WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 5 Indian Sub Continent In The 6th Century BC Topic B Buddhism

WBBSE Chapter 5 Indian Sub Continent In The 6th Century BC Topic B Buddhism Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. What were the main teachings of Gautama Buddha?

The main teachings of Gautama Buddha:

Gautama Buddha was the founder of Buddhism. His teachings were simple and dealt with practical life. His basic teachings include the understanding of the Four Noble Truths or Chaturaryasatya and the Eightfold Path or Ashtangika Marga.

1. Four Noble Truths or Chaturaryasatya:

Gautama Buddha explained to his disciples the causes of suffering in one’s life and how to get rid of such suffering. For this, he taught four principal tenets.

Each of these tenets is known as Aryasatya. These four tenets together are known as Chaturaryasatya or the Four Noble Truths.

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2. Eightfold Path or Ashtangika Marga:

Ashtangika Marga means the Eightfold Path or ‘Marga’s which was advised by Buddha to get rid of misery. This set of eight paths was described as Middle Path or ‘majhhim patipada’ as it lies between extreme luxury and hard meditation.

Buddha preached that a person who follows the Eightfold Path would attain ‘Nirvana’ or salvation.

Important Definitions Related to Buddhism

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Question 2. Write a note on Tripitaka.


Tripitaka is the main religious text of Buddhism. In Pali language the word ‘Pitak’ means basket. Three ‘pitakas’ together are known as Tripitaka. The Tipitakas were probably compiled in the first Buddhist Sangeeti at Rajagriha.

The compilations of Suttapitaka, Vinaypitaka, and Abhidhammapitaka together constitute the Tripitaka.

  1. Suttapitaka: Suttapitaka is a collection of the sermons of Buddha to his disciples.
  2. Vinaypitaka: Vinaypitaka contains a code of conduct for Buddhist monks.
  3. Abhidhammapitaka: Abhidhammapitaka discusses the main doctrines of Buddhism. Tripitaka is written is Pali language.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 5 Indian Sub Continent In The 6th Century BC Topic B Buddhism Tripitaka

Question 3. What led to the split of the Buddhists into the Hinayana and Mahayana sects?

The split of the Buddhists into the Hinayana and Mahayana sects:

In the fourth or last Buddha Sangeeti the Buddhists formally split into two sects

  1. Hinayana and
  2. Mahayana.

Causes of the split between Hinayana and Mahayana

1. Lifestyle:

After Buddha, some Buddhist monks began to take non-vegetarian food. They began to wear costly garments and received gold and silver donations. Many of them began to lead a family life.

Moreover, the rules and regulations of the monasteries were violated. So a new group of Buddhists was formed known as Mahayana.

2. Idol worship:

From the time of the Kushana age there started the idol worship of Buddha. The monks who believed in the old Buddhist philosophy protested against idol worship of Buddha.

WBBSE Class 6 Buddhism Notes

3. Formal split:

During the time of the emperor, Kanishka the fourth Buddhist Sangeeti was organized in Kashmir. Vasumitra was the president of the sangeeti. Here the Buddhists split into two sects-the Hinayana sect and the Mahayana sect.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 5 Indian Sub Continent In The 6th Century BC Topic B Buddhism

Question 4. Why Buddhist ‘Sangeetis’ were organized? Discuss about the four Buddhist ‘Sangeetis”.

After the death of Buddha, Buddhist ‘Sangeetis’ were organized to discuss about the different aspects of Buddhism and to settle the disputes which arose among the followers of Buddha.

Account of Four Buddhist Sangeetis 

1. The First Buddhist Sangeeti:

The First Buddhist Sangeeti was held in Rajagriha during the reign of Ajatashatru, the king of Magadha. It was presided over by the Buddhist monk and scholar Mahakashyapa. The Sutta and Vinaya Pitaka were compiled in this sangeeti.

2. Second Buddhist Sangeeti:

The Second Buddhist Sangeeti was held at Vaishali during the reign of Kalashoka and the President was head monk Yash. In this council, the Buddhists got divided into Theravada and Mahasanghika.

3. Third Buddhist Sangeeti:

The Third Buddhist Sangeeti was held at Pataliputra under the initiative of Ashoka and was presided over by Moggaliputta Tissa. The Buddhist sangha rules were strictly enforced to resist further split.

4. Fourth Buddhist sangeeti:

Kanishka convened the Fourth Buddhist Sangeeti in Kashmir. The President was Vasumitra. In this council Buddhism finally split into Hinayana and Mahayana.

Question 5. Write a note on Jataka tales.

Jataka tales:

The Jataka tales are an important part of Buddhist literature.

1. Origin:

The principal religious text of the Buddhists is Tripitaka. There are certain stories in the Tripitaka under the heading Jataka.

2. Theme:

It is said that Gautama Buddha took birth several times. Jataka stories tell about the previous lives of Buddha. There is a moral in each of these stories. The characters of the stories are birds, animals, and human beings.

3. Aim:

These stories were used for spreading Buddhism among the people.

4. Number of tales:

There are more than five hundred Jataka tales.

5. Language of the tales:

These stories were written and taught in Pali language.

6. Importance:

From the Jataka tales much can be known about the society during the 6th century BC.

Question 6. Write the story of Seriban and Seriba (Serbanij Jataka).

The story of Seriban and Seriba (Serbanij Jataka):

In ancient times there was a kingdom called Serib. There lived two hawkers-Seriban and Seriba. They used to buy old things and sell new ones. Seriba cheated everyone but Seriban never cheated anyone.

One day a grandmother unknowingly wanted to sell a broken golden plate to buy a toy for her granddaughter. Seriba at first refused saying that it was a broken plate but decided to return after some time to buy the plate for a few paisa.

After some time Seriban came to the same house and bought the golden plate keeping only some money for him and the rest of the money he gave to the grandmother and some beautiful toys to her granddaughter.

Seriba came back to buy the plate but found that the plate was already sold to Seriban. Seriba could not get the golden plate. Seriban got a lot of money by selling the gold plate.

Question 7. Write a note on Siddhartha.


Early Life:

In early life Gautama Buddha’s name was Siddhartha. He was born in 566 BC in the Sakya family of Kapilavastu situated in the terai region of Nepal.

Renunciation of family life:

Siddhartha renounced his home and family at the age of twenty-nine and became a hermit.

Attainment of Bodhi:

Siddhartha meditated in a place near Gaya for close to six years where he attained his Bodhi or wisdom and came to be known as Buddha.

Question 8. What does Buddha mean? How did Siddhartha become Buddha?

Buddha mean:

The word ‘Buddha’ means ‘the enlightened one’. Siddhartha was a Sakya prince of Kapilavastu. He renounced his home and family at the age of twenty-nine and became a hermit.

He meditated under a Pipal tree near Gaya for about six years and attained ‘Bodhi’ or ‘Supreme Wisdom’. Therefore he came to be known as ‘Buddha’.

Question 9. Which event in the life of Gautama Buddha is known as Dharmachakra Pravartana?

After attaining Bodhi or ‘Wisdom’ Buddha traveled to Sarnath near Varanasi. There he first preached his sermon to his five disciples. To these disciples, he explained the causes of misery in the life of human beings.

This was the beginning of Buddha’s religious preachings. This incident is known as Dharmachakra Pravartana.

Question 10. What is Ashtangika Marga? Or, What is Middle Path or Majhhim Patipada?

Ashtangika Marga:

Ashtangika Marga means the Eightfold Paths or ‘Marga’ advised by Buddha to get rid of misery. This set of eight paths was described as the Middle path or ‘Majhhim Patipada’ as it lies between extreme luxury and hard meditation.

Buddha preached that a person who follows the Eightfold Path would attain Nirvana. He believed that salvation cannot be achieved through gross luxury. He, therefore, taught the Middle Path.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 5 Indian Sub Continent In The 6th Century BC Topic B Buddhism Ashtangika Marga

Practice Questions on Buddhist Philosophy

Question 11. What are the main features of Buddhism?

The main features of Buddhism are:

1. Chaturaryasatya:

Chaturaryasatya means the four principal tenets which explain the causes of suffering in one’s life and how to get rid of such suffering.

2. Ashtangika Marga:

It means Eightfold Paths or Marga to get salvation from sorrow.

3. Triratna:

These are Buddha, Dhamma, and Shangha.

WBBSE Chapter 5 Indian Sub Continent In The 6th Century BC Topic B Buddhism Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. When and where was Gautama Buddha born?

Gautama Buddha was born in 566 BC in Kapilavastu in the Terai region of Nepal.

Question 2. What is Bodhivriksha?


Siddhartha meditated under a Pipal tree in a place near Gaya. It was here that Siddhartha attained his Bodhi or Wisdom. Therefore this tree is known as Bodhivriksha.

Question 3. What are the Triratnas in Buddhism?

Triratnas in Buddhism:

The Triratnas in Buddhism are Buddha, Dhamma, and Shangha.

Question 4. What is Tripitaka? What are the three divisions of Tripitaka?


Tripitaka is the principal text of the Buddhists. The three divisions of Tripitaka are Suttapitaka, Vinaypitaka, and Abhidhamma-Pitaka.

Question 5. Name two kings who patronised Buddhism.

Two kings who patronised Buddhism were Ashoka and Kanishka.

Examples of Buddhist Monasteries in Ancient India

Question 6. What do you mean by Mahayana and Hinayana sects of Buddhism?

Mahayana and Hinayana sects of Buddhism:

In the fourth Buddhist Sangeeti the Buddhists came to be divided into two sects- Mahayana and Hinayana. The Mahayana supported the idol worship of Buddha. The other monks who supported the old Buddhist philosophy were known as the Hinayanas.

Question 7. What is Shanghai?


Shanghai is one of the Triratnas of Buddhism. Shanghai or monasteries were the centers from which Buddhism was preached to the people.

Question 8. What are Buddhist Sangeetis?

Buddhist Sangeetis:

Buddhist Sangeetis were religious assemblies. In such assemblies, Buddhist saints used to assemble and there were discussions on different aspects of Buddhism.

Question 9. How were the Buddhists divided after the second Buddhist Sangeeti?

After the second Buddhist Sangeeti held in Vaishali the Buddhists were divided into Theravadi and Mahasanghika.

Question 10. Where and during whose reign the fourth Buddhist Sangeeti was held?

The fourth Buddhist Sangeeti was held in Kashmir during the reign of Kanishka.

Question 11. What is the importance of fourth Buddhist Sangeeti?

Importance of fourth Buddhist Sangeeti:

The fourth Buddhist Sangeeti was held in Kashmir during the reign of Kanishka. In the fourth Buddhist, Sangeeti Buddhism was split into two sects-Mahayana and Hinayana.

Question 12. When and where did Gautama Buddha die?

Deadth Of Gautama Buddha

Gautama Buddha died in 486 BC in Kushinagara.

Question 13. Who was the President of the third Buddhist Sangeeti? What is the most important incident of this sangeeti?

The President of the third Buddhist Sangeeti:

The President of the third Buddhist Sangeeti was Moggaliputta Tissa. In this Sangeeti importance was given on following the rules and regulations of Buddhist sanghas strictly.

Moreover, an effort was given to resist split among the members of the sanghas.

Question 14. What is Chaturaryasatya in Buddhism? Or, What are the four Noble Truths?

Chaturaryasatya in Buddhism:

Gautama Buddha explained to his disciples the causes of suffering in one’s life and how to get rid of such suffering. For this, he taught four principal tenets.

Each of these tenets is known as Aryasatya. These four tenets together are known as Chaturaryasatya or the four Noble Truths.

WBBSE Chapter 5 Indian Sub Continent In The 6th Century BC Topic B Buddhism Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. When did Buddhism emerge?
Answer: Buddhism emerged in the 6th century BC.

Question 2. When was Gautama Buddha born?
Answer: Gautama Buddha was born in 566 BC.

Question 3. Where was Gautama Buddha born?
Answer: Gautama Buddha was born in Kapila- vastu situated in the Terai region of Nepal.

Question 4. What is the principal text of Buddhism?
Answer: The principal text of Buddhism is Tripitaka.

Question 5. What does the word ‘pitak’ mean?
Answer: The word ‘pitak’ means basket.

Question 6. In which language was Buddhism preached?
Answer: Buddhism was preached in Pali language.

Question 7. Where did Buddha attain his ‘Bodhi’?
Answer: Buddha attained his ‘Bodhi’ in a place near Gaya.

Question 8. What do you mean by ‘Chaturaryasatya’?
Answer: The four Noble Truths or the four tenets preached by Gautama Buddha is known as Chaturaryasatya.

Question 9. Who taught the four Noble Truths?
Answer: Gautama Buddha taught the four Noble Truths.

Question 10. Who taught the Eightfold Path?
Answer: Gautama Buddha taught the Eightfold Path.

Question 11. What did Gautama Buddha suggest to get salvation from sorrow?
Answer: To get salvation from sorrow Gautama Buddha suggested the Eightfold Path or Ashtangika Marga.

Question 12. Who was Ananda?
Answer: Ananda was the disciple of Gautama Buddha.

Real-Life Scenarios Involving Buddhist Practices

Question 13. What are the two sects of Buddhism?
Answer: Two sects of Buddhism are Hinayana and Mahayana.

Question 14. Where was the first Buddha Sangeeti held?
Answer: The first Buddha Sangeeti was held in Rajagriha.

Question 15. Where was the second Buddha Sangeeti held?
Answer: The second Buddha Sangeeti was held in Vaishali.

Question 16. During whose reign was the second Buddha Sangeeti held?
Answer: The second Buddha Sangeeti was held during the reign of Kalashoka or Kakvarna.

Question 17. Where was the third Buddha Sangeeti held?
Answer: The third Buddha Sangeeti was held in Pataliputra.

Question 18. Where was the fourth Buddha Sangeeti held?
Answer: The fourth Buddha Sangeeti was held in Kashmir.

WBBSE Chapter 5 Indian Sub Continent In The 6th Century BC Topic B Buddhism Fill In The Blanks

Question 1. Gautama Buddha was born in the Sakya family of ________ (Gaya / Mathura / Kapilavastu).
Answer: Kapilavastu

Question 2. The earlier name of Gautama Buddha was ________ (Siddhartha / Serbanji / Bhadrabahu).
Answer: Siddhartha

Question 3. At the age of ________ Siddhartha left his home and embraced hermitage (26/28/ 29).
Answer: 29

Question 4. The religion preached by Gautama Buddha is known as ________ (Ajivikas Jainism /Buddhism).
Answer: Buddhism

Question 5. ________ believed in the doctrine of Nirvana (Gautama Buddha /Mankhiliputta Gosal/Sthulabhadra).
Answer: Gautama Buddha

Question 6. The Dhamma preached by Gautama Buddha was ________ (Jainism/Buddhism/Hinduism).
Answer: Buddhism

Question 7. Triratna in Buddhism were Buddha, Sangha, and ________ (Dhamma/Right Conduct /Right knowledge).
Answer: Dhamma

Question 8. The first two Pitakas were compiled in the ________ (first/second/third) Buddhist council.
Answer: First

Question 9. ________ (Suttapitaka / Vinaypitaka / Abhidhammapitaka) contains the code of conduct meant for Buddhist monks.
Answer: Vinaypitaka

Question 10. In Pali language, the word ‘Pitak’ means ________ (basket/monks/tenets).
Answer: Basket

Question 11. Mahakashyap was a disciple of ________ (Buddha / Mahavira / Parshvanath).
Answer: Buddha

Question 12. Emperor ________ was a supporter of Mahayana Buddhism(Ashoka/Kanishkha/ Chandragupta Maurya).
Answer: Kanishkha

Question 13. From the Kushana age there began the idol worship of ________ (Buddha/Mahavira/Parshvanath).
Answer: Buddha

Question 14. The Jataka tales were composed in ________ language (Prakrit / Sanskrit / Pali).
Answer: Pali

Question 15. The Jataka tales were used for spreading ________ among the common people (Jainism / Buddhism / Brahmanism).
Answer: Buddhism

Question 16. Serib was the name of a ________ (peddler/kingdom/preacher).
Answer: kingdom

WBBSE Chapter 5 Indian Sub Continent In The 6th Century BC Topic B Buddhism True Or False

State whether the following statements are true or false

Question 1. Siddhartha was also a Kshatriya prince like Mahavira.
Answer: True

Question 2. The religion propounded by Buddha is called Jainism.
Answer: False

Question 3. The main text of Buddhism is Tripitakas.
Answer: True

Question 4. The Jatakas consists of 300 stories.
Answer: False

Question 5. Buddha meditated under a Pipal tree in a place near Gaya.
Answer: True

Question 6. The first Buddhist Council took place in Pataliputra.
Answer: False

Question 7. The Eightfold Path was preached by Gautama Buddha.
Answer: True

Question 8. The second Buddhist Sangeeti was held during the reign of Ashoka.
Answer: False

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