WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 4 Ancient History Of The Indian Subcontinent Topic A Indo European Language Family Vedic Civilisation And Vedic Literature

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 4 Ancient History Of The Indian Subcontinent Topic A Indo European Language Family Vedic Civilisation And Vedic Literature Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Write a note on Vedic Literature.

Vedic Literature:

The word Veda is known to have originated from the Sanskrit word ‘Vid’ which means knowledge.

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Vedic Literature – What Is Vedic Literature Class 6

1. Four parts of the Vedic Literature:

Vedic literature is divided into four parts

  1. Samhita
  2. Brahmana
  3. Aranyaka and
  4. Upanishad.

2. Samhita:

Samhitas are rhymed verses. Sanhitas are of four kinds-Rig, Sam, Yajur, and Atharva.

3. Rigveda:

The Rigveda is the oldest Veda.

4. Other three Vedas:

The other three Vedas- Sam, Yajur, and Atharva were composed after the Rigveda.

5. Two divisions of Vedic literature:

Vedic literature has two divisions

  1. Early Vedic literature and
  2. Later Vedic literature.

6. The Vedangas:

The Vedangas were created to explain the meaning of Vedic literature.

7. Period of composition:

The Vedic literature was composed approximately between 1500 BC and 600 BC.

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Question 2. In the Vedic literature, there is much discussion about geography-explain.

From the Vedic literature we come to know about the geography of the Vedic period.

1. Mountain:

The Rigveda mentions the Himalayas and Mujbanta Peak of Kashmir. But there is no reference of the Vindhya mountain here.

2. Rivers:

The Rigveda mentions about the river Indus. The name of river Saraswati is also mentioned there. But Rigvedic people were not well acquainted with Ganga and Yamuna valleys. In the later part of Rigveda, we find the names of the rivers Ganga and Yamuna.

3. Extension of Vedic civilization:

From the geography mentioned in Rigveda, the early expansion of Vedic civilization can be traced. Modern-day Afghanistan and North- West Frontier of Pakistan were known to the people of the Early Vedic Age.

From the Later Vedic literature, it is known that the Aryan settlements shifted from Punjab to Haryana in the east. So it seems that the eastern frontier of Vedic civilization was Mithila in Bihar.

Common Questions About Vedic Texts

4. Original home of the early Vedic people:

Studying the geography mentioned in the Rigveda, we come to know that the land surrounded by the river Indus and its tributaries is known as ‘Saptasindhu’. It was the land where Early Vedic people lived.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 4 Ancient History Of The Indian Subcontinent Topic A Indo European Language Family Vedic Civilisation And Vedic Literature

Question 3. What are the archaeological sources for the study of the Vedic period?

The archaeological sources for the study of the Vedic period:

Archaeology is an important source for the study of the Vedic period.

Archaeological sources for the study of the Vedic period

1. Remains of villages:

After the decline of Vedic civilization, remains of ancient villages have been found which prove that the Vedic civilization was a rural civilization.

2. Painted Grey Ware pottery:

In the Later Vedic Age grey colored earthen pots, where pictures are drawn known as Painted Grey Ware pottery (PGW) have been found in Bhagavanpura of Haryana. These are important sources for the study of the Vedic period.

3. Iron:

There are evidence to prove that iron was in use in places like Atranjikhera, Hastinapur, Ahichhatra, Noh, etc.

4. Other sources:

Different kinds of earthen pots, hooks, blades, bows and arrows, copper and bronze jewelry, rings, nails, blades of spears, knives, figurines of man and animals made of clay, and horse-drawn chariots have been found which help the archaeologists to reconstruct the history of the Vedic period.

Question 4. Write a note on epics.


Epic is a part of Later Vedic literature.

  1. Meaning: Epic means grand and long verse or poem.
  2. Theme: Epics were composed on special events centering on a God or ruler belonging to a distinguished royal family. They provide detailed accounts of society, politics, war, festivals, geography, stars and planets, and the administration of cities and villages.
  3. Sarga: Epics were divided into seven or eight parts or saga.
  4. Title: The title was derived from the name of the composer of the epic or the principal character or the main incident which the epic describes.
  5. Popular epics: The two popular Indian epics are the Ramayana and the Mahabharata.

Practice Questions on Vedic Society and Culture

WBBSE Chapter 4 Topic A Indo-European Language Family Vedic Civilisation And Vedic Literature Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Give a brief idea of the Indo-European language family.

The Indo-European language family

The Indo-European language family can be regarded as the root of many languages of Europe and the Indian subcontinent. This is because there are similarities in the meaning and pronunciation of words belonging to different European and Indian languages.

Indian languages owe their origin to Indo- Iranian which is a member of the Indo-European language family.

Question 2. Where did the Aryans first settle in India? How do you know?

The Aryans first settle in India:

The area where the Aryans first settled in India was known as Saptasindhu. This region lay in the valley of the Indus and its tributaries.

The Rigveda mentions about the rivers Indus and Saraswati (no more traceable) as well as the Himalayas (Himbat) and Mujbanta Peak of Kashmir. We come to know from Later Vedic literature that the Aryans shifted to Ganga- Yamuna Doab later on.

Question 3. In the Later Vedic literature, geographical descriptions changed gradually. Explain the statement.
Answer: In the Later Vedic literature there is much more mention of the Ganga-Yamuna Doab. From this it is understood that the Aryans had shifted their settlement from Punjab to Haryana in the east.

The eastern frontier of this civilization in the Later Vedic period was Mithila in North Bihar. From this it seems that geographical descriptions changed gradually in the Later Vedic literature.

Question 4. What do you know about Painted Grey Ware pottery (PGW)?

Painted Grey Ware pottery (PGW):

Painted Grey Ware pottery refers to the earthen pots made in the Later Vedic Age. They were grey in color and pictures were also drawn on them. Many such pots have been found in Bhagavanpura of Haryana.

It is believed that they belonged to a period between 1600 BC and 1000 BC when iron was not known. Some traces of earthen wares have also been found at Atranjikhera, Hastinapur, Ahichhatra, and Noh.

Question 5. ‘Roaming’ and ‘Rama’-What is the similarity between these two words?

Roaming and Rama:

The English word ‘roaming’ means to wander. And in Sanskrit one of the meanings of ‘Rama’ is ‘one who wanders’. So there is some similarity in pronunciation and meaning between the English word ‘roaming’ and the Sanskrit term ‘Rama’.

Question 6. What do you mean by Indo-Aryan language group?

Indo-Aryan language group:

Due to some reasons, there are differences between the Indo-Iranian language group. So a branch of the Indo-Iranian language group crossed the northwest frontiers and reached the Indian subcontinent. This language group is known as the Indo-Aryan language group.

WBBSE Chapter 4 Topic A Indo-European Language Family Vedic Civilisation And Vedic Literature Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. What is the task of a history investigator?
Answer: The task of a history investigator is to investigate where history is embedded, to what degree it is embedded, and in which way it is embedded.

Question 2. Influence of which language is noticeable in Rigveda and Zend-Avesta?
Answer: The influence of the Indo-Iranian language is noticeable in the Rigveda and Zend- Avesta.

Question 3. Which is the oldest literature of the Indo-Aryan language?
Answer: Rigveda is the oldest literature of Indo- the Aryan language.

Question 4. Where did the people who spoke Indo- European languages live?
Answer: The people who spoke Indo-European languages lived in the grassland of Central Asia.

Class 6 WBBSE History Question Answer

Question 5. What are the two epics of India?
Answer: The two epics of India are the Ramayana and the Mahabharata.

Question 6. From which Sanskrit word has the word ‘Veda’ come?
Answer: The word ‘Veda’ has come from the Sanskrit word ‘Vid’.

Question 7. What are the two divisions of Vedic literature?
Answer: The two divisions of Vedic literature are

  1. Early Vedic literature and
  2. Later Vedic Literature.

Question 8. What is the only source for knowing the history of the Early Vedic Age?
Answer: The only source for knowing the history of the early Vedic Age is the Rigveda.

Question 9. What do we come to know from Aranyaka?
Answer: Aranyaka was composed by those who used to live in forests (Aranya). It explains the philosophy behind ritual sacrifice and other related issues.

Question 10. What is Upanishad?
Answer: Upanishad deals with spiritual matters. It explains different theories, thoughts, and concepts of the Vedas.

Question 11. How many Vedangas are there?
Answer: The Vedangas are six in number.

Question 12. What is Atharvaveda?
Answer: Atharvaveda is a compilation of prayer, hymns, and charms on magic.

Question 13. What are the two divisions of the Vedic Age?
Answer: The two divisions of the Vedic Age are

  1. Early Vedic Age and
  2. Later Vedic Age.

Question 14. What is the time period of the Early Vedic Age?
Answer: The time period of the Early Vedic Age is between 1500 BC and 1000 BC.

Question 15. What is the time period of the Later Vedic Age?
Answer: The time period of the Later Vedic Age is from 1000 BC and 600 BC.

Conceptual Questions on Indo-European Languages

Question 16. Which mountain peak is mentioned in Rigveda?
Answer: The mountain peak Mujbanta of Kashmir is mentioned in the Rigveda.

Question 17. Which mountain range is not mentioned in Rigveda?
Answer: The Vindhya mountain range is not mentioned in the Rigveda.

Question 18. Where did the Aryans first settle?
Answer: The Aryans first settled in the ‘Saptasindhu’ region.

Question 19. What was the nature of Vedic civilization?
Answer: The Vedic civilization was rural in nature.

Question 20. What was the period when Painted Grey Ware pottery was used?
Answer: Painted Grey Ware pottery was used during the period 1600 BC to 1000 BC.

Question 21. What is PGW? of Early Vedic Age is the Rigveda.
Answer: PGW means ‘Painted Grey Ware pottery’. These were earthen pots which were grey in colour with pictures drawn on them. These were found in the Later Vedic Age.

Question 3. In which two literary works do we find the influence of the Indo-Iranian language?

The two literary works in which we find the influence of the Indo-Iranian language are Rigveda and Zend-Avesta.

Question 4. What are the dissimilarities in the language and descriptions of Rigveda and Zend-Avesta?
Answer: In spite of many similarities, there are dissimilarities in the language and descriptions of Rigveda and Zend-Avesta. For example, ‘Deva’ mentioned in Rigveda are respected and honored persons.

But in Zend-Avesta ‘Dweb’ (Deva) means persons of disgrace and hatred. Again ‘Ahur’ was the greatest God in Avesta. But in Rigveda, ‘Asur’ was known to be bad.

Question 5. Into how many parts of Vedic literature can be divided?

Vedic literature can be divided into four parts-Samhita, Brahmana, Aranyaka, and Upanishad. Again, the Samhita is divided into four divisions-Rig, Sam, Yajur, and Atharva.

Question 6. What is Later Vedic literature?

Later Vedic literature:

The Rigveda is the oldest of all the Vedic Samhitas. The three other Samhitas-Sam, Yajur, Atharva, and other Vedic literature were composed after the Rigveda. Therefore, they qualify as Later Vedic literature.

Examples of Key Texts in Vedic Literature

Question 7. Why were Vedangas composed?

Vedangas composed:

Vedangas were composed to explain the meaning of Vedic literature. In the Vedangas, there are discussions on pronunciation, the notion of geometry, the position of stars, and different types of laws. There are six Vedangas.

Question 8. What is ‘Saptasindhu’?


From the study of geography mentioned in the Rigveda we come to know that the land surrounded by the river Indus and its tributaries is known as ‘Saptasindhu’. This was the land of seven rivers where Early Vedic people lived

WBBSE Chapter 4 Topic A Indo-European Language Family Vedic Civilisation And Vedic Literature Fill In The Blanks

Question 1. Historians estimate that the Indo-Aryans had entered India through the ________ (north-western/north-eastern/south-western) side.
Answer: North-western

Question 2. The word ‘Vid’ means _______ (knowledge /intelligence/merit).
Answer: Knowledge

Question 3. The ________ (Rig/ Sam/ Yajur) Veda is written partly in prose and partly in verse.
Answer: Yajur

Class 6 WBBSE History Question Answer

Question 4. The word __________ (Brahmana / Aranyaka/ Samhita) means ‘to compile’.
Answer: Samhita

Question 5. (Rig/Sam/Atharva) is a compilation _________ (Rig/Sam/Atharva) is a compilation of magical formulas or hymns.
Answer: Atharva

Question 6. _______ (Sam/Yajur/Atharva) Veda contains lyrical verses which could be sung.
Answer: Sam

WBBSE Chapter 4 Topic A Indo-European Language Family Vedic Civilisation And Vedic Literature True Or False

Question 1. The term ‘Roaming’ means horse.
Answer: False

Question 2. The family of Indo-European languages is a language family.
Answer: True

Question 3. The influence of the Indo-Iranian language is visible in the Rigveda and Zend-Avesta.
Answer: True

Class 6 WBBSE History Question Answer

Question 4. Indra is the supreme god of Zend-Avesta.
Answer: False

Question 5. The oldest literature of the Indo-Aryan language is Rigveda.
Answer: True

Question 6. The word Veda comes from the word ‘Vid’.
Answer: True

Question 7. The only source of knowing the history of the Early Vedic age is the Gita.
Answer: False

Question 8. ‘Samhita’ means to compile.
Answer: True

Question 9. Atharvaveda is an anthology of magical formulas.
Answer: True

Question 10. The Brahmanas, a prose treatise, was composed to explain the Samhitas.
Answer: True

Question 11. The Vedic literature was composed between 1500 BC and 600 BC.
Answer: True

Question 12. The Vedic literature tells us about the use of copper and bronze.
Answer: True

Question 13. The area covered by the Indus and its eastern tributaries is called the Saptasindhu region.
Answer: True

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