founded on military strength.

3. Secularism:

  • The Mughal empire followed a policy of universal tolerance. All the rulers, except Aurangzeb, followed this policy and retained the secular character of the State.
  • The Mughal emperors believed in divine right.
  • Yet, they treated people of all castes and creeds equally. This secular character was specifically reflected in the policies of Akbar.

4. Blend of communal diversity:

  • The Mughal nobility possessed a diverse character, comprising of Iranis, Turanis, Mongols, Indian Muslims (Hindustanis) and Hindus.
  • This enriched the Mughal administration.

Question 8. Describe the Zabti System.

Zabti System:

  • Todarmal, the revenue Minister of the Mughal emperor Akbar, made the Dahsala system more logical and streamlined. The modified revenue system was called the Zabti System.
  • He decided that one-third of the average agricultural output should be given up as land revenue, either in cash or in kind.

Zabti System

1. Major divisions:

The land was measured both in terms of the fertility of soil and rate of agricultural production and then divided into four parts-

  1. Polaj: Land that was cultivated throughout the year and never left fallow.
  2. Parauti: Land which was sometimes left fallow to recover fertility.
  3. Chachar: Land that was cultivated every four years.
  4. Banjar: Land which was left out of cultivation for five years or more.

2. Subdivisions:

  • The Polaj and the Parauti lands were divided into three categories- excellent, mediocre and poor, based on the volume of average agricultural output.
  • The total produce of ten years was determined, the average was obtained and one-third of this average was fixed as revenue.

3. Evaluation:

  • The State acquired the entire share of the revenue without any intermediary collector and the peasants or ryots were also aware of the amount of revenue they had to pay to the State.
  • The ryots received the Patta document from the State, highlighting their rights on land and so, they could not be evicted easily. This system was not followed all over India, so all peasants were not benefited by this.

Question 9. Compare between the Rajput policy of Akbar and that of Aurangzeb.

During the reign of Akbar the Rajputs were loyal supporters and the bulwark of the Mughal empire. But the unwise policy of Aurangzeb had pushed them to the path of rebellion.

Comparison between the Rajput policy of Akbar and Aurangzeb

  1. Rajput policy of Akbar: He understood the value of the Rajput alliance in building an empire in India. He followed the policy of reconciliation with the Rajputs in order to secure their cooperation.
  2.  Rajput policy of Aurangzeb: The Rajput policies adopted by Aurangzeb were strict and stern. All the Rajput rulers were at peace with the Mughals when Aurangzeb ascended the throne. But Aurangzeb reversed the policy. He never kept faith in their loyalty.
  3.  Factors responsible for Aurangzeb’s conflict with the Rajputs:
    • Aurangzeb was an expansionist.
    • He was a bigot.
    • Conflict with Marwar.
    • Conflict with Bundelkhand.


Because of Akbar’s liberal policy, the valiant Rajputs joined hands with the Mughals. Aurangzeb’s Rajput policy proved very disastrous for the Mughals and deprived Aurangzeb of the loyalty of the brave Rajputs.

Conceptual Questions on Cultural Exchange Between Mughals and Rajputs

Question 10. What was the Deccan policy of Aurangzeb? What was its result?

Deccan policy of Aurangzeb Aurangzeb’s Deccan policy refers to the extended period of conflict and diplomacy between the Mughals and the states of Bijapur, Golconda, and the Marathas under Shivaji and his successors.


  1. Annexation of Bijapur and Golconda was a blunder on the part of Aurangzeb as it destroyed the check on the Marathas.
  2. With the annexation of Bijapur and Golconda the Mughal empire became too large to be ruled by one man or from one center.
  3. Long warfare caused serious damage to the Muhgal economy. It exhausted the royal treasury. It gave rise to the rebellion in the army. They were deprived of their salary.
  4. The emperor’s absence from the capital for long 26 years was damaging for the empire. He lost control over the officers of the north. Conclusion: According to historians, “The Deccan was the grave of his reputation as well as of his body.”

Question 11. Describe the Mughal administrative system from Babur to Akbar.

Mughal administrative system from Babur to Akbar

1. Babur:

  • Babur ruled in India for four years. Within this short period, he disposed of three formidable rivals and founded a royal house on a solid footing.
  • As he was engaged in a war for the greater part of this period, he could not undertake any administrative reforms. There were no significant administrative changes in the time of Humayun also, due to political instability.

2. Influence of Sher Shah:

  • Apart from being a great warrior, Sher Shah was also an able administrator and leader. Moreover, Sher Shah largely influenced the administrative system of Akbar.
  • Therefore, it is true that Akbar was not an innovator but he had the talent to build up an efficient system of administration on the basis of a happy combination of foreign and indigenous elements.

Class 7 WBBSE History Question Answer

3. Akbar and the Mansabdari System:

  • Towards the end of Akbar’s reign, his empire was divided into 15 provinces (subahs), which were subdivided into Sarkar and Parganas.
  • The Mansabdari system which was introduced by Akbar was the basis of the civil and military administration of the country. The word ‘mansab’ literally means ‘rank’ or status in imperial service. The holder of ‘mansab’ was called ‘mansabdars’.

4. Appointment of the Rajputs:

As the Rajputs were efficient in battle and warfare, they were of offered ‘mansabs’ by Akbar. Their military skill was appreciated by him.


Later, due to its inherent weakness, the system was abolished during the rule of Aurangzeb.

Question 12. Describe the administrative principles of the Mughals.

The Mughal rule of over two hundred years constitutes an important chapter in the history of India. The Mughals made valuable contributions in different spheres of Indian life.

Administrative principles of the Mughals

  1. Political Unity: In ancient India, there was no political or administrative unity among them. But in Mughal India, there was a uniform system of administration all over the empire.
  2. Administrative Principles of Akbar:
    1. Akbar was the real founder of the administrative system of the Mughals. According to the historians, the Mughal system of administration was not original.
    2. The Mughal system of administration was therefore a mixture of Indian and foreign elements. Akbar did not ignore anything-Indian tradition, village autonomy-all found their rightful place in the administrative system.
    3. This system was broad-based upon the willing support of the people.
  3. Din-i Ilahi: The principle of mutual faith and understanding was known as Sulh-i kul. Din-i Ilahi was the outcome of this principle.

Real-Life Scenarios Involving Conflicts with Rajputs

WBBSE Chapter 5 The Mughal Empire Topic B The Nature Of Rajput And The Deccan Policy Of The Mughals Imperial Rule Short Question And Answers

Question 1. What was the relationship of Akbar with the Rajputs?

The relationship of Akbar with the Rajputs:

  • Akbar was a true statesman. He understood the value of the Rajput alliance in building an empire in India. He followed a policy of conquest and reconciliation with the Rajputs in order to secure their cooperation.
  • Akbar entered into matrimonial alliance with some royal families. He abolished the pilgrimage tax and the Jizya from the Hindus only to foster relations between them.

Question 2. What were the effects of Akbar’s Rajput Policy?

The effects of Akbar’s Rajput Policy:

  • The Mughal policy towards the Rajputs contributed to the expansion and consolidation of the Mughal Empire. In fact, the policy was largely designed to serve the political needs for the empire.
  • The Rajput policy of Akbar effectively ended the centuries-old animosity between the two since the Rajputs were assimilated in the administrative structure of the empire.
  • It affected the public policies of Akbar and helped in the development of a composite culture.

Question 3. How far the ‘Deccan Ulcer’ of Aurangzeb responsible for the downfall of the Mughal empire?

‘Deccan Ulcer’ of Aurangzeb was responsible for the downfall of the Mughal empire:

  • The failure of Aurangzeb in the Deccan wars destroyed the military strength and prestige of the Mughals. Too much of expenditure made the Mughal Government bankrupt.
  • Moreover, with the annexation of Bijapur and Golconda, the Mughal empire became too large to be ruled. The emperor’s absence from the capital for long 25 years was damaging for the empire.
  • Thus the Deccan wars can be called the ulcer that destroyed the Mughal empire. The inherent administrative chaos of the empire played a vital role in the decline of the Mughal empire.

Question 4. What was Sulh-i Kul? What were its effects?

Sulh-i Kul:

  • The theory of divine right was very much linked with the concept of Akbar’s paternal government. One of the necessary virtues of this type of government was the promotion of ‘peace with all’.
  • Sulh-i Kul which implied religious toleration. The outcome of Sulh-i Kul was Din-i Ilahi which was introduced by Akbar in 1582.


  • By Sulh-i Kul, Akbar, as a national monarch, wanted to establish a national religion. Sulh-i kul as well as Din-i Ilahi was an experiment in that direction.
  • This principle provided a common platform for all the people, where they can unite for God and the king. It must have strengthened the hands of Akbar and his administration.

Class 7 WBBSE History Question Answer

Question 5. Write about the Suba’s administration.

Suba’s administration:

  • The Mughal Empire was divided into fifteen provinces or the Subas. The governors of the Subas or the Subadars were in charge of the provinces. The provinces were divided into districts or ‘Sarkars’.
  • Sarkars were further subdivided into Parganas. A pargana had numerous villages under it. There were administrative blocks in every suba.

Question 6. Write a note on Akbar’s revenue system.

Akbar’s revenue system:

  • Raja Todarmal, as finance minister of Akbar, introduced a new system of revenue known as ‘Zabti’ and a system of taxation called ‘Dahshala’ or a ten-years settlement.
  • He took a careful survey of crop yields and prices cultivated for a period of ten years (1570 to 1580). On this basis, the tax was fixed on crops in cash.
  • Farmers could get loans easily from the state which could be repaid in installments. In bad seasons, remission of revenues were granted to the farmers.

Examples of Real-Life Applications of Historical Knowledge

Question 7. How was Akbar influenced by Humayun to adopt the policy of the Rajput alliance?

  • The Mughal emperor Humayun became fully aware of the fact that the Rajputs were the most powerful landlords of northern India.
  • So to seize the power of Hindustan, it was important for the Mughals to maintain a cordial relationship with the Rajputs. Later, Akbar himself revised the Rajput policy and absorbed the Rajputs in the mansabdari system.

Question 8. Give examples of Akbar’s liberal Rajput policy.

Akbar’s liberal Rajput policies were

  1.  Akbar gave complete religious freedom to his Hindu wives and gave an honored place to their parents and relations in the nobility and he gave high posts to Rajputs in his empire.
  2. He married Rajput princesses to strengthen his ties with the Rajputs.
  3. He also abolished sectarian taxes on non-Muslims.

Question 9. “From Akbar to Aurangzeb, there were much similarities in the Mughal Rajput policy.”-What are they? What are they

  • In pursuance of his policy towards the Rajputs, Akbar absorbed them into the mansabdari system. Jahangir and Shah Jahan too followed the same policy.
  • Later, at the time of Aurangzeb, the Rajputs were brought within the fold of Mansabdari system. They were also given high posts in the royal court.

Important Definitions Related to Mughal Policies

Question 10. What were the factors that contributed to the Deccan policy of Aurangzeb?

Aurangzeb’s policy towards the Deccan had political as well as economic purposes.

  1. The extension of the empire was one purpose of Aurangzeb.
  2. Aurangzeb was tempted to conquer them with a view to possessing their wealth. He also wanted to realize much more revenues from the states.

Therefore, Aurangzeb was not satisfied simply by the acceptance of his suzerainty by them but he desired to annex them to the Mughal empire.

Question 11. Who introduced Din-i Ilahi? What was its main principle?

  1. Din-i llahi, a monotheistic religion was put into effect by Akbar in 1582 AD.
  2. The main principle of this religion was ‘Sulh- i kul’, which means ‘peace with all’, ‘universal peace’, ‘absolute peace’, etc.

Question 12. What were the main features of the Mansabdari system?

The main features of the Mansabdari system were

  1. The emperor himself appointed or dismissed the mansabdars. He was always the last word.
  2. The system was not hereditary.
  3. They were often offered titles like ‘Khan-i- Khanan’, ‘Khan-i-Jahan’ etc.

Question 13. How the mansabdars were paid?

Mansabdars were paid his salary in cash. All the ‘mansabdars’ were paid through an assignment of ‘jagir’ which bore the cost of their maintenance. Their horsemen were also looked after in this way.

Short Answers on Deccan Policy of the Mughals

WBBSE Chapter 5 The Mughal Empire Topic B The Nature Of Rajput And The Deccan Policy Of The Mughals Imperial Rule Very Short Question And Answers

Question 1. Where was Asirgarh?
Answer: It was in Khandesh.

Question 2. Who introduced Din-i Ilahi?
Answer: Akbar introduced Din-i Ilahi.

Question 3. Who was in charge of ‘mansabs’?
Answer: Mansabdars were in charge of ‘mansabs’.

Question 4. Who was the finance minister of Akbar?
Answer: Todarmal was the finance minister of Akbar.

Question 5. Who reintroduced Jizya?
Answer: Aurangzeb reintroduced Jizya.

Question 6. Who was Jagirdar?
Answer: The holder of ‘Jagir’ was called Jagirdars.

Question 7. How many Subas were there in the Mughal Empire?
Answer: There were 15 subs in the Mughal Empire.

Question 8. What was the other name of the Dahsala settlement?
Answer: The other name of Dahsala Settlement was Todarmal Settlement.

Question 9. Who introduced the mansabdari system?
Answer: Akbar introduced the mansabdari system.

Question 10. Name the two states of the Deccan which were conquered by the Mughals.
Answer: Aurangzeb aimed to destroy the Maratha powers under Shivaji and annex Golconda and Bijapur to fetch more money from there.

Question 11. What was the ‘Dahsala’ system?

‘Dahsala’ system: Dahsala system was a system of taxation. ‘Daha’ means ‘ten’. Under the system, Todarmal took a careful survey of crop yields and prices cultivated for a period of 10 years.

WBBSE Chapter 5 The Mughal Empire Topic B The Nature Of Rajput And The Deccan Policy Of The Mughals Imperial Rule Fill In The Blanks

Question 1. The word ‘watan’ means_____________ (native land/national flag/foreign).
Answer: Native land

Question 2.(Amar Singh/Pratap Singh/Man Singh)______________, son of Rana Pratap was awarded a high mansab.
Answer: Amar Singh

Question 3. The name of the important fort of Khandesh was______________ (Asirgarh/Bidar/Chittor).
Answer: Asirgarh

Question 4. Aurangzeb spent______________  (20/22/25) years in Deccan.
Answer: 25

Question 5. Aurangzeb had to accept the Maratha leader ______________ (Shivaji/Shambhuji/Nana Saheb) as an independent King.
Answer: Shivaji

Question 6. Akbar’s principle of mutual respect and peace with all is known as ______________ (Sulh-iKul/Din-i Ilahi/mansabdari).
Answer: Sulh-iKul

Question 7. The ‘provinces’ were called ______________ (Suba/Sarkar/Pargana).
Answer: Suba

Question 8. The meaning of the word ‘mansab’ is______________  (title/rank/land).
Answer: Rank

Question 9. The high-ranking mansabdars were called______________  (Karori/Amir/Shah).
Answer: Amir

WBBSE Chapter 5 The Mughal Empire Topic B The Nature Of Rajput And The Deccan Policy Of The Mughals Imperial Rule True Or False

Question 1. Aurangzeb imposed Jizya on the Hindus.
Answer: True

Question 2. A Deccan ulcer was created by Shah Jahan.
Answer: False

Question 3. Sulh-i Kul was introduced by Aurangzeb.
Answer: False

History Class 7 WBBSE

Question 4. The mansabdar system was hereditary.
Answer: False

Question 5. ‘Daha’ means ‘ten’.
Answer: True

Question 6. The word ‘mansab’ means rank.
Answer: True

Question 7. Provinces of the Mughal empire were ‘Suba’.
Answer: True

Question 8. The Dahsala system was introduced by Jahangir.
Answer: False

Question 9. ‘Watan’ means foreign land.
Answer: False

Question 10. Din-i Ilahi was promulgated in 1582 AD.
Answer: True

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