WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall

WBBSE Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather And Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Why does temperature vary from one place to the other?

The reasons for the variation of temperature at different places are as follows—

Latitude: The Equator receives vertical rays of the Sun, whereas, the Poles receive oblique rays.

The vertical rays are hotter as they are concentrated in a smaller region when compared to the oblique rays, which are spread out over a larger region.

Thus, as we move towards the Poles the temperature decreases.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall Temperature variation with latitudes

Distance from the sea: Places located near the sea experience a maritime climate, i.e., neither too hot nor too cold.

Whereas, the further we move away from the sea, the areas start experiencing extreme climates very hot during summers and very cold during winters.

Length of the days: Summers are hotter because of longer days and shorter nights. Conversely, winters are colder due to shorter days and longer nights.

Altitude: With every 1000 m rise in altitude, the temperature falls by 6.5°C. Darjeeling is colder than Siliguri because of this reason.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall Temperature variation with altitude

Other factors: The other factors are—

  1. Amount of rainfall received,
  2. Physical characteristics of a region,
  3. Ocean currents,
  4. Type of soil,
  5. Cloud cover,
  6. Forest cover and
  7. Human activities.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall

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Question 2. What are Heat belts? Divide the Earth into various Heat zones or belts and discuss any one briefly.

Heat belts:

The divisions of the Earth on the basis of the amount of heat received by different regions are called Heat zones or belts.

The variation of heat occurs as the equatorial region receives vertical rays of the Sun, whereas the polar regions receive oblique rays.

So, the Earth has divided into five heat zones a torrid zone, two temperate zones and two frigid zones, according to their temperature variation.

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WBBSE Class 6 Weather Elements Notes

Torrid zone: This zone receives vertical sun rays throughout the year.

Location: From the Equator (0°) to the Tropic of Cancer (23°C-35°C) in the North and to the Tropic of Capricorn (23%°) in the South. Countries in this zone are — Brazil, Chile, Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, Malaysia, Indonesia, India etc.

Characteristics: The main characteristics of this zone are—

Since this region receives vertical rays of the Sun all year, high temperature (25°C-35°C) prevails. Since most of the waterbodies also lie in this region, the humidity is also very high (7596-9096).

Equatorial evergreen trees (Mahogany, Redwood, Ironwood) and deciduous trees (Sal, Teak, Bamboo, Sandalwood) are the main flora.

Carnivorous and herbivorous mammals and reptiles thrive here. E.g.—chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, crocodile, elephant and cheetah.

Question 3. How does climate affect the people of a region?

Climate affect the people of a region:

The climate of a region has a great impact on the lives of the people of that region.

The food they eat, the homes they live in, the clothes they wear to their livelihoods – everything is influenced by the climate.

Agriculture: Depending on the climate of a region, the agricultural activities of the place

India has a tropical monsoon climate, which receives an ample amount of rain during monsoons. This in turn is beneficial for the cultivation of a number of crops.

Housing: The houses we live in are greatly affected by the weather. In regions of heavy rainfall like the equatorial region,

The roofs are slanting. In cold regions, houses are made of stone to prevent the freezing outside temperature from entering the house.

Food: The food habits of people depend greatly on the region they live in. People living in temperate zones eat cereals and pulses as farming is possible in these regions.

But in the frigid zone, since farming is not possible, food is obtained by hunting and gathering.

Clothes: In hot regions, people wear loose, flowy clothes made of cotton while in colder regions, people wear clothes made of animal fur and hide for better protection from the cold.

Livelihood: In equatorial regions, native people are hunter-gatherers and also carry out subsistence farming.

Farming is extensively done in and around the tropics. Towards the poles, the cold climate restricts farming activities and people rely on fishing and hunting again.

From the above, we can conclude that the climate of a region affects the way of life greatly.

Question 4. Write a brief note on the anemometer.


An anemometer is an instrument used to measure the speed of the wind. The term is derived from the Greek word for wind – ‘anemos’.

A simple anemometer is made up of four hemispherical cups, each mounted on one end of the four horizontal arms. These arms in turn are mounted at equal angles from each other on a vertical shaft.

The airflow past the cups in any horizontal direction turns the shaft in a manner that is proportional to the wind speed.

Therefore one has to count the number of times the reference cup makes a complete revolution around the axis in a given time period.

This has to be multiplied by the distance travelled by the reference cup in one revolution.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall Temperature Anemometer

Thus, we get speed On an Anemometer with four cups, it is easy to understand that since the cups are arranged symmetrically on the end of the arms, the wind always has the hollow of one cup turned towards it and is blowing on the back of the cup on the opposite end of the cross.

Short Questions on Wind and Rainfall

Question 5. Write about the instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure.

The instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure:

The instrument i.e. used to measure atmospheric pressure is known as Barometer. This instrument was invented by Toricelli in the year 1643.

While there are many kinds of Barometers in common use, one of special importance is Fortin’s Barometer.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall Fortin,s barometer

The tube containing the mercury is itself enclosed in a brass tube, the upper part of which is made of glass so that the mercury can be seen.

The pressure is read by moving a millimetre scale alongside a vernier scale. The zero of the scale is at the tip of an ivory pointer fixed to the lower end of the brass tube.

The mercury reservoir is a leather bag which can be raised or lowered by a screw.

Question 6. Write about a wind vane or weather-cock.

A wind vane or weather-cock:

A wind vane or weather-cock is an instrument used to determine the direction of the wind.

The simplest design is in the shape of an arrow with the points of the compass marked below it.

A popular design is that with a cockerel at the top. This instrument is also used as an ornamental architectural feature on top of buildings.

The construction of wind vanes has to be very precise so that they respond to even the slightest change in wind direction. A wind vane spins and points in the direction from which the wind is blowing.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall Temperature wind vane

Question 7. What are the different measures of cloud cover?

The different measures of cloud cover:

The fraction of sky obscured by a cloud is called the cloud cover. This can be measured as—

  1. 0% cloud cover which means a clear sky.
  2. 25% cloud cover which means 25% of the sky is covered by clouds or it is a partly cloudy sky.
  3. 75% cloud cover which means it is a cloudy sky.
  4. 100% cloud cover which means it is an overcast sky.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall Temperature clound cover

Common Questions About Cloudiness and Weather

Question 8. How does rainfall occur?

Rainfall occur:

Condensation takes place when the water vapour in the air changes into a liquid state.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall Formation of rain

Moisture-laden air rises up when heated. As warm air rises and eventually cools, it forms water droplets.

The condensed droplets of water attract additional water vapour from the surrounding air which gathers around dust particles.

Rainfall occurs when these droplets become too heavy to remain suspended in the air and come down because of the gravitational pull.

Question 9. Write a brief note on the rain gauge.

Rain gauge:

Usually, about 1/8 of the rainwater falling on a particular place evaporates, 1/4 gets absorbed in the soil and some flows as surface run-off due to the slope of the land.

But when rainwater is collected in a vessel with unit divisions marked, it shows the exact amount of rainfall received at that place.

Rain gauge is an instrument used to measure the amount of rainfall received at a particular place in a given period of time.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall Rain gauge

The Rain gauge is a tubular instrument with a radius of 20cm and a height of 50cm with a funnel of 2 cm radius at its mouth inserted inside a glass bottle within the cylinder.

There is also a measuring jar with graduations kept beside it. Every three hours, the amount of rainfall collected in the glass bottle through the funnel is poured out into the measuring jar and recorded.

Practice Questions on Wind Speed and Direction

Question 10. Though the sky is full of clouds, all clouds do not cause rainfall. Explain why.

Though the sky is full of clouds, all clouds do not cause rainfall

Water vapour formed from the surface of heated ponds, lakes, rivers, seas and oceans rises up and then comes into contact with the cooler layers of the atmosphere.

The water vapour then condenses into droplets of water or flakes of snow around particles of dust, sand, salt among others which are suspended in the atmosphere.

Collectively, these droplets of water and snowflakes form clouds. Generally, these droplets of water are about 0.01mm in radius and so they can keep floating in the air as clouds.

But once they start growing larger and reach a size of about 0.05 mm radius, they become too heavy and thus fall on Earth as rain or snow.

So, while all clouds are composed of water droplets or snowflakes, all clouds do not cause rainfall or snowfall.

Question 11. In India, how is insolation in summer different from insolation in winter? Or, Is the sunshine different in summer and in winter?

The sunshine different in summer and in winter:

The Earth rotates around a tilted axis. So, all the places on Earth do not receive the same amount of solar insolation.

India is located in the Northern Hemisphere and thus receives vertical sun rays during summer.

Hence we experience hot summers with scorching Sun. In winter, the Sun’s vertical rays fall on the Southern Hemisphere and we in India receive oblique rays.

So, the winter Sun feels milder as the insolation received is less intense in the Northern Hemisphere.

Question 12. Why does air temperature fall with rising altitude?

Air temperature falls at a rate of 6.5°Cwith every 1000 metre rise in altitude. This is because of the following reasons—

The heat radiated back from the Earth’s surface hardly warms up the upper layers of the atmosphere. Thus the temperature remains low and gradually falls with a rise in altitude.

The upper layers of the atmosphere are rarer than the lower layers, resulting in more efficient radiation of heat and faster cooling down.

The upper atmospheric layers contain lesser water vapour and dust particles. So, these layers absorb less heat and remain cooler.

WB Class 6 Geography Question Answer

Question 13. The temperature of a place located at ‘A’ is 16°C. The temperature of place ‘B’ located at sea level is 20°C. Find out the difference in altitude between places ‘A’ and ‘B’.

The temperature of a place located at ‘A’ is 16°C. The temperature of place ‘B’ located at sea level is 20°C.

The temperature difference between places ‘A’ and ‘B’ is (20-16)°C = 4°C. The temperature of place ’B’ is higher since ‘B’ is located at sea level.

We know, Temperature falls by 6.5°C with a rise in altitude of 1000 m.

Therefore, the temperature will fall by 1°C with a rise in altitude of 1000/ 6.5 = 153.8 m (approx 154m)

Hence, the temperature will fall by 4°C with a rise in altitude of 154 x 4 = 616m.

Therefore, it can be concluded that ‘A’ is located at an altitude of 616m higher than ‘B’.

Question 14. Write about the torrid zone.

Torrid Zone:

Torrid zone: This zone receives vertical sun rays throughout the year.

Location: From the Equator (0°) to the Tropic of Cancer (2334°) in the North and to the Tropic of Capricorn (231/z°) in the South.

Countries in this zone are — Brazil, Chile, Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, Malaysia, Indonesia, India etc.

Characteristics: The main characteristics of this zone are— O Since this region receives vertical cays of the Sun all year, high temperature (25°C- 35°C) prevails.

Since most of the waterbodies also lie in this region, the humidity is also very high (75%-90%).

Equatorial evergreen trees (Mahogany, Redwood, Ironwood) and deciduous trees (Sal, Teak, Bamboo, Sandalwood) are the main flora.

Carnivorous and herbivorous mammals and reptiles thrive here. E.g.—chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, crocodile, elephant and cheetah.

Question 15. Write about the temperate zone.

Temperate zone: This zone receives slanting rays throughout the year.

Location: From the tropics (231/4°N and S) to the Arctic and Antarctic Circles (66/2° N and S).

Some countries in this zone are—

The United States of America, Chile, France, South Africa, New Zealand, England, Canada, Japan, Germany, Italy, etc.

Characteristics: The main characteristics of this zone are—

Since this region receives slanting rays of the Sun all year, moderate temperature (10°C to -10°C) prevails.

The regions near the tropics have higher temperatures and the ones near the poles have cooler temperatures.

Coniferous trees and Steppe Grasslands are common in this region.

Several migratory birds and carnivorous and herbivorous animals (like bison and bears) are seen in this region.

WB Class 6 Geography Question Answer

Question 16. Write about the frigid

Frigid zone: This region receives extremely oblique rays throughout the year.

Location: From the Arctic and Antarctic Circle (6634°N and S) to the Poles (90°N and S).

Some countries and continents of this zone are—

Antarctica, Siberia of Russia, Alaska of USA, Greenland, Northern Canada, Norway, and northern parts of Sweden.

Characteristics: The main characteristics of this region are—

This region receives extremely oblique rays of the Sun all year, so the temperature remains below freezing point (0°C) and in some places almost -40°C.

The temperature in the Northern Hemisphere is relatively lesser than that of the Southern Hemisphere because of the greater area extent of the landmass in the former.

Flora found here is mostly mosses, lichens, grasses, and berry-bearing shrubs.

Animals that are found here have adapted to the frigid climate like reindeer, caribou, musk ox, polar bear, arctic fox, seals, penguins, sea otters and many species of whales.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall Heat zones

Question 17. What are the special characteristics of isotherms?

Isotherms are imaginary lines that connect all points on a map with the same temperature.

Their special characteristics are as follows:

Isotherms are usually parallel to lines of latitude. This is because it is the latitude of a place that determines its temperature spaced.

If the difference in temperature is more between two places, and if the difference in temperature is less, the isotherms are spaced far apart.

The isotherms in the Southern Hemisphere are further away from each other than in the Northern Hemisphere as there are more waterbodies in the former. Isotherms never touch or intersect with each other.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall isotherms

Question 18. What do you know about Temperature inversion?
Answer: The reversal of the usual behavior of temperature is known as the phenomenon of temperature inversion.

Usually, with an increase in altitude, the temperature decreases. But sometimes, the reverse event takes place- temperature increases in direct proportion to the increase in altitude.

On clear nights, the ground cools rapidly because of radiation.

A temperature inversion starts to develop when the air above the ground is cooled by contact with a colder surface till it becomes cooler than the overlying atmosphere.

The topography also greatly affects the magnitude of temperature inversions.

In hilly areas, the cold air from the top of the mountains tends to flow into the valleys, producing a greater inversion of temperature.

The low-lying valleys become colder than the mountain tops.

Question 19. Fill in the knowledge hive with information on isotherms.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall knowledge hive


1. They are imaginary lines drawn on Earth joining places with the same temperature.

2. Whether on land or sea, these are always parallel.

3. They are usually parallel to the lines of latitude.

4. Isotherms are closely spaced if the difference in temperature between two places is more.

5. If the difference in temperature between two places is less, the isotherms are placed far apart.

Question 20. The given illustration shows the relation between the increase in altitude and the decrease in temperature. Note down the temperatures at the marked numbered places.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall temperature altitude


1. 20°C – 6.5°C = 13.5°C
2. 13.5°C – 6.5°C = 7°C
3. 7°C – 6.5°C = 0.5°C
4. 0.5°C – 6.5°C = -6°C

Question 21. Crossword

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall Cross word



1. Average weather conditions of a region over an extended period of time.
2. Used to measure atmospheric pressure.
3. Headquarters of West Bengal weather department.
4. Average temperature is least in this zone.


5. The Earth’s gravity holds this in place.
6. This season prevails in India from December to February.

Answer: Down:_____________

1. Climate,
2. Barometer,
3. Alipore,
4. Frigid


5. Atmosphere,
6. Winter

Question 22. Divide your class into 5 teams. Now select an identity from the following for each of these teams.

  1. Farmer
  2. Student
  3. Fisherman
  4. Pilot
  5. Captain of a ship

How useful are weather forecasts in your everyday life — Discuss the issue among yourselves, keeping in mind the selected identities.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness usefulness of weather forecat in everyday life

Aesthetics and Creativity: This segment will check the aesthetic sense and creativity of the students.

Question 23. Write a report on the influence of climate on our lives.

Impact of Climate on Human Life

Satadru Banerjee, Kolkata
-29, March 2020

The role of climate in human life is immense. The climate of different regions of the world has brought various changes in human life in those regions.

Climate affects food, clothing, shelter, livelihood, occupation, etc. The people of monsoon climate consume rice, people of temperate zones consume bread,

Tribes of equatorial areas eat wild fruits and hunt animals and people of cold climates consume sea fish as food due to climatic differences.

The people of the tropics wear light cotton clothes, while the people of temperate regions use wool and leather for clothing.

The people of the frigid zone live in houses made of ice, houses with sloping roofs are common in areas of heavy rainfall.

Again, in areas of heavy rainfall, people farm and develop industries. The main occupations in the equatorial regions are the collection of fruits, livestock rearing, hunting,

whereas animal hunting and fishing are the primary occupations in cold climatic areas.

The culture, language, manners and energy level of people differs from one climatic region to another. So the impact of climate on human life is undeniable.

WBBSE Chapter 7 Weather And Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall Short Answer Type Questions

Important Definitions Related to Weather Elements

Question 1. What is meant by atmospheric pressure?

Atmospheric pressure:

The pressure exerted by the air on the Earth’s surface is known as atmospheric pressure. This is measured with the help of an instrument known as Fortin’s Barometer.

The atmospheric pressure at sea level is about 1013.25 millibar.

Question 2. What do we mean by ‘high pressure’ and ‘low pressure’?

‘High pressure’ and ‘low pressure’:

At any place, if a Barometer reads the air pressure of more than 1013.25mb, the area is experiencing high pressure.

Conversely, if the Barometer reads less than 1013.25 mb, the area is experiencing low pressure.

Pressure falls if the prevailing winds are warm and humid and it rises if the winds are cold and dry. High pressure characterises clear skies and calm weather while stormy weather indicates low pressure.

Question 3. What is the relation between atmospheric pressure and wind direction?

The relation between atmospheric pressure and wind direction:

There is a significant correlation between atmospheric pressure and wind direction. Wind always flows from a high-pressure zone to a low-pressure zone.

The greater the difference in pressure, the higher will be the speed of the wind.

Question 4. Which window would you like to close on a winter morning?

In India, we prefer to shut the windows facing north during winter mornings.

This is because India is under the influence of the cold and dry winds blowing from the north during winter. The intensity of cold increases under the influence of these winds.

Question 5. What is meant by cloud cover or cloudiness?

Cloud cover or cloudiness:

The measurable proportion of clouds in the sky is called cloud cover. Cloud cover may range from 0% (clear sky) in the winter to 100% (overcast) during the rainy season.

Question 6. Why do we feel warmer on a cloudy night? Or, Why is a cloudy night often hot and sultry?

The Earth’s surface absorbs only about 51% of the insolation. At night, the Earth radiates this heat back to the atmosphere.

A cloudy sky acts as a reflector and prevents the heat from escaping. So, the heat is trapped within the atmosphere and we feel warmer on cloudy nights.

Question 7. How do cloudy days affect the temperature of that day?

A cloudy sky restricts the incoming solar radiation. This results in a cooler day. At night, if the cloudiness prevails, then the insolation received during the day cannot escape, resulting in a warmer night.

On the contrary, if the night sky becomes cloud-free then the temperature becomes cooler than the day, as the insolation is radiated back.

Examples of Different Types of Rainfall

Question 8. What is meant by condensation?


The moisture-laden air being light moves upwards. The temperature and air above are less and thus the moisture cools down and turns into little droplets of water.

This is the process of condensation. Condensation takes place when the water vapour in the air changes into a liquid form that is, a change of state from gas to liquid. This is the reverse process of evaporation.

Question 9. What is rainfall?


As water from rivers, seas and oceans evaporates and becomes water vapour, the moisture-laden air rises up into the cooler layers of the atmosphere.

The water vapour then condenses around dust particles to form tiny droplets of water which collectively form a cloud. When the droplets become too heavy to float, they start falling down as a result of the Earth’s gravity.

This process by which condensed water vapour falls down to Earth in the form of drops of water is called rainfall.

Question 10. How does snowfall occur?

Snowfall occur:

Snow forms in clouds when the temperature goes below freezing point (0°C or 32°F) and water vapour in the atmosphere condenses directly into ice without undergoing the liquid stage.

Once an ice crystal is formed, it attracts additional water vapour from the surrounding air, growing into a snow crystal, which then comes down to the Earth as snowfall.

Question 11. What is meant by weather forecast?

Weather forecast:

A weather forecast is a predicted statement of the condition the elements of weather are likely to be in for the next day or the next few days.

Meteorologists (scientists who study weather and climate) use satellite images, their own observations and their knowledge of trends and patterns of the condition of weather elements to forecasting the weather.

By using these methods, reasonably accurate forecasts can be made up to seven days in advance.

Question 12. What is monsoon wind?

Monsoon wind:

The term ‘monsoon’ means a seasonal shift in the prevailing wind direction, that usually brings with it a different kind of weather.

Monsoon winds always blow from cool to warm regions i.e., from areas of high pressure towards areas of low pressure.

For instance, the summer monsoon winds and the winter monsoon winds determine the climate for most of India and Southeast Asia.

WBBSE Class 6 Geography Question Answer

Question 13. What Is meant by the angle of incidence of sunlight on Earth?

The angle of incidence of sunlight on Earth:

The angle at which sunlight strikes the Earth’s surface is called the angle of incidence of sunlight on Earth.

Since the Earth is tilted at an angle of 6634° towards its orbital plane, the angle of incidence is different at different places.

It is warmer where the Sun’s rays fall vertically i.e. at the equator and colder where the rays are oblique.

Question 14. What is meant by the normal lapse rate?

The normal lapse rate:

The normal lapse rate is defined as the rate at which atmospheric temperature decreases with an increase in altitude.

This is highly variable as it is dependent on weather conditions but generally, it is considered to be a decrease of 6.5°C for every 1 km.

Question 15. What is an isotherm?


Isotherm is an imaginary line that connects all points with equal temperature on a map. Isotherms are very useful in giving an idea of temperature and weather patterns.

Question 16. What are the heat belts?

Heat belts:

The divisions of the Earth into three belts on the basis of the amount of heat received by different regions are called heat belts.

The Earth is divided into one torrid zone, two temperate zones and two frigid zones in both hemispheres.

Question 17. In some places, it is cold throughout the year. Explain why.

Many places on Earth are cold throughout the year.

This is because of the following reasons—

  1. If the region is at or near the poles, it receives only oblique rays of the Sun all year.
  2. As a result, it receives less heat. For instance, Antarctica is always frozen.

Again, if the place is located at a high altitude, the layer of air at that altitude is cold following the rule of decreasing temperature with increasing altitude. For instance, Darjeeling is always colder than Kolkata.

Question 18. If it is cloudy during the day, will the temperature rise or fall during the day? Or, If there is no cloud on a winter day, wilt the temperature at night rise or fall?

If it is cloudy during the day, the incoming solar radiation is unable to reach the Earth’s surface. The temperature is thus comparatively low during the day.

If there is no cloud cover on a winter day, terrestrial radiation would escape back unhindered. Thus, the temperature at night would fall rapidly.

Question 19. Why do mountaineers carry oxygen cylinders?
Answer: The atmospheric pressure is highest at the sea level and it decreases with an increase in altitude. With the decrease in atmospheric pressure, the amount of oxygen in the air also decreases.

This causes problems in normal breathing at high altitudes. Thus in mountainous areas, the air becomes rarer and rarer

The air pressure becomes very low and the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere is too less that causing breathing trouble.

So, mountaineers have to carry oxygen cylinders to be able to breathe normally.

WBBSE Chapter 7 Weather And Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. What happens to the atmospheric pressure of a place when its temperature increases?
Answer: The atmospheric pressure decreases.

Question 2. What happens when the air at a place gets heated and moves upwards?
Answer: Low pressure is created.

Question 3. Which instrument is used to measure atmospheric pressure?
Answer: Fortin’s Barometer.

Question 4. What is the name given to the air that moves parallel to the land surface?
Answer: Wind.

Question 5. In which direction do winds blow?
Answer: Winds blow from high-pressure zones to low-pressure zones.

Question 6. Which instrument is used to measure wind speed?
Answer: Anemometer.

Question 7. Which instrument is used to measure wind direction?
Answer: Wind vane.

Question 8. What happens to atmospheric pressure in winter?
Answer: Atmospheric pressure increases.

Question 9. From which direction does the wind blow over West Bengal in winter?
Answer: North.

Question 10. What is the measurement of the cloud-obscured sky at any specific place at a specific time called?
Answer: Cloud cover.

Real-Life Scenarios Involving Weather Changes

Question 11. What is formed from condensed water vapour?
Answer: Water droplets.

Question 12. Which unit is used to measure rainfall?
Answer: Centimetre or Millimetre.

Question 13. Which instrument is used to measure rainfall?
Answer: Rain gauge.

Question 14 What changes are observed in temperature with increasing altitude from sea level?
Answer: Temperature decreases.

Question 15. The temperature is highest in which region of the Earth?
Answer: Tropical region.

Question 16. Where do the Sun’s rays fall vertically and where do they fall obliquely?
Answer: The Sun’s rays fall vertically on the Equator and obliquely at the Poles.

Question 1. Radiation: Conduction: Convection: Albedc
Answer: Albedo(not a process of heat transfer

Question 2. Rainfall: Snowfall: Dew: Fog
Answer: Fog (not a form of precipitation)

Question 3. Thermometer: Anemometer: Barometer Spectrometer
Answer: Spectrometer (not an instrument to measure the elements of weather)

Question 4. Torrid zone: Hydrosphere: Temperate zone: Frigid zone
Answer: Hydrosphere (not a heat belt)

Question 5. Temperature: Humidity: Stream flow: Atmospheric pressure
Answer: Stream flow (not an element of weather)

Question 1. The weather of a place may change after many years.
Answer: During the same

Question 2. Temperature is the transfer of thermal energy.
Answer: Heat

Question 3. Celsius and Sjx are the two units of temperature.
Answer: Fahrenheit

Question 4. Wind vans are used to measure the speed of the wind.
Answer: Direction

Question 5. The headquarter of the Meteorological Department of West Bengal is located in Barasat
Answer: Alipore

Question 1. I am an instrument and with my help, the on isotherm. amount of rainfall is measured. Who am I?
Answer: Rain Gauge

Question 2. I am a blanket of gases that envelopes the Earth. Who am I?
Answer: Atmosphere

Question 3. invented the Barometer. Who am I?
Answer: Toricelli

Question 4. I am the unit used to measure atmospheric pressure. Who am I?
Answer: Millibar

Question 5. I am a region extending from the Equator to 23½° N and S lines of latitude with high temperatures throughout the year. Who am I?
Answer: Torrid Zone

Question 6. I am an imaginary line joining areas with equal temperatures on the Earth’s surface. Who am I?
Answer: Isotherm

WBBSE Chapter 7 Weather And Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall Scrambled Words

Arrange the jumbled Words:

Question 1. The average weather conditions of 30 to 35 years- 1 MATECLI
Answer: Climate

Question 2. The state of the atmosphere which changes frequently and rapidly— THERWEA
Answer: Weather

Question 3. The instrument to measure rainfall—
Answer: Rain Gauge

Question 4. The part of solar energy reflected back to space without directly heating the Earth’s atmosphere— BEALDOJ
Answer: Albedo

Question 5. The measurable proportion of clouds in the sky— OUDCOCLVER
Answer: Cloud Cover

WBBSE Chapter 7 Weather And Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall Formative

Participation: This segment will indicate how much the students have actively participated and taken initiative during the class.

Question 1. Put the sign WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall Colud beside sentences concerning weather and the sign WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall Arrow beside sentences concerning the climate.

Question 1. It is cold throughout the year in Darjeeling.

 WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall Arrow

Question 2. There are chances of wind blowing at a speed of 60 km in the forthcoming 48 hours.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall Colud

Question 3. There has been very little rainfall over the Sahara Desert for many years.

 WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall Arrow

Question 4. There has been 20 mm of rainfall in Kolkata in the past 24 hours.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall Colud

Question 5. The temperature in Ladakh often falls down to 40 °C in winter.

 WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall Arrow

Question 2. You started off from an altitude of 2000m, where the temperature is 15°C. What will be the temperature at 4000m?

The difference in altitude of the two places is (4000-2000)m = 2000m We know, With a 1000m rise in altitude, the temperature falls by 6.5°C

Therefore, with a 2000 m rise in altitude, the temperature will fall by (6.5 x 2)°C= 13°C At 2000m temperature is 15°C Therefore, at 4000m, the temperature would be (15°- 13)°C = 2°C

Interpretation and Application: This segment will test whether the students have understood the topics, or whether they are just memorising them.

Question 1. When Rafiq went out of his house at 9 in the morning, the sky was clear and there was sunshine. At 3 o’clock the sky turned cloudy. On his way back home at 4 o’clock, it had just started raining and the wind picked up.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall suhine cloudy and raining

Write down how the weather was in the past three days.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall The state of weather

Question 2. The maximum and minimum temperatures recorded at two weather stations in a single day are given below:

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall maximum and minimum temperatures

Note-Even though the average temperature of the two stations is the same, there is a difference in the ranges of temperature. Which station do you think is closer to the sea?

Answer: The average temperature of station A is 25°C. The average temperature of station B is also 25°C. The range of temperature at station A is (36°C – 14°C) 22°C.

On the other hand, the range of temperature at station B is 2°C (26°C – 24°C).

As far as the range of temperature is concerned, it can be concluded that station B is closer to the sea than station A.

Places near the sea experience a minimum range of temperature as in the case of station B.

Question 3. Young weather reporters have to prepare two weather reports. (You will get information about temperature and rainfall from television or radio. Collect the rest of the information by recording your own observations.)

Question 1. The month of May (The weather report of seven successive days)

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall the weather part of seven successive days

Which were the days in which the minimum temperature was highest and lowest?
Calculate the average temperature of each day.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall the weather report of seven succesive days.2

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall the weather report of seven succesive days tble

The minimum temperature was highest on the 6th day, 31°C and was lowest on the 7th day, 27°C.

The table of average temperature for each day is given below:

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall average temperature

Question 2. The month of September (The weather report of seven successive days)

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall two weather reports

Which were the days in which the maximum temperature was highest and lowest? Calculate the average temperature of each day.


The month of May (The weather report of seven successive days)

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall the weather report of seven succesive days table

During September, the maximum temperature was the highest, on the 7th day, at 31°C and the lowest on the 4th day, 29°C.

The table of average temperature for each day is given below:

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall average temperature2

Question 4. Find out the differences in the elements of weather in these reports and write them down in your notebook.

The differences in the elements of weather in these two reports of two different months (May and September) are as follows—

Temperature: The month of May is warmer than the month of September.

Rainfall: The amount of rainfall is higher in September than in May. Light to medium amount of rainfall generally occurs in September.

Cloudiness: Sky in the month of May remains partly cloudy.

So rainfall is occasional. On the contrary, the sky in September ranges from almost overcast to overcast. So rainfall is quite frequent.

Wind: Pleasant wind blows from the south in the month of May, often accompanied by thunderstorms.

On the other hand, rainfall due to the southwest monsoon is a general phenomenon in September.

Empathy and Cooperation: This segment will determine the ability of students to cooperate and help others within a group.

WBBSE Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather And Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall Fill in the Blanks

Question 1. ____________is used to measure the atmospheric pressure of any place.
Answer: Froths barometer

Question 2. Air that moves parallel to the Earth’s surface is called ____________
Answer: Wind

Question 3. ____________winds blow in winter in the northern hemisphere.
Answer: North

Question 4. In the desert of Rajasthan,____________ the average temperature during the day is about
Answer: 48ºC

Question 5. In Leh, the winter temperature is about____________
Answer: -40ºC

Question 6. The fraction of sky obscured by a cloud is called ____________
Answer: Cloud

Question 7. is the instrument to measure ____________ rainfall.
Answer: Rain gauge

Question 8. The normal lapse rate is____________ Torrid zone receives
Answer: 6.5ºC/1000m

Question 9. Torrid zone receives ____________ Sunlight throughout the year.
Answer: Vertical

Question 10. In frigid zones, it remain ____________through the year.
Answer: Cold

WBBSE Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather And Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall Write True Or False

Question 1. The process of water changing its physical state to water vapor is called condensation.
Answer: False

Question 2. With increasing atmospheric temperature, atmospheric pressure also increases.
Answer: False

Question 3. Temperature decreases with increasing altitude.
Answer: True

Question 4. The unit of wind speed is ‘knot’.
Answer: True

Question 5. The artificial satellite INSAT collects and transmits the data that help forecast the weather for India.
Answer: True

Question 6. Dry air exerts more pressure.
Answer: True

Question 7. The tropics have the highest temperature.
Answer: True

Question 8. Atmospheric pressure is lesser in the lower layers of the Earth’s atmosphere.
Answer: False

Question 9. For every 1000-metre rise in altitude, the temperature decreases by 6.5°C. i.0j At sea level, atmospheric pressure is 1013.25 millibar.
Answer: True

Question 10. The headquarters of the weather department of West Bengal is in Barrackpore. |(5 Places far from the sea enjoy temperate climate.
Answer: False

Question 11. In the Northern Hemisphere, the temperature of the land surface is coldest in January. 14 The daytime breeze blows from sea to land.
Answer: False

WBBSE Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather And Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall Match The Columns

Question 1.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall match the following 2
Answer: 1-F,2-D,3-A,4-B,5-C,6-E

Question 2.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather and Climate Topic B Temperature Wind Cloudiness Rainfall match the following 1
Answer: 1-C,2-A,3-D,4-B

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