Arithmetic Chapter 12 Measurement Of Time
Arithmetic Chapter 12 Different units of measurement of time
- Day: The time is taken by the Earth to make one complete rotation around
- its own axis is called one day.
- Hour: If one day is divided into 24 equal parts, then each part is called one
- hour.
- Minute: When one hour is divided into 60 equal parts, then one part is called one minute.
- Second: When one minute is divided into 60 equal parts, then one part is called one second.
- So 1 day = 24 hours
- 1 hour = 60 minutes
1 minute = 60 seconds
Important Definitions Related to Time Measurement
- Week: 7 days make one week.
- Date: 7 days in a week are denoted by 7 dates.
- The dates are
- Monday
and Sunday. - Fortnight: 2 weeks together is called a Fortnight. In Bengali 15 days together are called a Fortnight.
- The number of fortnights two
1. The bright fortnight (Sukla fortnight)
2. The dark fortnight (Krishna Fortnight). - Month: Generally a month is said to have 30 days, although all the months of a year do not have 30 days.
- The total number of days in different months is given below
- January = 31 days
February = 28 days (In a leap-year, the month of February will have 29 days)
March = 31 days
April = 30 days
May = 31 days
June = 30 days
July = 31 days
August = 31 days
September = 30 days
October = 31 days
November = 30 days
December = 31 days. - Year: Usually a year contains 12 months or 365 days.
- But a Leap-Year contains 366 days.
- A period: of 12 years altogether is called a period.
- So, 7 days = 1 week 1 Fortnight (Paksha) = 2 weeks (In Bengali 15 days)
1 month = 30 days
1 year = 365 days (General year) = 366 days (Leap-year)
1 month = 2 Fortnights
1 year =12 months
1 period (Years) =12 years
1 century =100 years. - Leap-year: If the number denoting a year is divisible by 4, then the year is known as Leap-year.
- For example 1908, 1912, and 1916, years, etc. are Leap years,
- A leap year has 366 days and the month of February has 29 days.
- But all the years denoting the century are not leap years.
- A century year will be a leap year if the number denoting the year is divisible by 400.
- The years 1624, 1736, 1984, and 2004 are leap years as these numbers are divisible by 4.
- Again the century years 1600, 2000, and 1200 are leap-years as these numbers are divisible by 400 whereas the century years 1700, 1800, and 1900 are not leap-years as they are not divisible by 400.
- Century-year: 100 years altogether is known as a Century year.
- For example Nineteenth century (from 1801 year to 1900 year)
- The Twentieth century (From 1901. year to 2000 year)
- Twenty oneth century (From 2001 year to 2100 year) etc.
WBBSE Class 6 Measurement of Time Notes
Arithmetic Chapter 12 Addition, Subtraction Multiplication and Division in the Measurement of Time
- In our daily life, sometimes we are to do addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division two or more times.
- In this regard, we shall discuss illustrative examples.
- In general, following the rules discussed below, we add, subtract, multiply, and divide the problems regarding times.
- Rule 1. In the case of a second or minute 60 is taken as a unit; i.e., in two or more mathematical operations about seconds or minutes which are more than 60 seconds or 60 minutes, then we write the remaining seconds or minutes taking every 60 seconds or 60 minutes as units.
- For example, 52 seconds + 44 seconds = 96 seconds. We take 60 seconds = 1 minute, so there is the remaining 96 – 60 = 36 seconds.
- ∴ The addition can be written as 52 seconds + 44 seconds = 1 minute 36 seconds.
- Rule 2. In the case of hours and days, 24 hours is taken as a unit i.e., 24 hours = 1 day.
- Rule 3. In the case of days and weeks, 7 days are taken as a unit, i.e., 7 days = 1 week.
- Rule 4. In the case of weeks and years, 52 weeks is taken as the unit, i.e., 52 weeks = 1 year.
- Rule 5. In the case of days and months, 30 days are taken as a unit, i.e., 30 days = 1 month.
- Rule 6. In the case of days and years, 365 days are taken as a unit, i.e., 365 days = 1 year.
- Rule 7. In the case of months and years, 12 months is taken as a unit, i.e., 12 months = 1 year.
- Rule 8. In the case of years and periods, 12 years is taken as a unit, i.e., 12 years = 1 period.
Understanding Time Measurement
Arithmetic Chapter 12 Day of a particular date
- If we know the day of a particular date of any year, then we can easily calculate the day of any date preceding or following year.
- First, we shall calculate the number of days between the two given dates including only one day of these two given dates.
- Then divide the number of days by 7.
- If there is no remainder, then the day of the required date will be the same day as the given date.
- If the remainder is 1, then the day of the required date will be the first day after or before the given day in the case of the following year or the preceding year.
- Again if the remainder is 2, then the day of the required date will be the second day after or before the given day in case of the following or preceding year and so on.