WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 3 Where You Are Topic A Parallels Of Latitude

Class 6 Geography WBBSE Chapter 3 Where You Are Chapter Synopsis

1. A globe is a sphere-shaped small model of the Earth.

2. The imaginary line that connects the two poles of the Earth through its centre is called the Earth’s axis. The length of this axis is 12,714 km.

3. The northern limit and southern limit of the axis of the Earth are known as the North Pole and the South Pole respectively.

4. The imaginary circular line lying equidistant from the poles and running along the surface of the Earth around its centre in an east-west direction is called the Equator.

5. The northern half of the Earth from the Equator is the northern hemisphere.

6. The southern half of the Earth from; the Equator is the southern hemisphere.

7. The angular distance of a place—north or south from the Equator, measured in degrees from the centre of the Earth, is known as latitude.

8. The imaginary circular lines parallel to the Equator and each other running in an east-west direction are known as parallels of latitude.

9. The parallel of latitude to the north of the Equator with an angular value of 23y2°N is known as the Tropic of Cancer.

10. The parallel of latitude to the north of the Equator with an angular value of 66%°N is known as the Arctic Circle.

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11. The 90°N polar point in the northern hemisphere is called the North Pole.

12. The parallel of latitude in the southern hemisphere with an angular value of 231/2°S is called the Tropic of Capricorn.

13. The parallel of latitude in the southern hemisphere with an angular value of 66V4°S is known as the Antarctic Circle.

14. The 90°S polar point in the southern hemisphere is known as the South Pole.

15. The plane containing the Equator which divides the Earth into two equal halves is called the Equatorial plane.

Class 6 Geography WBBSE

16. The elliptical path on which the Earth revolves around the Sun is known as the Earth’s orbit.

17. The plane on which the Earth constantly revolves around the Sun in its own orbit is called the orbital plane.

18. The angular distance of a place, east or west from the Prime Meridian, measured in degrees from the centre of the Earth is known as longitude.

19. The imaginary semi-circular lines connecting the two poles and running in a north-south direction are known as the meridians of longitude.

20. The meridian of longitude passing through the Royal Observatory at Greenwich having an angular value of 0° is known as the Prime Meridian.

21. The diametrically opposite meridian to the Prime Meridian common to both east longitude and west longitude, is known as the 180° meridian. The International Date Line mostly follows this meridian.

22. The Prime Meridian and 180° meridian jointly divide the Earth into two halves. The one located in the east is known as the eastern hemisphere, while the one located in the west is called the western hemisphere.

23. A Great Circle is any circle that is drawn on the Earth’s surface, sharing the same centre as that of the Earth itself. The Equator is a Great Circle.

Class 6 Geography WBBSE Chapter 3 Where You Are Topic A Parallels Of Latitude Analytical Type Questions

Question 1. Write about the Earth’s axis.

Earth’s axis:

The imaginary line that connects the two poles of the Earth through its centre is called the Earth’s axis.

Special characteristics: Some special characteristics of the Earth’s axis are as follows:

  1. The Earth’s axis is always tilted at an angle of 66.5° to its orbital plane.
  2. The length of the Earth’s axis is about 12,714 km.
  3. The angular distance between the axis and the Equatorial plane is 90°.
  4. The Earth rotates around its axis.

There are two fixed, steady celestial bodies directly above the two ends of the Earth’s axis. These are the Pole Star in the north and Hadley’s Octant (though not true South Star) in the south.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 3 Where you are Parallels of latitude North pole and south pole

Question 2. What are the parallels of latitude or attitudes?

The parallels of latitude or attitudes:

The imaginary lines parallel to the Equator and each other that run along the Earth’s surface from east to west in the shape of circles are called the lines of latitude.

Class 6 Geography WBBSE

Special characteristics: Some special characteristics of the parades of latitude are—

  1. They are parallel to each other.
  2. Apart from the poles, each and every line of latitude is a complete circle.
  3. They extend from east to west.
  4. They are of different circumferences.
  5. All the places located on a specific line of latitude do not experience day or night at the same time.
  6. The Equator is the greatest line of latitude so it is also called the Great Circle.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 3 Where you are Parallels of latitude The paralles of latitude

Question 3. What are the characteristics of the parallels of latitude?

The characteristics of the parallels of latitude are as follows:

Shape and nature: Latitudes are full circles. They are parallel to each other.

Latitudinal value: The lowest possible latitude is 0° (Equator) and the highest possible latitude is 90° (poles). The angular value of a line of latitude is 360°.

Extension and circumference: The latitudes extend from east to west. As one moves from the Equator towards the poles, the latitudes gradually become smaller and smaller.

Class 6 Geography WBBSE

Hemisphere: The Equator (the lowest latitude) divides the Earth into two equal hemispheres—the northern and the southern.

Determination of climate: Climatic zones (the torrid zone, the temperate zones, the frigid zones) are determined by their latitudinal positions. Places on the same latitude have similar climatic conditions.

Location of places: The different places located on the same latitude belong to either the eastern or the western hemisphere.

The Equator, the Great Circle: The circumference of the Equator is the greatest among all the latitudes. Hence, it is known as the Great Circle.

Question 4. Write About the earth’s orbit

Earth’s orbit:

The Earth revolves around the Sun from the west to the east along a unique, specified elliptical path which is called the Earth’s orbit.

Special characteristics: Some special characteristics of Earth’s orbit are-

  1. The Earth’s orbit is elliptical in shape.
  2. The length of the orbit is 940 million km.
  3. The Earth completes one revolution of its orbit in 365 days (approx).
  4. The speed at which the Earth orbits around the Sun is about 30 km per second.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 3 Where you are Parallels of latitude The Earths orbit

Question 5. Discuss in detail the Equator.


The imaginary line lying equidistant from the poles and running along the surface of the Earth around its centre, from east to west forming a circle is called the Equator.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 3 Where you are Parallels of latitude south pole


Special characteristics: Some special characteristics of the Equator are as follows:

  1. The angular value of the Equator is 0°, which means, it is at an angle of 0° to the centre of the Earth.
  2. The duration of daylight and night are exactly equal at the Equator.
  3. It is a line of latitude with the greatest radius of about 12,756 km. So, it is also called the Great Circle.

Class 6 Geography Question Answer WBBSE

Importance: The Equator is of great importance due to the following reasons:

  1. The Equator runs across the Earth’s surface around its middle and divides the Earth into two hemispheres—north and south.
  2. Exactly how far north or south a particular place is, can be specified with reference to the Equator.
  3. The Equator also helps to determine the circumference of the Earth as it is a Great Circle.

Question 6. Discuss the important parallels latitudes of the Earth.

The important parallels of the latitude of the Earth are—

The Equator: The imaginary line lying equidistant from the poles, running along the Earth’s surface around its centre in an east-west direction is called the Equator.

Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn: The Tropic of Cancer is parallel with the value of 2334° N. This is the last limit of the apparent northerly movement of the Sun.

The Tropic of Capricorn is parallel with the value of 2334°S. This is the last limit of the apparent southerly movement of the Sun.

Arctic Circle and Antarctic Circle: The parallels with a value of 6634° lying north and south of the Equator are called the Arctic and Antarctic Circle, respectively.

They determine the lower limit from which the places on the Earth experience 24 hours of day and night alternately every 6 months.

North and South Poles: The polar points which are at 90° from the centre of the Earth are called the North and South Poles in the northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere, respectively.

The North Pole can be located with the Pole Star while the South Pole can be located with the help of Hadley’s Octant, though it is not a true south star.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 3 Where you are Parallels of latitude important lines of latitude

Class 6 Geography Question Answer WBBSE

Chapter 3 Where You Are Topic A Parallels Of Latitude Short Analytical Type Questions

Question 1. Name 10 countries each in the northern and southern hemispheres.

Countries in the Northern Hemisphere:

  1. India
  2. China
  3. Japan
  4. Sri Lanka
  5. Bhutan
  6. Pakistan
  7. Nepal
  8. Canada
  9. Germany
  10. Sweden.

Countries in the southern hemisphere:

  1. Australia e New Zealand
  2. Argentina
  3. Zambia
  4. Uruguay
  5. Bolivia
  6. Peru
  7. Chile
  8. Namibia
  9. Zimbabwe.

Question 2. Write a Brief About the equatorial plane.

Equatorial plane:

The imaginary plane that contains the Equator and cuts the Earth into two equal halves is called the equatorial plane. The centre of the Earth lies on this plane.


WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 3 Where you are Parallels of latitude The equatorial plane

Characteristics: Some characteristics of the equatorial plane are as follows—

  1. The centre of the Earth and the centre of the Equator lie on this plane.
  2. The angular distance between the Earth’s axis and the equatorial plane is 90°.
  3. The equatorial plane divides the Earth into two equal halves in the following ways:

Northern hemisphere: This stretches from 0° to 90° N.

Class 6 Geography Question Answer WBBSE

Southern hemisphere: This stretches from 0° to 90° S.

Question 3. Write about the Earth’s orbital plane.

Earth’s orbital plane:

The plane on which the Earth constantly revolves around the Sun in its own orbit is called the orbital plane.

Spedal The Earth’s orbital plane

characteristics: Some special characteristics of Earth’s orbital plane are as follows—

  1. The Earth’s axis is always at an angle of 66/2° to its orbital plane.
  2. The orbital plane is always at an angular distance of 23%° from the equatorial plane.
  3. The Earth’s centre and the Sun’s centre are on the same orbital plane.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 3 Where you are Parallels of latitude the earths orbital plane

Question 4. What is meant by latitude?


The angular distance of a place north or south from the Equator, measured in degrees from the centre of the Earth, is known as latitude.

In the given point M is at an angular distance of 90° from the centre of the Earth. Thus, the latitudinal value of M is 90°. Similarly, Kolkata is at 22° 34° N latitude.

Class 6 Geography Question Answer WBBSE


WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 3 Where you are Parallels of latitude Latitude

Characteristics: Some characteristics of latitudes are as follows—

1. Places located on the north of the Equator are measured in °N and those located on the south of the Equator are measured in °S.

2. The degree value of latitudes increases as one moves towards the poles from the Equator. For latitude at the Equator is 0° and that at the poles is 90°.

Question 5. What are the differences between the equator and the prime meridian?

The differences between the Equator and Prime Meridian are as follows—

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 3 Where you are Parallels of latitude Point of difference equator and prime meridian

Question 6. What are the differences between the parallels of latitude and latitude?

The differences between parallels of latitude and latitude are as follows-

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 3 Where you are Parallels of latitude Point of difference parallels of latitude and latitude

Question 6. What are the differences between angular distance and physical distance?

The differences between angular distance and physical distance are as follows-

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 3 Where you are Parallels of latitude Point of difference Angular and physical distance


WBBSE Class 6 Geography Chapter 3 Where You Are Topic A Parallels Of Latitude Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Have you ever drawn a line on a plastic ball?

Yes, I have drawn a line on a plastic ball. As, a plastic ball is like a sphere, so the line drawn on the ball can never be straight.

Question 2. What is the Earth’s axis?

Earth’s axis:

The imaginary line that joins the North and South poles, and passes through the centre of the Earth is called the Earth’s axis.

It is inclined at an angle of 66/2° to the equatorial plane. The length of the axis is about 12,714 km.

Question 3. What is the North Pole?

North Pole:

The last northernmost limit of latitude in the northern hemisphere is called the North Pole. It is the 90°N polar point.

Question 4. What is the South Pole?

South Pole:

The last southernmost limit of latitude in the southern hemisphere is called the South Pole. It is the 90°S polar point.

Question 5. Who were the first to develop an accurate map of the world and when?

Europeans developed the first accurate map of the world in the sixteenth century by imagining a few points and lines.

Question 6. What is the Equator?


The imaginary circular line lying equidistant from the poles and running along the surface of the Earth in the east-west direction is called the Equator.

Question 7. What does the word ’Equator’ mean?

The word ’Equator’ mean:

The word Equator has been derived from the Latin word ‘aequus’ which means ‘that equates’ or ‘equalises’.

The Equator divides the Earth into two halves the northern and the southern hemispheres.

Thus, the line that is equidistant between the North Pole and the South Pole is known as the Equator.

WBBSE Class 6 Geography Question Answer

Question 8. Which countries and continents does the Equator pass through?

Equator passes through the following countries and continents—

WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 3 Where you are Parallels of latitude Continets and countries

Question 9. What is a line of latitude?


The imaginary, circular lines running along the surface of the Earth in an east-west direction are called lines of latitude. They are parallel to the Equator and to each other.

Question 10. What is the Tropic of Cancer?

Tropic of Cancer:

The line of latitude in the northern hemisphere corresponding to 2334°N is called the Tropic of Cancer. On the day of the summer solstice, the Sun rays fall directly on this line.

This line is the last limit of the apparent northward movement of the Sun. One of the countries lying on the Tropic of Cancer in India.

Question 11. What is the Arctic Circle?

Arctic Circle:

The line of latitude with the value 66 The 0° latitude is called the ]/2°N is called the Arctic Circle.

Every year from 21 June to December the region from the Arctic Circle to the North Pole experiences daylight for 24 hours, for a prolonged period of 6 months.

Question 12. What is the Tropic of Capricorn?

Tropic of Capricorn:

The line of latitude in the southern hemisphere corresponding to 231/2°S is called the Tropic of Capricorn.

On the day of the winter solstice, the Sun’s rays fall directly on this line.

This line is the last limit of the apparent southward movement of the Sun. One of the countries lying on the Tropic of Capricorn is Brazil.

Question 13. What is the Antarctic Circle?

Antarctic Circle:

The line of latitude with the value 661/2°S is called the Antarctic Circle.

Every year from 22 December to 21 June, the region from the Antarctic Circle to the South Pole experiences daylight for 24 hours, for a prolonged period of 6 months.

Question 14. What do you understand by equatorial plane?

Equatorial plane:

The plane that contains the Equator and divides the Earth into two halves is called the equatorial plane. The centre of the Earth lies on this plane.

WBBSE Class 6 Geography Question Answer

Question 15. What do you mean by orbit and the orbital plane?

Orbit and the orbital plane:

The path along which the Earth revolves around the Sun is called its orbit. The plane on which the orbit is contained is called the orbital plane.

Chapter 3 Where You Are Topic A Parallels Of Latitude Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. The Europeans first drew up a map of the world in the—

  1. Sixteenth century
  2. Fifteenth-century
  3. Twenty-first century

Answer: 1. Sixteenth century

Question 2. The longest line of latitude is the—

  1. Antarctic circle
  2. Equator
  3. Arctic circle

Answer: 2. Equator

Question 3. The angle of the equator from the centre of the earth is—

  1. 66/2°
  2. 2334°

Answer: 1. 0°

Question 4. The most important line of latitude is the—

  1. Tropic of cancer
  2. Tropic of Capricorn
  3. Equator

Answer: 3. Equator

Question 5. The northern and southern hemispheres are determined by the—

  1. Prime meridian
  2. Lines of latitude
  3. Equator

Answer: 3. Equator

WBBSE Class 6 Geography Question Answer

Question 6. As one moves from the equator to the poles, the degree of the latitudes—

  1. Increases
  2. Decreases
  3. Stays the same

Answer: 1. Increases

Question 7. The imaginary lines running around the earth from east to west are called the—

  1. Parallel of latitude
  2. Meridians of longitude
  3. Grids

Answer: 1. Parallel latitude

Question 8. The lines of latitude extend from—

  1. East to west
  2. North to south
  3. East to north

Answer: 1. East to west

Question 9. According to their shape, the lines of latitude are—

  1. Complete circles
  2. Half circles
  3. Arcs

Answer: 1. Complete circles

Question 10. The total number of lines of latitude on the earth is—

  1. 90
  2. 179
  3. 88

Answer: 2. 179

Question 11. The 2334° n line of latitude is called the—

  1. Tropic of cancer
  2. Tropic of Capricorn
  3. Equator

Answer: 1. Tropic of cancer

WB Class 6 Geography Question Answer

Question 12. The tropic of cancer is the line of latitude with an angular measurement of—

  1. 231/2°N
  2. 66°S
  3. 90°N

Answer: 1. 231/2°N

Question 13. The 6620s line of latitude is called the—

  1. Arctic circle
  2. Tropic of Capricorn
  3. Antarctic Circle

Answer: 3. Tropic of Capricorn

Question 14. The equatorial plane is at an angle of—

  1. 90° To the earth’s axis
  2. 0° To the earth’s axis
  3. 50° To the earth’s axis

Answer: 1. 90° To the earth’s axis

Question 15. The path along which the earth travels around the sun is called—

  1. Equator
  2. Great circle
  3. Orbit

Answer: 3. Orbit

Question 16. The line of latitude that runs through India is the—

  1. Equator
  2. Tropic of cancer
  3. Tropic of Capricorn

Answer: 2. Tropic of cancer

WB Class 6 Geography Chapter 3 Where You Are Topic A Parallels Of Latitude Fill In The Blanks

Question 1. The 0° latitude is called the___________
Answer: Equator

Question 2. ___________divides the Earth into two equal hemispheres—the northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere.
Answer: Equator

Question 3. The length of the lines of latitude is 0 km at the ___________
Answer: Poles

Question 4. The ___________ is called the Great Circle.
Answer: Equator

Question 5. The reference point for the latitude is the___________
Answer: Equator

Question 6. The lines of latitude are ___________ to each other.
Answer: Parallel

Question 7. Lines of latitude are also known as ___________
Answer: Parallel

Question 8. The Tropic of Cancer corresponds to ___________ N.
Answer: 23½º

Question 9. 96634° N latitude is called the___________
Answer: Arctic circle

Question 10. The plane on which the Equator is situated is called the___________
Answer: Equatorial plane

Question 11. If you walk north-south from the Equator,___________ the will change.
Answer: Climate

Question 12. With respect to the Equator, India is in the___________ hemisphere.
Answer: Northern

Question 13. The continent with only one line of latitude running through it is ___________
Answer: Antarctica

WB Class 6 Geography Chapter 3 Where You Are Topic A Parallels Of Latitude Write True Or False

Question 1. The angular measurement of the Arctic Circle is 6634° N.
Answer: True

Question 2. When we move from one latitude to another, the local time changes.
Answer: False

Question 3. The lines of latitude are parallel to each other.
Answer: True

Question 4. The angular inclination of the axis of the Earth is 360°.
Answer: False

Question 5. The Antarctic Circle passes through Saudi Arabia.
Answer: False

Question 6. Russia is located in the northern hemisphere.
Answer: True

Question 7. The northern hemisphere has more water than the southern hemisphere.
Answer: False

Question 8. The North Pole can be identified by the Pole Star.
Answer: True

Question 9. The line of latitude with an angular measurement of 90° is the Equator.
Answer: False

WB Class 6 Geography Question Answer

Question 10. The two poles actually resemble two mere dots.
Answer: True

Question 11. The distance between two lines of latitude is always the same.
Answer: True

Question 12. As we move northward or southward from the Equator, the size of the latitudes decreases.
Answer: True

Chapter 3 Where You Are Topic A Parallels Of Latitude Match The Columns


WBBSE Solutions For Class 6 Geography Chapter 3 Where you are Parallels of latitude Match the following
Answer: 1-E,2-A,3-C,4-F,5-D,6-B


Chapter 3 Where You Are Topic A Parallels Of Latitude Answer in One or Two Words

Question 1. What is the name of the imaginary line running along the surface of the Earth in an east-west direction around its middle?
Answer: Equator.

Question 2. What is the angular measurement of the Earth’s two poles?
Answer: 90°.

Question 3. Jy On the basis of the Equator; in which hemisphere is your country located?
Answer: Northern hemisphere.

Question 4. Name any one continent in the southern hemisphere.
Answer: Australia.

Question 5. What is the shape of the lines of latitude?
Answer: Circle.

Question 6. What is the name of the 90° N latitude?
Answer: North Pole.

Question 7. How many parallels of latitude would you find on Earth at 1° intervals?
Answer: 179.

Question 8. At which point on Earth would all directions become south?
Answer: North Pole.

Question 9. What is the name of 23%° N latitude?
Answer: Tropic of Cancer.

Question 10. What is the name of 66N latitude?
Answer: Arctic Circle.

WB Class 6 Geography Question Answer

Question 11. What is the latitudinal value of the Tropic of Capricorn?
Answer: 23/2° S.

Question 12. At what angle is the Earth tilted to the Equatorial plane?
Answer: 66/2°.

Question 13. What is the name of the path on which the Earth revolves around the Sun?
Answer: Orbit.

Question 14. What is the name of the instrument used to measure degrees of latitude?
Answer: Sextant.

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