WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Chapter 3 Physiological Processes Of Life Respiration Multiple Choice Questions

Chapter 3 Physiological Processes Of Life Respiration Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. Which feature is essential for a respiratory organ?

  1. It must have wide surface area
  2. It must be wet
  3. It must be well vascularise
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Question 2. The respiratory organ of herbs are—

  1. Stomata
  2. Stomata and lenticels
  3. Stomata and cuticle
  4. Cuticle

Answer: 3. Stomata and lenticels

WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Solutions

Question 3. Halophytes respire with—

  1. Stomata
  2. Stomata and cuticle
  3. Stomata and pneumatophores
  4. Pneumatophores and cuticle

Answer: 3. Stomata and pneumatophores

Read and Learn More WBBSE Class 9 Life Science MCQs

Question 4. Pneumatophores collect air trom the—

  1. Atmosphere
  2. Mud
  3. Saline water
  4. Moist soil

Answer: 1. Atmosphere

Question 5. The most efficient organs for respiration in plants are—

  1. Stomata
  2. Lenticels
  3. Pneumatophores
  4. Cuticular pores

Answer: 1. Stomata

Question 6. The respiratory organ of starfish is

  1. Tube feet
  2. Lungs
  3. Book lung
  4. Gills

Answer: 1. Tube feet

WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Chapter 3 Physiological Processes Of Life Respiration Multiple Choice Questions

WBBSE Class 9 Respiration MCQs

Question 7. The most efficient organ for aerial respiration in animals is—

  1. Skin
  2. Lungs
  3. Book lungs
  4. Trachea

Answer: 2. Lungs

WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Question And Answer

Question 8. The Trachea of insects supply oxygen to—

  1. Haemolymph
  2. Body fluid
  3. Intercellular fluid
  4. Cells

Answer: 3. Intercellular fluid

Question 9. Spiracles of cockroaches are present on—

  1. Tergite
  2. Sternite
  3. Pleurite
  4. Pronotum

Answer: 3. Pleurite

Question 10. Air enters the tracheal network of insects by—

  1. Stomata
  2. Tracheoles
  3. Pleurites
  4. Spiracles

Answer: 4. Spiracles

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Question 11. Blood plays no role in carrying respiratory gases in—

  1. Fishes
  2. Earthworms
  3. Cockroaches
  4. Molluscs

Answer: 3. Cockroaches

Question 12. The copper-containing pigment which carries oxygen during respiration, is

  1. Haemoerythrin
  2. Haemocyanin
  3. Haemoglobin
  4. Chlorocruonin

Answer: 2. Haemocyanin

Practice MCQs for Chapter 3 Respiration

Question 13. Haemocyanin pigment is found in

  1. Prawn and cockroach
  2. Prawn and snail
  3. Snail and earthworm
  4. Cockroach and snail

Answer: 2. Prawn and snail

Question 14. Gills collect oxygen from water by—

  1. Diffusion
  2. Endosmosis
  3. Active transport
  4. Facilitated diffusion

Answer: 1. Diffusion

Question 15. In which fish, accessory respiratory organs are found?

  1. Rohu
  2. Prawn
  3. Shark
  4. Magur

Answer: 4. Magur

Question 16. The elongated respiratory tube acts as an accessory respiratory organ in—

  1. Koi fish
  2. Magur fish
  3. Singhifish
  4. Sholfish

Answer: 3. Singhifish

Question 17. Other than fishes, gills are seen in—

  1. Aquatic insects
  2. Spiders
  3. Tadpoles
  4. All of these

Answer: 3. Tadpoles

Important Questions on Respiratory Processes for Class 9

Question 18. Pigeons have air sacs.

  1. 8
  2. 8 pairs
  3. 9
  4. 10 pairs

Answer: 3. 9

WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Question And Answer

Question 19. Pleural fluid is present in between the—

  1. Lung and visceral pleura
  2. Lung and parietal pleura
  3. Visceral and parietal pleura
  4. Alveoli

Answer: 3. Visceral and parietal pleura

Question 20. Total alveoli in two lungs of a healthy and normal human being range from—

  1. 10-20 crores
  2. 20-25 crores
  3. 30-50 crores
  4. 70-80 crores

Answer: 3. 30-50 crores

Question 21. Which statement is correct?

  1. In a normal human being, both lungs are of the same volume.
  2. In humans, the right lung is smaller.
  3. In humans, the left lung is smaller with three lobes.
  4. In humans, the right lung is larger with three lobes.

Answer: 4. In humans, the right lung is larger with three lobes.

Question 22. In the lungs,______takes part in the gaseous exchange.

  1. Bronchus
  2. Bronchiole
  3. Alveolus
  4. Trachea

Answer: 3. Alveolus

Concepts Related to Respiration for MCQs

Question 23. The carcinogenic compound, that enters into the lungs during cigarette smoking, is—

  1. CO2
  2. CO
  3. HCN
  4. Benzoapyrene

Answer: 4. Benzoapyrene

Question 24. An adult human being can normally breathe times in one minute.

  1. 100
  2. 10
  3. 14-18
  4. 20-25

Answer: 3. 14-18

Question 25. Which of the following is a respiratory muscle?

  1. Biceps
  2. Triceps
  3. External intercostal muscle
  4. Myocardium

Answer: 3. External intercostal muscle

Sample MCQs from WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Chapter 3

Question 26. The ribcage of a human is made up of pairs of bones.

  1. 14
  2. 12
  3. 13
  4. 16

Answer: 2. 12

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