WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 History Chapter 3 Some Aspects Of The Indian Society Economy And Culture Topic B Culture Of Bengal And India And The World

WBBSE Chapter 3 Some Aspects Of The Indian Society Economy And Culture Topic B Culture Of Bengal And India And The World Long Question And Answers

Question 1. Write a note on Ramcharita

Sandhyakar Nandi, the court poet of king Madanpala and the son of Prajapati Nandi, composed the ‘Ramcharita’ in the 9th century.


1. Chapters:

The epic divided ‘Ramcharita’ was into four chapters

  1. Aarambharam
  2. The second chapter is not known
  3. Return of Rama and
  4. Ramattarcharita.

The first part deals with Rampala while the fourth part speaks about Madanpala. and his conquests.

WBBSE Class 7 Culture of Bengal Notes

2. Subject matter:

On one hand, the story of Ramcharita is based on the story of Lord Rama, On the other hand, it describes the achievements of the Pala rulers up to Madanpala.

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Great light has been thrown on how Rampala crushed the Kaivarta uprisings. and recovered Varendrabhumi.

3. Significance:

  1. The epic was composed in Sanskrit and contains 220 verses written in a sarcastic sense.
  2. The life of Pala king Rampala has been compared to that of Lord Rama.
  3. It is comparable to 11th-century Sanskrit poems in terms of poetry and figures of speech.

Thus, the ‘Ramcharita’ is no ordinary biography but a rich example of 11th-century Sanskrit epic poetry based on history.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 History Chapter 3 Some Aspects Of The Indian Society Economy And Culture Topic B Culture Of Bengal And India And The World

Question 2. Write what you know about Nalanda University.

Nalanda was the most advanced center of higher education in India during ancient and early medieval times. It was located in the southern part of Bihar near Rajagriha.

Nalanda University

1. Admission rules:

Students came from all over the world to seek admission at Nalanda. Only a few could clear the tough entrance examinations.

2. Subjects:

A wide array of subjects was taught, like Buddhist theology, philosophy, logic, astronomy, mathematics, medicine, and Vedic studies.

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3. Faculty:

There were 1500 highly specialized teachers to teach nearly 8,500 students. During the reign of Harshavardhana, the Vice-Chancellor of Nalanda was the Bengali scholar, Shilabhadra.

The university was residential, with separate arrangements of study, a dining hall, individual cells for students, and an enormous library.

4. International significance:

Students came from Central Asia, China, Tibet, and Sri Lanka, and teachers also came from far and wide to teach there. The 100-chambered huge Nalanda was lavishly endowed by numerous rulers and aristocrats.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 History Chapter 3 Topic B Culture Of Bengal And India And The World Nalanda University

Question 3. Write what you know about Vikramshil University.

Vikramshil University earned its fame as a center of higher education during the period of the gradual decline of Nalanda University. Its fame reached its peak in between 9th and 12th centuries.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 History Chapter 3 Topic B Culture Of Bengal And India And The World Vikramshil University

Vikramshil University

  1. Establishment: The Vikramshil University was MIU set up by the Pala ruler, Dharmapala, sometime during the 8th century, near Bhagalpur, in present Bihar. It had a huge statue of Mahabodhi in the center of the premises.
  2. Entrance examination: Students had to clear a tough admission process.
  3. Infrastructure: The monastery supported nearly three thousand students from India and abroad. Nearly a hundred professors (Acharyas) were in charge of different disciplines. No fees was taken from pupils. The monastery had a vast library.
  4. Curriculum and evaluation: This Bajrayan- based center taught grammar, philosophy, logic, mathematics, medicine, tantric literature and astrology. Pupils were awarded titles based on the evaluation.
  5. Destruction: This noble institution was destroyed by the Turkish invader, Bakhtiyar Khilji in the 13th century.

Important Definitions Related to Bengali Culture

Question 4. Give an account of the centers of education of the Pala Age.

The Pala rulers who were Buddhists, patronized Buddhism and encouraged the blossoming of numerous Buddhist centers of education.

Centers of Education of the Pala Age

  1. Odantapuri University: The founder of the Pala dynasty, Gopala, set up the Odantapuri University for the study of Buddhist theology and philosophy. Its Vice-Chancellor was the famous Buddhist scholar Shanti Rakshit.
  2. Vikramshil University: It was set up. by Dharmapala. It had approximately 3000 students from India and abroad, with 144 teachers including Dipankar Srijnan, Kalyan Rakshit, and Sridhara. Buddhist theology, logic, grammar, philosophy, astrology, and medicine were taught here.
  3. Sompuri University: Dharmapala also set up the Sompuri University which was aided by the state.
  4. Nalanda University: Nalanda was the nerve centre of Buddhist studies and philosophy. It also taught Vedas, logic, Sankhya-Yoga philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. Devapala was one of its patrons. During his reign, the Buddhist scholar, Veeradeva was the Vice-Chancellor (Adhyaksha) of the university.

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Question 5. Give an account of the life of common people during the reign of Lakshmansena.

There are various facets of the daily life of the people of Bengal during the reign of Lakshmansena.

Life of common people during the reign of Lakshmansena

1. Supremacy of Brahmins:

  1. During the reign. of Lakshmansena, Brahmins enjoyed the most privileged status in society. They were divided into three categories, Rahri, Varendra, and Vaidik.
  2. They performed rituals, taught different subjects, controlled administration, and even delivered instruction to soldiers in times of war.

2. Social classes:

Apart from Brahmins, the society comprised Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Sudras. The Brahmins had become rich due to control over land and wealth. It resulted in the retardation of the condition of other castes.

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3. Varna-based categorization:

  • In society, Sudras were divided into three categories, Uttama, Madhyama, and Adhama. The Uttama were divided into six parts- Karana, Vaidya, Ugra Kshatriya, Tantubaya, and Gandhabanik.
  • Among the 12 categories of the Madhyama, the notable were sculptor, goldsmith, washerman, milkman, and gold merchant. Among the nine categories of the Adhama, the notable were Chandalas, Bauri, and leather workers.

4. Position of women:

  • Women enjoyed a high position in society. Widows had complete ownership rights over their husbands’ property.
  • They were well-educated, cultured, and polite. Married ladies applied vermilion on their foreheads and in the middle parting of their hair.

Question 6. How did Indian culture spread to South-East Asia?

Indian culture spread to South-East Asia in various ways.

Spread of Indian culture to South-East Asia

  1. Trade and commerce: Intimate commercial relations developed and were maintained between South-East Asia and Tamralipta of Eastern India, Kaveripattanam, Cochin, Trivandrum, and other port cities of South India.
  2. Settlement: Many Indians permanently settled down in South-East Asia to carry on trade. They spread Indian culture and traditions in various parts of South-East Asia.
  3. Brahmanism: The entry of Indians into South-East Asia led to the spread of Brahmanical culture, which influenced the life and culture of South-East Asia.
  4. Art and architecture: Several temples including the Vishnu temple of Angkor Vat and the Borobudur Stupa of Java show the influence of Gupta, Pallava, and Chola schools of art on their construction.
  5.  Buddhism: The royal families and inhabitants of South-East Asia took up Buddhism, thus helping in the development of Indian civilization there.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 History Chapter 3 Topic B Culture Of Bengal And India And The World Vishnu temple of Angkor Vat

Question 7. Write a note on Dipankar Srijnan (Atish).

Atish Dipankar was the best and most famous of Bengali Buddhist preceptors. He was initiated by Acharya Silrakshit in the Odantapuri monastery and thus came to be known as Dipankar Srijnan.

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WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 History Chapter 3 Topic B Culture Of Bengal And India And The World Atish Dipankar

Dipankar Srijnan (Atish)

  1.  Birth and birthplace: Atish (estimated 980- 1035 AD) was born in Bajrayogini village of Bikramanipur in Vangala. As he did not believe in Brahamanical Hinduism, his residence is still called ‘a homestead of a scholar-atheist’.
  2. Position of preceptor and Acharya: He was probably the preceptor and ‘acharya’ of Vikramshil, Odantapuri, and Sompuri monasteries.
  3. Journey to Tibet: At the request of the king of Tibet, Jnanprava, he crossed the Himalayas to reach Tibet in 1040 AD.
  4. Activities in Tibet: He went to Tibet to spread Mahayana Buddhism. Due to his earnest efforts, Buddhism became popular there. He translated many Sanskrit books in the Vot language. Though the original Sanskrit books are no longer available, Tibetan translations are accessible. In Tibet, Dipankar-Srijnan is still worshipped as the incarnation of Lord Buddha.
  5. Death: This famous Buddhist scholar breathed his last near Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. The site where his last rites were per- formed is considered as a pilgrimage centre.

Question 8. Who composed Geet Govinda? Describe the development of literature during the reign of the Senas.

Composer of Geet Govinda:

The revered poet Joydev is known to have composed the lyrics of the ‘Geet Govinda’, a work in praise of Lord Krishna.

Development of literature during the reign of Senas

1. Patronage by Sena rulers:

The Sena rulers patronized the development of literature. Vallalsena himself was a writer of repute and composed ‘Dansagara’ and ‘Adbhutsagara’. Lakshmansena Keshavasena were great poet too.

2. Works of poets and writers:

  1. Halayudh, the courtier of Laksmansena composed Brahmanasarvasya on Vedic customs.
  2. Among the court poets, mention may be made of Joydev who composed ‘Geet Govinda’, and Dhoyee, who composed ‘Pabanduta’.
  3. Jimutavahana composed ‘Dayabhaga’ and ‘Vyavahara-Matrika’.
  4. Sridhara Das, the advisor of Lakshmansena, compiled the ‘Saduktikarnamrita’ where 485 writers have provided 2377 pieces of writing.

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WBBSE Chapter 3 Some Aspects Of The Indian Society Economy And Culture Topic B Culture Of Bengal And India And The World Short Question And Answers

Question 1. Write a note on Chakrapani Dutta.

Chakrapani Dutta:

Chakrapani Dutta, possibly born in the Birbhum district of Bengal was an eminent medical practitioner during the Pala reign.

He wrote books on nutritious food, herbs, and ingredients of medicines and even composed a treatise on the works of Susruta. His most famous compilation is ‘Chikitsa Sangraha’.

Question 2. Who were Siddhacharyas?


Siddhacharyas were Buddhists who followed Vajrayana or Tantrayana in Buddhism. During the Pala era, this form of Buddhism evolved due to the intermingling of Mahayana Buddhism and other philosophical thoughts.

Question 3. What are Charyapadas?


Charyapada is an example of a rudimentary Bengali language. It is a compilation of songs and poems written by Buddhist Siddhacharyas, between the 8th and 12th centuries. The scripts of Charyapadas were recovered from Nepal by Haraprasad Shastri.

Question 4. How did Asvaghosha describe Nirvana in his Buddha Charita?

Asvaghosha describe Nirvana in his Buddha Charita:

Asvaghosha has used a beautiful simile to describe Nirvana or Salvation in his Buddha Charita. He states that just as the flame of a lamp is extinguished when its oil is exhausted, similarly when all sufferings and sorrows cease, everlasting salvation can be obtained.

Question 5. Write a note on Nirvana.


Buddhists believe that, once a soul attains Nirvana, it will not be reborn.

Hinayana theory:

Asvaghosha, a follower of Hinayana Buddhism believes that cessation of all sufferings brings about salvation, just as the light of a lamp gets extinguished when its oil is exhausted.

Examples of Real-Life Applications of Cultural Knowledge

Mahayana theory:

The followers of Mahayana Buddhism believe that salvation is a state similar to a vacuum.

Question 6. State the differences between Ramayana and Ramcharita.

The differences between Ramayana and Ramcharita:

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 History Chapter 3 Topic B Culture Of Bengal And India And The World Differences between Ramayana And Ramcharita


Question 7. What were the chief centres for learning- ing during the Pala reign? Who used to teach here?

The chief centres for learning- ing during the Pala reign:

During the Pala reign, chief centres for learning were the Buddhist monasteries spread over present Bihar, West Bengal, and Bangladesh.

Among them, monasteries of Nalanda, Odantapuri (near Nalanda), Vikramshil (near Bhagalpur), Sompuri (at Paharpur in Rajshahi district), Jagaddal (in North Bengal), Bikrampuri (in Dacca district) are worth mentioning.

During 8th to 9th century AD Shantarakshit, Shantideva, Kambalpada, and Shabaripada, and during 10th to 12th century AD Dipankar Srijnan (Atish), Gorakshanath and Kanhapada used to teach in these monasteries.

Question 8. Who was Atish Dipankar? Why did he go to Tibet?

Atish Dipankar:

Atish Dipankar was the best and most famous among the Bengali Buddhist preceptors (estimated 980-1053 AD).

At the request of the king of Tibet, Jnanprava, Atish Dipankar crossed the Himalayas and went to Tibet in 1040 AD to spread Mahayana Buddhism.

Question 9. Who was Sandhyakar Nandi?

Sandhyakar Nandi:

Sandhyakar Nandi is considered to be the greatest poet of the Pala dynasty. He became famous for his ‘Ramcharita’, a biographical history in verse, written in Sanskrit. The book. has two different themes.

The first part of the book describes the biography of Ramachandra, and the second part narrates the life of Rampala, the king of Gauda.

Class 7 WBBSE History Question Answer

Question 10. Write a note on Sompuri Mahavihara.

Sompuri Mahavihara:

  • Sompuri Mahavihara was one of the most famous Buddhist Monastic institutions of ancient Bengal. The excavated monastic complex at Paharpura has been identified with the Sompuri Mahavihara.
  • It was built by the second Pala king Dharmapala. According to Lama Taranath and other Tibetan sources, Devapala built it after his conquest of Varendra.

WBBSE Chapter 3 Some Aspects Of The Indian Society Economy And Culture Topic B Culture Of Bengal And India And The World Very Short Question And Answers

Question 1. Name two artists of the Pala age.
Answer: The two artists of the Pala age were Dhiman and Bitpala.

Question 2. Name two centers of Buddhist studies.
Answer: The two centers of Buddhist studies were Nalanda and Vikramshil universities.

Question 3.  Who were the five gems of the Sena era?
Answer: The ‘Five Jewels’ of the Sena era were Joydev, Dhoyee, Gobardhan, Umapati Dhar, and Sharana.

Question 4. When and during whose reign was Vikramshil Mahavihara founded?
Answer: In the 8th century AD, the Pala emperor Dharmapala founded the Vikramshil Mahavihara on the banks of the river Ganges near Bhagalpur.

Question 5. When did Bengali scholar Atish come to be known as Dipankar Srijnan?

Atish-Dipankar was the best and most famous among the Bengali Buddhist preceptors (estimated 980-1053 AD). He was initiated by Acharya Silrakshit in the Odantapuri monastery and thus came to be known as Dipankar Srijnan.

Question 6. What do you know about the Vishnu temple of Angkor Vat?

In the first half of the 12th century, the famous Vishnu temple was established at Angkor Vat in Cambodia. Later the Buddhists also assembled here to pray. The legends of the Ramayana were engraved on the walls of the temple.

Question 7. Who composed ‘Ramcharita’?
Answer: Sandhyakar Nandi composed ‘Ramcharita’.

Question 8. Who composed ‘Pabanduta’?
Answer: Dhoyee composed ‘Pabanduta’.

Question 9. Who was Dipankar Srijnan?
Answer: Dipankar Srijnan was the most learned and famous Buddhist scholar among the Bengalis.

Question 10. Which university was Dipankar Srijnan associated with?
Answer: Dipankar Srijnan was associated with Vikramshil University.

Question 11. Which ruler was proud of five gems in his courts?
Answer: Lakshamansena was proud of five gems in his courts.

Question 12. Which Turkish invader conquered Nadia?
Answer: Bakhtiyar Khilji conquered Nadia.

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Question 13. Whose architecture is found at the archaeological site at the Paharpur?
Answer: The architecture of the Pala dynasty is found at the archaeological site at the Paharpur.

Question 14. Whocomposed ‘Danasagara’ and ‘Adbhutsagara’?
Answer: Vallalsena composed ‘Danasagara’ and ‘Adbhutsagara’.

Question 15. Name a famous scholar of medicine in the Pala age.
Answer: Chakrapani Dutta was a famous scholar of medicine in the Pala age.

Question 16. What name was given to Atish Dipankar’s home?
Answer: The name given to Atish Dipankar’s home was ‘homestead of an atheist- scholar’.

Question 17. Where was Atish Dipankar born?
Answer: Atish Dipankar was born in Bajroyogini village of Bikramanipur in Vangala.

Question 18. Where was the Sompuri monastery located?
Answer: Sompuri monastery was located in Paharpur.

Question 19. Which language was used to compose ‘Ramcharita’?
Answer: the Sanskrit language was used to compose ‘Ramcharita’.

Question 20. How did the stupas appear during the reign of the Palas?
Answer: The stupas looked like shikhara or mountain peaks during the reign of the Palas.

Question 21. Who is worshipped as a reincarnation of Buddha in Tibet?
Answer: Atish Dipankar is worshipped as a reincarnation of Buddha in Tibet.

History Class 7 WBBSE

Question 22. Name the largest Buddhist temple in the world.
Answer: Borobudur at Java, Indonesia is the largest Buddhist temple in the world.

Question 23. When was Nalanda University constructed?
Answer: Nalanda University was constructed in the 5th century AD.

Question 24. What was the main medium of exchange during the Pala and Sena ages?
Answer: Cowrie shells were the main medium of exchange during the Pala and Sena ages.

Question 25. When was Vikramshil University destroyed?
Answer: Vikramshil University was destroyed in the 13th century AD.

Question 26. When was the Vishnu temple of Angkor Vat constructed?
Answer: The Vishnu temple of Angkor Vat was constructed in the first half of the 12th century.

Question 27. Who composed ‘Chikitsa Sangraha’?
Answer: Chakrapani Dutta composed ‘Chikitsa Sangraha”.

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WBBSE Chapter 3 Some Aspects Of The Indian Society Economy And Culture Topic B Culture Of Bengal And India And The World Fill In The Blanks

Question 1. _________ (Charyapada/Luipada/Kanhapada) is an example of an ancient Bengali language.
Answer: Charyapada

Question 2. A Tantric Buddhist leader was called _________ (Acharya/Siddhacharya/Upacharya).
Answer: Siddhacharya

Question 3. Vikramshil University was located near present-day _________ (Bhagalpur/Patna/North Bengal).
Answer: Bhagalpur

Question 4. The ruler of remote Sumatra made handsome grants to the university of _________ (Nalanda/Sompuri/Vikramshil).
Answer: Nalanda

Question 5. The most glorious example of the architecture of the Pala times is _________ (Paharpur archaeological site/Buddhist Stupa at Chittagong/Sompuri Vihara).
Answer: Paharpur archaeological site

Question 6. Pabanduta was composed by _________ (Dhoyee/Umapatidhar/Sridhar Das).
Answer: Dhoyee

Question 7. Joydev was the court poet of _________ (Dharmapala/Vallalsena/Lakshmansena).
Answer: Lakshmansena

Question 8. Brahmanasarvasya was composed by _________ (Halayudh/Sridhara Das/Sharana).
Answer: Halayudh

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Question 9. The Tibetan king Jnanprabha requested _________ (Shilabhadra/Shantal Rakshit/ Dipankar Srijnan) to cross the Himalayas and visit Tibet.
Answer: Dipankar Srijnan

Question 10. Atish Dipankar composed many scriptures in the _________ (Chinese/Vot/Nepali) language.
Answer: Vot

Question 11. _________ (Gopala/Dharmapala/Devapala) set up the Vikramshil University.
Answer: Dharmapala

Question 12. The Turkish invasion of Bengal took place during the reign of _________ (Vallalsena/ Vijayasena/Lakshmansena).
Answer: Lakshmansena

Question 13. The people of Bengal came to know about the vegetable potato from the _________ (Italians/British/Portuguese).
Answer: Portuguese

WBBSE Chapter 3 Some Aspects Of The Indian Society Economy And Culture Topic B Culture Of Bengal And India And The World True Or False

Question 1. Luipada wrote Ramcharita.
Answer: False

Question 2. The kings of the Pala dynasty were brahmins.
Answer: True

Class 7 History Solution WBBSE

Question 3. Tantrayana or Tantrika Buddhism originated during the Pala era.
Answer: True

Question 4. The Charyapadas depicted the contemporary Bengali environment and the livelihood of the common people.
Answer: True

Question 5. Historian Rakhaldas Bandyopadhyay the manuscript of the recovered Charyapada from Nepal.
Answer: False

Question 6. Vikramshil was the main center for the Hinayana cult.
Answer: False

Question 7. Bitpala was a renowned artist of the Radh region.
Answer: False

Question 8. During Sena’s rule, Vedic and Puranic religions merged with Brahmanical Hinduism.
Answer: True

Question 9. King Lakshmansena was a Shaivite.
Answer: False

Question 10. Stupas built during the Pala age looked like Shikharas or mountain peaks.
Answer: True

Question 11. Angkor Vat is in Indonesia.
Answer: False

Question 12. Buddhism became popular in Tibet due to Atish Dipankar’s earnest effort.
Answer: True

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