WBBSE Chapter 4 Topic B Politics Economy Society And Education In Vedic Civilisation And Other Societies Contemporary To The Vedic Age Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1. What were the various uses of the term ‘Raja’ (king) in Rigveda?
There were various uses of the term ‘Raja’ (king) in Rigveda.
- Leader: The meaning of the term ‘Raja’ was the leader.
- Nripati or Narapati: The raja was called ‘Nripati’ or ‘Narapati’ as he was the master and protector of the subject’s people.
- Bishpati: The raja was called ‘Bishpati’ as the head of a ‘bish’ or community.
- Gopati: The raja was called ‘Gopati’ or the master of the cattle.
- Bhupati: The raja was called ‘Bhupati’ meaning the owner of the land.
- Mahipati: The raja was called ‘Mahipati’ meaning master of the earth.
Question 2. What do we come to know about a king in Rigveda? What was the function of the king?
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King in the Rigveda:
In Rigveda, there is a reference of the term ‘raja’ (king).
- In Rigveda, there are various uses of the term ‘raja’ or king. The raja was known as the Bishpati and Gopati.
- One could become a king after gaining control over a particular region. The successor of the existing king could also become the next king. Again one could become a king after winning a war. Sometimes all the community members used to elect one amongst themselves as the king.
- The king on the advice of the priest used to perform sacrifices (yajna) like Rajasuya yajna, Ashwamedha yajna, Vajpeya yajna, etc. before leaving for wars or returning after victory in a battle.
WBBSE Class 6 Vedic Civilisation Notes
Functions of the king
- The king was expected to solve the problems of his subjects.
- His function was to administer the kingdom assisted by some officials and an army.
- The king had the responsibility to supervise the distribution of the plunders of war.
Question 3. Describe the political condition in the Vedic period.
From the Vedic Literature we come to know about the political condition in the Vedic period.
Political condition in the Vedic period
1. Raja (king):
In the Rigveda, there is a reference of ‘raja’ or king. The Raja was known as Bishpati, Gopati, Bhupati, Mahipati, and Nripati.
2. Rajya:
Rajya or kingdom was the region over which the king ruled. In the Later Vedic period, regions were named after the name of tribes or communities.
3. Praja:
The people of the region where the king ruled formed his ‘Praja’ or subjects. The king was expected to solve the problem of his subjects. In return, the subjects were supposed to follow the instructions of the king.
4. Who could become a king:
One could become a king after gaining control over a particular region. The successor of the existing king could also become the king. Again, one could become a king after winning a war. Sometimes the king was selected by the community members.
Class 6 History WBBSE
5. Administration:
It was believed that the people of the region where the king ruled would abide by the king. In administrative work, he was assisted by officials known as Ratnin. There was also an army.
6. Sabha and Samiti:
The sabha was the community of the elders. Samiti was the general assembly of all the members of the community. The samiti had the right to discuss different aspects of politics.
Question 4. Mention the important features of the Vedic Age.
The important features of the Vedic Age are as follows
1. Iron Age:
The Vedic civilization belongs to the Iron Age. Iron weapons were used in the battles as mentioned in the Ramayana and Mahabharata.
2. Rural character:
The Vedic Aryans were primarily agriculturists and they used horse-drawn carts. The urban features of the Harappan civilization were absent.
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3. Emergence of literature:
The Vedic period provides us with a vast treasury of literature which also acts as an important source of history.
4. Kingdoms and kingship:
Different kingdoms rose under powerful kings in this period. The presence of sabha and samiti indicates that an efficient administrative system existed.
5. Craftsmanship:
A number of articles, weapons, ornaments, utensils, and tools were made by using copper, bronze, and iron. Therefore, art and craft made considerable advancement.
6. Chaturvarna and Chaturashrama:
In this age, society came to be divided into four classes on the basis of profession, which is known as Chaturvarna. Again, an individual had to go through four stages in life and this was called Chaturashrama.
Question 5. Give a brief description of the economy of the Vedic period.
A brief description of the economy of the Vedic period:
From the Vedas, we come to know about the economy of the Vedic period.
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1. Agriculture:
There is not much reference of agriculture in the Rigvedic period. Barley was the principal crop. In the Later Vedic period, the importance of agriculture increased.
Besides barley, wheat, and paddy were also cultivated. In the Early Vedic period implements made of copper were used for cultivation. In the Later Vedic period, copper or wood plough was in use.
2. Crafts:
The main crafts and industries of this period were weaving, knitting, making boats and chariots, metallurgy, pottery, leather, and making gold ornaments. Division of labor among the workers increased in the Later Vedic period.
3. Occupation:
We also come to know about different occupations like mason, fisherman, and doctor.
WBBSE Class 6 History Question Answer
4. Animal rearing:
The animals which were domesticated during this period were cows, horses, sheep, and ox.
5. Trade and Commerce:
In the Early Vedic period trade and commerce was not developed. In the Later Vedic period trade and commerce improved.
6. Minting:
Apart from the barter system some metallic coins like Nishka, and Shataman began to be circulated.
Question 6. Describe the ‘Chaturashrama’ of the Later Vedic period.
The ‘Chaturashrama’ of the Later Vedic period:
The Vedic Aryans had divided their life into four stages or ashramas. These are collectively known as Chaturashrama.
The four ashramas in order are
1. Brahmacharya:
It was the stage of residing and studying in the teacher’s house.
2. Garhasthya:
This refers to the stage when a person, after completing his education, entered married life.
Common Questions About Education in Vedic Times
3. Vanaprastha:
At this stage, the retired person withdrawing from regular life lives in a forest hut. He lead a solitary life and concentrated in God.
4. Sanyas:
This was the last stage when an old man renounced his family and became a pilgrim. The Sudras did not have the right to lead this kind of life.
Question 7. What was the position of women in Vedic society?
The position of women in Vedic society:
Early Vedic Period:
During the Early Vedic period women were held in honor. Girls were given education. Sometimes women used to participate in the meetings of the Samiti. Women also took part in wars.
Child marriage was unknown. There is no mention of child marriage in Rigveda. The custom of ‘satidaha’ was unknown. Women were allowed to participate in sacrifice or yajnas.
Later Vedic Period:
However, during the Later Vedic period, the condition of women deteriorated. The birth of a daughter was not welcomed in the family. Child marriage started. Women rarely participated in war or samiti.
Question 8. Describe the social life of the people during the Rigvedic (Early Vedic) period.
The social life of the people during the Rigvedic (Early Vedic) period:
From the Vedic literature we come to know about the social life of the people in the Rigvedic period.
Important Definitions Related to Vedic Culture
1. Family:
The family was the smallest unit of society. The eldest male member of the family was the head (pradhan) of the family. The Vedic society was patriarchal.
2. Social distinction:
Though there was social differentiation but that was not much based on caste distinction or vanaprastha.
3. Condition of women:
During the Early Vedic period women were held in honor. Girls were given education. There is no reference of child marriage in Rigveda. The custom of ‘satidaha’ was unknown. Sometimes women used to participate in the meetings of the Samiti.
4. Food habits:
The main food crop of the Early Vedic period was barley. The meat was a common food of the people.
5. Amusements:
Dice playing, horse racing, and watching chariot races were important amusements of the people.
Question 9. Describe the social life of the people during the Later Vedic period.
The social life of the people during the Later Vedic period:
Vedic literature is an important source of information about the social life of the people during the Later Vedic period.
1. Chaturvarna:
The Aryan society was divided into four varnas or castes- Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Sudras. They were divided on the basis of qualification and occupation.
WBBSE Class 6 History Question Answer
2. Chaturashrama:
The life of the people in the Later Vedic period was divided into four stages. These stages were Brahmacharya, Garhasthya, Vanaprastha and Sanyas.
3. Occupation:
The Brahmins performed worship, rituals, sacrifices, reading of Vedas, etc. The Kshatriyas fought battles, the Vaishyas carried on trade and commerce, agriculture, crafts, etc. The Sudras served the other three classes.
4. Condition of women:
During the Later Vedic period, the condition of women deteriorated. The birth of a girl child was not welcomed in a family. Child marriage started. Women rarely participated in war or samiti.
5. Food habits:
Rice was the staple food along with wheat and barley. The meat was a common food of the people.
Question 10. Describe the religious life of the people during the Vedic period.
The religious life of the people during the Vedic period:
Vedic literature is an important source of information about the religious life of the people in the Vedic period.
1. Idol worship:
In the Vedic period, idol worship was not practiced. But in this period gods and goddesses were imagined in human form. There is no reference of any temple in the Vedic literature.
2. Deities worshipped:
Among the Rigvedic Gods worshipped by the people, Indra, Varun, Agni, Surya, Mitra, Soma, Ashwinidway, etc. are worthy of mention.
Goddesses like Usha, Saraswati, Aditi, Prithivi, etc. are worthy of mention. The god of war and rain Indra was the main god in the Rigvedic period. Gayatri mantra was composed which was dedicated to the Surya god Sabitri.
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3. Yajna:
Yajnas or sacrifices became much more prominent than prayers. Cow, horse, and other animals were sacrificed. Animals, gold, and land were donated in yajnas. Religion in the Later Vedic period became more complex than in the Rigvedic period.
Question 11. Describe the four varnas that existed in the Vedic society.
The four varnas that existed in the Vedic society:
The Aryan society was divided into four varnas or castes Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Sudras. They were divided on the basis of qualification and occupation.
1. Brahmanas:
The Brahmanas performed worship, rituals, and sacrifices and imparted education.
2. Kshatriyas:
Kshatriyas were responsible for conducting wars, looting treasures, etc.
3. Vaishyas:
The Vaishyas were engaged in agriculture, animal rearing, trade and commerce, crafts, etc.
4. Sudras:
The Sudras served the other three classes.
Question 12. Give an idea about the Vedic system of education.
An idea about the Vedic system of education:
In the Vedic Age a lot of emphases was placed on education.
1. Guru:
The guru or the teacher played the most important role in education. He imparted education orally. The students used to listen attentively and recite after him and memorize things.
2. Upanayana :
Upanayana means the sacred thread ceremony by which a child was initiated into studentship after proving his ability.
3. Gurukul:
In this system, the students resided with the Guru and received an education. They had to do other duties for the Guru who looked after their food and accommodation.
4. Subjects taught:
The students were taught Vedas, mathematics, grammar, language, medicine, and the art of weaponry. Girls were also taught music and dance.
Examples of Political Systems in Ancient India
5. Convocation:
After a period of twelve years, the students were recognized as graduates or ‘sneak’. They took a special bath (scan) and made thanks offering or gurudakshina to the teacher according to their capacities.
Question 13. What do you know about the cultivation of science in the Vedic period?
Science was cultivated in the Vedic period.
- Mathematics was treated as an integral part of Vedic education.
- Knowledge of geometry was necessary to build sacrificial altars which were made with burnt bricks. These altars were made by masons and architects.
- Different tools were required to build the altars. So carpentry developed.
- Proper knowledge of heavenly bodies, days, and seasons was required to perform sacrifices. This gave rise to the knowledge of astronomy.
- Medical science also developed greatly. The Atharvaveda contains many medical theories and formulae.
Question 14. Write a short note on the teacher (guru) in the Vedic period.
Vedic period:
The Vedic literature gives us information about the Vedic system of education and the Vedic guru (teacher).
1. Pillar of the education system:
From the Vedic literature, it is known that the teacher (guru) was the main pillar of the education system.
2. Teacher-student relation:
A student had to apply to the teacher for the studentship. If the teacher found him suitable, then the teacher would agree to accept him as a student.
3. Education imparted orally:
Education was imparted orally by the teacher. The sections of Veda were recited by the teacher and the students listened to it attentively, memorized it, and recited it from memory.
4. Other duties of the teacher:
The duty of the teacher was also to look after the food and accommodation of the students.
Question 15. Write a note on Megalith.
Megalith is a tomb or memorial of big stones. In ancient India, big stones were used by many local communities for tombs of their respected family members.
WBBSE Class 6 History Chapter 4 Questions And Answers
1. Variations:
Some variations can be seen which were marked by big stones. Somewhere the stones stood upright, sometimes they were arranged in a circle and sometimes one big stone covered the small ones.
In some places, megaliths were found in caves which were carved out of mountains.
2. Articles recovered:
Human skeletons and articles of daily use have been recovered from these tombs. Black or red earthenware utensils, stone and terracotta objects, iron goods, gold, silver, and copper have also been discovered along with the bones of animals.
The difference in the used goods shows the distinction between rich and poor classes.
3. Centres of megalith:
Some important centers of the megalith in India are Burzahom in Kashmir, Bharatpur in Rajasthan, and Inamgaon in Maharashtra. But megaliths are mostly seen in the Southern part of India.
WBBSE Chapter 4 Topic B Politics Economy Society And Education In Vedic Civilisation And Other Societies Contemporary To The Vedic Age Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. Give a brief description of the War of Ten Kings.
War of Ten Kings:
In Rigveda, there are references of many wars. The most familiar of these wars is the War of Ten Kings.
1. Contestants in the war:
In the War of Ten Kings on one side was Sudasa, the king of the Bharat clan. On the other side was the alliance of ten other king of different clans.
2. Causes of the war:
Sudasa had destroyed a river dam. It is said that he did it to keep control over the river water.
History Class 6 Chapter 4 WBBSE
3. Result of the war:
Sudasa defeated the alliance of ten kings and won the battle.
Question 2. What do you mean by sabha and samiti?
Sabha and samiti:
Sabha and samiti were two organizations of the Aryans.
- Sabha: Sabha was the community of the elders.
- Samiti: Samiti was the general assembly of all the members of the community. The samiti had the right to discuss different aspects of politics. In the Early Vedic period women could participate in the proceedings of the samiti. But in the Later Vedic period, women were rarely found participating in samiti.
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Question 3. “There is a particular legend in the Later Vedic literature about how one became a king. In the war between the gods and the demons (Asura), each time the gods used to face defeat. Once feeling very concerned the gods sat down to discuss possible routes to victory. It was realized that due to the absence of a king, they were faring so badly. The gods began a search for their king. Everyone consented to appoint their greatest warrior Indra their king. Indra was good looking too. Therefore everyone accepted him as the king. Henceforth the gods began to win battles under the leadership of Indra.”-On reading the story above, comment why the gods had felt the need of a king.
For proper administration of the empire or to fight in the battlefield against the enemy, leadership of a person is necessary. In the above story, the Gods were repeatedly defeated by the demons due to the absence of the king’s leadership.
Indra, the great warrior, was accepted as the king by all the gods. Under the leadership of Indra, the gods began to win battles against the demons.
Question 4. What do you know about the taxation system of the Vedic Age?
The taxation system of the Vedic Age:
At first the king had no right on the land. However, he took some revenue from his subjects to fulfill their economic needs. However, during the Rigvedic period, taxes could not be taken forcefully.
The people willingly paid such taxes to ensure their own safety. This tax was called ‘bali’. However, in the Later Vedic period taxation became compulsory and taxes were forcibly collected from the defeated party in the war.
Question 5. Why are the Vedas called ‘Shruti’?
Another name of Vedas is ‘Shruti’. Shruti means that which is heard from a guru or from god. As there were no scripts during the Vedic period, Vedic literature was essential to be memorized.
History Class 6 Chapter 4 WBBSE
The tenets of Rigveda were recited by the guru to one student, the others would listen to it, memorize it and then recite it from memory. In this way, the Vedas were handed down by verbal transmission.
Question 6. Write the story of Satyakam.
Satyakam was a boy who had a strong will to study. So he left his home and went to the ashram of sage Gautama. Gautama asked Satyakam his gotra. Styakam asked his mother Jabala about his gotra.
His mother said she does not know about her gotra. She asked Satyakam to tell the sage that his name is Satyakam Jabal. Since Satyakam kept his mother’s words and told the truth to Gautama, Gautama for his honesty, accepted Satyakam as a student.
Question 7. Give an account of other societies contemporary to the Vedic Age.
An account of other societies contemporary to the Vedic Age:
Vedic civilization did not spread over the whole of the Indian subcontinent. It spread around the Indus and Ganga Doab regions.
In the east, northeast, and southern parts of the subcontinent, no traces of Vedic civilization have been found and archaeologists have found evidence of other forms of culture there. People there used stone and copper weapons, and black and red earthenwares.
Mud houses have been found. The society was a rural agricultural society. People used to bury their dead. In Mahishadal of West Bengal and Inamgaon of Maharashtra such cultures have been found.
Question 8. What are the archaeological findings at Inamgaon?
The archaeological findings at Inamgaon:
Inamgaon was situated on the Bheema valley in the Pune district of Maharashtra. About 134 rectangular rooms and a 420 m long and 6 m wide irrigation canal have been discovered there. A burial site and burial remains of a two-year-old girl wearing a necklace have been also found there.
Again, a tomb of a community leader has been found. Vessels for storing grains, fire pits, black and red earthenware, painted pottery, two idols, and iron objects have also been discovered in Inamgaon.
Question 9. What were the different ways of becoming a king in ancient times?
In ancient times one could become a king after gaining control over a particular region. The successor of the existing king could also become the king. Again, one could become a king after winning a war. Sometimes the king was selected by the community members.
Question 10. Who were known as Ratnin?
The Ratnins were officials who assisted the king in his administrative work. From these officials, the concept of the minister has come in the later days.
Question 11. What is meant by ‘Gotra’?
‘Gotra’ initially implied a cattle shed. Afterward, it came to mean successors of a common forefather. The members of the same family shared the same gotra. It played an important part in strengthening caste divisions.
Question 12. What was the occupation of the people in the Vedic period?
In the Vedic period the main occupation of the people was animal husbandry. In the Later Vedic period, people also started agriculture.
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Question 13. What was the condition of the sudras in the Later Vedic society?
In the Later Vedic society the condition of the Sudras deteriorated. The varna system affected them badly. They did not enjoy any advantage in society.
Question 14. Name some sacrifices (yajna) organized by the king of the Vedic period. Why were the sacrifices organized?
The kings of the Vedic period organized sacrifices (Yajna) like Ashwamedha yajna, Rajasuya yajna, Vajpeya yajna, etc. The Yajnas were performed before leaving for war or after returning victorious from battle.
Question 15. What is Bali?
In the Rigveda, it is mentioned that Bali was a kind of revenue paid by the subjects to the ruler. The subjects voluntarily paid this tax to the ruler to ensure their safety.
Question 16. What currency was used in the Vedic Period?
Nishka and Shataman were perhaps used as currency. Though there was the exchange of goods these were perhaps also used as currency.
Question 17. Who was the head of the education system in the Vedic age? How did he impart education?
The head of the education system in the Vedic age was Guru (teacher).
The doctrines of the Rigeda were recited by the Guru. Students used to listen and memorize these doctrines and then recite these from memory.
Question 18. What was the relation between education and the sacred thread ceremony (upanayan) in the Later Vedic Age?
Education and the sacred thread ceremony (Upanayan) of a student was closely related. A student used to apply to the teacher for the studentship.
If the teacher found him suitable, then the teacher would agree to accept him as a student. Then for the initiation into studentship sacred thread ceremony (upanayan) was observed.
History Class 6 Chapter 4 WBBSE
Question 19. What formed an integral part of Vedic education?
The study of chhanda or rhyme and vyakaran or grammar formed an integral part of Vedic education to earn the ability to recite the Vedic hymns flawlessly.
Question 20. What do you mean by ‘bhikshuni’?
In the Rigveda, there is a section called ‘bhikshuni’ where it is said that when one frog croaks, the rest of the frogs begin to imitate it and croak.
Question 21. Who were called ‘sneak’?
In the Vedic system of education, after the completion of studies for 12 years, students were recognized as graduates or ‘sneak’ in the convocation ceremony. At the end of the education period, there was the custom of taking a special bath (snan). From this the word ‘sneak’ has been derived.
Question 22. Whose disciple was Satyakam? Who was Satyakam’s mother?
- Satyakam was the disciple of Gautama.
- Satyakam’s mother was Jabala.
Question 23. What weapons were used by the people in the settlements other than the Indus and Ganga Doab regions contemporary to the Vedic period?
Vedic settlements were mainly based in the Indus and Ganga Doab regions. In the contemporary period in other regions of the Indian subcontinent stone and copper, weapons were used by the people.
Question 24. What were the articles found from the Megalith sites?
From the Megalith sites human skeletons, articles of daily use, gold, silver, and copperware, black and red earthenware utensils, objects made of stone and terracotta, iron goods, etc., have been found.
Fish bones, bones of horses, and other animals have also been found by archaeologists.
WBBSE Chapter 4 Topic B Politics Economy Society And Education In Vedic Civilisation And Other Societies Contemporary To The Vedic Age Very Short Answer Type
Question 1. In the War of Ten Kings who was the king of the Bharat clan?
Answer: In the War of Ten Kings Sudasa was the king of the Bharat clan.
Question 2. In the Rigveda what do the terms Jan, gan, and 12? In which assembly do women in the Early Vedic Age bish, etc. imply?
Answer: In Rigveda, the terms Jan, gan, bish, etc. imply a community of people larger than a village.
Question 3. What is Bidath?
Answer: Bidath is the name of an organization mentioned in Rigveda.
Question 4. According to Rigveda if Bhupati is the owner of the land then who is called Narapati?
Answer: According to Rigveda, if Bhupati is the owner of the land, then Narapati is the one who protects the people.
Question 5. In the Vedic period who was the master of the earth?
Answer: In the Vedic period the master of the earth was known as Mahipati.
Question 6. What was the tax mentioned in the Rigveda which was paid voluntarily by the subjects to the king?
Answer: The tax mentioned in the Rigveda which was paid voluntarily by the subjects to the king was ‘Bali’.
Question 7. What were the major crops in the Later Vedic period?
Answer: The major crops in the Later Vedic period were barley, wheat, and paddy.
Question 8. When did the Aryans first start the use of iron?
Answer: The Aryans first started the use of iron in the Later Vedic period.
Question 9. What currency was used for the transaction of goods in the Vedic period?
Answer: In the Vedic period Mishka, shaman, etc. were used as currency for the transaction of goods.
Question 10. What were the four varnas in the Later Vedic society?
Answer: The four varnas in the Later Vedic society were Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Sudras.
Question 11. Which varna was proclaimed to be the Bharat clan? greatest of the four varnas?
Answer: The Brahmanas were proclaimed to be the greatest of the four varnas.
Question 12. In Which assembly women in Early Vedic Age could participate?
Answer: In the Early Vedic Age women could participate in the assembly called ‘samiti’.
Question 13. In which period women were allowed to participate in sacrifice or yajnas?
Answer: In the Early Vedic period women were allowed to participate in sacrifice or yajnas.
Question 14. Which game was very popular in Vedic society?
Answer: The game of dice was very popular in Vedic Age.
Question 15. Which game was played in the sabha and samiti?
Answer: The game of dice was played in the sabha and samiti.
Question 16. What were the stages of life in the Later Vedic period called?
Answer: The four stages of life in the Later Vedic period was called ‘chaturashrama’.
Question 17. What do you mean by Brahmacharya?
Answer: In the first stage of life, i.e., Brahmacharya, Aryans was supposed to reside in the guru’s house and engage himself in studies imparted by the guru.
Question 18. What do you mean by Garhasthya?
Answer: Having completed his education at the Gurukul, an Aryan entered the next phase, i.e. the Garhasthya stage of life when he was required to lead a married life.
Question 19. What was the third stage of Chaturashrama?
Answer: The third stage of Chaturashrama was Vanaprastha.
Question 20. Among the Rigvedic gods who are worthy of mention?
Answer: Among the Rigvedic gods Varun, Indra, Mitra, Agni, Soma, Surya, Ashwinidway, etc., are worthy of mention.
Question 21. Who were the significant goddesses of the Rigvedic period?
Answer: The significant goddesses of the Rigvedic period were Usha, Saraswati, Aditi, Prithivi, etc.
Question 22. In the Later Vedic age which two gods came Into prominence?
Answer: In the Later Vedic age two Gods, Rudra and Vishnu came into prominence.
Question 23. In the Rigvedic period who was the god of war and rain?
Answer: In the Rigvedic period Indra was the god of war and rain.
Question 24. Mention the names of three famous students of Ayoddhoumya.
Answer: Three famous students of Ayoddhoumya were Veda, Upamanyu, and Aruni.
Question 25. Generally, for how many years a student had to reside in the residence of the guru?
Answer: Generally for 12 years a student had to reside in the residence of the guru.
Question 26. What was the convocation ceremony after the completion of my studies?
Answer: After the completion of studies for 12 years there used to be a convocation ceremony where the students were recognized as graduates or ‘snatak’.
Question 27. Who was the king of the Bheels?
Answer: Hiranyadhanu was the king of the Bheels.
Question 28. Who was Ekalavya?
Answer: Ekalavya, the son of Hiranyadhanu, the king of Bheels, was an archer inspired by the ideals of Dronacharya.
Question 29. Where do we find Ekalavya’s tale?
Answer: Ekalavya’s tale is found in the Mahabharata.
Question 30. What is Gurudakshina?
Answer: In the Vedic system of education a student, after becoming a ‘sneak’, before leaving the house of the teacher or guru offered ‘gurudakshina’ according to their individual abilities. This offering to teachers also involved gifting of cows.
Question 31. In which part of the Indian subcontinent Rigvedic period? there was no Vedic civilization?
Answer: There was no Vedic civilization in the east, northeast or southern part of the Indian subcontinent.
Question 32. Mention one famous Megalith center of India.
Answer: One famous Megalith center of India is Bharatpur in Rajasthan.
Question 33. Why is Inamgaon famous?
Answer: Inamgaon in the Pune district of Maharashtra is famous as a Megalithic site.
Question 34. Where in India the custom of building Megaliths is still prevalent?
Answer: The custom of building megaliths is still prevalent among the Mundas of Chotanagpur and Khasis of Assam.
Question 35. Where are Megalith burial sites found in West Bengal?
Answer: Megalith burial sites are found in Bankura, Hooghly, and Purulia of West Bengal.
WBBSE Chapter 4 Topic B Politics Economy Society And Education In Vedic Civilisation And Other Societies Contemporary To The Vedic Age Fill In The Blanks
Question 1. The tale of the Battle of Ten Kings is present in the ________ (Rig/Sam/Yajur) Veda.
Answer: Rig
Question 2. Terms like Jan, gan, bish, etc., have been liberally used in the _______ (Atharva Veda/ Rigveda/Yajurveda).
Answer: Rigveda
Question 3. _______ was the head of a bish or community (Bishpati/Gopati/Narapati).
Answer: Bishpati
Question 4. People who assisted the ruler in the administration was known as ________ (Nripati/Ratnin/Raja).
Answer: Ratnin
Question 5. All members of the community possibly formed the _______ (samiti/sabha/gram).
Answer: Samiti
Question 6. The ______ (Brahmanas/Sudras/Kshatriyas) were responsible for conducting wars, looting treasures, etc.
Answer: Kshatriyas
Question 7. There is no mention of ______ (copper/iron/stone) in Rigveda.
Answer: Iron
Question 8. _______ varnas find mention in the Later Vedic age (Four/Five/Three).
Answer: Four
History Class 6 Chapter 4 WBBSE
Question 9. Another name of the Veda is ________ (shruti/bhekstuti/upanayan).
Answer: Shruti
Question 10. ________ (Archery/Mathematics/Astronomy) was an integral part of the Vedic education system.
Answer: Mathematics
Question 11. ________ (Guru/Mahipati/Praja) was the main pillar of the education system.
Answer: Guru
Question 12. Gayatri mantra was composed for dedication to the Surya god ________(Aditi/Sabitri/Usha).
Answer: Sabitri
Question 13. Vedic literature is mainly ________ literature (social/political/religious).
Answer: Religious
Question 14. ________ (Nishka/Dam/Pupaya) was used as currency in the Vedic period.
Answer: Nishka
Question 15. ________ (Nagda/Ahar/Burza hom) is a famous Megalithic site.
Answer: Burza hom
WBBSE Chapter 4 Topic B Politics Economy Society And Education In Vedic Civilisation And Other Societies Contemporary To The Vedic Age True Or False
Question 1. In the Ramayana, we find the tales of battles fought by ten kings.
Answer: False
Question 2. The words ‘Jan’, ‘Gan’, and ‘Bish’ are found in Rigveda frequently.
Answer: True
Question 3. The king was called ‘Bishpati’ or the chief of the ‘Bish’ or community.
Answer: True
Question 4. The savior of the people was called ‘Nripati’ or ‘Narapati’.
Answer: True
Question 5. Cattle was the main resource of Early Vedic society.
Answer: True
Question 6. Millets were the main crops grown in the early Vedic Age.
Answer: False
Question 7. Early Vedic society was patriarchal.
Answer: True
Question 8. ‘Gotra’ was the place for keeping cattle.
Answer: True
History Class 6 Chapter 4 WBBSE
Question 9. ‘Indra’ and ‘Shiva’ became the main deities in the Later Vedic period.
Answer: False
Question 10. We come to know about Dronacharya, Kripa, and Parashurama from the Mahabharata.
Answer: True
Question 11. Idol worship was prevalent in the Vedic Age.
Answer: False
Question 12. Indra was the god of war and rain.
Answer: True
Question 13. There is no reference of the custom of satidaha in Rigveda.
Answer: True
Question 14. Upanayan ceremony of girls was observed in the Later Vedic period.
Answer: True