WBBSE Class 6 Geography Chapter 8 Air Pollution Topic A Concept And Causes Of Air Pollution Analytical Type Questions
Question 1. What are the natural causes of air pollution?
The natural causes of air pollution are discussed below—
1. Volcanic eruption: Air pollution is caused by the emission of harmful gases like sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, etc. dust, and ash during a volcanic eruption.
2. Forest fires: Air gets polluted because of the carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, and ash emitted during the burning of the forests.
3. Dust storms: Vegetation, forests, agricultural lands, and human habitat are damaged by the dust particles generated during dust storms. These dust particles from dust storms also pollute the air.
4. Decomposition of organic substances: Decomposition of dead plants and animals produce harmful gases such as methane, hydrogen sulfide, etc, which mix with air and cause air pollution.
Air pollution is also caused by pollen grains, fungi, hydrocarbons, water vapor, etc.
Important Definitions Related to Air Pollution
Question 2. What are the man-made causes of air pollution?
The man-made causes of air pollution are discussed below—
Industrialization: Air pollution is caused by the smoke emitted from factories. This smoke contains harmful gases like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, ammonia, nitrogen, etc.
Smoke from vehicles: Air gets polluted due to the burning of diesel and petrol used in motor vehicles. Vehicular emissions cause pollution in urban areas.
Agricultural activities: Decomposition of organic wastes, use of insecticides, and chemical fertilizers caused air pollution.
Household activities: Smoke produced from wood, cow dung cakes, and charcoal gas used for cooking cause air pollution.
Radioactive substances: Air pollution is also caused by nuclear explosions and research related to radioactive substances.
Others: Other reasons for air pollution are increasing amounts of carbon dioxide due to the increasing population, deforestation, unplanned urbanization, etc.
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Question 3. what are the causes of air pollution at our home?
There are different causes of air pollution in our homes.
These are as follows—
1. Cooking: Pollution is caused by the smoke, carbon particles, and gases produced by the fuels used for cooking such as coal, dung cakes, gas, and wood.
Paints: Wall paints, and paints on doors and windows also cause air pollution. The odor of the paints may cause headaches, dizziness respiratory problems, etc.
Other pollutants: Mosquito-repellent coils and oils, the smoke of incense sticks, waste products, insect repellents, and room fresheners also cause air pollution.
Smoking: Smoke from cigarettes and bidis is one of the main causes of air pollution at home.
WBBSE Class 6 Geography Chapter 8 Air Pollution Topic A Concept And Causes Of Air Pollution Short Analytical Type Questions
Question 1. Tabulate the different causes of air pollution.
The different causes of air pollution:
Question 2. Tabulate the natural sources of air pollution and the pollutants they produce.
The natural sources of air pollution and the pollutants they produce:
Question 3. Tabulate the man-made sources of air pollution and the pollutants they produce.
The man-made sources of air pollution and the pollutants they produce:
Short Questions on Causes of Air Pollution
Question 4. Differentiate between the natural and man-made causes of air pollution.
The differences between the natural causes and man-made causes of air pollution are as follows—
Question 5. What are the causes of air pollution in cities?
The causes of air pollution in cities are as follows—
- Smoke from huge numbers of vehicles plying on roads is one of the main causes of air pollution in cities.
- Air pollution is more in cities because of the large number of factories and industrial plants in the surrounding areas.
- Air pollution is also caused by raw building materials like cement, etc.
- The burning of tires and waste materials also causes air pollution.
- Fewer trees in cities is another main cause of air pollution.
Class 6 Geography WBBSE
Question 6. What are the causes of air pollution in villages?
The causes of air pollution in villages are as follows—
- Air gets polluted due to the smoke generated from wood, gas, dung cakes, etc. used in cooking.
- Air pollution is also caused by the use of insecticides and pesticides in agricultural fields.
- Air also gets polluted due to rotten organic materials present in the fields and households.
- Air pollution is also caused by smoke emitted from brickfields.
Question 7. How do Agricultural fields cause air pollution?
Different agricultural Practices carried out in agricultural fields cause air pollution.
These are as follows—
- Fertilizers and pesticides used in agricultural fields cause air pollution as these emit a foul smell and some of their components react with air, thereby deteriorating the air quality.
- When insecticides are sprayed on agricultural fields, they mix with air to cause air pollution.
- Burning agricultural wastes leads to the emission of ash which pollutes the air.
- Plowing non-irrigated agricultural tracts also causes air pollution as dust particles are generated by this activity.
Common Questions About Air Pollutants
Question 8. What is meant By pollution?
Pollution occurs when our environment is dirtied by wastes, chemicals or other harmful substances, and the natural balance of our environment is disturbed.
Pollution can be of four kinds—
- Air pollution,
- Water pollution,
- Soil pollution and
- Noise pollution.
Question 9. What is meant by air pollution?
Air Pollution:
When air is polluted by different poisonous gases, like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, etc.,
Chemical substances, smoke from vehicles, dust particles, and organic compounds, cause air pollution.
Question 10. What do you mean by pollutants?
The organic and inorganic substances that pollute the environment are called pollutants. These can be introduced into the environment, naturally or by human interference.
Pollutants have harmful effects on our surroundings and are detrimental to our health. Example- Volcanic ash, dust particles, and toxic gases like carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide.
Question 11. What is meant by primary air pollutants?
Primary air pollutants
Primary air pollutants are those substances that are released into the atmosphere directly from the source.
They can contaminate the atmosphere directly or cause contamination by producing secondary pollutants.
Some primary air pollutants are oxides of carbon (COx), oxides of sulfur (SOx), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), ozone (O3), aerosols, and pollen grains.
Question 12. What is meant by secondary air pollutants?
Secondary air pollutants:
Secondary air pollutants are those substances that are formed in the atmosphere as a result of two or more primary air pollutants. Some secondary air pollutants are sulphuric acid, carbonic acid, and smog.
Practice Questions on Effects of Air Pollution
Question 13. Why is it damaging to reside near brickfields and factories?
It Is damaging to reside near brickfields and factories
It is damaging to reside near brickfields and factories because black smoke is continuously emitted from their chimneys. This dense black smoke pollutes the air of the surrounding regions.
Carbon particles, carbon monoxide, sulfur oxide, ash, etc., remain mixed with this air. Smoke from the chimneys damages our eyes, lungs, and throat. Thus, inhaling this smoke harms our bodies as it causes many diseases.
Question 14. What is the relation between air pollution and population growth?
The relation between air pollution and population growth:
There is a direct relationship between air pollution and population growth.
As the population is increasing more and more forested lands are being cleared for the purpose of agriculture and building houses.
As a result, the source of the oxygen content of the atmosphere is decreasing. On the other hand, with the increase in population,
The amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere is also increasing. The combined effect of these is causing air pollution.
Question 15. Why are urban areas more polluted than rural areas? Or, Have you noticed any difference in the air in urban areas from that of rural areas?
Urban areas more polluted than rural areas:
The main air-polluting gases are carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, and chlorofluorocarbon.
These are released by factories, motor vehicles, refrigerators, and air conditioners.
As these are more common in cities than in villages, air pollution is higher in urban areas than in rural areas. So there is a difference in the air in urban areas from that of rural areas.
Question 16. Why is smoke from cigarettes and bidis harmful to our health?
Smoke from cigarettes and bidis harmful to our health:
Smoke from cigarettes and bidis is extremely harmful to our health.
This poisonous smoke when enters the body of a person who is a habitual smoker, affects the heart and lungs. As a result, the person develops respiratory diseases and may even suffer from cancer.
WBBSE Chapter 8 Air Pollution Topic A Concept And Causes Of Air Pollution Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. Which gas enters our blood from the air we breathe in during respiration?
Answer: Oxygen.
Question 2. What form of pollution is caused by gases emitted by factories?
Answer: Air pollution.
Question 3. Name the gas whose amount increases in the air due to deforestation.
Answer: Carbon dioxide.
Question 4. Which gases emitted from factories and industrial plants cause air pollution?
Answer: Nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and carbon dioxide.
Question 5. Give two examples of air pollutants.
Answer: Carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide.
Question 6. Give any two examples of poisonous gas which pollute the air around us.
Answer: Carbon dioxide (CO2) and Sulphur dioxide (SO2).
Question 7. Which gas is released when we burn fuels like petrol, diesel, and gasoline?
Answer: Carbon monoxide.
Question 8. What is the use of gasoline?
Answer: Fuel for airplanes.
Examples of Human Activities Causing Air Pollution
Question 9. Which accident in Japan caused extreme levels of air pollution?
Answer: Explosion in the nuclear plant at Fukushima in Japan (in 2011).
Question 10. Name a poisonous gas containing carbon that is harmful to the human body.
Answer: Carbon monoxide.
Question 11. Which gas is emitted from rotten garbage?
Answer: Methane.
WBBSE Chapter 8 Air Pollution Topic A Concept And Causes Of Air Pollution Fill In The Blanks
Question 1. ____________ is one of the domestic sources of air pollution.
Answer: Chulha or wood
Question 2. ____________ are caused by air pollution.
Answer: Respiratory Problems
Question 3. The amount of ____________ gas increases in the air due to deforestation.
Answer: Carbon dioxide
Question 4. Burning of petrol and diesel leads to the emission of ____________ gas which mixes with the air.
Answer: Carbon dioxide
Question 5. Every day, cars plying in cities like Mumbai and Kolkata release about ____________ lakh kilograms of smoke into the air.
Answer: 10
Real-Life Scenarios Involving Air Quality Issues
Question 6. In 2011; there was an explosion in the nuclear ____________ power plant in Japan.
Answer: Fukushima Daichi
Question 7. One of the main reasons for lung cancer is ____________
Answer: Air pollution
WBBSE Chapter 8 Air Pollution Topic A Concept And Causes Of Air Pollution True Or False
Question 1. Nuclear explosions often cause radioactive pollution.
Answer: True
Question 2. Agricultural activities cause air pollution.
Answer: True
Question 3. Smoking is beneficial for health.
Answer: False
Question 4. We must keep all the doors and windows shut when cooking.
Answer: False
Question 5. Urbanization leads to a lessening of air pollution.
Answer: False
Question 6. Forest fires are a natural source of air pollution.
Answer: True
Question 7. Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas.
Answer: True
Question 8. Volcanoes are a natural source of air pollution.
Answer: True
Question 9. Air does not get polluted by the smoke of incense sticks.
Answer: False
WBBSE Class 6 Geography Chapter 8 Air Pollution Topic A Concept And Causes Of Air Pollution Match The Columns
Question 1.
Answer: 1-C,2-A,3-D,4-E,5-B