WBBSE Chapter 7 The League Of Nations And The United Nations Organisation Salient Points Introduction
The terrible repercussions of the First World War (1914-18) had a strong impact on the minds of the people and made them cry out for peace. President Woodrow Wilson of America took the initiative and made a plan for the establishment of a world peace organization known as the League of Nations.
WBBSE Class 9 League of Nations Notes
The League was established to prevent armed conflicts and to amicably settle international disputes, reduce armaments, and achieve international peace and security.
Many international issues arose after the First World War. At first, the problems were comparatively easy and the League was able to solve them by peaceful means.
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The League was too weak to deal with cases that involved the interests of the great powers. Its influence began to decline gradually. The League failed utterly to prevent war and to maintain world peace. The Second World War broke out in
United Nations Organization Overview for Class 9
The League of Nations collapsed under the impact of the Second World War (1939-45) and the Allied powers felt the need for a world organization for the peaceful settlement of international disputes.
WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 7 The League Of Nations And The United Nations Organization Notes
In 1943 at the Moscow Conference, the Big Three (Britain, USA, and Soviet Russia) and Kuomintang China were unanimous that an international peace organization should be set up on the basis of equal status of all members.
Representatives of 50 nations met in San Francisco between April and June 1945 and prepared a charter for world peace called the UN Charter. On 24 October 1945, the UNO came into existence.
Impact of the League of Nations on International Relations
The basic principles of the UNO were:
- All the members, big and small, to enjoy the rights and benefits, would sincerely carry out their duties as per the UNO Charter.
- All members shall settle international disputes by peaceful means.
- UNO would not interfere in the internal affairs of any country.
Functions of the United Nations Organization
The membership of the UNO is open to all peace-loving nations of the world that accept the obligations of the UNO and are willing to carry out these obligations. If member countries persistently violate the principles of the Charter they may be expelled by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council. The Security Council can also restore the rights of a suspended member nation.