WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Chapter 5 Natural Resources And Its Sustainable Use Multiple Choice Questions

WBBSE Chapter 5 Environment And Its Resources Natural Resources And Its Sustainable Use Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. The concept, which supports that conservation of environment and development of economy must go on parallelly, is called—

  1. Human development
  2. Sustainable development
  3. Industrial development
  4. Unidirectional development

Answer: 2. Sustainable development

Question 2. A natural resource, which may be replenished is—

  1. Coal
  2. Forest
  3. Petroleum
  4. Natural gas

Answer: 2. Forest

Question. A non-renewable natural resource is—

  1. Coal
  2. Solar energy
  3. Water
  4. Wood

Answer: 1. Coal

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Question 4. Trees of a forest continuously provide us

  1. Furniture
  2. Oxygen
  3. Coal
  4. Wood

Answer: 2. Oxygen

WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Question And Answer

Question 5. Most of the members of a forest are

  1. Producers
  2. Decomposes
  3. Primary Consumers
  4. Secondary consumers

Answer: 1. Producers

WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Chapter 5 Natural Resources And Its Sustainable Use Multiple Choice Questions

WBBSE Class 9 Natural Resources MCQs

Question 6. A forest cannot be used for

  1. Pisciculture
  2. Apiculture
  3. Harvesting medicinal plants
  4. Ecotourism

Answer: 1. Pisciculture

Question 7. Which is not a cause of deforestation?

  1. Expansion of cultivation
  2. Forest fire
  3. Flood
  4. Industrial development

Answer: 3. Flood

WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Chapter 5 Question Answer

Question 8. Sudden deforestation in an area may be due to—

  1. Expansion of grazing land
  2. Expansion of cultivating land
  3. Industrial expansion
  4. Forest fire

Answer: 4. Forest fire

Question 9. Production of prawn is a practice of—

  1. Eoiculture
  2. Horticulture
  3. Piscoculture
  4. Lac culture

Answer: 4. Lac culture

Question 10. A conventional source of energy is—

  1. Sunlight
  2. Petroleum
  3. Wind
  4. All of these

Answer: 2. Petroleum

Practice MCQs for Chapter 5 Natural Resources Question 11. A non-conventional source of energy is

  1. Coal
  2. Petroleum
  3. Wind
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Question 12. Which of the following has a role in food production?

  1. Lac culture
  2. Agriculture
  3. Pearl culture
  4. None of these

Answer: 2. Agriculture

Question 13. Which part of forest trees prevents soil erosion?

  1. Shoot
  2. Root
  3. Root and shoot
  4. Stem

Answer: 2. Root

Question 14. Coal is used mostly in—

  1. Cooking
  2. Running rail engine
  3. Steel industry
  4. Thermal power plants

Answer: 4. Thermal power plants

Question 15. A renewable natural resource is—

  1. Natural gas
  2. None of these
  3. Livestock
  4. Petroleum

Answer: 1. Natural gas

Important Questions on Conservation of Natural Resources for Class 9

Question 16. Deforestation causes

  1. Soil erosion
  2. Globak warming
  3. Drought
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. Drought

Question 17. The method of water conservation is

  1. Plantation
  2. Rain water harvesting
  3. Digging water pits
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Chapter 5 Question Answer Question 18. Source of Vitamin C and amino acid is

  1. Sago
  2. Yam bean
  3. Moringa oleifera
  4. Gum arabic
    Wbbse Class 9 Life Science Chapter 5 Question Answer

Answer: 3. Moringa oleifera

Question 19. Which appliance does help in conservation of energy?

  1. Refrigerator
  2. Solar water heater
  3. Computer
  4. Air purifier

Answer: 2. Solar water heater

Question 20. One of the non-human causes of deforestation causes

  1. Expansion of cultivation
  2. Industrial expansion
  3. Laying railway track
  4. Forest fire

Answer: 4. Forest fire

Question 21. Main problem for Indian rivers is—

  1. Water scarcity
  2. Silting
  3. Low water current
  4. Pollution

Answer: 4. Pollution

Concepts Related to Sustainable Resource Use for MCQs

Question 22. The World summit on ‘Fight against hunger’ organised by United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organisation was held in Rome in—

  1. 1996
  2. 1999
  3. 2003
  4. 2006

Answer: 1. 1996

Question 23. Pisciculture deals with—

  1. Culture of mushroom
  2. Culture of poultry birds
  3. Culture of prawn
  4. Culture of fish

Answer: 4. Culture of fish

Question 24. Source of fruits and vegetables is

  1. Horticulture
  2. Floriculture
  3. Agriculture
  4. Pisciculture

Answer: 1. Horticulture

Question 25. Most modern concept of environmental development is—

  1. Urbanization
  2. Sustainable development
  3. Control of industrialisation
  4. Deforestation

Answer: 2. Sustainable development

Question 26. Social development, economical development and ecological development are the three basic steps of—

  1. Human development
  2. Industrial development
  3. Sustainable development
  4. Unidirectional development

Answer: 3. Sustainable development

WBBSE Class 9 Life Science

Question 27. Most of the forests in India are of type.

  1. Deciduous
  2. Evergreen
  3. Coniferous
  4. Mangrove

Answer: 1. Deciduous

Question 28. The type of footrest, which has most economic utility is—

  1. Deciduous
  2. Evergreen
  3. Coniferous
  4. Mangrove

Answer: 3. Coniferous

MCQs from WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Chapter 5

Question 29. Which of the following does not occur due to forestation?

  1. Water cycle regulation
  2. Acid rain
  3. Flood control
  4. Climate regulation

Answer: 2. Acid rain

Question 30. Which of the following is a cause of deforestation?

  1. Excess agriculture
  2. Excess industry
  3. Urbanisation
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Question 31. Which of the following should be done before cutting a tree?

  1. At least three similar trees should be planted
  2. Appoint skilled workers for cutting trees
  3. Marking other trees to be cut
  4. Plan to sell those cut trees

Answer: 1. At least three similar trees should be planted

  1. Question 32. Which of the following is not a function of forest?
  2. Maintaining O2 – CO2 balance
  3. Reduction of soil erosion
  4. Reduction of rainfall

Food and wood production

Answer: 3. Reduction of rainfall

Question 33. The combined mass of water found in all water bodies on earth, is called—

  1. Atmosphere
  2. Hydrosphere
  3. Lithosphere
  4. Biosphere

Answer: 2. Hydrosphere

WBBSE Class 9 Life Science

Question 34. Which of the following should not be present in drinking water?

  1. Magnesium
  2. Soluble CO2
  3. Sodium salt
  4. Harmful bacteria

Answer: 4. Harmful bacteria

Question 35. Which of the following step should be taken for reducing wastage of water?

  1. Store water at the earliest
  2. Stop unnecessary use of water
  3. Prevent water pollution.
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Question 36. Rain water is not always safe for household purpose because of—

  1. Absence of mineral salts
  2. Presence of organic acid
  3. Presence of few protozoa
  4. Presence of inorganic acid

Answer: 4. Presence of inorganic acid

Question 37. Which of the following reduces the use of fossil fuels?

  1. Solar car
  2. Microwave oven
  3. Biofuels
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Chapter 5 Life Science Quiz Questions on Natural Resources WBBSE

Question 38. Pearl culture is a type of—

  1. Tissue culture
  2. Apiculture
  3. Horticulture
  4. Mariculture

Answer: 4. Mariculture

Question 39. Growing and cultivation of trees is termed as—

  1. Silviculture
  2. Horticulture
  3. Tissue culture
  4. Floriculture

Answer: 1. Silviculture

Question 40. Example of an alternative food source is—

  1. Rice
  2. Pulse
  3. Meat
  4. Single cell protein

Answer: 4. Single cell protein

Question 41. Which of the following is not associated with food production?

  1. Horticulture
  2. Agriculture
  3. Pisciculture
  4. Pearl culture

Answer: 4. Pearl culture

Question 42. An example of fossil fuel is—

  1. Wood
  2. Coal
  3. Uranium
  4. Both 1 & 2

Answer: 2. Coal

Study Tips for Class 9 Natural Resources MCQs

Question 43. in which of the following countries, utilization of energy is not increasing any more?

  1. America
  2. India
  3. Bangladesh
  4. China

Answer: 1. America

Question 44. Which of the following is a cause of food crisis?

  1. Change in climate
  2. Natural calamities
  3. Population explosion
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

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