WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Chapter 2 Major Organs Of Human Body And Their Function Multiple Choice Questions

Chapter 2 Levels Of Organization Of Life Major Organs Of The Human Body And Their Function Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1 Which is the largest organ of our body?

  1. Liver
  2. Intestine
  3. kin
  4. Brain

Answer: 3. kin

Question 2. Select the correct statement

  1. An organ is an assemblage of many tissues
  2. An organ is an assemblage of different tissues, performing a specific function in the body
  3. Any part of the body is called an organ
  4. An organ is a body part present inside the body

Answer: 2. An organ is an assemblage of different tissues, performing a specific function of the body

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Question 3. The protective layer of the human body that prevents the attack of different germs is—

  1. Composed of epithelium
  2. Composed of connective tissue
  3. Skin
  4. Dermis

Answer: 3. Skin

Question 4 The largest lymph gland in the animal body, is—

  1. Spleen
  2. Liver
  3. Pancreas
  4. Stomach

Answer: 1. Spleen

Question 5 The organ of the human body responsible for partial digestion is—

  1. Liver
  2. Stomach
  3. Small intestine
  4. Pancreas

Answer: 2. Stomach

Question 6 The organ of the human body secreting HCI is—

  1. Liver
  2. Pancreas
  3. Stomach
  4. Kidney

Answer: 3. Stomach

WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Chapter 2 Major Organs Of Human Body And Their Function Multiple Choice Questions

Question 7 The food matters inside the stomach become—

  1. Acidic
  2. Basic
  3. Neutral
  4. Slightly alkaline

Answer: 1. Acidic

Question 8 Pepsinogen is converted into pepsin within the—

  1. Liver
  2. Duodenum
  3. Stomach
  4. Large intestine

Answer: 3. Stomach

Wbbse Class 9 Life Science Solutions

Question 9 The organ that produces several enzymes and hormones is—

  1. Heart
  2. Liver
  3. Brain
  4. Pancreas

Answer: 4. Pancreas

Question 10. The organs involved in the secretion of pepsin and trypsin are—

  1. Liver and pancreas
  2. Gastric glands and pancreas
  3. Liver and stomach
  4. Salivary gland and gall bladder

Answer: 2. Gastric glands and pancreas

Question 11. The organ of the human body, where digestion of protein starts is—

  1. Stomach
  2. Duodenum
  3. Jejunum
  4. Buccal cavity

Answer: 1. Stomach

Question 12. Bile, secreted from the liver is—

  1. Alkaline
  2. Acidic
  3. Slightly acidic
  4. Neutral

Answer: 1. Alkaline

Wbbse Class 9 Life Science Solutions

Question 13. The organ of the human body involved in detoxification is—

  1. Stomach
  2. Liver
  3. Pancreas
  4. Spleen

Answer: 2. Liver

Question 14. Formation of urea is the function of—

  1. Liver
  2. Kidney
  3. Stomach
  4. Small intestine

Answer: 1. Liver

Question 15. The diaphragm is located below the—

  1. Kidneys
  2. Stomach
  3.  Lungs
  4. Spleen

Answer: 3.  Lungs

Question 16. The organ, helping in neutralization of the acidic contents of the stomach is—

  1. Duodenum
  2. Liver
  3. Pancreas
  4. Jejunum

Answer: 3. Pancreas

Question 17. The organ responsible for the absorption of fat is—

  1. Stomach
  2. Kidney
  3. Pancreas
  4. Liver

Answer: 4. Liver

Wbbse Class 9 Life Science Solutions

Question 18. _________ of the human body acts as the ‘Graveyard of RBC’.

  1. Lung
  2. Kidney
  3. Spleen
  4. Rectum

Answer: 3. Spleen

Question 19. Different plasma proteins are synthesized in—

  1. Kidney
  2. Liver
  3. Spleen
  4. Heart

Answer: 2. Liver

Question 20. Immunity of our body is controlled by—

  1. Stomach
  2. Heart
  3. Spleen
  4. Brain

Answer: 3. Spleen

Question 21. The organ which is related to insulin and trypsin—

  1. Liver
  2. Stomach
  3. Spleen
  4. Pancreas

Answer: 4. Pancreas

Question 22. Digestion of fat is related to—

  1. Liver and stomach
  2. Stomach, liver, pancreas, and small intestine
  3. Pancreas, stomach, and small intestine
  4. Liver, stomach, and small intestine

Answer: 2. Stomach, liver, pancreas, and small intestine

Question 23. The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between blood and air occurs in—

  1. Liver
  2. Skin
  3. Kidney
  4. Lungs

Answer: 4. Lungs

Question 24. Blood pressure is maintained by—

  1. Heart
  2. Heart and lungs
  3. Heart and spleen
  4. Heart, lungs, and kidney

Answer:  4. Heart, lungs, and kidney

Question 25. Coordination of different organs depends upon—

  1. Liver
  2. Heart
  3. Kidney
  4. Brain

Answer: 4. Brain

Wbbse Class 9 Life Science Solutions

Question 26. Production and elimination of urea involve—

  1. Small intestine and skin
  2. Liver and kidney
  3. Liver and spleen
  4. Spleen and kidney

Answer: 2. Liver and kidney

Question 27. Memory and intelligence is controlled by—

  1. Spinal cord
  2. Nerves
  3. Heart
  4. Brain

Answer: 4. Brain

Question 28. The sense of love and affection is controlled by—

  1. Spinal cord
  2. Brain
  3. Heart
  4. Heart and brain

Answer: 2. Brain

Question 29. This organ is located in a cavity called the mediastinum. This organ is—

  1. Lungs
  2. Liver
  3. Spleen
  4. Heart

Answer: 4. Heart

Question 30. The hormone testosterone is secreted from—

  1. Pancreas
  2. Ovary
  3. Testis
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. Testis

Question 31. Besides the production of egg cells, the ovary also acts as—

  1. Endocrine gland
  2. Balancing organ
  3. Sensory organ
  4. Food storing organ

Answer: 1. Endocrine gland

Question 32. The component, present in sweat, which attacks bacteria, is—

  1. Ribosome
  2. Lysozyme
  3. Mesosome
  4. Lysosome

Answer: 2. Lysozyme

Wbbse Class 9 Life Science Solutions

Question 33. The process of formation of sperms is known as—

  1. Glycogenesis
  2. Eugenesis
  3. Gluconeogenesis
  4. Spermatogenesis

Answer: 4. Spermatogenesis

Question 34. Pericardium protects ________ from friction.

  1. Heart
  2. Spleen
  3. Intestine
  4. Testis

Answer: 1. Heart

Question 35. The brain is protected by a tri-layered membrane, which is known as—

  1. Perineurium
  2. Pericardium
  3. Epineurium
  4. Meninges

Answer: 4. Meninges

Question 36. The outer layer of the skin is—

  1. Dermis
  2. Epidermis
  3. Hypodermis
  4. Exodermis

Answer: 2. Epidermis

Question 37. The loop of Henle is associated with—

  1. Brain
  2. Liver
  3. Heart
  4. Kidney

Answer: 4. Kidney

Question 38. Which of the following is not an excretory organ?

  1. Kidney
  2. Lungs
  3. Spleen
  4. Liver

Answer: 3. Spleen

Question 39. The part of the brain that helps in homeostasis or maintenance of the internal balance of the body—

  1. Cerebrum
  2. Cerebellum
  3. Hypothalamus
  4. Pons

Answer: 3. Hypothalamus

Question 40. From which of the chambers of the human heart oxygenated blood is transmitted to different parts of the body?

  1. Right auricle
  2. Left ventricle
  3. Right ventricle
  4. Left auricle

Answer: 2. Left ventricle

Question 41. Oestrogen is one of the hormones produced by—

  1. Pituitary
  2. Ovary
  3. Testes
  4. Adrenal

Answer: 2. Ovary

Question 42. Most of the digestion in human GL tract takes place in—

  1. Trachea
  2. Small intestine
  3. Oesophagus
  4. Stomach

Answer: 2. Small intestine

Question 43. Bile in humans—

  1. Is made by the gallbladder
  2. Is an important enzyme for the digestion of fats
  3. Emulsifies fat
  4. All the above

Answer: 3. Emulsifies fat

Question 44. Most digestion and all absorption of food take place in the—

  1. Stomach
  2. Caecum
  3. Large intestine
  4. Small intestine

Answer: 4. Small intestine

Question 45. Which of the following is not a sense organ?

  1. Ear
  2. Hair
  3. Nose
  4. Tongue

Answer: 2. Hair

Question 46 How many bones are present in our body?

  1. 200
  2. 208
  3. 206
  4. 306

Answer: 3. 206

Question 47. Digestion begins in the—

  1. Large intestine
  2. Stomach
  3. Mouth
  4. Small intestine

Answer: 3. Mouth

WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Question And Answer

Question 48. The human heart has chambers.

  1. Three
  2. Four
  3. Five
  4. Two

Answer: 2. Four

Question 49. The main organ in the respiratory system is the—

  1. Diaphragm
  2. Lungs
  3. Trachea
  4. Bronchi

Answer: 2. Lungs

Question 50 In which structure is blood filtered within the kidneys?

  1. Nephron
  2. Bladder
  3. Water
  4. Gland

Answer: 1. Nephron

Question 51 Water, urea, and other wastes are eliminated in a fluid called—

  1. Protein
  2. CO2
  3. Urine
  4. Perspiration

Answer: 3. Urine

Question 52 A nerve cell is also called a/an—

  1. Neuron
  2. Epithelial
  3. Prokaryotic
  4. Cardiac

Answer: 1. Neuron

Question 53 Tonsils, spleen, and lymph are part of the system that collects excess fluids and helps to fight pathogens (germs).

  1. Digestive
  2. Lymphatic
  3. Integumentary
  4. Endocrine

Answer: 2. Lymphatic

Question 54 The finger-like projections in the small intestine that absorb nutrients—

  1. Villi
  2. Alveoli
  3. Clavicle
  4. challenges

Answer: 1. Villi

Question 55 The bone that protects the heart is called the—

  1. Pelvis
  2. Sternum
  3. Vertebrae
  4. Clavicle

Answer: 2. Sternum

WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Question And Answer

Question 56. The bone(s) that protect the lungs are called the—

  1. Cranium
  2. Tibia
  3. Patella
  4. Ribs

Answer: 4. Ribs

Question 57 The endocrine gland which regulates hormones that control metabolism and energy-related reactions-

  1. A Thyroid
  2. Pituitary
  3. Pancreas
  4. Adrenal

Answer: 3. Pancreas

Question 58 The part of the brain responsible for thinking and memory is the

  1. A Spinal cord
  2. R Medulla
  3. Cerebellum
  4. Cerebrum

Answer: 4. Cerebrum

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