WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 7 Economy And Society Topic B Kushana Age Gupta Age And Post Gupta Age

Chapter 7 Economy And Society Topic B Kushana Age Gupta Age And Post Gupta Age long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. What were the new aspects of the economy in the Kushana period?

The new aspects of the economy in the Kushana period were as follows

  1. During the Kushana age cultivation expanded beyond the Vindhya mountain.
  2. Agriculture remained the main occupation of the people. Paddy, wheat, barley, sugarcane, and cotton were the main crops. In the black soil of the Deccan, cotton cultivation was common.
  3. There started the use of different kinds of tools such as iron ploughs, hoes, axe, etc.
  4. The emperor did not have an absolute right to ownership of land. Individuals enjoyed ownership of certain pieces of land.

Question 2. Give an account of the Sudarshan Lake.

Sudarshan Lake:

Sudarshan Lake is an important royal initiative in the irrigation system in the history of ancient India.

WBBSE Class 6 Kushana Age Notes

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  1. Constructor: During the reign of the Mauryan emperor Chandragupta Maurya, the Sudarshan Lake was constructed.
  2. Location: It is situated in the Kathiawad region of the Indian subcontinent.
  3. River-based irrigation: Sudarshan Lake was river based huge irrigation project (Setu).
  4. Reconstruction and Renovation: During the reign of Ashoka, some irrigation canals were added to the Sudarshan Lake. This lake was renovated by the Saka ruler Rudradamana in 150 AD. Rudradamana in his Junagarh inscription has described the renovation of the Sudarshan lake.
  5.  Period of use: The Sudarshan Lake was used between the 4th century BC and the 5th century AD.
  6. Religion: The villagers worshipped Gods like Surya and Agni in the temples. Buddhism was also practised by the villagers.

Question 3. How was village life in South India during the Satavahana period?

From Gatha Sapthashati, a book compiled by Satavahana king Hala, we come to know about village life in South India during the Satavahana period.

  1. Occupation: The villagers were mainly cultivators. Paddy, oil seeds, cotton and jute were the principal crops.
  2. Houses: The houses in the villages had thatched roofs and were surrounded by fences. In the villages there were ponds, flower gardens, banyan trees and domesticated animals and birds.
  3. Roads: There were both wide and narrow streets in the villages. The roads got covered with mud during the rainy season.”
  4. Village Administration: The village was administered by ‘Gramani’.
  5. Pastime: Painting and playing of musical instruments were popular among the village people. During festive occasions, people took part in songs, dance and playing music.
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Question 4. How were guilds of merchants and craftsmen formed? What was its eco- nomic importance?

Formation of Guilds

  1. Expansion of Trade and Commerce: From the 6th century BC trade and commerce increased to a great extent.
  2. Disputes: There were disputes between craftsmen and traders. It was necessary to resolve these disputes.
  3. Professional Security: People belonging to different professions felt the need of security of their profession.
  4. Quality and Price: It was also necessary to determine the quality and prices of goods. For the above-mentioned reasons, guilds of merchants and craftsmen were formed.

Economic Importance of Guilds

  1. Cash Transactions: The guilds or seniors were involved in cash transactions. So people of different classes of society kept their money with the guilds as security deposits.
  2. Mortgage: Sometimes trees, lands, etc. were mortgaged to the guilds.
  3. Payment of Interest: Interest was paid against the amount deposited by the people.
  4. Investment of Capital: The capital or the deposited amount was invested in manufacturing or crafts.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 7 Economy And Society Topic B Kushana Age Gupta Age And Post Gupta Age

Question 5. Describe the social life of the people in the Gupta and Post-Gupta period.

The social life of the people in the Gupta and Post-Gupta period:

We come to know about the social life of the people in the Gupta and Post-Gupta period from Fa-Hien’s account and Hieun-Tsang’s writings.

1. Caste division:

Caste division or varnashrama was prevalent in the cities. But it was not followed rigorously by the people of the society. The attitude of the Brahmins towards the lower castes remained as before.

The Brahmins and the Shudras were given different punishments for the same offence. The Shudras, when taking loans, had to pay a higher rate of interest. But the Shudras could engage themselves in cultivation, trade and animal husbandry.

The condition of the Chandalas were worst. They were not allowed to reside within the city or village.

2. Family:

In the Gupta and Post-Gupta period, father was the head of the family. There was the tradition of the early marriage of daughters. The wealth daughters used to receive during the marriage was known as ‘stridhan’. But it was not prevalent among all the castes.

Question 6. Describe Indian society as revealed in the writings of Faxian (Fa-Hien).

Faxian came to India from China during the reign of Chandragupta II.

Society as revealed in the writings of Faxian

Fa-Hien writes that there were many cities in the Indian subcontinent. Among these cities, the cities of central India were much developed. The people lived here happily. He writes that people with bad dispositions were known as Chandalas.

He also writes that the Chandalas lived outside the cities. According to him, Pataliputra was the best city at that time. The people here were happy and resourceful.

The Vaishyas who were wealthy set up charitable dispensaries where people were given medicines free of cost. The poor people were provided with food and accommodation.

Question 7. What was the position of women in the Gupta and Post-Gupta period?

The position of women in the Gupta and Post-Gupta period:

In the Gupta and Post-Gupta period there was the tradition of early marriage of daughters. The wealth the daughters used to receive during the marriage was known as ‘Stridhan’.

Women had absolute rights over wealth and could use the wealth as they wished. But this was not prevalent among all the castes.

Question 8. Describe the varna system in the Gupta and Post-Gupta age.

The varna system in the Gupta and Post-Gupta age:

Varnashrama or caste division was prevalent in the cities during the Gupta and Post-Gupta age. But it was not followed rigorously by the people of the society. The attitude of the Brahmins towards the lower castes remained as before.

The Brahmins and the Shudras were given different punishments for the same offence. The Shudras, when taking loans, had to pay a higher rate of interest.

But the Shudras could engage themselves in cultivation, trade and animal husbandry. The condition of the Chandalas were worst. They were not allowed to reside within the city or village.

Question 9. What was Agrahara?


In the Gupta and Post-Gupta period sometimes lands were bought and donated to the Brahmins or Buddhist viharas. These donated lands were generally exempted from payment of revenue. Sometimes uncultivated lands were donated.

This system of land donation for religious purposes in the Gupta and Post-Gupta period is known as Agrahara.

Question 10. What was the impact of Agrahara? 

Impact of Agrahara:

In the Gupta and Post-Gupta period sometimes lands were donated to the Brahmins or Buddhist viharas. This system of land donation is known as agrahara.

Important Definitions Related to Ancient Indian Empires

The impact of the agrahara system were as follows:

  1. Due to land donation ownership over land increased.
  2. Cultivation started in many uncultivated lands and thus agricultural production increased.
  3. Agricultural labourers were employed to make uncultivable lands cultivable.
  4. There was increased agricultural activity over land.

Question 11. Write about the coins of the Gupta period.

The coins of the Gupta period:

In the Gupta period many gold and silver coins have been found. The Gupta emperors introduced gold currencies known as Dinar and Subarna.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 7 Economy And Society Topic B Kushana Age Gupta Age And Post Gupta Age Gupta coins

Gupta emperor Chandragupta II introduced silver coins for the first time which were known as Rupak. Gold and silver coins were mainly used for commercial purposes. For daily use the Gupta rulers introduced copper coins.

WBBSE Chapter 7 Economy And Society Topic B Kushana Age Gupta Age And Post Gupta Age Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. What is meant by ‘Setu’? 


In ancient India, the projects of irrigation were known as setu. The ancient Indian rulers made arrangements to supply river water to lands under cultivation to improve agriculture. The setup was of two kinds-one was located at the source of natural water. The other was built by bringing water from other areas by artificial means. The farmers had to pay a tax to use the water of the setu for irrigation.

History Class 6 Chapter 7 Question Answer WBBSE

Question 2. Why was Mathura famous? 

Mathura famous:

The city of Mathura was a fortified city in the Ganga-Yamuna Doab. It was a significant political, commercial and cultural centre. The art and sculpture of Mathura was quite famous.

The Mathura school of art had developed as a counterpart of the Gandhara school of art. Mathura was also famous for manufacturing costly clothes.

Question 3. Mention the various pastimes of the Kushana Age.

The various pastimes of the Kushana Age:

There were many avenues of entertainment like dance, music, drama and games of magic and acrobatics. The rich took interest in playing dice, hunting, chariot racing and wrestling.

Question 4. What were the functions of guilds?

The functions of guilds:

Guilds were associations of merchants and craftsmen which settled disputes, secured professions and determined the quality and prices of goods. They also acted like modern banks.

People deposited money in the guilds against interest and this money was invested in manufacturing and crafts. Sometimes lands and trees were also mortgaged.

The prestige of the guilds increased in the Gupta and Post-Gupta ages. Officers were employed to supervise their activities.

Question 5. Why irrigation system developed in ancient India?

Irrigation system developed in ancient India:

Agriculture was the basis of the economy in ancient India. For the development of agriculture, irrigation was necessary. So the rulers of ancient India took initiative to supply river water through irrigation to the lands under cultivation.

For this reason irrigation systems developed in ancient India.

Question 6. Why was there a slump in foreign trade during the Gupta age? The fame of which port in eastern India increased during this time?

There was a slump in foreign trade during the Gupta age due to the Huna invasion. The fame of the port of tamralipta in eastern India increased during this time.

Question 7. Give an account of the trade and commerce during the Gupta and Post- Gupta period.

During the Gupta and Post-Gupta period there was a trade relationship between India and different parts of Asia. But there was a slump in foreign trade due to the Huna invasion.

Examples of Art and Culture in Gupta Age

Trading activities with Rome suffered due to the Huna invasion. Two important parts of this time were Tamralipta and Kaveripattinam.

Question 8. Who are the ivory smiths and dyers?

  1. Ivory smiths: Ivory smiths are those who carve ivory that is to say animal tooth or tusk by using sharp cutting tools.
  2. Dyers: Dyers are those persons whose job is dyeing cloth or other materials.

Question 9. What is In-Tu?


The Chinese historian Xuanzang (Hieun Tsang) had referred to India as In Tu in his works. He had written that the people of In-Tu called their country by different names.

According to the east, west and central and consisted of him, this country had five parts-north, south, and eighty kingdoms. He referred to In Tu as a hot tropical country.

He also stated that the chief agricultural crops grown here were paddy and wheat. The caste system prevailed in society.

Question 10. Different coins of the Gupta period. Can you identify the coin embossed with the figure of Samudragupta playing the Veena?

The picture of the coin embossed with the figure of Samudragupta playing the Veena is the second picture from the top.

Question 11. Write a note on trade and commerce during the Kushana period.

Trade and commerce during the Kushana period:

In the Kushana period in the Indian subcontinent both internal and external trade expanded. Both land routes and waterways played an important role in the expansion of trade and commerce.

In the international markets, there was a demand for Indian muslin and other textiles, pearl, diamond, lapis lazuli and spices. Chinese silk and glass items were imported.

Practice Questions on Trade in Kushana Empire

Question 12. Write a note on craftsmen of ancient India.

Craftsmen of ancient India:

Between the 6th century BC and the 7th century AD in the Indian subcontinent various arts and crafts emerged.

Variety of crafts: Variety of crafts developed in the Kushana period. During this period we come to know about potters, blacksmiths, carpenters and weavers. There were also other craftsmen like ivory-smiths, dyers and embroiderers.

WBBSE Chapter 7 Economy And Society Topic B Kushana Age Gupta Age And Post Gupta Age Very Short Answer Type

Question 1. What were the main crops in North India during the Kushana period?
Answer: Paddy, wheat, sugarcane, barley, and cotton were the main crops in North India during the Kushana period.

Question 2. What is ‘setu’?
Answer: The projects of irrigation in the ancient Indian subcontinent were known as setu.

Question 3. Give an example of royal initiative in irrigation in ancient India.
Answer: The Sudarshan Lake constructed during the time of Chandragupta Maurya in the Kathiawad region is an example of a royal initiative in irrigation in ancient India.

Question 4. What was the main item of import during the Kushana period?
Answer: The main item of import during the Kushana period was Chinese silk.

Question 5. Name two places well known for manufacturing expensive clothes.
Answer: Two places well-known for manufacturing expensive clothes were Varanasi and Mathura.

Question 6. What were the things which were in demand in the international markets during the Kushana period?
Answer: During the Kushana period the things which were in demand in the international markets were pearl, diamond, lapis lazuli, spices, muslin and other textiles.

Question 7. What was the superfine cloth of ancient Bengal known as?
Answer: The superfine cloth of ancient Bengal was known as muslin.

Question 8. What were the items of import from foreign countries during the Kushana period?
Answer: The main items of import from foreign countries during the Kushana period were Chinese silk, glass items etc.

Real-Life Scenarios Involving Religion in Post

Question 9. Name one port city during the Kushana period.
Answer: A port city during the Kushana period was Kaveripattinam.

Question 10. From which book of the Satavahana period do we come to know about various aspects of village life of southern India?
Answer: From ‘Gatha Sapthashati’ compiled by Satavahana King Hala we come to know about various aspects of village life of southern India.

Question 11. Name the gods worshipped in the temples of South India during the Satavahana period.
Answer: Gods like Surya and Agni were worshipped in the temples of South India during the Satavahana period.

Question 12. In which language did Satavahana King Hala compiled his book ‘Gatha Sapthashati’?
Answer: The Satavahana king Hala compiled his book ‘Gatha Sapthasathi’ in Prakrit language.

Question 13. What is the meaning of ‘Gatha Sapthashati’?
Answer: ‘Gatha Sapthashati’ means compilation of seven hundred verses.

Question 14. What were the crops cultivated during the Gupta and Post-Gupta age?
Answer: The crops which were cultivated during the Gupta and Post-Gupta age were paddy, sugarcane, cotton, indigo, mustard oil and oil seeds.

Question 15. What were the other names of merchant guilds?
Answer: The other names of merchant guilds were sreni, gan, etc.

Question 16. Name one famous port of Bengal in ancient India.
Answer: One famous port of Bengal in ancient India was the Tamralipta.

Question 17. Name one famous port of Tamil Nadu in the Gupta period.
Answer: One famous port of Tamil Nadu in the Gupta period was Kaveripattinam.

Question 18. Why was there a slight slump in foreign trade with Rome during the Gupta age?
Answer: Due to the invasion of the Hunas there was a slight slump in foreign trade with Rome.

Question 19. What was the advantage of agrahara system?
Answer: Due to the agrahara system there was an increase in agricultural activity.

Question 20. What was the system of donation of lands to Brahmins and Buddhists are known as?
Answer: The system of donation of lands to Brahmins and Buddhists was known as agrahara.

Question 21. What was ‘Banikgram’?
Answer: Guilds of merchants in the Gupta and Post-Gupta period was known as ‘Banikgram’.

Question 22. Whose condition was deplorable in the society during the Gupta age?
Answer: The condition of the Chandalas was deplorable in the Gupta age.

Question 23. What was the wealth daughters used to receive during marriage known as in the Gupta period?
Answer: The wealth daughters used to receive during the marriage was known as ‘stridhan’ in the Gupta period.

Conceptual Questions on Society in Kushana and Gupta Ages

Question 24. What was Dinar and Rupak?
Answer: The gold currency of the Gupta period were known as the Dinar and Subarna and the silver coins were known as Rupak.

Question 25. Who were the contemporary rulers of the Guptas who did not introduce any coins?
Answer: The contemporary rulers of the Gupta period who did not introduce any coins were the Vakataka rulers.

Question 26. To which country did Fa-Hien belong?
Answer: Fa-Hien belonged to China.

Question 27. According to Fa-Hien which was the best city of the Indian subcontinent?
Answer: According to Fa-Hien the best city of the Indian subcontinent was Pataliputra.

Question 28. During whose reign Fa-Hien came to India from China?
Answer: Fa-Hien came to India from China during the reign of Chandragupta II.

Question 29. Into how many divisions India was divided in the writings of Xuanzang (Hieun-Tsang)?
Answer: Xuanzang (Hieun-Tsang) divided India into five parts in his writings.

Question 30. During whose reign Xuanzang (Hieun-Tsang) visited India?
Answer: During the reign of Harshavardhana Xuanzang (Hieun-Tsang) visited India.

WBBSE Chapter 7 Economy And Society Topic B Kushana Age Gupta Age And Post Gupta Age Fill In The Blanks

Question 1. Black pepper was cultivated in __________ (Gujarat/Kerala / North India).
Answer: Kerala

Question 2. The Shaka ruler who renovated the Sudarshan Lake was __________ (Rudradamana /Nahapana / Azes I).
Answer: Rudradamana

Question 3. A very important political centre of the Kushana period was __________ (Mathura / Vaishali/Taxila).
Answer: Mathura

Question 4. Mahasthangarh and Bangarh were two cities in ancient __________ (Bengal / Orissa / Tamil Nadu).
Answer: Bengal

Question 5. The ‘Gatha Saptashat!’ was compiled by __________ (Satakarni / Hala / Nahapana).
Answer: Hala

Question 6. The word ‘wad’ means __________ (village/city/district).
Answer: City

Question 7. The Shaka ruler Rudradaman had left a detailed description of the renovation of Sudarshan Lake in an inscription of __________ (Nasik/Hastigumpha/Junagarh).
Answer: Junagarh

Question 8. In the Gupta and Post-Gupta period, the system of donation of land for religious purposes was known as __________ (begar / agrahara/Samanta).
Answer: Agrahara

Question 9. The Iron Pillar in Delhi was built in __________ (4th-5th/5th-6th / 3rd-4th) century AD.
Answer: 4th-5th

Question 10. The Kushanas, Satavahanas and the Saka- Kshatrapas were engaged in conflict over __________ (gold/copper/ diamond) mine.
Answer: Diamond

History Class 6 Chapter 7 WBBSE

Question 11. Silver currency was introduced for the first time during the reign of __________ (Ashoka / Chandragupta II/Shasanka).
Answer: Chandragupta II

Question 12. Gupta rulers introduced __________ (gold/silver/copper) coins for daily use.
Answer: Copper

Question 13. __________ came to India during the reign of Chandragupta II. (It-Sing / Hieun-Tsang / Fa-Hien).
Answer: Fa-Hien

WBBSE Chapter 7 Economy And Society Topic B Kushana Age Gupta Age And Post Gupta Age True Or False

Question 1. The Sudarshan Lake in the Kathiawar region was constructed during the reign of emperor Chandragupta Maurya.
Answer: True

Question 2. The system of donating land for religious purposes in the Gupta and Post-Gupta period is known as the Agrahara system.
Answer: True

Question 3. The association of the traders formed in the Gupta period was called monogram.
Answer: False

Question 4. The golden coins introduced by the Gupta kings were called ‘dinar’ or ‘subarna’
Answer: True

Question 5. The silver coins that were introduced during the reign of Chandragupta II were known as ‘Rupak’.
Answer: True

Question 6. The right of women on property in the Gupta Age was known as woman’s wealth (Stridhan).
Answer: True

Question 7. The Sudarshan Lake was in continuous use between 4th century BC and 5th century AD.
Answer: True

Question 8. Archaeologists have excavated the evidence of a city in Sirkap, Mathura.
Answer: False

History Class 6 Chapter 7 WBBSE

Question 9. During the Kushana age art and sculpture of Mathura was famous.
Answer: True

Question 10. Shishupalgarh was a village of ancient Orissa.
Answer: False

Question 11. In the Mauryan age, the traditions of Varnashrama and Chaturashrama were intense.
Answer: True

Question 12. In the Satavahana period villages were administered by guilds.
Answer: False

Question 13. In the Kushana age guilds were involved in regular cash transactions.
Answer: True

Question 14. The Vakataka rulers did not introduce any coins.
Answer: True

Question 15. Faxian (Fa-Hien) writes that the Chandalas used to reside in the cities.
Answer: False

Question 16. Xuanzang (Hieun-Tsang) writes that in In- Tu there were eight kingdoms.
Answer: False

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