WBBSE Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather And Climate Topic A Elements Of Weather And Climate Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1. How is the Atmosphere heated?
Atmosphere heated:
The Sun is the main source of heating the atmosphere. The atmosphere is heated by three main processes Radiation, Conduction and Convection.
They are discussed below:
1. Radiation: The process of heat transfer from the Sun directly to the Earth’s surface and back to the atmosphere is called Radiation.
This can happen with or without a medium but the medium itself does not get heated.
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For instance, the Sun directly heats up the Earth’s surface, which in turn spreads through the atmosphere. This is the heating of the atmosphere through radiation.
Short Questions on Weather Elements
2. Conduction: The process by which heat energy is transferred from a warmer surface to some other cooler surface is called Conduction.
The heat rising from the Earth’s surface warms the lower layers of the atmosphere first and then the heat is transferred to simultaneous layers. This is the heating of the atmosphere through conduction.
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3. Convection: The incoming solar radiation heats up the Earth’s surface. Thus, the lowest strata of air close to the Earth’s surface get heated up first.
This warm air rises upwards, and the cool air above settles downwards to take its place. This cool air then gets similarly heated up and moves upwards.
The process of heat transfer through the movement of air currents is known as Convection. Thus the entire atmosphere gets heated through the process of convection.
Question 2. What do you mean by weather and climate?
Weather and climate:
Weather is the atmospheric condition of a place at a given point in time and is determined by the elements of weather temperature, precipitation, humidity, pressure, cloudiness and wind.
Weather is ever-changing For instance, summer days may be hot and sunny but evenings can be stormy.
The climate is defined as the average weather conditions of a greater extent of the area over an extended period of time, say 30-35 years.
The climate of a place can stay unchanged for hundreds of years – for instance, the climate at the poles has remained frigid for centuries.
Question 3. Write the differences between weather and climate.
The differences between weather and climate are as follows—
Common Questions About Weather and Climate
Question 4. Station: Kolkata Calculate the annual average temperature and rainfall for the station.
Answer: \(\begin{aligned}
& \text { Annual average temperature of the station }=\frac{\text { Sum of } 12 \text { months’ temperature }}{12} \\
& =\frac{18+22+27+32+35+31+30+29+28+27+24+20}{12}=\frac{323}{12}=26.92^{\circ} \mathrm{C}
∴The annual average temperature of Kolkata is 26.92ºC
\(\begin{aligned}& \text { Annual average rainfall of the station }=\frac{\text { Sum of } 12 \text { months’ rainfall }}{12} \\
& =\frac{11+30+35+60+142+290+410+350+280+140+26+15}{12}=\frac{1789}{12}=149.08 \mathrm{~mm}
Class 6 Geography WBBSE
∴ The annual average rainfall of Kolkata is 149.08mm.
Question 5. Mention the Cycle of Seasons With their respective months in West Bengal.
The Cycle of Seasons With their respective months in West Bengal:
The climate of West Bengal is classified as tropical wet and dry in the southern parts and humid subtropical in the northern parts.
The seasonal cycle and their respective months are:
In West Bengal, hot and humid weather prevails for almost seven to eight months of the year.
Cool-cold weather is experienced in the remaining four months.
Question 6. What is meant by ‘effective solar radiation1 and ‘albedo1?
Effective solar radiation1 and ‘albedo1:
Only 1 in 20 billion parts of the Sun’s energy reaches the Earth. This is called insolation. If we consider this to be 100 per cent,
The effective solar radiation and albedo will be as follows:
Effective solar radiation: About 51% of the insolation manages to heat the Earth by various methods.
This is called Effective solar radiation 34% of this total 51% is absorbed by gases, water vapour and dust particles. The remaining 17% is the heat reflected back into the space.
Albedo: 35% of the insolation is reflected back to space by the water vapour, dust particles, clouds and smoke in the atmosphere.
This is called Albedo From this 35%, 6% is scattered to space, 27% is reflected back by clouds and 2% from the Earth’s surface.
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Question 7. What is meant by the ‘heat balance’ or ‘heat budget of the Earth?
‘Heat balance’ or ‘heat budget of the Earth:
Only 1 in 20 billion parts of the Sun’s energy reaches the Earth. This is the incoming solar radiation or insolation. This warms the Earth and the atmosphere during the day.
At night this heat radiates back. The incoming heat that is absorbed and the outgoing heat escaping n the form of terrestrial radiation is both perfectly balanced.
Otherwise, the Earth would become either warmer or cooler each year. The balance between incoming and outgoing heat is the Earth’s ’heat balance’ or ‘heat budget’.
Practice Questions on Weather Measurement Instruments
Question 8. Write a note on a thermometer.
A thermometer is an instrument used to measure atmospheric temperature.
The Thermometer used to measure atmospheric temperature is usually larger in size than clinical Thermometers.
When the air temperature increases, the mercury in the Thermometer expands and shoots up the bore which is marked in either the Celsius or the Fahrenheit scale. The reverse happens when temperature falls.
Six’s Thermometer is used to record the maximum and minimum temperature in a day at a place and hence, the daily and monthly temperature ranges can also be calculated.
Question 9. Write about the instrument used to measure atmospheric humidity.
The instrument used to measure atmospheric humidity:
Hygrometer is an instrument used to measure the humidity of the air at a specific place at a specific point in time.
A Hygrometer uses two basic mercury Thermometers—one with a dry bulb and the other with a wet bulb.
A wet bulb thermometer measures the extent of cooling while moisture dries from a surface. The wet bulb temperature is always lower than the dry bulb temperature except when there is 100% relative humidity.
Conceptual Questions on Climate vs. Weather
The relative humidity is determined by comparing the temperature between the two Thermometers.
WBBSE Chapter 7 Weather And Climate Topic A Elements Of Weather And Climate Short Analytical Type Questions
Question 1. What are the elements that influence the weather?
The elements that influence weather are as follows—
- Temperature
- Air Pressure
- Wind Systems
- Humidity
- Cloud
- Precipitation.
Question 2. What is meant by insolation?
The rays that come to Earth from the Sun are together called incoming solar radiation or insolation. This is about 1 in 20 billion parts of the Sun’s energy.
Question 3. What is meant by effective solar radiation?
Effective solar radiation:
Only 51% of the total insolation actually warms the Earth’s surface. This is called effective solar radiation.
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Question 4. What is meant by terrestrial radiation?
Terrestrial radiation:
The Earth’s surface absorbs only about 51% of the incoming solar radiation or insolation.
At night, the Earth’s surface radiates the entire 51% of heat back to the atmosphere. This radiation of heat by the Earth s surface is called terrestrial radiation.
Question 5. What is radiation?
The process of heat transfer from the Sun directly to the Earth’s surface and back to the atmosphere again is called radiation.
This can happen with or without a medium – but the medium itself does not get heated.
Important Definitions Related to Weather Elements
Question 6. What is conduction?
The process by which heat energy is transferred from a warmer surface to some other cooler surface is called conduction.
The heat rising from the Earth’s surface warms the lower layers of the atmosphere first and then the heat is transferred to consecutive layers.
This is the way of heating up the atmosphere through conduction.
Question 7. What is convection?
The incoming solar radiation heats up the Earth’s surface. Thus, the lowest strata of air close to the Earth’s surface get heated up first.
This warm air rises upwards, and the cool air above settles downwards to take its place.
This cool air then gets similarly heated up and moves upwards. The process of heat transfer through the movement of air currents is known as convection.
So, the entire atmosphere gets heated through the process of convection.
Question 8. What are the processes by which the atmosphere gets heated?
Sun is the main source of heating up the atmosphere.
This heat is then passed through the different layers of the atmosphere to reach the Earth’s surface through the processes of radiation, conduction and convection.
WBBSE Class 6 Geography Question Answer
Question 9. What is meant by the daily range of temperature?
The daily range of temperature:
The difference between the maximum and the minimum temperatures of any place in a day is called the daily range of temperature at that place.
Question 10. What is meant by the mean annual range of temperature?
The mean annual range of temperature:
The difference between the average temperature of the coldest month and the hottest month in a year is known as the mean annual range of temperature.
Question 11. How is atmospheric temperature measured?
Atmospheric temperature is measured with the help of an instrument called the Thermometer. Temperature is measured either in Celsius or Fahrenheit scale.
Question 12. What are the freezing and boiling points on the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales?
On the Fahrenheit scale, the freezing point is 32°F and the boiling point is 212°F. On the Celsius scale, the freezing point is 0°C and the boiling point is 100°C.
Question 13. Point out the difference between Fahrenheit and Celsius Thermometers.
Both degrees Fahrenheit (°F) and degree Celsius (°C) are units to measure temperature. The boiling point of water is 212° and the freezing point is 32° on the Fahrenheit scale.
Whereas, on the Celsius scale, the boiling point of water is 100° and the freezing point is 0°.
Real-Life Scenarios Involving Weather Impact
Question 14. What is meant by atmospheric humidity?
Atmospheric humidity:
Atmospheric humidity of any place is the water vapour content in a given volume of air of that place at a particular temperature at a given time.
Atmospheric humidity is measured by an instrument known as Hygrometer.
Question 15. Why do we feel damp season?
During monsoons, it is damp because of a lot of humidity in the atmosphere. Heavy rainfall and subsequent high rate of evaporation due to high temperature add to the atmospheric humidity.
WBBSE Class 6 Geography Question Answer
Cloudiness adds to the dampness by restricting the direct sunrays from reaching the surface.
WBBSE Chapter 7 Weather And Climate Topic A Elements Of Weather And Climate Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. What are the elements of weather?
Answer: The atmospheric temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed, rainfall and cloud cover of any place.
Question 2. When can the climate of a place change?
Answer: After a long interval of time.
Question 3. What type of climate does India have?
Answer: Tropical monsoon type.
Question 4. What is the source of the Earth’s light and heat?
Answer: The Sun.
Question 5. What part of the Sun’s heat and light reaches the Earth?
Answer: 1 in 20 billion parts.
Question 6. What are the processes by which the atmosphere gets heated?
Answer: Radiation, Conduction, Convection.
Question 7. Which is lighter – hot air or cold air?
Answer: Hot air.
Question 8. Which city between Delhi and Mumbai has a moderate climate and which one has an extreme climate?
Answer: Delhi has an extreme climate and Mumbai has a moderate climate.
Examples of Weather Conditions in Different Regions
Question 9. Can you say which season prevails in our state in the months of April and May?
Answer: Summer.
Question 10. Which instrument is used to measure atmospheric temperature?
Answer: Thermometer.
Question 11. What are the maximum and minimum positive values on a Celsius scale?
Answer: Maximum is 100°C and minimum is 0°C.
Question 12. What are the maximum and minimum positive values on the Fahrenheit scale?
Answer: Maximum is 212°F and minimum is 32°F.
WB Class 6 Geography Question Answer
Question 13. What is the unit of atmospheric temperature?
Answer: Celsius or Fahrenheit.
Question 14. Which scale do we usually use to measure temperature when we catch a fever?
Answer: Fahrenheit.
Question 15. Which instrument is used to measure the humidity of the air?
Answer: Hygrometer.
WBBSE Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather And Climate Topic A Elements Of Weather And Climate Fill In The Blanks
Question 1. ______________ is the condition of the atmosphere at a particular place over a short period of time.
Answer: Weather
Question 2. The average weather conditions of any place over a period of 30-35 years is called its ______________
Answer: Climate
Question 3. In India, the months of April and May are ______________ season.
Answer: Summer
Question 4. In India, Mid-June to September is______________ season.
Answer: Monsoon
Question 5. The heat and light we get from the Sun is called ______________
Answer: Insolation
Question 6. About 35% of the Sun’s rays are reflected back to space This is called the ______________ of the Earth.
Answer: Albedo
Question 7. Only 51% of the insolation heats up the Earth’s surface. This is called the ______________
Answer: Effective Solar radiation
Question 8. All of 51% of the Sun’s rays that reach the Earth’s surface, return to space. This is called ______________
Answer: Terrestrial radiation
Question 9. The difference between the maximum and the minimum temperatures of any place in one day is the ______________ of that place.
Answer: Daily range of temperature
Question 10. ______________ Thermometer helps us to record the maximum and minimum temperature on any given day.
Answer: Six’s
Question 11. The boiling point on the Fahrenheit scale is ______________
Answer: 212ºC
Question 12. The ______________ scale on the Thermometer is used to measure temperature in case of fever.
Answer: Fahrenheit
Question 13. Heat is a form of energy and temperature is the ______________ of heat.
Answer: measurement
Question 14. ______________ is used to measure the humidity of any place.
Answer: Hygrometer
Question 15. The amount of water vapour in a given volume of air in the atmosphere at a place at a particular temperature is the ______________ that air.
Answer: Humidity
WBBSE Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather And Climate Topic A Elements Of Weather And Climate True or False
Question 1. The climate is the daily state of the atmosphere of any place.
Answer: False
Question 2. India’s climate is categorized as tropical monsoon type.
Answer: True
Question 3. The boiling point on the Fahrenheit scale is 100°F.
Answer: False
Question 4. The climate of a place is the average state of the atmosphere over a period of 30 days.
Answer: False
Question 5. Temperature is least in the equatorial region.
Answer: False
Question 6. Atmospheric temperature is measured with the help of an anemometer.
Answer: False
Question 7. The moisture-laden wind is humid.
Answer: True
Question 8. Air with water vapour is heavier than air without water vapour.
Answer: False
Question 9. The difference between the maximum and minimum temperature of a place in the course of a year is called the annual temperature range.
Answer: True
Question 10. The diurnal temperature range of any place refers to the difference between the maximum and minimum temperature of that place during one day.
Answer: True
WBBSE Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather And Climate Topic A Elements Of Weather And Climate Match The Columns
Question 1.
Answer: 1-B,2-D,3-A,4-C