WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 History Chapter 4 The Delhi Sultanate Topic B Governance Of The Delhi Sultanate Long Question And Answers
Question 1. What do you mean by centralised administration of the Delhi Sultanate?
Centralised administration of the Delhi Sultanate:
The main pivot of the administration of the Delhi Sultanate was the Sultan himself. The entire governing powers like conducting wars enactment of laws, the judicial administration everything rested in the hands of the Sultan.
This is called centralised administration. The main features of the centralised administration of the Delhi Sultanate are
1. Sovereignty of the Sultan:
The Sultan enjoyed vast powers and was the fountainhead of all powers. Some of the Sultans like Balban and Alaluddin enjoyed huge powers. Alauddin used to say that his word was law.
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2. Despotism:
The Sultan usually behaved like a despot.
3. Leader of all departments:
The Sultan was the leader of the executive, judiciary, and army. Some rulers like Alauddin assumed the role of a religious head also.
4. Relation with the ‘Ulema’:
In general, the Sultans tried to seek the advice of the ‘Ulema’ in various types of administrative matters.
To keep themselves in power intact the Sultans needed the support of the Amirs and Ulemas. So the Sultan tried to please them with several tributaries and honors to get their support.
Question 2. Write a short note on Jizya.
Jizya was the tax imposed on non-Islamic subjects by their Islamic rulers in an Islamic kingdom.
Jizya tax
- Introduction in India: It was imposed for the first time in India at Sindh, in the 8th century, by the Arab Commander, Muhammad bin Qasim.
- Individual tax per person: The tax was imposed on individual subjects.
- Protection: Protection to life, property, and rights of the non-Muslim people was given in lieu of this tax.
- Alauddin Khilji: Alauddin Khilji charged both Kharaj and Jizya from the non-Muslims to reduce their financial and political influence.
- Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq: He imposed Jizya in such a way that non-Muslims would neither be impoverished nor become powerful or rebellious.
- Firoz Shah Tughlaq: He was the first Sultan to impose Jizya on the Brahmins.
- Exemption from Jizya: Brahmins, women, minors, and slaves were exempted from Jizya along with the blind, ascetics, and mentally retarded.
Although Jizya was the means by which the Sultans enhanced the treasury, yet it was highly oppressive for the Hindus.
Question 3. How did Balban increase the power of the and prestige of the Sultanate?
Balban’s initiatives to increase the power and prestige of the Sultanate
1. Conception of kingship:
- The real head of the administration of the Delhi Sultanate was the Sultan himself. According to Balban, it was possible to extract obedience from the subjects by means of despotism.
- Balban restored loyalty and ensured respect for the kingly office by destroying the ‘Forty’, a vicious circle of nobles. He used to take strict steps against them or humiliate them at the slightest offense.
- He proved that the Sultan was above everyone else in stature. The nobility, therefore, had hardly dared to challenge Sultan’s authority.
Understanding Delhi Sultanate Administration
2. Measures:
Balban knew fully well that the ‘Forty’ would not allow him to exercise his full powers as Sultan.
So he took measures to curb their powers:
- Balban’s court was an austere assembly where zest and laughter were unknown.
- He introduced rigorous court discipline such as ‘sijda’ and ‘paibos’.
- Here wine and gambling were banished.
- Balban introduced the etiquette of the Persian Court.
- He wore gorgeous dresses.
- He conducted the court very seriously.
- Visitors, rich and poor alike were very scared of Balban.
Thus Balban’s achievements not only saved the Sultanate, but also they paved the way for future expansion.
Question 4. What was the relation of Alauddin with the administration of the Sultanate of Delhi?
Relation of Alauddin with the administration of the Delhi Sultanate
1. Relation with the nobility:
- A staunch autocrat Alauddin believed in assuming absolute powers to ensure centralized governance. He followed the same policy as Balban followed.
- Balban ascended the throne of Delhi at a time when the Sultanate was faced with a number of problems, one of which was the arrogance of nobility. The nobles became entirely self-seekers. But Alauddin suppressed them ruthlessly.
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2. Relation with the Ulema:
- ingship, there was no scope for the interference of the Ulema. He always preferred politics without religion.
3. Relationship
- Besides the nobles, the Sultans had to keep a connection with the Ulema. As per the advice of the priest to the king, the ‘Ulema’ too advised the Sultan accordingly. But most of the time their advice was not followed by the Sultan.
- In the theory of Alauddin’s k
is not cordial:
Both the Hindus and the Muslims were the subjects of the Sultan. Hence the Sultan did whatever he thought to be the best. And so, a conflict was created between the two.
Question 5. What do you know about the market control system of Alauddin Khilji?
The market control system was a part of the economic reforms of Alauddin Khilji.
The market control system of Alauddin Khilji
- Objectives:
- Alauddin had to maintain a large army with limited resources of his kingdom. His soldiers were to be paid low salaries.
- Therefore, Alauddin had to regulate the market price of essential commodities, so as to make them cheap for the soldiers. So he had to increase the income of the treasury.
- Regulation of prices: All essential commodities from foodgrains to horses and from cloth to cattle were brought under the scope of this regulation.
- Officials: Markets were controlled by two officers-Dewan-i Riyasat and Shahna-i Mandi.
- Rationing system: Alauddin’s rationing system is a novel venture. This helped him to keep down prices of food grains at the time of famine.
Examples of Real-Life Applications of Governance Knowledge
Question 6. What do you know about the economic reforms of Alauddin Khilji?
To weaken the nobles and increase state income Alauddin reformed and imposed a revenue system.
Economic reforms of Alauddin Khilji
- Revenue policy: Half of all agricultural produce was to be paid as tax. Other taxes imposed by him were on houses, livestock, and livestock rearing. Jizya on Hindus and Khams or Zakat on Muslims were levied. Even Iqtas were confiscated.
- Market regulations: He introduced fixed prices of essential commodities and was the first to impose market control so that the expenses of a vast army could be met and residents of Delhi could get consumables at a cheaper rate.
- Rationing system: It was a unique achievement of Alauddin. It always kept the food prices low.
Short Answers on Centralized Administration of the Delhi Sultanate
WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 History Chapter 4 The Delhi Sultanate Topic B Governance Of The Delhi Sultanate Short Question And Answers
Question 1. How did Balban combat the Mongol invasions during his reign?
- The Mongols from Central Asia kept on invading the Sultanate through the north-western frontier and disturbed the security of the empire.
- To ensure safety and security, Balban repaired the old forts at Bhatinda, Sunam, Samana, and Dipalpur and posted troops there. He also set up new forts wherever necessary.
Question 2. State three philanthropic activities of Firoz Shah Tughlaq.
The three philanthropic activities of Firoz Shah Tughlaq are
- Establishment of employment bureau: The Sultan put up an employment bureau to register the names of unemployed persons in order to provide them with jobs.
- Constructions of irrigation canals: He also supervised the construction of canals to improve irrigation and make fallow lands fit for cultivation.
- Establishment of charitable institutions: He set up charitable dispensaries called Dar-ul- Safa, for the medical treatment of the poor.
Question 3. Discuss the Mongol invasion during the rule of Muhammad bin Tughlaq.
- In 1328-29 Tarmashirin, the Mongol chief invaded India. He ravaged the country from Lahore and Multan to the outskirts of Delhi.
- As the sultan was preoccupied with a transfer of capital and the revolt in the Doab, he could not build up any resistance against the invasion.
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Question 4. What is Turuskadanda?
- Literally, the term Turuskadanda means the punishment or ‘danda’ given to Turks. But, in reality, it referred to the tax levied on the Islamic subjects by their Hindu rulers in the Hindu kingdoms.
- It was equivalent to Jizya taken by Muslim rulers from their non-Muslim subjects. Some Hindu rulers imposed this tax as a punitive measure as they were annoyed at the imposition of Jizya on Hindu subjects.
Question 5. How many markets were set up in Delhi by Alauddin Khilji? What are they?
Answer: Four markets were set up in Delhi by Alauddin Khilji.
They were
- Central market
- Agricultural market
- The market for slaves and animals
- The market for clothes and other necessities.
WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 History Chapter 4 The Delhi Sultanate Topic B Governance Of The Delhi Sultanate Very Short Question And Answers
Question 1. Who were the two market officers of Alauddin?
Answer: Dewan-i Riyasat and Shahna-i Mandi were two market officers of Alauddin.
Question 2. What were the names of the commander in charge of the ‘Iqta’s?
Answer: Iqtadar, Muqti, and Wali were the names of the commander in charge of the ‘Iqta’.
Question 3. What were the two most important duties of Iqtadars’?
Answer: Collection of revenues and maintenance of peace and order were the two most important duties of Iqtadars.
Question 4. During the reign of Alauddin Khilji how many times did the Mongols attack Delhi? When?
Answer: During the reign of Alauddin Khilji Mongols attacked Delhi twice; In 1299 / 1300 and 1302-03 AD.
Question 5. What were the two imposing taxes of Alauddin?
Answer: House tax and grazing tax including Jizya were the two imposing taxes of Alauddin.
Question 6. What were the two charitable institutions of Firoz Tughlaq?
Answer: Diwan-ul-Khairat and Dar-ul-Shifa were the two charitable institutions of Firoz Tughlaq.
Question 7. What was ‘Daag’?
Answer: It was the imperial mark, branded on the flanks of horses, to prevent the stealing of imperial war-horses. This system was introduced by Sultan Alauddin Khilji.
Question 8. What was ‘Hulia’?
Answer: It was a descriptive roll containing the physical characteristics of the soldiers for proper identification and prevention of corruption in the army. This system was introduced by Sultan Alauddin Khilji.
Question 9. Who were Ulemas?
Answer: Scholars, well-versed in Islamic religious scriptures were Ulemas.
Question 10. Who first introduced Jizya and when?
Answer: Muhammad bin Qasim in the 8th century first introduced Jizya.
Question 11. How did the regional powers come to rise?
Answer: During the closing years of Muhammad bin Tughlaq, the administration became weak and the regional powers came to rise.
Question 12. What were the regional powers that drifted away from the Delhi Sultanate?
Answer: Ilyas Shahi Dynasty and Hussain Shahi Dynasty of Bengal and the Vijaynagar and Bahmani Kingdoms were the regional powers that drifted away from the Delhi Sultanate.
Question 1. What do you mean by the word ‘Raj’?
Answer: The word ‘Raj’ means ‘Raja’.
Question 2. Who were ‘Amirs’?
Answer: They were the nobles and aristocrats, who were in charge of the administration of the Delhi Sultanate.
Question 3. Who founded the Sayyid dynasty?
Answer: Khizr Khan founded the Sayyid dynasty.
Question 4. Who was the last Delhi Sultan?
Answer: Ibrahim Lodi was the last Delhi Sultan.
Question 5. Who lost the first battle of Panipat?
Answer: Ibrahim Lodi lost the first battle of Panipat.
Question 6. Which ruler of Delhi never called himself Sultan?
Answer: Khizr Khan, the ruler of Delhi never called himself Sultan.
Question 7. What were the provinces of Delhi Sultanate called?
Answer: The provinces of Delhi Sultanate were called ‘Iqta’.
Question 8. Which Sultan did take up some measures of social welfare?
Answer: Firoz Shah Tughlaq took up some measures of social welfare.
Question 9. Why did Alauddin Khilji initiate some economic reforms?
Answer: To increase the income of the treasury, Alauddin Khilji initiated some economic reforms.
WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 History Chapter 4 The Delhi Sultanate Topic B Governance Of The Delhi Sultanate Fill In the Blanks
Question 1. Mongol invasions took place through the north-western frontiers from ________ (1209/ 1221/1227) onwards.
Answer: 1221
Question 2. ________ (Muhammad/Abu Fateh Khan/ Mohsin), the eldest son of Balban, was killed while fighting against the Mongols, in 1285.
Answer: Muhammad
Question 3. Alauddin Khilji built a new city called ________(Agra/Siri/Aligarh) to accommodate soldiers.
Answer: Siri
Question 4. The provinces of the Delhi Sultanate were called ________ (Subah/Alim/Iqta).
Answer: Iqta
Question 5. Under the Ottoman Turks, the Iqta system was replaced by the ________ (Muqti/Dimar/Ijara) system.
Answer: Dimar
Question 6. Muslim rulers imposed ________(Pilgrimage tax/Jizya/Turuska Danda) on non-Muslim subjects.
Answer: Jizya
Question 7. Some Hindu rulers imposed ________(Turuska Danda/Jizya/Tax on beards) on Muslim subjects.
Answer: Turuska Danda
Question 8. During the reign of Firoz Tughlaq, the revenue obtained from agricultural land was called ________ (Khams/Kharaj/Zakat).
Answer: Kharaj
Question 9. ________ (Alauddin Khilji/Ghiyasuddin Balban/Muhammad bin Tughlaq) appointed Shahan-i-Mandi and Dewan-i-Riyasat to control the market price.
Answer: Alauddin Khilji
Question 10. ________ (Alauddin Khilji/Muhammad bin Tughlaq/Firoz Shah Tughlaq) opened an employment bureau to tackle the problem of unemployment.
Answer: Firoz Shah Tughlaq
WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 History Chapter 4 The Delhi Sultanate Topic B Governance Of The Delhi Sultanate True or False
Question 1. The other name of the river Jhelam was Bitasta.
Answer: True
Question 2. Dar-ul-Shifa was established by Firoz Tughlug.
Answer: True
Question 3. Iltutmish fought a massive battle with the Mongols.
Answer: False
Question 4. Muhammad was the youngest son of Balban.
Answer: False
Question 5. During the reign of Alauddin, Khilji Mongols attacked Delhi thrice.
Answer: False
Question 6. The word ‘Amirs’ means nobility.
Answer: True
Question 7. In the beginning, the Sultan was completely dependent on military power.
Answer: True
Question 8. Iqtadars were also called ‘Muqti’.
Answer: True
Question 9. Alauddin established Diwan-ul-Khairat.
Answer: False
Question 10. In total five dynasties ruled over the Delhi Sultanate.
Answer: True