WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 9 India And The Contemporary World Topic C Miscellaneous

WBBSE Chapter 9 India And The Contemporary World Topic C Miscellaneous Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Examine the popularity of Buddhism as a religion.

The popularity of Buddhism as a religion:

Buddhism founded by Gautama Buddha gained wide acceptance and became a popular religion.

  1. Menander, the Indo-Greek king, under the influence of the Buddhist monk Nagasena, adopted Buddhism. He took initiative to spread Buddhism.
  2. Emperor Ashoka took some steps to spread. Buddhism outside the Indian subcontinent. He sent envoys to places like Syria, Sri Lanka, Macedonia, Egypt, etc.
  3. The Greeks who came with Alexander gradually merged into Indian culture and embraced Buddhism.
  4. The Kushana emperor Kanishka adopted Buddhism. During his reign, Gandhara art evolved around Buddhism.
  5. Buddhist religion and studies was practiced in Kashmir. Buddhayasha was a renowned Kashmiri Buddhist scholar who went to Kashgar in Central Asia.
  6. Paramartha went to China and there he practiced Buddhist religion and philosophy.
  7. Kumarajiva went to Kashmir and studied Buddhism. He holds a significant place in the spread of Buddhist religion and philosophy.
  8. A Chinese scholar named Tao ngan encouraged the Buddhist Scholar from China to visit India. Faxian and Xuanzang came to India and studied the Buddhist religion.

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Question 2. What was the importance of the Gandhara region?

The importance of the Gandhara region:

Gandhara was located to the northwest of the Indian subcontinent. The importance of the Gandhara region can never be underestimated.

  1. Communication between the Persian and the Indian subcontinent was established via Gandhara.
  2. It was located at a central position which helped to spread Buddhism to Central and East Asia.
  3. It was an important cultural centre. It was the home of a distinctive art style that was a mixture of an Indian Buddhist and Graeco-Roman influence. The art was known as Gandhara art.
  4. The Gandhara art which developed in the Gandhara province evolved around Buddhism. New kinds of Buddha images were made.
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Question 3. What in your opinion, was the role of education in furthering the contact between the Indian subcontinent and the outside world in ancient times?

The role of education in furthering the contact between the Indian subcontinent and the outside world in ancient times:

Education played a significant role in furthering the contact between the Indian subcontinent and the outside world in ancient times.

1. Scholars from abroad to the Indian subcontinent:

Many scholars and students including Fa Hein (Faxian), Hieun Tsang (Xuanzang), and others came from China for learning and religious discussions. They not only learned about Buddhism and Brahmanism but also studied literature, science, and medicine.

The universities of Nalanda, Taxila, and other educational centers helped in establishing close contact between India and China.

2. Scholars of the Indian subcontinent to different countries:

Buddhayasha, a well known Kashmiri Buddhist scholar visited Kashgarh in Central Asia. Paramartha visited China with the aim of education. He carried with him some Buddhist literature.

Kumarajiva went to the Chinese capital and remained there. He devoted his life to the study of Buddhist religion and philosophy.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 9 India And The Contemporary World Topic C Miscellaneous

Question 4. Compare the pictures of the coins in chapter 9 with those of chapters 6 and 7 respectively and find out the similarities and dissimilarities between the two sets.

Similarities between the pictures

  1. The coins of the Kushanas, Guptas, Satavahanas, and Greeks were circular.
  2. Gold coins were in use in ancient India during the time of the Maurya, Kushana, Gupta, and Greek rulers.
  3. The pictures of the kings were engraved on the coins of the Maurya, Kushana, Gupta, and Greek rulers.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 9 India And The Contemporary World Topic C Miscellaneous Coins of Kushana Age


WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 9 India And The Contemporary World Topic C Miscellaneous Coins of Gupta Age

Examples of Coastal Kingdoms in Ancient India

Dissimilarities between the pictures

  1. The coins of the Mauryas and those of ancient India were not circular in shape but those of the Kushanas, Guptas, and Greeks were circular.
  2. Chandragupta Il first initiated silver coins in the Gupta period. However, silver coins were not in use in the post-Gupta or Kushana period.
  3. The Kushana and Greek coins portrayed only the images of the kings but the coins of Mauryas, Guptas, and ancient India had other pictures carved on them apart from the faces of kings.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 9 India And The Contemporary World Topic C Miscellaneous Different Coins

Question 5. What is the importance of this place?

The importance of this place:

In Bodh Gaya, sitting under the Pipal tree, Siddhartha attained enlightenment. The Mahabodhi temple is just beside the tree. This temple is a holy place both for the Hindus and the Buddhists.

A little distance from Bodh Gaya is Nalanda, which was an important center of education in ancient India. In the Gupta period, the Nalanda university became very famous.

Question 6. What steps have been taken and what more steps according to you can be taken to make this place attractive to the foreign tourists?

To preserve this place the archaeological department of India has taken many steps. There is a museum where different artifacts obtained after archaeological excavation are exhibited.

Besides this, in this locality, different countries have constructed Buddhist temples which have given Bodh Gaya special importance. Again to bring back the ancient heritage of Nalanda, the university has been constructed again.

To construct this university, countries like China, Singapore, Japan, etc have helped India. The decision have been taken that it will be developed into an international university like the past.

Besides this, I think, the government of India should take different programs at the international level (for example-different types of advertisement so that Bodh Gaya and Nalanda become more attractive to foreigners).

Based on the given map, the learner may be asked various questions related to the marked places in the map. In this case, the above questions are significant. As a result, the sense of empathy and cooperation will develop in the learner.

Real-Life Scenarios Involving Traders and Merchants

Question 7. Study the given map carefully. Prepare a chart on the places in the Indian subcontinent visited by Faxian and Xuanzang. Which were the places visited by both of them?

While preparing the chart the learner, on the one hand, will understand the importance of map reading in the subject, on the other hand, it will help to develop a sense of creativity in the learner.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 9 India Topic C Miscellaneous Places visted by Faxian, Xuanzang,and both.

Question 8. What was the importance of Gandhara region?

The importance of Gandhara region:

Gandhara was located to the north-west of the Indian subcontinent. The importance of Gandhara region can never be underestimated.

  1. Communication between Persian and the Indian subcontinent was established via Gandhara.
  2. It was located at a central position which helped to spread Buddhism to Central and East Asia.
  3. It was an important cultural central. It was the home of a distinctive art style that was a mixture of a Indian Buddhist and Graeco- Roman influence. The art was known as Gandhara art.
  4. The Gandhara art which developed in the Gandhara province evolved around Buddhism. New kinds of Buddha images were made.

WBBSE Chapter 9 India And The Contemporary World Topic C Miscellaneous Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Did Alexander’s invasion of the Indian subcontinent have any effect on the growth of the Mauryan empire?

  1. Alexander’s invasion of India had definitely helped in the growth of the Mauryan empire.
  2. Effect of Alexander’s invasion on the growth of the Mauryan empire


Alexander defeated the Persians and put an end to their rule over the subcontinent. The destruction of the small kingdoms had subsequently facilitated Chandragupta Maurya’s attempt to extend his empire.

Since Alexander left India very quickly, it was easy for Chandragupta Maurya to defeat the weak powers and establish his empire.

Question 2. What are the things that we do not find in Indian society and culture before the arrival of the Shakas and Kushanas?
Answer: Before the arrival of the Shakas and the Kushanas there was no circulation of silver currencies. Different styles of garments like coats, pajamas, long coats, belts, shoes, etc. were not in use.

The use of reins and bridles was not introduced in the Indian subcontinent before the arrival of the Shakas.

Question 3. Make a list of the names of the different regions of ancient Bengal that you have come across in this book. Why are these regions famous?

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 9 India Topic C Miscellaneous Different regions of ancient Bengal

Question 4. Does any foreigner stay in your locality? Have you ever tasted foreign food especially Chinese food?

The learner can say ‘Yes’ or ‘No.

Yes, I have tasted chow min, momo, etc.

Through the above-mentioned questions, the learner will be interested about the theme and will also be interested in taking part in the discussion.

Question 5. What is Hindush?


The term ‘Hindush’ is mentioned in one of the writings of the great Persian emperor Darius I. The term was derived from river Indus.

Question 6. What were the great advances in war- horsemanship made by Shaka-Pahlavas?

The great advances in war- horsemanship made by Shaka-Pahlavas:

Great advances in war-horsemanship were made by the Shaka-Pahlavas

  1. The Shaka- Pahlavas introduced the use of bridle and reins in the Indian subcontinent.
  2. The tactics of turning around and shooting arrow while sitting on the back of a running horse was introduced by the Pahlavas.

WBBSE Chapter 9 India And The Contemporary World Topic C Miscellaneous Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Mesopotamia, Sumer, Babylon, Egypt.
Answer: Egypt

Question 2. Bhrigukachha, Kalyam, Kaveripattinam, Kashgarh.
Answer: Kashgarh

Question 3. Alexandria, Corsica, Macedonia, Constantinople.
Answer: Corsica

Question 4. Carthage, Athens, Sparta, Crete.
Answer: Carthage

Question 5. Babylon, Persepolis, Parthia, Byzantium.
Answer: Byzantium

Question 6. Suryasiddhanta, Rajtarangini, Pancha siddhantika, Yavanjataka.
Answer: Rajtarangini

Question 7. Bodh Gaya, Sarnath, Rajagriha, Rome.
Answer: Rome

Question 8. What do you mean by a foreign country?
Answer: A country other than our own country i.e. France is a foreign country.

Question 9. What are those people called who came from foreign countries?
Answer: Those people who come to India from other countries are called foreigners.

Question 10. Do we come to know anything about our country from the writings and books of the foreigners?
Answer: Yes, directly or indirectly we get various information from the writings and books of the foreigners.

Question 11. Have you ever heard of the country China?
Answer: Yes, we have heard of China.

Question 12. Where is China situated?
Answer: China is situated in the north of India.

Referring to the map if the above-mentioned questions are asked and discussed the learner will be able to participate in the discussion.

Question 13. Where do you live?
Answer: I live in West Bengal, a state of India.

Question 14. Do any of your relatives reside in a foreign country?
Answer: The learner can say ‘yes’ or ‘no’

Question 15. Who destroyed the Persian city Persepolis?
Answer: Alexander destroyed the persian city Persepolis.

Question 16. During whose reign there was exchange of envoys with China?
Answer: During the reign of emperor Harshavardhana there was exchange of envoys with China

Question 3. Observe map 9.2 (of the textbook) carefully. Which were the places in the subcontinent visited by Faxian and Xuanzang? Which were the places where both had point a visit? Make a list of these places.
Answer: See the ‘Aesthetics and Creative Expression’ portion of Formative Evaluation.

WBBSE Chapter 9 India And The Contemporary World Topic C Miscellaneous  Fill In The Blanks

Question 1. According to Herodotus, Indus was a ______________ (province/country/district) of the Persian Empire.
Answer: Province

Question 2. The _____________ (Shakas/Bactrians/Kushanas) were known as Indo-Greeks.
Answer: Bactrians

Question 3. St. Thomas had visited the Indian subcontinent for the spread of Christianity during the rule of ____________ (Alexander/Menander/Gondophernes).
Answer: Gondophernes

Question 4. The _______ (Saka-Kushana/Saka-Pahlavas/Maurya-Kushanas) started the use of bridles and saddles on horses.
Answer: Saka-Pahlavas

Question 5. Bhrigukachha was located on the confluence of river Narmada and the _______ (Arabian Sea/Kaveri/Ganga).
Answer: Arabian Sea

WBBSE Chapter 9 India And The Contemporary World Topic C Miscellaneous State Whether Following Statements Are True Or False

Question 1. In Puranas, Bactrian kings have been referred to as Asura.
Answer: False

Question 2. The Pahlava rulers were threat to the Shaka rulers.
Answer: True

Question 3. Kumarajiva studied Buddhism and literature under Bandhudutta.
Answer: True

WBBSE Chapter 9 India And The Contemporary World Topic C Miscellaneous Exercise Spot The Odd Word And Underline It

Question 1. Bhrigukachha, Kalyan, Sopara, Tamralipta.
Answer: Sopara

Question 2. Buddhayasha, Kumarajiva, Paramartha, Xuanzang.
Answer: Xuanzang

Question 3. Alexander, Seleucus, Kanishka, Menander.
Answer: Kanishka

WBBSE Chapter 9 India And The Contemporary World Topic C Miscellaneous Match The Columns

Question 1.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 9 India Topic C Miscellaneous Match the following 1

Answer: 1. (B), 2. (C), 3. (A), 4. (D)

Question 2.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 9 India Topic C Miscellaneous Match the following 2

Answer: 1. (D), 2. (A), 3. (B), 4. (C)

Question 3.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 9 India Topic C Miscellaneous Match the following 3

Answer: 1. (C), 2. (D), 3. (B), 4. (A)

Question 4.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 9 India Topic C Miscellaneous Match the following 4

Answer: 1. (B), 2. (A), 3. (D), 4. (C)

Question 5.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 9 India Topic C Miscellaneous Match the following 5

Answer: 1. (B), 2. (C), 3. (D), 4. (A)

Question 6.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 9 India Topic C Miscellaneous Match the following 6

Answer: 1. (A), 2. (C), 3. (D), 4. (B)

Question 7.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 9 India Topic C Miscellaneous Match the following 1.

Answer: 1. (B), 2. (C), 3. (A)

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