WBBSE Class 6 Geography WBBSE Chapter 1 The Sun The Stars In The Sky Topic C Space Explorations Analytical Type Questions
Question 1. Collect the information regarding expeditions to space to know about life on Mars.
The information regarding expeditions to space to know about life on Mars:
Earth, the only planet in the solar system has life. But scientists are trying to find out if there was life on Mars, whether there is life now, and whether there could be life in the future.
According to the latest information, methane gas has been found on Mars. As a result, scientists and researchers are hopeful that the existence of life could be found on Mars.
There have been several expeditions to space to learn about life on Mars. Among them, the Mars Orbit Mission (MOM) is an important expedition. The information about this expedition is as follows:
Name of the spacecraft: Mars Orbit Mission (MOM)
Launch Center: From the Sriharikota Rocket Launch Center on November 5, 2013, at 2.38 pm by PSLV-C-25
Weight of the MOM: About 1337 kg
Class 6 Geography WBBSE
Leaving the Earth’s orbit: December 1, 2013, at 12:48 pm
Entering the orbit of Mars: On September 24, 2014
Work: As a result of the tireless effort of ISRO scientists and technologists, MOM is sending a lot of unknown information about the weather and surface features of Mars. By sending MOM, India is assuring a new era in space research.
Finding: According to the latest data, methane gas has been found on Mars.
Some other expeditions on Mars are—
Question 2. Write about man’s first expedition to the Moon.
The milestones of man’s first expedition to the Moon are as follows—
Start of the journey: On July 16 of the year 1969, with astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin, and Michael Collins on board, the spacecraft Apollo-11 set off from Kennedy Space Centre in Florida.
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Expedition: The spacecraft reached lunar orbit and started orbiting the Moon. At this point, the lunar module—Eagle, separated from the main craft-Columbia and landed on the Moon.
First steps on the Moon: On 20 July, Neil Armstrong became the first man to set foot on the Moon. Twenty minutes later, Edwin Aldrin joined him.
WBBSE Class 6 Space Exploration Notes
Mission: The astronauts then took pictures of the Moon’s surface, and collected samples of the Moondust as well as Moon rocks. They also carried out various other mission-related activities.
Return journey: The lunar module then lifted off from the Moon’s surface and rejoined Columbia. The astronauts reached Earth safely on July 24.
Question 3. What do astronauts report about the environment of the Moon?
Some of the experiences that astronauts have reported about the environment of the Moon are as follows—
1. Less gravitational force: The gravitational force of the Moon is about 1/6 of the gravitational force of the Earth.
As a result, anyone on the Moon can easily jump about 6-7 times higher off the ground than he can do on Earth. Also, because of this low gravitational force, the Moon has no atmosphere.
2. No atmosphere: As the Moon does not have an atmosphere, the sky is always dark on the Moon. It is a place of perpetual night, with no dawn or dusk. Apart from temperature, there is no other element of weather.
3. No sound: Since there is no air on the Moon, there is no sound. Wireless transmitters are needed here for communication.
4. Uneven topography: The topography of the Moon is full of craters, potholes, hillocks, and hills. The craters are what we call Moon spots. There are many hills as well as over 0.2 million volcanic craters. There is a layer of dust all over the surface.
Class 6 Geography WBBSE
5. No life: There is no life on the Moon, as the Moon has neither air nor water
Question 4. What is a Space shuttle?
Space shuttle: A space shuttle is a kind of spacecraft that helps objects to return to the Earth. As rockets work as launchers for objects, space shuttles serve as return vehicles.
Space shuttles are used to transport materials for the construction of space stations, transport instruments and devices as well as food and supplies for astronauts. For example, the space shuttle Columbia is operated by NASA.
Question 5. What is an Artificial satellite?
Artificial satellites: The man-made satellites that orbit the Earth at a specific distance from the Earth’s surface are called Artificial satellites.
These satellites are extensively used for space research, weather forecasting, and mineralogy as well as monitoring land, air, and water on Earth. For instance, INSAT is an Indian satellite.
Question 6. What do you mean by ISRO?
ISRO: ISRO or the Indian Space Research Organization is the Indian government’s space research agency.
Under ISRO, there are now 18 space research centers and launching stations in India. It was because of the efforts of ISRO that the Aryabhatta, Bhaskar, Rohini, and INSAT series of satellites have been launched into space.
Its latest pride is the successful injection of Mangalyaan into Mars orbit. It is headquartered in Bengaluru.
Question 7. What is a solar eclipse? Explain within a diagram.
Solar eclipse: A Solar eclipse occurs when the Moon’s shadow falls on the Sun, blocking it from our view, partially or fully. This happens only when the Moon is directly in a straight line between the Sun and the Earth and always happens during the new Moon phase.
A total solar eclipse occurs when the Sun is completely blocked out by the Sun and a partial solar eclipse occurs when a part of the Sun is blocked out.
Question 8. What is a lunar eclipse? Explain with a diagram.
Lunar eclipse: A Lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth’s shadow falls on the Moon, blocking it from our view, partially or fully. This happens when the Earth is between the Moon and the Sun in a straight line and on a full Moon night.
Question 9. Write about man’s expeditions to the Moon.
The history of man’s expeditions to the Moon is as follows—
- On 20 July 1969, Neil Armstrong, an American astronaut, became the first man to set foot on the Moon.
- On 14 November 1969, the Moon saw the second set of visitors from the Earth.
- On 31 January 1971 astronauts from Earth started another mission and landed for the third time on the Moon.
Question 10. What are the dark spots on the Moon?
Dark spots on the Moon: The dark spots on the Moon are actually huge depressions caused by volcanic activity and meteor impacts. Since the light from the Sun does not reach into their depths, they appear as dark patches.
As they were earlier thought to be seas and oceans, they were collectively called Maria (‘mare’ meaning sea in Latin). Some names of the lunar mares are the Sea of Tranquility, Sea of Crises, and so on.
Class 6 Geography Question Answer WBBSE
Question 11. Name some famous space travelers.
Some famous space travelers are—
- ln 1957, a dog named Laika was sent to space by the then U.S.S.R. Laika was the first living creature from Earth to travel to space.
- In 1961, Yuri Gagarin traveled to space in a spacecraft named Vostok. He was the first human being to travel to space. G In 1963, Valentina Tereskova became the first woman in space.
- Vostok – 6 was the spacecraft.
- On 1 February 1997, Kalpana Chawla became the first woman of Indian origin to travel to space.
- Sunita Williams is the second woman of Indian origin to travel to space.
- She is also the woman astronaut who holds the record for clocking the most number of hours in space to date.
Question 12. After how many planets are the Earth situated when we move away from the Sun?
The sun And all the innumerable heavenly bodies that travel around it make up the solar system. These include the planets, their satellites, minor planets, comets as well as asteroids.
Other members: Other members of the solar system are—
Eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
Five dwarf planets: Pluto, Eris, Ceres, Haumea, and Makemake.
Various satellites: Moon of the Earth, Deimos of Mars, Jupiter’s Ganymede, and Titan of Saturn, etc.
Comets: Halley’s, Hale-Bopp, Hyakutake, etc.
Asteroids: Ceres, Eros, etc. 0 Meteors: Leonid (meteor shower), etc.
Question 13. Make a model of the solar system with your friends.
Project name: Making of solar system model
Name of the Students: Subhodip Jadab, Dip Pal, Sourav Karmakar, Sayan Pal
Name of the School: Chandernagore Banga Vidyalaya
Class: VI
Sec: A
Date: 05.12.2020
Required Materials: A large-size thermocol sheet, a few thermocol pieces, plastic balls of different sizes, rings of different sizes, tissue paper, glue, paint, brush, scissors, pens, pencils, pencil compass, scale, sketch pens, fine bamboo sticks, etc.
Model Construction Method: The red sun is drawn on the left side of the thermocouple.
- Multiple partial orbits for planets and satellites have been drawn with a pencil compass.
- Glue is applied to a certain part of the orbit with a brush.
- Plastic balls of different sizes according to the planets and satellites are pasted on those parts.
- Names of the planets, dwarf planets, and satellites are written with a sketch pen.
- Rings of different sizes have been attached around Saturn. These indicate the seven bright rings of Saturn.
- Again, in between Mars and Jupiter, glue is applied with a brush, and small pieces of thermocouple are pasted, which point to the asteroids.
- Finally, glue with a brush on the upper right side of the thermocouple sheet is applied and fine bamboo sticks are stuck to indicate the comets.
- At last, the heading, border, and names of the other members of the solar system are marked with a sketch pen.
Question 14. Draw a diagram of the solar system and mark it.
- Mercury
- Venus
- Earth
- Mars
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Uranus
- Neptune
Question 15. Make a collage from news clips collected from the dailies about space, solar storms, expeditions to Mars, solar eclipses, and lunar eclipses.
Project name: Preparation of a collage of news about space-related information.
Name of the Students: Anshu Pramanik
Name of the School: KamalpurJ K High School
WBBSE Class 6 Geography Question Answer
Class: VI
Sec: B
Roll: 7
Date 21.12.2020
Question 16. Prepare cards with the characteristics of each planet written on them. Jumble them up and form small groups. Ask each group to pick up a card at random and see if you can identify the planet.
Answer: Procedure: It is divided into small groups as per the instructions of our teacher Mrs. Arpita Das Samanta. Then we write the characteristics of the planets on the cards and shuffle them.
Card 1: My features
Brightest and Warmest planet in the solar system.
I am almost equal to the Earth in size. That’s why I am also known as the ‘sister planet’ of the Earth.
I am also known as the evening star and the morning star.
Tell me who am I?
Answer: Venus
Card 2: My features
I have seven bright rings.
I take minimum time for one rotation.
I have a density less than that of water.
Tell me who am I?
Answer: Saturn
Card 3: My features
I am the fastest planet in the solar system.
I have no Satellite.
I am the nearest to the Sun.
Tell me who am I?
Answer: Mercury
Aesthetics and Creativity: This segment will check the aesthetic sense and creativity of the students.
Question 17. Spread some gum on a black chart paper and sprinkle some glitter on it to make galaxies of various shapes.
- Project name: Making of Galaxies
- Name of the Student: Arnab Das
- Name of the School: Balagarh High School
- Class: VI
- Sec: B
- Roll: 9
- Date: 28.12.2020
Required Materials: A large-size black art paper, glue, paint, brush, scissors, pen, pencil, sketch pen, and mica dust of different colors etc.
Method of Work: A rough sketch of the galaxy has been drawn with a pencil on black art paper. Then the glue is applied with a brush to this rough sketch.
Now, the mica dust of different colors is scattered on the glue-laden sketch. Mica dust is sprinkled in such a way that they seem spiral or elliptical in shape.
Question 18. Draw all the constellations you find in the night sky. Make sure not to leave Polaris ou
Question 19. You are a citizen of the Universe. Write down your complete address.
Answer: I am Sandipan Dutta. My complete address as a citizen of the Universe is as follows:
- Name: Sandipan Dutta
- Town/Village: Chinsurah
- State: West Bengal
- Country: India
- Continent: Asia
- Planet: Earth
- Galaxy: Milky Way
Question 20. Observe the phases of the moon from one full moon to the next when the night sky is mostly clear. Note the changes and draw them in your exercise book.
Project name: Observation and recording of phases of the moon
Name of the Students: Sahyadri Ghosal
Name of the School: Vivekananda Vidyamandir
Class: VI
Sec: A
Roll: 1
Date: 17.11.2019 to 16.12.2019
Time: 8 pm
Observation and recording:
On the night of the first full moon, I saw a full moon like a big round plate because then the Sun rays fall completely on the moon.
From the day after the full moon, the moon became gradually thinner and thinner. Exactly 15 days later, on the night of the new moon, the moon was no longer seen.
From the day after the new moon, the moon started to grow in size again from the thin slice. Exactly 15 days later, on the night of the full moon, the moon was seen again like a big round plate.
In this way, I have observed the changes in the shape of the moon in a clear night sky from one full moon (17/11/2019) to the new moon (02/12/2019) and again from the new moon (02/12/2019) to the next full moon (16/12/2019).
Question 21. Mark the property
Answer: 1. Moon, 2. Earth, 3. Sun
Question 22.
Down: 3. The outermost region of the Sun’s atmosphere. 6. Satellite of Saturn. 7. Small extra-terrestrial body. 8. The first animal to visit space. 9. Eighth planet in respect of distance from the Sun. 10. Celestial body orbiting around planets.
Across: 1. Small celestial bodies move around the Sun found between Mars and Jupiter. 2. Dwarf planet. 3. An arrangement of Stars as seen from the Earth. 4. Location used for observing terrestrial and celestial events. 5. Instrument for observing celestial events.
Answer: Down 3. Corona, 6. Titan, 7. Meteor, 8. Laika, 9. Neptune, 10. Satellite Across: 1. Asteroids, 2. Pluto, 3. Constellation, 4. Planetarium, 5. Telescope
Question 23. What is the significance of artificial satellites?
The significance of artificial satellites:
- Satellites are small, heavenly bodies that orbit around planets. Satellites made by human beings that are sent to space for various purposes are known as artificial satellites.
- These satellites are mostly used to forecast the weather, and ocean currents, predict natural disasters, and for defense purposes.
- They also enable radio and mobile networks to operate. Space research is another function. Many countries have sent artificial satellites to space over the years.
- Aryabhatta was the first artificial satellite to be launched by India, On 19 April 1975, from the former Soviet Union.
- Aryabhatta was designed to revolve around the Earth once every 1 hour and 36 minutes and was equipped with the technology to send back a lot of information and data.
- But a power failure halted experiments after just 4 days and 60 orbits and all signals from the satellite were lost. Aryabhatta re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere in February 1992.
- In 1983, the Indian Space Research Organisation launched a satellite named INSAT. The main aim of launching INSAT was to enable telecommunications, and radio transmissions as well as for weather forecasting and analysis.
Question 24. Why do comets appear after intervals of time?
Comets are heavenly bodies with a broomstick-like tail of gases and dust. Their heads are very bright and their tails extend for thousands of kilometers.
They also orbit around the Sun in a hyperbolic, elliptical orbit. But at some points during their orbits, their tails extend in a direction opposite to the Sun and are hence, not visible.
They revolve in the opposite direction to the planets and their orbits are so huge that it takes them a long time to reach a specific point in their orbit again.
That is why they are only visible from Earth at long intervals of time. Example: Halley’s comet is only visible every 76 years. It was visible in 1910 and 1986 and will again be seen in 2061.
WBBSE Chapter 1 The Sun The Stars In The Sky Topic C Space Explorations Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. What are rockets and what are space shuttles?
Rockets: Rockets and space shuttles are different kinds of spacecraft. Rocket technology allows us to send objects to outer space.
Their immensely powerful engines help them escape the Earth’s gravitational force and enter space. At this time, the technology to make rockets reusable is not available.
A space shuttle, on the other hand, is a spacecraft that is needed to return to Earth safely from space.
Question 2. ‘Rockets help to launch objects Into outer space/—how?
Rockets help to launch objects Into outer space: If one wants to reach outer space, the first obstacle would be to counter is the Earth’s gravitational force. Doing this requires the object to achieve a minimum velocity of 11.2 km/sec—this velocity is known as ‘escape velocity’.
Rockets can do this with ease and so they are used to also put objects like artificial satellites into space.
Question 3. What is a spacesuit?
Spacesuit: A spacesuit is a protective garment that is designed to help astronauts survive in space. Spacesuits are actually one-person spacecraft— pressurized, human-being-shaped chambers in which the atmospheric pressure is maintained as that on Earth.
Class 6 Geography Question Answer WBBSE
They protect astronauts from extreme temperatures in space; they supply oxygen to astronauts and also contain water. They protect astronauts from harmful radiation in space and from space matter and space debris hurtling around.
Question 4. What is Curiosity?
Curiosity: Curiosity is an advanced Mars orbiter, launched by NASA. This is engaged in gathering data about the surface and atmosphere of Mars. Curiosity Rover is also looking for signs of life on Mars.
Question 5. What is NASA?
NASA: NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) is an organization set up to manage issues of space research. It was inaugurated in 1958 by the then-American president, Dwight. D Eisenhower. It was under NASA that in 1967, Apollo 1 was launched.
Practice Questions on Satellites and Spacecraft
Question 6. What is INSAT?
INSAT: The satellite launched by ISRO was named INSAT. There was an attempted launch of the INSAT-1A in the year 1982, which eventually failed the following year.
Then in the year 1983, INSAT-1B was launched successfully. The main aim of launching INSAT was to enable telecommunications, radio transmissions as well as weather forecasting and analysis.
Question 7. What is Aryabhatta?
Aryabhatta: Aryabhatta was India’s first artificial satellite. On 19 April 1975, Aryabhatta was launched from the former Soviet Union.
Aryabhatta was designed to revolve around the Earth once every 1 hour and 36 minutes and was equipped with the technology to send back a lot of information and data.
But a power failure halted experiments after just 4 days and 60 orbits and all signals from the satellite were lost. Aryabhatta re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere in February 1992.
Question 8. Fill In The Knowledge Hive With Information On A Planetarium.
- Various phenomena related to astronomy are shown here.
- This is dome-shaped in order to replicate the way we actually see different planets, stars, and other heavenly bodies in the sky.
- Lights are switched off during the show in order to present a clear view of the night sky.
- Here, the apparent motion of the Sun, Orion, Big Dipper, etc. is presented very beautifully.
Question 9. Mark the names of the planets in the solar system.
- Mercury
- Venus
- Earth
- Mars
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Uranus
- Neptune
Question 10. Connect The numbered stars in the correct order and name the constellations
Question 11. Why does the sky appear blue to the naked eye?
In between the surface of the Earth and outer space, there is the atmosphere. This is made up of floating particles of dust and air.
This blanket of air absorbs all the colors of the spectrum in the Sun’s light, that is—violet, indigo, green, yellow, orange, and red – except blue. As a result, it reflects the blue and so, the sky appears blue to the naked eye.
Question 12. When it is a lunar eclipse on the Earth, it is a solar eclipse on the moon.—Why?
When it is a lunar eclipse on the Earth, it is a solar eclipse on the moon: When during some full Moons, the Earth, Sun, and Moon are in a straight line, then the Earth’s shadow falls on the Moon, making it invisible.
That’s why we on Earth experience a lunar eclipse. At this time, the Sun is invisible from the Moon, so it is a solar eclipse on the Moon.
Question 13. Name the constellations with the help of the clues given below:
WBBSE Chapter 1 The Sun The Stars In The Sky Topic C Space Explorations Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. What is the total population of the world?
Answer: More than 7 billion.
Question 2. What is the dress worn by the astronauts while traveling to space known as?
Answer: Spacesuit.
Question 3. What are the main uses of artificial satellites?
Answer: Weather forecasting, navigation, and communication.
Conceptual Questions on the Universe and Beyond
Question 4. Write the expanded form of NASA.
Answer: National Aeronautics and Administration.
Question 5. Write the expanded form of ISRO.
Answer: Indian Space Research Organisation
Question 6. Where is the ISRO’s headquarters situated?
Answer: Bengaluru.
Question 7. What is India’s first lunar vehicle named?
Answer: Chandrayaan
Question 8. What is the mutual position of the Sun, Earth, and Moon in the case of a solar eclipse?
Answer: The Moon is in between the Sun and the Earth.
Question 9. In which year Laika had traveled to space?
Answer: 1957.
Question 10. What were the main constituent parts of the spaceflight, Apollo-ll?
Answer: Columbia, Eagle.
Question 11. Who were the crew members of the spaceflight, Apollo-ll?
Answer: Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, Edwin Aldrin.
Question 12. What are the daytime and nighttime temperatures of the Moon?
Answer: Almost 117°C and -150°C respectively.
Question 13. Nebula: Galaxy: Star: Atmosphere
Answer: Atmosphere (not a heavenly body)
Question 14. Galaxy: Milky Way: Constellation: Earth
Answer: Earth (A planet)
WBBSE Class 6 Geography Question Answer
Question 15. A Moon: Sun: Proxima Centauri: Star
Answer: Moon ( A Satellite)
Question 16. Observatory: Temple: Telescope: Space
Answer: Temple (Not related to space research)
Question 17. Mercury: Venus: Earth: Moon
Answer: Moon ( A Satellite)
Question 18. I am the Earth’s only natural satellite. Who am I?
Answer: Moon
Question 19. I am the only planet in the solar system with life. Who am I?
Answer: Earth
Question 20. I am a celestial phenomenon who is seen after every 75/76 years. Who am I?
Answer: Halley’s comment
Question 21. I am the second woman of Indian origin who has spent the most amount of time in space. Who am I?
Answer: Sunita Williams
Question 22. I am the largest satellite in the solar system. I am a satellite of Saturn. Who am I?
Answer: Titan
Question 23. How many planets are there in the solar system?
Answer: Eight
Question 24. Which planet is the closest to the Sun and which is the farthest?
Answer: Mercury (the closest) and Neptune (the farthest)
Question 25. Which planet seems to be the largest?
Answer: Jupiter
WBBSE Chapter 1 The Sun The Stars In The Sky Topic C Space Explorations Fill In The Blanks
Question 1. ISRO is the space research centre of___________
Answer: India
Question 2. India’s first artificial satellite is called___________
Answer: Aryabhatta
Question 3. The first lunar vehicle from the Earth to land successfully on the Moon is___________
Answer: Chandrayan
Question 4. A lunar eclipse always occurs on ___________ night.
Answer: Full moon night
Question 5. The first space traveller from Earth is the Russian dog___________
Answer: Laika
Question 6. The first man to travel in space is___________
Answer: Yuri Gagarin
Question 7. The world’s first female astronaut is___________
Answer: Valentina tereskova
Question 8. India’s first astronaut is___________
Answer: Rakesh Sharma
Question 9. ___________ Spent the most time in space
Answer: Sunita Williams
Question 10. At night on Moon temperature drops up to___________
Answer: -150ºC
WBBSE Chapter 1 The Sun The Stars In The Sky Topic C Space Explorations Write True Or False
Question 1. An American satellite is named Aryabhatta.
Answer: False
Question 2. The Russian name of a man-made satellite is Sputnik.
Answer: True
Question 3. The central agency concerned with space research in India is ISRO.
Answer: True
Question 4. The first woman astronaut of Indian origin is Sunita Williams.
Answer: False
Question 5. Aryabhatta was launched on 19 April 1975.
Answer: True
Question 6. Thumba in Kerala is an important rocket launch site in India.
Answer: True
Question 7. The main obstacle to the launch of spacecraft is the Earth’s gravitational pull.
Answer: True
Question 8. Curiosity landed on Mars in 2014.
Answer: False
Question 9. Spacesuits are designed for astronauts.
Answer: True
Question 10. Laika was sent by Russia
Answer: True
WBBSE Chapter 1 The Sun The Stars In The Sky Topic C Space Explorations Match The Columns
Question 1.
Answer: 1-D,2-F,3-E,4-G,5-B,6-C,7-A,8-1,9-H