WBBSE Chapter 8 Aspects Of Culture In Ancient India Topic A Education And Literature In The Ancient Indian Subcontinent Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1. What was the system of education in the Buddhist monasteries?
The system of education in the Buddhist monasteries:
Buddhist monasteries were centers of education. A new form of education was imparted in the Buddhist Viharas monasteries.
- Accommodation: The students used to reside in the monasteries. They were provided with separate rooms to live there.
- Admission: Admission of students were on the basis of merit.
- Fees: Students had to pay fees for their education. However, scholarships were granted to the poor students.
- Subjects taught: Religion was the most important subject of study. Besides religious studies, many other subjects were taught. Students were taught how to shoot arrows, how to use swords, and how to wrestle. Different kinds of games were also taught. The Buddhist ‘bhikshu’ or the mendicants and the Shramans had to learn how to spin thread and how to weave cloth.
Question 2. What was the importance of Taxila as a center of education in ancient India?
The importance of Taxila as a center of education in ancient India:
During the period of sixteen Mahajanapadas, Taxila was the capital of Gandhara Mahajanapada.
1. Reasons for becoming famous:
Different foreign powers like the Greeks, Kushanas, and Sakas occupied Taxila at different times. As a result people and scholars from different countries used to come to Taxila. In course of time, Taxila became a famous center of education.
2. Admission:
Students between sixteen and twenty years could take admission in Taxila Mahavihara. Students were selected on the basis of merit. Religion or caste was not considered.
Students from different parts of the country could take admission for higher studies.
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3. Period of study:
Students could study in the Vihara for eight years.
4. Examination:
The procedure of examination was simple. There was no written examination. The standard of education was high.
5. Patrons:
Kings and merchants were the patrons of the Mahavihara. They donated land and money to keep the Mahavihara functional.
Short Questions on Vedic Education
6. Famous students:
Famous students of the Taxila Mahavihara were Jivaka, Panini, and Chanakya.
Question 3. Give an account of Nalanda Mahavihara.
Nalanda Mahavihara:
Nalanda Mahavihara was a famous educational institution of ancient India.
- Admission: To gain admission in the Nalanda Mahavihara students had to pass very rigorous tests. Students of any religion or caste could take admitted.
- Boarding and lodging: Boarding and lodging was free for the students. Tuition fees were not charged.
- Examination system: After completion of the education in the Mahavihara students had to sit for examinations.Ruins of Nalanda Mahavihara
- Patrons: The kings were patrons of the Mahavihara. They used to donate land and money to the institution.
- Fame: Many well-reputed scholars used to teach there. Students from various parts of India and also from China, Tibet, Korea, Sumatra, and Java used to come to study at Nalanda.
Question 4. Give an account of the education system in ancient India.
The education system in ancient India:
In ancient India education system gradually developed and changed.
1. Harappan age:
Harappan civilization had a script. But nothing is known about Harappan literature. Harappan script is not yet deciphered.
2. Education system in the Vedic age:
The Vedic system of education was based on the relationship between the disciple and the Guru. The student stayed in the Guru’s house and received an education. This was known as the Gurukul system.
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3. Buddhist monasteries as centers of education:
Religion was the most important subject of study in the Buddhist monasteries. Besides religious studies, students were taught how to shoot arrows, how to use swords, how to wrestle, and play different kinds of games.
4. Education around the 4th century BC:
Around 4th century BC along with the Vedas students were also taught prosody, poetry, grammar, chemistry, mathematics,
astronomy, astrology, etc.
5. Education system during the Gupta period:
During the Gupta age students stayed in the Guru’s house and received an education. They also attended schools and were taught scripts, languages, Vedic literature poetry, grammar, astrology, drama, law, politics, and art of warfare.
Question 5. Discuss the development of literature in ancient India.
The development of literature in ancient India:
Literature was highly developed in ancient India.
1. Smritishastras:
Smritishastras were treatises in which various aspects of the right to property and employment and issues of daily life were discussed.
2. Dharmashastras:
Dharmashastras contain explanations about the ancient caste system in Sanskrit.
3. Natyashastra:
The main recreation of the people of the upper classes were drama and acting. So they started writing on drama and acting, for example, Natyashastra by Bharata.
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4. Literature in regional languages:
Various kinds of literature were written between 200 BC and AD 300 in different regional languages. For example Patanjali’s Mahabhashya, King Haal’s Gatha Saptashati, etc. Sangam literature in Tamil also deserves mention here.
5. Mahakavya:
Two epics, the ‘Ramayana’ and the ‘Mahabharata’ were composed in ancient times.
6. Medical text:
Medical books on medicines and surgery were written during this time. Two important medical text of ancient India were ‘Charaka-samhita’ and ‘Shushuruta- samhita’.
Question 6. Why is Kalidasa famous?
Kalidasa was a famous literary icon of ancient India.
1. Period:
There is a controversy regarding the period to which he belonged. It is generally believed that he belonged to the Gupta ege.
2. His works:
He was a famous poet and dramatist. From his writings, we come to know about contemporary society and different aspects of nature.
3. As a dramatist:
He was the composer of the dramas-Abhijnanshakuntalam’ and ‘Malavikagnimitram’.
4. As a poet:
He composed two famous poems ‘Meghadutam’ and ‘Kumarsam- bhavan.
Question 7. How was education connected to livelihood in the ancient age?
Education connected to livelihood in the ancient age:
In the ancient age there was a connection between livelihood and education. The Brahmins studied prosody, poetry, grammar, astronomy, astrology, mathematics, and chemistry.
The Kshatriyas studied subjects of day-to-day affairs like art of warfare and hunting, currency, and examination of documents. The Vaishyas and Shudras studied trade and commerce, agriculture, and animal husbandry.
Question 8. What do you mean by Mahavihara?
Some Buddhist monasteries where students from within India and outside the country used to come to study were known as Mahavihara.
These Mahaviharas were patronized by the kings by donating land and money. Some famous Mahaviharas were Nalanda, Taxila, Vikramashila, and Balavi.
Question 9. How did the Sanskrit language emerge?
The Sanskrit language emerge:
In the Vedic Age people spoke in the language of Rigveda, i.e., Chhandosh. Gradually it got intermingled with local dialects and new regional languages emerged.
So it was necessary to regulate the basic language through some rules or grammar. Panini then composed a grammar book named ‘Ashtadhyayi’.
This helped to reform the language. So the language that developed after such reforms or ‘Sanskar’ came to be known as Sanskrit.
Question 10. What do you mean by ‘Pancham Veda’ and ‘Upaveda’?
‘Pancham Veda’ and ‘Upaveda’:
‘It was believed that reading of Mahabharata will yield the same spiritual benefits as the reading of the Vedas. So the Mahabharata has been referred to as the ‘Pancham Veda’ or the Fifth Veda.
Medical science made much advancement between 200 BC and 300 AD and it came to be regarded as ‘Upaveda’.
Question 11. What were the subjects taught in the Buddhist monasteries?
The subjects taught in the Buddhist monasteries:
Religion was the most important subject of study in the Buddhist monasteries. Besides religious studies, many other subjects were taught. Students were taught how to shoot arrows, and gained respect in contemporary society use swords and wrestling.
Different kinds of games were also taught. The Buddhist ‘bhikshu’ or the mendicants and the Shramans had to learn how to spin thread and weave cloth.
Question 12. Write a short note on Ramayana.
Ramayana is one of the two great epics of India. It was composed by Valmiki between 3rd and 2nd century BC. The main story of Ramayana centers round the war between Rama and Ravana.
The key characters are Rama, Sita, and Ravana. There are twenty-four thousand couplets (Shlokas) in Ramayana. The entire epic is divided into seven kandas or sections.
Examples of Educational Institutions in Ancient India
Question 13. What are the ‘Puranas’? When were the Puranas composed?
The ‘Puranas’ form an important part of ancient Indian literature. It is the story that tells what happened in ancient times. The Puranas are eighteen in number.
Some of the Puranas were composed before 5th or 4th century BC. The others were written between 2nd century and 7th century AD.
Question 14. What do we come to know from the Puranas?
From the Puranas we come to know of the following:
- The Puranas contain an element of history. An important theme of the Puranas is the history of royal dynasties.
- We also come to know from the Puranas about agriculture, commerce, animal husbandry, and geography. Astrology also form an important part of the discussion.
Question 15. Write a short note on Mahabharata.
Mahabharata is one of the two great epics of India. It was composed by Krishna dwaipayana Vyasa in Sanskrit. The main story is based on the conflict between the Kauravas and the Pandavas over the occupation of land.
It contained 8,800 shlokas in the beginning. It was compiled between the 4th century BC and the 4th century AD.
Question 16. What do you mean by ‘Sangama’? What is Sangama literature?
Meaning of Sangama: Between 200 BC and 300 AD three literary conferences were held in the city of Madurai. These conferences of Tamil scholars are known as ‘Sangama’.
Sangama Literature: The literature composed by the Tamil scholars in these conferences are known as Sangama literature. The poems composed here depict the rural and urban life of that time. These poems also reflect the lives of the cultivators and the common people.
Question 17. What is the theme of ‘Mrichhakatikam’?
The theme of ‘Mrichhakatikam’:
‘Mrichhakatikam’ is a popular drama of ancient Sanskrit literature. Mrichhakatikam means small clay cart. Rohasena, the son of Charudutta, saw a gold toy cart of a neighbor’s son and demanded one.
To distract him, He was given a clay cart but he kept crying. Vasantasena, another character of the play felt sad on seeing him cry and gave away her gold jewelry to make a golden toy cart. All the characters are commoners and the play reflects their joy and sorrow.
Question 18. Write about two famous works of Vishakhadutta.
Two famous works of Vishakhadutta:
The two famous works of Vishakhadutta are ‘Mudrarakshasa’ and ‘Devichandraguptam’. Mudrarakshasa mainly narrates the saga of Chandragupta Maurya’s ascent to the throne of Magadha by defeating the Nanda king Dhanananda.
The theme of Devichandraguptam is the battle between Ramagupta and Chandragupta II with the Shaka king.
WBBSE Chapter 8 Topic A Education And Literature Education And Literature In The Ancient Indian Subcontinent Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. What do you mean by the Gurukul system of education?
The Gurukul system of education:
Vedic system of education was based on the relationship between the disciple and the Guru. The student stayed in the Guru’s house and received an education. This was known as Gurukul System of education.
Question 2. How was a child initiated into education in the post-Gupta period?
In the post-Gupta period a new ritual called ‘Vidyarambha’ was introduced to initiate a child into education. He was introduced to the alphabet through this ceremony at the age of five and was taught textbooks and mathematics.
Question 3. Who was called the ‘Upadhyaya’ in the Vedic system of education?
In ancient India, the teachers associated with Vedic education were called ‘Upadhyays’. They resided in the Buddhist monasteries and used to teach specific subjects there. They charged fees for teaching. The women teachers were called ‘Upadhyaya’.
Question 4. Who was called the ‘Acharya’ in the Vedic system of education?
The ‘Acharya’ in the Vedic system of education:
In ancient India, the teachers associated with Vedic education were known as ‘Acharya’. The students stayed in his house and received free education. They also helped him in domestic work. Sometimes, women could also become teachers and were called ‘Acharya’.
Question 5. Give an account of the Mogolmari Buddhist vihara.
Mogolmari Buddhist vihara:
We come to know about some ancient Buddhist monasteries in Bengal from the writings of Faxian and Xuanzang. The Mogolmari Buddhist monastery was situated at Daton in West Midnapore of West Bengal.
Archaeologist Dr. Ashok Datta discovered this spot. It is assumed that it is a contemporary of Nalanda Mahavihara and was probably built along the river Subarnarekha. It lay on the land route between Magadha and Tamralipta port.
Question 6. What are Dharmashastras and Smritishastras?
Dharmashastras and Smritishastras:
The Dharmashastras were treatises written in Sanskrit which explained the jati- the Brahmins in the social hierarchy. They also varna system and recognized the superiority of discussed Smritishastras discussed different issues of daily centra in political issues. The life and property rights.
Question 7. The Mahabharata is not the literary creation of a single author-Explain.
The Mahabharata is not the literary creation of a single author:
The Mahabharata was compiled between 4th century BC and 4th century AD. Jaykavya was the original name of the Mahabharata. Some slokas were added to the epic by Baishampayan and Mahabharata was renamed as Bharata.
Later some more slokas were added to it by Souti and it was renamed as Mahabharata. Therefore it is said that Mahabharata is not the literary creation of a single author.
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Question 8. What was the original name of Mahabharata? Who renamed it as Mahabharata?
The original name of Mahabharata was ‘Jaykavya’. Some slokas were added to it and was renamed as Bharata. Later Souti added more slokas and renamed it as Mahabharata.
Question 9. Why is Devanagari script named so?
Devanagari script named so:
The two major scripts used in ancient India were Brahmi and Kharoshthi. The Devanagari script evolved from the Brahmi script which was written from left to right.
The Brahmins of the cities (nagara) used the script for religious purposes. So this came to be known as Devanagari.
Question 10. What were the subjects to be studied in the schools built by different kings in the Gupta Age?
The subjects to be studied in the schools built by different kings in the Gupta age were scripts, Vedic literature, and languages. Astrology, grammar, poetry, drama, law, vocational education, politics, and art of warfare were also taught.
Question 11. What were some of the Buddhist viharas called? How did the Gupta rulers help the educational institutions?
Some of the Buddhist viharas were called Mahaviharas. The Gupta rulers helped the educational institutions by donating land and money.
Question 12. Name two medical texts of ancient India.
Two medical texts of ancient India:
Two medical texts of ancient India are ‘Charaka-samhita’ and ‘Shushruta-samhita’.
Question 13. Who was Ashvaghosha?
Ashvaghosha was a Buddhist monk and popular author of the Kanishka period. His famous work ‘Budhhacharita Kavya’ contains the life and teachings of Gautama Buddha.
Question 14. Who was Vasa?
Vasa was a dramatist of the 2nd or 3rd century AD. The theme of his dramas were mainly derived from the epics-the Ramayana and the Mahabharata.
Question 15. Name the city where three literary conferences were held. What were these conferences known as?
Three literary conferences were held in the city of Madurai. These conferences are known as Sangama.
WBBSE Chapter 8 Topic A Education And Literature Education And Literature In The Ancient Indian Subcontinent Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. Name the cities where educational centers were located.
Answer: The cities where educational centers were located are Pataliputra, Kanauj, Ujjayini, Mithila, Tanjore, Kalyan, etc.
Question 2. Name two famous Mahaviharas.
Answer: Two famous Mahaviharas were Nalanda and Taxila.
Question 3. From which countries students used to come to study at Nalanda?
Answer: Students from China, Tibet, Korea, Sumatra, and Java used to come to Nalanda at study.
Question 4. What was the capital of Gandhara Mahajanapada?
Answer: Taxila was the capital of Gandhara Mahajanapada.
Question 5. Name the famous students of Taxila Mahavihara.
Answer: The famous students of Taxila Mahavihara were Jivaka, Panini and Chanakya.
Question 6. What were the two kinds of teachers attached with Vedic education system?
Answer: The two kinds of teachers attached with Vedic education system were Acharya and Upadhyay.
Question 7. What vow did the Buddhist students have to take?
Answer: The Buddhist students had to take a vow of obeying the rules of Buddha, Dhamma, and the Sangha.
Question 8. What was the ceremony of Vidyarambha?
Answer: In the post-Gupta period a ceremony that initiated a child into education was known as Vidyarambha.
Question 9. Who composed Ashtadhyayi?
Answer: Panini composed Ashtadhyayi.
Question 10. What were the spoken languages of the common people?
Answer: The spoken languages of the common people were Pali and Prakrit.
Question 11. In which languages Jain and Buddhist literature was written?
Answer: Jain and Buddhist literature were written in Prakrit and Pali languages respectively.
Question 12. In which language Dharmashastras were written?
Answer: Dharmashastras were written in Sanskrit.
Question 13. Who was the author of Arthashastra?
Answer: Kautilya was the author of Arthashastra.
Question 14. Who are the key characters in the Ramayana?
Answer: The key characters in the Ramayana are Rama, Sita, and Ravana.
Question 15. What is the principal theme of the Mahabharata?
Answer: The principal theme of the Mahabharata is the war between the Kaurava and the Pandavas.
Question 16. What is ‘Gatha Saptashati’?
Answer: ‘Gatha Saptashati’ is a compilation of poems in the Prakrit language written by the Satavahana King Haal.
Question 17. What is the meaning of Sangama?
Answer: Sangama means assemblage at one place.
class 6 WBBSE History Question Answer
Question 18. Who was Bharavi?
Answer: Bharavi was a famous literary personality of the Gupta period.
Question 19. Name one famous drama of ancient Sanskrit literature.
Answer: ‘Mrichhakatikam’ written by Shudraka is a famous drama of ancient Sanskrit literature.
Question 20. Who composed the play Devichandra- guptam?
Answer: Vishakhadutta composed the play Devichandraguptam.
Question 21. Who composed the Sanskrit prose Dashakumar Charita?
Answer: Dandi composed the Sanskrit prose Dashakumar Charita.
Question 22. Name the Tamil poet who added many new episodes to Ramayana.
Answer: Kambana, the Tamil poet added many new episodes to Ramayana.
Question 23. When was Panchatantra compiled?
Answer: Panchatantra was compiled probably around 1st or 2nd century AD.
Question 24. Name one Tamil epic.
Answer: One Tamil epic is Manimekhalai.
Question 25. What is Amarkosha?
Answer: Amarkosha compiled by Amarsingha is a famous dictionary of the Gupta period.
Question 26. Who composed the play Nagananda?
Answer: King Harshavardhana composed the play Nagananda.
Question 27. Who was the composer of Meghadutam?
Answer: Kalidasa was the composer of Meghadutam.
Question 28. What is Maiavikagnimitram?
Answer: Malavikagnimitram was a famous play composed by Kalidasa.
WBBSE Chapter 8 Topic A Education And Literature Education And Literature In The Ancient Indian Subcontinent Fill In The Blanks
Question 1. Mahavihara of ______________ (Java / Mehrauli /Nalanda) was very famous.
Answer: Nalanda
Question 2. ______________ (Tanjore Kalyan / Taxila) was the capital of Gandhara Mahajanapada.
Answer: Taxila
Question 3. A famous student of Taxila Mahavihara was ______________ (Chanakya / Souti / Charaka).
Answer: Chanakya
Question 4. ‘Natyashastra’ was written by ______________ (Panini /Bharata/Jivaka).
Answer: Bharata
Question 5. Kharoshti and ______________ (Brahmi / Prakrit / Devanagari) were the two major scripts of ancient India.
Answer: Brahmi
Question 6. Two epics of Tamil literature were Manimekhalai and ______________ (Priyadarshika / Devichandraguptam/Shilappadikaram).
Answer: Shilappadikaram
Question 7. The best example of Buddhist fables that imparted moral education was the ______________ (Jataka/Panchatantra / Amarkosha).
Answer: Jataka
Question 8. Bhartrihari was a well-known ______________ (dramatist/musician/grammarian).
Answer: Grammarian
Question 9. Ratnavali was composed by ______________ (Chandragupta Maurya / Harshavardhana / Ramagupta).
Answer: Harshavardhana
Question 10. Amarkosha, compiled by Amarsingha is a famous ______________ (drama/poem/dictionary).
Answer: Dictionary
WBBSE Chapter 8 Topic A Education And Literature Education And Literature In The Ancient Indian Subcontinent True Or False
Question 1. The Harappan script has not yet been deciphered.
Answer: True
Question 2. Certain Buddhist monasteries were known as Chaityas.
Answer: False
Question 3. At Nalanda Mahavihara, students belonging to any religion or caste could study.
Answer: True
Question 4. Buddhism became a popular religion in Taxila.
Answer: True
Question 5. In Taxila Mahavihara students were selected on the basis of religion and caste.
Answer: False
Question 6. In the post-Gupta period, one was introduced to the world of alphabet at the age of six.
Answer: False
Question 7. The language of Rigveda was Chhandosh.
Answer: True
Question 8. Jivaka composed Ashtadhyayi.
Answer: False
Question 9. The word Prakrit has come from Chhandosh.
Answer: False
class 6 WBBSE History Question Answer
Question 10. There are four thousand couplets in the Ramayana.
Answer: False
Question 11. The epic of the Mahabharata is actually a narrative of the Bharat clan.
Answer: True
Question 12. Krishnadwaipayan Vyasa composed the epic poem Ramayana.
Answer: False
Question 13. The original name of the Mahabharata was Jaykavya.
Answer: True
Question 14. The entire Mahabharata is divided into sixteen swarga or sections.
Answer: False
Question 15. Mahabhashya, a book on Sanskrit grammar, was written by Panini.
Answer: False
Question 16. Tamil literature is known as Sangama literature.
Answer: True
Question 17. Poet and dramatist Kalidasa belonged to the Maurya period.
Answer: False
Question 18. Mrichhakatikam is a famous drama of ancient Sanskrit literature.
Answer: True
Question 19. Vishakhadutta composed Mudrarakshasa.
Answer: True
Question 20. Chandragupta II captured the Mauryan throne by defeating the Nanda king Dhanananda.
Answer: True
Question 21. Harshavardhana composed Mudrarakshasa.
Answer: False
Question 22. Panchatantra written in Sanskrit is a collection of moral lessons.
Answer: True