WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 6 The Second World War And Its Aftermath VSAQs

WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 6 The Second World War And Its Aftermath Very Short Answer Questions

Question 1. Which treaty is known as a ‘dictated peace’?
Answer: The Treaty of Versailles is known as a ‘dictated peace’.

Question 2. What is the name of the republic that was established after 1918 in Germany?
Answer: The name of the Republic that was established after 1918 in Germany was known as the Weimer Republic.

Question 3. On which date did the Second World War begin?
Answer: The Second World War began on 1st September 1939.

Question 4. Who was the Prime Minister of England when the Second World War started?
Answer: Neville Chamberlain was the Prime Minister of England when the Second World War started.

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Question 5. Who was the Prime Minister of France when the Second World War broke out?
Answer: Daladier was the Prime Minister of France when the Second World War broke out.

Question 6. Who was the founder of the Nazi Party?
Answer: The founder of the Nazi Party was Hitler.

Question 7. When did Germany withdraw from the League of Nations?
Answer: Germany withdrew from the League of Nations in 1933.

Question 8. Which country was first attacked by Hitler during the Second World War?
Answer: Poland was first attacked by Hitler during the Second World War.

Question 9. Which port of Poland was demanded by Hitler?
Answer: Danzig, a port in Poland was demanded by Hitler.

WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 6 The Second World War And Its Aftermath VSAQs

WBBSE Class 9 Second World War VSAQs

Question 10. Who was Hindenburg?
Answer: Hindenburg was the President of the German Republic.

Question 11. Which country other than Germany and Italy was part of the Axis group of nations?
Answer: Japan was part of the Axis group of nations other than Germany and Italy.

Question 12. Which British Prime Minister appeased Germany?
Answer: The British Prime Minister who appeased Germany was Neville Chamberlain.

Question 13. When did Japan attack Manchuria?
Answer: Japan attacked Manchuria in 1931.

Question 14. Which British warships were drowned by German U-boats?
Answer: The British warships HMS Courageous and the HMS Royal Oak were drowned by German U-boats.

Question 15. Who was Mac Arthur?
Answer: Mac Arthur was an American military General.

Question 16. Which American naval base in the Pacific Ocean was attacked by Japan?
Answer: The American naval base at Pearl Harbour was attacked by Japan.

Question 17. In which year was Pearl Harbour attacked by Japan?
Answer: Pearl Harbour was attacked by Japan in 1941.

Question 18. In which year did Hitler attack Russia?
Answer: Hitler attacked Russia in 1941.

Key VSAQs on Aftermath of World War II

Question 19. In which year did Japan surrender to the Allies during the Second World War?
Answer: Japan surrendered to the Allies during the Second World War in 1945.

Question 20. When did the Second World War come to an end?
Answer: The Second World War came to an end in 1945.

WBBSE Class 9 History

Question 21. Where is Pearl Harbour located?
Answer: Pearl Harbour is located on the island of O’ahu in Hawaii.

Question 22. Who were the US Presidents during World War II?
Answer: Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry S Truman both served as United States Presidents during World War II.

Question 23. Name the World War II General who went on to become President of the United States of America.
Answer: The World War II General Eisenhower went on to become the President of the United States of America.

Question 24. In which year was the Tehran Conference held?
Answer: The Tehran Conference was held in 1944.

Question 25. In which year was the San Francisco Conference held?
Answer: The San Francisco Conference was held in 1945.

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Question 26. Who is the author of the poem ‘The White Man’s Burden’?
Answer: The author of the poem ‘The White Man’s Burden’ is Rudyard Kipling.

Question 27. What is the concept of ‘The White Man’s Burden’?
Answer: ‘The White Man’s Burden’ is the idea that white people are superior to the non-white races and so, colonial rulers must take care of and ‘civilise’ the native inhabitants of their colonies.

Understanding Causes of the Second World War VSAQs

Question 28. When and between whom was the Russo-German Non-Aggression Pact signed?
Answer: The Russo-German Non-Aggression Pact was signed on 23 August 1939 between Russian foreign minister Molotov and German foreign minister Ribbentrop.

Question 29. After which incident did the USA join the Second World War?
Answer: When Japan attacked the US naval base at Pearl Harbour, USA joined the World War II.

Question 30. What was the direct cause of the Second World War?
Answer: The direct cause of the Second World War was Hitler’s attack on Poland.

Question 31. Which day is known as the ‘D-Day’ (Deliverance Day)?
Answer: 6th June 1944 is known as the ‘D-Day’.

WBBSE Class 9 History

Question 32. Who followed the policy of appeasement?
Answer: The Prime Minister of Britain, Neville Chamberlain and Edouard Daladier, the Premier of France followed this policy.

Question 33. Name the countries which took part in the Second World War.
Answer: The countries which took part in the Second World War were Germany, Italy, Japan, Britain, France, Soviet Union, USA, Poland, Yugoslavia, Romania, Greece, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Holland, Belgium, Finland, Bulgaria, Albania, Norway, Denmark etc.

Question 34. When did the Second World War come to an end?
Answer: The Second World War came to an end on 2 September 1945.

Question 35. For how many years did the Second World War continue?
Answer: The Second World War started on 1 September 1939 and ended on 2 September, 1945-so the war continued for 6 years.

Question 36. What was the aim of the Versailles Treaty?
Answer: The Treaty of Versailles aimed to weaken Germany both economically and militarily.

Question37. In which year was the Battle of Britain fought?
Answer: The Battle of Britain was fought in 1940.

Question 38. What was the main reason for the defeat of Germany in the Second World War?
Answer: The main reason for the defeat of Germany in the Second World War was the conspiracy of the German generals and the discontent of the soldiers.

Question 39. Name the Czar of Russia who established his capital at Leningrad.
Answer: The Czar of Russia who established his capital at Leningrad was Peter the Great.

Question 40. Who followed the ‘One by one policy’?
Answer: Hitler, the German dictator, followed the ‘One by one policy.

Practice VSAQs for Class 9 History: The Second World War

Question 41. Why was Hitler in favour of a union between Germany and Austria?
Answer: Hitler was in favour of the union between Germany and Austria as a sizeable number of Germans lived in Austria.

Question 42. Under whose leadership did the Russian
Answer: Under the leadership of Marshall Zhukov’s army defeated the Germans. the Russian army defeated the Germans.

History Class 9 WBBSE

Question 43. How did the USA become the arsenal of democracy?
Answer: The USA became the arsenal of democracy when the American Senate enacted the Lend-Lease Act in March 1941 and allowed the US government to offer warships, warplanes and other weapons to the Allied powers to fight against Fascism.

Question 44. Which Act made the USA the ‘Arsenal of Democracy’?
Answer: The Lend-Lease Act enacted by the American Senate in 1941 made the USA the ‘Arsenal of Democracy’.

Question 45. Which day is regarded as a date which will live in infamy in the USA?
Answer: The day which is regarded as a date which will live in infamy in the history of the USA is 7 December 1941 as Japan bombed the US naval base at Pearl Harbour on this day.

Question 46. When was ‘Victory-in-Europe Day’ observed?
Answer: Germany surrendered to the Allied Powers formally on May 7, 1945, and the whole of Europe observed May 8, 1945, as ‘the Victory-in-Europe Day’.

Question 47. What was the Grand Alliance?
Answer: The USA, Great Britain and Soviet Russia allied against the Axis powers which is known as the Grand Alliance.

Question 48. What was the ‘Lend-Lease Act’?
Answer: The American Senate enacted the Lend-Lease Act in March 1941 and allowed the US government to offer warships, warplanes and other weapons to the Allied powers to fight against fascism.

Question 49. Under whose leadership did the German soldiers start ‘Operation Barbarossa’?
Answer: The German soldiers started ‘Operation Barbarossa’ under the leadership of Hitler.

Question 50. When and by whom was the Anglo-Russian Alliance signed?
Answer: Churchill, the British Prime Minister, concluded the Anglo-Russian Alliance of 1941.

Question 51. Which incident made the Far East the centre of war during World War II?
Answer: The Japanese attack on the US naval base at Pearl Harbour made the Far East the centre of war during World War II.

Examples of Very Short Answer Questions on WWII Events

Question 52. After which invasion did the ‘Beginning of the End’ of Germany start under the leadership of Hitler?
Answer: After the invasion of Russia, the ‘Beginning of the end’ of Germany started under the leadership of Hitler.

Question 53. Name the two atom bombs dropped by the USA on Japan.
Answer: The USA dropped the atomic bombs named ‘Little Boy on Hiroshima and ‘Fat Man’ on Nagasaki in Japan.

History Class 9 WBBSE

Question 54. Why did Hitler attack Poland?
Answer: After the Munich Pact, Hitler demanded the use of the port of Danzig and also the Polish corridor to reach the port. When Poland refused this demand, Hitler attacked Poland.

Question 55. What was the aim of Hitler’s foreign policy?
Answer: Hitler’s foreign policy aimed at German expansion in East Europe to carve out some ‘Living Space’ (Lebensraum) for the surplus German population.

Class 9 History WBBSE Chapter 6 The Second World War And Its Aftermath Very Short Answer Questions

Question 56. Who first popularised the term ‘Cold War’?
Answer: The term ‘Cold War’ was first popularised by Walter Lipmann.

Question 57. Name the two parties in the Cold War.

The two parties in the Cold War were

  1. United States of America and
  2. Soviet Russia.

Question 58. Which two superpowers were the main rivals in the Cold War?

The two superpowers who were the main rivals in the Cold War were

  1. United States of America and
  2. Soviet Russia.

Question 59. What does NATO stand for?
Answer: NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.

Class 9 History WBBSE

Question 60. What does SEATO stand for?
Answer: SEATO stands for South East Asia Treaty Organisation.

Question 61. In which year was the Truman Doctrine proclaimed?
Answer: The Truman Doctrine was proclaimed in 1947.

Question 62. In which year was the Marshall Plan proclaimed?
Answer: The Marshall Plan was proclaimed in 1947.

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Question 63. What is meant by Third World countries?
Answer: A group of developing countries in Asia, Africa and South America which achieved independence after the Second World War were known as the Third World countries.

Question 64. When was the UNO established?
Answer: UNO was established on 24 October 1945.

Question 65. What is the Non-Alignment policy?
Answer: Non-alignment policy which aims at ensuring international peace, means keeping away from the two military blocks led by the USA and USSR and solving all international conflicts and disputes peacefully through cooperation.

Question 66. To which country did Admiral Karl Donitz belong during the Second World War?
Answer: Karl Donitz was the admiral of Germany during the Second World War.

Question 67. Who wrote the poem ‘The White Man’s Burden’?
Answer: Rudyard Kipling wrote the poem ‘The White Man’s Burden’.

Question 68. In which essay did Rabindranath criticise radical nationalism?
Answer: Rabindranath in his essay ‘The Crisis in Civilisation’ criticised radical nationalism.

Key Themes in WWII History for VSAQs

Question 69. What is V-2? Which country used the V-2 during the Second World War?

  1. V-2 was the rocket used during the Second World War.
  2. V-2, the long-range rocket was used by Germany during the Second World War.

Question 70. Which country used the V-2 rocket and against whom?
Answer: During the Second World War Germany used a V-2 rocket against England.

Question 71. Who coined the term ‘Third World’?
Answer: Alfred Sauvy coined the term ‘Third World’.

Class 9 History WBBSE

Question 72. What was the name of the atomic bomb dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima?
Answer: The name of the atomic bomb dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima is ‘Little Boy’.

Question 73. Which day is celebrated as Hiroshima and Nagasaki Day?
Answer: August 9 is celebrated as Hiroshima and Nagasaki Day.

Question 74. Name the international organisation established after the Second World War.
Answer: The international organisation established after the Second World War was the United Nations Organisation (UNO).

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