WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 8 Aspects Of Culture In Ancient India Topic C Miscellaneous

WBBSE Chapter 8 Aspects Of Culture In Ancient India Topic C Miscellaneous Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. What do we come to know from Puranas?

From the Puranas we come to know of the following:

  1. The Puranas contain an element of history. An important theme of the Puranas is the history of royal dynasties.
  2. We also come to know from the Puranas about agriculture, commerce, animal husbandry, and geography. Astrology also forms an important part of the discussion.

Question 2. Discuss the development of literature in ancient India.

Literature was highly developed in ancient India.

1. Smritishastras:

Smritishastras were treatises in which various aspects of the right to property and employment and issues of daily life were discussed.

2. Dharmashastras:

Dharmashastras contain explanations about the ancient caste system in Sanskrit.

3. Natyashastra:

The main recreation of the people of the upper classes were drama and acting. So they started writing on drama and acting, for example, Natyashastra by Bharata.

4. Literature in regional languages:

Various kinds of literature were written between 200 BC and AD 300 in different regional languages. For example Patanjali’s Mahabhashya, King Haal’s Gatha Saptashati, etc. Sangam literature in Tamil also deserves mention here.

5. Mahakavya:

Two epics, the ‘Ramayana’ and the ‘Mahabharata’ were composed in ancient times.

6. Medical text:

Medical books on medicines and surgery were written during this time. Two important medical text of ancient India were ‘Charaka-samhita’ and ‘Shushuruta- samhita’.

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Question 3. Write down the similarities and dissimilarities between the ancient Buddhist education system and the education system of present times.

The similarities and dissimilarities between the ancient Buddhist education system and the education system of present times:

Several subjects were taught in the ancient Buddhist education system like prosody, poetry, grammar, astronomy, astrology, mathematics, and chemistry.

Today also various subjects like Bengali, Mathematics, English, History, Geography, and Science are taught. In the Buddhist monasteries, students were admitted on the basis of merit.

Today also most of educational systems admit students on the basis of merit. Dissimilarities between the ancient Buddhist education system and the modern education system are listed below

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 8 Topic C Miscellaneous Dissiilarities between Ancient Buddhist and Modern Education System

Question 4. Charaka-Samhita has outlined the structure of a model hospital. In your opinion, what should a good hospital be like?

Practice Quesations on Cultural Practices in Ancient India

An ideal hospital according to Charaka- Samhita

In his book, ‘Charakasamhita’ Charaka had described an ideal hospital. He felt that there should be a surgeon in a hospital and an adequate arrangement for surgery so that the amputated organs might be attached to the body and cured.

Apart from this, there should be a sufficient amount of herbal medicines stored as a reserve in the hospital.

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A good hospital in my opinion

According to me, a good hospital is one where there are adequate facilities for medical treatment. Other than skilled physicians, there should be devoted nurses to look after the patients and restore them to health.

There should be proper arrangements for surgical operations and provisions for free medicine for the poor and destitute. Moreover, complete cleanliness and proper sanitation should be maintained.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 8 Aspects Of Culture In Ancient India Topic C Miscellaneous

Question 5. Write down the differences between a chaitya and a stupa.

The differences between a chaitya and a stupa:

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 8 Topic C Miscellaneous Differences between Chaitya and stupa.

Question 6. What factors are responsible for the destruction of the natural environment? Make a list of the tasks that you can perform as a team to protect the environment today.

Nature provides essential resources for our survival. The factors which are responsible for the destruction of the natural environment are as follows

Real-Life Scenarios Involving Daily Life in Ancient India

  1. Deforestation.
  2. Conversion of agricultural land to residential land.
  3. Wastage of water.
  4. Ponds are used as dumping grounds.
  5. Vehicle and industrial emission.
  6. Use of plastic.

The following is a list of the tasks that we can perform as a team to protect the environment today

  1. Planting of trees.
  2. Stop deforestation.
  3. Save water.
  4. Stop littering.
  5. Use of eco-friendly things instead of plastic.
  6. Make people conscious about the conservation of the natural environment.

Question 7. Carefully observe the stupas drawn below. Write down the similarities and dissimilarities that you find in them.


  1. All the stupas are of the same size.
  2. All the stupas are mound-like or hemispherical in structure.


  1. The stupas of the Mauryan period has no spire while the stupas of the Indo-Greek period and Kushana period have spires.
  2. The stupas of the Kushana period is surrounded by a fence but there is no fence in the stupas of the Mauryan and Indo-Greek period.
  3. There are several steps in the stupa of the Indo-Greek period while steps are not present in the stupas of the Mauryan and Kushana periods.

Question 8. Nowadays scripts are written on paper or on any other material but what was used for writing scripts in ancient times?

In ancient times there was no use of paper. So scripts were written on barks of trees, leaves or on stones. In ancient Egypt papyrus, made from the pith of the papyrus plant, was used as a writing surface.

Leaves of trees were also used. Besides these stone slabs were also used for writing. Allahabad Prashasti is one such example.
In the previous chapter, the learner at least has some experience about Indian scripts.

So if the above questions are asked the learner will develop inferential knowledge and her potentiality of interpretation and application will unfold.

Question 9. Make clay/thermocol models of Chaitya/monastery/stupas.

Important Definitions Related to Ancient Indian Culture

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 8 Aspects Of Culture In Ancient India Topic C Miscellaneous Chaitya

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 8 Aspects Of Culture In Ancient India Topic C Miscellaneous Monastery

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 8 Aspects Of Culture In Ancient India Topic C Miscellaneous Stupa

WBBSE Chapter 8 Aspects Of Culture In Ancient India Topic C Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. According to the Buddhists, Charaka belonged to the age of Kanishka I. Does that mean that Charaka-samhita was the creation of an individual named Charaka? The word Charaka means those who wander about. In one of the branches of the Vedas, one reads about Charan-Vaidya or physicians who wandered about offering treatment. Does that imply that Charaka-samhita is a collection of experiences of such physicians?

According to the Buddhists Charaka- Samhita was written by a physician Charaka who belonged to the age of Kanishka I.

Charaka-Samhita was the collection of experiences of physicians who wandered about offering treatment. It must be pointed out here that in Charaka-samhita there is mention of about seven hundred medicinal plants and different aspects of diseases.

So it may be said that the physicians wandered about offering treatment by using medicinal herbs.

Question 2. It is difficult to ascertain in which period Shushruta can be placed. The word Shushruta means one or those who had listened properly. Does that mean, Shushuruta-samhita is also a compilation of similar experiences of the Charan-Vaidyas?

Shushuruta-samhita was not a compilation of the experiences of the Charan-Vaidyas. Supporting this statement it may be said that Shushruta was a surgeon. He was famous in the field of surgery.

It is expected that being a famous surgeon he will not include similar experiences of Charan-Vaidyas in his work Shushuruta-Samhita.

Question 3. What are the languages and what are the scripts we know?

We know Bengali, English, and Hindi languages and Bengali, Roman, and Devnagari scripts.

Question 4. What is the text direction of these scripts?

The text direction of these scripts are from left to right.

Question 5. Do you know any script which is written from right to left?

The script of the Urdu language is written from right to left.

With the above question, the learner may be introduced to a discussion on scripts of ancient India. The learner can take part in discussions by which his knowledge about the theme will be clear.

Question 6. Do you know any such script which has similarities with present-day script?

There are many similarities between Devnagari script and Hindi and Bengali scripts.

It may be noted that scripts of Hindi are similar to Devangri scripts.

The above questions may be asked or samples of ancient Indian scripts may be shown and the learner may be questioned to find out the similarities of the ancient scripts with present-day scripts. As a result, the learner will develop his thinking power.

WBBSE Chapter 8 Aspects Of Culture In Ancient India Topic C Miscellaneous Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Jaykavya, Bharata, Mahabharata, Ramayana.
Answer: Ramayana

Question 2. Mahabhashya, Charaka-samhita, Naga- nanda, Vasa.
Answer: Vasa

Question 3. Meghadutam, Kumarsambhavam, Malavi- kagnimitram, Ratnavali.
Answer: Ratnavali

Question 4. Bharhut, Sanchi, Amaravati, Bishalyakarani.
Answer: Bishalyakarani

Question 5. Ajanta, Ellora, Bagh, Torona.
Answer: Torona

Question 6. Shunga, Kushana, Satavahana, Gandhara.
Answer: Gandhara

Question 7. Upadhyay, Acharya, Guru, Mogolmari.
Answer: Mogolmari

Question 8. Ardha-Magdhi, Prakrit, Brahmi, Hindi.
Answer: Hindi

Question 9. Nalanda, Taxila, Balavi, Pataliputra.
Answer: Pataliputra

Question 10. Brahmi, Sanskrit, Kharosthi, Devanagri.
Answer: Sanskrit

Question 11. Ratnavali, Mrichhakatikam, Arthashastra, Abhijnanshakuntalam.
Answer: Arthashastra

Question 12. What is ‘Gatha Saptashati’?

Gatha Saptashati:

‘Gatha Saptashati’ is a compilation of poems in the Prakrit language written by savasana king Haal.

Question 13. What was prohibited in Dharmashastras?
Answer: In the Dharmashastras touching a corpse was prohibited.

Question 14. Who was Nagarjuna?


Nagarjuna was a famous Buddhist scholar of the 1st century AD. He was a mathematician.

WBBSE Chapter 8 Aspects Of Culture In Ancient India Topic C Miscellaneous Fill In The Blanks

Question 1. Initially, the stupas were made of __________ (red sandstone/bricks/mud).
Answer: Mud

Question 2. Bhartrihari was a well known __________ (dramatist/musician/grammarian).
Answer: Grammarian

WBBSE Chapter 8 Aspects Of Culture In Ancient India Topic C Miscellaneous True Or False

Question 1. Only Brahmin students could study at Nalanda Mahavihara.
Answer: False

Question 2. In Kamban’s Ramayana, Rama has been shown in a much greater light.
Answer: False

Question 3. Bagabhatta was a physician.
Answer: True

Question 4. Gandhara art evolved during the Kushana period.
Answer: True

Question 5. Jivaka was a famous mathematician.
Answer: False

Question 6. The Sarnath Stupa was built by Ashoka.
Answer: True

Question 7. Tamil literature is known as Sangama literature.
Answer: True

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WBBSE Chapter 8 Aspects Of Culture In Ancient India Topic C Miscellaneous Match The Columns

Question 1.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 8 Topic C Miscellaneous Match the following 1

Answer: 1. (B), 2. (A), 3. (D), 4. (C)

Question 2.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 8 Topic C Miscellaneous Match the following 2

Answer: 1. (C), 2. (D), 3. (A), 4. (B)

Question 3.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 8 Topic C Miscellaneous Match the following 3

Answer: 1. (D), 2. (C), 3. (A), 4. (B)

Question 4.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 8 Topic C Miscellaneous Match the following 4

Answer: 1. (B), 2. (D), 3. (A), 4. (C)

Question 5.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 8 Topic C Miscellaneous Match the following 5

Answer: 1. (C), 2. (D), 3. (B), 4. (A)

Question 6.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 8 Topic C Miscellaneous Match the following 1.

Answer: 1. (E), 2. (A), 3. (B), 4. (C), 5. (D)

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