WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil

WBBSE Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil Long Question And Answers

Question 1. How is soil formed from rocks?

Soil formation from rocks:

Soil is formed from rocks by the following steps-

1. Effect of natural forces:

The heat from the sun, the impact of rain, wind, river water and other natural forces break down the rocks into smaller fragments.

2. Formation of regolith:

These small rock fragments settle down at the places of their origin. They also get carried away to far-off places due to transportation by water or wind.

This continuous degradation and transportation of the rock fragments lead to the formation of a layer of degraded and unconsolidated soil particles called regolith.

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3. Formation of soil:

Soil is derived from regolith by different organic and bio-chemical reactions. Regolith, due to these reactions, further disintegrates and stratifies to form soil.

Question 2. Discuss the factors that influence the formation of soil.

Factors influencing the formation of soil:

There are four factors which influence the formation of soil. These are as follows-


  • The characteristic features of soil depend on the nature of the rock(s) from which it originates.
  • The physical and chemical properties of the soil formed are influenced by the parent rock.

Example: Formation of black soil from basalt.


  • Rainfall and high temperatures facilitate soil formation.
  • Soil forms at a faster rate in warm and rainy climates and at a slower rate in cool and dry climates.


  • Relief of the land plays a vital role in the formation of soil. Gentler slopes, i.e., plain lands support better and deeper formation of soil.
  • On the other hand, the formation of soil is less likely on steeper slopes.

Living organisms:

  • Different living organisms, i.e., plants and animals, alive or dead have a great impact on the formation of soil.
  • Ants, moles, earthworms and snakes loosen the soil which in turn allows free movement of water and air in the soil.
  • Dead remains of living organisms provide nutrients to the soil. The excreta of earthworms makes the soil rich in calcium and nitrogen.


  • Soil matures with the passage of time.
  • The formation of soil is not a quick process. Rather, it takes thousands and millions of years to form.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil

Question 3. What is the role of living organisms in the formation of soil? Or, Soil formation is not only dependent on the weathering of rocks but also on living organisms. Can you explain how living organisms help in the formation of soil?

Role of living organisms in the formation of soil:

Living organisms actually encompass both plants and animals.

1. Role of plants in the formation of soil:

  1. Leaves, flowers, fruits, roots, etc decompose to form humus.
  2. Leaves which have high contents of potassium, calcium, etc. decompose to form an acidic type of soil.
  3. The water-holding capacity of soil increases when the organic matter present in the soil is more.

2. Role of animals in the formation of soil:

  1. Ants, moles, earthworms and rats dig up holes in the soil thereby facilitating the formation of soil.
  2. If the population of earthworm is high in soil, then the top layer of the soil becomes crystalline and the soil becomes rich in nitrogen and calcium.
  3. Remnants of bacteria, algae and fungus decompose to form humus.
  4. Human activities like the construction of buildings, afforestation, deforestation, etc. either facilitate or disrupt the formation of soil.
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Question 4. How can you classify soil on the basis of the constituents present?

Classification of soil on the basis of the constituents present:

On the basis of the constituents present, soil can be classified into three groups-

1. Sandy soil:

Soil which contains 80% or more sand, 10% silt and 10% clay with very little organic matter is called sandy soil. Some of the commonly grown crops in this soil are cucumber, muskmelon and watermelon.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil Sandy soil

2. Clayey soil:

Soil which contains 45-50% clay, 30-40% silt and 15-20% sand with little organic matter is called clayey soil. Generally, mango, jackfruit, paddy and wheat are grown in this soil.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil Clayey soil

3. Loamy soil:

Soil which contains an equal amount of sand (40%), silt (40%) and a smaller amount of clay is called loamy soil. Crops which are grown in this soil are potato, pointed gourd, paddy, wheat, mustard and jute.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil Loamy soil

Question 5. Make a comparative study of sandy, clayey and loamy soils.

Comparative study of sandy, clayey and loamy soil:

A comparative study of sandy soil, clayey soil and loamy soil is discussed in the following table-

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil Comparative study of sandy, clayey and loamy soil

Question 6. What are the solid components of soil?

Solid components of soil:

About 50% of the soil is composed of solid matter. Solid matter is divided into two parts-

  1. Mineral component and
  2. Organic component.

Mineral components include clay, sand, silt, etc. which make up about 45% of the soil. The remaining 5% consists of a black complex organic component called humus or organic component. Humus increases the fertility of the soil.

Question 7. What are the components of soil? Or, What is soil made of?

Soil is formed of three major components-

  1. Solid matter
  2. Liquid matter and
  3. Gaseous matter.

1. Solid matter:

50% of the total matter constitutes of solid matter. Out of this-

  1. The mineral component is 45% and
  2. The organic component is 5%. Out of this 5% organic component, 10% is micro- organisms, 10% is leaves and roots of plants and the rest 80% is decayed plants and animal remains, i.e. humus.

2. Liquid matter:

25% of the total matter constitutes of liquid matter or water.

3. Gaseous matter:

25% of the total matter constitutes of gaseous matter or air.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil Components of soil


Question 8. What are the liquid and gaseous components of soil?

Liquid component:

The liquid component of soil is water. Soil is composed of numerous pores, almost half of which is filled with water.

Gaseous component:

  • The gaseous component of the soil is air. Air is not present throughout the volume of soil it is present in the pores which are not filled by water.
  • Soil air accounts for about 25% of the soil.
  • Soil air is less in moist or wet soil (about 20%) and more in dry soil (about 30%).

Question 9. Differentiate between rock and soil.

The differences between rock and soil are

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil Differences between rock and soil


Question 10. What are the characteristics of sandy soil?

The characteristics of sandy soil are-

  1. The water-holding capacity of sandy soil is very low.
  2. Good aeration is observed in this soil.
  3. The soil particles are coarse in nature.
  4. The organic content of this soil is less.
  5. Sand particles are loosely packed.
  6. Sandy soil absorbs water very quickly because it has very large spaces.
  7. This soil is unsuitable for agriculture.

Question 11. Why is sandy soil unsuitable for cultivation?

Sandy soil is unsuitable for cultivation because of the following reasons-

  1. It contains more than 80% sand and is highly porous with low water-holding capacity. As a result, plants do not get their required water supply.
  2. It can hardly store nutrients due to its large pore spaces. Thus, plants do not get the necessary nutrients required for their growth.

Question 12. Write down the characteristics of clayey soil.

The characteristics of clayey soil are-

  1. The water-holding capacity of clayey soil is very high.
  2. Air hardly passes through its particles.
  3. The soil particles are fine.
  4. Clayey soil absorbs a very less amount of water because of fine soil particles and tiny pore space.
  5. It is rich in organic matter.
  6. Clayey soil is highly suitable for crop cultivation.

Question 13. Why does clayey soil have a high water-holding capacity?

Clayey soil have a high water-holding capacity:

  • The water-holding capacity of soil is highly dependent on its porosity. If the pore space between the soil particles is high, then the porosity of the soil increases but the water-holding capacity decreases, such as, in the case of sandy soil.
  • On the other hand, the porosity of clayey soil is low. For this reason, the water-holding capacity of clayey soil is high. The soil particles in this case, are closely packed and are very fine.
  • So, the porosity is low and water from the top layer does not flow rapidly into the bottom layers.

Question 14. What is loamy soil?

Loamy soil:

Soil which contains an equal percentage of sand (40%), silt (40%) and a smaller amount of clay (20%) is called loamy soil. This soil can be of three types-

  1. Sandy loam: In this soil, the amount of sand is slightly higher.
  2. Clayey loam: The clay content of this soil is slightly higher.
  3. Silty loam: In this soil, the predominance of silt is higher.

Question 15. What are the characteristics of loamy soil?

The characteristics of loamy soil are-

  1. The water absorption and air movement capacity of this soil are moderate.
  2. Lime, iron and organic matter are present in the form of a mixture in this type of soil.
  3. This soil has moderate water-holding capacity.
  4. This soil is considered ideal for agricultural activities.

Question 16. What are the different uses of soil apart from agriculture?

Soil is used in many other ways apart from agriculture. These are as follows-

1. Making clay utensils and idols:

Soil is used to make pots, cups, vessels and even bricks. It is also required for making idols.

2. Construction of house:

In rural areas, people make mud houses with the help of soil. In urban regions, sand is mixed with cement during construction works.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil Different uses of soil


3. Raw material:

Clayey soil is the most important raw material for the cement industry.

4. Skincare:

Fuller’s Earth (commonly known as Multani Mitti) is commonly used as a part of one’s skincare routine.

5. Colourful motifs:

Chalk is used in making different colourful motifs like alpana and rangoli.

Question 17. What is Alluvial soil?

Alluvial soil:

  • Flooding of river banks results in the deposition of sand, silt, clay, mud etc., by the river thereby forming alluvial soil. The presence of silt makes this type of soil very fertile.
  • Though it is deficient in nitrogen and humus, it is rich in potash and lime. This type of soil is suitable for growing paddy, wheat, jowar, bajra, pulses, oil seeds, cotton, vegetables, etc.

Alluvial soil can be further divided into three categories-

  1. Sandy soil,
  2. Clayey soil and
  3. Loamy soil.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil Alluvial soil

Question 18. Fill up the knowledge hive with information about igneous rocks.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil Igneous rocks


1. This rock is formed by the cooling and solidification of hot molten lava or magma.
2. This is a highly crystalline rock.
3. Stratification is not common in this type of rock.
4. Fossils are not found in this type of soil. 5. This is a hard rock.
6. The rock particles are very compact.

Question 19. Fill up the knowledge hive with information about granite.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil Granite


1. It is an intrusive igneous rock.
2. The rock has large crystals.
3. The rock crystals are mostly equal in size.
4. This is an acidic rock.
5. The relief formed of this rock is round-shaped.
6. This rock is abundant in the Deccan and the Chhotanagpur Plateau.

Question 20.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil Crossword


1. Fossils are found in this type of rock.
4. This type of soil contains equal amounts of sand and silt with a small amount of clay.
5. Metamorphosed form of granite.


2. Basalt is an example of ________ rock.
3. Continuous degradation of small rock fragments leads to the formation of a layer of degraded soil materials called.






Question 21. Now make a survey of your locality.

Name of the district ______

Name of the village or the locality ______

Name of the surveyor ______, Class ______, Sec ______, Roll ______

School ______ Subject ______

Topic ______

  1. The relief in your locality is flat/gently undulating/highly undulating.
  2. Is there any forest or woods around?
  3. What plants and trees do you commonly find around yourself?
  4. What are locally cultivated vegetables?
  5. Do you have paddy or jute fields around?
  6. How would you describe the houses around you? How many ‘pucca’ houses do you find?
  7. What are the ‘kutcha’ houses around you made of?
  8. What is the dominant occupation of the people here?
  9. What earthenwares are being manufactured in the locality?
  10. Which type of soil do you think is found in your locality?


Name of the district-Hooghly

Name of the village or the locality-Sripur

Name of the surveyor-Debdatta Roy, Class-VII, Sec-A, Roll-05

School-Sripur Radharani Vidyamandir for Girls’, Subject-Geography

Topic-Identification of the nature of the soil in my village.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil Survey of locality

Question 22. Differentiate between extrusive igneous rocks and intrusive igneous rocks.

The differences between extrusive igneous rocks and intrusive igneous rocks are as follows-

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil Differences between Extrusive and Intrusive igneous rock

WBBSE Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil Short Question And Answers

Question 1. What is soil?


  • The word ‘soil’ is derived from the Latin word ‘solum’ meaning ground.
  • For millions of years, various physical, chemical and organic processes have acted on the rocks causing them to disintegrate into smaller fragments.
  • These fragments then mix with organic matter and form a thin layer on the Earth’s crust called soil.

Question 2. What constitutes the organic matter of soil?

The organic matter of soil:

  • An integral component of soil is its organic matter. Organic matter is formed from the dead and decayed remains of plants, animals and other microorganisms.
  • Ants, moles, earthworms and snakes loosen the soil and allow water and air to pass through it.
  • Dead remains of organisms supply nutrients to the soil. The abundance of organic matter is found in the topsoil giving it a dark colour.

Question 3. Which type of climate supports faster development of soil and why?

Type of climate supports faster development of soil:

  • Soil forms faster in warm and rainy climates. In such climates, due to high relative humidity,
  • The disintegration of rock fragments as well as organic matter occurs faster.
  • As a result of the faster decomposition of organic matter, the formation of humus also quickens.

Thus, these disintegrated rock fragments and humus combine to form soil at a much faster rate in warm and rainy climates.

Question 4. What is hummus?


  • Dead and decayed parts of plants and animals decompose over time to form a complex black-coloured substance called humus.
  • Soil containing humus is very fertile with a high water-holding capacity. Plants like rose and tea grow well in soil containing humus.

Question 5. What are pore spaces?

Pore spaces:

  • The spaces between the soil particles which are not occupied by any solid material are known as pore spaces.
  • Crop productivity and soil quality are highly dependent on the porosity of the soil.
  • More the pore space, the lower is the water-holding capacity of soil and vice versa.

Question 6. Why is sandy soil called ‘thirsty soil’?

Sandy soil called ‘thirsty soil’:

  • Sandy soil contains more than 80% sand particles. As a result, water and other liquids seep through it very fast.
  • On the other hand, this type of soil dries up fast as it is porous, irrespective of the continuous seepage and is thus, referred to as thirsty soil.

Question 7. Why does water drain faster in sandy soil?

The porosity of sandy soil is higher as its grains are coarse in nature. So when water is poured into sandy soil, it drains very quickly.

Question 8. Which crops are grown on sandy soil?

  • Sandy soil has a high percentage of sand with very less amount of organic matter which makes it infertile. Desert vegetation (for example., baba, acacia) and dates grow well in sandy soil.
  • But with the help of suitable irrigation methods watermelon, cucumber, pumpkin, bitter gourd, pointed gourd, and potato can be grown in sandy soil.

Question 9. Which crops are grown on clayey soil?

  • Clayey soil contains more clay and less sand particles.
  • Since the water-holding capacity of this type of soil is high, the crops which require standing water during cultivation grow well in this soil such as paddy (Aus variety), jute, etc.
  • Soft texture and predominance of clay make the soil suitable for mangrove vegetation like Sundari, Goran, ghewa etc.

Question 10. Which crops are grown on loamy soil?

  • As loamy soil is fertile, it is considered ideal for agriculture. This soil contains an equal percentage of sand and silt with a considerable amount of organic matter.
  • Thus, paddy, wheat, sugarcane, jute, mustard and a variety of vegetables grow well in this type of soil.
  • Evergreen trees like sissoo, garden, mahogany, rosewood, etc. and deciduous trees like sal, simul, mahua, and banyan form extensive forests in loamy soils.

Question 11. Tabulate the characteristics of different types of soil.

The characteristics of different types of soil are tabulated here-

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil Tabulate the characteristics of different types of soil

Question 12. What is a bedding plane?

Bedding plane:

Sedimentary rocks are made of different strata or layers. Each layer is called ‘bed’ and the surface separating two adjacent beds is called ‘bedding plane’.

The characteristics of a bedding plane are-

  1. The different strata or beds of sedimentary rocks can be separated.
  2. Fossils are found along the beds of the bedding plane.

Question 13. Why are strata absent in igneous rocks?

Strata are absent in igneous rocks because of the following reasons-

  1. The fiery, hot molten material cools and solidifies to form igneous rock. Here, the minerals are integrated together resulting in the absence of layers or strata.
  2. Since igneous rocks quickly solidify on cooling and form crystals, there is not enough time for the formation of strata.

Question 14. Why does metamorphism change the original properties of a rock?

  • Igneous rocks and sedimentary rocks metamorphose into a harder and more crystalline type of rock due to pressure created by extensive tectonic movements or due to the impact of hot, molten magma.
  • This new type of rock formed is called metamorphic rock. Alteration of colour, texture, hardness and mineral composition occurs in this metamorphic rocks.
  • Thus, the original properties change in metamorphic rocks due to high temperature and pressure.

Question 15. Why are the Himalayas formed of sedimentary rock?

The Himalayan range is one of the most important young fold mountains in the world.

  • This mountain range has been formed due to the upliftment of sediments deposited in the Tethys Sea as a result of the collision of the Indo- Australian and Eurasian plates.
  • The uplifted sediments have been deposited through millions of years, transforming into sedimentary rocks.
  • These rocks underwent folding and rose up. So, it is said that the Himalayas are formed of sedimentary rocks.

Real-Life Scenarios Involving Soil Conservation

Question 16. Why is mineral oil found in sedimentary rock?

  • Marine microorganisms like Foraminifera and aquatic plant cells get deposited in layers along with the sediments on the sea floor.
  • Gradually, due to the high temperature of the Earth’s interior and excessive pressure due to overlying layers of sediments, extracts of the dead remains of these organisms get converted into compounds of carbon and hydrogen.
  • These newly formed compounds are actually the mineral oil which is found in the strata of sedimentary rocks. It is also called ‘rock oil’.

Question 17. Prepare a table for the determination of rock types on the basis of the origin of rocks.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil Rock types on the basis of origin of rocks


Question 18. Prepare a table for the determination of rocks by identifying their characteristics.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil Type of rock and Charcteristics of rocks

WBBSE Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil Very Short Question And Answers

Question 1. What is derived from regolith by different natural processes?
Answer: Soil.

Question 2. On which factor does the characteristics of a soil type depend?
Answer: Nature of rock(s) from which the soil is derived.

Question 3. State any two factors of soil formation.
Answer: Climate and relief.

Question 4. In which climatic region does soil formation occurs faster?
Answer: Warm and rainy climatic regions.

Question 5. Which type of slope supports better and gradual development of soil?
Answer: The gentler slope of the land.

Question 6. Which organisms play a significant role in the formation of soil?
Answer: Ants, moles, earthworms and snakes.

Question 7. What is formed when weathered rock debris mixes with hummus?
Answer: Soil.

Question 8. Which soil contains 80% sand, 10% silt and 10% clay?
Answer: Sandy soil.

Question 9. Name the soil that is loose and cannot be moulded even when wet.
Answer: Sandy soil.

Question 10. On which does watermelon, cucumber and pumpkin grow in abundance?
Answer: Sandy soil.

Question 11. Which soil is composed of bigger grains and has low water-holding capacity?
Answer: Sandy soil.

Question 12. Name the soil that is useful for making idols.
Answer: Clayey soil.

Question 13. Name the soil that has high water-holding capacity and becomes sticky when wet and hard when dry.
Answer: Clayey soil.

Question 14. Name the soil with fine particles that the potters prefer over other soil types.
Answer: Clayey soil.

Question 15. Which soil contains an equal percentage of sand, silt and clay and is suitable for agriculture?
Answer: Loamy soil.

Question 16. Name the soil that contains lime, iron and organic matter which make the soil suitable for agriculture.
Answer: Loamy soil.

Question 17. Name the soil that is preferred by farmers for agriculture.
Answer: Loamy soil.

Question 18. Name the black-coloured soil that is derived from basalt.
Answer: Regur or Black soil.

Question 19. I am an important constituent of the Earth’s crust. I am made of one or more minerals. Who am I?
Answer: Rock

Question 20. I form rocks. I am a naturally occurring inorganic substance. Who am I?
Answer: Mineral

Question 21. I was formed during the Earth’s origin and am also called primary rock. Who am I?
Answer: Igneous Rock

Question 22. I am a type of rock formed by the deposition of sediments on the Earth’s surface and within waterbodies. Who am I?
Answer: Sedimentary rock

Question 23. I am a black sedimentary rock used as a fossil fuel. Who am I?
Answer: Coal

Question 24. I am a mixture of weathered or eroded rock debris and organic matter. Who am I?
Answer: Soil

Question 25. I am a soil, that is sticky when wet and hard when dry. Who am I?
Answer: Clayey Soil

Question 26. I am the impression of plants and animals found in the sedimentary rock beds. Who am I?
Answer: Fossil

Question 27. I am a type of soil formed of loose rock fragments and have low water-holding capacity. I am ideal for crops such as watermelon, peaches and peanuts. Who am I?
Answer: Sany soil

Question 28. I am the ideal soil type for gardening and agricultural purpose and is a favourite of the farmers. Who am I?
Answer: Loamy soil

Question 29. I am a type of soil formed by the accumulation of silt on river banks. Who am I?
Answer: Alluvial soil

Question 30. I am a black rock formed by the rapid cooling of lava. Who am I?
Answer: Basalt

Question 31. I am a rock of volcanic origin. Who am I?
Answer: Igneous rock

Question 32. I am a sedimentary rock used in the iron and steel industry. Who am I?
Answer: Limestone

Question 33. I am the metamorphosed form of limestone. The Taj Mahal is made of me. Who am I?
Answer: Marble

Question 34.  I am a soil made from basalt. Who am I?
Answer: Regur Soil

WBBSE Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil Find The Odd One Out

Question 1. Alum: Rock salt: Gold: Marble
Answer: Marble (not a mineral)

Question 2. Mudstone: Limestone: Granite: Sandstone.
Answer: Granite (not a sedimentary rock)

Question 3. Granite: Gneiss: Basalt: Gabbro
Answer: Gneiss (not an igneous rock)

Question 4. Marble: Slate: Graphite: Granite
Answer: Granite (not a metamorphic rock)

Question 5. Laterite: Silt: Sand: Clay
Answer: Laterite (not a soil component)

Question 6. Igneous rock: Sedimentary Metamorphic rock: Quartz rock:
Answer: Quartz (not a type of rock)

WBBSE Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil Correct The Following

Question 1. The rock that can be found near a railway line is granite rock.
Answer: Basalt

Question 2. Rock is formed from regolith.
Answer: Soil

Question 3. Taj Mahal is constructed of basalt.
Answer: Marble

Question 4. Metamorphic rocks are the softest and brittle.
Answer: Sedimentary

Question 5. Sandy soil is composed of very fine grains.
Answer: Clayey

Question 6. Clayey soil is best for agriculture.
Answer: Loamy

Question 7. Metamorphic rocks are formed by the solidification of lava or magma.
Answer: Igneous

Question 8. The transformation of rocks from one type to another is known as the water cycle.
Answer: Rock

WBBSE Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil Fill In The Blanks

Question 1. The word ‘soil’ has originated from the Latin word ________.
Answer: Solum

Question 2. The dead and decayed parts of plants and animals found in soil are collectively called ________.
Answer: Humus

Question 3. According to composition, soil can be classified into ________ types.
Answer: Three

Question 4. Dead and decomposed remains of microorganisms mix with the soil to form ________ matter.
Answer: Organic

Question 5. Soils of coastal regions have a high percentage of ________ in it.
Answer: Salt

Question 6. The water-holding capacity of ________ soil is very less.
Answer: Sandy

Question 7. ________ Soil is very good for the cultivation of muskmelon.
Answer: Sandy

Question 8. ________ soil is very good for the cultivation of muskmelon.
Answer: Clay

Question 9. Saline soil is found in ________ of West Bengal.
Answer: Sundarban

Question 10. Low water-holding capacity: Sandy soil:: High water-holding capacity:_______.
Answer: Clayey soil

Question 11. Low fertility: Sandy soil:: High fertility: _______.
Answer: Sandy soil

Question 12. Coarse grain :_______:: Fine grain Clayeysoil.
Answer: Loamy soil

WBBSE Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil True Or False

Question 1. Sandy soil is the ideal soil for cultivation.
Answer: False

Question 2. The saline soil of the Sundarbans is alkaline in nature.
Answer: True

Question 3. Mountain soil is found in the Darjeeling district.
Answer: True

Question 4. Alluvial soil is stratified.
Answer: False

Question 5. Snow-capped mountain soil is unsuitable for human habitation.
Answer: True

Question 6. Plants grow on rock debris.
Answer: False

Question 7. The thin hard covering on the Earth’s surface is called soil.
Answer: False

Question 8. Watermelon grows abundantly in soil containing humus.
Answer: False

Question 9. Sand and clay are found in equal percentages in loamy soil.
Answer: True

Question 10. Weathering has no role in soil formation.
Answer: False

Question 11. High humus content makes the soil blackish in colour.
Answer: True

Question 12. 25% of the soil is made of water.
Answer: True

WBBSE Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil Scrambled Words




WBBSE Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil Match The Columns

Question 1.WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil match the columns

Answer: 1. B, 2. C, 3. A, 4. E, 5. D

Question 2.WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 Rock And Soil Topic B Soil match the columns.

Answer: 1. D, 2. E, 3. C, 4. B, 5. A


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