WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 3 Ancient History Of The Indian Subcontinent Topic C Miscellaneous

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 3 Ancient History Of The Indian Subcontinent Topic C Miscellaneous Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. How do archaeological sources help us to reconstruct the history of Mehrgarh and Indus Valley civilisation?

There are no written records for writing the history of Mehrgarh and Indus Valley civilisation. To learn about Mehrgarh and Indus Valley civilisation one needs to rely only on archaeological evidence.

These include structures, works of art, seals, terracotta and metal sculpture, beads, statues and figurines of Gods and Goddesses, pottery, tools, weapons, stone images, etc.

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  1.  From the remains of the buildings of Mehrgarh and Indus Valley civilisations, we have come to know a lot about the economic, social and religious condition of the country.
  2. Sculptures have helped us a lot in forming an idea about the religious and cultural history of the Indian subcontinent.
  3. The seals used in connection with trade help us to know about the commercial relationship of Mehrgarh and Indus Valley civilisation with other regions.
  4. Many other minor objects like beads and pots have provided a definite outline for reconstructing the history of these two civilisations.

WBBSE Class 6 Miscellaneous Questions on Ancient History

Question 2. What are the different aspects of civilisation?

Civilisation refers to the developed and organised state of human society.

The different aspects of civilisation are as follows

1. Administrative structure:

A form of government is necessary to look into the needs of the people and protect them. It will also help to maintain discipline.

2. Script:

The use of script or alphabet is a hallmark of civilised society.

3. Art and architecture:

Art and architecture not only help to distinguish between societies but also serve as a yardstick of development.

4. Standard of life:

Civilisation is directly related to the improvement in the standard of human life, both urban and rural.

5. Community life and cooperation:

As the population grew the societies became more complex. Different groups of people began to perform different functions. However, each group has to depend on others to fulfil all its needs. Therefore, mutual dependence and cooperation characterise every civilisation.

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Question 3. Give a brief idea about the burial system of Mehrgarh.

Idea about the burial system of Mehrgarh:

Several graveyards have been found in the ruins of Mehrgarh. The dead bodies were wrapped in red shrouds and smeared with red colour and laid vertically or horizontally in the grave.

Things like shells, beads, gems, jewellery, axes and other articles of use were buried with the corpses. Many domesticated animals were also buried along with the people.

Question 4. What are the different aspects of civilisation?

Civilisation refers to the developed and organised state of human society.

The different aspects of civilisation are as follows

1. Administrative structure:

A form of government is necessary to look into the needs of the people and protect them. It will also help to maintain discipline.

WBBSE Class 6 History Chapter 3 Questions And Answers

2. Script:

The use of script or alphabet is a hallmark of civilised society.

3. Art and architecture:

Art and architecture not only help to distinguish between societies but also serve as a yardstick of development.

4. Standard of life:

Civilisation is directly related to the improvement in the standard of human life, both urban and rural.

5. Community life and cooperation:

As the population grew the societies became more complex. Different groups of people began to perform different functions. However, each group has to depend on others to fulfil all its needs.

Therefore, mutual dependence and cooperation characterise every civilisation.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 3 Ancient History Of The Indian Subcontinent Topic C Miscellaneous

Question 5. How was the life of the people and the town in the Harappan civilisation? Make a chart with suitable in images.

The lifestyle of Harappa:

The Harappans lived in cities like Lothal, Rangpur, Dholavira, Kotdiji, Sutkagen Dor, Chanhuduro, Kalibangan, Ropar and Banwali. Many of them lived in brick houses and their main occupation was agriculture.

The society consisted of aristocrats, rich merchants, priests, farmers, artisans and labourers. Both men and women wore ornaments. They worshipped the mother goddess and Pashupati.

Chart with pictures of the Harappan lifestyle:

  1. Harappan cities on a map
  2. Ruins of brick houses
  3. Ornaments of the Harappans
  4. Images of the mother goddess.
  5. Seal.

History Class 6 Chapter 3 WBBSE

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 3 Ancient History Of The Indian Subcontinent Topic C Miscellaneous Harappan Civilization Different cities

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 3 Ancient History Of The Indian Subcontinent Topic C Miscellaneous Mother Goddess

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 History Chapter 3 Topic C Miscellaneous

Question 6. Use clay, cardboard or thermocouple to make different archaeological specimens of the Harappan civilisation. How do these archaeological remains help us to know about the history of this civilisation?

Students can make different archaeological specimens (for example, seals, ornaments, statues, great baths, etc.) of the Harappan civilisation using clay, cardboard or thermocol.

Significance of the specimens:

The archaeo- logical specimens of Harappan civilisation give us information about the various aspects of this civilisation. The great bath of Mohenjodaro and the great granary of Harappa indicate a very advanced urban civilisation.

The Indus seals were used for trade and commerce. They used vessels made of copper, bronze and burnt clay. Weights were used for buying and selling commodities. The women wore ornaments made of metals and burnt clay. They probably worshipped Pashupati.

Question 7. How from using stone people gradually learnt the use of different kinds of metals?

In the Old Stone Age, Middle Stone Age and New Stone Age men used to make different kinds of stone tools and implements to hunt and to save themselves from wild animals.

In the New Stone Age, men began to use metal along with the stone. At this stage, men started to use metals like copper and bronze. However, it was not easy to extract copper from the ores. So stone tools were also in use.

So it is said that after the Age of Stone, the Age of Metal came. Copper was the first phase of the Metal Age. There are evidence to prove that copper was used by the people of Mehrgarh.

Later on use of metals like brass, bronze, gold and silver were also started. There are evidence to prove that the people of the Indus Valley used these metals.

Question 8. Why was there a provision of storing foodgrains in the Harappan civilisation? Do you find places where food grains/crops are stored in the present day?

In Harappan civilisation food grains were stored in granaries. There were two big granaries in Mohenjodaro and Harappa. Grains were preserved in the granaries in years of plenty against years of scarcity.

The surplus foodgrains were stored to meet any crisis like flood or drought. In the present day, food grains are stored with government agencies in cold storage rooms.

Question 9. The administrator alone does not carry out the work of administration. Many representatives, employees and others together carry out the work of administration. And in the administrative system if there is no proper representation of the people, then common people suffer. Do the people’s representatives in your locality play proper roles and carry out their responsibilities?  Yes, in my opinion, they play a proper role and carry out their responsibilities. What role do they play?

In my locality, people’s representatives adopt a number of programmes for the upliftment of society. He takes different steps to teach handicrafts to unemployed youths and free coaching for the girl students.

Besides these, he keeps a close watch on the cleanliness of the roads. On the basis of the above-mentioned questions in relation to the Harappan administrator, the learner will come to know about the role played by the people’s representative.

In this way, empathy and a sense of cooperation will develop in the minds of the learners.

Question 10. We have come to know about the administrator and administrative system of the Harappan civilisation. Do you know why an administrator or administrative system is necessary in a society or civilisation?

Man is a social animal and are dependent on each other. Each and every man has his own need, opinion and ideology. So in a society with diverse needs and ideologies of the people, many complications might crop up.

So in order to impose some control on society an administrative system is necessary. And in the centre of the administrative system is the administrator.

But in the present world, in most of countries, there is no such administrator; democracy has been established. In a democracy, people elect their own representatives who conduct the work of administration.

Based on the above questions of the administrative system and administration of the Harappan civilisation, the learner can take part in discussions about the importance of the administrator and administrative system in present-day society.

Question 11. Compare Harappan town with any city/town of your knowledge and find out their similarities and dissimilarities.


Subject My familiar city Harappantown
1. Style of construction My familiar city Howrah is a modern, well-planned city with broad streets, a well-developed sanitation system, street lighting, a well-built footpath and well-planned houses. Modern touches were visible in Harappan cities. The cities of Rupar, Lothal, Kalibangan and Banwali also possessed paved footpaths, lamp posts, planned houses and sanitation systems.
2. Form of administration Modern city life is mainly governed by the municipal authority. It is the municipal corporation which supervises the different activities of the city. There was some sort of municipal administration in the Harappan cities. They had their own municipal organisation to supervise the activities of the city.



Subject My familiar city Harappan town
1. Antiquity My familiar city Howrah is a city belonging to the historical period when judged from the point of view of antiquity. The Harappan cities belonged to the Copper-Bronze Age of the Proto-historic period.
2. Defence system Howrah can combat fire, flood, natural disaster and external attacks with the help of modern technology. The Harappan cities were not so well-equipped to face Invasion and natural disasters. So they were gradually destroyed.

WBBSE Chapter 3 Ancient History Of The Indian Subcontinent Topic C Miscellaneous Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. What is the archaeological source of History?

Archaeological source of History:

Archaeology means the study of the material remains of the past, many of which have been found buried under the earth.

These include tools, weapons, skeletons and fragments of bones, pottery, coins, inscriptions, buildings and works of art which have made us familiar with several hundred thousand years of human progress and advancement.

Question 2. Write the contribution of Jean Francois Jarrige, Dayaram Sahni and Rakhaldas Bandopadhyay.

The contribution of Jean Francois Jarrige, Dayaram Sahni and Rakhaldas Bandopadhyay:

1. Jean Francois Jarrige:

Jean Francois Jarrige was a French archaeologist who discovered the Mehrgarh civilisation in 1974. Richard Meadow assisted him in his work.

2. Dayaram Sahni:

Archaeologist Dayaram Sahni began excavations in Harappa in 1920.

3. Rakhaldas Bandopadhyay:

Archaeologist Rakhaldas Bandopadhyay began excavation in Mohenjodaro in 1921.

Question 3. Why is the coexistence of city and village necessary for any civilisation?

The coexistence of city and village necessary for any civilisation:

For any civilisation, the coexistence of village and city is necessary. People of villages are engaged in agriculture and the production of food grains. The people of cities depend on crops produced in villages for their sustenance.

Question 4. Mention one common characteristic of the burial system of Mehrgarh and Harappan civilisations.

One of the significant characteristics of the Mehrgarh and Harappan civilisations is the presence of graveyards. One common characteristic of the burial system of these two civilisations was that inside the burial chamber ornaments and pottery were placed.

Question 5. Why do you think cities of the Harappan civilisation had grown on the banks of the river Indus?

The Harappan cities mainly grow up along the banks of the Indus.

Reasons for the growth of Harappan cities on the bank of the Indus river

1. Agriculture:

The river banks were very fertile and there was an irrigation facility also. So it was convenient to carry on cultivation and the people began to settle along the river banks. It was also convenient to build houses on the level land.

2. Communication and trade:

The people of Harappa used the river as a waterway to carry on trade and to go from one place to another within and outside the country. So they settled down along the river banks and built up a civilisation there.

Question 6. What kind of buildings have been found in the Harappan civilisation? Who do you think lived there?

Houses of different types and sizes have been found in Harappa.

1. Residential Buildings:

  1. Houses of the rich people and aristocrats: There are one, two or three-storeyed big buildings with rooms varying from 2 to 30. These houses were built in elevated areas and were protected by forts and ditches. The rich and aristocratic people lived there.”
  2. Houses of the lower class people: There were small tenements or slums in Harappa. The labourers and the common people lived in these small houses in the low-lying regions outside the fort.

2. Shops and public halls:

It is believed that some shops and public halls also existed in Harappa apart from these houses.

Question 7. Do you think the people of the Harappan civilisation were conscious of health and hygiene? To maintain health and hygiene in your locality what things would you learn from the people of Harappa?

Of course, the Harappans were conscious of health, and cleanliness. The houses, roads and sewage system of Harappa were all indicators of a highly developed public health system. There was an elaborate arrangement of covered drains and manholes in the cities.

Real-Life Scenarios Involving Ancient Trade Routes

The house drains were connected to the main drains and the wastewater from the houses was discharged through the sewage network. There were also dustbins on the footpaths to dispose of the waste.

We will learn about the sewage system and keeping dustbins on the footpaths from the Harappans to maintain the health and hygiene of our locality.

Question 8. Why was Lothal famous?

Lothal famous:

Lothal, the port city of the Harappan civilisation, was situated on the banks of river Bhogavo in Gujarat. The dockyard of Lothal was famous. Here ships were kept, manufactured and repaired. Lothal had a trade relationship with the Persian Gulf region.

WBBSE Chapter 3 Ancient History Of The Indian Subcontinent Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Inscriptions, Coins, Architecture-Sculpture, Civilisation.
Answer: Civilisation

Question 2. Millets, Wheat, Paddy, Cotton.
Answer: Cotton

Question 3. Krishna, Ravi, Beas, Jhelum.
Answer: Krishna

Question 4. Potter, Carpenter, Weaver, Merchant.
Answer: Merchant

Question 5. Jean Francois Jarrige. Richard Meadow, Dayaram Sahni, Vincent Smith.
Answer: Vincent Smith

Practice Questions on Ancient Indian History

Question 6. Coin, Jewellery, Pottery, Grain.
Answer: Grain

Question 7. Harappa, Mohenjodaro, Mesopotamia, Nalanda.
Answer: Nalanda

Question 8. Great Bath, Granary, Water Reservoir, Seal.
Answer: Seal

Question 9. Chanhudaro, Banawali, Dholavira, Mehrgarh.
Answer: Mehrgarh

Question 10. Sickles, Axes, Stones, Knives, and Earthenwares.
Answer: Earthenwares

Question 11. Gold, Copper, Lapis Lazuli, Terracotta.
Answer: Terracotta

Question 12. Oxen, Donkeys, Camels, Carts.
Answer: Carts

Question 13. Copper, Bronze, Stone, Iron.
Answer: Iron

Question 14. Horse, Elephant, Rhinoceros, Ox.
Answer: Ox

Question 15. Kalibangan, Mehrgarh, Banawali, Dholavira.
Answer: Mehrgarh

Question 16. What is the only source of information for the Harappan civilisation?
Answer: Archaeological source is the only source of information for the Harappan civilisation.

Question 17. How many basic symbols are there in the Harappan Script?
Answer: There are about 375 to 400 basic symbols in the Harappan Script

Question 18. Impressions of which animals can be seen on these two Harappan seals?
Answer: The impression of two animals can be seen on the two Harappan seals. These two animals are ox and rhinoceros.

WBBSE Chapter 3 Ancient History Of The Indian Subcontinent Fill In The Blanks

Question 1. A male figure has been excavated in ________ (Lothal/Sutkagan Dor/Mohenjodaro).
Answer: Mohenjodaro

Question 2. The Harappan civilisation is a _________ (pre-historic/proto-historic/historic) civilisation.
Answer: Proto-historic

Question 3. The houses in the Harappan civilisation were made of ________ (stone/burnt bricks/ wood).
Answer: Burnt bricks

Question 4. Harappan civilisation was a civilisation of the ________ (Stone Age/Iron Age/Copper and Bronze Age).
Answer: Copper and Bronze Age

Question 5. In the Indian subcontinent, it was in the Harappan civilisation that ________ (first city/ first village/second city) was seen.
Answer: First city

WBBSE Chapter 3 Ancient History Of The Indian Subcontinent True Or False

Question 1. The use of script is a characteristic of civilisation.
Answer: True

Question 2. Dayaram Sahni discovered the Mehrgarh civilisation.
Answer: False

Question 3. Harappan civilisation is a pre-historic civilisation.
Answer: False

Question 4. People of Harappa knew how to write.
Answer: True

Question 5. Civilisation is a little different from culture.
Answer: True

Question 6. In 1924 Rakhaldas Bandopadhyay began excavation work in Mohenjodaro.
Answer: False

Question 7. Seals of Harappan civilisation have been found in Iran.
Answer: True

WBBSE Chapter 3 Ancient History Of The Indian Subcontinent Match The Columns

Question 1.

Column A Column B
1. Manda (A) Maharashtra
2. Kalibangan (B) Jammu
3. Lothal (C) Rajasthan
4. Daimabad (D) Gujarat


Answer: 1. (B), 2. (C) 3. (D), 4. (A)

Question 2.

Column A Column B
Place of dead  Mohenjodaro
Great Bath  Baluchistan
Mehrgarh  Lothal
Proto-historic Harappa


Answer: 1. (C), 2. (A) 3. (B), 4. (D)

Question 3.

Column A Column B
1.DirectorGenerai of the Archaeological Servey of India (A) Harappa
2. Jean Francois Jarrige (B) Mohenjodaro
3. Rakhaldas Bandopadhyay (C) Alexander Cunningham
4. Dayaram Sahni (D) Mehrgarh


Answer: 1. (B), 2. (C) 3. (D), 4. (A)

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