WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 History Chapter 2 Some Aspects Of The Indian Political History Topic D Miscellaneous

WBBSE Chapter 2 Some Aspects Of The Indian Political History Topic D Miscellaneous Long Question And Answers

Question 1. Look at a recent map of West Bengal. Which rivers of the early medieval Bengal do you see in it?

The recent map of West Bengal includes quite a few rivers of early medieval Bengal like Ganga, Mahananda, Mayurakshi, Damodar, Ajay, Bhagirathi, Rupnarayan, Subarnarekha, and Kangsavati.

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WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 History Chapter 2 Topic D Miscellaneous Bengal in early medieval period

Understanding Ancient Indian Political Structures

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Question 2. Describe the economic condition of Bengal during the reign of Sasanka.

Economic Condition of Bengal During the Reign of Sasanka

Agro-based economy:

The state followed an agricultural economy. The society was village-based too. So, the demand for agricultural lands went up.

Depression in trade:

since there was a depression in trade and commerce during Sasanka’s reign, the importance of cities gradually decreased.

Currency value:

Gold coins lost their value due to the circulation of counterfeit coins. There were no silver coins in circulation.

Collapse Of economy:

The decline of trade resulted in the reduction of the importance of traders and merchants.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 History Chapter 2 Some Aspects Of The Indian Political History Topic D Miscellaneous

Question 3. What is Matsya-nyaya?


1. Literal meaning:

The term ‘Matsya-nyaya’means fish-like behavior.

2. Actual meaning:

Just as the bigger fish gobbles up the smaller ones in a pond, similarly, in Bengal, after Sasanka’s death, the rich and powerful people began to oppress and capture the lands of the poor.

3. Conclusion:

This unlawful and anarchic situation ended when Gopala was elected the ruler of Bengal in 750.

Question 4. How did the regional states develop in 7th and 8th century AD?

A large number of regional states arose in North and South India during the 7th and 8th centuries.

1. Increase of regional powers:

The rulers were originally feudal lords or military commanders who became powerful and independent taking advantage of the weakness of the kings.

2. Military and familial power:

Some powerful military commanders formed independent kingdoms with the help of their relatives.

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Question 5.Where from did the sena kings originates? How did they establish their rule in the Bengal?

Original inhabitation:

The Senas originally belonged to Karnataka, in South India, particularly Mysore and its adjoining areas.

Establishment Of Rule:

Samantasena, the founder of the Sena dynasty in Bengal, set up his rule over Radh (Burdwan Region). His son and successor Hemantasena set up an independent domain in this region taking advantage of weakness of Pala rulers.

His son and successor Vijayasena conquered Radh, Gauda, eastern Bengal, and Mithila.

Question 6. Give the geographical location of the Radh-Suhma and Gauda regions of acient Bengal.

Radh-Suhma and Gaude were two significant regions of ancient Bengal.

The geographical location of Radh-Suhma and Gauda

1. Radh-Suhma:

Ancient Radh (Rarh) was divided into two parts—Northern Radh and Southern Radh. The Jainas were called Northern Radh Bajjabhumi (Bajrabhumi) and the Southern Radh was called Subbhabhumi (or Suhmabhumi).

The region of Northern Radh included the western part of the present Murshidabad, Birbhum, Santhal Parganas (part), and the northern part of the Katwa subdivision of Burdwan. On the other side, Southern Radh was much closer to the Bay of Bengal.

The river Ajay was the demarcating line of the two. In the legends of the Mahabharata and in the poetry of Kalidasa, there are evidence that the region between river Bhagirathi and Kangsabati extended up to the sea.

2. Gauda:

The Gauda Kingdom was a Hindu power during the classical period on the Indian sub-continent, which originated in the region of Bengal in the 4th Century.

Barahamihir has described Murshidabad, Birbhum, and the western part of Burdwan as Gauda in his writings. But during the reign of Sasanka in the 7th Century the territory of Gauda expanded.

In those times the main area of Gauda was on the western bank of river Bhagirathi in the present district of Murshidabad. During the reign of Sasanka, the territory extended from North Bengal to the coastal area of Odisha.

During the 8th-9th century, Gauda referred to the whole of the Pala empire.

Question 7. How was the relationship of Sasanka with the Buddhists? Give your own opinion.

Despite the testimony of Banabhatta and Xuanzang to Sasanka being an anti-Buddhist, the viewpoint was probably exaggerated.

Sasanka and Buddhism

  1. Religion: Sasanka was a Shaivite.
  2. Anti-Buddhism: Banabhatta alleges that Sasanka killed many Buddhist monks and destroyed Buddhist relics. He even regarded him as ‘Gaudavujanga’ and ‘Gaudadham’.

3. Exaggerated comments:

  1. Xuanzang speaks of the prosperity of the famous Raktamrittika monastery on the outskirts of Karnasuvarna, a few years after Sasanka’s death. About fifty years after the death of Sasanka, the Chinese traveler l-Tsing speaks of the popularity of Buddhism in Bengal. This might not have been possible had Sasanka been an enemy of Buddhism.
  2.  Dr. R C Majumdar and Dr. Ramaprasad Chandra felt that Banabhatta and Xuanzang deliberately smeared Sasanka’s character as he was a rival of Harshavardhana, who was well-disposed to both of them.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 History Chapter 2 Topic D Miscellaneous Runis of the Raktamrittika Monastery

Question 8. Among whom did the Tripartite Struggle take place? What were the main causes of this Struggle?

The Tripartite Struggle took place over the occupation of Kanauj, the imperial capital of North India among the Palas, the Gurjara-Pratiharas, and the Rashtrakutas.

Causes behind Tripartite Struggle

1. Possession of wealth:

All three dynasties wanted to occupy Kanauj, to control its enormous wealth as well as the flourishing trade routes of North India.

2. Geographical position:

All three dynasties coveted Kanauj, which was located rn the Ganga- Yamuna doab—a very strategic position to control North India. It could be the focal point of their empire.

Conceptual Questions on Governance in Ancient India

3. Political significance:

In the 8th and 9th centuries, control over Kanauj was synonymous to being the representative of the sovereign royal power of India.

4. Military significance:

Kanauj was located on a highland in Ganga-Yamuna Doab. It was easy and safe to conduct campaigns from Kanauj by land and sea routes. Hence, all the three parties wanted to establish a strong military headquarters there.

5. Power and prestige:

All the three parties wanted to attain a prestigious position by capturing Kanauj.

Question 9. Observe the chart 2.1 carefully. Now compare the Pala and the Sena reign carefully.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 History Chapter 2 Topic D Miscellaneous Compare the pala and the Sena Reign


Question 10. Explain the background of the rise of the Chola dynasty in South India. Which regions did the Chola dynasty belong to?

The Cholas occupied a glorious position in the history of South India in terms of territorial conquests, culture, and maritime trade.

Background of the rise of the Chola dynasty

In the 9th century, the Cholas set up their kingdom in the deltaic region of Kaveri and its tributaries. Vijayalaya overthrew king Muttabaiya, the ruler of the area, and founded the Chola dynasty. Thanjavur or Tanjore was set up as the capital of the Cholas.

Regions belonged to the Cholas

The successors of Vijayalaya expanded the kingdom further. The Pandya region of the south and the Pallava region of the north came under their control.

In 985 AD Rajaraja, I was able to establish the Chola supremacy in present Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and in the vast areas of Karnataka. His son Rajendra I defeated the Chalukya power of Kalyani.

Class 7 WBBSE History Question Answer

He established Chola suzerainty over parts of South-East Asia and converted the Bay of Bengal into the Chola lake. He took the title of ‘Gangaikondachola’ (Conqueror of the Ganges) after the conquest of Bengal.

Question 11. Give a brief description of Arabia before the rise of Islam. What were the changes brought about by Islam these?

Arab before the advent of Islam

1. Social’ categorization:

Before the rise of Islam, the Arabs were divided into a large number of classes based on tribes and family units. There was no unity or feeling of oneness among them and these units were in constant conflict with each other.

2. Social laws:

Society followed the violent policy of ‘an eye for an eye’. Polygamy was prevalent. Both men and women led immoral lives. Women received no respect in society.

3. Religious practices:

The people worshipped trees, stones, rivers, and caves wells. Each tribe followed its individual gods and goddesses.

Arab in the light of Islam

1. Moral values:

Islam inspired Arabs with the ideals of unity and equality, by preaching that all men are equal in the eyes of Allah, that Allah is the protector of all men and that all should be devotees of Allah.

2. Equality and liberalism:

This simple but powerful message of equality and generosity helped in the propagation of this religion. People of other faiths were also attracted to it and converted to Islam.

3. End of chaos and disorder:

Islam removed chaos and disorder in Arabia. It had great significance in bringing back peace and fostering unity in Arabia.

Question 12. Imagine you are a traveler during the reign of king Sasanka. You are going to Karnasuvarna from Tamralipta. Which regions and rivers will you find on your way? What will you see on reaching Karnasuvarna?

I am a tourist from China. I would like to travel to Bengal now covering all the remotest corners of the state. Now I am on the way to Karnasuvarna from Tamralipta. At present, Sasanka is the king of Bengal.

Class 7 WBBSE History Question Answer

1. Natural Sceneries:

The natural beauty of riverine Bengal is very charming. Trees and rivers, green paddy fields, and bright blue sky have charmed me like anything. Plain lowlands, temperate climate, and easy flow of pollution-free air are really soothing.

Nature of the people:

The simple behavior of the rustic people of villages and their hospitality are no doubt appreciable. They talk very softly. By nature, they are polite, honest, and hardy. In comparison to China, the density of the population is much more here.


On my way, I had to come across so many rivers like Kangsavati, Yamuna, Bhagirathi, Rupnarayan, Ajay, Mayurakshi etc.

2. Karnasuvarna:

At last I have reached at Karnasuvarna of Murshidabad. Most of the houses of the city are made of wood and brick-built. The palace of Sasanka is located in the heart of the city and is well-secured.

In the courtyard of the palace, there is a big temple of Lord Shiva. Sasanka was so long described as a hater of Buddhism. But now, they live together peacefully.

Question 13. Suppose Matsya-Nyaya is going on in the country. Your classmates including you want to elect a king for the country. Produce an imaginary dialogue among your friends.

We, the feudal lords of Bengal, have all gathered at a hall to discuss how to put an end to Matsya-Nyaya, the period of utter chaos and anarchy, that has overtaken Bengal in the last few decades. We are four in number: 1, 2, 3, 4.

Lord 1: We have gathered here for a solemn reason: to put an end to the Matsya-Nyaya.

Lord 2: Yes it is threatening to destroy Bengal. There are so many murders, dacoity, and lawlessness.

Lord 3: But, what can be done to overcome it?

Lord 1: We have to think of a solution fast.

Lord 2: Who would have the capacity to take over the reins of Bengal in such a situation?

Lord 4: All the capable young men of Bengal are migrating to the north and the Deccan.

Lord 3 :1 do have someone in mind, a suitable candidate who can be entrusted with the responsibilities of Bengal. He belongs to an illustrious feudal family of Bengal. His name is Gopala.

Lord 1: Wasn’t his father also a feudal lord?

Lord 3: He was. Gopala is young, well-educated, cultured, and capable.

Lord 2: Then, why don’t we offer the throne of Bengal to him? He seems to be an excellent choice. Surely, Bengal will prosper under him.

Lord 1, 3,4: We agree with you wholeheartedly. Only then can Matsya-Nyaya end and Bengal regain its lost glory.

Question 14. Imagine that you are the Kaivarta leader Divya. What will be your allegations against the Palas? How will you develop your rebelling troup? How will you lead them?


I am a feudatory chief of Varendrabhumi. My name is Plvya. Due to several reasons, I have taken up the responsibility of leading the revolt.

My complaints are as follows:

Important Definitions Related to Indian Political History

1. Inefficient administration:

The rule of Mahipala II is oppressive. He is an incompetent ruler. We must save the country from his misrule.

2. Ban on the fishery as a profession:

As fishery has been banned, it has become difficult for us, the Kaivartas (fishermen), to run our family.

3. Mahipala II, is a man of suspicion:

He does not trust anyone. He has put two of his brothers into jail, only out of suspicion. So, I would like to kill Mahipala II. First, I would organise a band of soldiers.

I would also join hands with other feudal lords who will help me to achieve my mission. Local leadership will be formed. Treachery will be checked. Internal dissension must be taken care of. Thus good governance will be established.

Question 15. Suppose you are walking along the main road of Nadia on the day of the Turkish invasion. What did you see then?

  • I am Krishnadas Goswami. I am 50 years old. I have been Baptised in Vaishnavism very recently. I had a long-cherished desire to visit the birthplace of Sri Chaitanya, one of the greatest exponents of the Bhakti cult.
  • But at this news, I was plunged in utter despair. I also got frightened at the sight of the people around me. They were running here and there on the street. Their facial expression was alarming. I did not know why.
  • When asked a passerby about the situation, he informed me that a band of horsemen had suddenly attacked the palace of Lakshmanasena, the king of Bengal. Moreover, I came to know that they were horse traders in disguise.
  • They were actually Turkish invaders. All they were 17 to 18 only in numbers. Hearing the news of the Turkish invasion Lakshmanasena fled by the back door without fighting.
  • It was noon then. Therefore, Lakshmanasena had to forsake. his lunch, unfortunately. I do not know how far the report is factual or a concocted story, I got confused with the news.
  • A feeling of anxiety and tension and above all an utter despair grasped me like anything. However, I lost all hope of my trip to Nabadwipand left the place with a broken heart.

Question 16. Take a map of the present West Bengal. How many districts are now there in West Bengal? Which district do you live in? Where do you think is that district located in the nap of 2.1?

There are 23 districts in West Bengal.

These are

  1. Kolkata
  2. North 24 Parganas
  3. South 24 Parganas
  4. Howrah
  5. Hooghly
  6. Paschim Bardhaman
  7. Purba Bardhaman
  8. Nadia
  9. Murshidabad
  10. Malda
  11. Jhargram
  12. Purba Medinipur
  13. Paschim Medinipur
  14. Bankura
  15. Purulia
  16. Darjeeling
  17. Cooch Behar
  18. Jalpaiguri
  19. Alipurduar
  20. Uttar Dinajpur
  21. Dakshin Dinajpur
  22. Kalimpong
  23. Birbhum.

I live in Howrah district.

In the map, it is located on the western bank of the Bhagirathi River.

WBBSE Chapter 2 Some Aspects Of The Indian Political History Topic D Miscellaneous  Short Question And Answers

Question 1. How did Sultan Mahmud utilize the Wealth plundered from India?

Sultan Mahmud plundered enormous wealth from India. With it, he beautified his capital Ghazni and other cities with palaces, mosques, gardens, and libraries.

He also set up a university where teachers received regular salaries and students got scholarships. He built lakes, canals, and a dam on the river Amu Darya.

Question 2. Which regions of the present West Bengal I is the Radh region? What rivers are I still to be found there?

  • Ancient Radh region had two divisions— Northern Radh and Southern Radh. Northern Radh included the western part of present-day Murshidabad, Birbhum, some areas of Santhal Parganas, and northern side of the Katwa subdivision of the Burdwan district.
  • Southern Radh included the areas of present-day Howrah, Hooghly, the remaining areas of Burdwan district, and the area between the two rivers Ajay and Damodar.

Real-Life Scenarios Involving Historical Conflicts

Question 3. Can you identify the animal in the coin given in picture 2.2? Why do you think the picture of that animal is in the coin?

  • There is a picture of bull in the coin.
  • These coins were introduced by king Sasanka of Gauda. He was a Shaivite or worshipper of Shiva. Nandi is Shiva’s chief and he is usually depicted as a bull.
  • So, this could be the reason of the picture of bull in the coin.

Question 4. What do you know about the Arab conquest of Sindh?

The Arabs had trade contacts with India for a long time. Arab merchants used to come to the western coasts of India even before they embraced Islam. This contact continued even after the spread of Islam.

The Arab conquest of Sind

1. Aims:

Since 636 AD, Arabs had another goal—annexing parts of India. But their efforts were repulsed. After some unsuccessful attacks on Kabul, they, at last, succeeded in conquering Makran of Baluchistan in 643 AD.

2. War With Dahir:

At that time Dahir, a Brahmin king ruled Sind. In the year 712 AD, the Arab general, Muhammad bin Qasim conquered Sind, in northwest India, and then Multan in the following year.

3. End:

Towards the end of the 9th century, the Arabian expedition to India came to an end.

Question 5. Give an account of Rajendra Chola I.

  • Rajendra Chola I was a great conqueror. He carried the arms as far as Bengal. He also built up a maritime empire in the Indian Ocean. That is indeed a great achievement.
  • With the help of his strong fleet, he converted the Bay of Bengal into a Chola lake. He was a patron of architecture and sculpture.
  • The capital of the Chola dynasty was Gangaikonda Cholapuram and its beautiful temples testify to his (Rajendra Chola I) love for art and architecture.

WBBSE Chapter 2 Some Aspects Of The Indian Political History Topic D Miscellaneous Very Short Question And Answers

Question 1. What is the other name of Tamralipta?
Answer: The other name of Tamralipta is Tamluk.

Question 2. What do you mean by Gaudatantra?
Answer: Gaudatantra means System of Gauda.

Question 3. Which area was designated as Harikel of Bengal?
Answer: Harikel was the southeastern part of Samatata, presently including the coastal regions of Chittagong of Bangladesh.

Question 4. Varendra, Odantapur, Radh, Pundravardhana.
Answer: Odantapur

Question 5. Muhammad Ghori, Bakhtiyar Khilji, Sultan Mahmud, Minhaj-i Siraj.
Answer: Minhaj-i Siraj

Question 6. Bhagirathi, Padma, Godavari, Meghna.
Answer: Godavari

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Question 7. Sasanka, Gopal, Pulakesin, Lakshmanasena.
Answer: Pulakesin

Question 8. Muhammad Ghori, Bakhtiyar Khilji, Sultan Mahmud, Qutbuddin Aibak.
Answer: Qutbuddin Aibak

Question 9. Herodotus, Minhaj-i Siraj, Al Biruni, Abul Fazl.
Answer: Herodotus

Question 10. Kirtivarman, Pulakesin, Ravikirti, Dantidurga.
Answer: Dantidurga

Question 11. Dhruva, Govinda III, Krishna, Harshavardhana.
Answer: Harshavardhana

WBBSE Class 7 Miscellaneous History 

Question 12. Simhavishnu, Mahendra Varman, Narasimhavarman, Debagupta.
Answer: Debagupta

Question 13. Vijayalaya, Aditya, Rajaraja I, Samantasena.
Answer: Samantasena

Question 14. Mangalesh, Pulakesi, Vikramaditya, King Bhoja.
Answer: King Bhoja

WBBSE Chapter 2 Some Aspects Of The Indian Political History Topic D Miscellaneous Fill In The Blanks

Question 1. The name Vanga was first used in __________ (Aitareya Aranyak/Ain-i-Akbari/ Arthasastra).
Answer: Aitareya Aranyak

Question 2. The territory of ancient Bengal was formed with the rivers __________, __________, and __________ (Bhagirathi, Padma, Meghna / Ganges, Brahmaputra, Sindhu / Krishna, Kaveri, Godavari).
Answer: Bhagirathi, Padma, Meghna

Question 3. The title Sakalottarapathanatha was adopted by _________ (Sasanka / Harshavardhan / Dharmapala).
Answer: Harshavardhan

Question 4. One of the leaders of the Kaivarta revolt was __________(Bhima / Ramapala / Mahipala I).
Answer: Bhima

Question 5. During the reign of __________ (Vijaysena / Ballalsena / Lakshmanasena) the Turkish invasion occurred in Bengal.
Answer: Lakshmanasena

Question 6. A historian in the Sultanate period was __________ (Muhammad Ghori / Minhaz-i-Siraz / Ikhtiaruddin Muhammad Bakhtiyar Khilji).
Answer: Minhaz-i-Shiraz

Question 7. Sasanka is supposed to be anti-_____.
Answer: Buddhist

Question 8. _____ was the first elected king of Bengal.
Answer: Gopala

WBBSE Chapter 2 Some Aspects Of The Indian Political History Topic D Miscellaneous  True Or False

Question 1. The Kings of the Sena dynasty started to rule in Bengal in the 11th Century.
Answer: True

Question 2. Both Rajaraja I and Rajendra I set up a strong army.
Answer: False

Question 3. Hazrat Muhmmad was born in 570 AD
Answer: True

WBBSE Chapter 2 Some Aspects Of The Indian Political History Topic D Miscellaneous Match The Columns

Question 1. WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 History Chapter 2 Topic D Miscellaneous Match the following 1

Answer: 1. C, 2. D, 3. A, 4. B, 5. E

Question 2.WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 History Chapter 2 Topic D Miscellaneous Match the following 2

Answer: 1. B, 2. A, 3. E, 4. C, 5. D

Question 3. WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 History Chapter 2 Topic D Miscellaneous Match the following 3

Answer: 1. E, 2. D, 3. A, 4. B, 5. C

Question 4. WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 History Chapter 2 Topic D Miscellaneous Match the following 4

Answer: 1. E, 2. D, 3. A, 4. B, 5. C

Question 5. WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 History Chapter 2 Topic D Miscellaneous Match the following 5

Answer: 1. D, 2. C, 3. E, 4. B, 5. A

Question 6.
WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 History Chapter 2 Topic D Miscellaneous Match the following 1.

Answer: 1. D, 2. 1, 3. F, 4. C, 5. B, 6. E

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